Dough for pizza with natural yeast. Homemade pizza with yeast dough

On dry yeast, which will not take a lot of time from the hostess. it classic version recipe for the correct Italian dough.


  • dry yeast - 5 g;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • sunflower (or olive) oil - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • salt - added to taste.

Cooking method:

Cooking time takes approximately 15 minutes.

  1. So, pour flour into a deep bowl and add yeast there. We mix.
  2. Then add water. It can be slightly heated to keep it warm but not hot.
  3. Add butter and start kneading the dough until it stops sticking to your hands (add more flour if necessary).
  4. Fast and delicious dough ready!

This makes four small, thin pizzas.

Fast and tasty dough with live yeast

This recipe is perfect not only for pizza, but also for various pies. The dough is soft and very tasty. Prepares quickly and easily.


  • raw yeast - 25 g;
  • flour - 500 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 1.5 cups;
  • salt - about 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon without a slide.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat water slightly. Add sugar and yeast to one half of the water. Leave for a few minutes to completely dissolve the yeast.
  2. Add salt to the remaining water and vegetable oil(you can add olive).
  3. Pour flour into a separate container, add the dissolved yeast there and mix thoroughly.
  4. Add the remaining water with salt and oil.
  5. Knead the dough. It should be soft without sticking to your hands.
  6. Cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for 2 hours.

This dough will make two pizzas with a diameter of 30 cm.

Pros and cons of yeast



  • the dough rises on them more slowly, because dry yeast is less active. Due to strong drying, some of the yeast is destroyed.
  • after crushing the dough, there will be no re-growth.
  • they say that dry yeast is more harmful - partly yes. Not all yeast contains rehydration agents.


  • dry ones are easier to store. Their shelf life can be up to two years ;
  • useful for anemia and for strengthening the immune system;
  • there is no unpleasant smell ;
  • they contain a lot of protein.



  • ensure rapid maturation of the dough, its tenderness and splendor ;
  • short fermentation ;
  • no foreign matter ;
  • low cost.


  • copious foaming ;
  • low temperature is needed for storage ;
  • specific smell.

What else can you use to quickly and deliciously prepare the base?

There are several other types of cooking.

Pies are very tasty from such a dough. They become soft and very lush.


  • milk - 200 ml;
  • yeast - 20 g;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • flour - 500 g;


  1. Heat the milk and add first the yeast, then the salt and 4 tablespoons of flour.
  2. Mix everything thoroughly until homogeneous mass and leave the mixture for 20 minutes.
  3. Then add oil and stir gradually.
  4. The Teslo should be soft and not sticky to your hands. We leave it for an hour in a secluded place.

The dough is quickly kneaded. It becomes pliable and malleable. Baking from it turns out to be very lush.


  • dry yeast - 11 g;
  • kefir - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • refined oil - 100 ml;
  • flour - 3 cups.


  1. Kefir must be heated to 35 degrees.
  2. Add salt and sugar, pour in yeast and mix everything thoroughly. Compressed yeast can also be used here.
  3. Add a little flour, mix with a whisk and leave for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Then pour in the oil at room temperature.
  5. Gradually add the remaining flour so that no lumps form.
  6. dough.


A variety of recipes for making dough gives you the right to choose a more suitable and interesting one. Having picked up correct recipe for your pizza, you can start making it. The main thing is not to forget to add yeast. Which is better - you choose. Bon Appetit!

Hi guys!

I have long wanted to give you a recipe for my branded Italian pizza ... But since our filling has never changed for many years: we prefer only Margarita, I will give you a Bomb recipe dry yeast dough, and even with the fillings, I think you yourself will somehow cope. Well, maybe I'll share my homemade tomato sauce at the end. Painfully, it is tasty and simple.

To be honest, the Italian pizza didn't impress me at all. Apparently, it's all a matter of habit. Or maybe the places were wrong. But in Greece, for example, I ate pizza much tastier than Italian. True, it was in Crete, but in Crete, as I said, everything is better, higher, tastier. I love this island. If you love delicious food, then you definitely need to get there by any means and tricks.

Well, again I was distracted by my favorite topic ...

Let's go back to our Italians. But before we start making pizza, let's first deal with flour.

What flour to choose for pizza

Today, the most popular on the market is flour top grade ... It is low in gluten and high in starch. And this is not the best factor for yeast uncooked pastries... Premium flour is rather weak in order to form a firm crumb, which is what we are trying to achieve when baking bread and pizza.

To prepare perfect dough for dry yeast pizza, I recommend using first grade flour... This flour has a higher protein content, and the dough from it is soft and elastic. For a real thin Italian pizza - that's it.

I always make pizza only from first grade flour and it has never let me down. Unfortunately, this flour is not always available on shelves, but it can be ordered from online stores. I know for sure that such flour is produced by "Pudov", they call it that - "Pizza flour".

I must say that pizza is the most frequent guest on our weekend table. It takes a minimum of time to prepare it, and our pizza tastes any better purchased. But this, of course, provided that we have homemade dough and tomato sauce.

Here we go?

Oh, and one more important point: every time I changed something in this recipe even one iota, the result was radically different from what was supposed to be. Keep this in mind.

From the specified ingredients, 2 pizzas with a diameter of 34-35 cm are obtained. We have enough for two of us, and the husband still has to go to work the next day. If you need more, then exactly double the proportions. Only in this case, you need to take not 8, but 7 grams of yeast.

For the test we need:

  • flour of the 1st grade - 500 gr.
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • dry yeast - 4 gr.
  • warm water - 300 ml
  • salt - 10 gr.
  • olive oil- 30 ml

Cooking method:

Kneading the dough

When kneading yeast dough, the water should be heated to no more than 30-40 ° C. Yeast dies in hot water. Those. be guided by the temperature of your body: the water should not seem to you either warm or cold.

Sift flour into a large bowl, add sugar and dry yeast, mix thoroughly with a whisk.
Pour warm water into a separate container and stir salt in it. Then add olive oil and mix with water using a whisk.
Form a depression in the center of the flour bowl and pour in the water. Put flour and some water next to the bowl in case you need to add a little water or flour.
Mix dry and liquid ingredients, and knead soft elastic dough by placing it on a work surface sprinkled with flour.
Thoroughly knead the dough with your hands for about 10 minutes. Generously dust the bowl with flour and transfer the pizza dough into it.
Cover the bowl with cling film and set for 2 hours in a warm place for proofing. Alternatively, you can put the dough in the oven with the light on. The oven does not need to be preheated. The main thing is that the dough does not stand in a draft.
After the dough has doubled, take out the bowl and turn on the oven at 250 ° C. Lightly knead the dough that has come up with your hands and roll out a thin layer with a diameter of 34-35 cm on a flour-dusted working board.
With our hands we form small sides and transfer the layer of dough to a baking sheet.


Distribute tomato sauce on top of the dough and send the dough into the preheated oven on the penultimate shelf from the bottom for 6-7 minutes.
Then we take out the baking sheet, put the cheese on the dough and whatever else you want, and send it to the oven for another 6-7 minutes.
We serve pizza straight from the oven, cutting it into portions.

AND valuable prize in the end for the most attentive - simple homemade recipe tomato sauce for pizza:

  • I grate 2 large tomatoes, pass 2 cloves of garlic through a press, add 1 tsp. dried basil and oregano + some salt and black pepper. I put all this in a saucepan and put on a strong fire. After boiling, I add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to the eye and boil for about 10 minutes. But in general, the cooking time depends on the wateriness and juiciness of the tomatoes. After the sauce has thickened, chill it completely. Therefore, I cook it immediately after I put the dough to proof.

Once you learn how to make this perfect dry yeast dough, you will never buy again. ready dough or pizza at the store.

Good luck, love and patience.

Everything. Bye. Bye.

Gourmets are delighted when quality cooked yeast pizza... Prepare pizza according to different technological nuances.

But I have a simple recipe, and not one, which makes a delicious and simple yeast pizza with juicy filling... Yeast pizza has a lot of cooking advantages and secrets, which we will talk about below.

First of all, you need to know that pizza on yeast dough includes minimal set components that are inexpensive and available in every modern grocery store.

it plain water, yeast, a little salt and sifted flour. If you see that you need more ingredients with which to cook pizza on yeast dough, the recipe is definitely wrong.

The list should not contain sl. oil, mayonnaise, and other similar ingredients. If you use such a set, then there is a chance to spoil the food, and therefore get rid of such recipes right away so that the pizza is delicious.

Secondly, remember that it takes time to prepare the yeast dough from which the pizza will be baked. It is important to let it rise, it is necessary to start the process of the appearance of bubbles in a warm and calm place where there will be no drafts.

Little by little, you need to add sifted flour to the dough. You need to knead the mixture not steep, the dough cannot stick to your fingers.

And finally last secret... It is worth stirring the mixture for a long time, at least 10 minutes. Yeast dough cannot be rushed. Only when it acquires a soft shape, becomes smooth and elastic, is it worth proceeding with further actions.

Having figured out how to work with yeast dough, it is worth looking at the recipes from the photos, which I have compiled into one selection for your attention. After trying one of them, you will understand that the pizza turned out to be really perfect!

Yeast dough for making delicious homemade pizza

Components: 500 gr. flour; 300 ml of plain water; half tablespoon yeast; 2 tbsp salt and 1 tsp. Sahara.

The recipe is simple, plus, look at the photo, how beautiful and fluffy pizza from yeast dough turns out. To achieve a similar result and bake homemade and fresh pizza, proceed as follows:

  1. I pour out 100 ml of water, preheated on the stove, and dissolve first sugar and then yeast in it. I cover the food mixture. foil, it is necessary for the yeast to begin to bubble, and therefore I set the bowl aside.
  2. For the dough I sow flour, mix it with salt, add yeast to the solution. All this time you need to stir the mixture. The dough should be thick and not stick to your fingers. If this effect cannot be achieved, then it is worth adding flour and pouring water.
  3. I roll up the ball and put it in a saucepan, leave it for an hour and a half in a quiet place without a draft.
  4. I divide the dough into portions, knead each of them well. That's all, the dough is ready, as you can see, it is not at all difficult to prepare it.

Yeast dough for homemade pizza with juicy filling and pleasant taste

Components of the dish on yeast dough: 100 gr. Mozzarella; 400 gr. tomatoes; 1 tooth. garlic; trembling. dough; 1 bundle basilica; olive. butter; pepper and salt.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

  1. Tomatoes are processed first of all - I peel and chop them to make a sauce out of them. I fry the garlic and olives. butter. I add basil and tomatoes, dressing the sauce. For these purposes, I take pepper and salt. I leave it on the fire for about 20 minutes, all this time I knead the mixture with a wooden spoon.
  2. I roll out the layer and grease it with cooked fresh sauce, put the mozzarella cut into mugs.
  3. I cook and bake for 10 minutes. at 250 gr. in the oven. Decorating when the pizza is ready fresh leaves basilica.

Yeast dough for fried pizza

The necessary components for a pizza with yeast dough to turn out amazing in taste:

300 gr. mozzarella; 400 gr. tomatoes; trembling. dough; 1 bundle basilica; pepper and salt; 200 ml vol. sauce (prepare the sauce as indicated in the previous recipe).

You can prepare a dish on yeast dough like this:

  1. Trembling. I divide the dough into small 10 portions. I make layers of half a cm and send them to "rest".
  2. I pour the rast. butter and fry the layers for half a minute on both sides. I dry the base of the dough using paper towels. I smear the volume. sauce, put cheese and basil on top.
  3. I bake the pizza until the cheese starts to bubble. That's all, the pizza is ready in the oven, and therefore can be divided into parts and served.


You need to cook pizza in the oven from a set of the following ingredients:

150 g mozzarella; 200 ml vol. sauce (again, the recipe described above); 50 gr. sl. oils; salt and pepper by eye; 300 gr. spinach leaves; 4 vet. thyme; 4 teeth garlic; trembling. dough; olive. butter; 500 gr. mushrooms (best of all forest).

Cooking method:

  1. I fry the mushrooms in oil. I add garlic at the end of frying, sl. oil and sprigs of thyme. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  2. I put spinach in the sauce and keep it on the fire until the moisture evaporates at all.
  3. I roll the dough into a layer, cover it into slices. I fold the dough in half and pinch along the edges, like weaving a pigtail.
  4. I smear the olive dough. butter and bake for 15 minutes at 250 gr. in the oven. Mushroom pizza is ready! Enjoy your meal.

Method number 2 yeast base for pizza

In this case, the dough for yeast homemade pizza in the oven will be docile and easy to roll out. Making pizza is not difficult at all. I advise you to experiment with different fillings based on this pizza.

By the way, on my blog there is a separate selection of cool toppings that will appeal to everyone, look at the recipe from the photo and choose something of your own, the pizza will be perfect.

In this case, it is advisable to use at least 2 types of cheese for pizza. The combination will be delicious, and the layer will become wide and viscous.

Ingredients that indicate a recipe for making pizza at home:

200 gr. flour; 100 gr. chickens. fillet (fry), cheese tv. varieties, Mozzarella, salami; 15 gr. St. yeast; 8 pcs. cherry tomato; 1 s.l. olive. oils; 1 tsp basil (dried); 2 tbsp volume. paste; salt; 6 pcs. St. champignons; ½ part of a turnip onion. and chili peppers.

A delicious yeast pizza is prepared like this:

  1. First, we make the dough: I add yeast to the flour (they must first be diluted in warm water in the amount of 100 ml). I stir the dough by adding olive. butter. I bet on 50 minutes. to reach.
  2. I cut vegetables and mushrooms: mushrooms - into thinner plates, peppers and onions - into rings, cherry - in half, I advise you to leave the stalks, so the pizza will look more beautiful.
  3. I rub the cheese on the middle side with a grater, cut the sausage into circles, then into quarters. I fry the fillet with salt and paprika for rast. fat.
  4. I roll out a 5 mm layer of dough, grease the volume. pasta and sprinkle with basil. I put chicken and sausage on the pizza, fall asleep with cheese (first Mozzarella, then TV cheese). I spread vegetables and mushrooms as my heart desires.
  5. Pizza is baked in the oven for 25 minutes. at 190 gr. It is necessary for the cheese to melt and the dough to bake.

That's all pizza can be served, bon appetite!

My video recipe

)))))))))))))) 25.06.13
fresh and raw yeast the same thing?) something completely confused) and what unusual fillings would you advise?

Producers of dry yeast assure that there is no difference, that dry yeast is just as good as fresh. But practice shows that for butter dough fresh pressed yeast is still better. In the case of pizza, this slight difference is not so significant, you can bake both fresh and dry. The main thing is to take the correct proportion. Usually 3g. fresh pressed yeast correspond to 1gr. dry yeast. Just in case, carefully read the packaging, the manufacturer is obliged to indicate how much flour one bag is designed for.
Of the fillings, I adore four cheeses, as well as with smoked salmon and shrimps.

Marina 01/06/14
I most often used dry yeast for baking, it was convenient not to be mistaken in the proportions. Therefore, I don't see a big difference between dry and raw, the main thing is that they are fresh). Loved the recipe quick pizza, this will really help out any hostess when unexpected guests are on the doorstep). I have never tried adding honey instead of sugar, now I want to experiment).

Larisa 01/17/15
I also make pizza dough this way, I do not recognize a thick layer of dough, this is some kind of pie, not pizza.

Rita 01/18/15
For some reason, I used to be afraid to make pizza dough myself, I always bought ready-made. And this time I decided to try, I won over that the dough turns out quickly)). I can say that the hostess is not bad for me, I always spoil everything in the kitchen, but this time I myself was surprised - the base for the pizza turned out even better than from purchased test... I take the recipe in notes)).

Anastasia 01/28/15
I cooked pizza for the first time, but it turned out no worse than in a pizzeria. Everyone loved the pizza.

Victoria 03/13/15
In fact, this particular recipe for pizza dough, in my opinion, is the most ideal and not expensive) I have been using it for many years.

lada 03/13/15
I didn't know that honey could be used instead of sugar. I will have to please my husband with pizza)

Anastasia 03/15/15
Good recipe, I also make pizza dough this way, but I would not say that it is so quick, because you still need to wait a little)

Marina 03/25/15
Alena, your site never ceases to delight, the second time I make pizza myself (not from puff), the first time the dough came out a little tough, I went too far with flour, but today it turned out just amazing, 3 wonderful pizzas came out of these proportions. Your site is a godsend for me and an assistant in culinary affairs) Dare everything in 5 minutes, if you post my photo I will be flattered, thank you again)))

Marina, thank you very much for the review and for the photo! The pizzas turned out to be gorgeous !!! I'll go, I'll cook pizza too, otherwise salivation began to flow)))

Marina 27.03.15
Alena, now pizza is almost the main dish on our table, I cook every other day)) I'm afraid I won't fit in the doorway by summer)) What do you think, if you make a dough piece and freeze it? will be very different from fresh?

Marina, if the dough is left and you are not going to bake in the foreseeable future, then the dough can be frozen. But to be honest, I yeast dough after freezing it is not very pleasant. Therefore, if you are going to bake in the next day or two, then better dough wrap in food grade plastic and just hide in the refrigerator.

Ekaterina 12.22.15
The dough is wonderful, and most importantly it is done quickly))) Thank you)

irina 02/23/16
Highly good recipe! The dough is wonderful and really fast!)))

Oksana 02/12/18
Good day! Alena, I want to say Thank you so much !!!)) The pizza turned out to be just excellent !!! I even had to make the dough a second time, the family demanded additives))) Everything turned out just super !!!)))

Ekaterina 07/01/19
The dough is excellent !!! even the next day does not get stale!

OLESYA 02/06/20
I liked the recipe very much. Although I am not on friendly terms with yeast dough, everything worked out the first time. Now I always make pizza just like that. Thanks.

Julia 03/15/20
The dough turned out great! The flour turned out to be almost enough - I added about half a glass only for kneading. I just overdried it a little in the oven, it was necessary to lower the temperature. And so very happy))) thank you so much for the recipe!

Julia, and thank you very much for your feedback))))))))

Pizza recipe

How to make yeast dough for the best homemade pizza! Simple step by step instructions with photo. Make your family and friends happy. Bon Appetit!

45 minutes

250 kcal

5/5 (2)

Sometimes you want to put up a monument to those who invented pizza! In fact, for me there is no more beloved product in the world, which always seems so appetizing, aromatic and tasty that it is impossible to resist either children or adults. Surprisingly, in our family, homemade pizza on yeast dough has always turned out to be simply excellent, in no way inferior to analogues prepared in pizzerias equipped with professional equipment - maybe it's a special recipe of my mother who bakes real culinary masterpieces in an old oven?

Deciding to check it out, I rewrote this one today step by step recipe yeast-based dough, so that each of you, dear culinary experts, can try it for yourself, quickly getting a product that exactly meets all expectations.

Did you know? Classic recipe pizza dough involves the preparation of sourdough with dry fast acting yeast, and then baking in a special oven heated to 400 degrees. It is clear that such conditions are unattainable for most housewives. Therefore, culinary geniuses came up with a new version of the recipe that allows you to get delicious results when using a conventional oven.

Preparation time: 60 - 120 minutes.

Kitchen appliances

  • Several capacious bowls with a volume of 400-800 ml, teaspoons and tablespoons.
  • Fork, steel or wooden whisk.
  • Towels (preferably linen or cotton)
  • A baking tray or bun tray with a non-stick coating.
  • Baking paper if necessary, a sieve, a sharp knife, and oven mitts.

Plus, keep your blender or food processor ready with speed-shifting options.

You will need

  • 1 kg of wheat flour;
  • 500 ml of purified water;
  • 8 g table salt;
  • 110 - 120 ml of olive oil;
  • 8 - 10 g dry yeast.
  • 30 g creamy margarine;
  • some flour for dusting.

By this recipe You can use a quick yeast dough for pizza with milk instead of water, as the former gives the products incredible fluffiness and airiness, and the latter makes the pizza crusts rougher during baking, but you can also use wet yeast. In addition, for the filling, you can use absolutely any combination of components, adding mushrooms, sausage or boiled meat to it. but try not to overload the filling with ingredients.

Cooking sequence


  1. Pour water or milk into a deep bowl, the ingredient should be at room temperature.

  2. Pour in the yeast, stir it with a spoon or spatula until it is completely dissolved.

  3. Add salt, mix a little more, trying to make the grains disappear.

  4. The next step is to pour in the olive oil, stir and leave the mixture for five minutes.

  5. Grind the tomatoes in a blender or cut into slices - as you like.

  6. Cut the onion into rings, grate the cheese or use a food processor.

  7. Mix the tomato paste with sugar and salt, beat for a minute or two with a blender.

  8. We try the sauce - if it is too sour, add a little more sugar.

Important! In fact, the main thing in yeast unpaired test- leaven, so be sure to make sure that there are no drafts in the room during its short-term proofing. If this is not done, the pizza dough may become "rubbery" and will not rise.


  1. Sift the flour into the deepest bowl, make a depression in the middle.

  2. Pour into it about half of the prepared sourdough.
  3. Stir the mass with a spoon, trying to do it with confident, strong movements.

  4. Pour in a little more liquid, remove the spoon and start manual kneading.

  5. After adding the remaining sourdough, we continue the active kneading for about fifteen minutes, practically without stopping, knead a very plastic, soft and viscous dough.

  6. If the dough sticks strongly to your hands, sprinkle it with flour a little and continue kneading.
  7. Then we divide our dough into several parts: each will become a blank for one pizza

  8. After that, cover the container with the dough with a film or towel, place it in a warm place for an hour or two.

  9. Then we knead the dough and start assembling our product.

Assembling and baking

  1. We put the oven to heat up to 180-200 degrees.

  2. Now grease the baking sheet with creamy margarine.

  3. We roll out the workpiece on the kitchen table, trying to give it the most round shape.

  4. Then let the layer "walk" a little, about ten minutes.
  5. We coat it with the prepared sauce, you can also sprinkle it with chopped herbs on top.

  6. Place the chopped onion on top, cover it with tomato slices.

  7. Sprinkle the workpiece generously with grated cheese, lightly press the layer.
  8. Letting raw pizza brew for literally three minutes.
  9. In the oven we place a baking sheet or a mold with a blank.

  10. We bake for about fifteen minutes, then check the dough for readiness.
  11. If necessary, extend the baking time, then remove the baking sheet from the oven.
  12. Let the pizza cool slightly and transfer it to the serving platter.

Did you know? How to check the readiness of a pizza correctly? Just take a wooden stick, skewer or toothpick and pierce the product 5 cm deep. After that, pull out the stick and use your fingers to touch the part of it that was just inside the pizza. A dry skewer indicates the readiness of the product, and a wet one indicates that it is still too early to remove the pizza from the oven.

That's all! Your amazing tasty pizza completely ready! It remains only to cut it into portioned pieces and serve, garnished with fresh herbs, pouring mayonnaise sauce into a suitable container and preparing appropriate drinks - tea, juice or compote.

Children also love to eat pizza with milk, and adults - with hot coffee. I bet your first pizza will fly off the table with incredible speed. Wrap the remaining pizza blanks in a plastic bag and place in the freezer, as you will definitely have to make another pizza soon!

Watching the video recipe

In the video below, you can immediately see that the preparation of yeast pizza dough is very quick and easy, suitable even for beginners in cooking.

Concluding our mouth-watering conversation, I would like to highly recommend the hostesses to cook some more delicious options. the most tender dough for pizza shared by my friends who love experimenting in this field.

For example, try an amazingly tender and aromatic pastry, famous not only for its ease of preparation, but also for an economical set of ingredients. In addition, do not forget about, which is an excellent choice for those who appreciate kefir pastries for their exceptional taste.

It will also be completely useful to remind you of the beloved by many, which I cooked last weekend and was incredibly fascinated by its spicy aroma and amazing taste. Finally, it will be useful to remind you of the famous, which will surely suit those who do not have time to mess around in the kitchen, because the guests are already on the doorstep. In general, there are a lot of excellent test options and you can easily choose the one that suits you.

Thanks for your attention to the above recipe! I really look forward to your comments regarding the pizza dough, reports and reviews, as well as my own experience on additions to sourdough, dough and filling. Bon appetit and invariably good mood!