Honey mushrooms for the winter in a cold way. How to salt mushrooms - recipes for cooking mushrooms are simple and tasty

The end of summer is a joy for connoisseurs of honey agarics. The stumps and trunks of trees are strewn with whole clusters of mushrooms. Honey mushrooms are dried, pickled, salted. Let's look at how to salt honey mushrooms for the winter at home.

The taste of salted honey agarics is most fully revealed when adding spices - bay leaves, allspice, dried dill, cherry leaves, currants. Cold recipe salting is considered a classic, despite the duration.

It is preferable to salt the mushrooms in barrels, this creates woody notes in the taste, makes it more astringent. But modern housewives prefer pots and buckets due to their greater availability, and the storage of salted honey agarics takes place in glass jars.

Classic salting recipe

Cooking should start immediately after collection. First, the mushrooms are sorted, rejecting dry, broken and wormy ones.

Below is a cold salting method. It is classic as it promotes long storage and opening. taste honey agarics.


Servings: 50

  • honey mushrooms fresh 10 Kg
  • table salt 500 g
  • sweet peas 20 g
  • bay leaf 20 g
  • dill umbrellas 20 g

Per serving

Calories: 18 kcal

Proteins: 1.8 g

Fats: 1 g

Carbohydrates: 0.4 g

3 hours 38 minutes Video Recipe Print

    Rinse honey mushrooms. Pour some salt into a salting container (saucepan, bucket, barrel) and put the mushrooms on a layer of salt, caps down for 3 layers.

    Sprinkle with a layer of salt and spices. Alternate steps 2 and 3 until the container is full to the brim. The last layer should be salt.

    Cover the container with a cloth, put oppression on top on a round wooden base so that the weight is evenly distributed over the mushrooms. Oppression can be a brick, a can of water.

    After the appearance of juice covering the wooden base for oppression, remove the load, cover with gauze and put in a cool place.

    After the honey agarics settle (after 2-3 days), fill the formed place with fresh ones, pouring salt and spices every 2 layers. The mushrooms must be completely covered with brine.

    In this form, keep for several days at a temperature of 20 °, until fermentation begins. It manifests itself in the appearance of a sour taste and characteristic odor.

    After fermentation, cover with foil and place in a cold room. The fermentation and salting process should continue for another 5 weeks.

    If mold appears, it must be completely removed.

How to pickle honey mushrooms for the winter in banks

Hot way

The given pickling recipe is truly classic: in this way you can cook any edible mushrooms.


  • honey mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • marinade - 1 glass of water;
  • 25 ml vinegar 9%;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • cloves, allspice peas - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Choose not wormy fresh mushrooms... Rinse with water. Throw away the overripe, dry ones.
  2. Put in a saucepan, cover with hot water, bring to a boil. Cook until they sink to the bottom. Skim off the foam periodically.
  3. Strain the mushroom broth through cheesecloth, add salt, sugar and spices. Bring the broth to a boil and pour in the vinegar.
  4. Place honey mushrooms in a sterilized jar. Pour the marinade flush with the neck. Close hermetically with a lid, turn upside down, wrap with a warm blanket.

If desired, table vinegar is replaced with balsamic or apple cider vinegar, and lingonberry, oak, currant and dill leaves are added to the spices.

Cold way

Cold way excludes heat treatment... Pickling honey agarics in a cold way is impossible, since only one exposure acetic acid not enough to fully cook the mushrooms. Among the cold cooking methods, cold salting is the most commonly used.

Fresh mushrooms are laid out in layers in a wooden barrel so that there is a layer of rock salt between each layer. Then the keg is covered with oppression. When excess brine appears, it is partially drained, and the void formed after the settling of the mushrooms is filled with a layer of fresh ones. After 5 weeks of salting, the snack can be eaten.

  1. Before cooking honey mushrooms should be soaked in cold salted water with the addition of lemon juice to remove worms and prevent browning.
  2. In no case should the base for oppression be metal, in order to avoid oxidation of the metal and the ingress of toxic substances into the brine.
  3. Excess mushroom broth that has not been used for the marinade can be poured into ice cube trays and frozen. This is how mushroom bouillon cubes are made.
  4. Caps are better for salting and pickling. If the legs are also canned, they are trimmed by ⅓.

How to distinguish false mushrooms

False mushrooms grow at the same time and in the same places as edible mushrooms. The main difference between edible mushroom is a filmy ring on a leg, similar to a skirt. The color of the cap of false mushrooms is more saturated, and the plates under the cap are yellow. In edibles, the cap is light brown, and the plates are beige or pale yellow. The smell of false mushrooms is similar to the smell of mold.

Video Tips

Salted mushrooms are much less common than pickled ones. Regardless, I think a lot of people would like to salt them.

Honey mushrooms we have are very young and small, I think the most delicious. Large mushrooms are cleaned a little differently. Some purveyors say that it is better to salt large mushrooms, and small ones are better to pickle.

May be so. It's just that we meet them more often, so it seems to me that people are just used to the fact that small mushrooms in banks are pickled mushrooms. But believe me, they are also very tasty when salted.

Salted mushrooms are also remarkable in that later they can be fried and stewed and even pickled. Prepare first courses from them and side dishes and sauces for the second.

Honey mushrooms are especially popular with mushroom pickers. First, they are delicious after cooking, in almost any form. Secondly, they are easier to harvest as they grow in large colonies. I used to pick 2 baskets of mushrooms in one place.

How to salt honey mushrooms for the winter in jars - simple step-by-step recipes for salted mushrooms

Of course, the most important thing is to properly process and prepare the mushrooms for salting. This usually takes a long time. But in the first recipe, I will tell you how to do it simply and quickly. This was told by a woman in the market.

There are few salted honey mushroom recipes. There is no big difference in salting honey agarics and other mushrooms. So we'll take a quick look at how to do this.


  1. Salted mushrooms
  2. Recipe for salted honey agarics for the winter
  3. Recipe for cooking salted honey agarics for the winter
  1. Salted mushrooms

In this recipe, we'll take a look at cold cooking mushrooms without boiling.


I give an approximate amount of ingredients. Do it to your liking.

  • Honey mushrooms - 4 kg.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp
  • Dill umbrellas - 10 pcs.
  • Bay leaves - 6-8 pcs.
  • Black pepper - 10 peas
  • Currant and cherry leaves


Mushroom preparation:

1. After we bring them home, we must immediately start preparing them. Option when they brought it, but cooking tomorrow is not very good. Mushrooms spoil very quickly. True, if we arrive late, we fill it with salted water at night. This is better than leaving it as it was brought from the forest.

2. First, we select all the largest leaves, sticks, twigs, dirt and other debris. We do all this to a minimum, without choosing different crumbs of garbage.

3. Take preferably large table salt and sprinkle with mushrooms. Take salt depending on the amount of mushrooms so that you add a little salt, and not pour the mushrooms.

4. Fill honey mushrooms warm water... Not hot or cold, but warm, well warm water. Let us flood them all with our hands so that they all plunge completely into the water and leave for 1-1.5 hours. Or leave it overnight. For 10-12 hours.

5. After an hour and a half, our mushrooms are all soaked. We will wash them a little more, as it were, we will wash them. Look, even under the cap the film disappeared, it cleared and the legs became white. If you see that there is something left, you can simply rub it with your fingers and everything will go away.

6. Now set aside the bowl of mushrooms, preferably next to the sink. There is no need to drain the water from the basin now, because all the dirt has settled on the bottom of the basin. Let it stay there. We take a colander, put it in the sink and put a handful of mushrooms from the basin there. We wash these mushrooms under a stream of running water with good pressure. Then the next handful and so we wash all the mushrooms.

7. After rinsing under running water, put the mushrooms in a saucepan, having previewed whether there is anything superfluous in them or if something needs to be cut off. This is how, in portions, we rinse and immediately check all the mushrooms.

We prepared the mushrooms in about 15 minutes. Well, they got soaked for another 1 hour and 15 minutes before that.

Well, now we will salt

8. At the bottom of a sterilized three-liter jar, lay out some of the umbrellas of dill, bay leaves, currant and cherry leaves. It is not necessary to take 3 liter jar... Do in whatever is more convenient for you.

9. Then we spread the mushrooms on top. It is better to put the caps down if they are large. Sprinkle with salt and add a few peppercorns.

10. Thus, you need to sprinkle with salt and shift with umbrellas dill, pepper, bay leaves and currant and cherry leaves, or you can add a leaf or two, oak, each layer of mushrooms.

It is not necessary to put a lot of spices in salted mushrooms, so as not to interrupt the taste of the mushrooms themselves.

11. After all the mushrooms are laid and sprinkled, as indicated above, with salt and spices, cover the top with a clean cloth, or better with gauze folded in several layers. Put oppression (load) on top of the gauze. It can be a clean stone or a bottle of water.

Under the oppression, the mushrooms secrete juice and settle. Whether it is a barrel, bucket or can, as it settles, you can add a new portion until the container is full.

12. After filling the container, in 2-3 weeks, the mushrooms under the oppression will be ready. They can be laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up.

Our grandmother added one or two tablespoons to the jar before seaming. vegetable oil... And yet, be sure to put a couple of sticks on top of the mushrooms so that they play the role of oppression and then roll them up.

Store mushrooms in a cool place. In the cellar or refrigerator.

Bon Appetit!

  1. Recipe for salted honey agarics for the winter

Unlike the first recipe, in this one we will cook mushrooms.


  • Honey mushrooms
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf
  • Dill seeds
  • Garlic
  • Brine
  • Allspice and cloves
For brine:

For 1 liter of water.

  • Salt - 2 tablespoons without a slide
  • Allspice peas - 2-3 peas
  • Cloves - 2 buds
  • Dill seeds


1. Prepare mushrooms as in the first recipe. If the mushrooms are large, cut them into several pieces.

2. Put the mushrooms in a saucepan. We have a 3-liter one. Fill with water.

3. Pour in a tablespoon of salt with a large slide.

4. Put the peeled onion into a saucepan. (it's not obligatory)

5. Put a teaspoon of dill seeds in a clean cloth, tie a tight cloth and put it in a saucepan. You can tie it by the handle.

6. Add three bay leaves to the mushrooms. Close the lid and set to cook.

7. After boiling, cook for 30 minutes, constantly skimming off the foam.

8. We take a sterilized jar, we have a 2-liter one. Put 2 cloves of garlic, 1 umbrella of dill, a couple of currant leaves and a couple of cherry leaves on the bottom.

9. Add 2 bay leaves, 3 allspice peas and 3 cloves to the jar.

10. Put the boiled mushrooms in a jar. Do not fill the jar completely.

11. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, add 2 flat tablespoons of salt, 3 allspice peas, 2 cloves and a pinch of dill seeds.

12. Bring it all to a boil, let it boil for 5 minutes, filter through cheesecloth and immediately, with this hot brine, fill the mushrooms up to the top of the jar.

13. We add the boiled mushrooms to the top and add the brine.

14. Honey mushrooms are salted. We cover them with a beautiful napkin, let them cool down and put them in the refrigerator. We do not roll up such mushrooms with lids.

To prevent mushrooms from growing moldy, you can put a napkin or a bandage moistened with vinegar under the napkin on the mushrooms.

You can start trying mushrooms after one to two weeks. They are completely ready.

Bon Appetit!

  1. Recipe for cooking salted honey agarics for the winter with horseradish


  • Honey mushrooms - 3 kg.
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Black peppercorns - 15 pcs.
  • Dill greens - 50 g.
  • Horseradish root
  • Salt to taste


1. We use fresh mushrooms for pickling. We prepare the mushrooms as in the 1st recipe.

2. Instead of soaking the mushrooms, you can prepare them in a slightly different way. Pour salted boiling water over and let stand for a couple of minutes. Then rinse thoroughly again.

3. Now they can be boiled for 20 minutes.

4. Wash the horseradish root, peel and grate. Well, in order not to cry too much, you can scroll it in a meat grinder.

5. Peel the garlic and also grate or squeeze out with a garlic.

6. Finely chop the dill. You can take dill umbrellas if there is no green one.

7. Remove the mushrooms from the water and squeeze as hard as possible.

8. Salt the mushrooms well, mix and put in a jar, shifting layers of pepper, dill, garlic and horseradish. Then again honey mushrooms and again a layer of spices. And so lay all the mushrooms.

9. You can add parsley, bay leaves, currant leaves or other spices to your liking.

10. Cover with gauze, folded in several layers or you can use a loose cloth. Put either an inverted saucer or a plate on top and put a load on it. We bet for 10 days. During this time, it is necessary to constantly drain the liquid that the load will squeeze out of the mushrooms.

11. After a couple of weeks, you can try our salted honey mushrooms with horseradish.

Store such mushrooms at a temperature not lower than 0 ° and not higher than 8 °.

Bon Appetit!

  1. Video - Salted honey mushrooms in jars in a hot way without vinegar recipe for the winter

  2. Video - Salted mushrooms with cabbage

Bon Appetit!

Honey mushrooms are friendly forest guys, they grow up in large companies, and therefore it is pleasant to collect them, because the basket fills with mushrooms quickly. They are very tasty and healthy, and therefore it is not surprising that most mushroom pickers try to preserve them for a long time. This can be done in several ways - freeze, pickle, or learn how to salt mushrooms. Many housewives avoid the last method of preserving mushrooms for the winter, but in vain - exist various lungs salting recipes, acting according to which you can get a delicious preparation.

You can salt honey mushrooms different types, but among them there are both edible and inedible. It is important to collect fruiting bodies very carefully, paying attention to the main signs that help to distinguish edible mushrooms from those that cannot be eaten - the color of the plates and the presence of a ring on the leg. Those honey agarics that can be used for cooking always have a ring, and the plates are light-colored.

In some species of honey agarics (this is, for example, meadow honey agaric), the leg is very tough, therefore they are salted only in a hot way. Otherwise, the pulp will remain too firm.

Preparing dishes

Salting honey agaric for the winter should be done in a specially prepared container. It can be enameled (always with an intact coating) and wooden containers, you can also salt mushrooms in glass jars.

Attention - earthenware is not suitable for use, since it becomes unusable under the influence of an aggressive salt solution. And the coating that is in such a container is capable of emitting due to contact with brine hazardous substances... Do not use for salting mushrooms and galvanized containers.

Enamel or glass containers should be well washed and dried thoroughly. In this case, it is best to dry in the oven under the influence of hot temperatures.

Wooden tubs intended for salting honey agaric are soaked in clean water for a long time so that the tree gets wet and the container stops letting the liquid through. New barrels are soaked for 12 days with regular water changes in order to remove tannins. Otherwise, both the brine and the mushrooms will darken.

After soaking, the wooden container is washed using a brush, after which it is steamed with boiling saline solution (50 g / 10 liters of water). To be 100% sure that the containers are clean, you can also fumigate them with a sulfur stick. Properly prepared dishes should be free of foreign odors.

To pickle mushrooms in a cold way, you will also need other items - gauze or cloth, a wooden circle cut to the size of the container in which the workpiece will be prepared or a plate. It is also necessary to prepare a heavy object for oppression, for example, a stone (the main thing is that it is not afraid of water) or a container of water.

Preparing mushrooms for salting

Before you know how to pickle these wonderful small mushrooms, you should get a little familiar with them. preliminary preparation... Arriving home, the fruit bodies are sorted out, throwing out the spoiled, rotten ones. You can sort honey mushrooms by size: jars in which mushrooms have the same parameters look very nice and harmonious. If there is no extra time to tinker with them, then you can salt without sorting by size.

After that, the mushrooms are cleaned - they are washed, dirt and forest debris are removed from them. Too long legs are trimmed and then cut into pieces up to 2 cm long. Too large mushrooms are best cut. To determine the consumption of salt and spices, honey mushrooms are weighed.

If honey mushrooms are salted in a cold way, then it is important to treat them as carefully as possible. They are soaked for 2 hours in slightly salted, after which they are thrown into a colander to drain the liquid.

Cold salting method

Cold salting of honey agaric is the most commonly used method of salting these mushrooms. It is quite simple, and the gifts of the forest are very tasty - that is why housewives love it so much.

Pre-processed mushrooms in the amount of 1 kg are placed in a prepared glass or enamel container. Mushrooms are carefully salted at the rate of 50 g of rock salt per 1 kg of fruit bodies, then a couple of peppercorns, two dill umbrellas, two cloves of garlic cut into slices are placed on top of them. To make honey mushrooms more aromatic, black currant leaves (3-4 leaves) are placed on top of all spices.

Honey mushrooms are covered with a wooden circle wrapped in cheesecloth or a plate smaller in diameter than the container itself. On top, oppression is placed with a mass the same as the weight of the mushrooms.

With this method of salting, freshly picked mushrooms can be presented in a container. The collected mushrooms are laid on top with a new layer, which are also closed on top with spices and seasonings and pressed down by oppression.

After that, the container with mushrooms is removed to a room where the air temperature is no more than 7 degrees (by the way, it is at this temperature that the salted gifts of the forest are stored until they are preserved in other banks). It is kept for about 2 weeks, after which the mushrooms are laid out in glass jars and closed with a lid.

Hot salting method

Salting honey agaric can also be done hot. It implies the obligatory boiling of mushrooms.

A liter of clean water is boiled in a saucepan, into which, after boiling, about 8 g of salt is added. It is worth waiting for the second boil, after which the prepared mushrooms are lowered into the liquid. They are boiled for about 25-30 minutes (if cooked longer, the mushrooms will become tough).

When the allotted time is up, the mushrooms are thrown into a colander and wait for the water to drain. Then the fruit bodies are laid out in a prepared container (jars, a saucepan or a barrel), sprinkling layers with salt (for 1 kg of mushrooms - 50 g of salt), lavrushka leaves (1 pc.), Pepper-peas (2 pcs.), Dill umbrellas ( 2 pcs.) And put under oppression. You can also add cloves to taste. The amount of spices is indicated per kilogram of mushrooms. Try this winter harvesting can be done in 6-8 days.

Storage rules for salted mushrooms

Salted mushrooms for the winter when canning in cans should be closed only with nylon or screw caps, which have an interlayer separating the metal from the brine. By the way, before putting the jars for storage, they (already with mushrooms inside, but not closed) are sterilized by dropping them into a saucepan of water, warming up for 15 minutes over medium heat. In this case, the liquid should not be poured into the neck.

Attention! Drop the hot can sharply into cold water(or vice versa) it is impossible - with a probability of 99% it will burst.

Jars with salted mushrooms are cooled under a blanket turned upside down. Salting times vary from 5 days to several weeks - it depends on the recipe according to which they were prepared. Store them in a cool and dark place - refrigerator or cellar. The optimum temperature is no more than 6 degrees. The shelf life depends on the salting and rarely exceeds six months. And if the can has been opened, then it must be eaten within a couple of weeks.

Honey mushrooms are a low-calorie product, but digestible for a long time. In general, they can even be used to compose a dietary menu, but in moderation. Honey mushrooms are a favorite snack of many for various holidays, including New Year so why not please your loved ones.

Since ancient times, recipes for cooking mushrooms have passed from generation to generation: mushrooms were pickled, dried, fried. It is an excellent source of protein, and the variety of mushroom species is amazing. But most of all, housewives adore honey mushrooms - these wonderful mushrooms have an unsurpassed taste and are prepared quite easily. Let's try to figure out how to salt mushrooms with our own hands.

It is recommended to salt mushrooms only in wooden barrels or glass jars. All other dishes will not work: a clay container will become unusable under the influence of salt, and enameled dishes can generally release hazardous substances.

Wooden tubs are designed specifically for salting mushrooms. Previously, the container is poured with cold water for a long time so that the tree can soak well - only then the barrel will not let the liquid through.

After soaking for twelve days, the wooden tub must be thoroughly washed and steamed with boiling saline. Now we turn directly to how to salt mushrooms.

Cold salting

This method is used very often due to the pleasant mild taste of the snack and the salting recipe itself is quite easy to use. There is no need to boil the mushrooms, it is enough to soak them under the load. Of course, it is advisable to choose whole and beautiful fruits for salting.

What ingredients are needed:

  • honey mushrooms - one kilo;
  • table salt - 50 grams;
  • fresh currant leaves - 5 pieces;
  • garlic - two cloves;
  • pepper (sweet peas) - 5 pieces;
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces;
  • dill umbrella - about 3 pieces.

Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly and place in salt water for a couple of hours. Take the selected fruits, carefully place them in the barrel with the caps down. Season with salt to taste, sprinkle sweet peas on top, spread dill and chopped garlic. You need to complement the picture with currant leaves, which will give the salting a unique aroma.

When everything is ready, the container needs to be sealed. Find a lid less than the volume of the keg, press it down with the weight, equal to the number ingredients. The recipe used 1 kilo honey agaric, respectively, the weight for the lid must weigh at least 1 kilogram. After that, the keg must be stored in the cold for five days.

When liquid begins to appear, put gauze under the lid. After that, the salting should stand for several more weeks in the cold, subsequently the snack can be laid out in glass containers.

Salted mushrooms are ready for the winter! So in a simple way mushrooms can be salted immediately in jars. Honey mushrooms are immediately placed in containers with spices and poured with mushroom brine to the neck.

Salt mushrooms with vinegar

To implement the recipe at home, you will need the following products:

  • honey mushrooms - 1 kilo;
  • distilled water - 0.3 liters;
  • salt - 0.025 kilograms;
  • vinegar 70% - 0.05 liters;
  • sweet peas, common cloves, bay leaves - 3 pieces each;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

This salting recipe is slightly different from other options - you need to pour the prepared mushrooms with water and put on fire. When the water boils, it must be drained. After that, add all the spices, including vinegar, to the pan, pour fresh water.

It takes about half an hour to cook mushrooms with spices over low heat. Leave the mushrooms to cool, and then put them neatly in the jars, closing them tightly with a lid. Such salting of honey agarics for the winter will not cause difficulties.

Hot salting

The recipe for salted mushrooms with hot salting means that the mushrooms are cooked. They are boiled for about 20 minutes, no more.

What you need:

  • honey mushrooms - 1 kilogram;
  • table salt - thirty grams;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • laurel leaves - two pieces;
  • a couple of dill umbrellas;
  • sweet peas - 3 things;
  • cherry leaves- 4 pieces.

Salting honey agarics step by step:

  1. Peel, thoroughly wash the selected mushrooms, place in a container and fill with water, salt with two teaspoons of table salt.
  2. The pan is put on low heat, honey mushrooms are boiled for no more than twenty minutes. After boiling, the water is drained, two glasses of water are added, they are still kept on fire for about twenty minutes.
  3. All the listed ingredients are thrown into the pan, then a small layer of mushrooms is laid out on top, sprinkled with salt. Next, cherry leaves are laid out along with sweet peas and cloves.
  4. From above, the container must be pressed down with a heavy load and left for 5 days in the cold.
  5. Divide the snack into glass containers and roll up.

This is a fairly simple blank recipe that any housewife can do.

Honey mushrooms in cucumber pickle

Mushrooms, properly cooked in brine, are tasty and pleasantly crispy.

What you need to cook:

  • honey mushrooms - 1 kilogram;
  • pickle from cucumbers - 0.5 liters;
  • ordinary salt - 30 grams;
  • bay leaf - 1 piece;
  • dill - 3 pieces;
  • pepper - 4 pieces.

Pure mushrooms are placed in a saucepan and poured with salted water (about 10 grams of salt per 1 liter of liquid). So the mushrooms are marinated for about 20 minutes, then put on fire. After boiling, you need to drain the water, pour clean water again and keep on fire for 40 minutes.

Pour all the ingredients on the bottom of a clean container - mushrooms are laid out on top, which must be salted before that. Now you need to pour out the brine.

In this state, the container should stand under the press for 5 days, after which the snack can be canned. After three weeks, the mushrooms will be already salted, they can be eaten.

Honey mushrooms are a low-calorie product, but slowly digestible. In general, they can be eaten as diet dish, but in moderation. This variety of pickled mushrooms is a favorite snack of many people on the holidays, so why not please your household with salted mushrooms?

Autumn in Russia is harvest time forest mushrooms... Every lover of "quiet hunting" can not only collect and prepare fresh mushrooms at this time, but also stock up on them for future use. Salted mushrooms- an excellent appetizer that looks great both on an everyday and on a festive table, they are good both as an appetizer and as an independent dish.

Honey mushrooms are one of the most beloved mushrooms that housewives are happy to salt for the winter. By the way, for salting, you can use not only mushrooms collected in the forest, but also those that are sold in stores as a frozen semi-finished product, and you can also freeze fresh mushrooms yourself and salt them at any convenient time.

Itself salting is quite simple to perform, however, housewives need to know some general points of preparation for the process.

  • The collected mushrooms are washed from dust, debris and dirt. If the mushrooms are large, the leg is cut off a little.
  • For salting, it is better to choose mushrooms of the same size, because this way the finished dish will look very appetizing.
  • It is important to calculate correctly required amount salt (a kilogram of mushrooms will require about forty grams of coarse salt).
  • In the case of cold pickling, the mushrooms are carefully processed before boiling. To carry out additional sterilization, mushrooms are poured with salt water for three hours, after which the water is drained. Hot way salting mushrooms will require preliminary cooking.
  • When cooking, add a whole onion to the pan to check the quality of the mushrooms. If the color of the onion does not change, mushrooms are suitable for eating, but when the onion acquires a blue or dark gray hue, the mushrooms should be disposed of.

Cold salting

Cold pickling is a very popular canning method. Housewives love it for its simplicity of preparation and the great taste of the finished dish.

Required components:

  • Honey mushrooms - one kilogram.
  • Salt - forty grams.
  • Bay leaf, allspice, dill umbrella - two each.
  • Garlic - three prongs.
  • Sheet black currant- three jokes.


  • Rinse honey mushrooms and soak in salt water for about three hours.
  • Put the mushrooms in the prepared container with their legs up, cover with salt, lay the spices, place currant leaves on top.
  • Choose a lid that is smaller than the container and cover the mushrooms with it. Place a weight equal to the weight of the mushrooms on the lid, put the container in a cool place.
  • Drain the liquid after its formation and wait until the brine begins to stand out.
  • Place a layer of gauze under the load and leave the container in the cold for two weeks.
  • After the specified time, honey mushrooms can be put into prepared jars and hermetically closed or rolled up and stored. Important: mushrooms from an open jar are good for food no more than ten days after opening.

Tip: so that the ready-made mushrooms do not become moldy, you can put gauze soaked in white vinegar on top of them.

Hot salting

Hot salting of mushrooms does not require special devices and is available at home even for a novice housewife.

The following products are required:

  • Honey mushrooms - one kilogram.
  • Salt - sixty grams.
  • Water is one liter.
  • Horseradish leaves, dill umbrella, bay leaves - three each.
  • Allspice peas - ten pieces.


Salting honey mushrooms in a hot way allows you to store closed jars in the cold for about six months, while an open one is stored in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.

Salting in a barrel

Our ancestors used the barrel method to salt the mushrooms for the winter, however, and at the present time this method has not lost its relevance. The method is quick and affordable, ready-made mushrooms are appetizing and tasty.

Required components:

  • Honey mushrooms - ten kilograms.
  • Large onions - two pieces.
  • Sweet peas and dill - one hundred and fifty grams each.


  • Boil the washed mushrooms in salt water, remove, cool.
  • Pour boiling water over the prepared keg. Put spices on the bottom, place mushrooms on top, sprinkle with coarse salt, add spices, mushrooms again and repeat the process until the barrel is completely filled.
  • Cover the barrel with several layers of cheesecloth, place a load on top. Leave the container cool for ten days, after which the mushrooms can be eaten.

Salting mushrooms for the winter in jars and barrels is one of the simple but effective ways to preserve forest mushrooms. Salted mushrooms will help to decorate festive table and diversify the daily menu, will delight the household and guests of the house with excellent taste, and will also give the hospitable hostess the opportunity to demonstrate her culinary skills. Honey mushrooms are good both as an independent snack and as a component of various salads, and the simplicity of preparation allows even a novice cook to pickle several jars of this wonderful product that nature itself gives us.