Quince medicinal properties application. What is quince and how is it eaten - useful properties and uses of the fruit

Today I want to talk about one of the oldest fruits - quince, its beneficial properties and contraindications, about the benefits not only of the fruit itself, but of leaves and even seeds. Quince is an interesting fruit, it looks like an apple or a pear, but does not possess such taste like they are. There is no such juicy sweetness in it that in apples and pears. The dry pulp has an astringent, tart, sour taste. But, for some reason, in ancient times, it was the quince that was considered a symbol of love and fertility.

Quince useful properties and contraindications

It turns out that even ancient healers were known beneficial features quince, and they used it in the treatment of many diseases. John Parkinson, an English scientist botanist of the 17th century, wrote about quince:

Of the fruits that grow on the earth, one cannot find a fruit that has the same excellent application: in the abundance of dishes for dinner, a banquet, and that has even more useful advantages for the good of the body.

Useful composition of quince and nutritional value

Quince fruits have a fairly rich composition, judge for yourself:

  • fruits are rich in provitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E, PP; in terms of vitamin C content, quince surpasses apples and pears.
  • mineral composition - potassium, sodium, calcium, copper, phosphorus, manganese. Separately, it must be said about iron - 100 grams. quince contains the daily rate.
  • when compared with apples and pears, the fruits of quince contain more pectin and organic acids, such as citric, tartaric, malic, tartronic acids.

Nutritional value of the fruit:

  • Caloric content - 48 kcal
  • Protein - 0.6 g
  • Fat - 0.5 g
  • Carbohydrates - 9.6 g

Useful properties of quince for the body

Due to its rich composition, quince will provide our body with invaluable help:

  • The high content of vitamin C makes this fruit useful for the prevention and treatment of colds, viral diseases, vitamin C is needed by our body. To reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, it is recommended to consume foods rich in vitamin C. Quince is the best suited for this.
  • the fruit is rich in vitamins A, C and E, and these are the main antioxidants that enter our body with food. Antioxidants reduce the risk of cancer, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and tend to rejuvenate the body.
  • vitamin A has a positive effect on the human cardiovascular system. By strengthening the walls of blood vessels, retinol ensures normal blood circulation and a stable heartbeat.
  • it is useful for people suffering from high blood pressure to eat quince, as it contains potassium. Quince will help lower blood cholesterol.
  • nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) contained in fruits and leaves prevents thrombus formation, slows down the absorption of glucose and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  • excellent fruit pulp removes toxins from the body, as it has a high content of pectin substances. These properties of quince make it a product that can be recommended for people with liver problems as a result of alcoholism;
  • due to its high iron content, this fruit is useful for children and the elderly;
  • helps quince with diarrhea due to its astringent properties;
  • quince is useful for diseases such as tuberculosis, jaundice, is a diuretic, hemostatic agent, used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Why is quince useful for women

In addition to the aforementioned beneficial properties, this fruit contains what is important for the female body, and is also useful during pregnancy:

  • first of all, I would like to say about such a substance as iron, there is a lot of it in this fruit. This element is important for women on "critical days", pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers;
  • quince is considered a good antiemetic and it can help pregnant women with toxicosis;
  • folic acid reduces the risk of developing cleft palate in a child, mental illness, protein-energy deficiency of the body;
  • for pregnant women suffering from edema, the diuretic property of quince will help.

Slimming quince

The fruit is considered a dietary product due to its low fat content and lack of cholesterol. Quince promotes good digestion due to the copper, sodium and fiber that it contains. All this makes quince a product that can and should be included in the diet for weight loss.

It is noted that quince is considered an anti-stress product, a product that improves mood and provides additional energy. Even ancient healers used the fruit to treat black boredom. We now call this condition depression.

This is another "plus" for those who decided to go on a diet - quince will help not only to lose weight, but also to cope with stress, which is inevitable, because you have to give up the usual products and the usual way of life.

Quince in cosmetology

In the business of beauty, you can also use the beneficial properties of quince, the pulp of the fruit is great product for cosmetic masks.

A finely grated quince mask is an excellent remedy for oily skin and blackhead removal.

Apply the pulp to your face, hold for 7-10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

The following recipe is suitable for any skin:

grated quince pulp, mix with a teaspoon of oatmeal and corn starch... Keep on face for 20 minutes, rinse with water.

Mask with quince for aging skin - it cleanses, refreshes, slightly whitens and tones the skin.

Grate quince and mix with cream, chicken yolk in equal amounts with dry and normal skin and with chicken protein - with porous oily skin. Apply for 15-20 minutes, then remove with a warm, damp swab, and rinse the face with water.

Why is quince useful for men

Vitamin A, which is found in quince fruits, plays a huge role in the prevention of prostate cancer in men.

Vitamin PP (niacin) regulates the production of hormones essential for men's health: insulin, progesterone, testosterone and estrogen. It is these biologically active substances that are responsible for protein metabolism, which affects the growth of muscle mass and an increase in strength indicators. Vitamin PP is often found in sports nutrition.

How to eat quince correctly

Yes, such useful properties make quince an attractive product for consumption, but it is quite difficult to eat it, even when it is ripe. This feature sometimes raises questions: is it possible to eat quince raw and in what form it is better to use quince, so that it would bring not only benefits, but also pleasure.

The flesh of quince is quite dense, it has a peculiar taste, aroma, and if you like it all, then, of course, you can eat it raw, but there are other ways of application and recipes.

The fruit is interesting in that not only desserts are prepared from it, in fried form it goes well as a side dish for meat dishes, quince pieces are added to pilaf.

Quince can be used to prepare infusions, juices, compotes, preserves, it can be dried and used not only for culinary purposes, but also in folk medicine.

Baked quince, quince jam

Quince gets its real taste and benefits after heat treatment. Viscosity and astringency magically disappear, it has a beautiful color, delicious aroma and taste, and at the same time it does not lose its useful properties.

Boiled, baked quince, as well as preserves, jams from it are not only a delicious delicacy:

  • doctors say that in this form it improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, is indicated for anemia, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • boiled and baked quince is also used as a remedy for nausea, antiemetic, and also as a remedy for diarrhea.

Bake it well in the oven in pieces, wrapped in foil.

Quince juice

Of course, making quince juice is not easy, but know that it helps very well to reduce the temperature and recover the body after a debilitating illness. And you don't need much of it, it is enough to take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day... Quince juice is used in the treatment of bronchitis ( 50 gr. several times a day).

Also, fresh quince juice has a beneficial effect on the spleen, improving its activity, it is used in the treatment of dropsy, used as an antiseptic, hemostatic, astringent, diuretic, helps with leg muscle cramps.

Quince juice nourishes and cares for oily skin. You can get rid of freckles with the help of quince juice. All kinds of face masks are also made from the pulp of quince.

Quince infusion

If it is not possible to make quince juice, then you can prepare the infusion in a thermos. In case of fever and cough, it, like juice, helps very well. For a liter thermos, two small fruits will be enough.

Cut the quince into slices, pour boiling water over and leave for at least 2 hours. Take 0.5 cups warm several times a day. You can add a spoonful of honey.

1 tablespoon of chopped fresh quince or dry pour a glass of water, boil for five minutes over low heat and leave for an hour. Take 3 tablespoons before meals.

As a vitamin remedy, you can even simply add a couple of quince slices to tea - I do this when there is a quince. Delicious tea it turns out.

Quince compote

Quince compote is also an excellent vitamin drink - it can be cooked only from quince, or you can also add various dried fruits.

  • The famous doctor Avicenna treated stomach and liver diseases with quince compote with honey.
  • Quince compote is an excellent remedy for vomiting, diarrhea, and also helps with cystitis, as it has a diuretic effect.

Quince is also interesting in that not only the fruit itself has beneficial properties, but also its seeds, as well as leaves.

Quince seeds - useful properties

We can say about quince seeds that this is a separate medicine, only they cannot be crushed, you will learn about this later.

  • There is mucus on the seeds of quince, and it is used as an enveloping agent for bronchitis, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, as an emollient for colitis.

10-15 gr. seeds, pour 1 glass of water and shake for 10 minutes. Apply immediately after a meal, 1 tablespoon.

  • A decoction of seeds helps with bronchitis, sore throat, cough, it is used for gastrointestinal problems, as it has a slight laxative, softening and analgesic effect. The broth is used as a lotion for burns, skin diseases, cracked lips, eye diseases, and baldness.

Pour 300 ml of 1 teaspoon of quince seeds. water, warm up for 15 minutes in a water bath. Remove from heat, cover and wrap for 2 hours, then strain. Use for compresses and oral administration - 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals.

  • One more interesting application quince seeds. If you have a speech or some kind of long conversation, then hold the quince seed for about half an hour in your mouth and you will not be tormented by thirst and will not dry out in your mouth.

The benefits of quince leaves

Leaves and branches are harvested during the flowering period of quince, dried in the shade, stored in a dry place.

A decoction of leaves and young quince branches is used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, lowering blood sugar:

Pour 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials with a glass of water, boil over low heat for 15 minutes, let it brew until it cools completely, drain. Take 1 tablespoon before meals 3 times a day.

To relieve an acute attack of bronchial asthma:

Pour 6 quince leaves with a glass of boiling water. Hold in a water bath for 15 minutes, squeeze the raw material. Add boiled water to the original volume. Take 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

For the treatment of sore throat, make the following decoction:

1 tbsp. l. Pour 1 cup boiling water over dried leaves and seeds, boil for 5 minutes, cool. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

A decoction of the foliage is an excellent remedy for strengthening hair.

Quince - contraindications

But, no matter how useful the product is, it has contraindications. Quince is no exception.

  • People suffering from pancreatitis should be treated with great caution. It is strictly forbidden for them to use quince in fresh and quince juice due to its high content of fruit acids, which irritate the gastric and pancreatic mucosa. Also irritating to the pancreas essential oils contained in quince, and especially in its skin. Quince pulp also contains stony cells that are poorly absorbed by the body and, as a rule, transit through the intestines. But in patients with pancreatitis, these cells can exacerbate the disease. If there is no exacerbation of the disease, then quince can be eaten, but only in the form of jelly, marmalade, jam syrup can be added to tea. Broths and compotes are also possible, but they must be filtered.
  • People suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers, chronic enterocolitis, constipation also need to be wary of quince.
  • The quince fruit is covered with fluff, which must be carefully removed, because it has a bad effect on the vocal cords, irritates the throat and can cause a severe cough.
  • You have to be careful with quince seeds. They cannot be bitten, crushed, as they contain poisonous substances.
  • Despite the beneficial properties of the leaves, not everyone can use them. You should not be treated with a decoction of leaves for people with strong immunity, some lung diseases (pleurisy), disorders of the mucous membrane. Take decoctions with caution when taking medications and antibiotics, they may be incompatible with the composition of the leaves.

Therefore, I do not get tired of repeating, if you have chronic diseases, before using something, consult your doctor.

How to choose the right quince

Henomeles - Japanese quince useful properties

I would like to say a few words about the Japanese quince. The fruits of this quince are small enough. The scientific name for this plant is chaenomeles.

This variety of quince is popularly called the northern lemon. And I will tell you - not in vain. In terms of its useful properties, Japanese quince differs little from ordinary quince, it is just as useful. The only difference is the content of vitamin C, it is 10 times more than in ordinary quince. In the shops Japanese quince I have not met, but our gardeners are selling it.

Japanese quince is a good substitute for lemon. Every year a colleague at work treats me to this quince, and according to her recipe I make a vitamin preparation:

Cut the Japanese quince into pieces, free from seeds, mince the quince pulp or chop finely. Stir with sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. Place in a clean, dry jar and store in the refrigerator.

Add a teaspoon to tea, or even just to water (hot, cold) and you get a delicious, healthy and invigorating drink.

A wonderful fruit of the common quince, right? Personally, I was impressed by the useful properties of quince, the ways of its use, recipes, apparently not in vain I love it. I recommend including quince in your diet. I know for sure that it works out very well with her. delicious pies... I used it in baking and loved it.

I also like Japanese quince, tea with it is delicious and healthy, like with lemon. By the way, small bushes of chaenomeles will also adorn any garden - chaenomeles blooms with bright orange flowers in spring, and strewn with bright yellow fruits in autumn. I planted both an ordinary quince and a Japanese quince in my dacha, I look forward to when they grow up.

Do you know that

  • in the Russian language the word "marmalade" came from the Portuguese "marmela", which means quince;
  • mention of quince marmalade was found in the annals of the Italian Sicilians, dated to the 14th century;
  • in England, on the recommendation of London doctors, it was customary to serve quince marshmallow or jelly at the end of the meal to improve digestion;
  • since ancient times, quince has been considered a symbol of family happiness;
  • there is a sign that if you carry quince seeds with you, it will protect you from accidents and evil forces.

I hope the article on the beneficial properties of quince and its contraindications was interesting to you. Use this healthy fruit for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Quince is a monotypic representative of plants of the Pink family. A tree or shrub of this plant reaches a height of 4 meters and blooms beautifully. Quince and its beneficial properties are actively used in food, nutritional and cosmetic production. Quite apples can be used in food, both fresh and processed, or consumed in beauty and health recipes. Common quince, or oblong, is a single representative of the quince genus. The plant is widespread throughout the world and is cultivated in numerous areas of Europe.

What is quince

To understand how to correctly use the beneficial potential of this plant and its fruits, you should learn everything about quince, its properties, areas of application and how to use it correctly.

The fruits of the plant resemble, both in appearance and in taste, but they are tougher, harder, not so juicy. Under natural conditions, a tree or bush bears fruit in September-October, wild fruits are small in size, up to 4 cm in diameter, cultivated forms reach 15 centimeters in diameter.

Quite apple is not only an elegant, tasty fruit, but also very useful product for eating. The fruit is used as an active ingredient in many cosmetic products. Decoctions and infusions of quince leaves are used as a medicine in the treatment of stomach, anemia, and daily rubbing with lotion improves complexion and has a general tonic effect on the skin.

Where does quince grow

Natural natural area of ​​culture - Turkmenistan, Central Asia, Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Dagestan and Azerbaijan. The plant is widespread in Asia, in the Mediterranean and Europe. Also, the species is cultivated in Australia, Europe, America, Oceania and even Africa.

The species grows well in warm regions, but due to the work of breeders, many cold-resistant varieties have been bred. Thanks to this, the fruit, today, is ubiquitous.

Shrubs or fruit trees grow in the lowlands of the mountains, along water bodies, in glades and forest edges. The cultivated forms of the plant quickly run wild and take root in almost any natural zone, but without proper care, the fruits become more sour, tough and small, which worsens their taste when consumed in pure form. However, even from wild varieties, you can cook jam, make a useful broth or a healing potion.

Quince varieties

The oldest European variety of the species is considered to be Portuguese, bred in ancient Rome. In modern times, there are many varieties of plants, including Central Asian, Caucasian, Burbank varieties. Central Asian small-fruited, but the most delicious. Caucasian are larger. The varieties bred by Burbank are medium-sized, with good resistance to drought and frost, and early ripening. Useful properties of quince and its relatively easy cultivation stimulates the development of more and more varieties of the species. Breeders are striving for more hardy, productive and popular quince varieties, a description of which can be found below.

The following quince varieties are the most common at present:

  • Anzherskaya. A very early ripening plant, the tree itself is medium-sized, the fruits look like apples, the skin color is bright yellow. Angers apples can be safely eaten fresh, or processed in various ways;
  • Aurora. The variety is resistant to droughts, cold weather and fungal diseases. Fruits in autumn, with rich yellow fruit;
  • Collective. High-yielding variety, very resistant to low temperatures... Apple-shaped fruits are large in size, with dense pulp;
  • Kaunchi-10. Large-fruited variety with pear-shaped harvest. The variety is distinguished by high taste, the fruit is juicy, sweet, used fresh;
  • Golden. Weak variety, but with large fruits, reaching 400 grams, the fruit tastes sweet and sour, and looks like apples. Up to 60 kilograms of harvest can be harvested from one tree of this variety;
  • Teplovskaya. Medium-sized tree, apple-shaped fruits of yellow color. The pulp is dense, aromatic. The crop remains fresh for four months;
  • Muscat. Medium-sized variety, small fruits - from 200 to 250 grams, fluffy, dense, rough flesh, yield from one tree up to 45 kilograms;
  • Ilmennaya. A productive, resistant variety with large, sweet and sour fruits.

How to choose a quince

Such a useful product as quince can be found on store shelves all winter, fruits ripen in autumn and remain fresh throughout the cold season. To choose a quality fruit, you need, at a minimum, to know what a quince looks like. The fruit has a round, oblong, or pear-shaped, yellow color. The pulp is firm, sometimes tough and coarse, depending on the variety. Quince tastes sweet and sour, astringent, harder in texture than an apple.

The seeds of the fruit are poisonous in their raw state, as they contain the substance of amygdalin, therefore they cannot be eaten, but at high processing temperatures, the seeds lose all their toxic properties. And the fruits themselves are tough and hard, they are rarely eaten raw, more often they are scalded with boiling water or processed in the form of cooking, baking or frying. To make the fruits softer, they are left to lie down for a day or two at room temperature.

When everything is clear with the appearance and taste of the fruit, you can proceed to the recommendations for choosing fruits:

  • You should choose fruits without visible damage, cuts, dents, whole and even in appearance;
  • A uniform yellow color indicates the maturity of the quince, green shades are an indicator of not ripeness, dark spots - spoilage, rot;
  • The aroma of the fruit also signals its ripeness.

Quince composition

The chemical composition of the fruit is very rich, it is valuable source dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. Ripe apples contain fructose, tannic acids, bju, essential oils and vitamins in large quantities, therefore, a healthy fruit is rich in composition and diverse in useful substances.

The beneficial properties of quince are also hidden in the seeds, juice and peel of the fruit. The peel contains ethyl esters, which give the product a unique aroma and add value to the overall composition.

Quince composition per 100 gr. product:

  • 15.3 gr. carbohydrates;
  • 0.10 gr. fat;
  • 0.40 g proteins.

Also, in 100 grams of fruit 83, 8 gr. water and 0.40 gr. ash.


Vitamins in quince are contained in large quantities: C, E, P, PP, K, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 and carotene. The numerical indicator of substances depends on the variety and place of origin of the product, but even the average values ​​are quite large, the fruit contains almost all vital vitamins.

Quince has a chemical composition that includes many trace elements, acids and minerals. Average phosphorus content per 100 gr. product - 11 mg; iron - 0.7 mg; magnesium - 8 mg; potassium - 119 mg; calcium - 11 mg.

Calorie analysis of the product

The low calorie content of the product makes it a useful assistant in the fight against extra pounds. Many people looking to go on a diet include this low-calorie, healthy product in their diet. High the nutritional value satisfies hunger well and saturates the body with necessary vitamins, and a rich chemical composition and a little help in the fight against excess weight.

Useful properties of quince

This is why quince is useful for the human body:

If you ask yourself why quince is useful for women, the answer will not be long in coming. The benefits of the product are in its rich composition, saturated with trace elements, minerals and vitamins. The fruit has powerful properties of strengthening the nervous system, anti-aging qualities, has the function of antioxidant and fighter against bacteria. The useful properties of quince for a woman's body can hardly be overestimated, because eating it promotes metabolic processes, cleansing blood vessels and removing cholesterol. These qualities allow you to prolong youth, maintain harmony, maintain tone, which is extremely important for any representative of the fair sex.

The active substances of iron will strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation, if you include this tasty and healthy product in your diet. And tasteless or rough pulp is used as home beauty recipes, for example, masks for the face and décolleté. To do this, you need to take the contents of one quince fruit, after washing and removing the skin from the quince, the pulp is crushed with a fork or grater and applied to the face. The mask must be kept for 10-15 minutes (take a lying position so that it does not spread), then rinse with water room temperature... The effect of freshness and firmness is noticeable immediately after the procedure.

Application in cosmetology

Many modern skin care products contain a concentrate of quince or are rich in the oil found in the fruit, and this is not surprising, because the benefits of quince are proven and undeniable. Traditional medicine also has many recipes using this miracle product.

To prepare a useful lotion, a cocktail of fruit juice (1 tablespoon), glycerin (1 teaspoon) and boiling water (1 glass) is infused to room temperature and used to wipe the skin of the face and décolleté. Such a remedy relieves inflammation, fights acne, and has a tonic effect.

Slimming quince

Quince for weight loss is used as one of the constituent products of the diet. Low calorie content and a large amount of vitamins makes the fruit a useful and effective assistant in the fight against extra pounds. When losing weight, with the help of quince, you can eat it as independent dish or as part of salads, cereals, compotes.

The processing time of the product in the stomach allows you to feel a feeling of satiety for a fairly long period, and the beneficial substances included in the fruit accelerate metabolic processes and metabolism, contributing to an increase in the efficiency of weight loss.

With a protein diet, quince will provide the body with the necessary fiber, valuable substances and dietary fiber. Trace elements and nutrients are contained in the fruit in large quantities, so it will not even be possible to take additional vitamins, which are recommended for diets.

Contraindications to the use of quince

Despite the fact that quince is a useful product, it also has its own contraindications for use, for example, it is harmful for pleurisy, can harm people suffering from constipation and, of course, is not allowed for use by people who have an individual intolerance to the product or allergies.

It is worth noting that in case of constipation, nevertheless, it is allowed to eat a small amount of the product, provided it is jammed with honey, which neutralizes the aggressive effect of tannins. So if you take 50 grams of quince, then it is recommended to eat 2 tablespoons of honey.

Quince application

The fruits of the plant are actively used in cosmetology, as part of some medicines and, of course, are eaten. Many recipes allow you to find a dish for every taste: fruit salads, jam, dried fruits, baked fruits. Quince has useful properties in the composition of cereals, such a breakfast will be not only tasty, but also very useful.

The fruit goes well with teas and is perfect as a healthy addition to your favorite drink. A slice of this apple will add a pleasant astringency to the tea, a unique aroma, and the viscous effect inherent in the fruit will improve digestion and relieve unpleasant sensations in the stomach.

How to eat quince correctly

Some people do not know how to eat quince and deliberately neglect this product in their menu, but in vain, because a healthy fruit can be consumed not only raw, but also baked or included as an addition to the main dish, for example, add pieces to porridge or cook fruit salad.

It is not necessary to taste the unpleasant pulp to get the beneficial properties of the viscous fruit, especially if the fruit is not ripe or has poor taste, it is better to use proven processing methods and enjoy the benefits with a pleasant quince flavor. You can pay attention to how it is eaten in different nations... In England, the fruits of the plant are included in jams and sweet jellies, Moroccan meat dishes include a healthy fruit, in Greece they make pastille from false apples.

Quince is a southern fruit. The ancient Greeks considered him a real gift from God and even mentioned him in their mythology. The fruit itself symbolized fertility and love. Now the attitude towards this product is ambiguous, on the one hand, they do not eat it raw, on the other, in their own way. chemical composition it is rich in vitamins and minerals that any person needs. Fresh quince has a sour and astringent taste, the structure is dense, tough. But the aroma of the fruit is very pleasant. In shape, the fruit is a cross between an apple and a pear, has a yellow color and a smooth skin. We will learn more about the beneficial properties of quince for the body today.

Where and how does quince grow

The quince plant is a tree or shrub of the Rose family. It can be decorative and fruitful. It can reach a height of seven meters. In terms of growth conditions, the culture is not particularly demanding - for full development, sunlight, moderate watering (tolerates both drought and overflow) and standard clay or sandy soil are needed. The birthplace of quince is the Caucasus and Asia Minor. Now the plant grows in other countries.

Fruit ripening occurs at the beginning of autumn. Ripe fruits weigh 100-300g, have a smooth skin, yellow color and a characteristic spicy aroma. Inside the fruit are seeds that are covered with skin. They are used in home medicine and cosmetology, as well as in the textile industry.

What is contained in quince

It is recommended to consume this fruit after heat treatment. Depending on the variety, the vitamin composition may vary. Usually, quince contains vitamins A, C, E, B, fiber, antioxidants, pectins, acids, tannins, potassium, iron and other useful elements. Caloric content is approximately 40 kcal.

Due to its excellent composition, quince pulp has a beneficial effect on the body:

- restorative effect;

- poisons and toxins are removed from the organs;

- anti-inflammatory effect;

- hemostatic properties;

- raises;

- is the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia;

- antiemetic effect;

- the heart is strengthened;

- the state of a hangover is relieved;

- promotes weight loss;

- skin tone improves;

- the pores on the skin prone to oily and acne are narrowed.

The benefits of quince seeds

Quince seeds, which are located in the heart of the fruit, are also very useful. They have the following actions:

- enveloping;

- laxative;

- expectorant;

- diuretic;

- hemostatic;

- they are used for eye ailments, dental diseases and tonsillitis.

The benefits of quince for women

For women, quince is especially useful during the period of bearing a child. This fruit relieves the condition of toxicosis in the first stage of pregnancy. Even half of the fruit helps relieve fatigue and recharge with energy, which is so lacking at this time.

In addition, quince will be useful for young ladies on diets. This product is low in calories, but incredibly high in vitamins.

Regular consumption of quince helps to maintain skin tone. In addition to eating the fruit, it is used for cosmetic purposes - externally.

Why is quince useful for men

In the modern world, many men suffer from various ailments associated with the work of the heart. Regular consumption of quince helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, thereby preventing their rupture. In addition, this fruit helps to overcome stress and protects the nervous system. Therefore, men are advised to include this product in their menu from time to time.

Is it possible to eat quince during pregnancy

While waiting for a baby, many women experience nausea. Quince compote helps to alleviate the condition of toxicosis. In general, this fruit is safe during pregnancy and many doctors recommend it because it contains many essential vitamins. For example, a high content of folic acid ensures the normal development of the fetal nervous system. So that the body gets enough nutrients, quince is recommended to eat at least three times a week.

Quince treatment. Traditional medicine recipes

People have long appreciated plants, vegetables and fruits as faithful helpers in treatment. In home medicine, there are many recipes that include quince - pulp, seeds or leaves.

Decoction of seeds

In no case should you bite quince seeds - they contain poison. But, on their basis, a slimy broth is prepared. It has a mild laxative and enveloping effect. It is used for colitis and other gastrointestinal diseases. Also, such a decoction can be used as an expectorant, and it helps to stop uterine bleeding. Outwardly, it is used to activate the work of hair follicles with alopecia.

Infusion of seeds

5 g of seeds are placed in 500 ml of cool water and infused for 10 hours. The filtered drink is drunk 3 times a day for 1 glass. This infusion is good for colitis.

Dried quince decoction

Quince is often kept dried - it is simple and easy way keep the product for a long time. To prepare a healing broth, you will need 1 tablespoon of crushed raw materials. Quince needs to be boiled in 250 ml. water for about 10 minutes. Then leave for 30 minutes and strain through a sieve. The ready-made broth is drunk 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Quince syrup

Fresh and ripe quince pulp is crushed and boiled in water until soft. After that, the pulp is squeezed out through cheesecloth and discarded. And the syrup is further boiled until it thickens. This remedy has especially good results in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. and normalizes quickly enough.

Vitamin preparation

Fresh quince pulp is passed through a meat grinder and combined with sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. Such a mass is stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container. You can use it as a jam or dilute the mass as a drink (2 tablespoons per 200 ml. Hot or cold water). You can also just add to the tea instead of it to taste.

Juice lotion

Quince juice is combined with whipped egg white and a drop of any cologne. This composition is rubbed on oily skin in the morning and in the evening. As a result, the pores are narrowed and the skin looks healthier and more beautiful.

Leaf decoction

You can use fresh or dry quince leaves. 1 tablespoon of vegetable raw materials is poured with 200 ml of hot water, boiled for 10 minutes and infused for another 60. This broth effectively fights against excessive sweating of the legs.

What to cook from quince. Quince in cooking

This fruit is used in kitchens. different countries... In England, they prefer marmalade, jelly and quince jam, in other countries they make jam from it, prepare compote and use it to make wines.

With prolonged heat treatment, the fruit pulp becomes reddish and sweeter. Due to the high content of pectin in this fruit, marshmallows are often made from it. This sweetness results in a dark orange hue. Also, this fragrant fruit is preserved in sweet syrup. This type of blank is especially popular in Italy. In the cuisine of the East, quince is combined with beans and meat, and is also used as a filling in pies. In addition, spicy sauces are prepared on the basis of this fruit.

Scented quince jam

- quince pulp - 1.5 kg;

- sugar - 1 kg;

- water - 300 ml.

For making jam, you should choose ripe, whole fruits without any damage. First of all, they need to be rinsed with running water, peeled and pitted. The remaining pulp is cut into pieces. The peel and water are placed in a saucepan. This mass needs to be boiled for 20 minutes. After that, the peel is squeezed out and thrown away, and sugar and pieces of pulp are poured into the broth. The mass is cooked for 10 minutes, then cooled. This procedure is done three times. Hot prepared jam is placed in sterile jars for storage.

When making quince jam, you can add other ingredients, such as lemon. pumpkin or Walnut... In any case, this delicacy will have an original and pleasant taste.

It is believed that such jam is very useful and strengthens the immune system well. It can be eaten alone or added to tea.

Quince in cosmetology

For centuries, women have used quince for cosmetic purposes. Fresh juice improves skin tone, normalizes sebaceous glands, tightens pores and strengthens hair roots. In addition, quince juice is included in whitening masks, and helps to fight unwanted pigmentation. Also, many masks use fruit pulp - such formulations nourish well and improve the color of the dermis.

For hair, quince broth is most often used - it gives a beautiful shade to dark hair and strengthens the hair follicles.

Contraindications to the use and use of quince

This one healthy fruit there are a number of contraindications:

- do not get carried away with quince with a tendency to constipation;

- enterocolitis and;

- pleurisy.

Before eating the fruit, it is imperative to remove the seeds - they contain amygdalin poison, the smell of which resembles almonds.

Few know about the benefits and dangers of quince. All over our planet, there is a varied number of fruits and berries that have not only excellent taste, but also useful properties.

Many of them contain one or another set of factors that positively affect our health. You can and even need to eat them quite often.

One of these fruits is quince. And oddly enough, it does not grow somewhere in exotic countries. You can pick it on trees in mid-latitudes, and buy it in our markets.

Everyone knows about the benefits of lemon, apple, or, but few people realize that quince has so many useful substances in its composition that it is ten times richer in vitamins than several types of fruits combined.

The appearance of the quince resembles an apple. Only its fruits are covered with fine villi, like those of a peach. As for the benefits of this fruit, it is much healthier than pears and apples. But few people decide to eat raw quince. Even if it is very ripe.

The point is that she has tart taste, after it thoroughly sore throat. And it is undesirable to eat it raw, since it has tannic qualities and causes constipation.

1. Quince contains glucose... It is glucose that generates energy in the human body. It contributes to the maintenance of all vital processes of the body at the proper level.

2. Also in the composition of quince is present fructose, which helps to maintain metabolic processes in the human body.

3. Another important element in the composition of this wonderful fruit is carotene... This element has a positive effect on the immune system and helps it to function properly.

4. Quince also contains minerals such as, iron, phosphorus, copper, calcium... Their positive effect on the well-being of the human body as a whole is not even worth mentioning.

5. Of the vitamin group, quince contains the following - A, B6, C, E. All these vitamins are very useful for a person, because they help to maintain various organs of his body in good shape. Also in the composition of quince there is ascorbic acid.

6. Despite the fact that quince has so many good qualities, it is also low-calorie... There are less than 50 calories in 100 grams of this product. Therefore, it is recommended for weight loss. Nutritionists advise to actively include this fruit in the diet of people with extra pounds.

7. With so many vitamins and other elements in its composition, quince is very useful for the human body. Thanks to its tannins, it cleans the intestines from toxins and prevents inflammation.

8. In addition, this fruit has anti-allergic qualities. But here do not forget that it should not be consumed raw. Since fresh fruit is covered with villi, which, on the contrary, can cause allergies.

9. Being a generator of a group of vitamins, quince helps with heart disease... It prevents the development of heart attack, atherosclerosis, anemia, hepatitis.

10. The presence of ascorbic acid in its composition is very useful for colds. Teas and tinctures, as well as use in the form of jam, will help to overcome a cold much faster.

Eat more quince jam for bronchitis, sore throat and other similar diseases.

11. If you are sensitive to weather changes and pressure surges, then the quince will be just right. After all, it is recommended to use with high blood pressure and headaches... Make yourself some quince jam tea and relax a little. After a while, you will feel a surge of vivacity, energy and strength.

12. Quince fights well with tensions and stresses. After using it, you will be much more fun and active.

14. Also, these teas will help with bleeding... Therefore, they are actively involved in their practice by gynecologists.

15. If you have problems with appetite, then quince will come in handy here. Eat a couple of spoons of quince jam and after a while the appetite will appear.

16. Few people know that quince is also removes bad breath... Therefore, do not be lazy to use it before going out, a romantic date or an important meeting.

17. There are groups of people for whom quince is very useful for consumption. First of all people suffering diabetes mellitus... After all, it is contraindicated to use sugar in its pure form. And quince contains glucose and fructose, which are excellent substitutes for sugar.

19. Quince is actively used for cosmetic purposes. With its help, masks and lotions are made for the face, which help to remove excess oil on the skin.

20.Quince juice is used to rub the skin of the face... After which it becomes fresher, and also fights freckles.

21. A decoction of quince leaves wonderfully fights gray hair.

Quince harm

In addition to such a number of useful qualities, quince also has negative ones. It is important to know that the bones of this fruit are poisonous... Therefore, carefully remove them when cooking something with quince.

How to choose a quince

After finding out how much useful quince does, buy a few fruits on the market. It is not difficult to choose them. Pay attention that the fruits are large and firm. Do not buy fruit if it has dents on it.

The skin of the quince should be slightly yellow, which indicates its ripeness. Keep the quince separately when transporting it home as it is very tender. If you hit it, dents will quickly form, which will soon lead to damage to the fetus.

Quince preserves and jams

Since it is not recommended to consume raw quince, jams and quince jam... It's easy to prepare them. There are many recipes, here are the simplest ones.

For jam, you need to take 1 kilogram of fresh fruits, carefully peel them and cut them into small slices. Cover with 500 grams of sugar and add a little water. Cook this whole mixture over low heat.

During cooking, add water in decreasing order. All pieces should be boiled until smooth. Add a pinch at the end citric acid... It prevents the jam from darkening.

Then roll the jam into sterilized jars. You can also close the jam when the pieces are not completely boiled, but will have a whole, but ready-made appearance.

If you want to cook quince jam, then you have to tinker a little longer. The recipe is the same, but there is a peculiarity: the already boiled quince pieces need to be chopped in a blender and boiled again until tender.

Bon Appetit!

Mankind has been familiar with quince for more than 4 thousand years.

In ancient Greece, she was a symbol of love and fertility. Aphrodite was first presented with her by Parfis as a sign of devotion and eternal love.

She was credited with healing and even magical properties of influence on the entire body. Most scientists are sure that it is the quince that is the first culture that was cultivated by humans.

Quince: composition, how to use

Quince belongs to the Rosaceae family and is a shrub or short tree in appearance. Its fruits by their appearance, color, smell always attract attention. Quince is an unusual fruit in appearance and taste. In appearance, color, the fruit is very similar to lemon, but it is a close relative of our favorite and familiar pears and apples.

The fruit is considered a leader in the content of some valuable and beneficial substances for the body. For human health, quince is priceless.

The ripe fruit weighs up to 170 grams.

Its nutritional value:


- saturated fatty - 0.1 g;

- organic - 0.9gr;

- unsaturated fatty - 0.1 g;

Water - 84gr;

Ash - 0.8 g;

Dietary fiber - 3.6 g;

Starch - 2g;

Mono - and - disaccharides - 7.6 g, where 50% of the mass falls on the share of fructose.

The fruits contain a significant amount of vitamins: PP (0.2mg), E (0.4mg), C (23mg), B2 (0.2mg), B1 (0.02mg), A (167mg).

The mineral composition is represented by iron (30mg), phosphorus (24mg), potassium (144mg), sodium (14mg), calcium (14mg).

The fruit is rich in acids rare for humans: pectic, tartaric, malic, citric and tartronic.

The seeds contain toxic and dangerous substance- amygdalin, tannins, mucus and fatty acids.

The calorie content of the pulp is only 49kcal per 100g. Her the energy value(ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins):

0.6 g (5%) proteins;

0.5g (9%) fat;

9.6 g (805) carbohydrates.

Just one fruit a day helps to replenish the body's daily intake of all useful and valuable substances.

Cooking use... This exotic fruit came to us from Asian countries. Its use in the kitchen has been gaining popularity in recent years. Because of the tough pulp, viscosity and astringency of fresh fruits, few people decide to use them. But after heat treatment(after boiling) quince becomes tasty, soft and healthy. It is used to make compote, jelly, marmalade, jam, jam, candied fruits, juice, desserts. In many recipes, it is an indispensable addition to meat dish... In France, quince is added to some wines.

Application in medicine... The health benefits of quince are colossal. Alternative and traditional medicine uses its beneficial properties in treatment. A properly prepared quince retains all the healing properties:





Pain reliever;




Not only its fruits are used. Leaves and seeds are used in traditional medicine recipes.

Use in cosmetology... Oil prepared from quince seeds is a component of shampoos. It helps to strengthen the hair roots, helps in the fight against split ends. The infusion of seeds is used to wipe the skin around the eyes. The cosmetic effect of wiping is immediately noticeable: cyanosis and puffiness disappear. If you rinse your hair with this infusion after washing, it will help to strengthen them.

Application in dietetics... There are many diets, an indispensable component of which is quince. Low energy value, insignificant amount of fat, absence of "bad" cholesterol, high content of fiber and copper make it possible to use quince for those who are struggling with extra pounds. Improving the digestion process, the fruit helps to remove accumulated toxins and toxins, gets rid of subcutaneous fat reserves.

Quince: what are the benefits for the body

In autumn, when the fruits ripen, acquire a bright yellow color, become aromatic and sweet-sour, the fruit fully reveals all its useful properties.

The benefits of the fruit for the body are great. Freshly squeezed juice, aromatic ripe fruits have a lot of useful properties:

Helps to strengthen the intestines;

Improves the digestive process;

Contribute to the calming down of all inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;

Help to cope with severe poisoning;

Reduce pain in internal organs;

Indicated for hypertension and frequent headaches;

Increase the level of hemoglobin;

Strengthens joints, relieves pain when walking;

Reduce the frequency and duration of asthmatic attacks;

Accelerate recovery from bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, acute respiratory diseases;

They have a calming effect on the nervous system after suffering stress or nervous overload, improve sleep, relieve anxiety;

Lower cholesterol;

Normalize sugar levels in diabetes;

Increase appetite;

Improves visual acuity;

Reduce the severity of symptoms in dermatitis;

They fill the body with energy and vigor.

Scientists have long proven the ability of quince to strengthen the body's immune defenses. They found that its tonic properties are several times stronger than that of viburnum and lemon.

In just one month, quince fruits are able to restore the intestinal microflora after prolonged use of antibiotics.

The phenols and antioxidants present in the composition help to resist the body in the reproduction and spread of cancer cells.

The tannins epicatechin and catechin help relieve chronic constipation. They also bind and remove carcinogens from the body, help cleanse the intestines.

The use of quince is often recommended for pregnant women with toxicosis, patients of cardiology departments for the reason that it contains pyridoxine (vitamin B6). It is considered the best preventive measure of a heart attack, helps to reduce swelling, normalizes all metabolic processes, and prevents ischemia and atherosclerosis.

Quince is an effective antipyretic agent. It can be included in food for colds and viral diseases in order to relieve high fever and accelerate recovery.

A decoction from the seeds can stop any kind of bleeding. If you are sensitive to weather changes and surges in atmospheric pressure, it is recommended to include quince in the diet. Many do not even know, but quince quickly removes the smell from the mouth.

Quince: what is the harm to health

In addition to such a large number of useful properties, quince has a number of contraindications. Do not forget that its seeds (seeds) are poisonous. Therefore, before cooking anything from it, all the bones should be removed. If a medicinal decoction is prepared from the seeds, do not grind them. They contain amygdalin, a toxic glycoside. When grinding seeds, it dissolves easily in the infusion, causing harm.

If an intolerance to the product is revealed, i.e. there will be signs of allergy to quince after its first use, it is better to refuse further eating it. The fruit is exotic and when overeating, allergy symptoms can appear even in a healthy person.

The positive effect of quince on the nervous system can be harmful if its rate is exceeded. An excess amount will have a psychotropic effect on the body.

The astringent effect of the fruit is a contraindication to use in chronic constipation.

The villi on the skin of a raw fruit can cause a sore throat and make breathing difficult.

Quince can harm health even if the conditions for its storage and transportation have been violated. When buying fruits, you need to pay attention to their appearance:

They should be free from dents and mold;

Every fruit purchased must be firm;

Sufficient ripeness is indicated by the uniform yellowish color of the skin;

Each fruit must be individually wrapped.

At home, before storing, each fruit must be washed, the fluff removed from the surface. They are packed in a plastic bag and kept in the refrigerator for up to 60 days. It is noticed that if a quince is placed next to a pear, the rate of its ripening increases dramatically, and the shelf life decreases.

Quince for children: good or bad

Influence the correct formation of the body;

Promotes mental development;

Strengthens the immune system;

Strengthens the digestive organs;

Accelerate recovery from colds and viral diseases;

They affect the formation and strength of bone and dental tissues.

Raw quince is not given to children until one year old. Despite the low allergenicity, acquaintance with it can be started only from 10-11 months. The kid can be offered pulp baked without skin, marmalade, vegetable or meat casseroles, pies, compote, juice.

Before introducing quince into complementary foods, it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician in order to exclude contraindications. It is important not to forget that this fruit has a strong astringent effect. If the baby suffers from constipation, you should refuse to use it. Children should not be given unpeeled fruit. The fine fluff on the fruit skin can irritate the larynx. The baby may develop a cough and a red throat symptom.

No one doubts the fact that quince is very useful for adults and children. The insignificant harm that it can cause to health is associated with the amount of its use.