Frying porcini mushrooms recipe. Fried porcini mushrooms

The first mushrooms begin to appear in the forest at the very beginning of summer, but a more abundant harvest of mushrooms can be harvested closer to autumn. The other day, having gone to the forest for "mushroom exploration", we were lucky enough to pick up some porcini mushrooms. From them I prepared our favorite dish - fried porcini mushrooms with onions.

There are 2 options for cooking mushrooms: you can fry without boiling, or boil and then fry. I prefer the second option.

So let's get started. First, we clean the collected mushrooms from forest debris, rinse.

Cut into medium pieces (small mushrooms can be cut into halves).

And put it in boiling salted water, cook for 5-10 minutes, remembering to skim off the foam.

Throw the boiled mushrooms in a colander.

Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into a preheated pan, spread the mushrooms. Sprinkle with salt (remembering that it was boiled in salted water) and pepper and fry over medium heat for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Cut the onions into half rings or quarter-rings, add to the pan to the mushrooms and fry until the mushrooms are browned for 7-10 minutes, stirring.

Fried porcini mushrooms with onions are ready. Mushrooms can be served as independent dish, or you can cook mashed potatoes for them.

Bon Appetit!

Fried porcini mushrooms: best recipes with photo

Chanterelles and aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms and honey mushrooms, and many other mushrooms are good fried, but no one will argue that it is better than all of them put together fried porcini mushroom... With this king of mushrooms, the taste of many dishes, be it soup, hodgepodge or salad, will be excellent, but still it is fried and with potatoes that he is so loved by many. Here you can learn how to make mushroom soup.

It is not difficult to prepare it. Go through the porcini mushrooms brought and put aside all that have flaws: there the worm spoiled a little, there the mouse gnawed, etc. If you picked them in dry weather and the mushrooms are fairly clean, you can clean the legs, wipe off the caps and be limited to that. If not, wash the mushrooms thoroughly. Then they need to be cut into slices or pieces of another shape, but not too small. Heat butter or vegetable oil in a frying pan, add onion cut into half rings or cubes, sauté for 3-4 minutes and add chopped mushrooms. Fry over medium heat until the liquid boils away. When serving, you can add chopped greens. We garnish mashed potatoes or just boiled potatoes. For a pound of mushrooms, take a couple of onions, oil for frying, herbs and salt.

In general, potatoes and mushrooms are a win-win combination, so we will offer you one more recipe: fried potatoes with porcini mushrooms... As usual, we clean, wash, cut the mushrooms. If you want to cook this dish with dried mushrooms, they must be rinsed and soaked for about an hour in advance to swell. The frozen mushrooms should be left until completely thawed. Fresh or frozen mushrooms will need a pound, and if you take dried ones, then take about 100 g. Also, take a pound of potatoes and a large onion.

Wash the potatoes, peel them, rinse them again and cut them into cubes or slices as you like. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. If you wish, you can take some finely chopped garlic. Put the onion in a frying pan with heated oil, sauté a little, then add the mushrooms. After the liquid has boiled off, you can add chopped potatoes and fry until tender, stirring occasionally with a spatula. Add chopped dill and parsley to the finished dish.

You can add salt after laying the potatoes, or you can mix the potatoes with salt before putting them. And it seems that what is special about the combination of porcini mushrooms with potatoes, but you can offer other options for this dish. For example, use bacon instead of butter or vegetable oil. In this case, first cut it into small cubes and let the fat melt in a preheated skillet. And then, as usual, add the onion, mushrooms and potatoes in order. Garlic certainly doesn't hurt in this recipe. Another very tasty dish from mushrooms - julienne.

White mushroom fried with potatoes can be prepared with the addition of sour cream. Let's go here for a little trick. Fry the mushrooms separately, do everything as in the previous recipe. When they are almost ready, add a glass of sour cream 15-20% fat to the pan and let it simmer so that everything thickens a little. At the same time, in another pan on vegetable oil fry potatoes, you can also add onions to it. When both dishes are ready, combine them and add fresh herbs.

Fried porcini mushrooms recipe

And here's another way to tell you how to cook fried porcini mushrooms in batter. Also very tasty and unusual. This dish can be prepared with frozen, dry and, of course, fresh porcini mushrooms. Frozen mushrooms need to be thawed and cut into pieces lengthwise. Soak dried mushrooms in milk and boil a little in it with the addition of salt. Boil fresh mushrooms for about 20 minutes in salted boiling water and discard in a colander. If necessary, we also cut along the mushroom into 2 or 4 pieces. The pieces shouldn't be small. If the fungus is small, it can generally be left intact. To make batter, take a couple of eggs, half a glass of flour and a little cold carbonated mineral water or beer, salt, pepper.

Beat the eggs with a blender, put salt, pepper and gradually mix the flour into them, Then add a small amount of mineral water or beer with a tablespoon so that the dough becomes like sour cream in consistency. When dipping mushrooms, it should not drain. We heat the vegetable oil and fry the mushrooms, dipping them in the batter beforehand so that it evenly covers them. When frying, turn over so that the dish is evenly fried on all sides. Put the finished mushrooms on a sieve or colander so that the excess oil can drain off. A salad of fresh tomatoes with feta cheese and onions seasoned with a mixture of olive oil and balsamic vinegar... If you don't have enough time, a quick salad will help satisfy your hunger.

How to cook fried porcini mushrooms

Fried dried porcini mushrooms can be prepared in a very unusual way - to make a mushroom kebab in an airfryer. If in the summer such a dish is easy and simple to cook on a regular grill from fresh mushrooms, it is not available in winter. But if you have an airfryer, and you have stocked up on dry mushrooms, then nothing is impossible. We need dried mushrooms whole, soak them to swell and cook in the same water or in a small amount of dry white wine with the addition soy sauce or salt for 20-30 minutes. We also need fresh medium-sized tomatoes, onion, if you have eggplants, then you can take them too. Spig works very well here, but you can also make a vegetarian shish kebab. We string mushrooms, onions, eggplants grated with salt and pepper, slices of bacon, tomatoes on skewers. We place them on the upper grill of the airfryer and fry for 25 minutes at medium speed at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Fried porcini mushrooms with onions can be prepared using not only onions. A very tasty dish will turn out with leeks, since it has a more delicate and delicate taste. For a pound of fresh mushrooms or 100 g of dried mushrooms, we need two leeks. Also, take some cumin, cumin, or dill seeds. Heat vegetable oil in a small ladle or frying pan, preferably olive oil with a pinch of cumin and cumin. This should be done for a very short time, without heating the dishes, just so that the oil absorbs the smell of spices. Next, pour it into another preheated frying pan and put the prepared and chopped mushrooms there, fry it almost until cooked and send the leeks cut into slices there. You need to cut the lower part of the stem. You can grab a little green, but only where the greens have not yet had time to coarse. Next, fry until fully cooked. The dish needs to be salted when we add the onions. Add a little sour cream or cream at the end of cooking if you wish, but you can do without it.

How do we usually fry mushrooms? With potatoes, right? Didn't it occur to you to just fry? Yes, it seems not, but it seems a little, but it seems that some kind of side dish is needed. And so that without a side dish, do not try? Me neither. Until I went to Bulgaria, and there, in one restaurant, as dear guests, they did not serve us specialty of the house- fried porcini mushrooms. We were already full and did not want to eat, but the hostess of the hotel, where we were resting, rushed in and ordered to cover the clearing. These mushrooms were so tasty that we could not leave them on the plate. Through force, but they shook everything clean. And the next day they asked for more. We were told that they are not on the menu, but we will do it for you. And again we overate ourselves with these mushrooms. And then I quietly inquired about the recipe. And they gave it to me. And now I will give it to you. We are not competitors to that Bulgarian restaurant, are we? Yes, and they do not have it on the menu, so what is the secret to keep?

Everything is prepared very simply, but it turns out very fragrant, the mushrooms crunch, the taste is magical. Try it!

We practically don't need anything, but nevertheless

We take:
White mushrooms. Better fresh, but you can also ice cream.
Ghee butter.

In this case, no seasoning is needed. You don't even need pepper! Do not add, for God's sake, it will sharpen the delicate taste of the mushrooms. Well, you won't like it, then pepper, it's never too late!

The onion was finely chopped and sent to fry in ghee.

Is the onion browned? Excellent! Add water and simmer until the water is almost completely gone. Yes, this is a long time, but the onion should eventually turn into a sauce and not be felt at all on the tooth in the final dish. But the taste will be felt and we need it!

The bow should reach about this degree.

While the onion was fried, we washed the mushrooms and cut them. It is better to cut into thin slices, along the mushroom, straight with a leg, but for some reason I missed this moment. Soak in salt water for half an hour. Rinse.

Add mushrooms to onions, add more oil and start frying everything together.

Mushrooms give a lot of water, so first they will be stewed in own juice... This is good, since the mushrooms will pass the necessary heat treatment and then they will be fried.
We add. A little. Remember that most of the liquid will go away. And fry until the liquid completely evaporates and the mushrooms are lightly browned.

Do we serve it as an independent dish, as an independent snack, or what else will come to your mind?

Simply delicious! I fried a frying pan and without waiting for my husband, I ate it all myself. I put the supplement to myself three times. Well, in general, until it was over.

In the same way, I fried boletus boletus. It was also delicious, but the whites are tastier. Crunchier, sweeter and more flavorful. Only in aspen mushrooms, I also added turmeric. And I wanted to take a picture of the final result and forgot.

    Porcini mushrooms are very good mushrooms, they should not be soaked and washed only if you wipe them off with a damp cloth. It is not worth boiling them before frying. In order for the mushrooms to be fried, 20 minutes is enough,

    Never timed the frying. Lightly boiled porcini mushrooms, place in a preheated skillet with pork fat and fry until the moisture is completely boiled away (about 30-40 minutes). It is better to add salt gradually during the frying process.

    Porcini mushrooms should be fried for 15 to 20 minutes. During this time, they will cook and become safe for consumption. Boiling porcini mushrooms is not necessary at all. Many simply fry until fully cooked, neglecting the process of boiling porcini mushrooms.

    I don’t think there is a need to measure how long it takes to fry the porcini mushrooms. It is better to determine the degree of readiness of fried white mushrooms, and other types of mushrooms, visually. As soon as the mushrooms lose excess moisture during the frying process, the mushrooms are ready.

    Porcini mushrooms are the most delicious and nutritious. And of course, the luck of the mushroom picker will be that he will find a clearing with porcini mushrooms. They are so fragrant, they can be used to prepare excellent culinary dishes. They can be canned, frozen for the winter or dried.

    Any mushrooms, including porcini mushrooms, are recommended to be boiled in salted water for at least twenty minutes before frying, during which time all the toxins from the mushrooms will be removed.

    After boiling, you need to rinse them under running water and dry slightly and then fry in a pan in vegetable oil, for at least twenty minutes until they are fully cooked, stirring constantly.

    Advise before frying White mushrooms clean well of debris and rinse, then chop and into a frying pan with butter. First, a lot of liquid comes out of the mushrooms, they are fried until it evaporates, you need to stir more often. As soon as the moisture is gone, fry for another ten minutes until delicious frying.

    I don’t boil any mushrooms before frying. It is enough just to rinse well, cut. If you are going to make fried potatoes with mushrooms, then first put chopped mushrooms in the pan, fry (carcass) under the lid for 10-15 minutes, then add the onion. Another 5-7 minutes, then put the potatoes and fry until the potatoes are ready.

    Never boil white mushrooms before frying. Not even mine. I just sort it out carefully, remove all the garbage. Then I'll roll it over the towel. I also cut into a frying pan with butter and onions. A little under the lid, so that the juice is given, and then until crisp without the lid. Such yummy turns out!

    fried mushrooms need to be fried for about 15 minutes, but must be processed first. Processing consists in cooking. Porcini mushrooms are boiled in salted water for several minutes before frying. some advise not to cook, but simply fry longer, but with cooking it is somehow safer)

    40-45 minutes.

    Heat treatment of mushrooms lasts the specified time. That is, if the mushrooms were boiled in salted water for 20 minutes before frying, then they will be fried for 20-25 minutes.

    If not boiled, then completely 40-45 minutes. Usually, roasting for 30 minutes, and then simmering under a lid with spices for 10 minutes.

    There are different opinions about the need to boil mushrooms before frying them.

    If the mushrooms have been boiled beforehand, then they need to be fried for about 15-20 minutes, but if the mushrooms have not been boiled, but are fried immediately, then they need to be fried much more, 35-40 minutes. It also depends on the size of the sliced ​​pieces of mushroom.

    My hotplate is weak, I have to fry longer than usual. If on a regular stove (with an oven), 15-20 minutes is enough, then I have this procedure lasting up to 40 minutes. In my understanding, mushrooms are ready if excess moisture has left them and they have acquired a pleasant toasty color. HERE - you can see a good instruction with different ingredients.

Porcini mushrooms from all types of mushrooms are considered the most delicious and easy to prepare. A large number of dishes can be prepared from them, which will not only be tasty, but also healthy. Porcini mushrooms can be fried using a wide variety of ingredients, and each dish will give you its own unique taste.

Every country in the world has own recipes how delicious to fry porcini mushrooms. Therefore, any hostess can easily choose traditional recipe or try an unusual way of cooking porcini mushrooms.


  • Porcini mushrooms - 500 g
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste


  1. Sort the mushrooms thoroughly and rinse. After pouring boiling water over them, cut into thin slices. Then pepper and salt.
  2. Fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil. Enough 15 minutes.
  3. Peel the onions and cut into rings. Fry the onions until golden brown, separately from the porcini mushrooms. Fried mushrooms mix with onions.

Fried porcini mushrooms with sour cream: a New Zealand recipe


  • Porcini mushrooms - 300 g
  • Corn or olive oil- 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sour cream - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Flour - 0.5 tsp.


  1. Sort out the mushrooms, peel, rinse, pour over boiling water, wait until the water drains.
  2. Cut them into slices and salt. Fry in vegetable oil.
  3. Once the mushrooms are golden brown, add the flour, stirring in the mushrooms.
  4. Pour in the sour cream and, having mixed everything, boil the mushrooms in the resulting sauce.
  5. Place the finished dish in the oven for 5 minutes.

How to fry porcini mushrooms: an American recipe

Fried porcini mushrooms are no less popular in North America. This dish takes 35 minutes to cook.


  • Porcini mushrooms - 500 g
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt and herbs to taste


  1. Sort out the mushrooms, cut and wash. Cut into rings and fry in a pan for 15 minutes. Stir occasionally.
  2. Mix milk with egg and pour into mushrooms. Salt.
  3. After 7 minutes, place the pan in the oven preheated to 180 ° C.
  4. After 5 minutes, the mushrooms will be ready. Drizzle with melted butter and chopped herbs before serving.

You can fry not only fresh porcini mushrooms, but also dried ones. They can be used as a main course or as an appetizer, or added to a stew. At correct preparation dried mushrooms will be no different from fresh porcini mushrooms.


  • Porcini mushrooms - 400 g
  • Water - 2 l
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Sour cream - 100 ml
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Salt to taste


  1. Pour dried mushrooms with water or milk. After an hour, drain the water and rinse them. Rinse until the water is clear.
  2. Boil porcini mushrooms. The resulting broth can be used to make soup. Cut the mushrooms into pieces.
  3. Heat the pan and add oil. Chop the onion and fry it.
  4. Then add the porcini mushrooms. Season with salt, you can add spices to taste. Pour in some sour cream and flour to thicken.
  5. Serve the fried porcini mushrooms with a vegetable side dish, potatoes, or rice. They can be stuffed with chicken or peppers, used as an appetizer or as an ingredient for a salad.

Fried porcini mushrooms: a Norwegian recipe


  • Dried porcini mushrooms - 100 g
  • Soaking milk - 1 l
  • Vegetable or butter- 3 tbsp. l. or 150 g
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Ground red pepper and salt - to taste


  1. Rinse the mushrooms well in warm water, then soak them in cold milk. Milk will give them delicate taste... Soak the mushrooms for 4 hours.
  2. Boil the mushrooms in milk for half an hour. Drain the milk and dry the mushrooms. Milk can be replaced with water. If you have used water, you can leave it to make mushroom sauce.
  3. Beat the egg. IN breadcrumbs add spices and salt.
  4. Dip the mushrooms in an egg and coat them in breadcrumbs.
  5. Preheat a skillet and fry the mushrooms in it. As soon as they are covered with a golden crust, the dish is ready.

One of everyone's favorite dishes is fried potatoes with mushrooms.


  • Porcini mushrooms - 250 g
  • Water - 1.5 l
  • Medium potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 100 g


  1. Soak dried mushrooms in water for an hour. Then rinse under the running cold water and cut into cubes.
  2. Peel the onions and potatoes. Cut the onion into rings and the potatoes into strips.
  3. Heat oil in a skillet until it spreads. Fry the onions and mushrooms in it.
  4. Add potatoes, stir. Cover the skillet with a lid and heat low. Stir until the potatoes are tender.
  5. Season the dish with salt and fry until golden crust over high heat.