Useful properties and contraindications of the spice cardamom. The use of cardamom to increase male potency Cardamom vodka tincture useful properties

Step 1: combine vodka and cardamom.

A few words about cardamom. This type of spice helps with poor digestion, colds, bronchitis, bloating, migraines, and many other ailments. It also has the ability to remove poisons and toxins from the human body. Cardamom tincture is very helpful. It will not be difficult to prepare it. Take the container in which you will infuse the drink and rinse it thoroughly under running water. In my case it is liter jar with plastic cover. We put a kettle with ordinary running water on the stove, turned on, on a strong level and bring it to a boil. We scald the washed jar and plastic lid with boiling water and let them dry. Open the bag containing the cardamom seeds and measure 4 grams of the spice on a kitchen scale. Now the main thing is accuracy, since a large amount of this seasoning can not only help, but also harm, do not add more cardamom than is written in the recipe. Put in a sterilized jar 4 grams cardamom, open the vodka bottle and pour it into the spice jar. We need 500 milliliters of vodka for this drink, it should be n e less than 40 degrees. We close the jar with a plastic lid, so that it fits snugly to its neck and so that the alcohol vapors that are contained in the vodka cannot evaporate. We put vodka with cardamom in a dark place on 2 - 3 days and let it brew.

Step 2: cook the syrup.

We cook light syrup. We turn on the stove to a strong level, put a kettle with running water on it and bring it to a boil. We take a deep saucepan, rinse it under running water, scald it with boiling water from a kettle, let it dry and pour it into it 500 milliliters pure distilled water. Bring the water to a boil on the stove turned on at a high level, pour it into a saucepan with water using a measuring glass 300 grams sugar and dissolve it. It turned out sweet water It is called "light syrup" and is often used to make various types of infusions. Cool the syrup to room temperature.

Step 3: filter and combine the ingredients.

On the stove, which is turned on, we put a kettle with running water on a strong level and bring it to a boil. After the water has boiled, remove the kettle from the stove, take a watering can, two glass floor-liter bottles with roofs tightly fitting to their neck and sterilize them in boiling water. We take a clean sterile bandage, cut off from it 20 centimeters and fold the bandage in half. We take the cooled "light syrup" and pour it through a watering can into sterilized bottles, half into each. Each bottle contains about 250 grams syrup. We do not remove the watering can from the bottle, put a sterile bandage folded in half on its bottom, strain the tincture so that there are no grains in it. Open the vodka with cardamom infused in it and quickly pour it into a watering can. Pour the aperitif until the bottle is almost full. When 3 - 4 centimeters of free space remains to the surface, remove the watering can and immediately insert it into the second sterilized bottle, and close the one into which the aperitif was poured with a lid. It should fit snugly against the neck of the bottle. We take the second clean bottle with a watering can inserted into it, open the bottle with the tincture and repeat the entire previously performed operation - pour it, close it tightly. When you filter the finished tincture, this must be done quickly, since the alcohol vapors in the vodka may evaporate and the tincture will not be strong enough, which will naturally spoil its taste and reduce its medicinal properties. Shake the bottles with tincture for a minute, this time is enough for the syrup to mix with the infused vodka. We give the finished drink a couple of days to stand with the syrup in a cool dark place. Before use, refrigerate the tincture in refrigerators until -6 - 8 degrees in. The cardamom tincture is ready.

Step 4: Serve the cardamom tincture.

Serve chilled cardamom, until about – 6 -8 degrees. It can be poured into a decanter just before serving. You can decorate the glass with a slice of lime or lemon, and put a couple of mint leaves in the drink itself. Any hot or cold appetizer... Very often, cardamom tincture is added to tea, especially in the winter or autumn season. Tincture, stimulates, relaxes and gives the body strength. If you have a cold, after drinking a couple of glasses of such a tincture, forget that you could be bothered by a runny nose or cough. Cardamom tincture is the perfect medicine to enjoy. Bon Appetit!

- - Cardamom tincture helps with bloating, but when combined with fennel, ginger, peppermint, and bay leaf, it is even more beneficial for the stomach.

- - Cardamom tincture can be made with a citrus flavor, for this, during infusion, add a couple of pieces of lemon, orange, pomegranate or tangerine zest to a container with vodka and cardamom.

- - In the process of making cardamom tincture, you do not have to cook the syrup, just add sugar to boiled water and, stirring, completely dissolve it. Pour the tincture into a saucepan, stir with sweet water and pour into prepared bottles. But! Remember that during this bottling process, the aperitif loses 30 percent of its strength.

- - Children should not take cardamom tincture on vodka, they can stir a couple of pinches (2 grams) of ordinary powdered cardamom in a cup of tea and let them drink hot. It will help with diarrhea, indigestion, dry coughs and colds.

Cardamom tincture


2 liters of vodka, 2 tablespoons of cardamom, 200 g of sugar.

Cooking method

Cardamom is ground in a porcelain mortar, poured with vodka and kept warm for 20 days. Then sugar is added. When it is completely dissolved, the drink is drained and filtered.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book All About Spirits the author Dubrovin Ivan

TINCTURE "BERRY" Required: 50 g of strawberries, raspberries, red and black currants, cherries, 0.5 l of vodka, 5 g of vanilla, 50 g of raisins. Method of preparation. Rinse and dry the berries thoroughly, remove the stalks. Fill them with vodka and leave in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Then

From book Homemade moonshine the author Smirnova Love

TINCTURE "SUN" Required: 100-200 g of young dandelion flowers, 0.5 l of vodka, 3-5 g of ginger, mint, lemon balm. Method of preparation. Wash dandelion flowers and mint and lemon balm leaves, discard them in a colander to drain the water. Place it all in a bowl and cover with vodka.

From book Eastern sweets the author Treer Gera Marksovna

TINCTURE "MINT" Required: 100 g of fresh mint and lemon balm leaves, a few drops of mint oil, 1 liter of vodka, 4–5 g of vanilla. Method of preparation. Rinse mint and lemon balm leaves thoroughly, place in a bowl, add mint oil. Pour in vodka and leave in a dark place

From the book What can be made from bananas the author Tolstenko Oleg

TINCTURE "FOR DEAR LADIES!" Required: 200 g of red rowan, 200 g of cranberries, 200 g of black currant, 0.5 l of brandy, 50 g of sugar, 5 g of vanilla. Method of preparation. Pound the berry in a mortar so that it gives juice, then place it in a bowl and fill it with cognac. Insist 2-3 weeks. After

From the book Encyclopedia of Healing Spices. Ginger, Turmeric, Coriander, Cinnamon, Saffron & 100 More Healing Spices the author Karpukhina Victoria

ORIGINAL TINCTURE Required: 100 g of apple and pear peel, 1 liter of brandy, apple and pear leaves, 5 g of vanilla, 4–5 g of ginger. Method of preparation. Pour the peel and leaves of apples and pears with cognac, leave for 2-3 weeks. Then strain, add vanilla and ginger. Let's talk now

From book Ossetian pies... 1000 and 1 recipe the author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

SIMON FROM CARDAMON OPTION 1800 g of cardamom, 4 liters of moonshine, 3.5 liters of moonshine. Coarsely crush the cardamom and pour over it with moonshine. Let it brew for 3 days. Add more moonshine. OPTION 212 l moonshine, 100 g cardamom, 1.2 kg lemon peel, 200 g cinnamon, 100 g galangal, 100 g cloves,

From the book Wine, Liqueurs, Liqueurs the author Pyshnov Ivan Grigorievich

Layered cake from rice flour with saffron, sugar syrup and walnut, coriander and cardamom filling

From the author's book

Pies from yeast dough stuffed with nuts, sugar, cinnamon and cardamom in Azerbaijani style

From the author's book

Banana tincture Required: 200 g of bananas 50 g of sugar 500 ml of alcohol 400 ml of water Method of preparation Peel one large banana. Banana pulp is not useful to you, you can use it for other purposes. You will need the rind to make the tincture. Scrape off with a knife

From the author's book

Ways to use cardamom Cardamom is indispensable in the preparation of sausages, fish, sauces, confectionery, in canning and winemaking. Many peoples have their own traditions of using cardamom: This spice is part of the popular Indian curry mixture.

From the author's book

Storage conditions for cardamom It is better to buy whole pods, or rather boxes of cardamom, than ground spice, because even in their own boxes, seeds will lose almost half of their essential composition within a year. The greener the boxes, the better the flavor. Store them in

From the author's book

Yeast dough pies stuffed with nuts, sugar, cinnamon and cardamom in Azerbaijani Shaker-Bura Ingredients For the dough: 11/2 cups flour, 8 g yeast, 1 egg, 3 tablespoons milk, 1/3 sachet vanilla sugar, 21/2 tablespoons ghee, 1/4 teaspoon

From the author's book

Tangerine tincture Pour chopped dried tangerine zest with vodka and leave for a week. Then filter and bottle. To prepare the tincture, it is undesirable to use the peel of imported fruits due to the possibility of poisoning

From the author's book

Orange tincture Pour chopped orange zest into a bottle, pour in vodka and sugar syrup... Cork the bottle and leave for a week, then filter and bottle. Store in a cool, dark place. Components: vodka - 1 l, oranges - 5

From the author's book

English tincture Pour all the components into a bottle, pour in vodka and leave for 4-5 weeks. Components: galangal - 40 g, gentian - 100 g, orange peel - 400 g, vodka -

From the author's book

Lemon tincture With a sharp knife, remove a thin layer of skin from two medium-sized lemons, since the slightest presence of white peel gives vodka an unpleasant bitter taste. Pour the removed lemon peel with good vodka and leave for several days in a warm place,

There is nothing easier than making a tincture on ready-made vodka. All you need is to pour the selected ingredients with strong alcohol and wait until the liquid is saturated with essential oils, vitamins, bioactive substances. The smell, color, taste and / or healing properties of the drink will depend on what kind of product to take to enrich the vodka.

Having decided what to make the tincture for, you can add any fruits, fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs, citrus fruits, seeds of fruits, herbs, spices, spices, nuts, parts of medicinal plants, etc. to vodka. General characteristics of vodka liqueurs: strength - 38-45 °, sugar capacity - up to 30%. That is, the tinctures are not as sugary-sweet as homemade liqueurs, but at the same time they have a higher alcohol content.

The infusion period is from several days to 6 weeks. In some recipes, the infusion period can be shortened (7-10 days) by warming the drink to 50-55 ° C. Depending on the components of the composition, homemade vodka tinctures are consumed as ordinary alcohol, differing in a variety of tastes, or used as a medicinal drug for rubbing, compresses, and ingestion.

Cardamom tincture

Strong alcohol with a wonderful spicy aroma. To make such a drink, you will need:

  • Vodka - 0.5 l.
  • Cardamom grains - 4 g.
  • Sugar - 300 g.
  • Distilled water - 0.5 l.

Before use, the cardamom tincture is defended for a couple of days in a cool place, cooled.

Cherry tincture

Wonderful alcoholic beverage with a pleasant taste, rich color and delicate aroma. Tincture components:

  • Vodka - 1 l.
  • Fresh cherries - how much is required to fill a 3 liter jar “under the neck”.
  • Sugar - 3-4 tbsp. l.

The cherries are washed under running water, dried, and poured into a clean jar. The berries are completely poured with 40-degree alcohol. Close tightly with a lid and insist for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place.

After the due date cherry tincture poured into another jar. Sugar is added to the berries, shaken well. They wait 4 days. During this time, the cherry will release juice, which will need to be squeezed through cheesecloth and poured into vodka. Sugar will remove excess acid and improve the taste of the finished product.

Tincture "Autumn"

Marvelous delicious drink with a delicate aroma. To prepare it, take:

  • Vodka - 1.5 liters.
  • Red rowan fruits - 0.5 kg.
  • Late-ripening apples - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 300 g.

Berries and fruits are washed under running water. The rowan is dried, the apples are cut into rings. In the container
(enameled, glass) lay out fruits and berries in layers, sprinkling each layer with sugar. Pour in vodka, cover the container with gauze. Insist in a cool place for 2-3 months.

The autumn tincture will be ready when the rowan berries are discolored. The drink is filtered, poured into dark glass bottles, and corked.

Sea buckthorn tincture

Thanks to the healing fruits of sea buckthorn, vodka acquires a honey tint and a wonderful sweet and sour taste. In addition, from ordinary alcohol, it turns into a medicinal drug used as a prophylactic against vitamin deficiency, seasonal viral and colds.

Tincture components:

  • Vodka - 0.5 l.
  • Ripe sea buckthorn berries - 0.5 kg.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Clean, sorted berries are sprinkled with sugar, rubbed with a rolling pin, a wooden crush.
  2. Placed in a jar.
  3. Pour in vodka. Close, shake well.
  4. Insist for 20-25 days in a darkened room at a temperature of 18-23 ° C.
  5. Every 3-4 days, the drink is shaken to dissolve all the sugar.
  6. The finished tincture is drained from the sediment, and then filtered through cotton wool.

To soften the taste of sea buckthorn tincture, instead of sugar, you can use 150 g of honey (linden or floral). The aroma of the drink can be made more savory by adding a couple of clove buds or orange zest.

Juniper tincture

There are several recipes for vodka infused with juniper fruits. For example, 5 g is poured with alcohol fresh berries, insist 10 days. Strain, add 25 g of natural honey, shake.

The ingredients for the second option are more varied. For 2 liters of vodka you need to take:

  • Juniper fruit - 50 g.
  • Ground black pepper - 5 g.
  • Table salt 5 g.
  • Horseradish (root) - 80 g.
  • Dill (seeds) - 100 g.

During the infusion of the drink (2 weeks), it is periodically shaken. Filtered, poured into bottles, corked.

In the third recipe juniper berries grind into gruel and pour 1 liter of alcohol. Insist 21 days, filter. Before use, they are kept in the refrigerator for another 2 weeks.

Clove and wormwood tincture

Most often, such a drink is used to prevent acute respiratory infections, ARVI. In moderate doses, it is used as a means to strengthen the immune system.

Components of the composition for 1 liter of vodka:

  • Carnation - 8 buds.
  • Cinnamon - 1 tbsp l.
  • Lemon - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.

You need to make a clove tincture with the addition of lemon peel, so the fruits are washed, wiped dry, and the peel is removed. All ingredients are put in a clean jar, filled with alcohol.

Close with a nylon lid, insist at room temperature 25-30 days. The drink is shaken once a week. Strain through cheesecloth, add sugar to taste. Before use, clove vodka is kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Healing vodka tincture can be made from wormwood (70 g), calamus (30 g), anise seeds (30 g) and dill (2 tsp) with the addition of anise oil (20 ml). All ingredients are mixed, placed in a clean container, poured into 1 liter of vodka. Insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. At the end, filter, seal, store in the refrigerator.

Tincture "Rybatskaya"

A very interesting, vigorous drink that perfectly warms in cold weather and serves as the prevention of colds. To prepare it you need:

  • Vodka 40 ° - 1 l.
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves.
  • Bay leaves - 4-5 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper - 1.5-2 g.
  • Kitchen salt - 10 g.
  • Sugar - 30 g.

The garlic is crushed, mixed with the rest of the dry ingredients, placed in a sterilized jar. Pour in vodka, shake. Fisherman's tincture will be ready for use in 4-5 days. Before drinking it must be filtered through a linen cloth, cooled.

Barberry tincture

Unusual strong alcohol with the addition of honey (glucose) with a recognizable sweet and sour aftertaste of "Barberry" lollipops. For 1 liter of vodka you will need:

  • Barberry berries - 3 tbsp. l. fresh or 2 tbsp. l. dried.
  • Honey - 1-4 tbsp. l.

If you make a tincture of fresh barberry, you need to crush the berries with a crush before placing them in the jar. Dried fruits are immediately sent to a clean container and poured with vodka.

Insist drink 10-12 in a closed container. Shake every 3 days. The finished tincture is filtered, honey (glucose) is added to taste, mixed. The strength of this drink is 33-38 degrees. You can store the drink in the refrigerator for up to 5 years.

Vodka tincture on honey and walnut partitions

To prepare a healing infusion for 1 liter of vodka, you need to take 2 glasses of walnut partitions, 2 tbsp. l. honey and 2 glasses of distilled water. At first walnut partitions insist on vodka for 2-3 days, then pour into another container and filter through cheesecloth.

In a separate bowl, heat the water, add honey, stir until completely dissolved. Combine honey syrup with tincture, shake, bottle. Capped and stored in the refrigerator.

Tincture on nuts, mint, anise

A very simple recipe that is remembered the first time. For 1 liter of vodka, you need to take 20 grams of dry mint, anise seeds and kernels pine nuts... Mix all components, add alcohol, insist warm for 12 days.

After the allotted time, the tincture is drained from the sediment,
filtered, bottled. The remaining mass in the jar is again poured with 0.5 liters of vodka and insisted for a month in a dark, warm place.

Simple recipes for mint vodka tincture

Something like a strong Mojito with an amazing emerald color can be quickly made from fresh mint leaves (50 g) and 1 liter of good vodka. The leaves are washed, crushed into gruel, poured over with alcohol. Insist for 2 weeks, then filter, pour into glass bottles... Mint vodka is taken before meals to increase appetite, normalize digestion.

Using a similar technology, you can cook excellent alcoholic beverage in just a day. The mint leaves in this recipe are not crushed, but simply put in a jar and poured with vodka. The next day they filter and drink.

Mint vodka tincture with a spicy refreshing taste and pine aroma is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • Vodka - 1 l.
  • Peppermint - 100 g.
  • Juniper fruits - 12-15 g.
  • Dill (seeds) - 40 g.
  • Ground cinnamon - 3-5 g.

All components are mixed, filled with alcohol. After 2 weeks, filter, sweeten to taste with honey, fructose or sugar. Store in tightly closed dark glass bottles in the refrigerator.

A few words about cardamom. This type of spice helps with poor digestion, colds, bronchitis, bloating, migraines and many other ailments. It also has the ability to remove poisons and toxins from the human body. Cardamom tincture is very helpful. It will not be difficult to prepare it. Take the container in which you will infuse the drink and rinse it thoroughly under running water. In my case, this is a liter jar with a plastic lid. On the stove, which is turned on, we put a kettle with ordinary running water on a strong level and bring it to a boil. We scald the washed jar and plastic lid with boiling water and let them dry. Open the bag containing the cardamom seeds and measure 4 grams of the spice on a kitchen scale. Now the main thing is accuracy, since a large amount of this seasoning can not only help, but also harm, do not add more cardamom than is written in the recipe.

Put 4 grams of cardamom in a sterilized jar, open a bottle of vodka and pour it into a jar of spice. We need 500 milliliters of vodka for this drink, it should be at least 40 degrees. We close the jar with a plastic lid, so that it fits snugly to its neck and so that the alcohol vapors that are contained in the vodka cannot evaporate. We put vodka with cardamom in a dark place for 2 - 3 days and let it brew.

We cook light syrup. We turn on the stove to a strong level, put a kettle with running water on it and bring it to a boil. We take a deep saucepan, rinse it under running water, scald it with boiling water from a kettle, let it dry and pour 500 milliliters of pure distilled water into it. Bring the water to a boil on the stove, turned on at a high level, using a measuring glass, pour 300 grams of sugar into a saucepan with water and dissolve it. The result is sweet water, it is called "light syrup" and is often used to prepare various types of tinctures. Cool the syrup to room temperature.

We put a kettle with running water on the stove, turned on, on a strong level and bring it to a boil. After the water has boiled, remove the kettle from the stove, take a watering can, two glass floor-liter bottles with roofs tightly fitting to their neck and sterilize them in boiling water. We take a clean sterile bandage, cut off 20 centimeters from it and fold the bandage in half. We take the cooled "light syrup" and pour it through a watering can into sterilized bottles, half into each. Each bottle contains about 250 grams of syrup. We do not remove the watering can from the bottle, put a sterile bandage folded in half on its bottom, strain the tincture so that there are no grains in it.

Open the vodka with cardamom infused in it and quickly pour it into a watering can. Pour the aperitif until the bottle is almost full. When 3 - 4 centimeters of free space remains to the surface, remove the watering can and immediately insert it into the second sterilized bottle, and close the one into which the aperitif was poured with a lid. It should fit snugly against the neck of the bottle. We take the second clean bottle with a watering can inserted into it, open the bottle with the tincture and repeat the entire previously performed operation - pour it, close it tightly. When you filter the finished tincture, this must be done quickly, since the alcohol vapors in the vodka can evaporate and the tincture will not be strong enough, which will naturally spoil its taste and reduce its medicinal properties.

Shake the bottles with tincture for a minute, this time is enough for the syrup to mix with the infused vodka. We give the finished drink a couple of days to stand with the syrup in a cool dark place. Before using the tincture, refrigerate it to -6 - 8 degrees. The cardamom tincture is ready.

Cardamom tincture is served chilled, until about - 6 -8 degrees. It can be poured into a decanter just before serving. You can decorate the glass with a slice of lime or lemon, and put a couple of mint leaves in the drink itself. Any hot or cold appetizer goes well with this aperitif. Very often, cardamom tincture is added to tea, especially in the winter or autumn season. Tincture, stimulates, relaxes and gives strength to the body. If you catch a cold, after drinking a couple of glasses of such a tincture, forget that you could be bothered by a runny nose or cough. Cardamom tincture is the perfect medicine to enjoy.

Bon Appetit!

I would like to suggest several interesting recipes- alcoholic herbal liqueurs that can be used as an independent drink and as an ingredient in cocktails and baked goods.

In no case do I advocate the use of alcoholic beverages! Nevertheless, alcohol occupies a certain place on holiday tables, and far from the last. So if you take it, then it is beneficial and tasty.

There are several generally accepted rules for preparing tinctures. It is necessary to infuse herbs and fruits on alcohol from two to six weeks, since essential oil from raw materials it takes time to extract into alcohol. Such drinks are stored in dark bottles in cool places.

None of the presented recipes have yet been tested by me, but they have a lot of positive feedback from relatives and friends, whose taste I trust.

Clove tincture

For 0.5 liters of vodka:

Combine the ingredients and let it brew in a cool dark place from 2 days to a week. It is advisable to strain. They say that such a tincture is soft to drink and does not smell like vodka, even if it is prepared on the basis of moonshine. Some spice lovers add a small piece of cinnamon stick, or a real vanilla pod (piece), instead of tea, a gram of coffee on the tip of a knife. These are the variations on the theme ...

Ginger tincture with cardamom

For 50 grams of ginger root:

Cooking in a jar. Sprinkle the peeled and coarsely grated ginger with sugar, send it to the jar. Then there are nuts, cardamom seeds and vodka. We close the lid and insist for 2 weeks, sometimes shaking. Strain and store in a dark place.

The ginger can taste a bit harsh, so vary the amount to your liking. Also adjust the amount of sugar to taste - this option is very sweet.

Home Becherovka

For 1 liter of vodka:

It is recommended not to use ground spices - it will not be possible to strain as expected. Put the spices in a container and fill with vodka, insist for a week, shaking occasionally. After a week, add sugar syrup to the infusion. After a day or two, we check the quality of the infusion: it smells quite intense - we filter it, if not, let it still infuse.

There is no wormwood in this recipe, but connoisseurs of real Becherovka assured that this homemade version is in no way inferior to the original, even more pleasant. The original drink contains about 20 herbs, in the same recipe we use only spices. Nevertheless, the infusion is quite worthy.

Herbal mead

For 1 liter of vodka:

  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • mint leaves
  • oregano leaves (oregano)
  • sprig of thyme (thyme)
  • 5 boxes of cardamom.

Buckwheat honey is recommended. Dissolve it in a glass of vodka, pour it into a container. We lay on a sprig of mint, oregano and thyme, it is desirable to open the boxes of cadamom and release the grains, we also place them in a container. Add vodka and let it brew for a month, shaking it several times. You don't need to filter.

The infusion has a very beautiful amber and amazing aroma!

Sambuca home

Thanks to the anise, the tincture resembles Sambuca.

For half a liter of vodka:

  • a bunch of fresh mint
  • 3-5 boxes of cardamom
  • 2-3 star anise
  • zest with half a lemon
  • 1 tablespoon sugar.

We combine all the ingredients in one container, let it brew and filter after one and a half to two weeks. The color of the infusion is dark amber.

Tincture with lavender

For 1 liter of vodka:

  • a tablespoon of lavender flowers
  • 2 cloves
  • a small piece of cinnamon stick
  • 2 tablespoons sugar.

Infuse the mixture for at least a week, you do not need to filter it.

Another option

For 1 liter of vodka:

  • a tablespoon of lavender flowers
  • a few sage leaves
  • sprig of rosemary
  • 3 juniper berries (crush)
  • 1-2 tablespoons sugar.

We insist the mixture for at least a week, you can not filter it.