How to make a cast at home. We make casts of children's arms and legs with our own hands! Features and methods of preparing puff pastry

Hello! I wanted to have casts of my son's legs and arms as a keepsake. In our city such a service is provided, but in my opinion it is too expensive. After wandering around the Internet, I decided that I could do it myself. I present to you the results of my labors. I will be glad if my material is useful to someone.

So, we need:
- photo frames (size and quantity depends on your idea)
- gypsum (regular or for artwork)
- plasticine (can be old)
- paints, including "metallic"
- varnish
- cardboard
- scissors, simple pencil, ruler, PVA glue
- glue (I have: moment super gel, in small tubes)
- sponge
- accessories for decoration (in my case, in a marine style - pebbles, shells, a boat, an anchor, a turtle).

I read about how to make casts at home here: The country also has such a master class
I took old plasticine from my eldest daughter, warmed it up in the microwave, made a cake (the hand or foot of the child should fit there), the height of the cake is at least three centimeters. Plasticine should be soft. We make an imprint of the part of the body that interests us)) The first time it may not work, do not despair! We crush, warm, make a cake and try again. In the end, you will achieve a result that satisfies you. When you make an imprint, the plasticine spreads on the sides, so before freezing, I carefully, so as not to spoil the shape, pressed the plasticine cake on the sides, the trace becomes a little more "slender" and deep. Then we put the plasticine in the freezer until it hardens.

In an art store, I bought this plaster for sculptural work.

When the plaster has hardened, you need to carefully remove the casts. To do this, I put the plasticine with casts from the oven to the lowest temperature so that it warms up and becomes soft, then it is easier to remove it. I dried the finished casts for another day, turning one side or the other. Otherwise, they remain damp, and we will attach them to the cardboard and it can become damp and soften from this.

While our casts harden and dry. Let's take a look at the frames. I have three of the simplest wooden frames, square, 13 cm. We disassemble, take out the back wall and glass. At the back there are metal plates that press the back wall, they need to be bent so that it turns out, as it were, the legs on which the frame is placed. So it will be more convenient to paint it.

Following the marine theme I had conceived, I painted the middle of the frames with white paint. I have this titanium white from the "Nevskaya Palitra". Bought at an art store. We cover with paint several times so that the tree does not shine through. Let's dry.

After the white paint had dried, I painted the inside and outside edges of the frames with blue paint now. I also painted over the sides of the frames. Painted the same several times. The blue paint I have is acrylic, all from the same art store, but was bought earlier for another job. Leave to dry (preferably overnight).

Now we need to work on deepening the framework. To do this, I used a very simple and understandable master class .
Since the frames turned out to be slightly different, I numbered each frame with a pencil on the reverse side. And I made boxes for them, which I also numbered accordingly. I made the box from ordinary white cardboard for children's creativity. I deepened it by 1.5 cm. Then I painted it with white paint (the same one I used to paint the frames). Then she took a foam rubber sponge, dipped it in blue paint and began to blot it over white. The folds and corners were deliberately left white. We leave to dry.

Now we need to color our casts. I chose this silver paint.

Before painting, I slightly corrected the casts with sandpaper. I made smoother edges, removed some irregularities, but this must be done carefully. The molds can break easily. I applied the paint in several layers until I achieved the result I wanted. And again left to dry. After the silver paint had dried, I varnished the casts and frames. Tip: DO NOT use water-based varnish, the paint on the frame can mix even if it dries well. I have again a varnish from an art store)). Let the molds and frames dry.

When everything is dry, you can start decorating. We glue the mold. And around it is your flight of fancy. Glue I used - moment super-gel, in small tubes, universal. Pebbles are a soil for an aquarium made of marble chips, bought at a pet store. I bought shells in different places, in the scrapbooking department, in the needlework department, gutted souvenirs from the sea))) The turtle is a pendant for the bracelet, also from the scrapbooking department.

Here's what happened with the cast of the leg. Anchor bought in the department for scrapbooking.

The middle frame, as planned, should be with a photograph of the son. I processed his photo in Photoshop in accordance with the marine theme))) The result is such a composition.

What to give grandma for March 8? Gifts from grandchildren are the most expensive, so grandmothers will be happy with everything. It is especially important that the baby takes part in the preparation of the gift. Here is one of these gifts today I want to offer and show how to make salty dough for baby footprints.

When I saw this idea for the first time, it captivated me. No, it is not new, but the simplicity of its implementation immediately prompted the desire to repeat it to myself. Hope it inspires you too.

Necessary materials

  • salt- 1 glass
  • flour- 1 glass
  • water- 1/2 cup
  • rolling pin for rolling dough
  • kitchen knife
  • acrylic paint
  • tassel for drawing

How to make footprints on salt dough

1. Cooking salt dough

Mixing salt (1 cup), flour (1 cup) and water (1/2 cup). Mix everything well to get a homogeneous dough.

The child can also help in this process. With his little fingers, he will really like to interfere with the dough.

2. Cut out the heart

Roll out the dough with a rolling pin to make plate about 1.5-2 cm thick.

Cut out a heart

Put the heart on a baking sheet. I also covered the baking paper, but because of this, the bottom of the heart turned out to be uneven. It would probably be better to just put it on a baking sheet without paper.

I would be glad to hear your comments on this if you repeat the idea.

3. Footprints

With bare children's feet we make an imprint on the heart.


We got it right the first time. Although the child practically does not stand still, but those seconds that we need to leave an imprint, he stood still, enthusiastically watching the process.

Using a spoon, make an inscription on the heart.

4. Baking in the oven

Preheating the oven up to 100 degrees and put a baking sheet with the print of the legs for baking for 3 hours.

5. Paint the imprint of the legs

After I took the print out of the oven, I gave it some time to cool down and then carefully peel off the baking paper.

V original recipe it is written that almost immediately you can paint a heart, but I have it a couple more days lay down.

For painting I took acrylic paint. She dries quickly.

Paint the print of the legs

First I painted one side, and at the end of the day I painted the other.

Paint the print of the legs

You can also include a child in this process. Even if it turns out less accurately, but the main thing is the process. I haven't decided on this yet. We are now at an age when a child wants to do everything himself, he would not let me help, and at some point he himself could simply drop and break our imprint.

I am very pleased with the result. Now just need to find deep photo frame to put our present in it.

I didn't make a hole for hanging. The heart turned out to be not very light and could simply not withstand its weight, fall and break.

Please leave your feedback or comment. I'm very interested in your opinion!

Surely all parents want to keep warm emotional memories of the childhood of their kids. But, unfortunately, even the most detailed pictures cannot always convey the quivering magical feeling that mom and dad experience while touching their child's tiny fingers. To the aid of sentimental parents in this case come casts of children's arms and legs, made with their own hands.

colorful footprints

The first thing that comes to mind to perpetuate the arms and legs of a child is to dip them in watercolor or gouache and print them on plain paper or cardboard. Yes, it's not the best original way but it is cheap and fast. To keep this sheet for a long time, you can either laminate it or put it in a beautiful stretcher.

Plasticine legs

Also easy option making casts of children's arms and legs with your own hands is plasticine. The one that hardens in the air itself, or a special mixture for modeling, is best suited. The mass should be flattened in the form of a medallion and it is good to print the baby’s hand or foot in it. Be sure to make a hole before the plasticine is dry so that the “home heirloom” can be hung on a ribbon.

Salt dough print

Many of us sculpted “salty” figures in childhood, and now, having become parents, salt dough will help us capture the tiny fingers of our babies. So, how to make casts of children's arms and legs from salt dough?

We dissolve half a glass of salt in a glass of water and add about a glass of flour (more can be until the dough starts to come off your hands). We divide the mass that we have obtained into 4 identical parts and roll it out with a rolling pin into flat rounds a couple of centimeters thick and the size of a child's arm and leg. With dry clean palms and feet of the baby, we press deeply into each piece. If the cast is fuzzy or you don't like it, you can roll the dough again and repeat the procedure.

When the cast is ready, put the dough to dry for 2-3 weeks. After that, the dough can be painted with acrylic paints. As you can see, this method is quite painstaking, but the result will be durable and original casts of the child's arms and legs from salt dough.

Cast of salt dough and plaster

An even more meticulous and unusual way to get prints (casts) of children's hands and feet with your own hands is to plaster them.

To do this, we make the dough according to the recipe described above, and in the same way we form prints, and it is better to make the test 2 times more so that the print is as deep as possible (2-3 cm in depth). We take gypsum (a set for creativity from special art children's stores is best, but a construction kit is also possible). We dilute it with water in the proportion of 1 glass of gypsum to half a glass of water (it is important to add water to gypsum, and not vice versa). Add 2-3 tablespoons of PVA glue to make the resulting cast stronger. Knead everything very quickly and pour into the form with the dough.

While the mass has not frozen, it is better to wipe all the ugly edges with a cloth, otherwise they will have to be cut off later, which can damage the shape. We leave for a day to solidify a cast of a child's hand (leg) with our own hands. Gypsum usually dries quickly, but in order for everything to turn out well, it is better not to touch it for several hours. After that, the finished cast can be taken out of the test. We grind all the irregularities with sandpaper. You can decorate such prints with acrylic paint or make an interesting collage of children's photos with them. The main thing is to approach the process with imagination!

Casts of sand

Another way to get casts of children's hands and feet with your own hands is to use sand instead of dough. The principle of operation is the same. We pour sand into a deep container, moisten it with water so that it turns into a thick mass, but does not float in water and the child's print does not spread. We lower the baby’s leg or handle deeper (1-2 cm) so that an imprint remains, and take it out. Then we lower the gypsum into the resulting mold (the proportions are described above) and leave it for several hours to solidify. Then shake off the excess sand.

Casts from a ready-made set

Several ways were given here on how to make casts of children's arms and legs with your own hands, but you can also use ready-made kits for creativity. They allow you to create high-quality “handles” and “legs” without the use of improvised means, just follow the instructions. There are 2D sets (only with prints), 3D sets (full hand and foot), as well as with the possibility of making a cast of a child’s hand together with an adult hand, casts in a frame, on a stand, in an album, with an engraved plate and much more. The only disadvantage of this method is high price, but those who really know a lot about original and memorable gizmos will appreciate it.

Instead of a conclusion

Creating memorabilia, whether it be photographs or the first homemade handmade, is very important, because children grow up very quickly, and we can’t keep every detail in memory. In addition to such wonderful casts, mother's chest with small treasures can be constantly replenished - with tags from the hospital or a photo from the first ultrasound, greeting cards from relatives and friends. Photo albums, a bag of the first strand of hair, the first clothes, the first toy, the first pacifier or the first bottle, and when the baby grows up, the first drawings, the first fakes and many other amazing memorabilia.

Yes, and the child, for sure, in adulthood, will want to get acquainted again with the things that surrounded him in childhood, and even, perhaps, just a little bit to remember that wonderful carefree and happy time.

Currently, many parents make casts of children's arms and legs with their own hands. Such a commemorative imprint looks very cute and will allow you to remember the wonderful moments of early childhood for many years.

Do-it-yourself casts of children's hands and feet

To make casts of handles and legs with your own hands, you do not need experience, you just need to carefully read the instructions. As a rule, kits contain all the necessary materials and tools. In addition, they often provide the opportunity to make several casts, because working with a child is completely unpredictable, and whether a perfect outline is obtained depends largely on our small models.

How to prepare for a do-it-yourself volumetric cast of arms and legs:

  1. take care of the good mood of the little model;
  2. you can use sleep time;
  3. residue from the mixture after making can be difficult to wash off, so wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty;
  4. the participation of two adults is necessary - one to take care of mixing the ingredients, the second to hold the baby and distract him;
  5. if you have touched the sides or bottom of the mold, you can pour plaster into it and then smooth out any imperfections with sandpaper;
  6. the time during which the form will completely harden depends on the temperature of the water used - the colder the water, the longer it will harden, the warmer the water - the faster the material will harden, room temperature water is optimal;
  7. make sure the containers are the right size for your baby's foot or hand.

How to prepare a child for making a cast of children's arms and legs with their own hands

How to prepare molds for casting casts for children with your own hands

To make an impression with your own hands, mix the mold powder with water in any container and pour into a closed plastic container, you can mix the mixture directly in the same container. Be sure to measure the ingredients accurately as a poor ratio can affect the final result. You can use the test sample, which is sometimes included with the kit, to have information about the curing process.

Wet the skin of children's feet or hands thoroughly so that they easily slide out of the hardened mold.

Thanks to this manipulation, your child will be able to get used to the temperature of the mass, in addition, we will minimize the risk of air bubbles that impair the quality of the product. Guide the baby's hand so that it slides accurately and gently into the prepared paste.

Don't worry if your child moves his arm. The beginning of the hardening process will show a change in the color of the paste, and this is the point at which the child should not make very sudden movements. After hardening (about 1-1.5 minutes), remove the handle. To avoid holes in the hardened form, guide the child's hand without touching the bottom or sides of the container.

How to prepare and pour plaster

Plaster pouring should not last longer than 5-6 minutes.

  1. Prepare a plastic bowl, measure right amount water and gypsum in appropriate proportions. Always add powder to water, not the other way around;
  2. Pour the gypsum into the water slowly, with constant stirring, until the mass reaches the consistency of a very thin yogurt. Too intensive and long mixing can lead to the fact that the mass begins to harden already during pouring into the mold. Also, too much agitation can cause bubbles to form. If you see bubbles on the surface, tap the container a few times to get them out;
  3. Initially, the plaster is very watery, but after a while it gently begins to thicken. Gypsum is ready when it reaches the consistency pancake dough. Then, pour a small amount of gypsum into the mold and carefully move the container in different directions so that the mass fills exactly each hole;
  4. After filling the mold 1/3, tap the container on the table surface;
  5. Pour the rest of the mass in batches;
  6. Leave the container to harden for several hours.

How to avoid air bubbles in plaster?

Air bubbles spoil volumetric casts, as a result, the plaster does not reach the fingertips, and the impression will not completely repeat the child's hand. This problem mostly occurs with pen impressions, as the fingers are longer on them than on the toes, and the plaster does not always flow well into these holes.

You can use the following methods to avoid this:

In what position is it most convenient to make 3D casts

0-5 months. For the smallest children, it is necessary to carry out the procedure in a supine position, as for feeding.

5-12 months. Place the baby sideways on one knee to the parent, legs should hang freely. Make an "airplane": the parent holds the baby on his stomach with his hands, the arms hang freely. In a sitting position: the parent places the child on his knees, facing the table.

After hardening, carefully sand the product. After painting with paint, this treatment will become invisible.

How to make casts of arms and legs with your own hands

The resulting casts can be processed in different ways:

You can add photographs of a baby at the age at which the print was made, and create a themed background, such as a footprint in the sea sand.

The resulting souvenir will delight you, and you will be able to enjoy this memorable and beautiful thing for many years.

Little kids grow up so fast that you can't keep up with them. Here he turned over for the first time, smiled, said "mom", went ... got married. And so I want to remember every pleasant moment of this lovely childhood life, to capture in my memory small hands and feet. Today, newfangled trends come to the aid of young mothers, thanks to which you can make casts of the arms and legs of their little children. Let's look at several ways to "freeze the moment" and capture the tiny, lovely limbs of a child.

On the Internet, there are a lot of offers of kits for creativity, with which you can make prints of the arms and legs of your baby with every prominent crease on the palm and foot. After all, you must admit that making a collage of photos, arms and legs in 3D format is an exclusive art, looking at which you will light up with a smile every time.

It is very popular today to bring such gifts to christenings or buy a certificate for this service as a gift. After all, when the godson grows up, he will surely remember his godparents with gratitude. What else you can give to the godson read in the article:. Parents can also order handprints on a stand in the style of "Avenue of Stars" in Hollywood. And you can make casts of arms and legs yourself, but how? See below.

How to prepare a crumb-model for "work"?

It is best to do the hand and foot molding work when the little model is calm. Pick a moment. It can be a dream or watching your favorite cartoons. You can find cartoons by clicking on the link:. There are sleepy children with whom you can do anything in this state. There is an interesting article about the child's sleep: "Does the child sleep poorly? We are looking for possible causes and find a solution to this problem."

If you decide to carry out work on making a cast while the child is awake, then be sure to make sure that the crumbs have good mood He was not hungry and joyful.
Does the baby wiggle his fingers slightly during the impression? It does not matter, this will not spoil the final result, since the mass will better fall into all the folds and the handle or leg will be more prominent. In this case, the main thing is calmness, nocturnal holding will not give the desired result.

How to make casts of arms and legs out of sand?

The method is quite simple and does not require any special "troubles". Any mother will cope with such a task, even if she is completely unfamiliar with the skill of creating a sculpture. Such an impression can be made decorated, then in addition to the tools and materials below, you need decorative elements, which can be shells, chains, buttons or small toys.

Required accessories

To work on the cast you will need:

  • capacity, a round-shaped cookie tin is great for this idea;
  • sand, it is desirable that it be fine;
  • alabaster, it is easy to buy it on the construction market (shop);
  • brush, common for painting radiators.

Stages of work

1. Pour fine sand into the selected container, level it. It should not be over-tamped.

2. In the center of the prepared sand, make an imprint from the hand or foot of your child. If you want to make a decorated cast, then make decorations around the print from pre-prepared items.

3. Now you need to do alabaster. Do not forget that this material hardens very quickly, so you need to work quickly. The powder is diluted with plain water. The mass that is necessary for work should be like sour cream.

4. After the alabaster is diluted, pour it into a container in a small stream, so as not to spoil the sand form. The thickness of the alabaster above the sand should be 2–4 cm.

5. Leave the container for at least 20 minutes. It is desirable longer, but if "unbearable", then you can get it.

6. Carefully take out the cast and use a brush to clean off the grains of sand. Next, act as your imagination tells you: paint, decorate, decorate with drawings, write inscriptions.

How to make casts of plasticine arms and legs?

Such material as plasticine is familiar to us since childhood. After all, each of us began to create our first "sculptures" from him in kindergarten. If you are going to make casts of your child's arms and legs from plasticine, then you need to remember the skills gained in kindergarten.

Required accessories

For work, the following materials should be prepared:

  • plasticine, today the choice of such material is quite wide, children's soft is best;
  • ordinary PVA glue (clerical);
  • gypsum, it can be different: for decoration, construction, medical. You can take any;
  • if you want to decorate the cast, then the decor elements.

Step-by-step instruction

1. In order for the print to be of high quality plasticine, it is necessary to knead it well until soft.

2. We make an imprint of a handle or a leg with a depth of at least 1.5 cm. If you want, you can make decorative recesses.

3. We hide the resulting print in the freezer to set the contours.

4. Prepare plaster. The standard proportion suggests 1 cup of powder + 0.5 cups cold water. Do not forget that the gypsum does not take lumps of water should be poured into the gypsum, and not vice versa. Pour a small amount of PVA glue into the resulting mixture.

5. Remove the impression from the freezer and fill all the cavities with plaster.

6. Leave the impression for hardening for 12-18 hours.

7. Plasticine is removed quite easily if you hold it over warm air (a battery, a boiling kettle) for several minutes.

8. The resulting cast is polished and decorated according to your desire.

How to make casts of arms and legs from salt dough?

Hand and foot molds made from salt dough are the easiest way to capture baby prints. But it should be remembered that the dough is a short-lived product and varnish applied on top in several layers will help to preserve the original appearance of the cast.

Required accessories

To prepare the dough for work, you must have:

  • wheat flour;
  • salt, it is better to choose fine;
  • water.

Staged implementation

1. Prepare the dough, it must be elastic. To do this, mix one glass of flour with the same amount of fine salt. In the resulting mixture, twist half a glass of water, knead the dough. If you see that there is not enough water, then add a little.

2. From the resulting dough, roll out a cake of 3–5 cm. You can give the mold a different shape.

3. Push the handle or leg of the child on the cake. This material is good because if the desired result does not come out the first time, you can roll out the dough in a new way.

4. Around the print, you can write inscriptions, draw patterns or beautiful drawings.

5. Place the impression with the imprint in hot oven for two hours. The optimum temperature for drying the dough should be 100-120 degrees. Depending on the thickness of the cake depends on the baking time.

6. After baking (drying) the mold of the handle or leg, let it lie down for a day and only then apply a decorative coating (lacquer, paint, etc.), decorate with drawings and inscriptions.

Impression design options

Making a mold of the handle and leg is half the battle. It still needs to be beautifully decorated. In addition to making a cast, it also needs to be beautifully designed. There are many design options, because it all depends on your imagination. Here are some design options:

1. In the form of a figurine. To do this, cover the resulting cast with silver or bronze spray paint and pile it on the base. Sign the base and put a date and get a miniature figurine.

2. Photo frame with a cast. Glue a photo of your child and a cast of an arm and leg into a regular photo frame. In addition to these things, "under the glass" you can put a tag from the hospital, a pacifier and other paraphernalia of a newborn.

3. In the form of a pendant. Make a hole while making. After the casts of the arms and legs have hardened, thread a beautiful ribbon through this hole and hang it on the wall in the children's room. And you can read about the design of a room for a newborn in the article:.

Author of the publication: Zoya Kiseleva