How to grate homemade noodles. How to make homemade noodles

Simple. Horns, noodles or noodles are always poured into boiling salted water, while there should be a lot of water.

If you put a pound of noodles in a liter of boiling water, you get porridge. Italians advise adding a couple of spoons to boiling water olive oil so that the pasta does not stick together. You need to cook them for exactly the amount of time indicated on the pack. If the boil time is not indicated on the pack, stir occasionally the noodles (noodles) and taste for readiness.

How to cook noodles and what to serve them with? The noodles are cooked in the same way as other pasta: they are poured into boiling water, salted, and when ready, they are thrown onto a sieve and washed with cold water, at the end a piece of butter is added.

Soups are very tasty with noodles (especially with homemade ones). I often add fried minced chicken, you get naval noodles. Delicious, fast and hearty lunch or a dinner for a large family.

Cooking steps:


Noodles 400-500 g, water 2-3 l, salt 3/4 tbsp. spoons, butter 30 g.

homemade noodles is a tasty and nutritious side dish, as well as an irreplaceable filling in first courses. Such noodles are brewed instantly, which is convenient, and the taste is much more pleasant than any store. Therefore, we recommend that you immediately cook a double portion of food, find some free time and knead the noodles. You will not regret it, even if you have never tried to cook it. And we will popularly tell you how to make homemade noodles with your own hands.

Homemade noodles for soup are even in the GOST. True, there it consists only of flour not lower than the first grade, salt and water. However, if you want some really homemade noodles, then make them with eggs. The second prerequisite is that it must be rubbed cool. The denser the dough, the more flour it contains, the less likely it is that the noodles will "scatter" over the broth in the first half hour after boiling.

So, the classic noodles are:

  • glass of water;
  • a good pinch of salt;
  • two eggs;
  • flour as much as the dough will take with dense kneading.

If there is no skill in working with simple test, we recommend that you take a bowl and knead the dough in it. But you can get by with a simple cutting board.

  1. Pour flour on it with a slide, make a depression and drive eggs into it. Add salt and water. The dough is kneaded from the center with flour added along the edges.
  2. The dough will be tough and very thick, but keep kneading and adding flour a little. Set the grated dough as tightly as possible under the bowl for half an hour, so that it becomes more pliable for rolling.
  3. After 30 minutes, you can roll out the workpiece with a rolling pin to the thinnest layer - about 1 mm.
  4. Cutting a sheet of dough into noodles is easy: you need to sprinkle it with flour, cut into strips and, folding them in a pile, cut diagonally.

When cutting, you have to dust the sheet with flour. So that the broth does not come out cloudy in this regard, it is recommended that before dipping the noodles into the soup, throw it for a moment in boiling water to wash off the excess flour.

There is another way to cut it.

  1. Leave a very thinly rolled sheet of dough on the table to dry out a little, but not until brittle. Usually 10-15 minutes are enough.
  2. Wrap the dried layer on a rolling pin or simply fold it into a roll.
  3. Begin slicing the thinnest noodles in an oblique motion.

If you like long noodles, cut straight, if you like small and short noodles, change the direction of the knife.

Cooked noodles can be stored in glass or tin containers. For this, the cut workpiece is dried and placed in dry jars.

Delicious egg noodles for soup

Knowing how to make homemade noodle dough can improve it. various additives... For example, interesting colored noodles are obtained by adding beet juice, carrots, spinach instead of water. Accordingly, the product will be multi-colored and enriched with vitamins.

No water is needed here. The less water, the more "cementing" eggs in the composition, the denser the noodles will be. It will not turn sour even the next day after cooking, and the broth will remain light and transparent.

To prepare such noodles, you need:

  • 1 egg;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • salt.

Salt is added to taste. You can make such noodles on the yolks alone - it will be bright, yellow and tasty. This is especially convenient when only proteins are used in the preparation of baked goods, and the yolks have nowhere to "dispose of". Soup with such noodles will be transparent.

The bookmark is given for one preparation of the first course. To immediately make a workpiece several times, you can increase proportionally all components threefold. The dough turns out to be very tight, it is not easy to knead and roll it out; for the convenience of rolling, you can add a couple of tablespoons of refined vegetable oil.

As in the previous recipes, knead the dough, set aside for half an hour, roll out and cut the noodles.

Choux pastry

Choux noodle dough is not what we do in cake dough. There, the task is to intervene eggs to achieve voids inside the product. Everything is simpler here: in contrast to the simple unleavened dough, flour is combined with boiling water, that is, it is brewed. Then the whole process goes as usual - kneading, rolling, drying and cutting into strips.

For 350 g of flour, 180 g of boiling water, a small spoonful of salt and 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil. By the way, this set of products can be used when kneading dough in a bread maker. You need to knead for a quarter of an hour.

There is one more interesting way cooking choux pastry no starch. It comes out malleable, elastic, although it will take a little more time than ordinary fresh.


  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potato starch;
  • 3 - 4 cups sifted wheat flour;
  • 250 ml cold water;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.

This dough is made like this.

  1. In 3 st. tablespoons of cold water (taken from the total volume), dilute the starch and stir to make a gruel.
  2. Boil the rest of the water and add diluted starch into it. Cool down.
  3. Pour two glasses of flour into a bowl, add starch paste, oil and salt.
  4. Knead the dough, gradually adding enough flour to make an elastic, but at the same time plastic dough.
  5. Set it aside in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, you can work with the test. It is suitable for both noodles and dumplings or dumplings.

For lagman

This dish requires special noodles - firm, but at the same time elastic, which does not sour and retains its taste qualities and after heating.

For the test, usually taken:

  • flour - 800 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 1.5 cups;
  • salt - 1 tsp

The dough is prepared in the usual way, then let it rest under the bowl for about an hour, after which they begin to stretch.

This stretch is what distinguishes Uzbek lagman noodles.

To make it easier to pull, use a solution of soda and salt (0.5 teaspoon of soda and 1 teaspoon of salt in half a glass of water). Hands are moistened in the solution, and the dough is moistened with it. It is pulled into thick bundles, moistened, reassembled in a bunch, so that, moistened, the bundle can be pulled out again.

The last time, when the dough is already well processed with a solution, it is pulled out with tourniquets, transferring them to a greased baking sheet. Then again, by hand, they pull out and twist the flagella as thick as a pencil. These are the lagman noodles that are boiled in salted water.

Udon noodles - a simple recipe

You can also make delicious homemade noodles in the traditional oriental way. Udon noodles are part of Japanese dishes, it is added to meat, salads, vegetables, etc., practically not using it as a pure product.

These are noodles without eggs, water, salt and flour alone. Tenderness and softness are given to it by a special cut in the form of elongated threads of a round or flattened section.

Since udon contains practically no vitamins, we suggest preparing an enriched version of noodles using not only fine flour, but also unrefined flour. This is how it is done.

  1. Dissolve 4 tsp in a glass of boiling water. salt.
  2. In a bowl, combine 150 g of peeled and 500 g of unpeeled flour.
  3. Combine the solution with flour. Knead a dense ball, place it under the foil and roll with a rolling pin. Fold the cake in four, again walk with a rolling pin. Repeat this 5-6 times to make the dough even and smooth. Then, roll it back into a ball and send it to a cold place.
  4. After a few hours, take it out, roll it out in a layer of 3 mm and, folding it in three, cut the roll into thin strips.

Store such noodles frozen.

How to make Chinese noodles at home

The main recipe for Chinese noodles is water (half a cup), flour (2 cups), 1 teaspoon of salt. The dough is kneaded from the components, left to rest for half an hour, after which noodles are made, which are rolled in starch so that they do not stick together.

You can make interesting cornmeal noodles.

For this, it is taken:

  • corn flour - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • wheat flour - 0.6 kg;
  • corn oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of water;
  • salt pepper.

Prepare like this:

  1. Pour dry ingredients into a mixer, add eggs and water.
  2. Stir for three minutes, then set aside the dough for half an hour and knead again until smooth.
  3. Cover with a damp cloth and let it rest for 4 hours.
  4. Next, roll out and cut the dough into 1 mm thick layers and into strips with a rolling pin or noodle cutting machine.

Wok noodles

Wok noodles are not a dough recipe, but a method of making meat or vegetable sauce for traditional Chinese noodles. It cooks very quickly, and for this you need a special frying pan with high sides and a rounded wok base.

  1. Vegetables are placed in the hot oil in it and fried for literally a few minutes, seasoned with spices, salt, soy sauce.
  2. Boiled Chinese noodles are placed in the vegetable sauce (or you can also use meat fried with vegetables, seafood, etc.).
  3. Everything is mixed, infused a little and served to the table.

- this is, first of all, broth from homemade chicken and, of course, noodles from do-it-yourself dough... Now on sale there are many varieties and types of ready-made noodles (pasta) for different tastes and wallets, but real home kitchen encourages us to be able to do it ourselves. Well, or at least imagine how it's done. Therefore, I am showing you how to prepare the dough for homemade noodles, let it be in the piggy bank of your recipes.

You will need:

  • egg 1 pc
  • water 1 tablespoon
  • a pinch of salt
  • olive oil 0.5 tsp (or any vegetable)
  • flour 7-8 tablespoons with a slide

Step-by-step photo recipe for cooking:

Sift into a bowl flour, make a hole in flour and break into it egg... Add half a shell (1 tablespoon) water, a pinch salt and a few drops olive oil... Knead the dough with a knife, gradually stirring the flour into the egg. When the dough is still semi-liquid, but you can already take it in your hand, transfer it to a floured table or board on which you will knead it.

Knead the dough with your hands, constantly adding flour. You can do this on the board and take the dough in your hands. Like this.

It is not necessary to add all the flour, as soon as the dough becomes sufficiently dense and elastic, form a ball out of it, wrap it in cling film so that it does not dry out, let it rest for 5-10 minutes.

To roll out the dough, cut the ball into 4 pieces and form 4 small balls.

Roll them out one at a time. At first flatten the ball into a cake and then roll it out on the board with a rolling pin from the middle to the edges, adding flour. The thickness of the rolled cakes may vary. I usually roll them out for noodles 26-28 cm in diameter. This is a tighter dough. And when I do homemade or, then I roll out the dough until transparent. The photo shows that the dough transmits light.

As a result, you will have four rolled cakes. Now you can cut the noodles as you like. For example, cut a cake into strips. Place the strips on top of each other. And cut into strips with a knife - this classic form of homemade noodles.

There is another way of slicing, it saves time. Place the rolled cakes on top of each other and roll into a tube. Slice the noodles obliquely from one side of the tube, then from the other, adjusting the width and length.

Spread the noodles on a flat surface, sprinkling with your hands to help separate them. Usually properly kneaded and rolled noodles separate easily and do not stick together.

The noodles are ready and you can cook them right now if you have broth. Usually, I put the broth to boil first and, while it boils, I knead the noodles. How to cook broth, see ⇒

Advice:before placing the noodles in the boiling broth, make them welding- in a separate saucepan, bring water (1 liter) to a boil and put the noodles in boiling water. Stir to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pot. As soon as the water boils again, discard the noodles in a colander and only then dip them into the boiling broth. This is necessary in order to keep the broth clear.

Freshly chopped noodles cook very quickly. After you throw it into the boiling broth, just wait for it to float to the surface.

Homemade noodles keep very well. My grandmother made a dough for noodles from 10 eggs and, after cutting, dried it in the oven, put it in a clean, dry cloth bag and kept it that way. You can spread the noodles on a flat surface and dry when room temperature periodically lifting and stirring it. Dry noodles can be stored in glass jar closing it tightly. Cook dry noodles in the same way as fresh, but longer. Let it boil for 5-7 minutes. Dry noodles will no longer float to the surface of the broth.

Such noodles are called homemade. Grandmother cooked it from chicken, which ran under the window in the morning. In those years, even in cities, people living in a private house were sure to raise chickens and plant a vegetable garden. On the table, my grandmother served noodles with a part of the chicken in a plate and did not remove the meat from the bone. I still have a plate from the service, which was presented by my grandmother to my mother for the wedding - Dulevo porcelain 1957. In it, I present real homemade noodles - Noodles with a capital letter.

  • flour 7-8 tablespoons with a slide
  • Noodles from this amount of products will be enough for 5-6 liters of broth. If you have less broth, then dry the remaining noodles and use the next time.

    Sift flour into a bowl , make a hole in the flour and break an egg into it. Add half a shell ( 1 tablespoon) water, a pinch of salt and a few drops of olive oil. Knead the dough with a knife, gradually stirring the flour into the egg. When the dough is still semi-liquid, but you can already take it in your hand, transfer it to a floured table or board on which you will knead it. Knead the dough with your hands, constantly adding flour. It is not necessary to add all the flour, as soon as the dough becomes sufficiently dense and elastic, form a ball out of it, wrap it in cling film so that it does not dry out, let it rest for 5-10 minutes. Cut the ball into 4 pieces and form 4 small balls. Roll them out one at a time from the middle to the edges up to 26-28 cm in diameter , adding flour. Cut the flat cakes into noodles of a length and width convenient for you. Spread the noodles on a flat surface, sprinkling with your hands to help separate them. Cook the noodles before placing them in the boiling broth. . Cook the noodles in the broth until they float to the surface.

    Today we all think that noodles are one of the most primordial Russian dishes, one of the most popular, that dishes have always existed with noodles. So, but not so. You may be surprised, but the first mentions of noodles date back to the 16th century, and before that, if noodles were known, they could not boast of particular popularity and prevalence. According to V. Pokhlebkin, the Russians borrowed the noodles from the Tatars, and gave it their own special flavor. And already in the 17th century, noodles became not only one of the most common dishes in everyday Russian cuisine, but, having gained popularity, fell off the table in folklore. What are the only teasers about the Vladimir townspeople who chop noodles with an ax! We, the descendants, spoiled by the delights of many cuisines of the world, it is impossible to surprise us at all with noodles. But to seduce with noodles, but to sit at the table with just the aroma of properly cooked noodles, you can easily even now. The main thing is that the noodles are homemade, cooked with your own hands with love and care. Let us today and you and I try to find out and remember how to cook homemade noodles.

    At first, the most superficial glance, the preparation of noodles does not contain any special secrets. Well, really, is it difficult to mix flour, salt, an egg and water, roll out the resulting dough, and cut it into noodles? Even a child can cope, many will say. And they will be wrong. Each step is important in making noodles. Correct and accurate selection of verified ingredients, long and thorough kneading of the dough, correct rest of the dough and its rolling, correct cutting and drying. Only knowledge of all the intricacies of cooking will allow you to fully enjoy truly delicious, strong homemade noodles. Violation of the technology most often leads to the production of a soft, strangely diffused substance in the soup, which cannot be called noodles or brought to your mouth.

    And how many dishes can you cook if you managed to chop the right homemade noodles! Traditionally, soups are prepared with noodles, here we will find healing chicken noodles and unusually tasty and aromatic duck noodles, breathtaking noodles with forest mushrooms and sweet milk. But homemade noodles are not suitable for soups alone. Simmer it in lamb fat, serve it to the tender lamb ribs, boil it in a strong broth, and at the last moment put it on a baking sheet next to the baked piglet, put it in a pot, fill it with milk, sprinkle with grated cheese, and bake it in the oven. For a long time you can list the dishes that the noodles will decorate with themselves, and will give them a new taste. And add to the noodles aromatic herbs, spicy vegetables, and aromatic spices, and you yourself will be surprised how infinite number of unique shades of taste such simple homemade noodles, familiar to everyone, can please you.

    Today "Culinary Eden" has carefully collected and recorded for you the most important secrets and tips, as well as several time-tested recipes that will easily tell novice housewives how to cook homemade noodles.

    1. Like most other dough products, the noodles are rolled out on the board using a rolling pin. V. Pokhlebkin strongly advised using for these purposes a wooden board 50x75 cm, preferably cut from linden, aspen, birch. But the connoisseur of Russian cuisine scolded the plastic boards, rightly believing that their elasticity and pliability are incomparable with the corresponding qualities of a wooden board. However, plastic boards are, of course, more hygienic. Any rolling pin is suitable for rolling out noodle dough, although a monolithic rolling pin will probably seem more convenient to you. On the other hand, the European rotating rolling pin will require you to apply much less effort when rolling out the dough. You can use regular sharpened cutlery knives to cut the noodles, but round knives for dough or pizza are most convenient. Such knives are both straight and curly - allowing you to cut the noodles of the original wavy shape. Those who often cook noodles can be advised to purchase special mechanical or electrical machines that will allow you to easily roll out thinly and evenly cut the dough into noodles.

    2. The choice of flour for making noodles is most often limited only by your imagination. The thing is that, unlike italian pasta or pasta, noodles do not require a certain kind of a certain type of flour at all. Deliciously delicious noodles can be made with wheat, buckwheat, or oat flour... Particularly tasty is the noodles, in the preparation of which two or three are used different kinds flour. The same can be said about the type of flour. Good noodles can be made from both first grade flour and coarser flour. It turns out great noodles if you add a little flour of the second grade to the flour of the first grade or finely ground semolina in a coffee grinder. But unlike pasta, when preparing noodles, eggs must be used, often completely replacing the entire liquid part of the dough with them. The task of the eggs is to make the dough as strong and dense as possible so that it does not fall apart in the water.

    3. Let's try to knead the simplest noodle dough. Take a glass of sifted wheat flour, pour it in a heap on the board, make a small depression on top and pour in one egg. A cold egg, this is important! Then add a couple tablespoons of ice cold water and immediately start kneading your dough, being careful not to let the liquid run out onto the board, but rather mix it all with the flour. Knead the dough as long and as thoroughly as you can. Even if it seems to you that there is not enough liquid, that there is too much untreated flour left, chase these impressions away, and try to restrain yourself from the desire to splash too much water. At most, you can add one more spoonful of ice water, the strength of your hands should do the rest. The harder and more thoroughly you knead and knead the dough, the smoother, denser and more elastic it will be. Ready dough wrap with cling film and leave in a cool place for 20 - 30 minutes. During this time, the dough will completely dissolve, ripen, become elastic and soft.

    4. Is your dough ready? Now you have to roll it out and cut the noodles out of it. Sprinkle flour on the board, put the dough bun on it, flatten it a little with your hands, dust it with flour and start rolling it with a grated rolling pin. Roll gently from the center to the edges at first, trying to give your dough rounded shape, then roll out, leaning on the rolling pin as much as possible, trying to roll out the dough as thin as possible. When the thickness of the dough sheet reaches a couple of millimeters, start to be extra careful again, being careful not to tear the thin dough sheet. The thinner you can roll out the dough, the better. Remember that even two-millimeter noodles will swell when boiled and turn into a poorly cooked, sticky four-millimeter piece of dough.

    5. Did you roll it out? Thin enough? So almost everything is ready! It remains only to cut our noodles. If you are using round knives or special curly knives, then just start slicing the noodles to the thickness you need for your purpose. If you want to slice traditional Russian noodles, first let the dough sheet sit for 10 to 15 minutes and dry slightly. Then carefully sprinkle the sheet with a thin, even layer of flour. Roll the dough sheet prepared in this way neatly into a tube, gently flatten it, and then with a very sharp knife cut it across and slightly obliquely into thin, graceful rings no more than two to three millimeters thick. Unfold the finished noodle rings and scatter them relatively loosely on a tablecloth or cloth and let them dry slightly, sometimes gently stirring them up. Now your noodles are completely ready to use in any dish you like.

    6. Noodles from other types of flour are prepared in exactly the same way. Let's try to make the most delicious and popular Russian noodles made from wheat and buckwheat flour. Mix and sift together through a sieve one cup of wheat flour and a quarter cup of buckwheat flour. Save another quarter of a glass of wheat flour for topping. Sprinkle flour on a board, make a depression in the center of the flour slide and pour one a raw egg and three eggshells of ice water. Knead to a tight dough, wrap with a towel and let sit for 15 minutes. Roll out the finished dough into a layer no more than one millimeter thick and cut into thin slices.

    7. Roll and chop the noodles is only half the battle. Now we need to cook these noodles deliciously. Let's start with traditional Russian chicken noodles, which is quite rightly attributed even to medicinal properties... Cook a strong broth from two liters of water and 700 gr. Chicken. Remove the chicken, strain the broth, return to the saucepan and bring to a boil. Add one finely chopped onion, two bay leaves, two to three saffron stamens, salt and black pepper to taste. Pour the pre-cooked into the boiling broth wheat noodles and cook until tender, about five minutes. At the end of cooking, add two tablespoons of parsley, one tablespoon of dill, and two minced garlic cloves. Remove from heat and serve immediately. Boiled chicken file separately.

    8. More fragrant and tastier than noodles duck is difficult to find, such noodles can easily decorate even festive table... Prepare noodles in advance from one and a half glasses of wheat and half a glass of buckwheat flour. Thoroughly rinse and scrape one duck weighing about two kilograms. Use a sharp knife to remove the fat around the neck and tail. Place the duck skin on several places with a fork, place the duck on a roasting rack and place in a preheated 200⁰ oven. Don't forget to place the baking sheet under the duck! Roast for 30 minutes, until the duck is browned and most of the fat is melted out. Divide the finished duck into 10 parts, place in a saucepan, add one whole carrot, one onion, one parsley root. Pour all over with 1½ liters of hot water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 1½ hours, regularly removing excess fat from the surface. Boil the noodles until cooked separately and discard in a colander. When the duck is done, remove the vegetables, remove the duck pieces and strain the broth. When serving, add a serving of noodles, a slice of duck to each plate and cover with boiling broth. Serve chopped dill or parsley separately on plates.

    9. Fragrant mushroom noodles from dried porcini mushrooms will remind you of a warm mushroom summer in cold winter times. Pour 1 ½ liters of cold water over one glass of dried porcini mushrooms and leave for two hours. Remove the mushrooms and rinse from sand and litter, and strain the infusion through cheesecloth. Large chunks chop one white leek, one onion, one parsley root and one celery root. Pour the mushroom infusion into a saucepan, add vegetables and mushrooms, bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes over low heat under a lid. Remove the cooked vegetables, and remove the mushrooms and cut into thin strips. Boil the noodles separately until cooked in the amount you want. In a saucepan, combine mushroom broth, chopped mushrooms and boiled noodles. Bring everything together to a boil, season with salt and pepper, and remove from heat. Add a slice to the noodles before serving butter and sprinkle with chopped dill.

    10. It has always been revered for a real delicacy in Russians houses noodles loaf, noodles. And it's not so difficult to cook it. Make thin noodles with 2 cups of wheat flour. Bring one liter of milk to a boil, add noodles and cook until cooked for 4 - 5 minutes, then drain in a colander and cool slightly. Pour half a glass of raisins with a large amount of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes, discard in a colander. Beat three eggs lightly with a fork. Combine noodles, raisins, and eggs. Put the resulting mixture in a greased baking dish and place in an oven preheated to 170⁰. Bake until golden brown for 30 minutes. Before serving, pour melted butter over the noodles.

    And on the pages of "Culinary Eden" you can always find even more new and interesting ideas, tips and recipes that will definitely tell you how to cook homemade noodles.

    There is nothing tastier than noodles cooked at home, with your own hands, according to the recipes of our great-grandmothers, grandmothers and mothers.

    Previously, many women who strictly monitored their weight included dishes made from pasta, noodles and others on the list of the strictest taboos. flour products... Today it is reliably known that pasta made from flour hard varieties wheat, absolutely do not harm the figure.

    Healthy homemade noodles

    This cannot but rejoice, since there are countless dishes that can be prepared from noodles, pasta or noodles. And some hostesses prefer not to buy pasta, but to make homemade noodles on their own.

    Shop counters are literally overcrowded today. pasta various manufacturers, all kinds of shapes, sizes and even colors. But there is nothing tastier than noodles cooked at home, with your own hands, according to the recipes of our great-grandmothers, grandmothers and mothers.

    But the modern woman already has a huge burden of responsibilities: work, household chores, childcare. More often than not, in your free minute you want to spend on yourself, and not stand for hours in the kitchen. So it turns out that we buy a finished product, trying to save our time.

    However, if you feel like pampering your loved ones, make homemade noodles for them. We are sure that this dish will warm their souls, because they will feel your boundless love and care. And so that making homemade noodles takes as little time as possible, involve your household members in the business. After all, everyone likes the taste of homemade noodles, and therefore your family is unlikely to refuse to help you in its preparation. So, the husband can be entrusted with a responsible and rather laborious task of kneading and rolling the dough, and the kids will certainly not refuse to help their mother cut the noodles into thin strips!

    Making noodles at home (recipe)

    So let's start by making the dough. To make homemade noodles you will need:

    • 400 gr. flour
    • 8 yolks
    • 50 gr. vegetable oil
    • 2-3 gr. salt
    • 1 tbsp water

    • Pour 400 grams into a large bowl or directly on the table. flour, make a depression in it on top.
    • Then in a separate bowl, mix 8 yolks with salt, vegetable oil and 1 tablespoon of cold water, beat until smooth.
    • Pour the resulting yolk mass into the groove in the flour and begin to gently mix it with the flour. When the dough is thick enough, start kneading it with your hands.

    The dough should be as tight and pliable as possible, the quality of the resulting noodles depends on this. Therefore, at the stage of kneading the dough, you cannot do without the strong hands of your beloved man - he will cope with the dough faster and better than you. The cooler the dough, the better the noodles will turn out, and therefore we call a representative of the strong half of humanity and solemnly entrust him with this responsible matter, of course, under your careful guidance.

    • Before rolling, leave the dough for 10-15 minutes, cover with a towel or an inverted bowl, it should stand.
    • Then we get to work again. To begin with, sprinkle the table with a thick enough layer of flour, put the dough on it, and start rolling, gradually adding flour under the rolling pin, in order to avoid the dough sticking to the rolling pin.

    Turn the dough periodically while rolling, so that it does not stick to the table. The thinner the dough is rolled out, the better, therefore, again, you can call for help strong man. Perfect option- when the thickness of the dough does not exceed 1 mm.

    In order to make short noodles from the rolled dough, you need to cut the dough into strips of 1.5-2 centimeters, then fold the resulting strips in a pile, remembering to sprinkle them with flour to avoid sticking.

    • Now take a thinner knife and start cutting the noodles, try to make them as thin as possible. During the cutting process, remember to turn and shake the already cut noodles so that they do not have time to stick together.

    If you decide to make long noodles, sprinkle the rolled dough with flour and roll into a roll, then slice it thinly and shake the resulting noodles so that it unfolds.

    • So you have reached the home stretch, now you just have to dry the homemade noodles, to do this, sprinkle it in a thin layer on a floured baking sheet or table and leave it to dry for about 30-40 minutes.

    What to make from homemade noodles?

    Noodles can be cooked for future use, for this, it must be dried to brittleness, sprinkled with flour and stored in a linen bag.

    Place the homemade noodles in a sieve before cooking and shake slightly to remove excess flour. Now it all depends on your tastes and imagination.

    • Boiled homemade noodles are good as a side dish.
    • For lovers of milk soups You will probably like the following cooking option: the pre-boiled noodles should be thrown into a colander, allowed to drain, then pour in boiled milk, add sugar and butter to taste.
    • A chicken soup with homemade noodles - just a classic of cookery. To make homemade chicken noodles, you need a rich chicken bouillon... Separate the boiled chicken from the bones, cut into small portioned pieces, put in broth with noodles. Remove from heat after 10 minutes. after boiling. You can add some chopped parsley.

    Homemade noodles: many options

    • If you're not afraid to experiment in the kitchen, you can make tons of different options for homemade noodles. For example, replacing wheat buckwheat flour and giving up eggs, you get homemade buckwheat noodles.
    • For cooking rice noodles you need 3 glasses rice flour, 2 tbsp. l. starch, salt and 2 glasses of cold water.
    • In addition, sweet lovers will surely like the taste of chocolate noodles, for the preparation of which you only need to add about 40-50 gr to the dough. cocoa powder.
    • For lovers of unusual and original dishes can be offered make colored homemade noodles, especially since it is quite simple. You just need to add to egg mixture before mixing it with flour, a little juice of beets or carrots - as a result, you will get a one-time or yellow noodles.
    • In addition, with the help of special knives and various shapes, you can create different options curly homemade noodles.

    Homemade Carrot Noodle Recipe

    Another option for making homemade noodles is "carrot".

    To make carrot noodles you will need:

    • 200 gr. carrots
    • 1 tbsp butter
    • 1 tbsp Sahara
    • 3 eggs
    • ½ tsp salt
    • 3-4 tbsp. flour

    Cooking homemade noodles:

    • Cut the peeled carrots into pieces and boil.
    • After the carrots have cooled, rub them through a sieve or chop them in a blender, add all the ingredients except the flour and beat.
    • Then, gradually adding flour, knead the tight dough.
    • Divide the dough into 3-4 parts, roll out thinly and cut into long strips.
    • Boiled "carrot" noodles are an excellent side dish for meat and vegetables!

    Do not be afraid to experiment in the kitchen and surprise your family! Bon Appetit!