Cocktails that a bartender should know. Secrets of professional bartenders

I write chaotically, but I will try to systematize everything. This, I hope, is not the first collection of my tips, so you can safely expect more =).

I did not immediately understand this common truth, and therefore, I am very sorry. You need to take your time in everything, from looking for a job, and ending with dismissal from it. The bartender's craft does not tolerate fuss. When choosing your future place of work, you should carefully study all the available offers, weigh all the pros and cons, ask around, find out, try, so to speak, taste. Offered an internship - also no need to rush. Sometimes it can drag on for a couple of weeks, or even more, but since the owners of the establishment need it so much, it is better to put up with it, of course, if the situation does not smell bad.

In work, you should completely forget about haste. Resign yourself to the idea that a lot will not work out at first - patience will help you overcome any barrier. First you need to patiently get used to workdays, to capture and study as much as possible. More experienced partners will help with this, so it is better to go first as a bartender's assistant, and only then stand at the bar yourself. Over time, your movements become sharpened, correct, balanced and carefully considered. If you immediately grab onto everything in a row, nothing good will come of it.

Now in essence:

  • Before starting your first work shift, try to learn as much as possible from the working bartender in the establishment as much as possible of the working moments. Here you have to be persistent and not be afraid to ask questions. Find out where what lies, who is in charge of orders, how the goods are received, how this product is counted. It is imperative to find out your powers and responsibilities, since in some establishments a bunch of incomprehensible duties are dumped on the bartender. It will not be superfluous to learn about the preparation of branded drinks, if any. In addition, it is worthwhile, just in case, to clarify the preparation of some well-known cocktails, since some bars use their own recipe.
  • During your first days of work, try to get used to the environment. It is very important to be imbued with the workplace, to love it, whatever it may be. Generally, bartender should feel like a fish in water behind the counter. From my personal experience, I can say with confidence that the adaptation usually takes about 2 weeks. After that, you already have a complete picture of the chosen profession and place of work.
  • During working days, you must always be balanced. If the bosses pressurize, just agree with them, but still do everything as before, of course, if they, that is, the bosses, are really wrong. Brought a client out - ask your partner to serve him further. The client is always right - this is a true statement, but he is your guest, so let him behave like a guest. Rudeness and bad behavior are rarely welcomed.
  • Calmness is the main requirement of the bartender during a steamy session. You are the master of the situation. It is clear that guests want to get their drink faster and rest further, but the hustle and bustle will only make it worse. I lost my temper - everything immediately starts to fall out of hand, drinks are spilled, the layers in the shots do not lie down, everything behind the bar ends instantly. It is better to ask your partner to stand on the front line for at least a couple of minutes, and then leave and calm down, smoke or just sit and breathe deeply. Working behind the counter with a partner is the finest thing about the bar craft. You always feel support, you always know that they will insure you and will not be offended - this should be treasured.

Anyway, do everything quickly, but at the same time and slowly. You will immediately find your rhythm. If you understand that you are not made for certain conditions, it is better to look for a new place. But, nevertheless, any difficulty can be overcome, adapted and adapted.

Oh, that's the great bar truth. The bar should always be as prepared as possible for any situation. This is especially true when the steam comes. Even running out of cream in a bottle can cause so much trouble that you can't even imagine. The most dangerous thing is to lose the rhythm - if you lost it, then everything, write - is gone!

  • Zero the bar to the max... If the warehouse with products is far away, then it is worth placing as much as possible behind the counter itself. Display everything that can be displayed in the window. Fill all cabinets and shelves with the most popular elite, wine and other drinks. Fill refrigerators as much as possible with juices, vodka, beer, champagne and other drinks that are served cold, but without ice. In a 24-hour establishment, this is usually done by a night shift of bartenders, most often one. In Crimea, we worked only at night, but one person stayed for the day, so to speak, in the institution (this applies, by the way, to the first advice - we still performed the duties of watchmen). His job was to stock the bar and make it completely clean. The work environment depended on how well it was done throughout the evening and night, so we fought a lot with our partners if someone didn't do something.
  • Prepare all sorts of little things... In summer, it is better to pick mint in advance for. So that it does not fade in the evening and remains in its original form, put it in some container and cover with a damp cloth or cloth, periodically moistening it as it dries. I would not recommend cutting the fruits in advance - they will lose their appearance quickly enough. Fill the cream siphon (bottle). Pour coffee into the hopper, pour water into the boiler, put the straws and skewers in the organizer.
  • Prepare consumables... Press a small bottle of lemon juice (so that it does not turn sour quickly, add a small amount of vodka to it, of course, if it will not go into soft drinks), prepare sugar syrup, if there is none factory-made (0.5 liters of water per 0.5 kg of sugar - boil for 3 minutes and cool). At Caffeine, we also prepared a small bottle of fresh orange - it helped a lot, since we had some cocktails with fresh.
  • Clean up... Wash all bar equipment before work, rub the dishes, if you do this in your establishment (in some, dishwashers do it). If you have a coffee machine, soak and then thoroughly wash the holders. If necessary, clean the system itself in the car - I'll tell you later how. Soak overnight or put on (whatever your schedule is) a cappuccino maker. Wash the bar counter well. If it is wooden, then it should be rubbed with polish, if from other materials - first with a damp cloth, then with a dry one, and then with alcohol - we did this in Crimea, rubbed the counter once a day with vodka. Then the stand will shine, all kinds of stains and other husks will disappear on it, and most importantly, it will become perfectly clean.
  • Lay out the dishes... In coffee shops, it makes sense to immediately preserve a certain number of saucers: put a napkin, sugar, candy (if served). This is very helpful - no need to waste time serving. And during work, you can reserve empty spaces on the counter.

This advice, of course, I already mentioned in the first one, but here I mean something else. First, do a good job of reading the bar list and costing for all cocktails. It should take seconds to remember the ingredients and their quantities. In a good way, you should not go to work until you have learned the ingredients of all cocktails.

Second, remember your customers. What and who drinks, how he behaves, what you can talk to him about. Regular guests of the establishment are real gift for any bartender. There is no need to waste time guessing the order, the guest of the establishment, as a rule, already knows what it will be. We sometimes get to the point that a person is still parking the car, and you are already starting to prepare his favorite drink. This is a real time saver. In addition, such guests go to the institution constantly for a reason - it means they like everything, and if they like it, then you can count on a good tip.

This really pisses me off. A very, very big minus of working with a partner arises when he is DIRTY. The workplace should always be clean, no matter how hot it happens. Spilled - wipe, dropped - lift, turn on - turn off, get dirty - wash, tired - no time=). This common truth teamwork. One of your oversight will come out sideways in a few of your partner. And if you work on your own, then even more so - there is no insurance, you have to rely only on yourself, so if you don't want to worsen your life - there is no need!

Here I mean neatness. People love it when the interlocutor looks good, and the bartender just has to look good. Clothes are clean and ironed by default. I didn’t work in restaurants, and I probably wouldn’t want to, but there you still need to be well-shaven, cut and combed. In clubs or coffee houses, you can afford a modest stubble and hair on your head, the main thing is that it looks like a hair, and not like a bum's hair =).

Shoes, of course, are not visible behind the bar, but still give advice: put on closed shoes, preferably with dense material on top. It would be nice if this material can be washed or at least wiped off with a damp cloth. This I mean that something will constantly spill and fall on your feet - it's better to be ready for anything. Of course, the shoes should be comfortable - your feet will thank you after you stand another 15 hours at the counter. Actually, in almost all establishments for appearance they can be fined, and if they are completely insane, they can be fired.

Uncommunicative for the staunch is not the place. Many guests come to establishments not to drink something, but only to chat. Train competent speech - mate is not welcome. Notice what topics regular guests like to talk about, if you are not strong in it, then it makes sense to fix it. They talk about football - read about football, about finance - read a couple of Forbs magazines, about women - just talk about women, a woman says - just listen =). You should not enter into heated arguments with guests, if you think that the client is wrong on some issue, it is better to remain silent. Agreeing with everything is also stupid, but it's not the most spoiling attitude. best idea... Stick to the neutral side. is an absolutely unique project in which you will not only find a standard setrecipes alcoholic beverages ... Thanks to a special program, you can choose a cocktail recipe on the website according to the available or desired ingredients, which can be selected in a very competently and visually understandable distributed list: berry-fruit-vegetable, alcoholic, completely different kinds of drinks from milk to fruit syrups and soft drinks, various additives such as sauces and the most unusual products. The recipes are quite detailed - in addition to the standard description of the preparation and the amount of ingredients, a flavor description of the cocktail is given, as well as the required bar equipment for preparing this or that drink. In addition to cocktail recipes, the site has compiled a very interesting rating of alcoholic cocktails and drinks with ratings from site users. A very interesting platform for lovers of alcoholic cocktails and professionals of the bar industry. is another high-quality online product that represents an extensive database of recipes for alcoholic beverages. On the site besides classic recipes alcoholic beverages, non-standard unusualcocktail recipes ... Be sure to check out the TOP 10 Cocktails - a very useful ranking where you can find the most popular 10 cocktails for certain ingredients. A useful platform for amateurs and professionals. is a fairly universal alcoholic resource on the Russian Internet, in which you will findalcoholic cocktail recipes , a lot of useful information about alcohol, information on how to drink and eat properly, how to deal with a hangover, subtle alcoholic humor, and even the club of Alcoholics Anonymous. The site allows you to share your recipes for alcoholic beverages.

6 recipes for historic cocktails

Legendary cocktail "Margarita".

The most popular tequila cocktail was created in 1938 in Mexico in a restaurant in the small town of Tijuana. The dancer of the local corps de ballet, nicknamed Queen Maggiore, was not a fool to drink, but her allergy to alcohol prevented the local queen from relaxing. The only type of alcohol that the delicate body of the lady took was tequila. But tequila is a bitter, masculine drink, and the owner of the restaurant did not invent anything to make it easier taste qualities drink and make it ladies'. One fine day the experiment was a success - the restaurateur mixed tequila with lemon juice, triple sec and ice, decorated the whole thing with salt - and presented it to the beautiful queen. The dancer was happy - finally you can get drunk, the restaurateur was happy - he finally made the tequila tasty! The cocktail was named after a happy drunk dancer - Margarita. And to this day, an extraordinary cocktail pleases dancing and non-dancing all over the world.

Original alcoholic cocktail recipe "Margarita" is the following:

Cut a medium lime in the middle and squeeze the juice into a container

We take the glass in which we plan to serve the cocktail and dip its rim first in lime juice, then in salt. Next, put the glass in the refrigerator for cooling.

Pour into a shaker and add 7 parts tequila, 4 parts triple sek, 3 parts lime juice, 1 part sugar syrup, 1 teaspoon of salt and ice, mix everything.

Pour the resulting mass into a chilled glass with a salted rim.

Decorate the drink with a slice of candied lime.

We find Margarita, we serve her a cocktail on a tray.

Margarita is ready!

A refreshing historical “Mojito”.

Who would have thought that the incredibly delicious trendy modern mojito cocktail once served as a cure for cholera! The doctor Richard Drake on the ship of the conqueror of Cuba, Francis Drake, is considered to be the inventor of the cocktail drug. After visiting Cuba, the doctor crushed and pounded mint with lime and sugar for taste, and poured the whole thing with 40% alcoholic Cuban tincture. And so a magic cocktail appeared - a cure for all diseases, mental wounds and heat!

Original alcoholic cocktail recipe Mojito is as follows:

Put 5-6 mint leaves in a long glass of Highball, squeeze the juice from the lime cut into quarters, add 2 teaspoons of sugar to everything, grind well and crush the mint leaves, sugar and lemon juice at the bottom of the glass.

Pour 2 parts of rum, ice into a glass, stir.

Before serving, pour in 2.5 parts of soda and stir again.

Decorate the drink with a mint leaf and a slice of lime.

Mojito is ready!

We are looking for the sick and treating them!

The illustrious "Cosmopolitan".

The cocktail was invented in the 70s of the last century in America by a woman for women.

Barmaid Shirley Cook mixed different ingredients - and it turned out an exquisite pink cocktail for ladies, poured it into a glass with a long stem - and voila, all glamorous ladies around the world languidly sip it, glancing from under a glass at their alleged victims - the opposite sex. Well, after the famous "Sex and the City" with the lover of Cosmopolitan Kerry Bradshaw, drinking a cocktail has become the duty of fashionable glamorous ladies.

Original alcoholic cocktail recipe "Cosmopolitan" is the following:

Pour into a container 1.5 parts lemon vodka, 0.5 parts Cointreau, 1 part cranberry juice, 0.5 part fresh lime juice, 0.5 parts orange beater, ice - and shake it all well.

Pour the filtered drink into a cold cocktail glass with a long stem.

Decorate with orange peel.

The cosmopolitan is ready!

Men hold on!

Simple "Screwdriver"

Once in the last century, the hard workers of an unknown American factory really wanted to drink. For conspiracy to banks with orange juice vodka was poured - and mixed with what? Of course, the most popular factory tool is a screwdriver.

This is how the name of the invariably popular, very simple, but effective alcoholic drink appeared - the screwdriver cocktail.

Original alcoholic cocktail recipe The “screwdriver” is as follows:

Pour 2 parts of vodka, 5 parts of orange juice into a shaker, add ice and shake everything together qualitatively.

Pour the finished drink into a long highball, having previously filtered it.

The alcoholic drink is decorated with an orange slice and served with ice.

The screwdriver is ready!

Intoxicating Long Island Ice Tee.

Prohibition has never been completely dry, thanks to the ingenuity of bartenders and customers eager to relax. In the 1920s, it was forbidden to serve alcohol in the United States - and it was then that the prototype of modern Long Island was invented - a strong drink under the guise of cool tea was served in a long glass.

The drink as we have it now has an official inventor - Robert Bott - the bartender of a Long Island hotel - hence the name of the drink. The recipe for the strongest alcoholic cocktail was invented in the 70s of the last century. Today Long Island Ice Tea is consistently ranked among the five most popular alcoholic beverages - thanks to its taste, strength and effectiveness!

Original alcoholic cocktail recipe Long Island Ice Tee is as follows:

1 part tequila, 1 part vodka, 1 part gin, 1 part rum, 1 part triple sec, 1.5 parts freshly squeezed lemon, 2 parts cola are poured into a shaker, ice is added - and everything is shaken well.

The highly alcoholic, strained drink is served in a highball.

The alcoholic cocktail is decorated with a lemon wedge.

Long Island Ice Tee is ready!

Universal cocktail "Bloody Mary"

American bartender of French origin - Fernand Petiot is considered the inventor of the famous cocktail. In the 20s of the last century, the cocktail was invented in Paris, but in an American bar called "Harris". And over the name of the cocktail, there are still fierce debates - who she is Bloody Mary- the creepy English queen or the bar waitress Mary, who breaks the hearts of visitors - there is no answer to this day ...

Original alcoholic cocktail recipe "Bloody Mary" is the following:

Pour 3 parts into a shaker tomato juice, 2 parts vodka, 2 drops Tabasco, 2 drops of Worcester sauce, 0.5 parts lemon juice, salt, black pepper, ice - shake everything.

A strained alcoholic drink is served in a highball, garnished with a lemon wedge and celery.

Bloody Mary is ready!

Ecology of life: In every profession there are moments that you learn about only when you yourself get into this profession. The bartender profession is no exception. Here are some of the intricacies and tricks of this profession. Something will surprise you, something will upset you, but the fact that this article will be useful to you is undoubtedly. Now you definitely will not get into a mess when choosing a drink at the bar.

In every profession there are moments that you learn about only when you yourself get into this profession. The bartender profession is no exception. Here are some of the intricacies and tricks of this profession. Something will surprise you, something will upset you, but the fact that this article will be useful to you is undoubtedly. Now you definitely will not get into a mess when choosing a drink at the bar.

If you order alcohol in order to get drunk quickly, chances are that there is less alcohol in your glass than you think.

For those who constantly order strong cocktails and drinks, the bartenders have come up with the following trick - they pour pure alcohol into a straw. Thus, at the first sip, you feel that you have not regretted alcohol, although in reality everything may be far from the case.

When ordering cocktails based on vodka and Red Bull, be especially careful

Despite the fact that, according to the recipe, one such cocktail should take a whole can of Red Bull, in fact, most bartenders use only half of the capacity. Thus, you seem to pay for the bank, but get half the amount. If you want to be sure that your cocktail contains a whole can of energy, you can simply ask for a glass of vodka and a can of Red Bull.

Your leftovers can be a bartender's snack

This is true, but only if the bartender knows his client personally, or the client has made a favorable impression. This alignment is especially likely if the bartender did not have the opportunity to have a snack during the entire shift.

If the bartender thinks you've had enough (or just wants you to leave the bar), he can pour you non-alcoholic beer.

If the bartender sees that you are already too drunk, he can bring you a glass of non-alcoholic beer (even if you ordered alcoholic beer). If you ordered no beer at all, you may be given a gift from the establishment, not mentioning the fact that there is no alcohol in the foamy drink.

Bartenders argue that this glass will be a kind of pause in the consumption of alcohol, after which many highly drunk customers realize that they have had enough and leave the bar. It would seem, why does the bartender need this? It's simple - it's better for the client to leave on his own than to pass out right in the bar: in this case, he will have to somehow be pushed and forced out of the institution.

If you are already drunk but continue ordering cocktails and shots, your drink is likely to be low on alcohol.

This is another way to keep the customer from passing out right behind the bar. If the bartender sees that you are already too good, he will try to pour a minimum of alcohol into your cocktail and add a few drops to the very top of the drink. Thus, when you bring the cocktail to your mouth, you will smell a strong alcoholic smell - this is enough for a drunk person to think that he is still drinking. In fact, the amount of alcohol in the drink will be minimal.

Be considerate of the bartender - it can pay off

Of course, bartenders try to follow the recipe for cocktails, but there are situations (especially with strong drinks) when a minimum amount of alcohol remains at the bottom of the bottle. If you notice this, you can just walk up to the bar and, after asking for another drink, in between times ask what the bartender will do with these leftovers. If you happen to be a pleasant customer and he likes you, you may well get a free drink.

When choosing a strong drink for a cocktail, order those brands that are closer to the bartender.

There is no point in mixing expensive liquor or whiskey with juice or soda. You still won't feel the flavor you overpay for. So feel free to choose cocktails with drinks at the bartender's hand - you will hardly feel the difference anyway, and you will save money.

Don't order complicated drinks when the bar is busy

Blue cheese stuffed olives, sophisticated cocktails and even hot tea will take significantly longer to prepare than simple cocktails, beer, or pure shots. You will upset the bartender if you ask for something difficult and time-consuming in a crowded bar. Even if we ignore all the emotional moments, there is a possibility that due to lack of time, the bartender may simply make your order not very high quality. As a result, both of you will be unhappy.

Think carefully before taking a snack straight from the bar.

We are talking about large containers of nuts and chips, which are often freely available on the bar counter. One of the bartenders explains quite emotionally: “People are disgusting - they climb into a common plate of snacks without even washing their hands. This is especially true for golfers, just imagine: their left hand was in a dirty sweaty glove for at least several hours, and they climb into a plate with it. "

Fights happen more often on weekdays than on weekends, as is commonly believed

This curious moment is connected with the fact that on weekends people come mainly to have a good time with friends - they are not in the mood for conflict and arrive in a pleasant mood. While on weekdays the unemployed and people who just want to “wash down” certain problems often come to the bar. In such a contingent, fights happen much more often.

It will be interesting for you:

If you are going to visit the bar several days in a row, leave a generous tip from the beginning.

On your first visit, chat with the bartender, tell them you'll come back and leave a tip. So, the bartender will remember you, and next time you can even get your beer out of line. published by

The fact that the continents, on the other side of the globe, have long been isolated from the influence of the culture of the West, has led to the fact that their accomplishments in the field of alcohol production are significantly different from ours.

Take that very tequila, for example. Its taste is very different from anything that people in the west are used to drinking. Undoubtedly, it was this that influenced the fact that in a fairly short time she became one of the most popular drinks... It is made from agave, mistaken for a variety of cactus that grows throughout Mexico.

Another unique drink in the Northern Hemisphere is rum. He hails from Cuba, a land known for its revolutionary spirit and harsh slave laws in the past. It was the slaves who came up with the idea of ​​distilling the remains of the cane in order to get a drink that could heal their tired soul. And only many years later, rum became an attribute of pirate adventures and a welcome guest on the royal tables.

The most extraordinary drinks

Among all others, there are types of alcoholic beverages that are distinguished by their unique nature and special charm. In addition to their attachment to the country, they also have their own spirit, which has become a symbol of a whole trend in the alcohol industry.

So, one of the most extraordinary drinks of our time is considered to be absinthe. This is a bitter infusion of wormwood, which has a pronounced green color, which cannot be confused with anything else. In addition to its high strength, over 50%, it also has hallucinogenic properties that can cause attacks of insanity.

Another special drink is Japanese sake. Even if it is not capable of causing obsessions and dreams, the traditions and rituals that accompany the process of drinking it are worthy of attention.


Although, the variety that exists in the world of alcoholic beverages and strikes the imagination with its wealth, one should remember. In reasonable doses, drinking alcohol can give warmth, fun, a special atmosphere to any event, but once you cross the permitted line, it will take you into the abyss of suffering and lost hopes.

If you approach the issue of mixing cocktails at home in more detail, then first I would advise you to look through the literature on the bar business. For example, a beginner just needs to read The Bartender Bible and IMBIBE by David Wondrich. First, it will help you better understand what you mix your drink from and what should come out in the end. Secondly, it is very interesting.

Ninety-five percent of what is and what will be has already been invented. And the unique cocktails that fall into the remaining 5% are a small miracle and, as a rule, an accident. But those who do nothing do not even have accidents.

Instruments play an important role in the preparation of cocktails. They are an extension of the hands of the bartender.

Everything you need for a good result: a comfortable and reliable shaker, mixing glass, bar spoon, strainer, fine strainer and, of course, good ice (large square ice from an ice maker).

When choosing equipment, the “expensive - high quality” rule does not always work.

Shaker - the main symbol of bartender art

When choosing a shaker, try squeezing the exposed part with your hand. If the metal bends a lot, the shaker will soon start to leak. The glasses should fit snugly into each other and easily open when hit correctly.

Due to the transparency of the mixing bowl, you can always see what you get

The mixing bowl should be made of heavy-duty thick glass. You can choose an iron one, but it is not very convenient and aesthetic.

The whole grace of making a drink in a glass glass lies in the fact that you see the drink, you see that nothing superfluous has got there.

The main purpose of the bar spoon is to reach the bottom of the barware, so it is long

When choosing a spoon, it is enough to make sure that everything is in order with its center of gravity and that it fits comfortably in your hand. The rest is a matter of taste.

The strainer is a tool that sifts out large ice particles or pieces of fruit when the bartender pours a cocktail from a shaker into a glass.

There are two types of strainers:

  • Julep strainer (without spring at the edges). It was invented before the invention of straws for drinking from glasses that are filled with crushed ice.
  • Standard strainer with spring.

They are all good. Which one to choose is a matter of taste.

Julep strainer and fine strainer

Fine Strainer

In fact, this is an ordinary strainer, even from a hardware store can come up. However, the smaller the holes, the better.

Mixing technique

Drinks without an acidic part (this is usually lemon or lime juice) - "Negroni" or "Americano", "Arno" or "Bijou" - are easy to mix in a glass. It is enough to pour the ingredients into a glass, add ice and stir. Then simply drain from the ice into a chilled glass or drink with ice - it's a matter of taste.

But, whatever one may say, without a shaker and ice good drink do not mix. There are two main mixing techniques - shake and wash. Everything else - blend (beat in a blender), build (pour on ice), layer (put in layers) - echoes of either a club or a beach party.


The bartender pours the cheaper ingredients first. If you make a mistake, the mistake will cost less.

When the ingredients are in the shaker, ice can be added. The shaker should be full of ice - this way the drink will be diluted less with water.

How more ice in a glass, the slower it will melt and the less water will be there.

After intensive whipping the drink for 3-6 seconds, it must be filtered from the used ice into a chilled glass using a strainer. Maybe the shaker had fruits, mint, basil and so on. There should be a nice clean drink in the glass.


Same story: ingredients, ice, stirring, filter.


If you're making yourself a simple mix, there is a funny ELEPHANT club rule: glass, ice, base, filler.

The strong part (base) is poured first on the ice to smooth out roughness and alcoholism. Since inexpensive alcohol is used in mix drinks, it is usually odorous, sharp, and alcoholic. Two or three ingredients do not mix properly, so the alcohol needs to be smoothed and cooled.

Proportions and structure

The word "cocktail" (English cocktail - "cock's tail"), if we dig deep, is just a small category of mixed drinks.

A cocktail is a strong part, a sweet part, a bitter part, and water or soda.

Each drink has its own specific structure or category. There are no more than 15-17 of these structures in the world.

  • Daisy: hard part, liqueur sweet part, sour part. An example of a cocktail with this structure is Margarita.
  • Fizz: Strong part, acidic part, sweet part, protein and soda. An example of a cocktail with this structure is Gin Fizz.
  • Collins... The only difference from fizz is the lack of protein. An example of a cocktail with this structure is John Collins.
  • Sauer(usually a drink with egg white): the strong part, the sour part and the sweet part. An example of a cocktail with this structure is the Whiskey Sour.
  • Martini: a sturdy piece decorated with a few drops of vermouth.

Any professional bartender can simply substitute the ingredients. It's like substituting words into sentences, adding beautiful phrases. The rest is a matter of technique and tactics. Tactics here means choosing how high-quality you cook and to whom.


When mixing cocktails at home, check out these great proven combinations:

  • wine, mint and cranberry;
  • vodka and basil;
  • whiskey and passion fruit;
  • amaro (herbal liqueur) and cherries;
  • tequila, tomato and celery;
  • tequila and orange.

Use not only commercial, but also homemade syrups for cocktails. This is a whole field for experimentation.

For example, 800 grams of sugar, 1 liter of water, and 20 grams of cinnamon sticks can be used to make homemade cinnamon syrup. It is ideal for a Red Neck cocktail (40 ml of House bourbon, 20 ml of cinnamon syrup, 20 ml of sour, 100 ml of dry apple cider, 10 g of bacon for garnish).

And if you pour 500 g of barberry candies with 500 ml of water and boil until liquid, you get a barberry syrup that tastes bright to taste. We advise you to try "Candy Tree" with it (50 ml of vodka, 30 ml of homemade barberry syrup, 30 ml of lemon juice, 15 ml of blackcurrant liqueur, 5 ml of pomegranate syrup).

Of the most unusual combinations, I can name our extravagant but sophisticated drink Crusher No. 14. For him, we mixed banana sambuca, passionfruit puree, cream, lemon juice in a shaker and got a new hit.

Cocktail "Crusher No. 14"

To repeat this cocktail at home, you will need:

  • 50 ml banana sambuca;
  • 20 ml passion fruit puree;
  • 20 ml cream;
  • 20 ml lemon juice;
  • 10 ml sugar syrup;
  • whipped cream;
  • cherry for decoration.

Experiments and cocktail names

To cook delicious drinks, good proven recipes are needed. You can take the classic cocktail recipes and add something of your own.

It is very important to experiment and try even a notoriously unsuccessful product. So sometimes very unusual combinations come to mind, which in the end can pleasantly surprise.

There is none exact rule coming up with a name. It's easier to make a mental map - everything will fall into place.

For example, we want to celebrate the birthday of Gena the crocodile in Anapa and present him with a cocktail. We are looking for associations with a crocodile, with Anapa, with the sea, with a blue helicopter and ice cream. We collect identical associations from each circle and form a drink. We define the matching ingredients and sculpt the name.

Most often, the names attract the ears to the ingredients. It's even funny. For example, a spicy drink with ginger "Ostrovsky" or a cocktail with wine "Innocent".

Everything else is just a play of images and words.

For example, I want the drink to be called Low Kick. A cool and trendy name today that comes mostly from Muay Thai. Low-kick is, as a rule, an imperceptible blow that, hitting the target twice or three times, knocks the opponent off his feet. How to tie it to a drink? It's simple. The drink should be slow-acting but strong. And then the play of tastes and combinations does its job.