How to cook pork in a saucepan. How to cook tongue

Pork is the most commonly used meat in a wide variety of dishes. There are several varieties of pork: fatty, meat, processed bacon, dairy pigs.

Depending on the dish, a certain type of pork is used, And there are many dishes that are prepared from pork: it can be: cabbage soup, broths, soups, cutlets, borscht, kebabs, stews, boiled pork, escalope, sausages, sausages, dumplings, burgers, hot and cold snacks.

There are many ways to cook pork, it all depends on what kind of dish you want to cook - the meat can be fried, boiled, processed into pig smoked, stewed, baked in the oven. Boiled pork can be served as a main course with a side dish of pasta, vegetables or rice, potatoes, boiled or fried. Pork can also be added to a variety of soups or salads.

To cook pork, you need:

  1. Prepare a piece of meat (about 750 grams) - defrost it and rinse it with water. If you are using fresh meat, just wash it well.
  2. Pick up a medium-sized saucepan and add two-thirds of the water. Set the pot on medium gas.
  3. When the water boils, put a few black peppercorns, bay leaves and salt (two-thirds of a teaspoon) in a saucepan.
  4. Put pork in boiling water and reduce heat.
  5. Now the pork should be cooked under a tightly closed lid for about one and a half to two hours, the duration depends on the size of the piece of meat and its category. To check the meat for readiness, you need to pierce it with a knife - if the knife goes in and out easily and smoothly, then the meat is ready.
  6. Every 15-20 minutes, open the lid and remove the foam that appears on the surface of the water.
  7. After the pork is cooked, place it on a plate, remove the bones and cut into small pieces.

Boiled pork can be served with your favorite side dish, an interesting snack, or added to a salad.

Note: Since the cooking time of pork depends on its category, expect that usually the meat is cooked for one and a half to two hours, but the meat of a mature pig, of course, is cooked much longer than the meat of a young pig.

Meat supplies our body with essential proteins, carbohydrates and others useful material... It is impossible to imagine a full-fledged kitchen without juicy and aromatic steak, bacon, and baked shank. Most popular view meat products- pork. Is not dietary product: a variety of dishes are suitable for both everyday and festive table... How much to cook pork for soup? How to cook pork meat properly? Only relevant information for readers

We keep the rich taste

There are several ways to cook pork, but boiling is the most common. Determining the optimal time to cook tasty dish subject to availability of other ingredients and quality.

You can cook such meat from 20 minutes to 6 hours. The main criteria for how much pork to cook:

  • the selected part (neck, leg, shoulder blade);
  • freshness of the product;
  • the age of the animal;
  • number of pieces.

It is necessary to boil this type of meat when preparing many dishes: soups or borscht, aspic, cold snacks, bacon products. Therefore, every housewife should know all the nuances of the cooking process.

Good to know! You need to cook pork in a sealed container over low heat, avoiding a violent boil. This will form a rich taste, the meat will not be overdried.

Features of cooking different pieces

When cutting pork carcasses, pieces of a different category are obtained, which should be boiled taking into account their characteristics. General rule reads: "the larger, the longer the boil." A large cut (from 759 g to 1 kg) should be cooked for several hours, small ones - no more than 30 minutes.

How long it takes to cook pork depends on the category.

  • Cheeks - tough bacon with meat layers. They are used for the preparation of smoked meats, require long-term cooking - from 4 to 6 hours at a temperature of 78-82 degrees.
  • Neck , the anterior spinal part. It is tender, juicy and lean meat. Cook for no more than 60 minutes.
  • Loin , back part. Usually divided into ribs and pulp. Cook for broth for no more than two hours.
  • Tenderloin , the lumbar part is the most valuable and quickest to prepare (cook for 30-40 minutes).
  • Scapular part ... Soft and delicate cuts with layers of fat. Do not boil for more than 50 minutes.
  • Brisket , peritoneum. The fatty part goes well in borscht, which is cooked for an hour and a half.
  • Shank , legs. They contain a lot of tendons and films, so chop and cook for 90 minutes for soup.
  • Ham belongs to the first-class class. Delicious broths are obtained from this part (cook for 30-40 minutes). Cut the ham into pieces and boil until the start of the food.

Salt prevents the release of extractants, so it must be added to the dish at the end of cooking.

The category of pork offal that is used for jellied dishes includes the head, ears, tail and piglet. You need to cook offal for at least 3 hours, and old pieces take even longer. There are recipes in which the aspic should be cooked over low heat for up to 12 hours.

When cooking, be sure to consider the size and technological characteristics of the selected recipe. Often, before cooking, you additionally need to lightly extinguish or fry the piece. This will close the surface capillaries while maintaining juiciness. Also consider how cooked the pork is when cooking.

Meat is an important source of protein in our diet. Meat of different animals is prepared in different ways, and the time required for its preparation is accordingly different. Chicken, for example, cooks faster, beef takes longer. Well, now we will tell you how to cook pork correctly so that the meat and broth come out the most delicious.

How much to cook pork for soup?

How much to cook pork broth so that the soup comes out tasty and the meat is soft? Pork is cooked pretty quickly. But it all depends on the size of the pieces of meat that you plan to cook. If you want to boil large piece meat, it will take 1 to 2 hours. If there is little time, the meat is cut into smaller pieces, which shortens the cooking time. Cooking pork is simple - put the washed meat in cold water and bring to a boil. After the broth has boiled, remove the formed foam with a slotted spoon, reduce the heat and boil the meat until tender. We check the readiness of the meat by piercing it with a knife - if the juice that stands out is transparent, then the meat is ready. At the same time, it has a gray color, without gaps of redness. Finished meat should be tender and tender. After that, you can take it out, and put the ingredients for the soup in the broth and cook according to the usual recipe.

How much to cook pork on the bone?

To receive delicious broth it is recommended to put the meat in cold water - then, as it warms up and boils, the meat will give all its taste to the liquid, respectively, the broth will come out tastier. If we want to preserve the taste of meat to a greater extent, then it is better to put it in boiling water. And how can you cook meat and broth delicious? In this case, it is better to use meat on the bone. Put the washed meat on the bone in a saucepan, pour cold water... As soon as the water boils, remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook until the meat is soft. This will take about 1.5-2 hours. For 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, the meat can be salted. It is in this case that the meat will be juicy. The answer to the question of how much to cook the pork until tender will depend on the size of the piece of meat and whether you are using the meat of a young or old animal.

How to cook pork?

How and how much to cook pork meat, we have already discussed above, but there are a few more points worth paying attention to. We have already said that you can cook in 2 ways - put the meat in cold and boiling water. But here you still need to pay attention to the volume of water. The washed meat must be cleaned of films and veins and filled with water so that it only covers the meat. After the water has boiled, you can add spices. To reduce the fat content of meat, it is recommended to add basil, marjoram or rosemary to the water. It is not recommended to add water during cooking, so as not to spoil the taste of the broth. If, after the end of cooking, leave the meat for 10 minutes in a closed saucepan, then it will become more tasty and juicy.

For cooking meat, first of all, the temperature regime is important. Cooks do not recommend boiling pork at the boiling temperature (100 °), because the structure and connective tissues of the meat are destroyed. The finished product will not look appetizing, without much taste.

The front leg and brisket are suitable for cooking. For salads, take the loin - the thinnest-fiber part of the animal, less greasy than the neck, shank. For those wishing to lose weight, the tenderloin is more suitable - the leanest part (2.8% fat).

Cooking a whole piece of meat and broth for soup

To properly prepare broth and pork for soup, you need to follow certain rules. Pay attention to the timing of laying the meat. For a rich, thick broth, place the piece in cold water. As a result, the surface of the meat will gradually seal and the bulk of the meat juices will be released into the soup. It is usually advisable to scrape the foam off the surface of the broth so that the finished broth is clear. There is another opinion - it is not necessary to collect the foam, because it contains a lot of protein.

"Important!" The pork pulp will become even softer, more tender, if you hold it a little under a closed lid, after cooking.

To just cook big piece pork, put it in boiling water or pour boiling water over it. The cooking time for young pulp is about 1.5 hours, for old pulp - at least 3 hours. The meat can be cut into pieces, the smaller their size, the faster they cook.

How much to cook pork until tender

To make the boiled pulp tender, aromatic, choose the meat of a young animal. When cooking, it is recommended to add various vegetables, herbs, spices to complement the taste of the meat. For example, carrots, onions, celery, allspice, peas.

Pour hot boiled water to completely cover the piece, then bring to a boil, reduce heat. It should be cooked at a temperature of 90-95 °. Do not cover with a lid so that the water does not start to boil too much. In time, cooking takes 1.5 hours, for a piece of about 1.2 kg. The time and cooking of meat depends on the part of the carcass, the age of the animal. The broth is salted, 30 minutes before cooking.

"Know!" So that the meat does not float and cook evenly - put a load on top, for example, a plate.

How much to cook pork on the bone

To cook the most delicious pork, send a piece to the bones in a saucepan, pour water over it. Bring to a boil and reduce heat. Let it sweat for 2 hours, remove the foam. It should not be allowed that the meat is so cooked that it would come off the bone.

Constantly monitor the degree of readiness - pull out a piece and cut a little. If the pork is tough, continue cooking. Salt for 10 minutes. until cooked, you can add lavrushka, peppercorns.

Pork bone soup

For the dish you need ribs - 600 g; carrots - 1 pc.; potatoes - 3 pcs.; onion - 3 pcs.; peppercorns; lavrushka, vegetable oil.

  1. Cut all vegetables into small cubes. Pour 3 liters of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, salt, add meat.
  2. When the water boils, reduce the heat, skim off the foam during cooking. Cook for about 30 minutes.
  3. Add potatoes, cook for 5 minutes. Fry the onion and carrots separately in a frying pan.
  4. Add the fried vegetables to the soup and cook until tender (another 10 minutes).

How long does it take to cook pork for a small child

Before cooking, leave frozen pork in the refrigerator to defrost overnight. Then wash thoroughly, dry, cut into small pieces. Fold into a saucepan, cover with cold water. When the water boils, drain it and fill the pulp with new water to get rid of harmful substances in the meat. Cook for 1.5 hours, depending on the size of the piece.

"Attention!" To check if the meat is done, pierce a piece with a long, wooden skewer, in the thickest part. If the skewer goes well, then the meat is ready.

Boiled pork with spices

A dish made from one piece of pulp will turn out to be hearty and juicy, suitable for any side dish. Prepare the following foods:

  • tenderloin - 1.3 kg;
  • ground black pepper;
  • dried garlic;
  • red paprika;
  • salt.

Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, add a little salt, stir. Wash the pulp, put in salted water, cover with a lid. Send it to the refrigerator for a day. After making a mixture of spices, adjust the amount yourself. Take out the pulp, dry it, grate with seasonings, leave to marinate on the table, for 2 hours.

Transfer the tenderloin to the baking sleeve, put on 1 more sleeve on top, close tightly. Send to a saucepan, cover with water, put a plate on top so that the piece is completely under water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cook for 2 hours.When cooked, remove from water, remove from sleeve, allow to cool, chop portioned chunks... Can be served hot or cold.

Of course, this meat part, which belongs to the first category by-products, is not often used for cooking. However, if you decide to pamper your home, then, first of all, you should learn how to cook pork tongue to the desired state.

To prepare a tongue that can be served on its own or used for other dishes, it is very important to choose it correctly, because the product must be fresh. In addition, it is not cooked immediately, but first prepared for this process.

What to look for when choosing:

  • be sure to look at the structure and color of the meat, it should be dense and elastic enough;
  • you can slightly press on the tongue, first a hole forms and if it rises quickly to its original position, then it is fresh, and if not, then it is not recommended to buy it;
  • the color is scarlet or burgundy, quite dark and saturated. Anyone else speaks of staleness, and purple means that there is a lot of iron in it;
  • in any case, do not acquire a gray tongue or with the release of a cloudy liquid.

Once you've made your choice, it's time to start preparing.

What do I need to do?

  • Look for the presence of the larynx, if it is, then it will have to be removed.
  • Fill the tongue with cold water for about three hours, this is for an easier cooking process. And note that during this time you need to change the water at least several times.
  • After that, rinse the offal very well, you can even use a brush and sprinkle it with soda, which will need to be washed off in the future.

How and how much to cook pork tongue until tender

Average cooking time from one and a half hours to two, but it is more accurate to say how much to cook the pork tongue only after the method of heat treatment has been chosen, because you can use several options.

In a saucepan

  • Prepare your tongue as described above, remembering to rinse and clean.
  • Fill the cooking container with water, wait until it starts to boil and put the meat there, and the liquid level should cover the contents by a few centimeters.
  • Bring everything to the boil again, turn it down to a lower level and keep it on the stove for about two hours. You can add various spices, herbs and bay leaves to your liking.
  • As soon as the allotted time has passed, immediately separate the skin from the tongue.

In a multicooker

You can cook the tongue in a multicooker, then it will take much less time.

  • Prepare the selected tongue, rinse thoroughly from dirt and send to the bottom of the bowl.
  • Pour into her required amount water, so that it completely covers the meat and is even slightly higher.
  • Immediately add the spices you choose to use, such as salt and pepper.
  • Turn on the device in the "Extinguishing" mode and set the time for 60 minutes, this will be enough for it to reach softness.
  • After the program turns off, immediately remove the skin from the tongue.

In a pressure cooker

The total cooking time in this appliance is an hour, but you have to tinker a little.

  • We start by preparing and rinsing the tongue, then we send it to the pressure cooker, which was filled in advance the right amount water.
  • We turn on the device for literally 15 minutes, after which we take out the tongue, quickly douse it with very cold water and free it from the skin.
  • Before further use, wash the pressure cooker, fill it with clean salted water and put the offal there again. You can sprinkle it with other seasonings, or even add fresh herbs.
  • We cook for about 50 minutes more and take it out.

In a double boiler

As with all other cooking options, be sure to prepare your tongue first and rinse it well. The cooking time in this device is even longer than in a saucepan, but on the other hand, this processing option allows you to save everything as much as possible. beneficial features product.

  • We put the tongue in the department where cereals are usually prepared, close it, turn on the desired mode, and the time is 120 minutes or two hours.
  • After this time, season the tongue with spices, you can also add onions, fresh herbs, carrots and continue cooking for another 60 minutes.

After boiling the tongue, it must always be peeled off, if you do not know how to do this, then this instruction will help you.

  • Pour the finished pork offal with cold water, thus allowing it to cool slightly.
  • Pry off the skin with a sharp knife and begin to remove it. If this is difficult, then the language is not ready yet. Send it to cook for a while and repeat the steps again. The skin peels off very well from the finished product.

Secrets of boiling the tongue to keep it soft

As you can see, the pork tongue is a rather capricious product. In addition to the already listed nuances of preparation and cooking, there are others that allow you to get a soft and tasty dish.

  • If the offal becomes soft after boiling, then it is ready. This can be very easily checked if you pierce it with a fork, it is easy to enter - get it out.
  • Be sure to let the tongue soak in water for a while before boiling. This will not only make it softer in the end, but also remove the unpleasant odor.
  • Try to cook the dish in two broths, that is, first place in one, bring to a boil, keep on fire for about 15-20 minutes, drain all the liquid, rinse your tongue and put it back in a pot of water, remembering to season with spices.
  • Do not simmer too much, it is enough for the contents to gurgle just a little. If the process is very active, then this can negatively affect taste and softness.
  • It is believed that you need to salt the tongue after cooking, having already freed it from the skin, and add only spices and some vegetables to the broth. And this is not done immediately, but somewhere after 40-50 minutes.
  • Do not rush to take out the product just because two hours have passed, the exact time depends on the temperature at which it was cooked, as well as on the length and thickness. It is possible that after this period of time it will still be hard and will have to be cooked, which is not very good. It's much better to check it out right away.