Herring forshmak with cheese recipe. Herring Forshmak - a Jewish dish loved by everyone

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Perhaps every hostess always strives to surprise guests with something new. We suggest trying a simple herring forshmak with melted cheese and carrots. The cooking process uses a small amount of ingredients. This dish can rightfully be called a substitute for red caviar. Light mild rich herring flavor combined with carrots, processed cheese, egg and butter will open completely. Be sure to try this delicious one.


- Atlantic herring - 1 pc.,
- carrots - 1 pc.,
- processed cheese - 1 pc.,
- egg - 1 pc.,
- butter - 100 gr.,
- salt,
- ground black pepper.

Necessary information.
Cooking time takes 40 minutes.

Step by step recipe with photo:

1. First, you need to clean the herring from entrails and bones. Then cut in half, then cut into small pieces. Place in a blender or chopper chopper.
Tip: To make the forshmak tasty, it is recommended to choose fatty herring varieties. The fish should preferably be lightly salted. Excessive saltiness can be removed by pre-soaking in milk.

2. Then add processed cheese OK.

3. Then put butter in the blender bowl.
Tip: The butter should be left at room temperature beforehand to melt a little and whisk more easily.

4. Boiled egg peel, add to the cheese.
Tip: To prepare an appetizer, boil the egg in a steep way in salted boiling water for 10 minutes.

5. Cut the boiled carrots into two halves and put them in a bowl.
Tip: Pre-peel the carrots, wash with water and boil for 15 minutes.

6. Close the cup and beat until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Add salt, black pepper and beat again.
Tip: The longer you beat the forshmak, the softer and more fluffy it will turn out.

7. Now take the pieces of bread and spread the herring paste evenly over the entire surface. Place on a plate with young lettuce leaves before serving.
Tip: For an unusual taste, it is recommended to lightly fry the bread slices in butter until golden crust or dry in a toaster.

Advice: ideal as an additional appetizer to a main hot dish with boiled potatoes with fresh finely chopped herbs.
Bon appetit, everyone!

I call this forshmak "Mother-in-law", the name of this dish is simply deciphered - it was given to me by my mother-in-law. Before that, I tried to cook forshmak more than once, finding recipes on the Internet - but I still did not understand why everyone praises this sandwich spread so much. And only after making a forshmak with boiled carrots (at first glance, the most elementary - the ingredients here are generally penny), I was amazed at its taste. He's so gentle! This dish leaves with a bang - even children eat it at home, and when the husband takes the jar to the office, there is no person in the team who does not want to “be friends” with him for such an excellent treat. In general, and just like that, and for a sandwich to work, and for some festive sabantui in the form of an appetizer, the recipe for this forshmak with carrots and processed cheese always comes first in our family. Help yourself!

Ingredients for 600 ml snack

  • 1 salted herring (or two large fillets),
  • 1 large boiled carrot
  • 2 processed cheese type "Friendship" (options with the taste of ham or mushrooms, it is better not to buy),
  • 100 g butter (half a pack),
  • greens (you can use fresh or frozen).


Peel and grate the carrots, or (if you are going to grind all the ingredients with a blender - submersible is perfect for this purpose) cut into large pieces.

Processed cheese is the same - either grate or cut.

Mill the herring (if necessary) and chop. It can be twisted in a meat grinder or chopped into medium cubes. Do not worry if small bones remain on it - they will grind, the main thing is to remove the large, lateral ones, as well as the ridge.

Mix carrots, cheese, herring, butter (it is better to soften it before that, holding it for an hour and a half in the kitchen at room temperature, or by putting it for 20 minutes in a warm place - for example, on the lid of a hot (not boiling) saucepan; it is better not to heat it in the microwave, it can melt, but we do not need this). Add greens - if it's not fresh, you don't need to defrost it. There is no need to salt the future forshmak, since the herring is already salted.

Mix all ingredients for easier chopping.

Kill the forshmak with a blender until it is pasty (I personally like it when it is crushed "lazily", that is, there are small pieces of herring or carrots in the mass). Everything!

Store herring forshmak in the refrigerator, in a closed container or glass jar under the rubber cover. When serving, this "pate"
it is spread on bread - and it is equally successful with white, black, custard or bran bread, as well as lavash. It tastes salty, but without overkill, very delicate and slightly sweet (thanks to carrots).

Herring is in great demand in our family. I used to cook boiled potatoes for it, but now we most of all like to do and eat just with bread. Since I always have to peel the herring, and as you understand, I do it quite often, I decided to find a way out of this situation, so that even when I was at work, my loved ones could feed themselves without much effort. When I consulted with a work colleague about this, Marina immediately without hesitation suggested that I try to make a forshmak with melted cheese and carrots from herring. I wrote down the recipe for its preparation and thanked my colleague. Arriving home from work, the first thing I did was go to the kitchen and get down to business. As Marina said, there was nothing difficult in cooking. And already fifteen minutes later I called my loved ones for a tasting, we all really liked the finished dish. I don't know how forshmak is served, but we just spread it on bread. Try it - it's delicious and satisfying!
- half a herring,
- 1 chicken egg,
- half boiled carrots,
- 1 processed cheese,
- 50 grams of oil.

How to cook from a photo step by step

Forshmak can be prepared using a conventional or electric meat grinder, and also using a blender.
So, using whatever technique you have, twist the fish pieces, just remember to remove all the large bones and skin.

Then twist the egg and carrots in a meat grinder.

Do the same with processed cheese. By the way, I was very worried about the fact that it would be difficult to twist the processed cheese. However, my worries were in vain.

Add butter to all twisted ingredients. It should be excellent in taste, but also quite soft. Stir everything.

You can store forshmak in the refrigerator in a glass jar, covering it with a lid.

By the way, you can

Forshmak is snack, belongs to the Jewish national cuisine... Many people know that forshmak is a herring paste with melted cheese and carrots.
Herring pate is served cold. But this dish may be hot snack... The name comes from the German word Vorschmack, which means "appetizer". And this dish is of East Prussian origin. It was always made from fried fish and served hot.
Over time, they began to cook it only with herring and served cold.
In our version, we make the pate from herring. But now it can be difficult to choose the right, fresh and right herring. For a general overview: when choosing a herring, you need to look her in the eyes. This fish can be 3 different types salting: low, medium and strong. For forshmak, herring needs light salting. Therefore, when choosing and buying, herring should have red eyes. Usually such fish have more fat content. If you want, the herring is not greasy, it is better to take caviar herring. And in order to determine exactly whether you took a female with caviar or not, she should have a rounder mouth. Oblong mouth in males. Fresh fish should not have any abrasions, cuts or yellow spots that look like rust on the body. And in general, best of all - this way it is guaranteed to be delicious.


- slightly salted herring - 1 pc .;
- chicken egg - 1 pc .;
- medium-sized carrots - 1 pc.;
- processed cheese - 100 gr;
- butter - 100 gr.

Recipe with photo step by step:

To prepare the pate, you need to boil the egg and carrots.
Grind in medium pieces.

Peel the herring and carefully select all the seeds and chop.

Put the clean fillet of fish in a blender, add there already boiled for an early egg, carrots, add processed cheese. Grind everything thoroughly to get a monotonous mixture. If you don't have a blender at home, you can use a fine mesh meat grinder and twist all the ingredients together twice.
Then you need to add softened butter.

The resulting mixture is pate, forshmak.

It is best eaten by spreading it on a white or black piece of bread. The use of "herring pate" does not mean that it can only be prepared for a holiday to the table. It is also delicious to use with potatoes on a regular dinner table.
Bon Appetit.

You can also cook

  • Processed cheese 100 g
  • Butter 100 g
  • Chicken eggs 1-2 pcs.
  • Carrots 1 pc.
  • Edible salt to taste
  • Preparation

    In our step-by-step recipe, processed cheese is indicated, but you can take another one to your taste: smoked sausage, hard, soft, pickled. It will turn out very tasty with feta cheese, mozzarella, parmesan, ricotta, brie, roquefort, cheddar and others. The choice of this ingredient is up to you. It is up to you to decide what the result will be like.

    • Getting started cooking Jewish forshmak with cheese. First of all, we will prepare the products to be heat treatment. Egg transfer to a small bowl, into which we collect cold water so that the product is completely covered with liquid. Put the carrot in another vessel and also fill it with water. We send both containers to the stove and set the average flame power. We need an egg with a hard yolk, so we boil it hard. Add a little salt to boiling water and from the moment the liquid boils, we detect 7-10 minutes. The salt will make the eggs easier to clean and better. Cook the carrots over moderate heat for 15-20 minutes after the water boils. When the eggs are ready, drain the hot water from the bowl and add cold water. This will cool the ingredient faster. We also drain the boiling water from the dishes with ready-made carrots and leave the vegetable to cool. Then carefully peel the carrots.

    • It remains only to prepare the herring. We wash the fish very well under running water, cut off the head, tail and fins. We cleanse the scales. Then we cut the herring lengthwise and get rid of the ridge along with the entrails. We carefully remove the bones, not missing even the smallest ones. We prepare only clean fillets. We cut it into portioned pieces and send it to the blender bowl.

    • Cut in half boiled carrots and put the pieces to the fish.

    • By this time in cold water the egg has completely cooled down, so we peel it from the shell and cut it into two equal halves. We send the workpiece to the blender bowl along with the rest of the ingredients.

    • The last ingredient left is butter. It does not need to be melted. On the contrary, we send the butter to the bowl in a frozen, solid form.

    • Beat all components thoroughly with a blender. The result should be a completely homogeneous mixture. If you do not have a blender, you can use a meat grinder to chop food, placing a fine mesh. That's all. Lightly salted herring forshmak with cheese, carrots, egg, processed cheese and butter is completely ready. Now you know exactly how quickly and easily this simple, but very delicious snack... We hope there were no problems during cooking, everything went well, and our step by step recipe with a photo helped in this. Serve forshmak to the table and treat relatives, friends or guests. We wish you all Bon appetit!