Green pasta with shrimps in a creamy sauce. Green Shrimp Pasta in Creamy Sauce Green Curry Pasta Recipe

Rinse the spinach well and cut or trim the leaves.

In a large saucepan, bring water to a boil, add spinach leaves and simmer for about a minute or two until the leaves freeze. Take out the spinach with a sieve or a spoon with holes, put it in a colander and drain the liquid, and cool the spinach a little.

In the same water where spinach was cooked, throw pasta to cook, salt.

Squeeze the spinach lightly with a spoon or hands.

Grate hard cheese on a fine grater.

Choose cheese to taste, regular hard: Dutch, Russian or cheese with a spicy note, for example, with nuts or paprika.

Melt in a non-stick saucepan butter, remove the stewpan from heat. Add flour and mix thoroughly. Cook for a few more seconds, and then gradually pour in a glass of milk in a thin stream.

Stir constantly and watch the sauce. It should thicken, but be free of lumps. If the sauce turns out to be thick, you can add the remaining milk, if, on the contrary, it is too thin, then you can add a little more flour.

Season with salt and pepper to taste. You can also add your favorite spices to taste. White sauce works well with nutmeg and dried ground garlic.

Drain the water from the finished paste, put it on a sieve and return to the saucepan.

Pour into a blender bowl white sauce, put squeezed spinach and grated cheese. Mix everything until smooth.

Mix the resulting sauce in a saucepan with the pasta.

If you did everything quickly, then the pan is still hot enough, you do not need to heat the paste. If not, heat the pasta again in a saucepan before serving.

Arrange on plates. Decorate the finished dish as desired, for example with a sprig of parsley or grated cheese.

The composition of the paste includes Green pepper Chile. In addition to the hot chili, this pasta has a slight sourness due to the lime included in the composition and is especially suitable for cooking fish and seafood.
Curry paste is a creamy spice mixture. Harmoniously selected spices not only improve the taste of food, but also have a number of healing properties: they cleanse the blood; stimulate appetite; help better assimilation of food; increase mental and physical activity


Green Curry Paste - A medium-hot mixture that includes green chili peppers, lemongrass, coriander, garlic, lime leaves, and juice. The green curry paste differs from the red curry paste in the color of the chili peppers it contains. There are several steps to making curry paste. First, the spices are dry-roasted using a special technology to obtain the most persistent aroma and enhance the taste. Then the aromatic ingredients are thoroughly ground and combined with the rest of the ingredients - kaffir lime, salt, lemon zest, shallots, alpinia, calangal, garlic.

Curry pasta dishes are garnished with rice or noodles. Products that are neutral in taste allow both to shade and reduce the sharpness of the pasta


Mung dala curry with vegetables and mushrooms

For the recipe you will need: mung dal (mash) - 1 glass, zucchini - 1 pc., Bell pepper- 1 pc., Champignons - 200-300g, onions - 2 pcs., hot peppers- 1 pc., Curry paste - 1-2 tablespoons, salt, vegetable oil (coconut or sesame) - 3 tablespoons. spoons.

Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil. Add curry paste, mix thoroughly, simmer for 1 minute. Cut vegetables and mushrooms into small pieces, add to the pasta, mix. Fill up the previously washed mung dal. Pour in 1.5 cups of boiling water, cover and simmer over medium heat for about 20 minutes. You can add water to obtain the desired consistency during cooking.
Season with salt, add hot pepper cut into rings and mix. Bring the mung bean to readiness, remove from the stove and leave to infuse for another 10 minutes under the lid.


Before adding the curry paste to the rest of the ingredients, it is first fried to allow its aroma to unfold and enhance its flavor. In the tradition of Asian cuisine, where curries are a classic, curry paste is fried in coconut oil. You can use separate coconut oil, or fry the paste in coconut milk or cream, in which case the oil is released when they are heated. Coconut milk or cream (depending on the recipe) is an indispensable ingredient to pair with curry paste. It is by adding coconut milk to the curry paste that a thick, creamy sauce is obtained, which serves as the basis of many dishes. After frying the pasta in oil (one tablespoon of pasta is enough for 3-4 servings of stew or soup), chopped vegetables and other ingredients are added to the pan according to the selected recipe.


Green chili, garlic, lemongrass, salt, shallots, galangal, kaffir lime, cumin, coriander, turmeric


Depending on the dominant products in the composition, pastes come in several colors: red, yellow and green. The red curry paste contains red chili peppers, while the green curry uses green chili instead of red. The yellow paste contains fresh turmeric. The pungency of the paste can range from medium to very strong. Any kind of aromatic curry paste has an exquisite and noble taste, it can be added to any usual dishes, side dishes, soups, sauces, stews to give them a pleasant aroma and spicy taste.


Serves 4:

  • Butter - 15 gr (1 tablespoon)
  • Olive oil - 15 ml (1 tablespoon)
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Shallots or red onions - 60 gr
  • Dry white wine - 50 ml
  • Royal shrimps - 12 pcs.
  • Cream 22% - 200 ml
  • Water - 100 ml
  • Parmesan - 50 gr
  • Parsley - 1 tablespoon
  • Basil - 1 tablespoon
  • Nutmeg - 1 g
  • Salt pepper

    For spinach paste:

  • Fresh spinach - 200 gr
  • Flour tipo 00 - 300 gr
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Yolks - 3 pcs.

    For filing:

  • Parmesan
  • Parsley
  • Some might call this recipe Alfredo's pasta, but that wouldn't be entirely true. Still, in the classic Alfredo pasta, cream and additional additives such as onions, shrimps are not used. Only butter, parmesan and water. I will post this one shortly the simplest recipe Until then, try this quirky green pasta with shrimps stewed in white wine and a thick creamy sauce. And no matter what it is called, the main thing is that it is very, very tasty. You can easily take ready-made pasta - tagliatelle, papardelle, fettuccini or even spaghetti. If you are too lazy to cook homemade pasta, then go straight to the "Sauce" part. Go!

    Spinach paste

    To give the paste an unusual color and taste, use the most various additives: cuttlefish ink, herbs, spices, nuts, vegetables and even cocoa. We'll take fresh spinach. Its color and flavor goes well with shrimp and cream.

    Blanch spinach in boiling water for 10 seconds.

    Immediately transfer to ice water.

    When the spinach has cooled down, squeeze it well.

    Put the spinach in the food processor along with the eggs and chop.

    The longer and more thoroughly the spinach is chopped, the more uniform the color of the finished dough will be.

    Pouring over egg mixture to the sifted flour and begin to mix.

    When the dough comes together, we transfer it to the table and begin to knead.

    Knead thoroughly for at least 5 minutes, until the dough is firm and elastic.

    We form a ball, wrap it in foil and leave it for 30 minutes.

    Now we start to roll out. You can use a rolling pin or a pasta machine. Thickness - 2 mm.

    If space is tight, divide the dough into 2 pieces and roll out in turn.

    Lightly dust the dough with flour and fold several times.

    We take a knife and cut the dough into strips 1 cm thick. A pizza knife or the most ordinary knife will also work.

    Sprinkle the dough with flour and mix well to flatten the dough strips. Ready! This pasta goes well with creamy sauces. For example, try cooking with her. Now you can start the sauce.


    The sauce is very simple to prepare. Chop the garlic and shallots finely. You can use red or onions.

    Preheat the pan and add the creamy and olive oil... The pot of water for the pasta should already be boiling on the stove. Homemade pasta cook for 3 minutes, so everything should be ready. Don't forget to add salt to the water.

    Lightly fry the garlic for 15-20 seconds.

    And add the bow.

    Fry over medium heat until the onion is soft - 2 minutes. Now is the time to put the pasta in the pot. Stir and cook for 3 minutes.

    Increase the heat and add the shrimp. Lightly add salt and fry for 30 seconds, stirring constantly.

    Add wine and simmer for another 30 seconds to evaporate excess alcohol.

    Pour in the cream and a ladle of pasta water. Simmer until the sauce thickens - about a minute.

    Add grated nutmeg and parmesan.

    Once the pasta is done, transfer to the skillet and stir. You can adjust the thickness of the sauce by evaporating a little more moisture or, conversely, adding water from the pasta. Taste and season with salt and pepper if necessary.

    Tip: If you are using dry paste, cook it for 2 minutes less than it says on the package. When the pasta is still damp, transfer it to the boiling sauce, stir and simmer for another minute.

    Finally, add the chopped parsley and basil. Stir, garnish with grated Parmesan and serve immediately in warmed bowls.

    Manufacturer : Thai Agri Foods Public Co., Ltd (TM Aroy-D), Thailand
    Compound : green chilli 30%, shallots 20%, lemongrass 12%, salt 12%, garlic 10%, galangal 6%, kaffir lime 5%, cumin powder 2%, coriander 2%, turmeric 1%.
    Shelf life: 24 months

    Green curry(Thai. เขียวหวาน, RTGS Kaeng Kiow Wahn) is popular dish Thai cuisine, known far beyond the Kingdom of Thailand. Green curry is one of the six traditional types of Thai curries, in fact there are many more, but the main ones are red curry (kaeng phet), green curry (kaeng kiow wahn), yellow curry (kaeng kari), massaman curry (kaeng masaman), Panang curry (kaeng panang) and sour curry (kaeng som). The base of this dish is green curry paste (nam phrik Kiow Wahn). It traditionally contains green chili peppers, shallots, garlic, galangal, lemongrass, kaffir lime zest, cilantro root, white cardamom, cumin, white pepper, shrimp paste and salt. Green curry paste is one of the hottest Thai curry spreads. It is the presence of 30% green chili and green basil in the paste that gives the finished dish its characteristic greenish color, thanks to which it got its name. A dish with this pasta is prepared with coconut milk, which is more like a soup in consistency. In addition to curry paste, meat (pork, beef, chicken, fish, shrimp or other seafood) and Thai eggplant are added to the dish, in vegetarian option meat is substituted for tofu, although green curry paste is difficult to adapt for vegetarians as it contains shrimp paste. Green curries are seasoned with palm sugar, fish sauce, kaffir lime leaves and Thai green basil. Ready-made green curry is most often served with boiled Jasmine rice, as well as boiled round or flat rice noodles, or with flat cakes. Green curry is a spicy dish (the degree of pungency varies as desired), with a distinctly nutty, lemon-citrus and basil flavor. The original flavor range will not leave indifferent lovers of spicy food and Thai cuisine in general.
    An open container of green curry paste can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.
    This curry paste is easy to make yourself if you have all necessary ingredients... If you have never tasted green curry dishes before and want to make this pasta yourself at home, then Thai chefs recommend to start with preparing a dish of ready-made green curry paste (the Thai food industry produces ready-made pastes of very good quality) so that you can appreciate taste qualities the resulting dish. After that, you can try to cook the pasta yourself, already having a taste of the dish.
    To cook Green curry from ready-made pasta is not difficult at all. Spread the curd in a wok preheated over medium heat coconut milk, melt it to separate coconut oil from milk and add the right amount green curry paste. Fry the curry paste until it dissolves in the coconut milk (2-3 minutes) and until the aroma appears, then add meat ingredients, even coconut milk, kaffir lime leaves, salt (or add fish sauce) and cook over low heat, with a leisurely boil, until cooked until the vegetables added later are cooked along with the meat. Just before the end of cooking, they taste it and add palm sugar, fish sauce, Thai green basil and, if desired, fresh red or green chili peppers. The finished dish is served hot.


    green chili pepper 30%, garlic, lemon, salt, shallots, calangal, kaffir white zest, cumin powder, coriander seeds, turmeric.

    Green curry paste: oriental luxury

    Are you ready to plunge into the world of taste experiments and sophisticated aromas?

    Try it curry paste... Do not hesitate - the routine will go away, and every

    dyy new day will sparkle with bright colors! Important, that curry, beneficial features which consists in strengthening the immune system, improving digestion and metabolism, helps to maintain a slim figure for a long time.

    It is a very popular product today: a blend of fine Asian spices, chopped and blended until smooth. Indians and Thais appreciate the rich and delicate aroma of curry, while Europeans are happy to recognize their favorite ingredients in a new combination.

    Popular green curry paste- A medium hot spice blend including green chili, lemongrass, garlic, lime leaves and juice, coriander. Green curry paste, the use of which is universal, can decorate any feast, it is especially good as a marinade and seasoning for seafood or chicken.

    Delivering the aroma of oriental luxury to dishes curry paste you can buy in specialized high-level outlets, as well as in our online store of Asian products

    For true gourmets, use chicken curry- a common thing, but curry paste, the recipe with which is presented today, may become signature dish on the festive table talented hostess.

    Delicate crab soufflé

    1. Sprinkle soufflé tins with 3 cl. l. crackers. Heat the oven.

    2. Gradually melt the butter 50 g with 1 spoon of curry and 100 g of onion. Add 30 g flour, stir.

    3. Pour in a glass of cream and milk, stir, heat for 1 minute.

    4. Remove from heat, add 4 beaten egg yolks and 200 g white meat crab. Add Tabasco sauce if desired.

    5. Separately beat 6 egg whites with spices, mix everything and arrange into shapes.

    6. Bake for a few minutes.

    7. Serve hot.

    Green curry soup

    Recipe for 2-3 persons:

    1. Mix 2 tablespoons. spoons vegetable oil and 50 g curry paste, cook over low heat for 2 minutes.

    2. Pour in 2 cups of coconut milk, then 250 g of finely chopped meat of your choice, fish or shellfish.

    3. Add 60 g of spiked eggplant, a little fresh chili, boil for 6 minutes.

    4. Add basil leaves and lime leaves and other spices to taste.