What is contained in coffee beans. Coffee: what it consists of and how it works

Julia Vern 37 775 2

Coffee is one of the few drinks of natural origin, consisting of a huge set of various substances, both organic and inorganic origin, significantly affecting almost all structures and systems of the human body.

Freshly brewed sugar-free coffee contains about 1200 natural components, of which more than half are aromatic compounds that determine the taste of the drink.

The taste of the drink is determined by the huge number of volatile compounds that make up its composition.

The chemical composition of coffee

Caffeine belong to the group of alkaloids that excite the activity of the central nervous system. For the first time, caffeine was obtained precisely from coffee beans, which is why it got its name. The tonic effect that increases mental and physical performance is due to caffeine.

According to modern requirements, in the manufacture of coffee, caffeine in it must be at least 0.7%, which directly depends on the degree of ripening of coffee beans and their roasting.

At such a concentration, one teaspoon of freshly ground natural coffee will contain 0.1-0.2 grams of pure caffeine, which is quite enough to obtain an appropriate tonic effect.

It is not recommended to exceed the dose of caffeine above 0.3 grams at a time for 3-4 hours - regular excess of the dosage stimulates the manifestation of increased excitability, sleep disturbances, and increased heart function.

Trigonelline- an alkaloid, in its pure form, tasteless and odorless, however, during heat treatment it is converted into pyridine - a substance that gives coffee a specific aroma. Another striking chemical property of trigonelline is its close chemical relationship with niacin (vitamin B3). The niacin molecule is part of trigonelline and is easily released when heated, which ensures a constant amount of vitamin B3 in the drink.

Vitamin B3 plays an important role in the metabolism of the body, stimulates the activity of the nervous system. Lack of this vitamin leads to a disease such as pellagra.

A nicotinic acid is not the only B vitamin found in coffee beans. After appropriate processing of natural coffee, the entire palette of vitamins of this group was found in the drink, as well as:

  • the mandatory presence of vitamin A, which is involved in growth and development;
  • vitamin D, which improves the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine;
  • vitamin E, which is a participant in the processes of reproduction and a stimulant of the immune system.

Coffee contains a significant amount of complex organic compounds. it proteins and amino acids that perform nutritional and energetic functions for the cells of the body. Coffee beans are one of the rare plant foods that contain essential amino acids that the body gets from meat and fish. Such amino acids are not synthesized in the human body and are involved in the regenerative functions of cellular mechanisms and maintain immunity at a sufficiently high level.

Caffeine molecule structure

Overall volume carbohydrates in raw coffee bean it is about 50% of its mass. These energetic substances, valuable for the body, are represented by both simple sugars - sucrose and fructose, and complex polysaccharides - cellulose, fiber, pectin substances, which are an irreplaceable basis for the nutrition of the nerve cells of the brain.

From mineral substances coffee contains potassium, magnesium and calcium... These inorganic elements are part of the bones, provide muscle function, regulate the work of the heart, blood vessels and brain.

Raw coffee beans contain about 850 different essential compounds, and roasted - about 350, which deservedly awarded the title of the most fragrant drink.

Nutritional value of coffee

Despite such varied composition, coffee made from freshly ground natural grains does not have such a high calorie content, which is due to the easy digestibility of the substances that make up its composition. The absorption and digestion process is further stimulated by caffeine, which is also known to be found in coffee drinks.

Depending on the type of coffee and the method of preparation, it the nutritional value per 100 grams of sugar-free product, on average, is:

  • proteins, of all types - 0.2 g,
  • fats - 0.6 g,
  • carbohydrates - 0.1 g,
  • calcium - up to 5 mg,
  • vitamin B3 - 0.6 mg,
  • potassium - 9 mg,
  • phosphorus - 7 mg,
  • iron - 2 mg.

Coffee can have both positive and negative effects on the human body

Impact of coffee on human health

Given the rich chemical composition, coffee has both beneficial and negative, which directly depends on the individual characteristics of the person and the volume of the drink drunk per day. The general picture of the effect of a coffee product on the body is as follows:

  • Regular intake of pure caffeine in the amount of more than 1000 mg, of which coffee is the richest, can cause the phenomenon of addiction, similar to drug or alcohol;
  • coffee has a sufficient diuretic effect, therefore, if signs of dehydration appear, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid you drink;
  • in healthy people who do not suffer from high blood pressure, coffee causes a general increase in pressure by 10-15 mm Hg. In people suffering from hypertension and related cardiovascular diseases, the pressure can increase much more or, conversely, decrease, which greatly limits them in coffee drinking;
  • no direct effect of caffeine on the heart has been noted. Coffee has an indirect effect on cardiac activity - by increasing blood pressure by stimulating the central nervous system;
  • regular use of unfiltered coffee often leads to an increase in total blood cholesterol, which inevitably leads to vascular pathologies, characterizing the appearance of problems with blood pressure;
  • improved attention, productivity, memory and mood are temporary. Depending on the body's reactivity, this effect disappears in 30-120 minutes;
  • coffee enhances the effect of some pain relievers, for example, acetylsalicylic acid and analgin, reduces the risk of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases due to a temporary vasoconstrictor effect and a direct effect on the neurons of the brain, the so-called "training" effect of these organs occurs;
  • regular coffee consumption reduces the risk of constipation and cirrhosis of the liver, breast cancer in women;
  • in the elderly, coffee reduces the density of skeletal bones, which can cause cracks and fractures;
  • people who drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a high possibility of developing urolithiasis;
  • pregnant women are advised not to drink more than a cup of coffee a day. Due to the increase in blood pressure, due to the effects of caffeine, it is possible to develop placental anemia, premature birth and low birth weight, as well as miscarriages and stillbirth.

Advantages and disadvantages of instant coffee

Production instant coffee involves brewing coffee beans, making a coffee beverage and then drying it. In this case, there is an intensive release of all soluble elements contained in coffee beans, and their re-placement in the finished mass of soluble substance, which cannot but be accompanied by losses. Therefore, the main disadvantage of instant coffee is the loss of some valuable nutrients (vitamins, essential amino acids, proteins) and the weakening of the aroma due to evaporation. essential oils... Also, instant coffee has a more obvious bitter taste.

Instant coffee contains less nutrients than ground

Manufacturers are trying to compensate for the losses by adding these substances to finished products, which inevitably leads to its rise in price. Therefore, the cheaper the coffee on the counter, the poorer its taste and aroma. In addition, in the manufacture of instant coffee, waste of natural coffee production is used, more often from rejected beans.

Perhaps the only advantage of instant coffee is the speed of preparation and an increase in its shelf life.

Coffee has a complex chemical composition: it contains approximately two thousand chemicals that together determine its distinctive aroma and taste. Moreover, less than half of these substances have been studied. The most difficult aspect - their effect on the human body - is still waiting for its researchers.

Raw coffee beans contain fats, proteins, water, mineral salts, various water-soluble and insoluble substances.

Taking a coffee drink containing caffeine is a kind of taking a very small dose of medicine, and can therefore be considered as a preventive measure that stimulates and supports the functional activity of some vital organs of a person. In coffee different varieties contains different amounts of caffeine - on average, from 1 to 2 percent.

Caffeine (C8H10N4O2). This substance is colorless and odorless, in one solution it gives a bitter taste. Caffeine crystallizes from aqueous solutions in the form of crystalline hydrate in the form of fragile silky needles. Caffeine anhydrous melts at 236.5ºC and can sublimate if heated gently. It dissolves easily in chloroform, methylene chloride, di- and trichlorethylene. Aqueous solutions of caffeine have a neutral reaction; it forms salts with acids. Caffeine in raw coffee is found in a free state and associated with potassium chloride.

Different types of coffee are characterized by the following caffeine content (% on dry matter):

Arabian - 0.6-1.2

Robusta - 1.8-3

Liberian - 1.2-1.5.

The amount of caffeine in beans varies greatly depending on the type of coffee. The caffeine content of beans plays a very important role in evaluating the quality of raw materials and setting specifications for them.

Another alkaloid found in coffee is trigonelline... Trigonelline (C7H7O2N), or methylbetainicotinic acid, is formed in plants by methylation of nicotinic acid. This alkaloid is found in relatively large quantities in Arabica coffee varieties (1-1.2%). In the varieties of the Caniform (Robusta) species, it is slightly less (0.6-0.74%), and in the varieties of the Liberica species - only 0.2-0.3%. Trigonelline is highly soluble in water, but thermally unstable. When processed, coffee beans are easily converted into nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), therefore it is considered the main precursor for the formation of nicotinic acid in coffee beans. This alkaloid is not aphrodisiac, but it is essential in the aroma and flavor of roasted coffee.

Also, coffee contains such alkaloids as:

- theobromine ;

Theobromine is dimethylxanthine (C7H8O2N4), since it forms monomethylalloxane and monomethylurea during oxidation. It is a colorless fine-crystalline powder, hardly soluble in water. Theobromine melts at 351ºC, is able to sublimate, easily dissolves in caustic alkalis, giving, for example, sodium salt. The theobromine content in raw coffee beans is insignificant - 1.5-2.5 mg%.


Theophylline (C7H8O2N4) forms colorless silky needles containing one crystal water molecule. Theophylline is hardly soluble in cold water, melts at 269-272ºC. The total amount of it in the seeds of wild-growing coffee plants 1-4 mg%. From groups of plant substances of secondary origin, glucoside mascaroside (C12H36O11) was found and isolated in a crystalline form in the grains of wild coffee plants. It was found that it is a pentacyclic diterpene glucoside similar in some properties to kafamarin isolated from the beans of cultivated coffee plants C. Buxifolia. No capamarin was found in C. vianneyi coffee beans. Polyamines (putrescine, spermine, spermidine), which form various heterocyclic alkaloids during deamination or oxidation, were isolated and identified from raw grains by thin-layer chromatography.

In addition, coffee contains eight vitamins from the B group, which are of great importance for humans. They regulate the flow of many biochemical processes in the body and thus prevent the occurrence of a number of serious diseases.

Organic acids, which are an integral part of coffee beans, are of great value. They cause increased gastric secretion and thus promote good digestion and rapid evacuation of food from the stomach. According to modern data, coffee contains more than 30 organic acids: such widespread acids as malic, citric, acetic, and such rare ones as coffee, chlorogenic, cinchona and others. Most organic acids in green coffee are in the form of salts, metals, and only about 1/3 are in free form.

The most important and predominant organic acid is chlorogenic acid. It appears to impart an astringent flavor and a sense of fullness to the beverage. Its content in coffee of various varieties ranges from 4 to 8%.

Roasted coffee has an even wider variety of substances. During the roasting process, complex physicochemical changes take place, leading to new physical properties, to partial decomposition and the formation of new substances that determine the color, taste and aroma of roasted coffee beans.

When roasted, the coffee bean increases in volume by 1.5 times and loses up to 18% of its weight. Loss occurs due to evaporation of moisture and partial decomposition of organic substances: proteins, fats, sugars, fiber, organic acids and other compounds. Caffeine changes slightly during the roasting process. But since the weight of the coffee decreases during roasting, the percentage of caffeine in the roasted coffee even increases slightly.

The chemical changes in coffee during roasting are very complex and not well understood. The complexity of changes in chemical composition coffee can be judged at least by the fact that the caffeol (the substance that causes the smell of roasted coffee) contains more than 70 different aromatic substances.

These substances are easily volatile and are quickly oxidized by atmospheric oxygen. As a result, it is recommended to either roast the coffee just before drinking, or store the roasted coffee for a short time in hermetically sealed glass or tin cans.

Changes in the main components of coffee beans during the roasting process



Soluble substances (amount)

Nitrogenous substances




Ash elements

Caffeinated acid

Chlorogenic acid (sum of free and bound)

So, the chemical composition of coffee indicates that coffee is not only a gustatory product, but due to the content of fat, sugar and protein substances, it also has good nutritional benefits. An important place in the chemical composition of coffee is the alkaloid caffeine, which has an exciting and stimulating effect on the human body. Moderate consumption of coffee contributes to the maintenance of a vigorous state of the body, increases its efficiency, and improves the general metabolism.

Today coffee is one of the most widespread drinks all over the world. The historical homeland is Africa and there is nothing surprising in the fact that the most elite sorts of drink are obtained from raw materials grown on this continent. Each coffee bean has a rich composition of complex organic substances.

Besides Africa, coffee is grown by artisans from Central America and the Caribbean. A drink made from such grains is endowed with a special taste, aroma and consistency. In South America, Brazil is predominantly responsible for coffee production. Quality is also highly regarded here. Also, a number of countries in Southeast Asia are also making their contribution.

What is the use of coffee?

One has only to mention aloud about coffee, as you can immediately feel all this pleasant aroma of a delicious and unique drink. Teas also do not lose their relevance and among many people for a long time there have been discussions about who is better to give preference to. Speaking about the benefits of coffee, first of all it is worth mentioning its high qualities:

  • Stimulating effect.
  • Toning effect.
  • High percentage of antioxidant content.
  • Reduces the risk of a number of diseases.

The stimulating effect is achieved due to the caffeine content, which everyone who takes this drink in the morning knows about. What is the peculiarity here? The fact is that thanks to this active component, which is included in the chemical composition of coffee beans, the blood supply to the brain is significantly improved, while short-term memory is often activated. Due to this, a person can quickly make the necessary decisions.

The tonic effect also benefits the human body. You can forget about stress, apathy, lethargy, drowsiness and other similar manifestations, as coffee helps fight these ailments.

Everyone knows that when iron interacts with oxygen (which is full in the air), it begins to rust over time. Something similar happens in our body and oxygen free radicals take part in it. Thanks to antioxidants, these radicals are neutralized, and the greater their concentration in the body, the better protection is obtained. One cup of morning coffee you drink contains up to 1 gram of nutrients, which is a quarter of the daily value.

If you use it regularly, you can protect yourself from many risks:

  • liver oncology;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver.

And if you still refrain from adding sugar to the drink - caries is not terrible! The immune and digestive systems are also protected.

Is there any harm ?!

Despite all the advantages that coffee beans give, this composition can be harmful. Over time, addiction appears - if a person goes without coffee for a long time, drowsiness, fatigue attacks him, his head starts to hurt, and in some cases pain may appear in the muscles.

In this case, the influence is not only on the physical, but also on the mental level. While caffeine is present in the body, a person spends most of the time in an agitated state. But in its absence, the appearance of irritability, depression, and even lethargy cannot be avoided.

Coffee helps to strengthen the work of the human heart and vascular system. Therefore, excessive consumption of the drink leads to an inevitable deterioration in cardiac activity.

In addition, this is a good diuretic effect, and too frequent use of it leads to a rapid aging of the body as a whole, since most of the useful microelements are washed out together with water and salts. Among them are calcium and magnesium. If they are clearly lacking, the risk of osteoporosis or heart disease increases.

Pregnant women should not consume coffee beans at all. The composition for an unborn baby is the same as for an adult. But for addiction to appear, a very small dose will be required, so expectant mothers are better off completely abstaining from this drink.

General information about the chemical composition of the drink

Nature itself has tried and endowed coffee with a whole variety. As shown by modern technologies in the field of determining the chemical composition, there are about two thousand different components in grains. And only a few hundred were awarded a detailed study. Thanks to this combination, we feel the aroma and taste of the drink. Moreover, each has an individual set of substances.

The rich chemical composition of coffee, as well as the percentage of all substances, is determined by the climate and characteristics of the soil in the places of cultivation. And the peculiarities of taste and aroma depend on the technology of roasting and preparation of the drink itself.

As a result of this, natural ingredients undergo complex transformations at the chemical level. And as a result of processing coffee beans, the composition changes. Moreover, experts from many countries of the world are trying to understand the essence of the ongoing processes.

Green grains

Green coffee is becoming more and more popular day by day, despite the fact that it is not cheap. At the same time, there are both supporters and opponents. The former consider it to be a drink endowed with medicinal properties, while the latter generally recommend staying away from it as far as possible. In fact, these are just contradictions.

Grains that have not undergone the roasting procedure contain a large amount of antioxidants and valuable trace elements. So in a thermally unprocessed product there are many:

  • Caffeine. It is he who gives coffee an invigorating and tonic effect. There is also another alkaloid, theobromine, which is able to regulate the concentration of glucose in the blood.
  • Tannin. It is a tannin with antibacterial properties that helps to remove heavy toxins from the body. It also allows you to strengthen blood vessels, improve digestion and accelerate the process of tissue regeneration.
  • Chlorogenic acid. An effective antioxidant of plant origin, which is found only in raw grains, since temperatures of 200-250 ° C (roasting) lead to its destruction. Due to its presence in the composition of coffee beans, fats do not accumulate in the body, metabolism improves, and the work of the digestive and circulatory systems returns to normal.
  • Theophylline. The blood composition improves, which reduces the risk of blood clots. Also responsible for the normalization of the respiratory system, abdominal cavity, heart.
  • Amino acids. Our immunity increases its protective functions, the tone of the vascular system increases, the appetite returns to normal. In addition, a person can gain the required amount of muscle mass.
  • Lipids. These substances have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Fiber. If there is a sufficient amount of these substances in the body, then the risk of developing oncological neoplasms can be avoided. Cholesterol levels are well controlled, in addition, digestion and the work of the pelvic organs are normalized.
  • Trigonellina. Thanks to him, the pressure returns to normal, the metabolism is maintained at an optimal level, the work of the brain and the formation of blood cells improves.
  • Essential oils. They act as a sedative, improve digestion, and have a beneficial effect on the organs of the respiratory system. But most importantly, the substances can eliminate harmful microorganisms.

It is worth noting that theobromine in the composition of coffee beans is a kind of analogue of caffeine. As you can see, unprocessed grains have more useful properties... It is no coincidence that it is recommended to use green grains for weight loss.

Fried raw materials

During the procedure heat treatment in the grains, some of the moisture (14-23%) decreases, but due to gassing, an additional volume is acquired. Most of the substances found in raw beans form new compounds during roasting. As a result, the chemical composition becomes even richer. At the same time, 800 components form taste.

In addition to the fact that heat treatment of the beans gives coffee a pleasant aroma, the beans themselves acquire a recognizable dark shade. Roasting has a destructive effect on tannin. And since this component gives the drink a bitter taste, you should carefully approach the process.

A unique aroma is also obtained with the participation of trigonelline, which is converted into nicotinic acid during frying. At the same time, there is more caffeine. More details about it below.


Most people think of the caffeine and theobromine in their coffee beans as a brown powder. In fact, both of these substances are white crystals or completely colorless, which taste bitter. It is he who removes our body from a sleepy state and gives us vigor in the morning.

For the first time, people learned about caffeine in 1819 thanks to the German chemist Ferdinand Runge. He also gave him such a name. And in 1828, two chemists and pharmacists from France, Joseph Bienneme Cavantu and Pierre Joseph Pelletier, were able to obtain pure caffeine. Emil Hermann Fischer, who was the first to master the artificial synthesis of caffeine, made an invaluable contribution to the development of this substance.

Where does such a well-known component come from? It is usually obtained from a number of plants:

  • guarana fruits;
  • cola nuts;
  • cocoa;
  • yerba mate.

In addition, it does not hurt to know how much is contained in different types products.

Approximate concentration of active substance:

  • a cup of tea - 15-75 mg;
  • a cup of brewed coffee - 97-125 mg;
  • a cup of chocolate (100 g) - 30 mg;
  • a cup of cocoa - 10-17 mg;
  • a cup of instant coffee - 31-70 mg;
  • Coca-Cola (100 g) - 14 mg;
  • energy drink (0.25 l can) 30-80 mg.

The wide range for coffee and tea depends on the type and method of preparation.


Being in the composition of coffee beans, both caffeine and theobromine affect the psychomotor of a person. You can also highlight other qualities of theobromine:

  • interacts with alkalis and acids;
  • does not decompose in air;
  • practically insoluble in water;
  • is in a solid state;
  • crystal structure;
  • has a bitter taste.

Theobromine has its own formula - C 7 H 8 O 2 N 4, from which it can be seen that the substance is a compound of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. It is found in cocoa beans, cola nuts, and trees from the Holly family are also rich in them. Leaves tea tree and coffee beans contain a small amount.

Dosage of coffee

If you periodically drink such a drink, then the nervous system is really stimulated for a certain period of time. Exceeding the average dosage leads to a loss of the stimulating effect. As a result, the nervous system is depleted.

With prolonged use of coffee, "drug" dependence appears, the degree of which depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. For the same reason, it is impossible to establish how long it will take, since in each case the reaction to the stimulus is different.

Many researchers are studying how much caffeine and theobromine are in grains different sorts coffee. But we, as amateurs, are much more interested in another question: "How much of a drink can be fatal?" According to experts, in a limited period of time, you need to drink 80-100 cups. Fortunately, it is impossible for us to overpower such an amount of the drink, no matter how tasty it may be.

Alternative medicine Articles

Coffee: what it consists of and how it works


The Arab physician and alchemist Razes, even before 1000 AD, described in his writings the healing properties of the drink "binchum", that is, coffee. In the East, it was believed that coffee accelerates thinking, cheers the heart, helps against eye diseases, gout, dropsy and scurvy.

The Italian physician and botanist Prosper d'Alpino, who accompanied the Venetian embassy to Egypt in 1592, strongly recommended this drink as a first-class medicine in his treatise on coffee. It is also known that one of the court physicians prescribed a recipe to the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1665: "Boiled coffee, known by the Persians and Turks, and usual after dinner ... a good remedy for arrogance, colds and headaches."

Coffee beans contain a large amount of complex organic substances. Each type of coffee has its own special combination of substances. Raw coffee beans contain caffeine, trigonelline, chlorogenic acid, protein, and mineral salts. This set of substances, the names of which, however, tell little to a person far from chemistry, makes up about a quarter of the mass of raw grain. The rest is fiber, coffee oil and water. In addition, green coffee beans contain essential fatty acids useful for health: linoleic acid - 52.2-54.3%; linolenic - 2.2-2.6%; palmitic - 26.6-27.8%; oleic - 6.7-8.2%; stearic - 5.6-6.3%; arachidonic - 2.6-2.8%; behenic - 0.5-0.6%.

By its chemical composition, caffeine is one of the representatives of the alkaloids group. It is to him that coffee owes its exciting and invigorating effect. Pure from coffee extract this substance was isolated in the 1920s. Caffeine is in the form of colorless crystals with a bitter taste. The structural formula of caffeine was deciphered at the end of the 19th century, and in 1897 it was synthesized by the German chemist G. Fischer in its pure form.

It has long been known that in small doses, caffeine excites the central nervous system, primarily by stimulating the cerebral cortex, which leads to an acceleration of general metabolism, increased respiration and blood circulation. Caffeine is found in many pharmaceuticals in the pharmaceutical industry. The percentage of caffeine in coffee beans depends on the variety. The largest amount is found in robusta from Guinea (1.7-2.3%), santos (1.3-1.5%), hodeida (1.2%).

In order for coffee to have tonic properties, you need from 0.1 to 0.2 g of caffeine per serving (pharmacologists consider a dose of caffeine over 0.25 g to be too large). This dose corresponds to about one to two teaspoons of ground natural coffee per glass of water. It is not recommended to take more than 0.3 g of coffee per day at a time. When making coffee, caffeine is almost completely converted into the drink. It should be remembered that with the systematic use of caffeine and other purine alkaloids at a level of 1000 mg per day, a person develops a constant need for them, reminiscent of alcohol dependence.

Canadian doctor R.B.Har reported that on several occasions he prescribed strong coffee to elderly people before bed as a remedy for insomnia. It is not entirely clear why caffeine has a sedative effect, but it can still be beneficial for children who are overly active.

The second alkaloid found in coffee beans is trigonelline. It does not have stimulating properties, but it plays an important role in the formation of the taste and smell of roasted coffee. Coffee contains over 30 different organic acids (including malic, citric, acetic and coffee). One of them - chlorogenic - is found in significant quantities only in coffee beans. Its content in them ranges from 4 to 8%, depending on the variety. In fruits and leaves of other plants, its content is negligible. When fried, chlorogenic acid decomposes, forming other organic products giving the coffee a characteristic, slightly astringent flavor.

The presence of complex organic substances - tannins - is also characteristic of coffee. They give the coffee drink a bitter taste. Milk and cream, which are often added to coffee, interact with tannins and bind them, then the coffee loses some of its bitterness.

The stimulating effect of coffee lasts up to 3 hours. It is important to note that after the excitement caused by coffee, there is no depression, as is the case with the use of alcoholic beverages.

It should be remembered that coffee contains caffeine not in pure form, but in a certain ratio with a large group of other organic substances. Therefore, the body's response to coffee is different than when taking pure caffeine.

Under the influence of coffee, the vasomotor center is also excited, which leads to the expansion of the vessels of the heart, the redistribution of blood in the body, and an increase in the speed of its movement. In normotonics, blood pressure usually rises slightly, but in hypertensive patients this effect can be significantly higher. In people with heart failure, the additional diuretic effect of coffee is of particular importance. Most studies have not shown a link between coronary heart disease and coffee consumption, although unfiltered coffee can cause an increase in total plasma cholesterol.

Studies have shown that caffeine is effective for migraine headaches, enhances the effect of some pain relievers (in particular, aspirin and paracetamol), and can reduce the risk of developing Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. It should be remembered that in order to adequately assess the possible interaction of drugs, it is extremely important for the doctor to know about the regular intake of coffee.

Coffee affects lung function, which makes breathing quicker. Affects coffee and digestion. The outstanding Swedish naturalist and naturalist of the 18th century, Karl Linnaeus, in one of his works characterized the properties of coffee: "... This drink strengthens the belly, helps the stomach to cook food, cleanses the clogged insides, warms the stomach."

This is where the organic acids in the coffee make themselves felt. As a result of their action, the secretion of gastric juice increases and about half an hour after taking coffee, acidity reaches a maximum. This speeds up the digestion process, food is better absorbed by the body. This is why constipation is slightly reduced by constipation on a regular basis. This is also the reason for the tradition of serving coffee for dessert. However, the increase in acidity that occurs after taking coffee imposes a ban on this drink for those who suffer from gastritis, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer.

Other effects of coffee are known: drinking it regularly can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. There is evidence that coffee can reduce the risk of breast cancer in women.

Despite all the variety of the revealed effects, currently the complex chemical processes occurring in coffee beans are far from fully understood. The role of individual components, and even more so of the entire complex of substances, has not yet been revealed.

The article uses materials from the book by NN Pucherov "All about coffee", 2005.

Hopefully not drinking instant. And that's why.

Only four letters connect millions of people around the world. The army of coffee lovers is growing every day.

The taste of the coffee is wonderful, but incomprehensible. One must learn to understand and love him, and only then enjoy.

Gustave Flaubert

Many of us love coffee, but did not come to this right away. Personally, at first I didn't understand at all why drink coffee? What does he give? Doesn't charge me! Something is wrong?

Deepened into the topic and everything fell into place.

What's in coffee

The structure of the coffee bean is simple. As with any cereal crop, there is an outer and inner shell. As coffee matures, two alkaloids accumulate in it:

  • caffeine - in the outer shell;
  • theobromine - in the inner shell.

When we make coffee from whole grains, unprocessed and ground, we get a drink that contains both alkaloids.

How does coffee work

Coffee is a very personal drink. It, like cognac, cannot be drunk in mugs!

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill

Caffeine is practically instantly starts to act in organism:

  • constricts the vessels of all organs;
  • dilates the renal vessels.

A bit of theory.

Caffeine- colorless or white bitter crystals. It is a psychostimulant. In small doses, it has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. With prolonged use, it can cause weak dependence - theism (disease). In large doses, it causes exhaustion.

The duration of the invigorating effect of coffee is 20-25 minutes. In all organs, blood pressure rises and blood flow to the kidneys improves. The kidneys begin to receive a better blood supply. This is partly why many people want to go to the bathroom.

When caffeine has played out its "symphony", the second alkaloid enters the scene - theobromine... Theobromine is a white crystalline powder with a slightly bitter taste.

Theobromine effect directly opposite:

  • dilates the vessels of all organs;
  • constricts the renal vessels.

Systemic pressure decreases and renal blood flow decreases. The person begins to feel small pulling phenomena in the kidneys.

In the right and competent places with a cup of coffee bring a glass of clean water... A decent coffee house differs from an indecent one in that in the second (decent) one they always bring water with coffee, and in the first (indecent) one - only coffee.

Attention: how to drink coffee correctly

You drank a cup of coffee. After 20 minutes, drink a glass of water... Exactly so and in this sequence.

Thus, carry out the prevention of the phase of disturbance of water-salt metabolism: do not allow the kidneys to fall into a state of disturbed blood flow. Live and learn.

Only one “but”: all of the above applies to grain coffee.

Secrets of instant coffee

When the caffeine fraction is extracted from the coffee, the outer shell of the grain is removed. This portion is spent on medications, caffeine and caffeinated drinks (such as citramone, energy drinks, and so on).

The inner shell of the grain is used for the production of instant and granular coffee.

An interesting fact that makes you think. Americans are trying to break through the law to on all cans of granulated coffee they wrote: "Decaffeinated coffee"... Some manufacturers are already writing.

Virtually any granular or instant coffee contains 5% to 10% caffeine fractions. As a rule, you do not feel any invigorating effect, blood pressure does not rise, and after such coffee I want to sleep.

You need to drink instant coffee in the evening (closer to night) - you will sleep better. That's the whole effect.

Then what kind of coffee should you drink?

We only get the caffeine effect from whole grain coffee. After that, we must be ready for the onset of the theobromine phase - the opposite effect.

Theobromine stage occurs when used any varieties of coffee and no matter what quality.

Some varieties keep the “caffeine stage” up to 30 minutes. But then you still get the theobromine stage. Its duration is much longer, about 60-70 minutes.

Everyone can feel it for themselves. The phase of activation and a surge of energy feels good, after which you want to relax a little.

Therefore, it is important to remember: by drinking plain water at the right time, the stage of the negative effect is reduced. You prevent deterioration of renal blood flow.

Therefore, knowing now the mechanism of action of coffee, make it a rule: always drink water after a cup of coffee. Your kidneys will thank you!

What to drink from coffee in Russia

For many people in Russia, only instant coffee is available. It can be cheap. And dear.

When buying instant coffee, remember: THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE.

A typical situation. Nice packaging, high price. Having prepared it, we get the opposite effect: there is no cheerfulness, and after 20-25 minutes the theobromine phase "creeps up". I want to sleep, blood pressure does not rise (which is a definite plus for hypertensive patients). Without knowing this mechanism, people find themselves in unpleasant, sometimes even tragic situations.

For example, a trucker or taxi driver, driving out into the night, drinks several cups of instant coffee. Naturally, he does not receive the expected cheerfulness. After 25 - 30 minutes, theobromine begins to act, and the person falls asleep while driving. This effect is also called effect of "30 kilometers".

Therefore, in situations where you need to be cheerful, it is not recommended to take instant or granular coffee with you- only ground in grains or, even better, strong tea... Tea leaves (including green ones) contain caffeine without theobromine, which will provide the necessary energy.

Harsh production statistics

Let's look at the statistics of coffee production worldwide from 2001 to 2015. The data are indicated in thousands and 60 kg bags.

Information taken from open source International Coffee Organization.

In order to visually see the dynamics, we construct diagram.

The numbers represent the scale of coffee consumption.

You can deduce a pattern: when the global economy is in turmoil, demand for coffee rises and, as a consequence, for its production.

How coffee changes your mind

Finally, a very curious fact. Australian scientists from the University of Queensland have found that a person who has consumed a certain dose of caffeine easier to psychological influence.

This conclusion was made on the basis of an experiment. It was attended by 140 volunteers. In advance, each of the test subjects learned their position on a specific topic. They divided everyone into two groups: the first group was asked to drink several cups of coffee, while the second group was left without a drink.