Salted mushrooms fast. Hot salted honey mushroom recipe (with photo)

Summer and autumn give people a lot of useful and delicious products... Mushrooms occupy a special place among them, as with them you can improve your culinary skills.

Salting honey agaric is a favorite pastime of many housewives, since it takes a little time, and taste qualities speak for themselves. Not everyone is able to properly salt mushrooms and honey mushrooms in particular, since it is very important to observe proportions.

Salted honey mushrooms perfectly complement the second vegetable dishes, are gourmet snack, which no one refuses. The secret is simple - strong, aromatic and mouth-watering mushrooms combine excellent taste and look great on any table, from everyday to formal.

An important feature is the fact that these mushrooms are salted quickly. Many housewives prefer to pickle the gifts of the forest, precisely because of the duration of the pickling, but it is easy to work with mushrooms. At home, salting recipes are offered, both cold and hot. Most other mushrooms are preferable to pre-boil, but honey mushrooms do not need heat treatment, which saves time, and also allows you to keep vitamins in maximum quantities.

Salting methods of honey agarics

There are two ways to salt fresh mushrooms:

  1. Hot;
  2. Cold.

For the winter, it is preferable to store the workpieces in a cool place, regardless of the chosen cooking method. Salting mushrooms in the classic cold way is very simple, so they resort to it much more often. Many people prefer cold salting, because the process itself does not take place in jars, but in ordinary enameled containers - pots or bowls.

The recipe for cold salting honey agaric will require, in addition to products, additional devices:

  • Clean cloth;
  • Circle, under the diameter of the container selected for pickling mushrooms.


Mushrooms for the winter are salted in a cold way under the load. This is done this way - mushrooms are washed in running water, slightly cleaned, placed in a prepared container and filled with cold brine. The load is placed on top of a circle of a suitable diameter. It should not be forgotten that the load must correspond to the amount of mushrooms. Cold salting involves soaking the mushrooms for several hours and only then processing and cooking.

Cold salting for the winter: method number 1

Salting for the winter honey agaric will require the following set of ingredients:

  • Salt - 200 g;
  • Fresh mushrooms - 5 kg;
  • Bay leaf - 5 pcs;
  • Pepper peas - 10 pcs;
  • Dill umbrellas - 5 pcs.

If desired, you can add horseradish, cloves, currant leaves or garlic to the brine. Before salting, it is required to separate the caps from the legs. Some recipes claim that only mushroom caps can be salted, since the legs are tough. The recipe involves soaking because some mushrooms can be bitter.

The gifts of the forest, salted in a cold way, will be ready to please with their unique taste in 45 days, then the mushrooms can be safely transferred to jars and rolled up. Important: sometimes it is necessary to check mushrooms for the presence of mold, if it appears, the mushrooms must be washed and the fabric changed.

Cold method number 2

He assumes that the mushrooms will be cooked, but they should be cooked without salt - just to get rid of the bacteria. Then all actions should be repeated from 1 method of salting.

Classic hot way

The recipe for salting in the classic hot way also does not take much time. At home, no special devices are required. Mushrooms should be boiled for no more than 20 minutes so that they do not lose their softness. Ingredients for hot salting:

  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Salt - 6-8 g per brine and 50 g in jars;
  • Honey mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • Horseradish leaf;
  • Dill (umbrella) - 2pcs;
  • Pepper peas - 7-10 pcs;
  • Bay leaf -3-5 pcs.

After boiling water, add salt to it, then let it boil again. After that, the peeled mushrooms are placed in water. Cook them over high heat for about 25 minutes. It is important no matter how much the mushrooms are cooked, they need to be stirred, so they will not "run away" from the pan. You should not additionally salt the water at this stage. After the expiration of time, the mushrooms are reclined in a colander. They need to be cooled, then horseradish, dill, pepper, lavrushka and honey mushrooms should be put in jars. It is best to lay the mushrooms in layers, sprinkle them with salt. You can also put currant leaves between the rows.

Salting honey agaric in a hot way allows you to get a delicious dish, the recipes of which can be improved and changed at will. One thing remains unchanged - the storage location must be cool. The mushrooms will be ready in 4-5 weeks.

Salting honey agaric in a wooden container

This method of harvesting mushrooms for the winter can be either cold or hot. The recipes assume that each housewife will choose the best option for herself. If you cook mushrooms, then not for long, just a few minutes, then cool. After that, rinse and salt according to the cold salting method, only wooden containers should be chosen.


You can not salt mushrooms, as well as pickle them in galvanized containers, since in the process harmful substances are released that can lead to poisoning. Ideal containers for blanks are made of materials - wood, enamel, glass.

The preparation of the wooden barrel is done in advance. They soak it and wait until the container stops letting water through. Then they are washed from the inside and rinsed with hot water and soda. It is recommended to fumigate the barrel with juniper to achieve the necessary sterility. The bottom of the barrel and the top layer of mushrooms must be salted and covered with a load on top.

Hot ambassador in a barrel - mushrooms are boiled for 15 -20 minutes. Then they are placed in a barrel, all seasonings and herbs are added to them, as well as salt according to the recipe. Thus, boiling mushrooms for a short time, as a result, the dish not only turns out to be tasty, but also benefits, as it retains all the necessary nutritional value... Salting honey mushrooms is very simple at home, so do not hesitate if there is a harvest of mushrooms - it must be prepared for the winter. To cook or not, how many spices to add and what they will be depends not only on the classic tips, but also on your own culinary preferences.

Mushroom lovers look forward to the onset of the mushroom season. At this time of the year, nature pleases with its generosity and diversity. Going to the forest for mushrooms, you can also meet other representatives of the mushroom kingdom. But one of the brightest are honey mushrooms. This mushroom is very healthy and tasty, and in winter it will perfectly complement any festive table. Its zesty taste will make it a favorite dish for your family and guests. Prepare tasty forest gifts can different ways, but salting is considered traditional. In this article, we will look at various recipes harvesting mushrooms for the winter.

Preparing honey agarics for salting

By their nature, mushrooms can accumulate a large amount of toxins, so their choice must be taken very seriously. Best suited for salting young mushrooms... They are softer and crunchier and less toxic. In addition, small mushrooms look beautiful both in the jar and on the table.
Choose young mushrooms that are light brown in color with a round head. Choose an ecologically clean area to collect these forest dwellers. Of course, you can go and buy already harvested mushrooms, but in this case, you will not know where they grew and how they were harvested.

After picking the mushrooms, you need them recycle immediately otherwise they will start to blacken and deteriorate. Like other types of mushrooms, honey mushrooms are no exception. In this regard, after returning home, you need to sort them out and prepare them for further salting. Honey mushrooms are carefully reviewed, removing wormy and rotten ones. Mushrooms that will be salted must be cleaned of leaves, needles and earth. In order to quickly remove contamination, cut off the tip of the stem of the mushroom. Honey mushrooms are thoroughly washed in cold water, which helps to remove the remaining dirt.

If for some reason you will not cook the mushrooms right away, then you can pour them with cold water, lightly salting. In this form, the mushrooms will stand for another 6 hours and will not darken.

Did you know? Translated from the Latin language, honey mushroom (Armillaria) means "bracelet".

Before salting, the mushrooms can be sorted if desired, separating large from small ones. Large mushrooms are cut for better salting. The hats are crushed, and their legs, which are stiff, are best fried or boiled.
Honey mushrooms, unlike mushrooms such as milk mushrooms, do not need preliminary soaking. Therefore, after cleaning, they can be immediately salted.

Container preparation

For salting honey mushrooms, wooden or enameled containers are used, and for a small amount, you can use a glass jar. Salting containers, like mushrooms, must be prepared in advance.

As wooden containers can be used tubs... Before using them, it is necessary to let the tree soak, which will allow the tannins to be removed, and the container will not leak. To do this, the tubs are filled with water and left for a long period, for example, a new tub is soaked for 12 days with regular water changes.

After well soaking, it is steamed using hot brine. The solution is prepared in the ratio of 50 g of salt to 10 l of water. For additional cleaning, the container is fumigated with a sulfur checker. Foreign odors should not be present in the finished container.
Enamel dishes use without chips. The container is washed well and allowed to dry. The same actions are performed with glass containers.

Important! Clay containers are not used for pickles, since the saline solution destroys the container, and its coating releases toxic substances.

If you decide to salt honey mushrooms with the cold method, then you will need a wooden circle or plate, cloth or gauze, and for oppression use a heavy stone or a jar of water. If the pickling container is small, you can use a glass bottle.

Honey mushrooms are salted using various methods. Below are the most delicious recipes.

Recipe 1

This recipe means harvesting honey agarics in a hot way, that is, the mushrooms pass through heat treatment... Before salting, they must be washed in cool water. Wash the mushrooms until the water is clear. Mushrooms of various sizes can be used for this recipe.

Required inventory

To harvest mushrooms you will need:

  • enameled saucepan;
  • strainer colander;
  • tablespoon;
  • glass jar;
  • gauze or cloth napkin 2 pcs.;
  • toothbrush for cleaning mushrooms.

Did you know?In some countries, honey mushrooms are considered conditionally edible, since they require prolonged heat treatment.


During the preparation process, the following are required Ingredients:

  • honey mushrooms;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • Dill seeds;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • dill umbrella - 1 pc.;
  • currant leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • cherry leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • allspice peas - 6 pcs.;
  • cloves - 6 pcs.;
  • water.

Step by step recipe

Important! There is an opinion that if the onion, which was cooked with mushrooms, has darkened (turned blue), then it is better not to eat such mushrooms, they can be poisonous. In fact, the discoloration of onions is caused by an enzyme found in both edible and dangerous mushrooms.

After this time, lovers of salted mushrooms can enjoy such a delicacy.

Recipe 2

When frying or pickling, honey mushrooms lose their taste, and only when salted in a cold way do they retain all the taste characteristics. And in winter, you can cook any dishes from them. They can be fried, added to salads and made into soups.

Required inventory

Salting mushrooms at home is simple, and for this you need the following inventory:

  • a container for salting, it can be a saucepan or a wooden tub;
  • colander;
  • skimmer;
  • plastic bowl;
  • a plate or lid of a smaller diameter than the salting container;
  • a can of water that will be used as a press;
  • jars for storing mushrooms with tight lids.


For salting you will need:

  • honey mushrooms;
  • garlic - 3-4 heads;
  • bay leaf - 10 pcs.;
  • green dill - 1 bunch of medium size;
  • horseradish leaves - 3-4 pcs.;
  • salt - 6 tbsp. l.

Step by step recipe

Ready mushrooms will be a great addition to your New Year's table... By this time, they will be well salted and infused.

Recipe 3

There are many recipes for preserving honey mushrooms, we bring to your attention another recipe for delicious mushrooms.

Required inventory

For honey agarics in marinade you will need:

  • enameled pan with a volume of 10 liters;
  • stirring spoon;
  • colander;
  • a saucepan for making marinade;
  • sterile jars with screw caps.


For preservation you will need:

  • one bucket of honey agarics;
  • 60 g of salt.
To prepare 1 liter of brine, you need:
  • 30 g salt;
  • 25 g sugar;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • 5 pieces. carnations;
  • 5 bay leaves.

On the liter jar ready-made mushrooms - 15 g of vinegar essence 70%.

Step by step recipe

Before starting work, honey mushrooms must be carefully sorted and cleaned.

Did you know?Poorly boiled honey mushrooms can cause stomach upset

Exit finished products from one bucket honey agaric is 4 cans of 1 liter and 750 g. It is better to store ready gifts of nature in a cold place, it can be a refrigerator or a cellar.

Recipe 4

Each housewife closes the conservation in her own way. Here's another one original recipe harvesting mushrooms for the winter.

Required inventory

It is impossible to cook without auxiliary tools, so for salting you will need:

  • a saucepan with a volume of 5 liters;
  • a slotted spoon for stirring;
  • colander;
  • tablespoon and teaspoon;
  • measuring cup;
  • jars with lids.


To harvest mushrooms you will need:

  • honey mushrooms - 5 l;
  • 60 g salt;
  • 10 allspice peas;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • 25 g sugar;
  • 1-2 heads of garlic;
  • 15 g of vinegar essence.

Step by step recipe

Important!For salting honey agarics, it is better to use coarse salt. It contains fewer chemical elements with which it is purified. In pickles, such elements can change the taste of the mushrooms.

Mushrooms prepared in this way can be eaten after 2 weeks. Store in a cool, dark place, such as a refrigerator or cellar.

From 5 liters of honey mushrooms, 3 cans come out: 2 liter and one with a volume of 750 g.

Storage rules for salted mushrooms

For the safety of salted honey agarics from fungal microorganisms, hot water is poured into the jars. vegetable oil... The evenly distributed oil throughout the jar protects the mushrooms from air intrusion. Hostesses resort to this trick when the cans are closed with plastic or iron screw caps. If you close the jar with gauze, dip it in vinegar essence... This will also protect mushrooms from mold.

For the preservation of salted mushrooms, it is better to store them in the refrigerator or cellar, in some cases they can also be stored on the balcony. The main storage condition is temperature. The optimum storage temperature is +4... +10 degrees.
Before placing the pickles in the cellar, it is recommended to keep the jars with mushrooms in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. This will extend the shelf life. An open jar of salted mushrooms should not be stored for more than two weeks.

Did you know?Autumn mushrooms can cause stumps to glow at night. This phenomenon is caused by the glow of the mycelium that encircles the stump.

There are little tricks that not all hostesses know about. Here is a list of such useful tips:

  1. If, before cooking, honey mushrooms are immersed in cold salted water with lemon juice, this will help get rid of the worms, and the mushrooms will not darken.
  2. Honey mushrooms must first be weighed.
  3. For cooking, two glasses of water are poured into one kilogram of raw mushrooms.
  4. The amount of salt that is used for pickling depends on the weight of the honey agarics. For salting 1 kg raw product use only 40 g of salt.
  5. It is better to use a plate or a wooden circle as a basis for the press. The use of metal products is not recommended, since upon contact with a saline solution, the metal is oxidized and toxic substances are released.
  6. If after cooking you still have mushroom broth, then it is better to freeze it. This will give you mushroom cubes.

Honey mushrooms in terms of phosphorus content can be compared with fish. They are high in vitamins and minerals. Eating them in food improves tissue regeneration and blood formation, and the salting process allows you to enjoy this delicious delicacy in any season.

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6 once already

Autumn is mushroom time. After the rains, mushrooms appear in the forests. Good luck to find a wonderful White mushroom or boletus, but mushrooms are also found in abundance. They grow on forest stumps, on fallen trees.

Honey mushrooms - delicious mushrooms, great for drying and frying, but more often they are salted for the winter. How to salt honey mushrooms to decorate and diversify the dining table?

There are many salting recipes. For the hostess, in order to please the guests with a marvelous juicy snack, the main thing is to follow some rules.

How to pickle honey mushrooms at home

Traditional recipe. You need to start with the classic salting method. First, you need to inspect the mushrooms, remove damaged parts, eliminate forest debris: leaves, needles. Then gently wash and cook over low heat, stirring and removing foam.

After boiling, drain the foam and rinse again. Fill a pot of mushrooms with water and close the lid. Now you need simmer over the fire for 40-60 minutes... Then transfer to a spacious bowl or a special wooden barrel.

Add seasoning: chopped garlic cloves, herbs, laurel leaves, currant leaves, cherries, peppers and cloves. The choice of spices and their quantity depends on your personal preference. Now pour everything with brine, gently mix all the ingredients and leave for 5 days under oppression. Arrange the finished product in containers and refrigerate.

If classic way already tried it, it's time to add some variety. You can salt it according to the following atypical recipe: wash the mushrooms, separate the caps from the legs and chop, then cook in slightly salted water for 20 minutes.

To prepared banks lay down layers: bay leaf, pepper, dill umbrellas and other spices, then chilled mushrooms, then a layer of salt (only 250 grams of salt are needed for 5 kg of mushrooms). When the cans are full, cover them with napkins along with the load and place in a cool place.

For filling it is taken cucumber pickle... The sequence of actions is the same as in the previous recipe. At the final stage, the banks are filled cucumber pickle and placed in storage.

The next recipe is cold salting... Place the peeled and prepared mushrooms in the water. Within 2-3 days, you need to periodically change the water. Put in jars in layers: spices (garlic, laurel, dill, pepper, horseradish, currant leaves), mushrooms, salt and spices on top. Be sure to put it under the press.

As the volume decreases, you can add more mushrooms with spices. The advantage of this recipe is that honey mushrooms do not darken, retain their natural appearance and give the dishes a pleasant taste and aroma. Making homemade preparations according to this recipe requires choose strong and beautiful mushrooms.

Salted honey mushrooms will become a spicy dish festive table, a delightful addition to meat and potatoes, perfect as an independent snack.

Even in the summer, the housewives begin a hot season for processing the harvest of the most different mushrooms... They are boiled, fried, stewed, soups, gravies, etc. are prepared from them. But then autumn begins and the time comes to think about how to preserve them until winter. There are many ways to do this. One of them is to salt the forest harvest. This is one of the common and simple ways harvesting it for the winter. Salting honey agaric in a cold way (canning in a strong saline solution) is available to everyone. We will stop at it.

General principles of mushroom pickling. Preparatory stage

As well as fresh, it can be used for stewing and marinades, for soups, appetizers and side dishes. How to make them to please your loved ones in winter delicious meals? First you need to choose the right one. To get high-quality salting of honey agarics in a cold way, they must be strong, fresh, not wormy, not overripe and not wrinkled. It is very important. Next, you need to sort them by size and cut the legs. Before salting, after putting them in a colander, I wash the mushrooms well.

We do it as follows: we take a bucket of cold water and repeatedly immerse a colander in it, letting the water drain well each time. It is not recommended to keep the mushrooms in water for a long time, as the caps absorb it very well. Then, after washing, honey agarics are cleaned of leaves adhering to them, earth, coniferous needles, sand, the damaged areas and the lower part of the legs are cut out. Large mushrooms are cut into pieces of the same size. Small ones can be left intact.

Cold salting of honey agaric in barrels: a universal recipe. Training

In fact, there are several options for salting mushrooms (like other mushrooms): dry, hot and cold. In this article, we will only consider the latter. It is used not for the entire crop, but only for those mushrooms that do not need preliminary cooking. Including for honey agarics. This method consists in soaking washed and peeled mushrooms for one to two days in frequently changed or running water.

You can also soak in salted water, based on the following calculation: per liter of water - two grams of citric acid and ten grams of table salt. This should be done in a cool room, changing the solution itself at least twice a day. You can not soak the mushrooms, but blanch in boiling water. To do this, dissolve ten grams of salt in a liter of water. The duration of the process is 15-20 minutes. Then cool the mushrooms in cold water and let it drain.

The second (main) stage of salting

We cook in the same way as our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did. Consider old recipe salting honey agarics. We put the mushrooms in a barrel in layers, having previously sprinkled salt on the bottom. We also sprinkle each layer with salt, at the rate of three to four percent of the total weight of the prepared mushrooms, dill, chopped garlic, currants and cherries, caraway seeds. The layer should be no more than six centimeters, and the mushrooms should be with their caps down.

Having filled the barrel to the top, cover it with a canvas, put the oppression on top and after a couple of days take it out to a cold place. After some time, mushrooms will give juice and settle, at this moment you need to add new ones, previously prepared or from another barrel. Every time we do not forget to put a circle with oppression. Then we send it for storage to the cellar or basement. After filling the barrel, after about five to six days, we check the brine level. If it is not enough, add a saline solution (per liter of water - 20 grams of salt) or increase the load. The whole process takes up to one and a half months. This completes the salting. They need to be stored at a temperature of one to seven degrees.

We add mushrooms for subsequent conservation in banks

As we already know, this method takes a long time to eat the mushrooms. But the result is worth it. We need a bucket of honey agarics, one and a half glasses of table salt, a head of garlic and fresh dill. Next, salting of honey agarics is performed. We will put already salted mushrooms in jars. Carefully, you can even use a toothbrush, we wash the mushrooms and cut off the damaged areas. To complete the recipe, we use enameled dishes, for example, a bucket with a lid or a large saucepan. As in the previous version, pour salt on the bottom and lay honey mushrooms in layers, sprinkling them with salt as well. You can add sliced ​​garlic cloves and dill sprigs. Cover with a plate of smaller diameter and place the load. In a maximum of three days, the mushrooms will settle, letting in the juice. Immediately after that, we shift them to glass jars and close with lids.

At the same time, the brine should completely cover the honey agarics. We put the cleaned and well-washed horseradish roots as a seal under the lid. We put containers with them for ripening for a standard one and a half months. The recipe for salting honey agaric in jars is complete. We store them in a cool and dark place.

A little conclusion

Of course, the process according to such recipes is very long, rather complicated, but once you work hard, your whole family will be provided with an incredibly tasty, crispy and healthy snack for several months. And you will understand that salting honey agaric in a cold way is one of better ways stock up on them for the whole winter. In order to serve them on the table, including festive, rinse the mushrooms well with water, add vegetable oil, onion and enjoy. Bon Appetit!

It is no secret that mushrooms contain a large amount of protein, vitamins and amino acids. And because of the low calorie content of the product, they are good for the diet of people who want to lose weight. Mushrooms harvested in autumn are considered the most suitable for human consumption. They can be fried, sauces made with them, or harvested for the winter. There are many recipes on how to deliciously salt honey mushrooms at home, which will be a good snack on the festive table.

Before you start salting mushrooms for the winter, you must first prepare the mushrooms. So, what needs to be considered:

After the correct pretreatment of the mushrooms, you can proceed to the salting process itself. This can be done in various ways.

Hot way

Salted honey mushrooms are very tasty for the winter in a hot way. Recipe for one and a half liters:

  • 2 kg of mushrooms;
  • 50 gr. salt and an additional 2 tsp. - for the first brewing;
  • 10 pcs. bay leaves, cloves of garlic and allspice;
  • 2 dill umbrellas.

For brine for 1 liter of water you will need: 1 tsp. salt, 3 bay leaves and 6 pieces of black peppercorns and cloves.

Ideal for this recipe are small mushrooms that can be salted whole. First of all, you need to sort, wash and put the gifts of the forest in 2 pots with a volume of 3 liters. And then you need to fill them with water, add a teaspoon of salt to each container and boil for 5 minutes. Foam will appear during cooking, which should be skimmed off with a spoon. Boiled mushrooms must be thrown into a colander and rinsed under running water. When the water drains, mushrooms must be transferred to a bowl.

In the meantime, you can start preparing the brine. To do this, pour a liter of water into a deep saucepan, add 1 tsp. salt and spices. Then you should put the container on the fire and wait until the brine boils. Then it is necessary to lower the boiled mushrooms into the boiling liquid and boil them again for 40 minutes. After this time, the mushrooms must be removed from the stove and allowed to cool completely in brine.

Next, you need to peel and cut the garlic into 3 parts, and also wash the dill. Then you need to prepare a large enamel pot, in which the gifts of the forest will be salted. Dill should be put on its bottom and the mushrooms should be laid out in layers, sprinkling them with garlic, lavrushka, allspice and salt, and 250 ml of brine should be poured on top and oppression should be set. To do this, you can use a jar of water on top of a plate. In this case, honey mushrooms must be completely covered with brine.

If it is not enough, you can add a little more brine. The container with oppression must be placed in the refrigerator for two weeks. After this time, honey mushrooms must be laid out together with spices in pre-sterilized jars, and closed with tight plastic lids. Such mushrooms should be stored in a cellar or refrigerator, no more than one year.

Cold way

If desired, you can pickle honey mushrooms according to a recipe that does not require cooking. Mushrooms prepared in this way have spicy taste. Required Ingredients:

  • 1 kg of prepared mushrooms;
  • 50 gr. salt;
  • 2 garlic cloves and the same number of laurel leaves;
  • 4 peppers;
  • 5 currant leaves;
  • dill greens - on your own.

Initially, honey mushrooms need to be cleaned and placed in a saucepan filled with water almost to the brim. For cooking in liquid, it is necessary to lower the onion wrapped in gauze with caraway seeds, lavrushka and salt. The container must be covered with a lid and placed on the stove. When the water boils, it is necessary to boil the mushrooms with spices for half an hour, constantly removing the foam formed during the cooking process. Then you need to throw the mushrooms in a colander and wait until the water drains from them. Then you need to prepare a jar in which the gifts of the forest will be laid out. At its bottom, you need to put garlic, spices, mushroom mass and pour in hot brine.

Finally, the can must be rolled up. After a week, the dish is completely salted.

Salting in a barrel

Salting honey agarics in a barrel is an old way of preparing mushrooms. Before serving the dish on the table, it must be seasoned vegetable oil and sprinkle with herbs. For a kilogram of honey agarics you will need:

  • 50 grams of salt;
  • 9 currant leaves;
  • 2 umbrellas of dill and peppercorns.

First of all, the mushrooms need to be washed and the legs cut off. Then it is necessary to place the mushroom caps in the barrel, add salt, and also add pepper, dill and currant leaves. From above it is required to spread the fabric and put oppression. The barrel should be placed in a room with a temperature of up to +10 degrees. Juice will gradually begin to form. It should be drained regularly for 7 days. By this time, the mushrooms can already be tasted, but they are most delicious after 14 days of salting.

Thus, at home, you can deliciously pickle honey mushrooms both hot and cold.