Correct brewing of coffee. How to brew ground coffee correctly? In quartz sand

Sometimes our desires do not coincide with the possibilities. You woke up, you wanted coffee, but you have the strength to make it 0%? No problem. After all, coffee can be brewed in a cup.

How to brew ground coffee - recipes and recommendations:

"Open Brazilian Method"

  • a couple of teaspoons of arabica;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • sugar to taste.

In order for the drink to be saturated with coffee oils as much as possible, it must be brewed with boiling water of 90 degrees Celsius. Pour sugar into a mug and pour boiling water over the dry ingredients. Cover with a lid and let it brew for about 5-10 minutes. The coffee drink is ready to drink!

Warsaw coffee in a cup

How to brew ground coffee in a Warsaw style cup? First of all, it will be useful for you to know that the grains must be finely ground - this is a nuance, a prerequisite for making a strong and aromatic drink. Prepare the following ingredients:

  • glass of water;
  • 3 tablespoons of finely ground arabica;
  • sugar to taste.

The recommended water temperature is 80 degrees Celsius. The coffee drink should be infused for about 10 minutes under a lid or saucer. Pour dry ingredients into a cup, pour boiled and cooled water, cover with a lid and let the drink brew. Please note that small grains will be found in the coffee. To avoid discomfort while drinking, the liquid can be filtered using gauze.

Please note: always boil water. Ideally, use bottled water instead of from the tap. It is of higher quality.

How to brew properlyCuban coffee in a cup

The Cuban version of the preparation of an aromatic drink is famous for its rich aroma and tart taste... Some people add a few drops of rum to the drink. If on a cold winter evening, you just need to warm up, then this recipe was created especially for you. And for cooking, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • a couple of tablespoons of cane sugar;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 3 tablespoons of ground coffee;
  • a teaspoon of rum.

Pour sugar and coffee into a faceted glass. Pour boiling water over the dry ingredients. Cover with a lid and let it brew for about 10 minutes. We open a fragrant drink and add a teaspoon of rum. Enjoy your coffee!

Tip: Better before cooking. Freshly milled beans have a beneficial effect on taste ah coffee drink.

Now we know if it can be ground. This is a simplified way to prepare your favorite drink. And by the way, not every coffee lover will find the difference between coffee made in a Turk and the so-called "custard" drink.

We reveal the secrets of making a "custard" drink

To maximize the taste of coffee, you should be aware of some of the intricacies of making this drink in a mug.

Please note: it is important that the dishes were made of ceramic and had thick walls.

Brewing tips:

  1. Coffee lovers advise not to be lazy and warm up the mug thoroughly before preparing a drink. To do this, you can put it in the microwave, or just pour boiling water over it.
  2. To give the drink a fragrant smell and sophisticated taste, be sure to put a lid on the dishes after you add boiling water.
  3. When you remove the caps, stir the liquid vigorously. If desired, you can pass it through cheesecloth.
  4. No sugar - coffee lovers advise. But here, of course, it's a matter of taste. You can add not only sugar to ready-made coffee, but also milk, cream, alcoholic drinks, sweet syrups.

If you have a large company, then you can use a French press to prepare a drink. To do this, 8 teaspoons of ground grains, pour 500 ml of boiling water, and let it brew for about 5-10 minutes. Don't forget to prepare for coffee

For many, the morning begins with a cup of aromatic black coffee. The drink is able to charge good mood for the whole day ahead. The preparation of an invigorating drink becomes a kind of ritual or tradition in the family of its admirers.

Anyone can brew coffee, but this requires certain rules and a little attention and respect for this drink. To master the rather simple science of brewing coffee beans, you must first of all learn to choose the right grains.

The most delicious ground coffee is obtained from Arabica beans. The drink from such fruits is tender and soft. The fruits are large and oily with a pronounced aroma. From the Robusta variety, a very strong drink is obtained, one might say, coarse with a very pronounced bitter-spicy taste.

The best option is obtained by mixing these two varieties in certain proportions.

Rules for storing coffee beans

To keep the coffee as fresh and fragrant and continued to delight with its taste, you must adhere to a few simple rules for storing coffee beans:

Drinks every day around the world up to three billion cups of delicious coffee drink.

Advantages of a vacuum briquette

As the grain goes through the roasting stage, gas is generated in its center. The aromatic substances of these berries are concentrated in the gas. In the process of grinding the fruits, the structure is destroyed, and the most valuable smell of the grains quickly disappears.

For this reason, you should not purchase coffee fruits that have already been ground and packed in paper bags. Better to ask to grind them when purchasing.

If you buy factory ground coffee in briquettes, be sure to pay attention to the packing density, it should not be damaged. Soft packaging indicates a violation of the tightness of the briquette, which means that the quality of the content itself has suffered.

Unlike vacuum briquettes, soft packaging loses a little. In such packaging, the content loses its taste a little. But there are also pluses. Some packages have a special membrane that prevents air from entering. But at the same time, air can easily leave this package.

This is a very important point. from the technological side, since gases can accumulate in soft packages, and unauthorized explosion of packages can occur. Their advantage is that it is convenient for the buyer. Taking the packaging in your hands and pressing a little on it, you can feel the aroma of a coffee drink.

When opening any soft bag, the first thing to do is inhale the scent of the coffee. The smell, like a litmus test, will determine the quality of the purchase.

Interesting fact: The vacuum briquette was invented in the first year of the twentieth century.

Making a drink in a Turk

Despite the variety of special machines for brewing a coffee drink, the Turk (or cezve) still remains the most popular and in demand among coffee gourmets. Historically, grain is brewed in a Turk in the best oriental traditions.

A coffee drink prepared in a Turk has a denser texture, rich and aromatic taste. The secret of preparation lies in the fact that when brewing, the drink is not filtered and all the useful qualities remain in it.

Turk is a specific vessel with a rather wide bottom and narrow neck, attached to an elongated handle. The size of a Turk can be absolutely any, but in shape it remains unchanged. The material from which the vessel can be made is metal. The best and most correct will be the one that is made of copper with a silver inner coating.

How to make good coffee

There are quite a few methods for creating an aromatic coffee drink. And every coffee lover has his own special recipe, which he is in no hurry to part with. Any recipe is based on personal preferences and gourmet habits.

But whichever coffee you prefer, there are principles that should be followed in order to always be satisfied with a cup of your favorite drink. Any equipment for cooking delicious drink should be in perfect condition. No remnants of past use should be left. Otherwise, the freshly prepared coffee product will have off-flavors that negate the excellent aroma and taste of the drink.

Rules for making a quality drink:

How to preserve flavor after cooking

A freshly prepared coffee drink begins to lose its taste very quickly, and in order to slow down this process, it is imperative to warm up the cup from which this drink is drunk. The optimum temperature that should be maintained if the coffee is not consumed immediately is within 83 degrees and then within a few minutes.

If you need to take coffee with you in a thermos, the flask should be doused with boiling water so that it is initially warm. In a thermos, all the taste delights of a coffee drink are preserved for only 45 minutes.

Classic Turkish coffee recipe

This recipe is considered to be the oldest. To prepare a Turkish drink, very finely ground grains are required. Water with good taste, preferably without minerals and salts. And, of course, the correct cezva is a Turk.

The volume of the cezve should correspond to the number of cups to be prepared. We take ground grains at the rate of two full teaspoons per 150 ml of cold water. V classic recipe sugar is not provided.

Pour the powder from coffee beans into the Turk and put it on the fire to warm it up a little. Literally within one minute. Then carefully pour a very cold water... Boil the drink over very low heat.

At the moment when the foam begins to form and rise, the Turk should be removed from the fire, and as soon as the foam settles, return the Turk to the fire again. This is done three times, but more is possible. The main thing here is not to overdo it.

Before pouring the coffee, it is better to collect the froth and carefully place it in the already filled cups.

Ready coffee is poured into warmed cups and served with a glass of cold water. Drink should be taken in small sips alternately - coffee and water.

Rating of the best cooking recipes

To satisfy the tastes of even the most fastidious coffee lover, there are many recipes for preparing a drink. Below is a list of the most popular and common cooking methods.

Spanish passion, Cortado coffee

This is for lovers of a strong coffee drink with the addition of milk. Usually served with fresh, still warm bread and dry-cured pork.

You will need:

  • Transparent glass with a capacity of 200 ml.
  • Freshly brewed arabica coffee.
  • 50 g of low-fat milk.
  • One teaspoon of brown sugar.

Put sugar in a warmed transparent glass and pour the milk, whisk a little until thick and very carefully add the already prepared drink.

Burning Moroccan coffee

The most delicious coffee made with aromatic absinthe and spices. It is great to cook on days of complete relaxation.

You will need:

  • Two teaspoons of finely ground Mocha coffee.
  • One teaspoon of sugar.
  • 50 g of cinnamon.
  • Several pieces of cloves.

Put sugar in a very hot turk and heat over the fire until golden brown. Add cinnamon and cloves, stir. When the sugar has melted, put ground powder into the mixture and pour everything over with hot boiled water. Bring on low heat until the first bubbles appear. Remove from heat. Mix everything and put on fire again. And as soon as bubbles begin to appear, turn off. Very quickly set fire to absinthe in a spoon and pour into coffee. This drink is drunk only hot.

With chocolate syrup

You will need:

In a Turk, boil ground robusta seeds in the usual way. You will get a very rich taste and aroma. Whip cream with powdered sugar. Place ice cream and whipped cream in a transparent glass, pour over beautifully chocolate syrup on top. In a small stream and very slowly pour the coffee along the side of the glass. The coffee will be at the bottom, and the integrity of the layers will not be compromised.

Coffee recipes great amount... It all depends on the courage to experiment with the ingredients. Coffee beans can be combined with spices and alcoholic beverages. The main thing is proportions. Good luck!

If you decide to brew coffee, then you are already moving in the wrong direction. Coffee is not brewed, but brewed, while the water cannot be brought to a boil, but it is better if its temperature does not exceed +96 degrees.

The simplest and most versatile way of making coffee is to brew it in a Turk or using a coffee maker.

The conical shape of the turkey is explained by the fact that during brewing, the narrow neck contributes to the formation of a beautiful thick foam. Then the drink fully conveys its aroma and unique taste. In addition, the narrow neck is due to the long tradition of making Turkish coffee. As mentioned above, coffee should be brewed at a temperature that is below the boiling point.

Quite often, when brewing coffee, you have to deal with such a problem as boiled coffee. This usually happens when we started talking on the phone or left the kitchen for a minute. That is why the brewing of this magnificent drink must be made a kind of tradition.

To brew coffee, you need to fall asleep required amount ground product in a Turk, then pour a spoonful of granulated sugar, and then pour it all with water.

To enhance the taste and aroma properties, it is enough to add a pinch of cinnamon or cocoa to the heating liquid. Also, some gourmets use a small pinch of common table salt for these purposes.

To do this, use one teaspoon of coffee for a medium cup of water. Some coffee lovers prefer more extreme sensations, so they use not one, but two, three or four teaspoons of coffee for preparation. In such cases, it can be recommended to consult a doctor, since heart problems with such norms are inevitable.

If you have purchased several types of coffee, then you can try to mix them in proportions that are comfortable for you. But at the same time, you need to ensure that the coffees are of the same quality. If you mix cheap coffee with a more expensive one, then all the taste characteristics of the latter will be lost. Also, to improve the taste of coffee, real gourmets use not enameled coffee, but exclusively in a copper turk.

Methods for brewing ground coffee in a cup

If you do not want to spend time on the entire brewing process in a Turk or a coffee maker, but then you can find out how to brew ground coffee in a cup. There are several ways to make this coffee.

Most often coffee lovers prefer Brazilian, Polish and Cuban brewing. The first option is the most professional approach... For 9 g of coarsely ground coffee, you need to take 100 ml of water. The water temperature should not be higher than 92 degrees.

This is an open Brazilian method used by professional tasters. The coffee should be brewed in the cup for no more than 4 minutes, after which the top crust is removed.

Polish coffee

The coffee crust does not peel off in Warsaw-style coffee, so not every person may like such a drink. In addition, the cup is covered with a saucer when brewing.

Cuban coffee

Cuban coffee has a completely different brewing method. About 13 g of finely ground coffee is poured with two tablespoons of sugar, and then poured with boiling water. The drink is prepared in a faceted glass. After that, for the most vivid taste and aroma, you can add a drop of rum to the coffee, and smoke all this splendor with a good Cuban cigar.

Turks, Arabs, Austrians also have their own ways of making coffee. So, Turkish coffee can be prepared in two ways. Sometimes ground grains are mixed with sugar and poured all this directly into boiling water, but more often they use cold method, that is, cold water is taken to prepare the drink. The coffee is not brought to a boil, and the procedure for heating the drink itself is carried out 2-3 times.

Arabic coffee

Coffee in Arabic version prepared by a different method. To begin with, sugar is fried in a bowl until burnt, then water is added, everything is brought to a boil, and then only the required amount of coffee is added. In Austria, the preparation of coffee is necessarily accompanied by the addition of cream and grated chocolate. The same principle can be used to prepare a glaze. And instead of cream, you can serve ice cream for dessert. A scoop of vanilla ice cream is placed in a glass and served to guests until it melts.

How to brew ground coffee in a Turk properly?

Many people know how to brew ground coffee in a Turk. But not everyone is doing it right. First, the Turk is rinsed with boiling water, and only after that coffee, sugar to taste and water are poured. If you like to drink cold coffee, you can use a different brewing method. It will require half a kilo of coffee and cold water.

Everything mixes well, after which it is infused for 2 days, then such an extract can be diluted with cold or hot water, and it can also be used to add to desserts or other products. Usually the extract is diluted with 100-150 ml of water.

When all the secrets of making real delicious coffee are known, you need to make sure that the drink is tasty, aromatic and healthy not only in your home, but also in a restaurant or cafe.

You can check the quality of any coffee using the espresso method. If the espresso is prepared correctly, it means that other types of coffee in this establishment are excellent.

A good espresso is recognized by its crema. It should be hazel-brown with orange streaks. The foam should have veins in the form of a mesh, and it itself can be so dense that grains of sugar will remain on its surface.

Foam that is too dark or too light is not a good sign. The coffee beans are most likely over-roasted or too finely ground. Naturally, shallow sex is not bad, but everything should be in moderation, otherwise all the taste properties of this divine drink are lost.

So, now you know that even expensive coffee can be ruined by improper preparation. Real good coffee velvety, soft and slightly stringy. It remains on the palate with a pleasant aftertaste. You need to choose grains for preparing a drink only in specialized stores, while it should only be in grains. You can grind either in the store itself or on your own.

For some reason, it so happened that the very process of preparing a fragrant drink is often called "brewing coffee." This name is fundamentally wrong, because coffee is not brewed, but brewed. This definition assumes that the water should not boil during cooking. Professional baristas know that boiling kills the taste of the drink and therefore never bring it to 100C. The most optimal temperature for brewing coffee, at which the taste and aroma of the finished drink will be most fully expressed, is 96-98C. This is the temperature of water at the moment when, when it is heated, bubbles just begin to appear and rise to the surface. Consider 2 ways to brew coffee - in and a cup. Cooking is somewhat aloof, because with this method, human participation in the process is minimal.

How to brew coffee in a Turk

It is recommended to brew coffee in. The high heat conductivity of copper contributes to uniform heating, which has a positive effect on the taste and aroma of the drink. To brew coffee correctly, you need to do the following:

  1. Heat an empty turkish pot over a fire.
  2. Pour 2 teaspoons per cup into a heated turk.
  3. Add sugar to taste.
  4. Pour in cold filtered water. As a rule, strong coffee is brewed in a Turk or in another way - "oriental coffee" and usually the volume of water here is 30-40 ml per 1 coffee cup. But of course no one forbids you to brew a weaker coffee and pour, for example, 100 ml of water.
  5. Put the turkey on a small fire, and heat until the formed coffee foam with bubbles begins to rise. If you have no experience in brewing coffee in a Turk, it is important to prevent the coffee from escaping over the edges.
  6. As soon as the coffee has risen, remove from the stove and let stand for a couple of minutes. Then pour it into a cup.

How to properly brew coffee in a cup

Can be brewed directly into the cup. Moreover, brewing in a cup is used during professional tasting to determine the organoleptic properties of the drink. How to make coffee in a cup?

  1. First of all, the cup must be heated. To do this, you can rinse it with boiling water. Preheating is necessary to reduce the temperature loss due to heating the cup itself; all the heat should go to brewing coffee.
  2. Pour finely ground coffee into a cup. The coffee beans should be ground to near-dust.
  3. Pour coffee with hot water at a temperature of 96-98C. This is the temperature of boiling water removed from the fire a minute ago.
  4. Cover the cup with coffee with a saucer or other covering made of a suitable material and let it brew for 2-3 minutes for the grounds to settle and infuse the coffee.

When brewed correctly, coffee will taste rich and velvety, with a wonderful and persistent aroma.

Coffee made from ground beans is a favorite drink of many. A cup of a fragrant invigorating drink in the morning has become a kind of ritual for them. However, true coffee connoisseurs know that its refined taste can only be felt if the ground grains are properly cooked. Currently, there are several brewing methods, from traditional Turkish brews to modern coffee machines. Despite this, the principle of preparation is always the same: under the action of hot water, extraction takes place - natural essential oils, which give a unique taste and aroma.

At home, Turks or cezves are most often used to make a coffee drink. Traditionally, they have a bottom-flaring shape and are made of copper with a thin layer of tin lining inside. This shape of the turk is not accidental, the narrowing neck helps to preserve the special smell of coffee as much as possible.

In order to properly brew ground coffee at home, except for a Turk, you only need 3 ingredients:

  • coffee;
  • water;
  • sugar.

Making coffee in a Turk is also interesting because the taste of the drink can be varied with the help of various additives e.g. salt, pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon.

How to choose the right ground coffee?

Thinking about what to make the right coffee from, you need to take into account that a lot depends on personal tastes and preferences. Someone spends a few minutes on its preparation, for others, cooking is a special ceremony. In any case, there are several points to consider. It is best to buy raw coffee beans: they have almost no smell and are colored greenish. They must be fried before use. This procedure is performed in the following sequence:

  1. For frying, use a thick-walled cast-iron frying pan, which is preheated over a fire.
  2. Then green grains are poured into it in a thin layer. A large number of beans will affect the cooking quality.
  3. Stir them constantly with a wooden spoon or spatula during frying.
  4. After a few minutes, the grains will turn yellow, and after a while moisture will begin to evaporate from them and a crackling sound will be heard.
  5. After this point, everything depends on personal taste: those who like heavily roasted coffee can continue the process until the beans are dark brown.
  6. The whole process of roasting the beans takes from 15 to 30 minutes, after which they must be poured onto a metal tray or colander to cool.
  7. You can grind freshly roasted grains after about 12 hours.

For those who prefer to buy roasted grains, you should know:

  1. The flavor is best preserved in freshly cooked beans. Usually they are packed in vacuum bags, opening which you can feel a very strong coffee smell. Excellent coffee can be brewed from these beans.
  2. If you bought coffee that was roasted a long time ago, it doesn't matter. You can try to fix the situation. To do this, the grains are heated in a frying pan for 10-15 minutes, until a strong coffee smell appears.
  3. When buying grains, it should be borne in mind that, depending on the variety, they will have a different aroma and taste. The characteristics of the drink depend not only on the variety, the most common of which are Arabica, Robusta and Brazilian coffee, but also on the country in which they are grown.

The easiest option is to buy ready-made ground coffee. In this case, you need to carefully study the information of manufacturers about the product indicated on the packaging: country of manufacture, variety, degree of roasting and grinding.

Making coffee in a Turk

It is not difficult to brew ground coffee correctly. To do this, you need to know the cooking sequence and some of the subtleties of the process.

  1. Fresh cold water is poured into the Turk, without adding a few centimeters, so that there is room for the rising coffee crema. You can add salt on the tip of a knife or a little sugar to the water. This will raise the boiling point of the water and make your coffee even more flavorful.
  2. Heat water over low heat.
  3. If you are using grains, it is best to grind them before cooking. Average consumption of ground coffee is about 1 heaped teaspoon per 100-150 ml of water. The proportions are, of course, approximate and determined by the method of tests.
  4. The best time to add coffee is when the water starts to boil. Small air bubbles escaping from the water make it seem cloudy.
  5. After filling in the coffee, you do not need to stir it right away. The bulk of the powder will stick to the surface. With a teaspoon, you need to lightly heat it, moistening it with water.
  6. When the water boils, a thin strip of foam will begin to appear along the edges of the neck of the Turks. At this point, you need to stir the coffee with a spoon throughout the volume of the liquid and reduce the heat to a minimum.
  7. Continuing to brew coffee over low heat, you need to carefully monitor the rising foam, constantly stirring the drink. One of the rules correct preparation this drink - the water should not boil. At the time when the foam begins to rise rapidly, the cezva is removed from the heat.
  8. Do not pour coffee into cups right away. He needs to brew a little. In order for the coffee grains to settle faster, you can drop a few drops of boiled cold water into the Turk.

After waiting a few minutes, you can fill the cup with aromatic liquid and enjoy the wonderful taste of properly prepared ground coffee.