Kebab in olive oil recipe. Pork shashlik with onions from one old Armenian

So the kebab season has come, we have already started yesterday. They made pork shashlik with vegetable oil.

To prepare it, we need:

Pork (preferably neck) 2 kg;

5 onions;

Odorless vegetable oil 1 tbsp.;

Vinegar 2 tablespoons or lemon juice;

Spices for barbecue 1 tbsp ..

My meat, cut into small pieces and put in a saucepan. We make a marinade separately - we mix oil, lemon juice, onion cut into rings and spices. We do not add salt to the marinade, but do not forget to add salt before stringing the meat on skewers. Pour the prepared meat with marinade and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

A kebab prepared according to this recipe always turns out well. The secret is that the pieces of meat are covered with a thin film of butter, so it turns out to be very juicy.

How delicious!

I also advise you to cook:

- "Pomegranate shashlik";

- "appetizer from onions".

Ingredients: any meat, but not tough parts onions, salt, freshly ground black pepper vegetable oil vinegar or lemon juice mayonnaise

Barbecue cooking

Of course, the most delicious barbecue is obtained on the grill, somewhere in nature, to the sound of age-old firs and oaks, or at least our own apple trees. But, if such pleasure is not foreseen in the near future, and you do not have shish kebab delivered to your home, you can cook it at home, on the grill, in the oven.

The meat should be marinated in advance. It is better to buy the most delicate pieces, for example, the neck. Wash the meat, drain off excess water. Take 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt, pepper, finely chopped onions, your favorite mayonnaise and lemon juice or wine vinegar.

If the sour taste is not to your liking, you can do without the acid. All this is mixed and spread, in the resulting marinade, meat. Leave for several hours, you can overnight.

Shashlik is fried on charcoal, without fire, periodically turning, for about 15 minutes, putting the meat on a skewer with onion rings. Served with herbs, vegetables, sauces. Tkemali, ketchup goes well with it.

So, in order to start cooking a real and delicious kebab, you must first choose the right meat. What kind of meat should I buy? Someone only loves lamb, others do not eat pork, and still others eat any meat. For good kebab pork is great, not very fatty, only fresh and not frozen. How much pork to take for the best result? I would not risk other parts of the meat from the pig to just be disappointed later. Take the neck, and that's it. But, and right there, I will make one reservation. It has such a middle, without veins, slightly pink in color, which goes along the spine on both sides. So, it is also not suitable for barbecue. And if it even gets on a barbecue, and this can always happen, then you will immediately start chewing like chicken brisket and without much, tasteful pleasure, no matter what seasonings you use. Like all butchers, I will also assure you that frozen meat loses its main flavor properties. Although, what can I say, our brother cannot take something for the future. It happens that somewhere fresh meat is found, and even over time it does not always work out. Therefore, listen to at least one piece of advice: do not marinate meat frozen or still. cold, let it thaw first to room temperature and all the blood water will drain. Pay attention to the color of the meat: if the meat is faded, dried out, it means that it is not fresh and it will not make a barbecue. Conclusion: fresh meat, frozen, is better than not fresh! And make the right conclusion yourself!

First, rinse the meat under running water and dry it with a tissue towel. Who knows how and who touched him before you, and moisture in the pickle is not needed, absolutely. If you buy meat at the bazaar early in the morning, pickling it immediately according to this recipe, then in the evening you can safely turn it on the grill!

We figured out the meat, by the way, the lamb will be even tastier, and I was convinced of this more than once and, always, I will say it. I had a chance somehow to cook a barbecue for a purely Turkish society, they bought the meat for me themselves. What was mo. surprise that they snatched pieces of meat almost out of their mouths even from others! The lamb was pickled exactly according to this recipe! Therefore, dear and distinguished guests, I still try to treat you with fresh mutton!

Using this method, we cut the meat into transverse washers 3-4 cm wide, then into identical pieces, removing the bar and tendons. Do not get carried away with removing the fat, it will add some juiciness. After a good workout, you can get it just like me, where each shelf of meat comes out with a difference of two to five grams !!! For lean lamb, it is recommended to wear fat tail fat between the meat. Let's leave this topic for the lamb lovers.

Now the ingredients for the marinating and the whole secret of my dish. We take from the calculation, let's say, by 3-4 kilograms. The main system for marinating meat is not what ingredients to put there, it is even very important - in what sequence!

1. Salt (about 4-5 tsp). Tastes, I will say right away, are different for everyone, I personally do not add salt on the table, I never add salt to eggs or tomatoes. Two chemical compounds, sodium and chlorine, which make up salt, do nothing good for the body, and spoil the bones to arthrosis. Let's not talk about the fact that salt is simply necessary, it is impossible without it, etc. But an undersalted kebab will be very inappropriate, so it needs to be well and properly salt.

2. Black pepper and, I will emphasize, GREAT ground, as in the picture. No pepper dust! Better yet, crush the peas with the plane of a knife and then cut them a little with a sharp point. When you chew meat, these grains will give you a pleasant taste. How many? 15 - 20 peas !!! Want more, for an amateur! By the way, black pepper is very useful for the body !!! Are you familiar with vodka and pepper for colds? So, first of all, not vodka, but black pepper itself gives a healing reaction!

3. Coriander. She is also - cilantro. I think this name is familiar to you. Again, the question is - how much? I think that 15-20 peas will also be enough. They need to be crushed in a mortar, first lightly fried. Can already be sold and ground. But, in no case, maybe I, and I will repeat myself, do not overdo it with seasonings! Otherwise, you will not get the real taste of meat. If the coriander is already ground: a little more than half a tsp. Or rather, it will be like in the photo. I saw how kebabs are marinated with green cilantro, but in order to advise you on this, you need to check it yourself. I haven’t tried it - I don’t know, although I will definitely try to pickle it as soon as the opportunity arises.

4. Basil. I have it in a jar, dry. Sold in almost all stores. Take the same amount as ground coriander. In a teaspoon size, this is 1/2, a little more can be! This herb does not have such a pungent and pungent taste.

5. Thyme. He's Thyme. One of the Asian spices from which dried thyme herbs are used. In small quantities, it complements well with vegetables and meat dishes as well as various salads. The use of thyme dates back to ancient Greece, where it symbolized courage. Roman soldiers bathed in water infused with thyme to gain strength, energy and courage. In the Middle Ages, girls embroidered a sprig of thyme on knights' scarves for courage. How many? One or two pinches per kilogram, rubbing lightly with your fingers.

6. Zira, she is Zra, she is Kumin. Do not confuse with cumin or dill. Such things do not go to the barbecue at all. Look in stores, with friends and it will pay off! I have not seen it in stores in Germany, but in Russian stores there is for sure! Quantity? A very specific seasoning, a little less than half a tsp will be enough. Zira is very specific in taste, so be careful in its quantity. Zira is very similar to dill, don't be confused!

7. Bay leaf, a couple of pieces. Let it even break into small pieces there with stirring. When you put meat on skewers, if you notice it, just put it aside. They don't eat it !!!

8. Red pepper, paprika. Ground, sweet. You can have a teaspoon without a "slide". It will give a slightly desired flavor and a beautiful color when fried. Want to add some spice? One clove of crushed garlic, add hot, chilli peppers, but I warn you that the taste of the meat can be greatly interrupted, I think that you do not need this, because you wanted a real shish kebab, right?

9. Bulb onions. We cook in two ways: onions, which are smaller - for meat, larger onions - for a snack. First, we cut large onions and only into rings. The rings need to be separated from each other. We sort it out neatly and separately fold the rings in a dose, and mix the rest with the meat. Snack on barbecue rings! And not with some waste or ponytails chopped at random. Aesthetic culture and neatness must be present first of all! About 5-6 onions are enough. As some write that onion 1: 1, it seems to me, there will be a lot, just cut it correctly so that it gives out juice. For convenience, in the second way, you can skip the onion through a meat grinder, and then squeeze the resulting mass through cheesecloth. This is what I use, it is very convenient and there is no need to fiddle with waste from onions. It is even easier to run through a juicer, it will be more practical, but there will be more hassle with washing the machine. The next day, the onion rings can be drizzled with vinegar diluted with water and sprinkled with red or black pepper, as you like!

10. Sunflower oil, not to be confused with olive oil, 5-6 tablespoons. Yes, yes, you absolutely did not mishear, namely sunflower oil! Imagine yourself that you have tossed the meat into a skillet without oil. And, no matter how non-stick frying pan you have, any meat will simply start burning. This is what happens in the pictures of other kebab makers, where charred edges stick out, and you need to chew them, because spitting them out is ugly, and just uncomfortable. Add oil after all the added, mixed solids, in exactly the same sequence as it is written.

It looks like, by someone, fried, in the picture, meat: a. pickled without oil;
b. too finely chopped onion and did not remove it all;
v. this is the meat that goes along the neck trimming,
slightly pink in color, does not change its shape after pickling and does not have a real, juicy taste. How did it burn down? How can this be called a barbecue?

11. And now, having put in the meat everything that is written above, passing between the fingers, we begin to mix everything well, adding an equally important and, even I would say, effective product, this is LEMON. A good sized lemon is enough for half. Just be careful to squeeze out only when everything is already mixed with seasonings and oil. Getting a lemon on clean meat, it immediately becomes a "cola", as after vinegar, so the vinegar simply does not go to the kebab.

You can pour vinegar on an already fried kebab.

12. A quarter, maybe half, of natural pomegranate juice will add even more compliments to you and even more reliably hide the answer to your recipe! Pomegranate, in the summer, you are unlikely to find it anywhere, and it is better to neglect juices in the store. Many tests show that the grenade did not even lie there. So, let's leave your experiment until late autumn.

Mix all this thoroughly and leave it tightly covered in a saucepan, pressing down on top with a suitable plate, approximately in diameter. Put something heavy on top and leave it until tomorrow. Although, as I mentioned above, if the meat is fresh, then it will also marinate throughout the day. Stir everything in the morning, now enjoying the smell that will already come from the meat. You can even lick it or bite it off, now there is nothing terrible in this meat.

And this is how fresh, soft, vigorous, pickled meat should look like. It can be immediately distinguished from not good meat... Conclusion: be friends with the butcher, at least find out on what days he is slaughtered. An exceptional case if you do it yourself. Now I will also pay attention to the barbecue. It also has to correspond to some parameters. It is best to have iron, and even better with stainless steel, the thicker its walls, the better. It will keep the heat better and fry the marginal pieces.

And there is no need to torture yourself with hunger, making a kebab on bricks or somewhere on hanging chains.

My brazier looks like this: length - 60 cm., Height 15 (from the grate) and width 22 cm. The main mistake of those who make braziers: the grate should not have a large number of holes. Better to have a quarter of the bottom of the barbecue only from the grate, the rest is solid iron. You will see how the meat will simply brown and roast to full depth. And most importantly, it will not flare up under the flame of fire, where the meat will immediately take on a smoky color and lose the taste we all need. Do you want to eat soot ??? Me not!!! Smoking is a completely different topic and in this case it simply will not be appropriate.

This brazier is for a small company or outdoors. At the moment, my newest grill is being tested in the photo. Now that it's already sun. behind and the meat is eaten, I can say with confidence that it did not pass the test 100% and now there are drawbacks: along the edge of the hole-free bottom, along, I made holes, after five centimeters and now everything is fine! Yes, there was not yet a blower flap, so I had to remove the meat from the place where the grate was, my welder said that he would fix this matter.

Also, I will not focus on the fact that the meat should be fried in good heat all the time, turning and, in no case, should not be doused with tongues of flame. Let the coals burn out well, fan the ashes, and only then do the most beautiful thing in this art - to fry a barbecue! Every self-respecting kebab player should know this!

Next to the barbecue is all my yummy pickled and skewered! Everything is very convenient and practical! About lamb: be especially careful! If you overcook it, the meat will turn into dry and stale balls. Good, fresh meat is cooked quickly, just a couple of minutes. Especially women need to learn one truth, because they often confuse roasted meat juice with blood, so they ask for more roast. Although the meat is already quite ready.

And I will also open my tradition to everyone. When the coals are hot, I always fry only one stick first. For the success of the event, I will pour a glass of good red wine and appreciate the quality of the future barbecue. I will give the guests a try, albeit not for everyone, teasing them to the limit. And then it went - it went!

I, personally, had cases that close friends, one even a butcher by education, became speechless while eating. And after 5-6 sticks exhaling, he said that he had never eaten such a kebab! Now, by the way, it marinates just like that!

There is no need to make meter skewers. Until, while eating, you get to the last piece, it will already be cold. Secondly, waving the sword at the table, saying what a delicious shish kebab, you can gouge a good friend's eye out. And how wonderful it is to eat shish kebab from the skewer, when it is still hot. In this case, I use my own, short, total length of 37 cm, skewers. If you have only 20 of them, it means that you have no friends, and you cannot invite someone to visit. The meat must be skewered to the last bite. Or do you do this: - Hey, Vovan, come on, finish eating, come on skewer, I need to fry Kolka!

I have 90-100 of them, they do not rust, they don’t ask to eat, if only to put meat on them, and there’s enough for everyone. And in nature I take all the meat already put on and only on skewers. It is hidden in a special container and from all kinds of insects. I put marinated meat on skewers only myself and only at home. I don’t bother my ladies with this work; if I got down to business, I’ll bring it to the end. I don’t want to offend our lovely and fair sex, but meat should not roll on skewers or hang down to the very coals.

As for the size of the sticks, while eating, it is better to take another, fresh, hot stick, so I put 5-6 pieces in each. For lovely ladies, even one skewer is enough, she would like to try the second one, but with huge skewers she is afraid that she will suddenly not be able to cope. With my size, you can safely adjust the amount of shish kebab eaten. We are not in the Stone Age near a spinning mammoth or in a competition: "Who will eat more!" Although, with a good barbecue, any thought about a diet simply disappears! And two or three skewers, your lady can always eat with pleasure!

Again, a case from life. The day dragged on with all sorts of things, it was late evening, a sauna and, accordingly, a barbecue. One lady from a kindred circle, she was very indignant, like, at night, looking at such a dish !? From her youth she knew the rules of nutrition, looked after her figure, and, by the way, herself, by the way, swallowed three sticks, and even a mug of beer upstairs !!! ...

The last condition and an important one: always put your guests at the table, let them miss one glass of salads. No walking around the barbecue, everyone should be seated at the table! Let them draw in with their nostrils what you are cooking there. Your place is only by the fire !!! Here you start serving them your kebab!

Kebab should be eaten only hot! And also, if you treat with barbecue, let it be only barbecue. Something from a snack, such as pickles, tomatoes, squash. Bell peppers, black olives, onions, dark bread and, of course, good vodka! There should not be any manti and pies, because you only treat us to SHASHLIK!

I don’t know where they will kiss you for this, but you will definitely be the first kebab player in the village! This is how the first skewer looks like, sizzling, roasting and not burning over a hot fire. And the juice, what kind of juice is running, just look! If it drops on the fire, then this drop will immediately flare up, and at the bottom of the barbecue with the least ventilation, this will not happen.

Below you will see that all the parties of the barbecue fried by me look about the same for me, so you will succeed, I am sure of it!

And here she is the first batch, the people are waiting, everything is poured, just give it!

And this is what lamb looks like: surprisingly ruddy and just melting in your mouth. It is this meat that you saw in the second picture above. What, exactly, served as a pickle? This cannot be said, most likely each ingredient contributed to this work. And the fact that the first pancake can always be lumpy, you know that, but the lesson you will get from this is the most correct one! In this case, if everything was clear to you, there simply cannot be a mistake.

Try my recipe, maybe you will like this dish too! Drooling, after all, flowed ???

PS: as one wise man said that: "We do not live in this world in order to eat, but we eat in order to live !!!"

Shish kebab is a wonderful dish, the roots of which go back to the hoary antiquity, and it is hardly possible to find them. There are many marinades and cooking methods. However, in this article, we'll talk about how to cook pork skewers according to one old recipe. It's pretty straightforward. The main advantage of this marinade is that the meat is ready for frying in 1 - 1.5 hours, and it will be juicy like pork kebab in mayonnaise, although it is not even close there. Another advantage of this recipe is that pickled meat can be stored for a long time without a refrigerator (more than 2 days) and fried very quickly.


It is necessary to take coriander, allspice and black peppers (all in grains) and grind coarsely (not until flour, but without pieces). All spices to taste. If you are too lazy to grind grains, then you can use suneli hops. It is advisable to add herbs such as tarragon (tarragon) and dry cilantro (a little). You can put a bay leaf. It should be remembered that the excess of spices interrupts the natural taste of the meat. Therefore, it is better not to overdo it so that the pork kebab is not obtrusively spicy. Salt is added to taste (based on the amount of meat).


Pour about 200 g of unrefined sunflower oil (preferably homemade) into an enamel bowl and add spices. The meat is cut in large pieces, is put into a container and mixed.

In this marinade, in principle, you can cook not only pork kebabs, but also from beef, lamb, chicken, etc. However, pork neck is best suited. Then the onion is cut. You will need a lot of it, at least 0.5 kg per 1 kg of meat (ideally 1: 1). Onions can be cut into rings or half rings, but there is another great way. Medium onions are cleaned (do not remove the noses and tails) and cut into 4 pieces (6 pieces are possible if they are large). A small onion crumbles finely and grinds well with salt. All this is put into the marinade and mixed thoroughly. Everything should be well understood and pressed. The bulbs that are on the surface must be pressed against the meat with their inner part. You can add a little oil on top so that it slightly covers the total mass. Marinate pork skewers over this recipe not for long. If the weather is hot, then 40 minutes - 1 hour is enough.


For a fire, it is best to use firewood from fruit trees, but as a last resort, charcoal is also suitable. The fever should be good. Next, pork skewers with onion quarters are strung on skewers (alternating). It was for these purposes that the onion was cut in this way. This makes the meat much juicier. The bulbs will only burn their tails and noses, and they themselves will be baked and soaked in kebab juice (if there is no time to mess around, you can fry one meat, but with onions it tastes better). It is more convenient to string them on the inside of the quarter. When barbecues are fried, the oil is melted from the meat and also heats it up from the inside. At the same time, the pork is not overdried. The only negative is that the dripping oil ignites the coals, so you need to be vigilant and watch out for the fire. Turn skewers as often as possible when frying. This dish recommended for wines, cognac, vodka and other drinks! Bon Appetit!

Dear Readers!

I suggest you cook a shish kebab marinated with vegetable oil. This marinade is interesting because 40 minutes is enough for the meat to be marinated, and the meat in it can be stored for a long time without a refrigerator and, which is very important, the meat is fried twice as fast.


  • 1 kg of good pork meat
  • 300 g onions
  • 100 ml vegetable oil
  • ground black pepper
  • coriander
  • spices for barbecue

Unusual marinade - shish kebab in vegetable oil


We wash the meat, cut into portioned pieces... We cut it coarsely, the kebabs will be juicier.

As you can see, you don't need traditional vinegar or mayonnaise to make the marinade. Pour vegetable oil into the container for marinating the kebab, add black pepper, coriander or just spices for the kebab, salt to taste. Mix the marinade well.

It is better to take a small onion. We clean it, rinse it. Grind one onion very finely, add a little salt and grind thoroughly until the onion porridge is formed. Add it to the marinade and mix well.

Cut the rest of the onion into rings or lengthwise into 4-6 pieces. If you cut along, then in order to prevent the onion from falling apart and not burning when cleaning, we do not cut the tails and noses.

Place the meat and onions in the marinade, mix well, preferably by hand, then as if each piece will be in the marinade. We leave our kebabs in the marinade for 40 minutes. If you do not plan to fry them right away, if you have prepared them in advance, then the meat should be completely covered with oil.

The kebabs are marinated, string them on skewers, alternately meat, onions and on the grill.

Do not go far, turn it over more often so that it does not burn, as the vegetable oil will drip and the coals in the grill can ignite. Don't yawn, just cover them with water. Since I will have guests today, I cook a shish kebab from meat and . In the photo, he is in the background.

Shish kebab in Armenian is a classic of the genre and we are considering it. The recipe for marinating kebabs will not claim to be the only one correct recipe... However, this recipe was shared by one rather old Armenian, who is not a bad person, and the cook is good enough. The presented method of pickling may be of interest for several of its properties. The marinating process can be about 40 minutes, while in such a marinade, the meat can stand even outside the refrigerator for three days and will not deteriorate. The main thing is not to leave it in direct sun, and you can be sure of the quality of the product. It is also worth noting that when using such a marinade, the meat cooks much faster. The cooking time is sometimes reduced by 2 times.

How to cook Armenian marinade
There is no need to use a variety of vinegars, wine or mayonnaise. It will be enough for us to take ordinary unrefined sunflower oil. Of course, it is better to use homemade oil.

You can use any spices to your taste, but you should take into account some of the nuances. Only black pepper can be used; allspice can be added for flavor. The use of coriander is highly recommended. All this must be used only coarsely so that there are no large pieces, but also no powder.

We take enamel pot, pour about 200 grams of oil into the bottom of it, and throw in all the seasonings. We used some suneli hops for the spice, as well as some dry cilantro and tarragon. Throw salt depending on the amount of marinated meat. Now the marinade must be left to soak.

Now we need a bow. It will need to be used quite a lot. Half a kilogram of onions for one and a half kilograms of meat. More is possible, but not less. There is another subtlety here: the onions must be peeled, but the tails and noses must be left in place. Medium onions are best.

The onion must be cut lengthwise. We cut small onions into four parts, larger ones can be cut into six parts. One small onion must be chopped finely enough, add a little salt and transfer thoroughly. Place the whole onion in the marinade and mix well.

How to cook Armenian shish kebab
Now you can start eating meat. In such a marinade, even beef turns out to be good, but it is better to take a neck. The meat must be cut into sufficiently large pieces, in which case it will turn out to be quite juicy. If you are using lamb, then the pieces can be made smaller. We throw the meat into the marinade, mix thoroughly and even press down a little. If you do not plan to fry it in the near future, then it is better to add some more top of the top and cover with oil to the top.

It is necessary to string meat and onions on skewers in turn. In this case, the onion must be strung immediately in quarters, piercing outward from the inner layer. In this case, during cooking, the spout and tail will be burned, and you will have a real tasty baked onion.

Now let's reveal the secret why this is faster. The thing is that vegetable oil, during burnout and heating, heats up a piece of meat from the inside, while not allowing it to dry out. The only caveat: a lot of fat will drip from such a kebab, so you will need to watch the fire more closely.