Coconut milk smoothie recipes. Vegan smoothie collages with coconut milk

Smoothie with coconut milk is a nutritious drink that will not only invigorate and keep you in good shape all day, but also just give good mood... Coconut milk goes well with fruits and berries, so you can prepare a dessert for every taste on its basis.

  • With strawberries or raspberries and cereal... In a blender bowl, place 1 banana, 1 cup of berries (strawberries or raspberries), ½ cup of oatmeal, sugar to taste and pour a glass of coconut milk. Beat. Pour into transparent glasses, garnish with fresh berries and mint leaves on top. According to the recipe, strawberries can be used both fresh and frozen.
  • With kiwi and strawberries... Mix half a banana in a blender with diced kiwi (1 pc.), Sweet strawberries - 5-7 pcs. and a glass of coconut milk (can be replaced with regular).
  • With raspberries... A glass of coconut milk, sliced ​​banana, half a cup of strawberries, raspberries and a teaspoon of honey, beat in a blender until smooth. Give it a try. If unsweetened, add some more honey and stir again. If using non-frozen berries, you can add a few ice cubes.
  • With strawberry... For one serving, you need a banana, crumbled in slices, 10-12 (fresh or frozen), 100-120 ml of coconut milk. Beat the ingredients with a blender. Useful and delicious drink ready.

The amount of liquid can be increased or decreased, it all depends on the density of the drink you prefer.

With blueberries... For one serving of the coconut milk, blueberry and banana smoothie you will need:

  • one peeled orange;
  • sliced ​​banana;
  • a glass of blueberries;
  • a glass of coconut milk;
  • a few ice cubes.

How to prepare: Whisk all ingredients until smooth. Add ice last.

If you want to get a drink of a more delicate consistency, then instead, you can use only its pre-squeezed juice (for example, in a blender) without cake.

With raspberries... Place half a glass of berries, 100 ml in the blender bowl natural yoghurt, 100-150 ml of coconut milk, one banana slices, 1-2 teaspoons of honey and a few fresh mint leaves. Beat, pour into glasses. Decorate.

Milk can be used either purchased in cans or bags, or prepared by yourself. To do this, drain the water through one of the holes in the lower part of the fruit, then split it into two parts.

With a sharp knife, remove the pulp of the coconut, grate it on a fine grater, put it in a container and pour boiling water in a 1: 1 ratio so that the water level is level with the grated shavings. After half an hour, strain the raw materials and squeeze. Keep refrigerated. The product has a limited shelf life.

Coconut Banana Smoothie

To prepare two servings of a nutritious drink with the most delicate texture, you will need:

  • coconut pulp - half of a medium nut;
  • small banana;
  • 120-150 ml of milk;
  • 100-150 ml coconut cream.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the banana with pulp into small pieces.
  2. Place all ingredients in a blender and whisk.
  3. Pour into glasses, garnish with coconut flakes.

To make a frozen banana coconut smoothie, place the sliced ​​fruit in the freezer within 30-60 minutes.

Smoothie with coconut milk, banana and cocoa

To prepare a drink with chocolate notes, you need to combine slices of one small banana, 100 ml of coconut milk and 2 tablespoons of cocoa and honey in a blender. The finished smoothie can be garnished with coconut flakes.

Coconut Ginger Smoothie

Smoothie gives you the opportunity to simultaneously enjoy the taste of seemingly completely incompatible products. You will need:

  • banana;
  • coconut milk - a glass;
  • 1-2 cm of ginger root;
  • a pinch of ground cinnamon;
  • 2 pcs. ground cardamom seeds.

How to cook:

  1. Half an hour - an hour before cooking, place the banana cut into small slices in the freezer.
  2. Peel and grind the ginger root.
  3. Beat milk, grated ginger, ground cardamom seeds, banana in a blender.
  4. Pour into glasses, sprinkle with cinnamon or coconut flakes.

Cardamom gives a special piquancy to the drink. The taste of the spice is difficult to describe in words, it is something simultaneously burning and tender, with a refreshing effect. The aromatic spice slows down the aging process in the body, normalizes metabolism, strengthens the immune system, removes bad cholesterol, and is used to freshen breath.

Ginger is no less useful and also has a wide range of effects on the human body.

Tropical Fruit Recipes (Mango, Avocado)

With avocado

This recipe will certainly appeal to those with a sweet tooth, but it is worth noting that the drink has a calorie content of just over 450 kcal.

You will need:

  • avocado;
  • 100 ml of coconut milk;
  • 2-3 st. l. condensed milk;
  • 0.5 tsp vanilla extract;
  • ice cubes.

How to cook:

  1. Remove the pit from the avocado, remove the pulp.
  2. Mix all ingredients in a blender until homogeneous mass.
  3. Pour into glasses. The drink is ready to be served.

Due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition, avocado ("alligator pear") improves memory, reduces blood pressure, normalizes the cardiovascular system, is a natural antioxidant, strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance in the cold season, has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system, relieves fatigue ...

With mango (two recipes)

There are many options for an exotic drink. The easiest way is to mix coconut milk, mango, add water as needed, sweeten with honey. There are also more complex recipes. You will need:

  • a glass of coconut milk;
  • half a mango, peeled and diced;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flax seeds (available at the pharmacy);
  • 1 tbsp. l. coconut flakes;
  • 1-2 tsp honey.

How to cook: Grind flax seeds in a coffee grinder until coarsely ground. Place all ingredients in a blender and whisk.

Another recipe: To smooth out 100 ml of coconut milk, diced mango, banana, 1-2 scoops of vanilla ice cream and fresh juice of one lime. The tropical drink is ready.

Mango is no longer rare exotic fruit on our table. His beneficial features are extensive, but do not forget that it is not recommended to eat more than two medium ripe fruits per day. For those who decide to try it for the first time, it is important to know that it is a strong allergen.

Coconut coffee smoothie

For preparing morning invigorating dessert you will need:

  1. Brew natural black coffee (100 ml) in any convenient way, or brew instant coffee. Let cool at room temperature.
  2. Mix in a blender until smooth, cooled coffee, sliced ​​banana, coconut flakes(1-2 tablespoons), coconut milk (50 ml) and sugar to taste. Ready!

Smoothies are a healthy, tasty, low-calorie product. It is literally a storehouse of vitamins, micro-, macronutrients and fiber, and the options for its preparation are countless. It all depends on your imagination and willingness to experiment with taste sensations.

photo:, fahrwasser

Step-by-step recipes for a coconut smoothie with bananas and pineapples, cottage cheese, ice cream, oatmeal

2018-08-28 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of finished dish

1 gr.

4 gr.


9 gr.

79 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Banana Coconut Smoothie

A coconut smoothie is a hearty and light drink that makes a great start to your day. It is done very quickly, energizes and gives the body mass nutrients... It is convenient to prepare smoothies with a blender. In this case, the process will take no more than ten minutes. This is a banana drink. They are ideally combined with coconut milk, giving the desired consistency. Mint leaves will add freshness and their own flavor, if necessary, they can be replaced with lemon balm. There is no sugar in this recipe, as all the ingredients are rich in flavor, but you can always add it.


  • 2 bananas;
  • 170 ml coconut milk;
  • 4 mint leaves;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice.

Step-by-step recipe for a classic coconut smoothie

Peel the bananas, break them into pieces, put them in a blender. Add mint leaves to them immediately and pour lemon juice, but it is possible without it. Sometimes they throw in a slice of citrus or a little zest, which can also be done.

Fill the bananas with coconut milk. Close or lower the blender, beat the ingredients until smooth. You can beat the bananas first, then add the liquids, so you get a smoother drink.

Pour the thick and rich tropical scent into a comfortable glass and consume. In the summer, you can throw in a few ice cubes to make a refreshing cocktail.

Here the recipe is given for one serving, it's not just that. Smoothie is a drink that does not tolerate storage, it must be prepared in small quantities and consumed immediately. After half an hour, the mixture will begin to exfoliate, clots, flakes may appear, you will need to beat it again.

Option 2: A quick recipe for a coconut smoothie with coffee and ice cream

A chic smoothie recipe. The drink does not require a large number of ingredients, but it turns out to be rich, aromatic, can serve as a snack or dessert, and is great for breakfast. The recipe uses ice cream. You can take vanilla, coffee and even chocolate ice cream. This option is also with a banana, which gives the desired consistency.


  • 130 ml coconut milk;
  • 1 tsp instant coffee;
  • small banana;
  • 100 g ice cream.

How to make a quick coconut smoothie

We send a banana to the blender and immediately throw in instant coffee, add ice cream. Do not need to be omitted whole piece, it is better to cut into several pieces or break with a spoon.

Pour coconut milk over the contents of the blender and beat well until the coffee grains dissolve. Sugar in this option also not needed, there is a lot of it in ice cream and banana. We send the smoothie to the glass. We use it immediately, while the ice cream has not completely melted yet.

Smoothies with cocoa powder are prepared according to the same principle, it turns out chocolate option... We only take an instant drink, which disperses in cool liquids and does not require cooking. You can mix it with instant coffee, it will also turn out tasty and aromatic.

Option 3: Coconut Berry Smoothie

To make this smoothie, take strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cherries or pitted cherries. With the mixture, it also turns out very tasty and aromatic. The berry drink will charge you with the mood, delight you with its taste and aroma. In addition, you will need coconut milk and some shavings. You can take one thing. When choosing shavings, select White color, the drink and the body do not need paint.


  • 150 ml coconut milk;
  • 1 glass of any berries;
  • 1.5 tsp coconut flakes;
  • 2 tsp sugar or honey.

How to cook

Wash the berries. If they are large, for example, strawberries are used, then only a few things will fit in the glass. Therefore, we cut, measure. You can't spoil a smoothie with berries. Pour into a blender, add coconut flakes, grind.

Pour coke milk into the berries. If there is not enough, then you can reduce it a little, dilute with water or ordinary cow's milk, cream. We take a chilled product.

Then add some sugar or honey. V dietary option we do without extra calories. Turn on the blender and beat the smoothie until fluffy and smooth. Pour the berry drink into a glass.

If very sour berries are used, then you can reduce the amount, increase the indicated sugar rate, or dilute them with something, banana and grapes are excellent for this purpose. In the second case, be sure to take out all the bones.

Option 4: Coconut Smoothie with Cottage Cheese and Peach

Cottage cheese in drinks is not new. Useful product will enrich the smoothie with protein, make it satisfying and healthy. This recipe will require soft cottage cheese, grainy types will not work. As for the fat content, we choose at our discretion. If you need to reduce calorie content, then we take low-fat foods. For children, it is advisable to cook such a smoothie with cottage cheese at least 5% fat.


  • 150 ml coconut milk;
  • 70 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 tsp sugar or honey;
  • 1 peach.

Step by step recipe

Cut the peach in half. We take out the bone, cut into pieces. If the presence of the skin is embarrassing, then we dip the fruit in boiling water for a minute, rinse it with cold water, the skin is easily removed. If there is no fresh peach, then you can take two canned halves or a frozen fruit.

We send the peach to a blender, spread the indicated amount of cottage cheese next and beat well until we get mashed potatoes. Next, we introduce milk, sugar or honey. Beat again and taste!

You can use another fruit instead of a peach. It is tasty with a banana, pear, apple, but the solid pulp will first have to be chopped separately, then interrupted with cottage cheese and coconut milk.

Option 5: Coconut Flake Smoothie

Incredibly useful option oatmeal coconut smoothie. This drink is an excellent substitute for morning porridge, it can be a wonderful afternoon snack for children and adults. Cooking will take a little longer than previous recipes. We choose cereals any kind at your discretion. Also, the recipe contains strawberries, we take fresh or frozen berries.


  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 100 g strawberries;
  • 120 ml coconut milk;
  • sugar, honey.

How to cook

Boil water, add oatmeal, stir, let stand for a quarter of an hour, let them swell well. Then transfer to a bowl or glass from a blender.

Rinse strawberries, add next. If necessary, replace with other berries to your taste. Add coconut milk to the flakes immediately.

For taste, add sugar or honey to the smoothie. Close the blender, whisk everything together until you get a smooth and thick cocktail. Pour into a glass or a cup, enjoy the taste.

Similar options for smoothies with cereals can be prepared in a salty version, and instead of fruits and berries for filling, use vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper... It turns out original and healthy with avocado. The addition of greens of any kind is welcomed: sorrel, parsley, dill, basil.

Option 6: Coconut smoothie "Tropics" with pineapple

This recipe uses natural coconut pulp as well as pineapple. At the end, we get an amazing dessert with an amazing taste and aroma. The pineapple is used fresh, but if necessary, replace with canned rings or pieces from a jar.


  • 50 g coconut pulp;
  • 60 ml orange juice;
  • 100 ml coconut milk;
  • 100 g pineapple;
  • 2 tsp lemon juice;
  • 2 mint leaves;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 1 orange slice.

How to cook

We send a slice of orange to a blender, add broken or cut into pieces coconut pulp, we spread pineapple with mint to them. Grind it all to a gruel. The time depends on the power of the blender, but usually the process does not take more than two minutes.

Open the blender, add lemon and orange juice, coconut milk, put honey, without it, you can also cook smoothies. Close, beat again. We send the drink to the glass.

If there is no orange juice, then you can take apple or any other kind. Also, sometimes the liquid is replaced with pineapple syrup from a can or only coconut milk is used.

Berry and fruit smoothies are one of the most popular drinks summer season. You can recharge with vitamins on the open veranda of the restaurant, on a walk in the park or at home, mixing everything that comes to hand. The secret to making the perfect smoothie is simple: take the brightest, juiciest and healthiest seasonal products - from apples and carrots to mint and gooseberries, without limiting your imagination. Especially for the readers of HELLO.RU, the chefs of the Ribambelle and Tarantino restaurants have prepared instructions for preparing three mouth-watering smoothies: with coconut, berries and peanuts.

Grinding, whipping and mixing smoothie products was invented by the Americans. To be more precise - Stephen Poplavsky, who created the blender in 1922. For the first few decades, it was mainly American bartenders who used his invention, who had long been looking for a way to quickly and discreetly "hide" alcohol prohibited during Prohibition in cocktails with fruits and berries. And already in the late 70s, the Smoothie King company was engaged in the creation of this drink on an industrial scale, which undertook to sell smoothies in packaged form. The founders of the company did not attribute the glory of the invention of the term "smoothie", admitting that they "overheard" this word from hippies who had a special love for such drinks. By the end of the 80s, smoothies became an integral part of the American youth lifestyle: hundreds of specialized fresh bars opened in the United States, and after the fashion for smoothies came to Europe.

1. Coconut smoothie

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

Peeled banana - 50 g

Coconut flakes - 20 g

Coconut syrup - 40 ml

Apple juice - 50 ml

Coconut puree - 100 g

Cooking method:

Put all the ingredients in a blender, add 5-7 ice cubes. Beat until thick.

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

Blueberries - 30 g

Strawberry - 20 g

Pear juice - 120 ml

Sugar syrup - 20 ml

Spirulina - 3 g

Chia seeds - 3 g

Cooking method:

Mix all ingredients in a blender, garnish chia seeds... Serve immediately.

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

Peanuts - 100 g

Vanilla ice cream - 100 g

Milk - 50 ml

Nutella - 20 g

Whipped cream - 25 ml

Cooking method:

Put all the ingredients in a blender. Beat until thick. Pour the contents into a glass. The drink is ready.

Bon Appetit!