Sweet and sour sauce in thailand. Thick Sweet & Hot Chili Sauce

Often when cooking Thai sauces use fish sauce. If you live away from the huge hypermarkets where you can find this ingredient, replace it with 2/3 boiled strong fish broth. If you don't like the fishy taste, do it easier - add a little soy sauce instead of fish sauce. There is only one condition - use only a very high-quality product that does not contain salt, flavor enhancers and other unnecessary components.

To the chicken

Since chicken is cooked more often than other types of meat, let's start with a suitable option, prepare Thai sour sweet sauce whose recipe does not contain any unfamiliar products.


  • natural yellow apple vinegar - 7 tbsp. spoons;
  • thick balsamic vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • mountain salt without additives - 1 teaspoon without a slide;
  • hot blue garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • white sugar sand - ½ cup;
  • hot chili, ground into powder - ½ teaspoon.


To make Thai chicken sauce, take a mortar and rub the garlic and salt in it to make a homogeneous, spicy gruel. Fill it with vinegar (add balsamic to the apple cider), add sugar and chili powder. While stirring, we begin to heat the whole mixture together over very low heat. Don't let it burn. After 3-4 minutes, the sauce can be removed from heat. It is suitable not only for boiled or fried chicken but also for grilled or barbecued dishes such as chicken sausages.

For fish and seafood

For fish day another delicious Thai sauce will do.


  • large brown cane sugar - 3 tsp;
  • ripe lime - 1 pc.;
  • white garlic, not too spicy - 2-3 cloves;
  • pepper "Ogonyok" or "Jalapeno" - 2 pcs .;
  • fish sauce - 80 ml.


This sauce is not cooked, so it preserves everything useful material components. In a mortar, grind the chopped garlic cloves into gruel, use sugar as an abrasive. Cut the peppers in half, remove the seeds and partitions and add to the mortar. We need to get a homogeneous mixture into which we pour fish sauce and juice squeezed from lime.

To fatty meat

If you want to highlight the taste of lamb or pork, duck or other rather fatty meat, cook Thai spicy sauce, the recipe for which includes a large amount of hot peppers.


  • very strong - 50 ml;
  • red not watery tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • odorless unrefined vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - 1 large head;
  • high-quality - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • hot chili pepper powder - 2 tsp.


If the food is too spicy for you, prepare Thai chili sauce by changing the recipe - reduce the amount of pepper and garlic by half. Blanch the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin, and cut the pulp into small pieces (the smaller the better). We heat the oil, fry the finely chopped garlic until the color changes, add the tomatoes. Simmer for 5 minutes, add broth, salt and chili. We simmer everything together over low heat for another 5 minutes. Cool down, add soy sauce and puree. As you can see, you can cook Thai sauce for almost any dish, and everyone can do it.

My family is very fond of Thai cuisine, we especially love shrimp and chicken with a spicy Thai chili sauce. There are two types of this sauce, regular hot sauce and sweet chili sauce. We prefer the second option, it is a little softer and more tender, although it is just as sharp.

For a long time I bought this sauce in stores, in departments selling exotic products from other cuisines of the world. The sauce is not cheap, so I tried to make it myself. It turned out that the sauce is prepared quite simply, from available products and it turns out to be as tasty and spicy as the store one.

Let's make sweet Thai chili sauce together. We will prepare all the products. From these products, we get about 200 g of sauce.

Peel the garlic and chop it very finely with a chopper.

The pungency of the chili sauce will depend on how many peppers you put in it. We love mildly hot sauce, so chop 3 small chili peppers. Also grind with a chopper. If you don't have such a thing, just grind it in a blender or pass it through a fine mesh in a meat grinder.

Put the garlic and chili in a saucepan

Pour all the sugar into the pan.

Now add the rice vinegar. You can add a little more if you like a spicy-spicy sauce.

Pour in water, except for 2 tablespoons... Put the saucepan over medium heat and cook the sauce for about 20-25 minutes. The sauce will evaporate slightly and the vegetables will soften.

In a separate bowl, mix the starch with 2 tbsp. water.

Add the starch mixture to the sauce, heat the sauce until it becomes transparent again and thickens.

We store the finished sauce in a sterile jar under a tightly closed lid for about a week. Or use it right away.

Hot and sweet Thai chili sauce is a very tasty and bright addition to seafood and chicken.

Bon Appetit!

Thailand is inseparable from food. Here everyone eats and always, constantly, not three times a day, as is customary with us, but non-stop.
Thais come to the beach to eat. They will sit all day in clothes, eat, eat, eat. And then they will get up and go home even
without bathing.
All holidays, events and other festivities are accompanied by questions - "Well, how were they fed there? What did you eat there? What will be the food? "

Considering that rice is the main ingredient in Thai cuisine, it becomes clear why there is such an abundance of sauces, seasonings, spices and pastes.
What are the best Thai sauces, delicious? What Thai sauce should you definitely bring with you to Russia?
What they combine with, how to serve them correctly, what dishes and how much they cost, in today's review.

Thai pasta sauce for making Tom Yam soup

Spicy chili sauce for seafood

My favorite sauce, which I add everywhere. What kind of fish or seafood is there! I put it in potatoes with cutlets, and in pasta, and even with buckwheat.
Green chili sauce is very spicy, with a pronounced sourness of lime, and in my opinion, it should be the first to pack it in a suitcase and please yourself and your family with such a valuable acquisition.

The Thai green sauce is an incomparable pleasure. As I write, my mouth continues to flow.
Probably out of habit, he may seem too sharp, but give him a chance, maybe not the first time, but be sure to love him.

It is sold everywhere - ending in large hypermarkets. Recently I met it in a small bottle for 18 baht, in Tesco Lotus, but most often it is sold in a volume of 335 grams and costs 50 baht.

Red hot sauce for meat and chicken

A rare Thai sauce does without chili, this one is the same.
Red Thai Chicken Sauce on the cover goes perfectly with everyone meat dishes and a bird.
Costs around 35 baht every 7/11.

I would also advise spicy lovers to buy a sauce with a dissonant name "Suki".
It means that this sauce is for Sukiyaki, and Sukiyaki is a way of eating beef with vegetables.
Something like a European fondue. Everything is superimposed into a saucepan with broth, from beef to vegetables, mushrooms and sauce.

Souki sauce is not as hot as green chili, so it is just right for your acquaintance. In Makro it is sold in convenient packaging - in small jars, bags and bottles.
My family constantly order it and eat it instantly.
Something remotely reminiscent of adjika, if, of course, it can be compared.

Plum Thai Sweet Sauce

It's a sweet sauce. For an amateur. For those who do not count calories and eat everything calmly. Plum sweet sauce despite unusual taste pleasant and you can try it too.
It is served with meat, fish and seafood.

Oyster Thai Sauce Nam Man Hoi

Oyster sauce is certainly not made from oysters, as its cost would be sky-high. Nam Man Hoi is made from water, starch, sugar and oyster extract.
Few dish in Thailand is complete without adding Nam Man Hoi when roasted or boiled.

Good oyster sauce is easy to find. It will be thick, almost black. The thinner the sauce and the lighter the color, the worse the oyster sauce.
In addition to Thai producers, Heinz is not far behind, which produces many hot sauces for the local consumer.
I am inclined to believe that after all, Thai brands are better than the global leader.

Thai fish sauce Nam Pla

A bottle with a light brown liquid and a specific smell will always be on your table in Thailand, be it a street cafe or a decent restaurant.
Pla is poured on us everywhere and everywhere.

Fish sauce is a kind of "juice" from fish and you better not know how it is prepared, since the recipe is not for the squeamish.
It is impossible to cook Som Tam without fish sauce, and many other Thai dishes, like Tom Yam, cannot do without it.
Thai cuisine is generally a strange combination of sweet, sour, spicy and smelly.

Tiny bottles for 5 baht are sold every 7/11 or femeli March. In my photo I have fish sauce from Macro, but you can buy it everywhere - this is such an analogue of salt in Thailand, absolutely
it is impossible to imagine any meal of the local population without it.

Shiitake sauce

Also, being in Thailand, pay attention to all sorts of sauces with mushrooms, especially Shiitake sauce.
I have Heinz sauce in the photo, but there are many companies and it is not necessary to buy it.

Any housewife will find a use for this sauce. For example, I marinated meat in it for grilling, it turns out delicious.

Shiitake sauce goes well with noodles, soups, almost anything.
It is inexpensive, like all sauces in Thailand. I have never come across a sauce expensively 60-70 baht per bottle, mostly prices in the region of 35-50 baht.

And for a snack, let's make a Thai chili hot and sweet sauce ourselves.

Hot and sweet chili sauce - recipe

We will need:

5-7 small hot red chili peppers
Starch - 1 tbsp.
5-7 cloves of garlic
sugar - 5 tablespoons
Fish sauce - 1 tbsp
Water - 1 glass

Thai Chili Sauce Recipe:

We clean the peppers from the grains, only with gloves. We put everything except starch in a blender or grind it with a submersible nozzle.
Pour into a ladle and cook over low heat until boiling, stir for 5 minutes, until it begins to thicken.
Stir the starch separately in warm water and pour into a common saucepan.
Stir, remove from heat, cool, pour into a container.
The amount of ingredients can be adjusted, it will turn out more spicy or sweeter.
If you leave the chili seeds in the pods, the pungency will be added at times.

That's all for today Bon Appetit!
And I ran to eat my red curry with rice, it is impossible to write such a review and not get hungry.
Enjoy your trip to Thailand and good shopping.
In the comments, share your impressions, ask questions, I will be glad to help you.

As a big fan of spicy food, I couldn't pass up this Thai sweet hot sauce recipe. It is very easy to do (by the way, I have a lot of recipes on my blog) and will suit a wide range of dishes: from pasta to, for example,. It will be especially good with shrimps, if, of course, you eat them.


  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 medium red chili peppers
  • 50 ml light uscus (best wine or apple cider)
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 150 ml of water
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon starch (corn or potato, not essential)

From the indicated amount of ingredients, I got 300 ml of sauce.


The pungency of the sauce depends on how many seeds you leave in the chili peppers. If you are afraid that Thai sweet spicy sauce will turn out to be very spicy, do not be lazy and clean out all the seeds. Also, keep in mind that as the sauce is stored, its pungency gradually diminishes. It will be the most burning on the day of preparation.

Garlic, chili, uscus, sugar, water, and salt should be puréed as smoothly as possible using a food processor.

Pour the resulting bright red puree into a saucepan or small saucepan and put on the stove. Let it boil and simmer over low heat for 3 minutes. It is better to stir occasionally.

Next, you need to add starch to our sauce. It is most convenient to pre-mix it with a small amount of water and pour the resulting gruel into the sauce. This way there will be fewer lumps that will have to be broken with a fork or, more conveniently, a whisk. The starch is needed so that the sauce becomes thicker and the chili and garlic chunks remain in the thick of the sauce, and do not float up.

After you have added the starch, let the sauce boil for literally another minute, and then remove from the stove. You can pour the Thai sweet spicy sauce into a jar when it has cooled completely. The sauce can be kept in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks.

If you don't like using sugar, then you can replace it with liquid honey. In this case, you will need to take water and honey in approximately the same proportion. There is also no need to use starch, because honey will provide the required density. In this case, the sauce is cooked not for 3-5 minutes, but for about 20. You will need to make sure that the sauce does not burn.

Thai sauce is the universal name for all gravy produced in this country. Thai cuisine cannot be imagined without an abundance of gravy made from a wide variety of ingredients. If you look at the store shelf with Thai sauces, you can find there nut, and shrimp, and plum, and soy varieties.

Types of Thai sauces

There are two types of sauces most often found on the home menu: Nam Phrik and Nam Chim.

Chili pepper is always present in the namprik, and the liquid base is presented in the form of fish or shrimp paste. It can be quite thick, or it can be cut into small pieces. It is used for dressing rice or vegetable garnish, meat, for kang som (spicy Thai soup), which Thai housewives cook everywhere.

Namchim, as a rule, has a liquid and homogeneous structure, it can be colored in light and dark tones of red. Thais love to dip pieces of fish or meat in it. Plum namchim is prepared for shrimp, and namchim kai is served with chicken, which has a pleasant sweet-spicy taste.

Thai sauce is prepared without any particular difficulties, it takes a little time, in some cases, few products are needed. Thai food professionals use a mortar and pestle to grind ingredients, or use a blender at home.

The first variety of Thai gravy that Europeans tried was the enchanting namprik kapi, made from pasta made from shrimp. We will start with it.

Nam Phrik Kapi Sauce

If you want to follow the technology of preparing Thai sauce, stock up on a mortar. When chopping food by hand, the bouquet of aroma and taste is better preserved. For namprik, the kapi are taken:

  • small chili pods - 5 pieces;
  • garlic 5 cloves;
  • shrimp paste - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lime juice - squeeze about 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • fish sauce (replaces salt) - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Step by step cooking:

  1. Knead pepper and garlic in a mortar. If these tools are not in your kitchen, use a blender.
  2. We put the crushed mass in a bowl, add shrimp paste and sugar to it. We mix.
  3. We introduce the remaining components of the sauce, knead everything again.

Thai green sauce recipe

Thai green sauce it is not complete without chili, but green pepper pods are placed in it to preserve the color. General composition is this:

  • chili - 4 pods;
  • onion- 1 piece;
  • turmeric, coriander, cumin seeds, ground cinnamon - 1 tbsp each spoon;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • grated lemon zest- 2 tsp;
  • black pepper in the form of peas - 1 tsp;
  • chopped cilantro greens - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt - about 1 teaspoon.

How we cook:

  1. Free the chili pods from the grains, chop finely.
  2. Grind the components prescribed in the recipe in a blender. Add oil, stir the mass.
  3. Put on fire and simmer for 2 minutes.

Thai green sauce goes well with white fish dishes.

Let's go for seafood dishes

If your family loves seafood, you should stock up on the Namchim Tale recipe. For the gravy you will need:

  • Brown sugar coarse grinding - 3 tsp;
  • chili - 2 pods;
  • lime - 1 piece;
  • fish sauce - 80 ml;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves.


  1. Garlic must be crushed in a mortar along with sugar.
  2. We clean the chili pods from grains and, cut into small pieces, send them to the garlic in a mortar. We continue to grind the ingredients.
  3. When the mass becomes homogeneous, dilute it with fish sauce and lime juice squeezed from the fruit.

This gravy is one of the sweet and sour varieties and perfectly plays up the fishy taste of the main course. It is important not to overdo it with lime, so take a small fruit.

Chicken gravy recipe

In the store, choosing a Thai chicken sauce is very simple: look at the bottles with a rooster on the label, and you can't go wrong. For housewives who prefer to create gravy with their own hands, we recommend a recipe that includes the following products:

  • apple cider vinegar - 7 tbsp. spoons;
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
  • chili (powder) - 0.5 tsp;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • salt - 1 tsp.


  1. As always, we need a mortar. We put garlic and salt in it, rub everything thoroughly, turning the ingredients into a gruel.
  2. We mix two types of vinegar and add them to the gruel. We supplement the composition with sugar and chili powder, stir.
  3. We transfer to a saucepan and heat for 3-4 minutes, making sure that the gruel does not burn.
  4. Serve the cooled gravy with the chicken.

Thanks to the combination of vinegar and sugar, we get a sweet and sour taste that pleasantly complements the taste of poultry. By varying the amount of sugar and vinegar, you can get flavor combination suitable for all family members. By the way, you can use this recipe for chicken and vegetable salad.

Among the variety of Thai sauces, you can always find something original. For example, nutty satay, which has a magical sweet-spicy bouquet of taste. It has coconut milk and a lot of spices, giving an amazing combination. Serve it to fried meat and grilled chicken.

The famous Nam Man Hoi or, used in cooking fried and boiled dishes from fish and meat. In it, products are prepared, receiving a rich taste melody. It is very thick and has a dark, almost black color. The sauce is harmonious in combination with seafood.

Cooking secrets

In each national cuisine have their own subtleties of cooking, without which they lose their taste uniqueness. They are also present in the preparation of sauces from Thailand.

So, in Laos, not fresh garlic is added to gravy, but fried, dried and crushed into powder. Thai housewives take a wok as utensils for cooking, but also in ordinary frying pan you can make a delicious gravy.

If you are a vegetarian, feel free to substitute soy sauce for fish sauce. The main thing is that the composition of the finished product does not contain a large amount additional ingredients... In many recipes, they serve as salt substitutes and do not significantly affect the flavor of the gravy.

When choosing a sauce variety, pay attention to its consistency. Liquid types are suitable for dressing rice, salad, dipping bread or meat. Use thicker varieties for fried dishes... When they come into contact with a hot dish, they willingly give off aroma, complementing the dish with appetizing notes.