How cocoa is brewed. Cocoa: all drink recipes

Cocoa is a favorite drink of many. Its preparation is not difficult. What's most interesting is that there are a lot of options. And by experimenting with the ingredients, you can create a new, original drink every time. So now it's worth talking about how to cook cocoa, and what is needed for this.

What should be cocoa?

It is very important to choose the right raw material. All you need is a natural product. Instant cocoa is chemistry. And the real one is crushed beans.

It is important that the label "non-alkalized" is present on the package. This suggests that the composition was not chemically processed.

Also in good cocoa fat content is at least 15%. Of course, there are no sticky particles and lumps in it. You no longer need to buy a product from a manufacturer in which such particles have once been caught.

By the way, the quality of the cocoa can be easily checked. Take some powder, rub thoroughly between your fingers and shake off. Is there a greasy residue with a pleasant coffee color? So the quality is excellent. This is a trace of cocoa butter - a healing and valuable substance of natural origin.

Classic recipe

It will take about 5 minutes to prepare a hot tasty drink. You will need:

  • Milk - 0, Z l.
  • Natural cocoa powder - 2 tbsp l.
  • Sugar is the amount you want.

First, pour the milk into a saucepan and heat it up. Mix sugar and cocoa in a separate container. Slowly pour the resulting sweet mixture into the milk heating on the stove, stirring constantly.

Boil. Cook for another 2 minutes. It is necessary to constantly stir it, otherwise the milk will "run away". After 2 minutes, you can brew the drink. As you can see, nothing special is needed to make cocoa.

Hot chocolate with marshmallows

An interesting recipe preparation of a fragrant drink. For four servings you will need:

  • Milk - 0.8 l.
  • Cocoa - W Art. l.
  • Sugar - optional. Usually 8 tsp, 2 for each serving.
  • Small marshmallow marshmallows- 2 glasses.
  • A pinch of vanillin.

In a stewpan, all of the above must be combined. Send it over medium heat and cook, stirring without interruption. The marshmallows should melt. This will take about eight minutes.

As soon as the drink is smooth, you can remove the saucepan from the stove. All that remains is to pour it into cups and serve.

C adding cinnamon

This is also a very popular and simple cocoa recipe, so it needs to be mentioned. The following components will be needed:

  • Milk - 0.2 l.
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cinnamon. One stick and a pinch of powder.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Whipped cream.

Heat milk with sugar and a cinnamon stick over very low heat, do not forget to stir. When it gets warm, add cocoa. Cook for two minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove the saucepan from the stove, remove the stick, pour the cocoa with milk into a transparent glass. Add aesthetics to the drink, decorate with whipped cream, sprinkle with cinnamon. You can serve.

Cocoa with egg

This is perhaps one of the most original recipes. And if classic cocoa bored, you can try this option. You will need:

  • Yolks chicken eggs- 2 pcs.
  • Milk - 0.4 l.
  • Cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Clove buds - 2 pcs.
  • Ground cinnamon- 0.5 tsp

Stir milk with cinnamon and cloves in a metal container. Boil over medium heat.

In a separate container, combine cocoa powder, half of the specified portion of sugar, water. Heat over low heat. You should get a homogeneous liquid mass. While stirring, pour milk into it through a sieve. Immediately remove from the fire.

Pour the remaining sugar into the yolks and beat them. A thick foam forms. Without stopping the process, pour cocoa there. Put on fire again. However, do not boil. You just need to warm it up. Then you can pour and serve.

Cocktail "Tiramisu"

An interesting drink, and easy to prepare. Cocoa is an auxiliary ingredient here, but it's so delicious that you just can't help but tell about the recipe. It will take two servings:

  • White ice cream - 100 g.
  • High fat milk - 300 ml.
  • Mascarpone - 100 g.
  • Rum, liquor or cognac - 2 tsp
  • A pinch of cinnamon.
  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.

What should be done? Beat everything in a blender and pour into glasses. Sprinkle cocoa on top. A delicious dessert drink is made in an elementary way.

Spicy drink

Cocoa with milk can turn out to be original if you experiment with the addition of different aromatic spices. Spice lovers are strongly advised to try a recipe that requires:

  • Milk - 0.2 l.
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 0.5 tsp.
  • Cardamom - 1 box.
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  • Hot ground pepper - 0.3 tsp.
  • A pinch of nutmeg and cinnamon.

First of all, you need to remove the seeds from the cardamom box. They will need to be crushed well. Then all the spices will need to be combined with sugar and cocoa, pour in the vanilla extract and grind the resulting mass. Add 2 tablespoons of milk, previously brought to the state of boiling water, there. Stir.

Then this mass can be added to boiling milk. Stir and keep on fire for about a minute. You can then pour into cups and serve. For beauty, it is recommended to sprinkle a hot drink with cocoa or pre-grated chocolate.

Alcohol option

In continuation of the topic, I would also like to talk about how to cook cocoa "for adults". In fact, there is nothing complicated about it. You just need to pour some rum into a glass (50 ml is enough), and then cook cocoa according to classic recipe and add it to alcohol. Decorate the drink with cream and grated chocolate. It turns out delicious and warming cocoa.

However, there are more complex recipe... To implement the plan, you will need:

  • Fat milk - 0.2 l.
  • Cocoa and sugar - 1 tbsp each l.
  • A pinch of cinnamon.
  • Liqueur "Baileys" or "Sheridans" - 2 tbsp. l.

Here the cooking principle is slightly different. Heat the milk, add all the bulk ingredients except cinnamon, stir, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add liqueur and cook for about three minutes. All this time you need to stir the drink. Then pour into a mug and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Coffee cocoa

Maybe this is not the most unexpected taste solution, but it is definitely very original. Therefore, one cannot but tell about how to make cocoa with coffee. Or, as it is also called, a drink in Romanian. You will need:

  • Ground coffee- 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Cocoa - 0.5 tsp
  • A small amount of vanillin.
  • A little salt. Just a few grains to eliminate the crema that occurs when brewing coffee in a Turk.
  • Water - 1 glass.

It doesn't take long to make cocoa. In a Turk, combine all bulk ingredients, except for vanillin, pour boiling water over it. Put on low heat. Make coffee without letting it boil. When it's ready, don't pour it straight into the cup. It is necessary to let it brew. After 5 minutes, add vanillin there. And after that you can serve.

By the way, by increasing the concentration of the powder, you will be able to make hot chocolate. This will require somewhere between 7-8 tablespoons. The drink will be thick and strong. But you need to cook it longer. The mass of added cocoa is more impressive, which means that it will take more time to dissolve it.

Other options

Based on what was said earlier, it was possible to understand how to cook cocoa. It doesn't take long to translate any recipe into reality. It is worth mentioning that there are still a lot of options for preparing a drink. You can make it with the addition of different ingredients.

It goes well with honey and ginger. Some make cocoa based on ice cream. Others pre-whip milk in a blender, adding half a banana there, and then brew a drink on this basis. Some still finely crush the nuts and pour the resulting powder into cocoa during cooking.

There is even a recipe for citrus zest. Lemon and orange "sound" especially well in such a drink. And if you add some spices or spices, you get a drink with a multifaceted flavor palette that will definitely become unforgettable.

However, this is not the most original recipe... Some whisk wheatgrass in a blender, rolled oats or bran together with milk, and then make a drink based on a similar mixture. It is called energetic because the carbohydrates included in the listed supplements really tone and invigorate.

You can even throw some fresh sweet berries into the drink or pour grated chocolate directly into the milk for a rich taste. The main thing is that all the ingredients are pre-crushed. However, if you wish, you can simply strain the drink before serving it.

If you find it difficult to wake up in the morning, then coffee is not the only thing to help you to cheer up. A cup of hot cocoa tones up and cheers up, because cocoa is an excellent antidepressant. It also contains a lot useful substances, vitamins and fatty acids, and is very nutritious. That is why cocoa is indispensable for children's breakfasts, and every mother is simply obliged to know how to cook it.

How to make cocoa? This is one of the most popular searches on search engines for a recipe for a magic drink. In fact, you should not cook cocoa - you risk losing most of it. useful properties... You just need to bring to a boil and pour into cups. And if it's too easy for you - add a pinch of vanilla or cinnamon, garnish with whipped cream, marshmallows or grated chocolate (just not all at once!). Adults can experiment with rum or cognac, add cardamom or red hot peppers. Enjoy!

How to make cocoa with milk?


  • cocoa - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • milk - 1/2 l;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.


We send the milk to the stove (make sure it doesn't run away!). At the same time, mix cocoa powder with sugar in a cup, add a few tablespoons of warm milk and mix thoroughly, grind the lumps. Pour this mixture into the main milk and, stirring occasionally, bring to a boil. We pour the finished cocoa into mugs. It is even easier to brew cocoa powder with boiling water and add powdered or condensed milk to taste.

How to make delicious cocoa?

In Indonesia, on the island of Bali, ginger is added to make cocoa. Try it!


  • cocoa - 2 tsp;
  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • ginger (root) - 0.5 cm;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • bitter chocolate - 1 slice.


Heat milk with ginger until frothy. Then we remove from heat, catch the ginger and pour the cocoa and sugar mixed in a cup (it is better to dilute the mixture with a spoonful of warm milk first so that no lumps appear). Mix everything and sprinkle with chocolate chips on top.

How to make hot chocolate from cocoa powder correctly?


  • cocoa - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • oil - 20 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • cinnamon, vanilla - to taste.


While stirring, bring the sour cream to a boil, add a piece of butter (it will give the "hot chocolate" elasticity). Pour in a mixture of cocoa and sugar in a thin stream, stirring all the time. Cook for a few minutes until the drink thickens. We remove from the fire. Add a pinch of vanilla or cinnamon if desired, decorate with whipped cream.

How to make cocoa frosting?


  • cocoa - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • sugar - 1/2 tbsp.


We mix all the ingredients and heat over very low heat, or better, in a water bath. Stir continuously until the mixture is homogeneous and thickened. You need to apply the icing to the cake while still warm.

How to make cocoa without milk?

Not everyone loves cocoa because of the formation of "foam" on the surface, and someone does not tolerate milk in any form. But this is not yet a reason to refuse the divine drink. Cocoa with a pinch of vanilla, you can even without sugar, just pour boiling water over it - the taste is no worse than that of a regular drink.

And everything, absolutely everything depends on the quality of the cocoa powder. It should be 100%, with minimal processing and have a fat content! (indicated on the package) not less than 20%. Then the Aztec version (only cocoa powder) will not disappoint you.

Cocoa ... This drink is able to transport us into distant childhood. If you are thinking of brewing cocoa, you should undoubtedly remember that it has many beneficial trace elements in its composition.

It should be noted that properly prepared cocoa has a unique taste, chocolate aroma and mouth-watering smell that can lift anyone to their feet. This is real cocoa. After reading this article, you will learn several recipes on how to cook the most delicious drink.

All those with a sweet tooth know about the abilities of cocoa, about the many recipes with its use. One of the easiest is to brew milk or water and add a couple of tablespoons of powder. Yes, it will be delicious, but you will not feel the aroma that will beckon you to the cup over and over again.

How long does it take to cook cocoa?

An experienced pastry chef will immediately say that a classic cocoa recipe will not take very long. This will take you about 20-30 minutes.

How to cook cocoa in milk for several servings

In order to brew a delicious cocoa beverage, you need an extensive list of ingredients. All of them must be fresh and natural. First, we will look at the option of making cocoa for several servings.


  • Milk - 0.5 l
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. Spoon
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. Spoon
  • Vanilla - 1 pinch
  • Cinnamon, cloves, star anise to taste


Cocoa with milk for one serving

The recipe for making one cup of cocoa is slightly different from the previous one.


  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Sugar - a teaspoon
  • Cocoa - 1 teaspoon
  • Water - 3 tbsp. Spoons
  • Vanilla - 1 pinch


  1. Pour cocoa and sugar into a cup, stir the contents thoroughly.
  2. Pour 3 tablespoons of boiled into it warm water, mix thoroughly until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  3. Pour milk into a saucepan and put on low heat. After the milk has boiled, boil it for another 2-3 minutes.
  4. Pour boiled milk into a cup. The dark brown mixture will begin to lighten and will soon turn into your usual cocoa.
  5. Cocoa is ready to drink.

Despite the fact that the recipe for making cocoa is very simple, there are many secrets for making it delicious.

  • When buying cocoa, you should carefully read the ingredients on the packaging. Recently, supermarkets are increasingly selling cocoa substitutes rather than real cocoa. When making cocoa, also read the manufacturer's recommended recipe.
  • If you use pasteurized milk to make cocoa, it will save a few minutes of your time. The fact is that pasteurized milk does not need to be kept on fire after boiling. After the milk has boiled, pour it into a cup of cocoa.
  • In classic cocoa, you can add some fruits such as bananas or peaches. They need to be finely chopped and poured into cocoa. Beat all this with a whisk.
  • You can also make fruit-based cocoa instead of milk. To do this, you need to cook a fruit compote in the evening. Strain it through cheesecloth and leave to infuse until morning. In the morning, cook cocoa according to the classic recipe. It will be delicious.

Many of us know that cocoa is a very healthy and tasty drink. Therefore, it is advisable to know how to properly brew cocoa in order to prepare this aromatic and chocolate drink for yourself and your loved ones from time to time. So, for those who are going to cook this delicacy for the first time, let's try to dot the "e" in the question of how to cook cocoa correctly.

How to brew cocoa correctly?

To prepare cocoa, you need milk, ideally homemade cow, a small amount of sugar and, of course, cocoa powder.

Pour a small amount of water into the pot in which the cocoa will be boiled, so that the bottom is completely covered. As soon as the water boils, pour the milk into the saucepan. At this time, in a cup, you need to thoroughly mix the cocoa powder and sugar, then add a little water there and stir thoroughly so that you get a homogeneous thick chocolate mixture without lumps.

The next stage of preparation is the combination of the chocolate mixture and milk. To do this, constantly stirring the milk, a mixture with cocoa is introduced into it, then the contents of the pan are brought to a boil and simmered for three minutes, after which the gas is turned off.

The proportion of cocoa preparation: for 2 liters of milk, you need to take 6 tablespoons of cocoa powder and 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

When the cocoa is removed from the heat, without cooling it, it is poured into cups or glasses and served with breadcrumbs, cookies, biscuits and muffins.

The preparation described above is considered the classic recipe for making cocoa, however, there are others, more interesting and original ways... This article will mention three such: cocoa with egg yolk, cocoa with whipped cream, cold cocoa with ice cream.

For making cocoa with egg yolk, cocoa is brewed by traditional recipe... Then grind the yolk (one yolk for two servings of cocoa) with sugar and cocoa powder and pour into a saucepan with the finished cocoa. Then the drink is whisked and served immediately in glasses or cups.

For cocoa with whipped cream they also use cocoa, brewed according to the classic recipe, it is poured into prepared glasses so that they are half full. Then whip the cream with icing sugar and spread one tablespoon over the cocoa.

Cold cocoa with ice cream is prepared as follows. Having prepared cocoa by the usual recipe, it is cooled. Then put a ball of chocolate ice cream in a glass and pour cocoa on top. The top of the glass or glass serving this dessert can be garnished with whipped cream or fresh berries.

To get a truly rich and aromatic drink, you need to know how to cook cocoa correctly, because there is far from one option for its preparation.

Cocoa in milk - popular drink... Medium fat milk is suitable for him and preferably not homemade, since it can interrupt the taste of cocoa.

Required products:

  • sugar to your taste;
  • 40 grams of cocoa;
  • liter of milk.

Cooking process:

  1. To begin with, the milk needs to be warmed up, but not too much, it should not boil.
  2. As soon as its temperature reaches about 70 degrees, we pour about one tablespoon from the total mass.
  3. Measure the right amount sugar, mix it with cocoa, grind and pour in some of the milk that you separated in the previous step. Stir the mixture well to dissolve the ingredients and add the result to the remaining milk.
  4. Constantly stirring the drink, cook it for a few more minutes over low heat. The cocktail can then be served.

Delicious powder drink

Powdered cocoa will certainly delight you with its taste if you purchase a quality product. To do this, be sure to look at the composition on the package and give preference to products that have been on the market for many years. Among the most accessible "long-livers" of the market, one can single out the product of the "Golden Label" brand.

Required products:

  • seven tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • one liter of milk or water;
  • sugar to your liking.

Cooking process:

  1. We send a liter of water or milk into a saucepan, put it on the stove and bring it to a boil.
  2. Immediately after the bubbles form, put sugar in a saucepan and stir the mixture so that it completely dissolves. We fall asleep with cocoa.
  3. We take a whisk and lightly beat the mass. This is done to create a little foam.
  4. We boil the composition for a couple of minutes over low heat, after which we remove it from the stove and immediately pour the aromatic drink into large cups.

Recipe for cooking in water

If for any reason you do not consume milk, you should not give up the invigorating drink, because you can boil cocoa in water.

Required products:

  • two spoons of cocoa;
  • glass of water.

Add sugar as desired and to your liking. The ingredients are listed for one serving. If you need more, then just increase their number.

Cooking process:

  1. Bring the water to a boil and add the cocoa immediately. Stir to dissolve.
  2. Add sugar, heat for a couple more minutes on the stove and remove the finished drink. You can serve it with cream, condensed milk or just like that, without additives.

Hot cocoa chocolate

There is no need to buy instant drinks and load your body with not very healthy additives, because it is so easy to cook hot chocolate from cocoa on your own, without leaving your home.

Required products:

  • two glasses of milk;
  • sugar to your liking;
  • h. l. vanilla sugar;
  • three tsp. cocoa.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix the indicated amount of cocoa with sugar based on your taste. For the ingredients from the list, 4 tsp will be enough.
  2. Heat the milk, but do not let it boil. Add the cocoa-sugar mixture and vanillin immediately.
  3. Remember to constantly stir the drink while brewing. If the components "stick" to the bottom - everything can be thrown away.
  4. Keep the chocolate on the stove for no more than 15 minutes. It is important to try it in the process, and when it cools down a little, it will become thick - the way it should be.

Cooking like in kindergarten

Required products:

  • three large spoons of cocoa;
  • one liter of milk;
  • sugar to your liking.

Cooking process:

  1. Place the milk in any container that can be heated and bring it to a boil over medium heat.
  2. Scoop about a tablespoon from the total amount of liquid and dissolve the cocoa and sugar in it.
  3. Pour what you have done back into the milk, and constantly stirring the drink, cook it for about three more minutes.

Condensed milk option

Required products:

  • 0.8 liters of water;
  • 20 grams of cocoa;
  • 2/3 cans of condensed milk;
  • a spoonful of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour condensed milk with hot water. We mix the composition, put on the stove and bring to a boil.
  2. We take a little liquid from there, add cocoa and sugar to it, stir with a spoon until the latter dissolves and pour the resulting mixture back into the pan.
  3. We are waiting for everything to boil, and after that the cocoa can be removed.

Unusual drink with ice cream

Required products:

  • four tablespoons of sugar;
  • 100 grams of ice cream or vanilla ice cream;
  • two large spoons of cocoa;
  • a glass of milk.

Cooking process:

  1. We send the specified amount of milk to the stove or take more if you need several portions. We heat it well, add sugar, cocoa and constantly stirring the mixture, let the components completely dissolve.
  2. Cook for a few more minutes, then remove from heat and let the drink cool.
  3. Place ice cream in a deep glass glass, fill it with already cooled cocoa and serve immediately. It is advisable to use not just a cooled drink, but a chilled one so that the ice cream in it does not melt too quickly.

How to make cocoa with vanilla

Required products:

  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • a bag of vanilla powder;
  • 300 milliliters of milk;
  • three spoons of cocoa.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan or small container, send it to the stove, immediately put sugar and vanillin. Stir and continue to heat the composition over low heat, but at the same time, not letting it boil.
  2. Then we add cocoa, continue to cook and stir constantly. The powder should not stick to the bottom, let alone burn, otherwise the drink will be spoiled.
  3. Again, without bringing the liquid to a boil, cook the drink for about two minutes, remove it from the stove and let it cool slightly. Then we pour it into beautiful cups and serve. If desired, you can also add cinnamon to the cocktail during preparation. It goes very well with vanilla.

As you can see, making a delicious and warming drink on your own is not at all difficult. And many cooking options allow you to choose the one that will become your favorite and will certainly complement the piggy bank of your personal culinary achievements.