Sale of coffee beans business. How to make a coffee bean business

Business on the Internet is now the most promising and popular type of commercial activity, due to the ease of entering the market, minimal investment and wide coverage of buyers. But many industries are already overwhelmed with offers and the consumer does not see the difference between hundreds of trading resources of the same price and range on the network. Therefore, it is important first of all to find that niche in which there are still not so many competitors, to assess its prospects and relevance, and to start your own business.

An online tea store, as a business, is interesting in that such a product can be presented in a very wide range, its delivery will be inexpensive, and a constant demand for such products can be generated (if a person liked tea or coffee, he buys it constantly).


In order to choose your niche, to determine the assortment and pricing policy, it is necessary to study competitors in this segment, consumers and the specifics of doing this business.

Study of competitors

OKVED codes for the online store of tea and coffee: 52.61.2 - "Retail trade outside stores"; 52.61.2 - "Retail postal (parcel) trade" (for the delivery of goods); 51.37 - " Wholesale coffee, tea, cocoa and spices ”; 52.27.36 - "Retail trade of tea, coffee, cocoa", etc.

Advertising and promotion

The main activities to promote the online store of tea and coffee will be carried out using online resources:

  • promotion in search engines;
  • placement on electronic bulletin boards;
  • promotion of the store page in social networks.
  • placement of advertisements in the local press (information about what can be bought on the Internet much cheaper).

Financial plan

The business plan of an online tea and coffee store must necessarily contain such economic calculations - the size of the initial investment, the amount of profit, the payback period, etc.


How much money is required to start a business:

  • creation and filling of an online store - 40-60,000 rubles;
  • registration of an individual entrepreneur - 3-5000 rubles.

Total: 43-65,000 rubles.

Monthly costs:

  • carrying out promotional activities - 5,000 rubles.

It is not worth renting an office, a warehouse (especially in the first few months) - this will help reduce the cost of starting a business and quickly recoup the investment.

Learn from ready-made examples.

If you have not found the answers to your questions, you may need an example of an online store business plan - universal tips for organizing your small business.

Revenue and payback period

For the first month or two, sales will be low, but with intensive promotion, revenues will grow. The average bill for the purchase of such a product is 200 rubles, assuming 100 buyers per month, the proceeds will be 20,000 rubles.

In six months or more, the number of buyers will grow (since these products are in constant demand) and the revenue may amount to 50-80,000 rubles per month. With a profitability of 30-40%, the amount of profit will be from 15 to 30,000 per month. The payback period for such a business will be 6-8 months.

Reading time: 4 minutes

The business selling coffee is more suitable for large cities with a million people, otherwise it will simply not be profitable to open such a narrow niche in small cities. Of course, everyone loves coffee, and at least every second family uses it, so a coffee shop with a large assortment will bring a good profit.

Home coffee business

Starting capital: 2 - 25 thousand rubles;

Monthly profit: 2 - 25 thousand rubles;

Payback: 1 - 4 months.

There are several dozen types of coffee, so the business of selling coffee from home means owning as many types of coffee as possible. To get started, you need to find suppliers and create a website for a business to sell coffee. It is not necessary to create an online store that must be registered, it is enough to create a one-page website, arrange all types of coffee with prices (prices are lower than store prices, otherwise it makes sense to open a coffee business?), Contacts, terms of payment and delivery of goods. The site should indicate which city the business belongs to. Also, each product must have a high-quality description, photos and real reviews.

For the site to start attracting customers, it needs to be advertised. Social networks, forum advertising, regional advertising such as newspaper advertisements, high-quality bus stop advertising, and banner posting.

Business selling coffee from a stall

Starting capital: 25 - 50 thousand rubles

Monthly profit: 5 - 20 thousand rubles

Payback: 2 - 4 months

If you are not satisfied with selling from a home, you can sell from a stall. The downside here is that you have to constantly sit at your workplace, and although all of the above chips can be used with the sale of coffee from a stall, it is still easier to sell from home.

Advertising and business organization is the same. It will only be boring to add an outdoor advertising sign. Business also requires registration.

It is easy to start a coffee business from home by finding suppliers, building and promoting a website. Fighting the competition will not be difficult if you use all of the above chips. Also, such a business does not require registration and can be easily combined with other activities on the Internet.

In contact with

Coffee is being drunk more and more, and you will hardly surprise anyone with a take-away coffee kiosk. But a culture of drink consumption has appeared: now people prefer to drink coffee outside the house and sometimes pay a lot of money for a cup.

Most city dwellers constantly do not have enough time and do not always have the opportunity to visit exquisite coffee shops with good coffee... Therefore, such a business model as "take-away coffee" or "coffee to go" appeared, which allows people to quickly buy their favorite drink for little money.

Coffee to go and, in general, selling coffee is a highly profitable business, especially if you have more than one outlet. Today, the assortment of coffee is very wide, and thanks to competition, wholesale suppliers offer good prices and favorable conditions for different sales volumes.

Price coffee beans, for example, one hundred percent Arabica, from trusted suppliers - on average 400 UAH (1000 rubles) per kilogram. For one cup of American you need about 7 grams of coffee - as a result, the costs are about 3 UAH (8 rubles) per cup, and they are sold at “coffee to go” outlets at a price of 15-20 UAH (45-60 rubles)! (The data is based on the anonymous statistics of the Poster POS automation system for cities in Russia and Ukraine.)

Takeaway coffee franchise or your own business model?

There are two ways to start such a business: on your own or through a franchise. Depending on the choice of the franchisor, the finished project will cost 70,000–200,000 UAH (150,000–500,000 rubles).

Franchises for Ukraine:

Franchises for Russia:

The franchise package usually includes a ready-made brand book, point design and well-functioning promotion schemes, as well as its suppliers, technological maps and own recipes drinks, advice on setting up a business and maintaining an accounting system, perhaps even a common customer base and loyalty system. Some offer additional training for your staff at the coffee shop as a bonus.

Of course, the availability of such services from the franchisor depends on the chosen package and the terms of the contract. But in any case, in addition to acquiring a franchise, you will have to spend money and time on registering a business, purchasing equipment, an initial investment in the first month of work and working capital.

But you can save on buying a franchise, spend time looking for the necessary information and do everything yourself, having thought out your business model. This approach will take more time and effort, but you can invest more money in equipment or rent. good place... To help you in this difficult matter, we have tried to highlight all the most important points of the checklist of a novice owner of a coffee machine in this article.

Choosing a place for a coffee maker

One of the most important things to consider when opening a takeaway coffee shop is choosing a location. When calculating the permeability of a place, it should be borne in mind that about 3 people out of 100 are your potential customers. The greater the flow of people, the higher the revenue, profitability of the establishment and, consequently, the return on initial investment.

The most "fishy" places:

    pedestrian crossings;

    subway entrances;

    public transport stops;

    parks, squares, embankments;

    areas near educational institutions (universities, colleges, etc.);

    shopping centers and large pavilions;

    airports, train stations.

To maintain a high turnover of your coffee machine, you need to constantly monitor the dynamics of such parameters as number of checks and .

The number of checks depends on the traffic of the site and the correct definition of the target audience. Even though the traffic is high, there may simply not be your potential customers among the people.

What documents are needed to open coffee to go

Registration of sole proprietorship (Ukraine), individual entrepreneur (Russia) or LLC

Registration of sole proprietorship (IE) is much cheaper, faster and requires the collection of fewer documents. When registering with the tax office, you need to classify your economic activity as “food retailing”. You must also obtain permission to open a point from the sanitary and epidemiological service, territorial property management bodies and the fire inspection.

The entire registration process takes an average of 3 to 4 weeks. If you do not want to resolve these issues yourself, you can entrust all the work to a company that collects and prepares documents. It usually takes no more than a week and costs about UAH 2,000 (RUB 5,000).

If you plan to open a coffee maker on the territory of a shopping center, then it will be a little easier for you: you do not need to obtain permits from the fire inspection and other services. Shopping and business centers have almost all the necessary permits, except for the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Equipment for coffee to go

The most important piece of equipment you need to buy for a takeaway outlet is the coffee machine. The volume of the tank must be at least 8 liters, and the power must be up to 5 kW (this must be taken into account when calculating energy consumption). A smaller espresso machine is simply not suitable for the required speed and volume of coffee.

For quick work and instructing beginner baristas, it is better to consider devices with minimal set necessary functions. The fewer additional features, the cheaper and easier it is to repair equipment. However, setting up any professional equipment takes a lot of time, and you also need an experienced technician to supervise the coffee brewing during startup and debug.

Procurement of equipment for a coffee machine is the most expensive part of a business plan. It is best to trust the manufacturers, whose dealers and service centers are located in almost all regions: Saeco, Egro 70 Series, Settanta, Nuova Simonelli, CMA, Arctic.

High-quality foreign equipment is very expensive: 60,000–100,000 UAH (150,000–250,000 rubles) and more. But you can always consider buying a used coffee machine and coffee grinder, which will be almost 2 times cheaper. You can also rent coffee equipment or even free of charge from coffee suppliers - subject to the conclusion of an agreement for the purchase of a certain volume of coffee within a year or several years. In addition, they can advise on the purchase of the necessary equipment, depending on the volume of coffee preparation, and quite often help with the repair and maintenance of coffee equipment.

Don't forget about sales counter costs, the design of a rented island or kiosk and various little things that are also important for the comfortable operation of the point without overlays:

    consumables for coffee drinks (milk, toppings and syrups);

    snacks, sweets, snacks;

    disposable cups, lids, spoons;

    bar inventory.

Coffee shop menu

The menu in small coffee houses without tables is usually limited to only the coffee card, if you do not have imported cakes, chocolate or other sweets in your assortment. Coffee and drinks based on it - depending on the season. The sale of coffee provides 80% of all revenue, the rest is related products, most often various desserts.

To diversify the menu, add items that not only differ in the way of preparation (latte, espresso, cappuccino, etc.), but also types and varieties of coffee that will distinguish the drinks in taste. Nowadays it is not enough to imagine just one type of coffee - in order to stand out from competitors, you need to offer an exclusive in the form of a unique variety or mixture. different varieties... Don't forget about toppings and spices!

And most importantly - do not be lazy to arrange a stand for selling roasted coffee by weight in branded bags - this is real will increase your average check .

What you need to open a coffee with you - the choice of the supplier

The quality of the coffee is the most important factor when choosing a supplier. Be sure to check all certificates for products and production and the conclusions of the sanitary and epidemiological examination. More information about choosing a supplier can be found in, in which she answered all the most important questions about choosing coffee suppliers and working with them. Irina Uskova, CEO of the Coffee Molly business coffeehouse chain.

Coffee shop staff

Barista jobs are often viewed as temporary. To avoid turnover, you need to think. Most often, the barista is paid by the hour. According to, the average salary of a barista in Ukraine is UAH 5,000-6,000, depending on the city; in cities with a population of one million, they are naturally higher, and in the capital, they are the highest. In Russia, salaries are slightly higher, but they also differ significantly from region to region - on average, from 25,000 to 35,000 rubles. Usually a shift lasts 10 hours, but if the coffee shop is in a shopping or business center, then the beginning and end of work coincide with the opening and closing of the center (for example, from 10:00 to 22:00), and then the duration of the shift is 12 hours.

In addition to the rate, you can motivate the barista with a 2-3% share of the sales while fulfilling the plan and following all work instructions.

How to open a coffee to go from scratch. Financial plan

Concerning investment, then opening a takeaway coffee shop is considered a low-investment business. If you choose the most budgetary options with inexpensive rent and used equipment, then you can keep within UAH 100,000 (RUB 250,000), and the maximum is unlikely to be higher than UAH 180,000 (RUB 400,000).

* The rental price in shopping centers in large cities in Ukraine and Russia starts from 1000 UAH (2500 rubles) and reaches 5000 UAH (13000 rubles) per square meter. The price depends on the location of the shopping center itself, its class and the location of the point inside the shopping center. The average area of ​​the coffee maker is 10 sq. m.

** The list of purchased equipment includes: bar counter, refrigerator, coffee grinder, water filters, disposable dishes. The volume of purchased coffee depends on the traffic of the place.

Calculation of the cost of coffee to go

Let's consider the calculation of the cost price using the example of a cup of americano. As we said at the very beginning, at a price of 400 UAH (1000 rubles) per kilogram of coffee, about 120 servings can be made from this raw material - 3 UAH (8 rubles) for each. We also include here the cost of a glass with a lid, a stirring spoon and sugar - as a result, the cost of the drink will be approximately 7 UAH (18 rubles).

Income per day

In the example, we calculate the average income of a takeaway outlet based on the sum of the average check and the number of purchases.

Income per month

To increase profits, you need to increase the average check. Your barista can do this, the main thing is to properly motivate him. Sell ​​more desserts, snacks, drink fillings, and advise customers to take larger drinks.

The number of purchases also needs to be increased, but it is more difficult to do this: here you already need to seriously work on the brand and the recognition of your takeaway coffee outlets.

It is very important to serve the client quickly: take the order, calculate and serve the drink. If the speed of preparation of drinks depends only on the skills of the barista himself, then everything else can be significantly accelerated if you install an automation system. For example, to use Poster POS, you need an ordinary tablet that fits easily on a rack. A barista places an order in a couple of taps on the screen, prints a receipt for the buyer, and the owner immediately sees this sale on the screen of his smartphone or in his laptop browser.

Payback point with takeaway coffee

The prime cost of drinks is 30-40%.

Return on sales - 22%.

Initial investment - UAH 105,000 (RUB 267,500)

Breaking even takes 2 to 4 months.

The return on investment is from 9 to 12 months.

Risks when opening a coffee to go

What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a business? The success of the coffee-to-go business depends most of all on the location of the outlet. A big risk to business profitability is reduced traffic. For example, if your coffee machine is located in a shopping mall, then the decline could be:

    during the holiday season (summer is a rather difficult period for coffee business: at this time, people prefer to go to nature, to the sea, abroad, and not to walk in shopping centers);

    during the holidays (the basis of the target audience is students);

    during a crisis in the economy, fluctuations in the exchange rate, etc. (when the purchasing power of people falls, they are less likely to go to shopping centers for non-essential products).

If your point is at the entrance to the metro or at a stop, then the traffic depends primarily on the weather. Daily revenue will decline during snow, rain and severe frosts. People are in a hurry to hide from the weather, and not stand at the kiosk waiting for coffee. There is also a decline in the summer period, but profits at this time can be increased in other ways, which we have already described in the article.


"Coffee to go" or a mini-coffee shop is a profitable business, but you shouldn't count on super profits. On average, monthly income from one outlet rarely exceeds UAH 40,000 (RUB 100,000), and most often amounts to UAH 20,000–30,000 (RUB 40,000–80,000). It is very good if in the first month you can go to zero, but in the future, with the expansion of the assortment and the promotion of the point itself, increasing recognition, you can reach a more decent profit of 80,000 UAH (140,000 rubles).

Despite the fact that the cost of a cup of coffee is 30-40% of the selling price, the profitability still remains at about 20%. Part of the proceeds goes to renting a good place, but thanks to this you can earn more, so you should not cut costs here.

The first 30-60 cups of coffee sold per day pay off rental costs and consumables. And only the next sales will bring 60-70% of the profit.

To earn more, takeaway coffee owners open several points in different parts cities- firstly, to increase your income and increase brand awareness, and secondly, to compensate for the decline in sales in different locations. For example, a point in a shopping center brings a stable income on weekends, but shows rather low efficiency on weekdays, while with a point in a business center, the opposite is true.

Do not forget about the loyalty of your customers: encourage constant purchases, hold promotions: "The fifth coffee as a gift", "Free waffle for a large cappuccino", etc.

Coffeemania has swept the entire planet. Many people prefer this particular tonic and aromatic drink forgetting about the usual teas, cocoa and other hot drinks.

In this regard, it is very profitable to sell coffee today. How can you build your business on the second most popular consumer product? Let's consider the most promising options for coffee business.

So, in order for someone to have the opportunity to buy or sell coffee, the raw material itself is necessary. That is, whole or ground coffee beans, as well as their instant equivalent.

Do not forget about those who like the taste of coffee, but for some reason they cannot afford to drink this drink (allergies, hypertension, increased nervous irritability, etc.). For them, you can offer coffee substitutes.

Most often these are dried and crushed parts of any plants: chicory, dandelions, oak, baobab, rye, barley, beets. This is a separate segment of the coffee market, because the demand for this product is directly related to its ability to imitate taste qualities coffee beans.

Selling coffee raw materials, that is, directly selling coffee as such, is perhaps one thing because everyone needs beans or coffee powder: both sellers of coffee drinks and coffee lovers homemade, and the owners of coffee machines.

The sale of coffee can even be organized via the Internet. Including offering people a subscription to a monthly purchase of various unusual coffee varieties.

Indeed, in fact, the coffee assortment is very rich and varied. Ideally, you need your own online store.

The next most popular sale today is through. Here, in general, everything is extremely simple.

It is enough to buy or rent an automatic device for retail sale of hot drinks. This can be the sale of only coffee or an integrated option: (cocoa, hot chocolate, jelly, powdered milk, etc.).

Next, you need to look for a room with high traffic (hypermarket, office building, educational institution) and agree with the administration about renting a small area of ​​it. Believe me, a hot coffee drink (especially in the cold season and in the morning) is in great demand.

Placing such machines right on the street is unsafe and not cost-effective. A person still wants to sit down somewhere or at least hide from prying eyes in order to calmly drink coffee.

Agree, it's not very pleasant to do this directly on the street. Moreover, in a cold windy winter.

If you settled on coffee machines, then at least equip some tables with chairs next to them.

Thus, you simultaneously show concern for your customers, increasing their loyalty to yourself. And increase your sales, because it is the lack of convenience that discourages many from buying coffee from street vending machines.

Maintenance of coffee machines consists of daily replenishment of water, coffee raw materials and other consumables. With good daily sales, the most popular types of coffee drink are almost completely consumed.

As for the coffee business, they are either less popular or require more organizational and financial measures. Therefore, the easiest way to sell coffee today is in these two ways.

In terms of investment: a new hot drinks vending machine costs at least 200,000 rubles. And 1 kg of coffee at retail can be purchased at a cost of 800 rubles (wholesale, of course, cheaper)


Roman Elkhadzhiev,
How to sell coffee worth 326 million rubles a year?

The director of the MYHORECA group of companies Roman Elkhadzhiev started the business back in 1993 with a capital of $ 600. The entrepreneur brought the idea of ​​offering coffee machines to enterprises for free and making money on coffee supplies from Italy. And today the company has its own brand of coffee, which is sold in Russia, Kazakhstan and Europe. MYHORECA not only won the right to serve facilities at the Sochi Olympics, but even set a world record - 6.8 thousand cups of coffee were prepared in a day.

How to grow a business up to 326 million rubles in turnover? How to start building a new coffee brand? How to organize coffee deliveries from the West? Read in an exclusive interview with a businessman!

- What does your company do?

Our company has been operating since the last century - since 1993. We serve enterprises Catering hot drinks: coffee, tea. We also sell bar equipment - coffee machines, water heaters, coffee grinders. We work in the segment of hotel, restaurant, cafe - hence the name of the group of companies MyHORECA.

In 2017, the turnover amounted to 326 million rubles. The profitability is about 18-20%.

- How did the coffee idea come about?

On a tourist trip to Italy, a friend and I noticed an interesting business model. Companies rent out their coffee machines free of charge to cafes and restaurants, and then supply coffee for them. Under the agreement, they receive a percentage of every cup of coffee sold at this restaurant.

We were interested in this idea - this has never happened in Russia.

- How did you start the business? What was the start-up capital?

Two coffee machines and 12 kg of coffee were brought from this trip - they invested $ 600. We arrived in Moscow, found the first cafe that came across at the Dynamo stadium. They supplied them with a coffee machine and coffee for free. We agreed that 50% of the profit from each cup sold goes to us.

This was our first simple financial model. We sold a kilogram of Italian coffee, bought for 10 €, for 75 €.

So they went to cafes and restaurants, offering their services.

During the first year, we had about a hundred clients. We did not have time to do all the work and hired managers to find new clients (bypassing and calling).

In the third year, we have already worked with 500 clients. After 10 years, we worked with a base of 1270 clients. Then word of mouth was already working.

Now we are recognized as the oldest company in our industry - inbound sales are actively going on.

- RussWhat are the most interesting projects?

For example, MYHORECA was chosen as an official partner at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. The company was trusted and chosen to serve 12 key Olympic venues.

We also worked as an official partner and co-organizer of city mass competitions and sports events held in Moscow in 2010 and 2016. Helped in organizing more than 17 sports events, where more than 1 million people took part.

And on the day of the city of Moscow in 2012, 6,800 cups of coffee were prepared in one of the bars per day. This indicator was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the bar with the largest number of cups of coffee in 8 hours of operation.

- How many people work in the team?

How to create your brand?

Your brand. From Italy with love.

We have been working with Italian coffee producers for a long time. But in 2014, when the dollar and the euro rose sharply, it became unprofitable to sell the finished Italian product in large volumes. Therefore, we decided to create our own coffee brand, while maintaining Italian traditions and quality. In 2014-2016 roasted grains from Italy in Russia under our brand Espresso Italiano.

When the situation with the exchange rate stabilized, we decided that we can sell coffee produced and roasted in Italy from our own brand. Registered the international trade brand Caffe El ROMA S.p.A.

Who produces

Our partner is a renowned Italian manufacturer Pro caffe, operating since 1886 (Bristot coffee, Tonino Lamborghini, etc.). We have a contract with this company - they manufacture products under our brand on their basis.

The company is located in the province of Veneto (Venice region), in the city of Belluno at the foot of the mountains. Raw materials and storage technologies are developed by the company itself. We are extremely pleased with the quality of grain and roasting, as well as the stability of supply. For five years they have processed 5 thousand tons of green grain.

How to negotiate

Over the years we have been to Italy many times. Be sure to visit professional and thematic exhibitions twice a year, including an intra-Italian exhibition in the city of Trieste.

For several years I got acquainted with a lot of representatives of the industry - now almost everyone knows me on the Italian coffee market. I personally know all the leaders, directors of the most popular Italian coffee producers (Lavazza, Znetti, Segafredo, etc.)

One of my Italian friends, Denis Giraldi, CEO of Bistrot, introduced me to the owner of Pro caffe. We spent two or three hours talking nothing, practically without touching on the topic of coffee and business.

Then he just decided to help us and offered to cooperate. As is usually the case with Italians, the main thing is to find a common language and be on the same wavelength. Personal sympathy works as the key to success.

How much to invest and where to start

In order to create your own coffee brand, 2-3 million rubles will be enough.

First, you need to define your audience and clearly understand who you will be selling your product to. And then set a price that suits this category of buyers, while leaving room for your profit (take into account production costs).

What to look for

An important point when creating your new brand is design and packaging. The product should be pleasant to hold and unpack. When a customer sees a new product, he should be in a good anticipation. Emotions sell goods.

In my case, the same Giraldi introduced me to his classmate - the famous designer Valerio Cometti (V12 design studio - they developed the design of Lamborghini). I was sure that we would not be able to afford to order a logo from such a specialist, but as usual with Italians, we agreed on an affordable price.

Introduce to the Russian market

Over the years of our existence, we have already earned the trust of our clients. When we announced a new product, made a presentation with our designer and other specialists from the manufacturing company, buyers immediately became interested.

Therefore, try to plan for stable supplies. In our case, it was necessary to pledge about a month for the implementation of the order. One week is spent on roasting coffee, shipping, delivery to customs and receiving cargo. Then we began to understand how much of our coffee will be sold in what time frame, and learned to calculate a stable supply.

Customers started to recognize our product. So, since 2016, we began to sell our Italian coffee in Russia (60 tons per year), the Baltic States, Kazakhstan, and even supply a little to Spain (500 kg).

Training center and full technical support

Perhaps, now clients choose us also because we offer a wide range of services. For example, we organized our own training center, where we teach the secrets of working with our coffee both our employees and our clients' employees (baristas, bartenders). During the work, about two thousand specialists from all over Russia were trained and certified.

Since we are also a distributor of professional Italian La Cimbali coffee machines, in 2000 we opened a service center, which provides warranty and post-warranty support for our customers.

Our engineers were trained by a manufacturer in Italy, and then trained 600 more engineers throughout Russia. Now more than 40 La CIMBALI service centers operate across the country, which are engaged in the maintenance of our customers' coffee machines.

Where to get money for business development?

- For what purposes do you use external financing?

We are in development all the time, but we also have losses. During a crisis, sometimes there is not enough working capital to maintain constant growth.

- What banks did you apply to?

We are serviced at Alfa-Bank, they did not spread it. We decided to try it.

- Why are you interested in the service?

It is a convenient, fast tool with quick decision making. You don't have to go anywhere, prepare a bunch of papers and a credit file. When you need to quickly take money, put it into action and also quickly scroll through it and return it, such a service becomes the most optimal solution.

If you need serious long-term lending in the amount of 10-20 million rubles - another question.

- What is the essence of the Stream? How does he work?

This is a kind of instrument of trust. Lending not by a bank, but by individuals. They trust their funds to Stream and its borrowers. For investors, the idea is attractive because the risks are shared. Dozens of people invest small amounts, which together make up a loan for a company.

- Did you find any disadvantages in the service?

To date, I have not noticed.

- For what amounts did you take loans?

The money was taken three times. For 500 thousand, one million and two million rubles.

- How long did you receive the money?

We exchanged documents electronically with the service and received money into the account 24 hours later.

- Why were you sure you could repay the loan?

Because the amounts that we take take only a few percent of our turnover, balance sheet currency and sales volumes.

If these were large amounts, we would go for traditional lending.

- Are you planning to use the service again?

I think yes. It can be convenient. For example, we expect a payment of 1-2 million rubles from the company within a week. And today we have an invoice for a new product. We take it in Stream and close it in a week.

- Have you thought of investing yourself?

I have already registered, but have not yet used the system.

- When is it worth and not worth taking loans?

It is worth taking out loans when you have already established business processes, there are profit statistics, there is an airbag and a sane sales system. If you think you will take money, start a business, buy a product and try to sell it, you better do not risk it.