How to make meat in white sauce. Sauces for meat dishes - the best recipes

White sauce is a classic addition to many homemade dishes. Try it for chicken, pizza, fish or meat.

  • butter - 60 gr
  • wheat flour - 40 gr
  • water - 0.5 l
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • egg yolk - 1 pc
  • lemon juice - from 0.5 pcs

First you need to take a deep saucepan and melt the butter in it. You need to cook on very low heat so that the oil does not start to burn. Then add flour and mix thoroughly.

Next, you need to dilute the creamy mixture with chilled boiled water or broth, if possible. Once the sauce has been diluted enough with water, add in the sequence shown. following ingredients- salt, black pepper and yolk.

Put the sauce on fire and beat with a whisk until it starts to boil. Once the sauce has boiled, it must be removed from the heat immediately.

Then add the other half to the sauce butter, pour in the juice of half a lemon or one spoonful of vinegar. Mix everything thoroughly until you receive homogeneous mass... The butter should completely melt. You can also add finely chopped fresh herbs to the finished sauce. For example, parsley, dill, green onions as well as chopped thyme.

The finished sauce must be transferred to a gravy boat or immediately to a ready-made dish. The sauce can also be stored in an airtight container for two to three days. It is better to serve the sauce chilled, as the taste of the sauce is revealed brighter. Cooking the sauce is not at all difficult, it does not require huge costs and time. therefore this recipe you can safely take note. Enjoy cooking!

Recipe 2: white sauce with vegetable broth

  • onion - 1 piece
  • butter - 1 tablespoon
  • flour - 1 tablespoon
  • vegetable broth - 1 glass
  • lemon juice - 0.5 tsp
  • butter - 1 tsp

Finely chop the onion (1 pc), if desired, also chop the root of celery or parsley, if you like a richer taste. Add the onion separately or with roots in butter (1 tablespoon) until the pieces are transparent.

Pour in 1 dessert spoon of flour and stir it in a pan with onions in a circular motion until it becomes creamy. You can not add unfried flour to the sauce, this spoils the taste of the sauce and appears stringy.

Heat the salted broth or vegetable broth (1 glass) and add to the pan with onions and flour, stir well so that no lumps form. However, the salted broth helps to avoid clumps. Add ground pepper, bring to a boil and let the sauce thicken over very low heat. Remember that the sauce gets thicker as it cools, so you can add a little more broth if needed.

If you want to remove the onion, then you need to pass the sauce through a sieve. You can also grind the onions in the sauce until smooth using a blender.

At the end, add ½ teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of butter, so that a film does not appear.

Recipe 3, step by step: white sauce with mushrooms

  • Fresh mushrooms 100-150 gr.
  • Butter 2 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Ground red pepper to taste
  • Wheat flour (premium grade) 1-2 tablespoons
  • Fish broth 2 cups
  • Fat sour cream 2-3 tablespoons

When choosing fresh mushrooms, pay attention to the fact that the caps of the mushrooms are strong, without any signs of deterioration. Choose mushrooms to your liking, you can even take fresh champignons, but the taste of the sauce will not be as rich and aromatic as from the "wild" mushrooms.

It is best to use porcini mushrooms for the sauce, since when heat treatment they do not lose their color and aroma. Fresh mushrooms must be cleaned and, after pouring into a colander or sieve, rinse thoroughly under cold water. Let the water drain.

Cut the peeled and washed mushrooms into small pieces. If the mushrooms are very small, then they do not need to be cut.

We take a saucepan and melt butter in it on a gas stove, add finely chopped fresh mushrooms, sprinkle with black and red pepper. Next, simmer under a closed lid over medium heat for 15 - 20 minutes, stirring with a wooden spatula. During this time, all the juice released by the mushrooms should evaporate.

Sprinkle the stewed mushrooms wheat flour, stirring them continuously with a spatula, then pour in the fish broth, vegetable oil and add fat sour cream, mix everything thoroughly with a spatula and cook for another 5 minutes over medium heat, stirring constantly. Remove the saucepan from the heat. White mushroom sauce for fish is ready!

Recipe 4: sauce for kebabs with sour cream (with photo)

  • Two glasses of kefir
  • 200 grams of sour cream
  • A bunch of any fresh herbs
  • 1-2 fresh cucumbers
  • Garlic to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Half a teaspoon of ground black pepper
  • A pinch of rosemary, basil and thyme

For white sauce any fresh herbs- cilantro, parsley, dill. But you should not add green onions - it will interrupt the taste of other products and add bitterness. It is better to wash it and offer it to kebabs as fresh herbs. Chop the parsley finely (finely, the finer the better). Set aside a part.

Peel the cloves of garlic, cut into small cubes.

Place the herbs and garlic in a bowl or mortar. Add a little salt and mash so that the herbs give juice, and the garlic turns into gruel.

Fresh cucumber for the sauce must be grated on a fine grater. When rubbed, place in a colander for 10 minutes to drain excess juice.

Kefir and sour cream (or other fermented milk products) are taken in a 2: 1 ratio - a part of sour cream is added to two parts of kefir. In our version, two glasses of kefir must be mixed with a glass of sour cream.

Add grated cucumber to the fermented milk base. Stir.

Now you need to put all the greens and add the herbs, pounded with garlic. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Stir the sauce. Whether or not to add dried herbs is a matter of taste. Basil, thyme and rosemary give a pleasant aroma, the sauce is rich, with a pronounced taste of spices and spices.

Try the white sauce to taste, if necessary - add what is missing or add kefir if you overdo it with seasonings. Put the finished white sauce in the refrigerator to cool down properly and soak in the aromas. Then serve with a barbecue, which is eaten with your hands, dipping pieces of meat in aromatic sauce... Very tasty!

Recipe 5: white creamy mushroom sauce

  • Champignons - 300 gr.
  • Onions (1 pc.) - 120 gr.
  • Cream 15% - 100 ml.
  • Sour cream 20% - 100 gr.
  • Butter - 25 gr.
  • Flour - 30 gr.
  • Water - 50 ml.
  • Salt (to taste) - 5 gr.
  • Ground black pepper (to taste) - 5 gr.

Chop the onion finely.

Peel and wash the mushrooms. Cut into small pieces.

Heat butter in a frying pan. Fry the onions until golden brown.

Add mushrooms and fry until soft.

Salt the mushrooms a little. Sprinkle with flour and mix well.

Pour in hot water, add cream and sour cream. Mix.

Bring the sauce to a boil, but do not boil. Add salt and pepper to taste. Remove from heat.

Recipe 6: white garlic sauce for vegetables

  • Sour cream - 4 tablespoons;
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Fresh dill - 0.5 bunch.

Add salt to the sour cream to taste and squeeze out the garlic with a garlic spade.

Chop the dill very finely and add to the sour cream.

The mixture can be whipped with a fork or hand blender. For a blender, it is better to increase the proportions, since it is inconvenient to whip a small amount of sauce.

Transfer the sauce to a saucepan and serve immediately. You can store such a sauce for a day, but I always prefer to make it fresh.

Recipe 7: main white sauce in broth

  • Broth - 2 cups
  • Flour - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Butter - 20 g
  • Onions - 0.5-1 pcs.
  • Celery root - 20 g
  • or Parsley root - 20 g
  • Citric acid - on the tip of a knife
  • Bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper - 1 pinch

Melt the butter (10 g).

Pour in flour.

The flour is sautéed in butter until a light cream color appears (3 minutes over medium heat).

Strain the broth.

The flour is gradually diluted with white strained broth.

The hot broth is poured into the flour sauté in small doses, stirring continuously in one direction (this way the elasticity of the sauce is achieved), and the mass is brought to the consistency of thick sour cream.

Pour in the rest of the broth and stir well until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Roots and vegetables are peeled and finely chopped.

Heat the remaining oil (10 g), saute, stirring, vegetables and roots over medium heat until transparent (7 minutes).

Then put finely chopped browned roots and onions, spices in the sauce and cook for 30-40 minutes.

When the sauce is boiling, the resulting foam is removed.

Filter the finished sauce, rub the vegetables through a sieve, add citric acid and the sauce is brought to a boil.

The main white sauce is ready.

Parsley or celery can be cooked in the sauce, not sauteed. To prevent a film from forming on the surface of the sauce, you need to put pieces of butter in the sauce.

Though classic recipe This dressing is uncomplicated, you need to know a few secrets to prepare the white sauce correctly. Then it will turn out to be tender and fragrant, and the dishes prepared on its basis will be unique.
So, a classic, basic white sauce.

What you need:

  • Thick-walled saucepan
  • Butter
  • Milk
  • Corolla
  • White pepper

Method for making white sauce

1 Melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Add 2 tablespoons flour. Whisk the mixture thoroughly.

2 Stir the resulting mixture for 1-2 minutes. This time will be enough to get rid of the taste raw flour and also allow the starch granules in the flour to absorb the oil. Remove the pan from heat.

3 Heat 2 cups of milk in a separate container. Gradually add milk to the butter and flour mixture, whisking vigorously.

4 Put the pot back on the fire. Cook the mixture over medium heat, stirring continuously, until the sauce thickens. When the sauce is thick enough and begins to boil, remove from heat.

5 Season the sauce to taste with white pepper and salt. The white sauce is ready!

What should you pay attention to?

Strictly observe the cooking time of the oil-flour mixture. 1-2 minutes is enough for the flour to absorb the oil and the mixture does not start to burn.

When cooking the sauce, keep in mind that the mass begins to thicken at the bottom of the pan, so you should constantly stir the sauce so that it does not burn.

Use a whisk to stir to prevent lumps from forming in the sauce.

Delicious dishes are prepared with white sauce. Some famous recipes, for example, cannot be imagined without it.

The classic white sauce goes well with many dishes. It enhances the delicate flavors of fish and cauliflower, imparts a sophisticated aroma to asparagus and pasta... Having learned how to make such a sauce correctly, you can then experiment by adding different ingredients to it and creating delicious and original masterpieces.

This sauce consists of milk, flour, butter and salt. You can add yolks, lemon juice, herbs, grated hard cheese or dry white wine to the main ingredients. Sauce with lemon juice or wine goes well with fish, and the addition of herbs and hard cheese will make the taste of boiled vegetables much more interesting.

Making white sauce is a simple process. But to make the sauce smooth and silky, you need to know a few secrets. The main secret is that the milk for the sauce must be cold. It, along with flour and butter, should be gradually brought to a boil, stirring constantly. In this case, the sauce will turn out without lumps and will not burn to the bottom.

Mushrooms, fried onions, shrimps and even capers can be added to this sauce during cooking. Bold combinations not only diversify the menu, but also turn food preparation into a real creative process.

Few know such a sauce. After all, a fairly large number of housewives are used to doing classic sauces using tomato paste. However, sometimes you really want to surprise your guests and cook for them some unusual dish with creamy dressing.

Fast and delicious white sauce: recipe

This dressing is ideal for a side dish, as well as hot salads and meats. It should be noted that this is the easiest sauce to prepare and does not require many different components.

So what ingredients do you need to purchase to make a delicious white sauce? The recipe for this dressing requires the use of the following products:

  • natural butter - 3 large spoons;
  • light flour high grade- 2 large spoons with a hill;
  • fresh milk of maximum fat content - 2 full glasses;
  • sea ​​salt and a mixture of crushed peppers - apply at personal discretion and taste.

Step cooking method

How to make a white basic sauce yourself? The recipe for this dressing requires the use of a thick-walled small bowl or saucepan. It is necessary to put natural butter in it, and then melt very slowly on the stove so that the cooking fat does not burn. After that, it is necessary to pour high-grade flour into the dishes and mix everything thoroughly.

Finally, you need to separately heat the milk in a bowl, without bringing it to a boil. Next, the warm product should be poured in a thin stream to the rest of the ingredients. In this case, all components must be regularly mixed with a large spoon so that lumps do not form in the sauce. After boiling the dressing for another 2 minutes, it should be removed from the heat and immediately used for its intended purpose.

Making a delicious creamy mushroom sauce

Almost everyone likes the recipe for white mushroom sauce. After all, such a dressing turns out to be very fragrant and tasty. It can be served with any side dish. For example, a dish of mushroom sauce and potatoes turns out to be very tasty, boiled pasta, rice or buckwheat porridge. In addition, this dressing is ideal for making a hearty and flavorful homemade pizza.

So what should you purchase to make mushroom white sauce? The recipe for this dressing recommends using the following components:

  • fresh champignons - about 400 g;
  • high-grade light flour - 2 full large spoons;
  • deodorized vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • natural butter - 20 g;
  • sweet bulbs are not very large - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream as fresh and fat as possible - 100 g;
  • sea ​​salt, dill and crushed pepper mixture - use according to taste and desire.

Food preparation

Before making the mushroom white pizza sauce, the recipe for which we are considering, you should process all the ingredients one by one. First, you need to wash the fresh mushrooms well, and then cut them into thin slices along the caps and legs. After that, you need to peel the sweet onions and finely chop them into cubes. As for the greens of the dill, then it should only be chopped with a knife.

Frying on the stove

How should I heat-treat white mushroom pizza sauce? The recipe for this dressing recommends using a deep saucepan. Pour deodorized vegetable oil into it, and then put the mushrooms, wait for the excess liquid to evaporate completely and fry until golden brown. Also, chopped sweet onions must be added to the mushrooms. This vegetable will give the sauce a special aroma and taste.

Stewing a dish

After the ingredients are well fried, add natural butter and the freshest sour cream to them. After mixing the components, they need to be additionally seasoned with a mixture of chopped peppers, salt and herbs, as well as high-grade flour. In this composition, it is advisable to simmer the products under the lid for about 5-7 minutes.

After the described steps, the mushroom white sauce should be removed from the stove, and then used to make delicious homemade pizza or serve along with any side dish.

Cooking a delicious sauce for meat

White sauce for meat, the recipe of which provides for the use of only simple and affordable ingredients, can be served with both boiled and baked or fried steaks. This dressing will make your meal even tastier and richer. For this we need:

  • any meat broth - about 2 glasses;
  • high grade light flour - ½ cup;
  • natural butter - 2 large spoons;
  • dill and parsley - use to taste;
  • lettuce onion - 1 pc.;
  • lavrushka - several leaves;
  • allspice peas - several pieces;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - apply to taste;
  • sea ​​salt is not very coarse - use at your discretion.

Cooking process

How to make a white meat sauce yourself? The recipe for this dressing recommends using a small skillet. Melt the butter in it, and then add high-grade flour and fry everything well until light yellow. Next, the ingredients must be diluted with broth. After that, to the almost ready-made sauce, you need to add chopped greens, onions fried separately in oil, as well as lavrushka and peppercorns.

After mixing the products, they should be cooked over low heat for about half an hour. Finally, remove the sauce from the stove, season with butter and fresh lemon juice. Serve ready-made white dressing to the table, preferably in a warm state, along with veal, rabbit or chicken.

Bechamel White Sauce: Fast Food Recipe

Béchamel sauce is a famous French dressing, which has a special taste and aroma. Previously, such a dish was made by boiling the mixture for a long time. meat broth with cream. Today Béchamel sauce is a butter-flour dressing with milk.

It should be noted that such a dish is good to use as a fragrant sauce for various dishes. But often the presented sauce is used as a basis for other sauces and soups.

So, to make Bechamel sauce we need:

  • high grade flour - 2 large spoons;
  • butter natural butter - 2 large spoons;
  • milk is as fat and fresh as possible (if you wish, you can use cream) - 2 glasses;
  • nutmeg - ½ a small spoon;
  • salt is not very coarse iodized - ½ a small spoon;
  • ground white pepper - ½ a small spoon.

Cooking method

To do it yourself french sauce"Béchamel", you need to take an ordinary dry frying pan, heat it up strongly, and then add high-grade flour. Fry the flour ingredient, preferably for about 5-8 minutes. After that, you should add natural butter and full-fat milk or heavy cream to it.

After thoroughly mixing the components, they need to be flavored with nutmeg, ground white pepper and salt. If you need a liquid sauce, you can add a little more milk to the main ingredients. If, on the contrary, it is thick, then it should be cooked over low heat until it acquires the consistency you need. After the actions taken, the Bechamel sauce is considered fully cooked. It can be safely served with a side dish or meat. Bon Appetit!

White sauce is amazing. It can turn into magical tasty dish any set of ingredients, giving them a delicate creamy taste. White sauce is one of the most popular in Europe, thanks to it many everyday meals turn into real masterpieces. For example, French sauce Bechamel, or Georgian sauce with dry wine and tarragon. Saturated, refined and very delicious sauce is also present in Russian cuisine. The basic recipe is very simple. A lot of new ones are obtained from it by adding additional products and spices, herbs, seafood, mushrooms and whatever the hostess wishes.

White sauce - food preparation

It is quite simple to learn how to cook sauce so that it would not be a shame to serve it even to guests. To do this, you need to adapt just to properly sauté flour in butter, diluting it with milk. Usually use a frying pan or deep thick-walled pan.

Additional components of the sauce are sour cream, tomato paste, cloves, suneli hops or white pepper. National cuisines peoples of the world also use fried onions, nuts, cheese, herbs and other various spices. This sauce is not stored for a long time, it is advisable to cook it for a certain dish. It is not cumbersome as it only takes a few minutes.

White sauce - best recipes

Recipe 1: White Sauce: Base

This is a recipe for a little sauce for fish or stews. It will add a delicate creamy taste to the dish and will be a great addition to lunch or dinner. Prepare a small skillet and fresh milk.

Ingredients: milk (300 ml), butter (25 grams), flour (25 grams), salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method

Melt butter in a saucepan or skillet and add flour. Stir and sauté over low heat. It is important to stir constantly so that the flour does not darken at the edges and does not overcook, it remains a beautiful golden color. Remove from heat and gradually pour in milk. Finally add spices and bring to a boil. Cook for another 3 minutes. Ready! Serve the sauce with any hot dishes - meat, fish, vegetables or side dishes.

Recipe 2: White sauce with sour cream

This type is more high-calorie, differs from dairy in a thicker consistency and saturation. Instead of sour cream, you can take thick heavy cream.

Ingredients: flour (50 grams, sour cream (1 cup) or heavy cream, butter (50 grams), salt, spices.

Cooking method

Fry the flour in a dry skillet. When a golden color appears, cool slightly and add oil, spices, gradually pour in sour cream and mix. Boil for another 5 minutes over low heat. Stir well and strain the sauce. For lovers of garlic flavors, crush a clove of garlic at the end and sprinkle with herbs.

Recipe 3: White Bechamel Sauce

The Le Gordon Bleu School of Classical Culinary Arts in France teaches how to make Bechamel sauce according to this recipe. Everything else is just variations. Remember the main thing - if the sautéing is hot, then cold liquid should be poured in, and vice versa - if it has cooled down, pour in hot sour cream or milk with half an onion. Stick the cloves into the onion and simmer everything over low heat.

Ingredients: butter (50 grams), flour (50 grams), milk (1 liter), nutmeg, salt, ground black pepper (a small pinch), onion (half), cloves (3 things).

Cooking method

We will cook in a stewpan with thick walls and a bottom. Melt the butter and heat it strongly. Put flour in it, but don't fry it too much, just heat it up. We constantly stir with a spatula. Pour cold milk into the finished sauté, bring to a boil and reduce the heat, simmer until thickened. Salt, season with pepper and nutmeg, filter through a metal sieve in order to achieve a uniform consistency.

Examples of dishes with white sauce

Recipe 1: Beef tongue in white sauce (creamy)

Patience and endurance! Here's what we need to make beef tongue. By itself, it boils for a long time, cooking will add even more hassle. cream sauce for the language. But the result! Precisely in order to enjoy delicate taste this beef delicacy, we are all planning. So, into battle!

Ingredients: beef tongue(1 piece), butter (30 grams), sour cream (150 grams), flour (15 grams), salt, ground pepper, spices to taste.

Cooking method

Put a pot of water on a fire. Put peppercorns and a bay leaf in boiling water, and then cook the tongue in it - for about 2 hours. Salt half an hour before the end of cooking (1 spoon). At the end of cooking, remove the tongue and lower it in cold water... The skin should peel off very easily after five minutes. We clean the tongue, cut it into 7-8 cm slices.

Fry in butter, about three minutes on each side. Prepare the sauce: pour 2 tablespoons of flour and 3 tablespoons of thick sour cream into a measuring cup. Stir, salt, add 150 grams of water and dilute the flour in this mass. Pour the sauce over the tongue and simmer for 1-10 minutes. A soft, pleasantly scented delicacy is ready!

Recipe 2: Boiled lamb in white sauce

Lamb is a specific meat. Many are repelled by its characteristic harsh smell. Our white sauce will do just that, infusing the lamb with a creamy flavor and spice. So, if you have a shoulder of lamb or brisket, go ahead.

Ingredients: lamb (500 grams), potatoes (600 grams), onions (2 heads), carrots (2 heads), spices, flour and butter (1 tablespoon each).

Cooking method

Wash the beef, add a little water, cook over low heat. Remove the foam on time, cover and wait about an hour and a half. Half an hour after the start of the boil, add vegetables and salt. Boil potatoes. We use the broth to make a white sauce - saute the flour in butter and dilute the broth, add sour cream. Cut the lamb into flat slices. Put boiled potatoes on a side dish and fill with white sauce.

There are many variations of white sauce

- Cheese. Pour grated cheese (100 grams) into the base hot sauce, melt over low heat and serve immediately.
- Herb sauce. Finely chop the dill or parsley and add to the finished sauce.
- Mushroom. Fry finely chopped mushrooms in butter and add to the sauce with a spoonful of lemon juice.
- Caper. Chop the capers and add to the main sauce along with a spoonful of lemon.
- Onion. Fry the onion over low heat with the addition of butter. Add before sautéing, boil for 5 minutes.
- Shrimp. Peel and chop the shrimp and add with white pepper.