Drinks to quench your thirst. The best way to quench your thirst

When the sun hangs in the sky like a hot ball, and the thermometer's thermometer goes off scale, all living things are exhausted from the heat and require moisture. Did you know how to quench your thirst with health benefits?

If our body usually evaporates about 2 liters of fluid per day, in hot weather the loss of fluid reaches 4 liters, and this is a very serious test for the body. The fact that we sweat in the heat is a natural and necessary process, because this is how we fight overheating. But, losing liquid, we not only become dehydrated, together with it we lose the necessary salts, microelements and it is vitally necessary to compensate for this loss. This means that you should drink more fluids. In this article, you will learn how to quench your thirst and replenish the supply of vitality on a hot summer day.

How to quench your thirst with health benefits?

Unfortunately, not every liquid is good for quenching your thirst! Immediately, we note that there are so-called "refreshing" ones that should never be drunk in the heat - these are sweet carbonated waters. And it doesn't matter whether it is a warm drink or straight from the refrigerator - it will not quench your thirst! But the phosphoric acid contained in sweet carbonated waters spoils teeth and flushes calcium out of the body. I'm not talking about sweeteners, flavors, dyes, stabilizers and other "chemicals" that are present in such drinks in greater or lesser amounts.

So how to quench your thirst in a sultry summer?

Green tea

Perhaps the most correct drink for the hot season, hot green tea... After all, it is not for nothing that aksakals in Central Asia spend all their free time in teahouses, slowly enjoying a hot yellow-green drink at the hottest time of the day. Tea immediately quenches thirst, and at the same time stimulates perspiration, and, as you know, evaporation of sweat, if the air temperature is above 33 degrees, is the only way to release heat into the environment, preventing overheating of the body.

Also, tea contains useful macro- and microelements, including potassium. Tea is doubly useful, especially if you add a little salt to it.

Drink very hot green tea without sweets and very slowly. Pour a little tea into a bowl, literally a few sips. Enjoy the process, it is not the amount of tea that is important, but the time, because the tea should have time to take effect! After a few bowls, the thirst will surely recede. Tea not only quenches thirst, it has a very positive effect on health, stimulates the nervous system, increases mental capacity, and normalizes digestion. Due to the high content of vitamin P, it has a positive effect on blood vessels, which is very important in hot weather.

Iced tea is also good for quenching thirst on a hot summer day, but I still prefer the classic (hot) version. Moreover, experts say that hot green tea is able to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.


Not a bad choice for the summer - quench fruit drinks. In fact, fruit drink is a diluted natural fruit or berry juice. In the heat, preference should be given to sour fruit drinks, especially useful fruit drinks from red currant, cranberry or lingonberry, they thin the blood well, quench thirst, replenish the loss of trace elements. A kind of fruit drink from dried apricots is very useful. It is not difficult to cook it - just take a good quality dried apricots and pour boiling water over it. It is not worth boiling when the infusion cools down, put the container with the drink in the refrigerator and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach and throughout the day. This delicious fruit drink will quench your thirst, support your heart in the heat, and have the most positive effect on blood vessels and blood pressure.

Mineral lightly carbonated water

Mineral slightly carbonated water according to ability quench, due to the large amount of salts and biologically active substances, can rightfully take the second place in the ranking of the right drinks. You can drink table mineral water without restrictions, it is great to start every new morning with a small portion of such water! It cleanses the stomach and intestines, promotes proper digestion, and removes toxins. It is recommended to drink mineral water room temperature, or slightly chilled sparkling water quenches thirst better than still, but if you prefer still, add a little lemon juice or mint infusion to it, the refreshing effect will be more pronounced.


Kvass is natural, homemade, thanks to the carbon dioxide and amino acids it contains, it is also quite a worthy "thirst quencher". In addition, back in the 19th century, it turned out that this drink has bactericidal properties - cholera vibrios and typhoid sticks die in it after 20 minutes. Agree, for a hot time, when E. coli have such favorable conditions for reproduction, this property of kvass is downright priceless!

But all of the above does not apply in any way to bottled carbonated "kvass" sold in stores. The addition of food colors, sweeteners, citric, sorbic and benzoic acids turns it into an ordinary lemonade that only vaguely resembles the original product in taste.

Making kvass at home is not such a difficult task. First, you need a real Rye bread... Cut it into small slices and dry in the oven, to enhance the color of the drink, a couple of slices can be burned over a fire. For 0.5 kg of bread, 4-5 liters of water, 200 grams of sugar and about 40 grams are used. fresh yeast... If you come across special for kvass very well. Crackers should be poured with hot water (about 2 liters) and wait until they are soaked and cool. The wort for kvass is almost ready. In the wort, cooled to the temperature of a human body, add the yeast, previously diluted in a part of this wort itself, the remaining warm water, sugar and a handful of raisins. Kvass is infused from 10 hours to a couple of days in a warm place. Then it is strained, bottled, and consumed as directed.

Kvass is a fermentation product, and theoretically you can get drunk from it, but I don't know how much you need to drink kvass to feel alcoholic intoxication... Just in case, do not drink more than a liter of this drink in extreme heat!

Dairy products

Fermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk (not fatty), yogurt (not sweet), yogurt, perfectly quench thirst, help to restore the normal composition of the intestinal microflora. From homemade yogurt, you can make a refreshing and thirst-quenching drink - ayran. First, put the yogurt on cheesecloth and let the whey drain. The resulting curd-like mass, in Central Asia it is called syuzma, is a wonderful product from which you can make sauces and use in salads. But if you dilute the suzma mineral water, you get ayran. Ayran is usually added with crushed basil, or other herbs to taste, a pinch of salt, and its main advantage is that in the summer heat it simultaneously quenches both thirst and hunger.


What about beer? Unfortunately, despite its great popularity precisely as a thirst quencher, experts do not recommend getting carried away with beer on hot days. Beer is an alcoholic beverage, and even a small dose of alcohol can affect your decision-making ability and performance, and the stress on your heart can be too great. In addition, beer stimulates filtration in the kidneys, as a result, the body loses fluid even faster. Heat and alcohol dangerous combination, therefore, it is better to give preference to other drinks - kvass, fruit drink, tea.

Dry white wine

Well, if the solemnity of the moment does not allow you to refuse an alcoholic drink (somehow it is not customary for us to make toasts with kvass) - choose dry white chilled wine. Dry white wine is a traditional summer wine. Cool high-quality, elite, white wine to 4 degrees, ordinary - up to 8 degrees. In hot weather, it is better to dilute the wine with mineral water in a 1: 1 ratio and add a couple of ice cubes. In a sense, diluted wine is even better than fruit drink or juice - it has less sugar. It is known to help you lose extra pounds, improve digestion, metabolism and, of course, quench your thirst. In small quantities, dry wine lowers blood pressure, unlike spirits and beer. Dry red wine is also a good antioxidant and source of trace elements, but it should be consumed only in small quantities and also diluted with water. Cardiologists believe that, in a certain proportion with water, dry wine is not only the most normal option for replenishing the circulating blood volume, it also has antiplatelet properties (thins the blood), normally quenches thirst and contains substances that prevent blood clotting.


In the heat, a person loses about 2-3 liters of fluid. Because of this, mental condition worsens, dizziness, weakness begins, and there is a risk of dehydration and fainting.

It is necessary to constantly maintain the body's water balance, but with what? We offer 7 drinks that will best help you to cope with the heat and quench your thirst.

Best thirst quencher

1. Plain water

The best way to saturate the body with moisture is ordinary water. Clean, cool water is the easiest and most affordable source of thirst quencher. In addition, for those who follow the figure, this is the most demanded drink.

If plain water seems too boring to you - add a little lemon juice.

2. Kvass

Kvass - traditional drink during the heat. It perfectly quenches thirst due to the amino acids and carbon dioxide it contains. In addition, this soft drink has bactericidal properties and kills harmful microorganisms.

Only natural kvass has beneficial properties. If the composition contains food colors, sweeteners, preservatives, then this drink is very far from kvass.

3. Berry fruit drinks

Berry drinks are especially rich in vitamins and mineral salts, they contain large amounts of pectin, vitamins of groups A, B and C, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.

All kinds of fruit drinks made from sour berries (especially without sugar and sweeteners) perfectly refresh and prevent dehydration. Not recommended for use on an empty stomach.

4. Fermented milk drinks

In the heat, fermented milk products perfectly quench their thirst: kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, ayran, tan, etc. In addition, they restore the normal composition of the intestinal microflora and are absorbed very quickly.

For the hottest day, drinks like ayran or tan are best suited - they have a slightly salty taste and not only quench thirst for a long time, but also can relieve intoxication and headaches.

Green tea quenches thirst

5. Green tea

Yes, it is hot, not cold green tea that will help you get drunk in the heat. The secret of hot tea is simple: it dilates blood vessels, increases sweating, and with it the excess heat goes away. Due to this, the body is cooled.

Green tea also reduces the body's need for fluids, has a tonic effect and stimulates the nervous system. Not recommended for use on an empty stomach.

6. Mineral water

Slightly carbonated mineral water is an excellent thirst quencher. Contains pure water, dissolved salts, important for metabolism, and carbon dioxide. It is subdivided into a dining room, a medical dining room and a medical one (depending on the concentration of salts in it).

For daily use, choose only table water with a salt content of no more than 2-3 grams. for 1 liter. If you suffer from urolithiasis, have kidney problems or are pregnant, consult a doctor before use.

7. Sour fruit smoothies

Cocktails made from fermented milk products and fresh fruits, which you can drink and eat at the same time. Must not contain added ingredients - sugar, citric acid, flavors, preservatives, etc.

Smoothies have the same health benefits as fruits - when used in a sour fruit shake, they have excellent thirst-quenching properties.

8. Helpful hints

Refrain from alcohol and beer in hot weather. Any alcohol increases heat transfer, promotes dehydration of the body and puts a huge load on the heart and blood vessels.

Avoid coffee and strong black tea. These drinks, like alcohol, have a strong diuretic effect. For the same reason, various energetics cannot be consumed in the heat.

Avoid soda and non-natural juices. The sugars, sweeteners, dyes and preservatives in these drinks inflame rather than quench your thirst.

Don't drink a lot at once. The liquid you drink does not quench your thirst immediately, but after 10-15 minutes.

Choose only the right and healthy drinks, carefully read the composition on the label, and then you will not be afraid of any thirst in the summer! Be healthy.

It's no secret that the human body is almost three-quarters water. Therefore, in case of its lack, metabolic processes slow down significantly, cells begin to experience a deficiency of trace elements, and the person himself suffers from lethargy, apathy and lack of tone.

The question of how to quench your thirst worries not only fans of intense physical activity and fans of the bath, but also the vast majority of people throughout the year. There are many ways to replenish the lack of fluid in the body, but not all drinks do this well.

How does the feeling of thirst arise and why is it dangerous?

To answer the question of how to properly quench your thirst, it is worth examining the mechanism of its occurrence. Records for the content of fluid in the human body are muscle tissue, as well as the circulatory and lymphatic systems. In addition to water, they also contain trace elements such as sodium, potassium and magnesium salts, which are necessary for full-fledged metabolic processes in the body. If the ratio of water to salt changes, the blood vessels have to suck fluid from the surrounding muscle tissue.

At the same time, the fibers of muscle tissue, experiencing a lack of fluid, transmit certain impulses to the brain. It is he who makes the larynx and throat contract intensively after receiving the appropriate signal, which provokes a reduced production of saliva. As a result, it becomes difficult for a person to swallow, and he is clearly aware of his desire to replenish water reserves. If you do not quench your thirst in a timely manner, you may experience the following unpleasant consequences:

  1. There is a violation of the production of elastin and collagen, which significantly accelerates the aging process of the skin, makes it more wrinkled and outwardly similar to dry parchment.
  2. In case of lack of fluid, muscle tissue begins to dry out and slowly degrade.
  3. The viscosity of the blood changes, which can provoke the appearance of blood clots that clog the vessels. The consequences of such disorders are usually strokes and heart attacks.

The daily intake of water can vary from 1.5 to 3 liters, depending on the physiological and other characteristics of a particular person. Fluid from the body quickly leaves both with urine and through the gastrointestinal tract, as well as with breathing and sweating. Therefore, in the hot season, it is necessary to drink much more water than in the cold one.

How can you quench your thirst in the summer? Best method say goodbye to thirst in the summer heat - drink a couple of glasses of a suitable liquid, with a pause between doses of 10-15 minutes. A few minutes after the first portion was drunk, you need to make sure that the feeling of dry mouth has passed without a trace. If the thirst still makes itself felt, it is worth taking a leisurely sips to drink another glass after the specified time period. This method can most effectively eliminate the feeling of lack of fluid, but what drink is the best to quench your thirst?

Contrary to the opinion of many people, ordinary water is not the best way to quickly remove thirst. Why? The fact is that in the hot period of the year, a person has to sweat very intensely both during the day and at night. This provokes an excessive loss of both moisture and the mass of important trace elements such as potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus.

It is for this reason that the body needs to directly replenish water and salt reserves. If a person drinks ordinary water in sufficient quantities, there is an increased loss of various salts, while the feeling of thirst disappears only for a short period. Therefore, we can say that the more water you drink, the more and more you want it.

How can you quench your thirst in the heat? Is there a way out? Yes! Drink mineral water. The salts dissolved in it will replenish the balance in the body in the required amount. However, read the label carefully. The fact is that excess mineralization is only suitable for treating the gastrointestinal tract, so choose water in which the salt content is no more than 10 g per 1 liter.

There is one more good way- cool water with lemon. Try adding a slice of lemon to a glass of water: the natural acid will help to quickly get rid of the feeling of dry mouth.

Warm herbal tea can quickly quench your thirst. The composition of this drink is extremely rich in essential vitamins and mineral salts, which can slow down the absorption of fluid through the intestinal walls, making it possible to forget about thirst for a fairly long period of time.

Of course, we are talking exclusively about self-brewed herbal tea, and not about ready-made sugary drinks from the supermarket. Cold tea allows you to create a feeling of coolness, while hot tea stimulates the separation of sweat, which entails cooling the body due to the intense loss of excess heat that goes away along with evaporation.

It should be noted that black or green tea will only exacerbate the problem. They contain too many tannins that irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, in addition, these drinks contribute to the rapid elimination of fluid from the body, which provokes dry skin and the appearance of early wrinkles.

Other drinks

When talking about drinks that quench thirst, we must not forget about natural juices... However, you will help your own body get rid of thirst and get a portion of vitamins and minerals only when it comes to natural freshly squeezed fresh juices that are free of sugar, sweeteners, preservatives and other harmful ingredients.

How to quench your thirst instead of juice or tea? For such tasks, dried fruit compote is quite suitable or fresh apples, pears and seasonal berries, complemented by a sprig of mint. It is very good and useful to drink fruit drinks from sour fruits or berries.

So what is the best fit for such a task? How to quench your thirst without harm to your health? As it turned out, this can be done perfectly by drinking herbal or ginger tea, natural juices, compotes, fruit drinks. But the following drinks should be neglected to quench dry mouth:

  • Packaged juices, sugary carbonated drinks are definitely a bad decision, since such drinks are only able to quench their thirst for a short time, but soon this feeling will return and become much more disturbing. A great amount sugar in these drinks contributes to rapid obesity and the development of diabetes.
  • Coffee (like black or green tea) is a strong diuretic, so it can cause excess moisture loss.
  • Any alcoholic drinks(like beer and kvass) increase the acidic environment in the body, which leads to severe dehydration. In addition, such drinks disrupt the balance of potassium, which often entails various problems with the cardiovascular system, including cardiac arrest.

Drink only natural, healthy drinks. Do not harm your body, and then all day you will feel only health and vigor.

If the human body usually evaporates up to 2.5 liters of moisture per day, then in hot weather and with hefty physical exertion, the "leak" reaches 4 liters. Is it a lot or a little? Scientists have calculated that with a loss of 1 liter of fluid, thirst begins to torment us, 2 liters ─ mental activity decreases, 3 liters ─ dizziness begins, 4 liters ─ fainting and heart attacks are possible.

Bread, soups, vegetables, fruits can compensate for about a third of the lack of moisture, and drinks can fill up to two thirds. We rated their ability to quench their thirst on a 5-point scale.

Tea (*****)

According to scientists, this is the best way to quench your thirst - it requires one third less than water. It doesn't matter if it is cold, hot or slightly warm. Green tea is favored by the high content of vitamin P, which has a positive effect on blood vessels. This magic elixir is easier to drink and does not leave yellowness on the teeth, but black tea tones up better due to caffeine.

Secret. Hot green tea protects the skin from ultraviolet rays: 4 cups a day ─ and the result is evident!

Water (****)

By its ability to quench thirst due to the large amount of salts and biologically active substances, cool mineral water is second only to tea. It perfectly refreshes, stimulates appetite and even relieves fatigue. Table water with a degree of mineralization of no more than 1 g / l, as well as medical table water with a mineralization of 4 ~ 5 g / l, such as Borjomi, are perfect. More than 10 g / l is already a medicine that should only be used as directed by a doctor.

If you don't have gastritis or stomach ulcers, go for carbonated water. Carbon dioxide, getting into the mouth, causes strong salivation and quickly overcomes thirst.

Secret. A slice of lemon or a few sour berries ─ cranberries or lingonberries added to the water will help to overcome the "enemy".

To retain moisture in the body, tea, juice or soda must contain dissolved nutrients, mainly sugars, organic acids and minerals. After all, the point of quenching your thirst is not to take in as much cool liquid as possible, but to restore strength and replenish the nutrients that have “flown away” from the body.

Dairy products (****)

Kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt, including organic acids, perfectly quench thirst. In addition, they are quickly absorbed (for an hour ─ by 91%, while milk ─ only by 32%). Some of them ─ for example, bifidokefir, bifidok ─ help to restore the normal composition of the intestinal microflora. Spoiled milk all types can be consumed with sweet fruits, berries, vegetables.

Secret. In the process of fermentation, lactose turns into lactic acid, so fermented milk products are suitable for people suffering from individual intolerance to milk sugar.

Milk (***)

When the temperature "overboard" has exceeded all possible limits, try drinking a glass of skim milk or whole milk diluted with water. This drink relieves stress.

Secret. Milk tea is a tonic drink that has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa.

Juices and nectars (***)

In summer, tomato, cherry, grapefruit, plum, cherry plum and dogwood juices help well. The acid irritates the taste buds, a profuse salivation begins ─ and it seems to us that it is not so hot around. Juices with pulp, as well as blended (mixed) juices quench thirst much worse. However, they also contain fiber, pectin, fat-soluble vitamins, so they nutritional value above.

Secret. In hot weather, diluted juice is best. The fact is that isotonic (close in concentration to blood plasma) drinks are absorbed faster and bring relief.

Kvass (***)

The secretary of the Antiochian patriarch Macarius, who traveled to Muscovy in the 18th century, wrote that "in Russia people drink kvass instead of water, and therefore never get sick with diseases caused by bad water." In the 19th century, it turned out that this drink really has bactericidal properties - cholera vibrios and typhoid sticks die in it after 20 minutes. Real, classic kvass thanks to the carbon dioxide and amino acids it contains, it is an excellent thirst quencher. He is satisfying. In addition, kvass belongs to the group of so-called fermented drinks, and therefore promotes faster digestion of food.

Secret. With regular consumption, kvass improves the functioning of the nervous system.

Not recommended. Drink bottled carbonated kvass. The addition of food colors, sweeteners, citric, sorbic and benzoic acids turns it into an ordinary lemonade that only vaguely resembles the original product in taste.

Beer (**)

Unfortunately, the beloved by many "hop nectar" contains alcohol, and therefore more than a couple of bottles a day is already too much. The point is not even beer alcoholism, but the fact that alcoholic beverages cannot fully compensate for the loss of water. In addition, beer is high in calories, which means it is not suitable for those who follow the figure.

Secret. Czech and German doctors say: in a small amount (no more than one glass a day) beer reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, has a positive effect on the kidneys, prevents the formation of stones, and increases the body's defenses.

Lemonade (*)

The prototype of all modern carbonated drinks was lemonade, which was made by mixing a small amount of sugar, alcoholic zest and citrus juice with water. Now manufacturers are abandoning fruit syrups and infusions of aromatic herbs, replacing them with cheaper concentrates. Therefore, food colorings and preservatives (more often than others - sodium benzoate, suspected of causing allergies) became the main components of "softdrinks". They almost do not quench thirst and are consumed in larger quantities than tasteless liquids. Pleasant sensations play a bad joke with us, because with every sip we get a lot of "foreign" substances ─ flavorings, food additives... All this "chemistry" leaves a sugary aftertaste, and the so-called residual sweetness has to be washed down over and over again.

Secret. A truly healthy lemonade can be made at home. To do this, you just need to dilute fruit puree mineral water.

Mikhail GURVICH, Candidate of Medical Sciences, gastroenterologist and nutritionist; an employee of the Clinic of Clinical Nutrition of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

In summer, soft drinks are in great demand. Let's try to figure out the best way to quench your thirst.

1. Mineral water

Due to the absence of sugar, it quickly quenches thirst without "rewarding" us with extra calories. But it supplies the body with valuable trace elements. Which one depends on the source from which the water was obtained. However, in order for the mineral water to really benefit, its choice should be taken responsibly.

Everything mineral water fall into three categories:

Canteens. In a liter of such water, approximately 1 gram of various salts is dissolved. This is a very low figure, so you can drink table water every day. However, if you have hypertension, do not lean on water that contains sodium - it can cause an increase in blood pressure. It is better for people with kidney and bladder diseases not to abuse calcium waters, this trace element sometimes causes the formation of stones, and those who have stomach problems should know that sulfates have a mild laxative effect.

Medical dining rooms. Contains from 1 to 10 g of salt per liter. You should not get carried away with such waters. The daily dose should not exceed two glasses. And it is better to entrust the choice of water to a specialist. Only a doctor can determine which of the medicinal table waters will benefit you.

2. Juices

Rich in vitamins and minerals. Quenches thirst well. However, most fruit juices contain quite a bit of sugar. So, glass orange juice will supply you with about four pieces of refined sugar and "present" about 90 kcal.

It should also be remembered that all fruit juices are harmful to the teeth. Sugar and fruit acids combine with plaque and cause tooth decay. Therefore, after the juice is drunk, it will be useful to rinse your mouth.

Fruit juices can be:

Freshly squeezed. They contain a maximum of vitamins and a minimum of calories, but are stored for no more than two days.

Refurbished. Concentrate fruit juice diluted with water to its original consistency and sterilized. As a rule, such juices are additionally enriched with vitamins. You can store the closed bag for up to a week.

3. Morse

This drink is made from fruit or berry juices with the addition of sugar, honey and water. In any fruit drink there are B vitamins (needed for hair, nails, skin and Have a good mood), vitamin C (protects against viruses and premature aging), vitamin A (needed for good vision).

And, of course, most of the nutrients, which are found in the berries from which the drink was prepared. So, for example, cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks are recommended for prevention colds, blackberry normalizes the stomach, currant increases immunity, and cherry protects against intestinal infections.

4. Kvass

Kvass contains many organic acids. They are able to retain moisture in the body, this explains the ability of kvass to quench thirst better than other drinks. And kvass yeast is considered an excellent remedy for nervous diseases, indigestion. In addition, they have a wonderful effect on the appearance of kvass lovers - it is known that yeast strengthens hair and nails, and at the same time improves complexion and makes the skin smooth.

In addition, being a fermentation product, kvass contains a large number of live cultures. These beneficial bacteria help the stomach to digest food, remove toxins and toxins from the body,
improve the condition of the skin and hair, and also fight against pathogenic microbes.

5. Soda

Not the most The best way quench thirst. No vitamins, but plenty of calories. A glass of sweet soda contains about 20 grams of sugar! Plus, carbon dioxide bubbles irritate the stomach lining and can lead to digestive problems. Another reason not in favor of soda is the abundance of preservatives, which can provoke allergic diseases.

Fans of carbonated drinks often choose water marked "light". There are practically no calories in such water, and a substitute is used instead of sugar. However, it turned out that the absence of sugar does not mean that those who drink soda "light" will immediately become slim. Scientists conducted interesting experiment on rats. They fed some rats with yogurt containing natural sugar and others with artificial yoghurt. As a result of the experiment, the appetite of rodents, whose diet included a sugar substitute, increased significantly and they began to get fat. It has not yet been proven that sweeteners have a similar effect in humans, but scientists tend to believe that light drinks can lead to weight gain. When we eat regular sugar, insulin is produced to process it. But, since it is the taste of sugar that leads to the production of this hormone, insulin is also produced when sugar substitutes are used. As a result, the body, “tuned in” to receive calories and did not receive them, begins to demand energy with a vengeance and you feel hungry.

Some doctors believe that sweeteners can cause kidney failure and are carcinogenic. However, all these statements remained speculations.

By the way…

Scientists have found that one of the reasons for weight gain is that the signals of hunger and thirst sent by the brain are the same. Therefore, we think that we are hungry and we eat, while the brain only asked for water. In order not to overeat, it is helpful to quench your thirst before sitting down to the table. If after that the feeling of hunger has passed - you are on the right track. If after 20-30 minutes the feeling of hunger has not passed, eat. A glass of water, drunk half an hour before a meal, will not only not bring harm, but will also have a very beneficial effect on the body. The water will prepare the digestive system and the lunch eaten will be absorbed.
fully, and in addition, it will pacify the increased appetite, preventing you from overeating.


As you know, a person needs to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. However, in the heat, our need for water increases. If the air temperature has crawled over the mark of 25 degrees, it is recommended to drink a glass of water every half hour. It is better to refuse coffee and other drinks containing caffeine in the heat. Caffeine makes your heart beat faster, and at high temperatures the "motor" is already under serious stress.

You shouldn't try to quench your thirst with alcohol either. As tempting as a cold beer may look, remember that alcoholic beverages can cause dehydration.