Eggplant or eggplant how right? Low-calorie vegetable - to help those losing weight! Eggplant in a double boiler Eggplant in a double boiler for the winter.

Rarely, someone cooks eggplants for a couple, but in vain - a famous culinary expert thinks. Jamie Oliver agrees that "steamed eggplant" clearly does not sound very appetizing, but he says with confidence that this dish actually turns out to be much tastier than by ear. Typically, these vegetables are fried or baked, while saturating the eggplant with as much oil as possible. If, however, steam the eggplant, then they will certainly become light, tender and soft. This means that every gourmet will be able to consume absolutely any amount of eggplants without fear of eating a large number of calories, because steamed products do not contain oils! There are many varieties of eggplant - purple, white, round and long, Jamie recommends trying them all!

The recipe is taken from

Jamie's Kitchen


1 Boil some water in a saucepan first. Cut the eggplants in half along the length, moving the pieces into the double boiler so that the eggplants are in the cut-up position. Cook for 10 minutes to see if the slice is ready by squeezing gently with your index and middle fingers. If it becomes soft, the eggplant is ready!

3 Now make the sauce by mixing all the ingredients together. When doing this, do not forget to coarsely chop the coriander, basil and mint.

4 Season the eggplants while they are warm. Cut each slice into 1/2-inch pieces, transfer to a bowl, shake and pour over the dressing. This dish can be immediately served on the table as a side dish for any fish or salad.

How to properly eggplant in or eggplant (r.p. pln.)

Both options are correct, however it is preferable: eggplant in.

Question No. 285208

Good day! How to do it correctly: "the eggplant color is trending" or "the eggplant color is trending". Thank you in advance! I also ask you to clarify the rules for using these adjectives.

Russian language help desk response

These adjectives are equal, so both are correct.

Question No. 271756

why 5 Turks and not Turks?

Russian language help desk response

For most masculine nouns that initially end in a solid consonant ( orange, tomato, fly agaric, computer, sock), the ending -ow in genitive plural: oranges, tomatoes, fly agarics, computers, socks and so on. A wide range of exceptions can be distinguished from this rule - similar nouns, but having a zero ending in the genitive plural: one stocking - no stockings, one Ossetian - five Ossetians, one gram - five grams and five grams etc. These words include:

    The names of people by nationality and belonging to military units, mainly used in plural forms in a collective sense: Magyars - Magyars, Turkmens - Turkmens, midshipmen - midshipmen and midshipmen, partisans - partisans, soldiers - soldiers; this includes the form p. n. pl. h. human.

    The names of the paired items: boots - boots, eyes - eyes, cuffs - cuffs, shoulder straps - shoulder straps, stockings - stocking, epaulettes - epaulet, boots - boots.

    Names of measures and units of measure: 220 volts, 1000 watts, 5 amps, 500 gigabytes... If such names are used outside the "measuring" context (in other words, the genitive case is not countable), then the ending is used -ov: live without excess pounds, not enough gigabytes.

It should be noted that the names of fruits, fruits and vegetables, which are masculine nouns, in the initial form ending in a solid consonant ( orange, eggplant, tomato, tangerine), in the genitive plural form. h. have an ending -ov: five oranges, a kilogram of eggplant, New Year without tangerines, tomato salad.

For some nouns, the formation of the plural forms. h. genus. the item is difficult; these are words dream, plea, chump... On the contrary, the words shchets and fireman do not have other forms, except for the plural form. h. genus. case.

See: "Russian grammar", M., 1980.

Question number 270120
What's right - no eggplant or no eggplant in? Eggplant puree or eggplant in?

Russian language help desk response

In colloquial speech, it is permissible: no eggplant, eggplant puree. But the strict literary norm: no eggplant in, eggplant puree in.

Question No. 264349
Hello, I wrote my suggestions, if there are any errors, please help me fix it:
1.the hero dies after being defeated
2. at the end of the performance, the audience did not leave for a long time
3. Having received the telegram, I went to the station
4.the crime was committed with malice
5.Presentatives referred to this thought with a variety of examples.
6.I noticed unusual excitement
7.Explaining our tasks, the commander gave additional instructions
8. it was his baptism of fire
9.Oleg is very interested in football and collects material about it
10. on the way home, he ate a kilogram of eggplant c.

Russian language help desk response

Errors remained.

Question number 258800
Did I put the nouns in the r.p. form correctly? plural?
feather-feathers, manor-estates and estates, noose-loops, poker-poker, request-requests, domra-domra, mumble-mumble, reins-reins, neat-clean, tomato-tomatoes, tangerine-tangerines, Georgian-Georgian, orange-oranges, Bashkir-Bashkir, Tatar-Tatars, gorge-gorges, lake-lake, mouth-mouth, shoulder straps, Mongol-Mongols, dragoon-dragoons, towel-towels, blanket-blanket, saucer-saucer, necklace- necklaces, knee-knees, bran-bran, rails-rails, shoes-shoes, shorts-shorts and shorts, bottoms-bottoms, dahlia-dahlias and dahlias, jeans-jeans, eggplant-eggplant in and eggplant, rake-rake and rake ...

Russian language help desk response

Domr, dahlias (from dahlias). The rest is correct.

Question No. 252029
how to do it: tomato salad (eggplant) or tomato salad (eggplant in)

Russian language help desk response

Literary norm: tomatoes, eggplant c. In colloquial speech, let's say eggplant.

Question No. 249112
Hello! Tell me how is it right: a batch of tomatoes or tomatoes? And what is the rule here? Thanks Olga

Russian language help desk response

Right: batch of tomatoes.

Nouns that cause difficulties in the formation of the genitive plural. numbers, quite a lot, there is no single rule for all such words. But you can identify such a pattern. For nouns denoting concepts that relate to the plant world (names of vegetables, fruits, fruits), the literary norm, as a rule, corresponds to the ending - ov: apricots, tangerines, eggplant in, bananas, tomatoes, tomatoes. The zero ending for these words is either permissible only in oral speech ( weigh me a couple of eggplant), or completely unacceptable (impossible: batch of banana). And only at the word Apple normatively null ending: a batch of apples(option yablokov- vernacular).

Question No. 243097
Please tell me how to write correctly: eggplant sauté or eggplant sauté in

Russian language help desk response

In oral speech, it is permissible: from eggplant. Writing is better: from eggplant c.

Question No. 233761
Tell me how the genitive plural will be the word shoes, eggplant

Russian language help desk response

Correct: _shoes, eggplant in_ (acceptable: _ eggplant_).
Question No. 232025
How is eggplant spelled correctly in the genitive plural?

Russian language help desk response

The options are: _Eggplant in_ (preferred) and _Eggplant_.
Question number 215454
Hello! How to correctly form the genitive plural of nouns, for example, eggplant, orange, apricot, tomato or eggplant in, tomatoes, oranges, apricots? Why?

Russian language help desk response

Please use the "Word Check" window.
How is it correct - eggplant caviar or eggplant caviar and why?

Russian language help desk response

Both combinations are correct, because _Eggplant_ and _Eggplant_ are equal options.

Steamed eggplants is a dish for those who want their diet not only tasty, but also healthy foods... Cooking is quick, eggplants are tasty and healthy, without excess oil, as we used to see them on the table. In addition, from the category of dietary products.

In essence, this vegetable is a low-calorie product, thanks to which it helps to fight obesity. The main thing is to know how to cook it correctly.

The blue ones contain a lot of pectin and other equally valuable microelements that remove toxins from the body and prevent the appearance of cholesterol problems. Eggplants are simply irreplaceable in the diet. They contain potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. These healthy vegetables promote the elimination of excess fluid from the body. They are used as a concomitant agent in the treatment of atherosclerotic manifestations, gout and anemia.
Eggplants must be present in the menu of elderly people. This fruit helps to strengthen bones, slows down the destructive effect of osteochondrosis and osteoporosis.

Eggplant itself is not young; it grew wild in faraway India for another 1,500 years. Gradually, it was domesticated and began to grow in China and Central Asia. The Arabs spread this vegetable all over the world, bringing it to Europe and Africa.

As you can see, eggplants have come a long way before ending up on our table. Some affectionately call them "little blue", but such a nickname does not correspond to reality for a long time. Breeders offer to taste white, yellow and pinkish fruits, although they say that they do not differ significantly in taste.

There are a lot of options on how to cook eggplants, for sure you have already tried most of them. In this case, you are offered an extremely simple recipe, it allows you to save maximum in the dish nutrients.

Steaming eggplant in a slow cooker

Such steamed vegetables can act as a light independent side dish, as well as be used for cooking eggplant caviar or salads (both warm and cold).


  • large eggplants - 2 pcs.;
  • salt.

Cooking process:

The fruits must be peeled, cut in half lengthwise and salted. The salt will help remove the bitterness.

Steam vegetables in a multicooker or double boiler for 15-20 minutes.

I set 20 minutes, as I boiled eggplant and potatoes at the same time. I just got them earlier.

If you do not have any of the above wonders of technology, you can use a mantool or an old proven design made of a saucepan and a colander (or a saucepan and cheesecloth).

Cut the finished warm eggplants into large cubes.

Drizzle with the dressing mix vegetable oil, lemon juice and mustard. Chop an onion or garlic into this simple dish.

I also liked the simple boiled eggplant salad prepared according to this recipe, with potatoes and pickles. I will definitely share the recipe in the next issues.

If you like "fire-breathing" dressings, then try to prepare a special for eggplant spicy sauce, it will give them a pleasant piquancy. To do this, you will need: sweet peppers, tomatoes, garlic, onions, some juicy parsley, hops-suneli seasoning, apple cider vinegar and olive oil. All ingredients must be chopped (finely chopped or ground in a meat grinder). Salt, add a little apple cider vinegar, season with spices and olive oil... Water the cooked eggplant generously delicious dressing and serve!

Choose fruits without tough fibers inside.

If you are afraid that the cooked eggplants will taste bitter, soak them for about 20 minutes in salted water before cooking.

Bon Appetit!

Best regards, Anyuta.

Proper nutrition is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Thanks to dietary food, you can not only strengthen your own health, but also bring your weight back to normal. Many people believe that while losing weight, all delicious dishes prohibited. But this is not the case! For example, eggplant cooked in a double boiler is not only tasty and healthy, but also a low-calorie dish.

Healthy vegetable

Steamed eggplant is a good daily meal. This cooking method allows you to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients in vegetables, their shape, color, natural aroma and taste. Plus, you don't need to add oil or fat to your dish when steaming, so your food will have less calories.

Steamed eggplants can be eaten on any diet, they will not harm the figure, since these vegetables contain only 24 calories per 100 g of edible part. Eggplant contains 1.01 g of protein, 5.7 g of carbohydrates and only 0.19 g of fat.

The vegetable also contains:

  • sugar - 2.35 g;
  • monounsaturated fats - 0.016 g;
  • saturated fat - 0.034 g;
  • polyunsaturated fats - 0.076 g;
  • fiber - 3.4 g;
  • water - 91 g.

The composition contains vitamins (in mg):

  • A - 0.3;
  • PP - 0.6;
  • B2 - 0.005;
  • B9 - 0.18;
  • B1 - 0.1;
  • E - 0.1;
  • B6 - 0.2;
  • C - 5.

Eggplant also contains trace elements (in mg):

  • iron - 0.4;
  • iodine - 0.02;
  • manganese - 0.21;
  • zinc - 0.29;
  • fluorine - 14 μg;
  • aluminum - 14 mcg;

The composition also contains macronutrients:

  • magnesium - 9 mg;
  • calcium - 15 mg;
  • potassium - 238 mg;
  • sodium - 6 mg;
  • phosphorus - 34 mg.

Eggplants help to remove toxins and toxins from the body, normalize, improve the work of the biliary tract and liver.

The best recipes with photos

For cooking, you should choose fresh vegetables that do not have traces of spoilage and rot. Before starting cooking, they are thoroughly washed under a running warm water, and then dried. Steamed eggplants can be served as independent dish or as a side dish. They are great for serving as well as for daily use.


To prepare this dish you will need:

  • eggplant - 3 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • cheese - 120 g;
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt;
  • finely chopped greens.

The dish is prepared very simply - the eggplants are cut into rings 1 cm thick, the tomatoes are also cut into rings 0.5 cm thick. The eggplants are sprinkled with pepper and salt, thinly chopped garlic is placed on top and covered with a tomato ring.

A small piece of cheese is placed on top of the vegetables and the prepared food is placed in a double boiler for half an hour. During this time, the cheese will melt and saturate the vegetables with its aroma, so the eggplants will turn out to be very tasty. Put the finished dish on plates and sprinkle with herbs.

Advice! You don't need to salt this dish - the cheese contains enough salt.


For this dish you need:

  • eggplant - 2 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • greens;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.

The cooking process begins with the preparation of eggplants - they are washed, peeled, cut into cubes, salted and left for 20-40 minutes. At this time, the peppers are cut into small pieces and the herbs are chopped.

After half an hour, the moisture released from the vegetables is manually squeezed out, the eggplant and pepper are mixed, sprinkled with herbs and the mixture is placed in a double boiler for 20 minutes. The finished dish is served with natural yoghurt.

Important! This dish is ideal for fasting days - it contains a minimum of calories, but it provides a long feeling of fullness.


This dish contains:

  • ham;
  • cottage cheese;
  • eggplant;
  • salt;
  • spices.

The cooking process is simple - vegetables are cut in half lengthwise, the core is removed from them so that the wall thickness is 0.5-0.7 cm. Eggplant pulp, onion and the ham is diced and roasted for 10 minutes without adding oil.

The finished mass is mixed with cottage cheese and placed in prepared eggplants. Stuffed boats put in a double boiler for 25 minutes, after this time the dish will be ready and can be served.

Advice! The dish will taste better if it is sprinkled with grated cheese, finely chopped garlic and herbs immediately after cooking.

Rolls "Peerless"

To prepare this dish, you need a minimum of ingredients:

  • 2 eggplants;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • natural yogurt without additives;
  • garlic and herbs to taste.

Now a large percentage of people do not know how to correctly inflect the plural noun "eggplant". All dictionary authors have their own opinions on this matter. Let's analyze this situation and decide how to speak and write correctly in this case.

Firstly, eggplant is not a native Russian word, it was borrowed from the Turkish language. For foreign words are allowed as a form "eggplant" and "Eggplant" .

There is a rule according to which masculine vegetables have endings -ow or –Ev... Using this rule, it is possible to justify the spelling of this form of the word.

What dictionaries talk about

The creators of different vocabularies have opposite points of view on this issue.
S. A. Kuznetsov condemns the form "eggplant" in the plural and genitive. The form is considered colloquial, and the "eggplant" form is correct.
D. N. Ushakov, on the contrary, considers the "eggplant" form to be the only correct form.
SI Ozhegov also considers the type of "eggplants" to be correct and correct.

Aesthetics on offer

Many people think that it is necessary to use an option that fits more harmoniously into the proposal. The form is selected taking into account the words in the sentence.

Examples of

1. The woman was carrying several kilograms of eggplant.
2. The man took many kilograms of eggplants.
3. The sellers did not have so many kilograms of eggplants in stock.
4. Will you find seven kilograms of eggplant?

Conversational view

The word came from a foreign language, and for a long time it was unusual. The people left the noun in the plural genitive in its original form, that is, "eggplant". This form is still valid for colloquial speech. Despite the fact that half of the dictionaries recognize this particular form as correct, it is permissible and possible only in ordinary conversation.

Written form

For the strict, formal literary form, this word is used with the ending - s. This is recognized as a more undistorted option. In Russian, there is a special rule about the end –Ow and –Ev.
Despite clearly established rules, some people continue to use the type of word that is more literate for them. There are people who question the correctness of using these nouns in the text, which is not surprising, because this is a foreign word and one cannot be sure how to pronounce it correctly.

If you are having an informal conversation, it is permissible to say both "eggplant" and "eggplant". Someone can hear such phrases: “no eggplant”, “a lot of eggplant”, but as we already understood, “eggplant” is a noun from the Turkish language, therefore colloquially it can end in –ов and –an.
In written speech, you still need to write "eggplants" so that there are no various accusations. An impressive number of dictionary compilers support this particular version.

As we already understood earlier, it is more competent to use exactly the form that fits best into the proposal. Even if it is wrong from the point of view of philologists, it will look harmoniously in the text.

Finally, I would like to note that many people, even those who are well versed in the Russian language, for example, the authors of vocabulary, can be mistaken and mistaken, although their point of view is often considered authoritative. They can take into account one rule, but not take into account another, and these people quite often do not support their opinion.
For example, in dictionaries, to which people are often referred, the correct form, from the point of view of the compiler, is simply written. That's why "eggplant" and "Eggplant" can be considered the correct form.