Milk rice porridge with raisins recipe. Rice porridge with raisins as in kindergarten

Rice porrige is an universal dish that can be prepared easily and quickly enough. It has a pleasant delicate aroma, delicate and mild taste, airy structure. If you cook it according to all the rules, without neglecting technology, even the most capricious kids will like the porridge. Rice porridge, boiled in water with the addition of raisins and other delicacies, is recognized as satisfying and nutritious, while it does not overload the digestive tract with excess calories.

Rice kernels contain a sufficient amount of mineral substances, vitamins. If you eat rice porridge for breakfast, then throughout the day you will be vigorous and energetic. It can be cooked with meat, fish and vegetables. As for the sweet interpretation of this dish then it is served with raisins, figs, prunes and dried apricots, jam and honey, various nuts. Prepare useful and tasty dish for the whole family, a step-by-step recipe will help.

Rice porridge with raisins on the water is very easy to prepare. To do this, you need a minimum list of ingredients that are in any kitchen. Rice porridge contains complex carbohydrates, which will avoid various snacks. By enriching the porridge with raisins, you will increase the amount of minerals, vitamins and valuable substances in this dish.

The second positive property of such porridge is that rice is recognized as a natural adsorbent. Thanks to him unique properties there is an absorption of harmful components, salts, and then their evacuation from the body. As you can see, this is extraordinary. healthy dish great for breakfast. However, you do not need to abuse such a delicacy. In order not to provoke problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should use it no more than 3 times a week.


A healthy, balanced meal has an approximate cooking time of thirty minutes. Exit - 2 servings.


1. Having studied the proposed recipe, you should prepare necessary products nutrition. First of all, you should prepare rice groats, namely, measure, sort, and then rinse. It is important to rinse until the water is completely clear. This way you can get rid of the starch. Then the cereal should be sent to a small saucepan.

2. Take the right amount water, pour into a saucepan to the cereal.

3. After that, the pan should be sent to the stove, boil water and reduce heat to a minimum. At this stage, you need to salt, add sugar to the dish.

4. If a large amount of foam appears during the cooking process, it is advisable to remove it.

5. While cooking cereals, you can start preparing raisins. It should be washed with hot water, cleaned of various debris, tails. Black or white varieties are perfect for this dish. Both types can be added if desired.

6. Porridge is cooked on minimum heat for fifteen minutes. This time is enough for each grain to swell and get water. After that, add raisins to the porridge, stir thoroughly and boil for another five minutes.

Among the different types of cereals, rice is different delicate taste and a pleasant aroma. Despite its light texture, nutritional value the finished product is high, which ensures a feeling of satiety.

Basic recipe

Cooking rice porridge with raisins in water will require the following set of ingredients in the kitchen:

  • rice (round grinding) - 100 g;
  • sugar and salt to taste;
  • medium-sized raisins or alternatively regular fresh grapes - 50 g;
  • water - 2.7 cups;
  • butter - 45 g.

Cooking process:

  • Round grains of rice should be sorted out before use in order to exclude various debris or pebbles from getting into the porridge;
  • Rinse the groats 2-5 times or until the water becomes distinctly clear;
  • Pour clean water into a saucepan or other suitable for cooking container, place the washed rice in it, put it on a low mode;
  • Add salt and sugar to the boiled and swollen rice to taste;
  • Rinse the raisins and put in hot water for 5 minutes to soften;
  • After the porridge boils, it must be boiled for 15 minutes, then add the raisins;
  • Continue cooking on low heat for another 3 to 6 minutes;
  • Then remove from the stove, add butter, stir.
  • Before putting the porridge on the table, let it brew under the lid for about 10 minutes. This time is enough for the rice grains to swell and acquire a pleasant dried fruit taste.

    Rice porridge with raisins in milk

    To prepare this type of porridge, you will need following ingredients:

    • rice (preferably with round grains) - 200 g and milk - 400 ml - the main components of the dish;
    • water - 200 ml (or 1 regular glass);
    • raisins (grape jam, optional) - 70 g;
    • butter (sweet) - 50 g (or to taste), sugar and salt are also to taste - additional components (fillers for porridge).

    The cooking time, taking into account the preparation of products, is 30 minutes.

    Calorie content (100 g portion) - 170 kcal.

    Cooking process:

  • The rice selected for cooking will need to be sorted out and washed (change the water 2-3 times);
  • In a saucepan or other container with high sides, pour water and pour in prepared rice, put on low heat;
  • Cook while stirring;
  • After all the water has evaporated, add milk to the pan (in order to cook liquid porridge, you need to increase the amount of milk from 400 ml to 600 ml);
  • Cook for a short time (up to 7 minutes), then add salt, sugar and raisins to improve taste.

  • Before serving, remove from heat, cover with a lid of a suitable diameter. You can also cover with a towel, let the porridge brew for 8-12 minutes. Then put in the butter and stir the cooked porridge.

    Sweet rice porridge with apples, raisins and cinnamon

    This dish can be used both as the main one for breakfast or dinner, and as a dessert for children. The following ingredients are involved in the preparation:

    • round grain rice (boiled well) - 100 g;
    • milk (you can use both regular fat content and baked milk) - 400 ml (additionally up to 20 ml is allowed);
    • sugar - 20 g;
    • fine table salt - to taste (but less than sugar);
    • large sweet apple - 1 pc;
    • sweet butter - 70 g;
    • cinnamon (spice) - 20 g;
    • raisins (without glaze, seeds) - 45 g;
    • cane sugar - 20 g.

    Cooking time - 35 minutes.

    The calorie content of the finished dish per 100 g is 168 kcal.

    Cooking process:

  • Sort the rice without fail to avoid dirt getting into the porridge, rinse it several times additionally (until the water is completely transparent);
  • Pour water into a saucepan and pour rice, cook on low heat for 10 minutes;
  • Pour the raisins with hot water so that they are not hard in the porridge so that it becomes soft;
  • Pour milk into a saucepan, stir, cook, stirring occasionally, for another 10 minutes;
  • Peel the apple from the peel and seeds, cut into cubes, cover with cane sugar;
  • Add salt and sugar (refined) to the rice, mix;
  • Remove from heat, close the lid, leave for a few minutes.
  • Before serving, place cinnamon, raisins, apples in sugar and butter in rice, mix well.

    Milk rice porridge with pumpkin and raisins

    Verified and very delicious recipe... The porridge turns out to be moderately sweet and very satisfying. For cooking, you will need to use ingredients based on 150 g of round rice:

    • water - 250 ml and milk - 350 ml - liquid components;
    • pumpkin - 230 g (only pulp is used in this recipe) and raisins (dried fruit) - 50 g - fillers for porridge;
    • butter - 50 g, change up or down by 3-5 g is allowed;
    • salt and sugar are added to taste.

    Cooking time - 30 minutes.

    Caloric content per 100 g - 148 kcal.

    Cooking process:

  • Sort the rice and rinse well until the rice is clearly visible in the water;
  • Pour water into a container, add rice, cook for 10 minutes, stir (to exclude the possibility of burning);
  • Pour in milk, stir, then add the available amount of salt and sugar;
  • Then cut the pumpkin pulp into small cubes and add to the porridge;
  • Continue cooking for another 15 minutes.
  • After that, close the pan with a lid and leave to infuse for another 5 minutes, but you can hold it for 10 minutes. Then add the raisins and butter, stir and serve.

    Before cooking rice porridge, the cereal must be sorted out, as it may contain dirt or small stones. It is better to rinse it in cold water, changing it from 2 to 4 times - this will allow the porridge to become crumbly.

    The thickness of the dish is easy to regulate on your own - less liquid - thick, more than in the recipe - liquid. The optimal ratio of cereal and liquid (milk or water) is 1: 2.

    Parboiled, long, brown rice - all of these types of cereals are not suitable for porridge so well, so it is better not to use them for this dish.

    Who said that porridge on water cannot be tasty? Very much even possible! Try it and see for yourself.

    Rice porridge on the water with raisins is a great breakfast option for both adults and children. In less than an hour, you can prepare a healthy and tasty dish with a minimum of effort. All that is required is to rinse the rice, cover it with water and leave to cook, remembering to stir the porridge from time to time. Raisins diversify the finished dish, giving it a pleasant touch of sweetness.

    If you don't want to stand at the stove in the morning, cook porridge in the evening. It's even better: there is less hassle, and the taste is better - overnight the porridge will infuse and swell properly. You can serve rice porridge with anything: with sugar, honey, jam or jam, just do not forget to put a piece in your plate butter- the dish will have a completely unusual taste!

    So, for cooking rice porridge in water with raisins, we need the following ingredients.

    First, rinse the rice well under running cold water.

    Pour 2 cups of filtered water into a small saucepan, add salt, pour the washed rice and put on fire. Cook for 15-20 minutes until the rice swells and all the liquid evaporates. Stir the porridge periodically so that it does not burn.

    At this time, we will rinse the raisins, peel and fill if necessary warm water... Leave aside for 15 minutes to soften and juicy raisins.

    After the specified time, we will salt the water and dry the raisins on a clean towel so that excess moisture does not get into the porridge.

    And our rice is already cooked! Despite the fact that I used round rice, in ready-made porridge individual grains are very obvious. At this stage, the preparation of the porridge can be completed by adding the prepared raisins to the pan. I prefer a viscous porridge, and therefore I want the rice to boil a little more in the water and swell. To do this, I pour a third glass of water into the rice and boil it until the liquid is almost completely boiled away.

    Now I throw in the raisins, mix and leave under the lid to brew a little and, as they say, come to readiness. If you cook porridge in the evening, I advise you to leave it undercooked, that is, in a small amount of boiling water. During the night, the porridge will absorb it.

    Our rice porridge on water with raisins is ready! Serve hot, seasoned with sugar or honey!

    Bon appetit and a good start to your day!

    When the family has small children, the question of what would be healthy and tasty to cook for breakfast is more acute than ever. So we decided to offer you one unusually tasty and indisputably healthy dish - this is porridge. And if it is also porridge with raisins or other goodies, then not only a child, but also any adult cannot refuse such a delicacy. We offer you several options for cereals, and you are already looking at what you like the most.
    with raisins and prunes
    You will need the following ingredients:
    ... three hundred grams of rice;
    ... 160 grams of prunes (pitted);
    ... 600 grams of water (mixed with broth);
    ... forty grams of sugar;
    ... 80 grams of honey;
    ... 50 grams of raisins;
    ... 30 grams of candied fruits;
    ... some nuts (or pumpkin seeds);
    ... some salt.

    How to prepare with raisins and prunes:
    Pre-soak the raisins in water (for about half an hour). Boil prunes in sugar water. Then drain the broth, strain it well, add a little water to it and let it boil. The boiling broth should be lightly salted, and then pour rice into it and cook until tender. After the porridge is ready, you need to add prunes, honey, raisins to it and mix everything well. When you serve the dish, you need to decorate it with candied fruits and sprinkle with nuts on top.
    And here is another one with raisins, which is distinguished by a small amount of ingredients and excellent taste.
    Rice porridge with raisins and other dried fruits
    Ingredients for porridge:
    ... half a cup of rice;
    ... dried fruits (raisins, dates, dried apricots, prunes);
    ... butter;
    ... a little salt.
    Rice porridge with raisins and other dried fruits, cooking process:
    First you need to rinse the rice well and soak it in cold water (preferably for at least half an hour). We take another bowl and soak dried fruits in it.
    We choose a pot (with an approximate capacity of 450 grams) and put rice and dried fruits in it, then add salt and sugar and fill it with cold (it should be twice as much as rice).
    We put the pot in a preheated oven, but do not cover it with a lid until the water is slightly absorbed by the rice. After that, close the pot and cook the rice for about ten to fifteen minutes.
    Rice porridge with raisins and apples is a very tasty and healthy dish for both children and adults. Therefore, we advise you to pamper your loved ones with such a healthy delicacy.
    Rice porridge with raisins and apples
    For such a porridge, you will need:
    ... about two glasses of rice;
    ... five to six apples;
    ... 100-150 grams of butter;
    ... raisin;
    ... sugar (according to your own taste).
    Porridge preparation method:
    Fill two glasses of rice with one and a half glasses of water and boil until half cooked. While the rice is cooking, you can wash the apples and peel them. Soak the raisins in water. Rinse the semi-finished rice and let it drain a little. Then put rice in layers in a saucepan, then apples, then raisins, then sugar and butter, and so on until the very top. The last layer should be apples. We put the saucepan in the oven for about forty minutes.
    For those who have always believed that they are needed only in order to propose to cook the next porridge, in order to fall in love with millet porridge once and for all.
    Millet porridge with raisins and dried apricots
    Required Ingredients:
    ... one glass of millet;
    ... one and a half glasses of water;
    ... about one and a half glasses of milk;
    ... half a glass of raisins;
    ... half a glass of dried apricots;
    ... a couple of tablespoons of tablespoons of sugar;
    ... one tablespoon of butter;
    ... some salt.

    Method of preparing millet porridge with raisins and dried apricots:
    Pre-soak raisins and dried apricots. While they are soaking, you need to thoroughly rinse the millet and rub it several times between your palms.
    Then fill the millet with water and cook over low heat. When the cereal swells, you need to add milk to it. Then raisins and dried apricots are added. Salt a little and add sugar (depending on your taste). In order for the porridge not to burn, it must be stirred periodically.

    Among the various types of cereals, rice has a delicate taste and pleasant aroma. Despite its light texture, the nutritional value of the finished product is high, which ensures a feeling of fullness.

    Basic recipe

    Cooking process:

    1. Round grains of rice should be sorted out before use in order to exclude various debris or pebbles from getting into the porridge;
    2. Rinse the groats 2-5 times or until the water becomes distinctly clear;
    3. Pour clean water into a saucepan or other suitable for cooking container, place the washed rice in it, put it on a low mode;
    4. Add salt and sugar to the boiled and swollen rice to taste;
    5. Rinse the raisins and put in hot water for 5 minutes to soften;
    6. After the porridge boils, it must be boiled for 15 minutes, then add the raisins;
    7. Continue cooking on low heat for another 3 to 6 minutes;
    8. Then remove from the stove, add butter, stir.

    Before putting the porridge on the table, let it brew under the lid for about 10 minutes. This time is enough for the rice grains to swell and acquire a pleasant dried fruit taste.

    Rice porridge with raisins in milk

    To prepare this type of porridge, you will need the following ingredients:

    • rice (preferably with round grains) - 200 g and milk - 400 ml - the main components of the dish;
    • water - 200 ml (or 1 regular glass);
    • raisins (grape jam, optional) - 70 g;
    • butter (sweet) - 50 g (or to taste), sugar and salt are also to taste - additional components (fillers for porridge).

    The cooking time, taking into account the preparation of products, is 30 minutes.

    Calorie content (100 g portion) - 170 kcal.

    Cooking process:

    Before serving, remove from heat, cover with a lid of a suitable diameter. You can also cover with a towel, let the porridge brew for 8-12 minutes. Then put in the butter and stir the cooked porridge.

    Sweet rice porridge with apples, raisins and cinnamon

    This dish can be used both as the main one for breakfast or dinner, and as a dessert for children. The following ingredients are involved in the preparation:

    • round grain rice (boiled well) - 100 g;
    • milk (you can use both regular fat content and baked milk) - 400 ml (additionally up to 20 ml is allowed);
    • sugar - 20 g;
    • fine table salt - to taste (but less than sugar);
    • large sweet apple - 1 pc;
    • sweet butter - 70 g;
    • cinnamon (spice) - 20 g;
    • raisins (without glaze, seeds) - 45 g;
    • cane sugar - 20 g.

    Cooking time - 35 minutes.

    The calorie content of the finished dish per 100 g is 168 kcal.

    Cooking process:

    1. Sort the rice without fail to avoid dirt getting into the porridge, rinse it several times additionally (until the water is completely transparent);
    2. Pour water into a saucepan and pour rice, cook on low heat for 10 minutes;
    3. Pour the raisins with hot water so that they are not hard in the porridge so that it becomes soft;
    4. Pour milk into a saucepan, stir, cook, stirring occasionally, for another 10 minutes;
    5. Peel the apple from the peel and seeds, cut into cubes, cover with cane sugar;
    6. Add salt and sugar (refined) to the rice, mix;
    7. Remove from heat, close the lid, leave for a few minutes.

    Before serving, place cinnamon, raisins, apples in sugar and butter in rice, mix well.

    Milk rice porridge with pumpkin and raisins

    A proven and delicious recipe. The porridge turns out to be moderately sweet and very satisfying. For cooking, you will need to use ingredients based on 150 g of round rice:

    • water - 250 ml and milk - 350 ml - liquid components;
    • pumpkin - 230 g (only pulp is used in this recipe) and raisins (dried fruit) - 50 g - fillers for porridge;
    • butter - 50 g, change up or down by 3-5 g is allowed;
    • salt and sugar are added to taste.

    Cooking time - 30 minutes.

    Caloric content per 100 g - 148 kcal.

    Cooking process:

    1. Sort the rice and rinse well until the rice is clearly visible in the water;
    2. Pour water into a container, add rice, cook for 10 minutes, stir (to exclude the possibility of burning);
    3. Pour in milk, stir, then add the available amount of salt and sugar;
    4. Then cut the pumpkin pulp into small cubes and add to the porridge;
    5. Continue cooking for another 15 minutes.

    After that, close the pan with a lid and leave to infuse for another 5 minutes, but you can hold it for 10 minutes. Then add the raisins and butter, stir and serve.

    Rice porridge with dried apricots and raisins in a slow cooker

    In order to cook rice porridge not only tasty, but also quickly, it is enough to use a multicooker. The dish will require the following ingredients:

    • rice (the best choice in favor of round grain) - 230 g;
    • raisins - 60 g;
    • granulated sugar - 20 g (or crushed refined sugar in the same amount);
    • dried apricots - 60 g;
    • water (sometimes it is required to filter additionally before use) - 450 ml;
    • butter - 75 g;
    • salt to taste.

    The cooking time depends on the selected program - an average of 30 minutes.

    Caloric content per 100 g - 142 kcal.

    Cooking process:

    1. Pour raisins with hot water (boiling water can be used) for 7-10 minutes;
    2. Rinse the crag and cut into small pieces;
    3. Rinse the rice until the water is completely transparent;
    4. Pour it into a multicooker (into a bowl);
    5. Pour water for further cooking, salt, add sugar, mix;
    6. Set the program "Porridge" or "Milk porridge", close the lid of the multicooker;
    7. 10 minutes before readiness, so the porridge does not have time to cool, add the prepared dried fruits (drain the water from the raisins);
    8. Stir, cook until tender (beep).

    Add butter to each serving before serving. You can also use vanillin as a flavoring agent (to taste).

    Before cooking rice porridge, be sure to sort out the cereal, as it may contain dirt or small stones. It is better to rinse it in cold water, changing it 2 to 4 times - this will allow the porridge to become crumbly.

    The thickness of the dish is easy to regulate on your own - less liquid - thick, more than in the recipe - liquid. The optimal ratio of cereal and liquid (milk or water) is 1: 2.

    Parboiled, long, brown rice - all of these types of cereals are not suitable for porridge so well, so it is better not to use them for this dish.