Coloring eggs with onion husks how to make them brighter. Painting eggs with onion skins

Onion peels with patterns are the oldest method used by our great-grandmothers and their ancestors. This is a natural, affordable and simple method that can be used to achieve an even egg color for Easter.


And the most attractive thing about this natural way of dyeing eggs for Easter is the opportunity to experience as many as 5 different options for dyeing eggs in onion skins with drawings. Read in our material how to paint eggs with onion peels with your own hands with patterns for Easter.

To color eggs with onion skins for Easter, you will need:

  • Onion peel;
  • eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • threads or elastic bands;
  • lace;
  • leaves of parsley, cilantro, ivy, or other plants;
  • gauze or nylon stockings;
  • vegetable oil.

The main method of coloring eggs with onion peels

Place the onion skins in a saucepan and cover with boiling water. After 2-3 hours, lightly salt the water and put eggs in it for coloring. room temperature(not from the refrigerator). Boil water with eggs and onion skins, and then simmer for 10 minutes. After the water has cooled, remove the eggs with a spoon and pat dry with paper towels.

Advice: depending on the type of onion, you can make the eggs multi-colored - yellow husks, orange, red give the same color to the eggs.

You can find a large selection of dishes, baking tins for cakes, buns and cookies, festive decorated napkins, stickers for dyes and other Easter devices at.

Marble effect for Easter eggs

A beautiful marble effect is obtained when stained with onion peels of various colors. To do this, you need to mix the husks of orange, red and yellow onions with small pieces of paper and wrap it all together with the egg in gauze or nylon stocking. For eggs and paper to adhere better to the egg, it must be wet. The resulting bags with marbled eggs and onion husks must be boiled in a saucepan, in which the husks must also be put, for about 30-40 minutes over low heat.

How to paint speckled eggs for Easter

Wet eggs must be rolled in dry rice and tied tightly with gauze or nylon, and then boiled in onion broth.

Coloring an egg for Easter with a pattern

Small leaves of greenery or flowers are tightly attached to the egg and wrapped in gauze, as in the previous two, and boiled in a decoction of the husk.

A beautiful option with a pattern with a pattern instead of plants is lace, which is also wrapped around an egg before being cooked in the husk.

Striped eggs in onion skins

A striped effect when dyeing eggs with onion peels is obtained if, before lowering the eggs into the broth, wrap them with threads or rubber bands.

Advice: after cooling, they can be given a beautiful glossy effect. To do this, moisten a cotton pad with vegetable oil and rub each egg with it.

People who, from year to year, paint eggs in a uniform color using various dyes, end up wondering how to paint eggs in onion peel with drawing. Well, in this article, we'll take a closer look at all aspects of this process.

First, I would like to emphasize that there is absolutely nothing complicated in this matter. Eggs can be painted quickly and easily with onion husks, and creating a picture just at the stage of preparation will take 20-30 free minutes. But the result is certainly worth it. It is enough to look at the photos of interesting eggs with a pattern in order to definitely want to implement each of the above tips already this Easter. Be sure to prepare for the holiday.

What to do before dyeing

Eggs must be chosen white. They should be smooth, the shell does not protrude anywhere, does not have any roughness or cracks. Now you need to get the eggs out of the refrigerator. This is done not just before the painting itself, but at least two hours before the start of the process.

To make the paint from onion skins better absorbed, it is recommended to wipe the eggs with alcohol or ordinary table vinegar. We have already taken one trick so that the eggs do not burst during cooking - we got them out of the refrigerator in time. But you also need to throw in a pinch of salt during the cooking process, for greater protection.

About staining with onion peels

In this article, in the next section, we will write specific ways how to draw a drawing on eggs. But first you just need to learn how to paint them. If you already know how to do this, then you can simply skip to the next part of the article. If not, then let's take a closer look at the process.

For two liters of water, you need to peel the husk from about 2-3 kilograms of onions. Moreover, if you do not plan to use the onion immediately in cooking, then you do not need to peel off the husk completely, but leave several layers so that the product is stored for a long time. Now wash the husk (if the staining method does not provide otherwise), put it in a saucepan and fill it with water. Boil the broth for an hour, then remove all excess from it. You have got an infusion in which you will paint the eggs. You can simply toss the eggs into the broth for a solid color effect. And then we consider ways to help create a drawing.

How to paint eggs in onion skins with a picture with a photo


You will need to take threads of different diameters or just rubber bands, which are often used for large bundles of money. Tightly wrap the egg with threads or elastic bands. Moreover, it will be good if you use the order of randomness. Now dip it into the already prepared broth and cook for 20-25 minutes. When the eggs are completely cool, remove the rubber bands (threads) and enjoy an interesting decorative effect.

Marble effect

The marble pattern on eggs has become more and more popular in recent years. Therefore, every modern housewife should know how to paint eggs in onion skins with a marble pattern. There can be two ways, one is simpler (but the effect of marble will be blurry), the second will give excellent effect, but you have to spend your time.

Method number 1

First you just need to boil the eggs in the onion skins. We will get rich or not very rich Brown color... Now you need to pour brilliant green into the pan and add two tablespoons of vegetable oil there. Put the cooled and colored egg, turn in all directions and let dry on a stand.

Method number 2

In this version, we take white eggs, and finely chop the dry onion peel. Now you need to wet the egg and roll in the husk. Make a bag of nylon and fill it with fine husks. Now you need to lower the egg into the nylon and tie the fabric tightly. Pour brilliant green into a two-liter pot of water, send prepared eggs there and cook for 20 minutes. Remove nylon and husks only after the product has completely cooled down.

With a pattern or pattern

Nowadays, with the emergence of all kinds food colors, special paints for Easter eggs and even various stickers, few people think about the origins and traditions, but in vain.
Dyeing eggs with natural substances is not only more beautiful, more pleasant and natural, but also healthier - I think there’s no need to talk about this.

I want to touch on the issue of painting and decorating Easter eggs in an affordable and my favorite way - using onion peels.
Onion peel is a natural natural product, so there is not even a shadow of a doubt that eggs painted in this way will not bring any harm to either adults or children.
This method of coloring is no longer interesting to many, but I offer not only the traditional, but also 9 creative options.

By the way, do you know why eggs are painted on Easter? And why do they traditionally prefer a bright and rich dark red color to everyone else?

❧ Historical remark about dyes

They say that after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, his disciples scattered all over the world, carrying with them the scandalous revolutionary news about the immortality of the soul. With the same thought, Mary Magdalena went to the Roman emperor - she went so that life would triumph over death, so that truth would grow and widen, so that light grains would germinate and give shoots. Given the status of comrade Tiberius, going without gifts was not comme il faut in those days, so Maria took what was available to her - simple egg, in which she wanted to put a special meaning: there, under the shell, under the shell, there is life. The analogy, I think, is clear.

Tiberius, as far as I understand, did not differ in patience and calm disposition, and therefore, hearing what Mary Magdalena tried to convey to him about the miracle of the resurrection of the Son of God, he became angry in the most terrible way and exclaimed in anger: “This is impossible! It is impossible like, then, for example, that brought by you white egg turned red! "

However, in fairness, it should be noted that this is far from the only version of where the legs grew from the habit of doing such manipulations with chicken eggs. Not the only one, but what a beautiful one, huh? In general, I will not even remember the others - this is not why we are gathered here to talk about historical conversations - if you wish, you can read about it
in post

Let's get down to business. Hands are itching to paint something!

For a long time in Russia, onion peels have been used for dyeing eggs - it gives an amazing range of all kinds of shades of red.
So we will work with her today - it is easier, more accessible and, perhaps, more beautiful for thousands of years nothing else has come up with.

Onion peel egg coloring technology

The first stage is common to all methods: preparing a decoction.
With onion peels (don't ask me how much - a lot, the more the better) I just fill the pan in which I boil the eggs to the top, even tamping it lightly) and fill it with water.
The pot is more likely to stain when boiling, so choose a dish that you don't mind or that nothing sticks to.

Onion peels for coloring can be from both regular white onions and red ones. Collect the husks from several bulbs of any variety and set aside early.
To do this, you can start a special container in the kitchen, and every time you cook something with onions, put the husks in it.
I start to save husks from Shrovetide, and by Easter there is enough of it to paint eggs

Leave for half an hour, then put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 10-20 minutes. The husk will darken and the color of the solution will become more intense every minute.
You can immediately put the eggs in a container with water and husks, however, the color intensity of the colored eggs in this case will not be so uniform. In this case, small stains, slight marbling from the husk itself may remain.

If you have time, we wait for the broth to cool completely naturally.
In addition, if an even ideal color is important to you, strain the broth - and boil the eggs in a "clean" liquid without onion husks.
Pour 1-2 teaspoons of salt into the broth so that the eggs do not burst.

My egg boiling time is 10-12 minutes. During cooking, the eggs need to be turned over from time to time so that they are evenly colored.

And of course, the water must completely cover the eggs.

To prevent the eggs from bursting, they must be kept at room temperature for at least one hour.
And the best way is to do this: take the eggs out of the refrigerator, fill them with water at room temperature and let stand for half an hour.
The water will soak up all the dirt and lettering that is stamped on many eggs in the factory. As a result, the paint will lay flat without streaks and spotty blotches.
Wipe off what has not dissolved with a sponge. You can use baking soda.

Eggs of any color are suitable for this painting method. The final color of an already dyed egg will of course differ. White testicles turn out to be more reddish, like the onion itself in the husk, and brown ones are redder and darker.
You can buy both types of eggs and arrange a nice variety.

Put boiled colored eggs in a saucepan with cold water and put them to cool. When the eggs have cooled down, they need to be removed and thoroughly wiped dry. Or lay the eggs on a paper towel or napkin and pat dry.

Painted eggs will be dull and if you want an elegant shine, rub the eggs with vegetable oil.

This is the classic method of coloring Easter eggs in onion skins ...
But now let's move on directly to the methods of decorating eggs painted with onion peel.

Decorating eggs dyed with onion peels

The whole painting process will take place in the same way as I described above. Only now, before laying the eggs in the finished broth, we must prepare them.

1. Thread one thread, thread two - the result is a strip!

A bright egg, smooth and so ... real. Imagine - you hold it in your hands, consider the deep color that the husk gave it, and simply “float away” with your thoughts behind each path that the threads have drawn on the glossy surface.

✔ What to do... To get a striped pattern on the eggs, wrap each egg tightly with thick threads before boiling.

Draw patterns - some of the eggs can be made with strictly horizontal stripes, some with vertical stripes, give some more chaotic drawings, and others - symbolic crosses. It will be great!

By the way, to create a striped ornament, you can use ordinary office supplies. Stretch them over the surface of the shell in any order you wish.

Then boil it for a few minutes in a dyeing solution of onion peels.

Let the egg dry completely and then remove the rubber bands.

2. Lace draws a fairy tale, magic, love and affection.

An amazing miracle - an egg with bizarre patterns, delicate curls, incredible loops and tails. You hold it in your hands - and literally with your hands you feel all its depth, some kind of sacred knowledge hiding inside. Very mysterious dyes are obtained!

It is not difficult to create adorable lace patterns. Believe me, it's even much easier than it might seem. The most important thing is to choose the right lace, the pattern of which will be small enough and at the same time large enough to look pleasant on the surface of the egg.

✔ What to do. We wrap the eggs tightly in one layer of lace, fix (with threads or a knot) and cook. We take off the lace and admire.

By the way, in addition to lace fabrics, you can take something simpler. The main thing is textured. Well, for example, eggs that are wrapped in a plastic net in which fruits are sold before boiling look great.

3. Birch leaf, parsley leaf. And on the eggs - curls

Incredibly delicate drawings! However, it is not surprising - they are created by Nature itself ... Creates by investing her love and care, imagination and skill.

Getting prints of leaves on eggs is as easy as shelling pears.

✔ What to do. A drop of water will help you temporarily "glue" the necessary parts of the plants to the egg, after which it remains only to tightly wrap the whole composition with a piece of nylon tights (gauze as an option) so that it fits snugly around the egg and keeps the leaf in place.

Fix the fabric (knot, thread) and weld everything together.

After you remove all the excess from the egg, the outlines of the plants will remain on the shell of stunning beauty - perhaps even with a slight greenish tint (birch, for example, stains eggs well).

4. Draw houses, flowers, snowflakes - give the egg pictures

Unusual squiggles. Surreal lines. Cubism and geometry, symbolism and classical forms - sometimes it seems to me that dyed women can be viewed endlessly, plunging into their philosophy and finding more and more facets of being.

✔ What to do. We cut out everything that is fashionable to cut out of electrical tape: strips, drops, hearts, etc.

Of course, it's hard to imagine an adult puffing over sticky tape, trying to cut hearts, squares and droplets from a rather uncomfortable material, however, who said that adults need to puff?

Engage free child labor - believe me, the little one will also be grateful to you for the opportunity to shred dad's electrical tape, decorate the eggs at your discretion, and then give grandmother a homemade paint for Easter.

For the sake of fairness, I must say that a couple of times we came across electrical tape, which, after boiling with onion peel from the egg, we tore off along with the shell, but there were still more positive experiences.
And beautiful experiences, mind you!

However, tape can be replaced with thick paper.

Would you like eggs with polka dots? Hole punch to help you!

5. Tzap-scratch, and tzap-scratch - everyone is happy with eggs on Easter!

It seems that on the endless brown-red surface of the egg, frost paints its patterns with the thinnest brush, displays bizarre squiggles, creates incredible compositions. Magically!

✔ What to do... Nothing special. Just draw with a needle.

Of course, complex drawings and incredible ornaments can be left to the artists, while at this time you will arm yourself with a ready-made dye and a needle and write to everyone: ХВ - "Christ is Risen!"
Well, or "Pete from Lyuda for a long memory!" Not difficult and very exciting.

6. Marble hinges, marble covered. Marble eggs are washed by Easter!

An absolutely incredible feeling is to hold an ordinary hen's egg in your hands and drive away thoughts of its stone strength. An absolutely special pleasure is to look at the "marble" folds on the egg and try not to "get lost" in their labyrinths.

By the way, getting such a pattern is as easy as shelling pears.

✔ What to do. It is enough to lightly crumple the onion husks, wrap raw eggs with it, wrap tightly with gauze and boil.
But the most convenient way is to cut the husks from red and yellow onions into small squares with scissors. Dip a clean egg first in water, and then in chopped husks. Dry leaves adhere well to a smooth, damp surface.

Place the blank on a gauze square and add some more onion husks. We collect the cheesecloth, fasten it with a thread and get a strong bag, which is sent to the pan.

Having taken off the "clothes", you will find wonderful "marble" dyes.

7. Dot, dot, comma - cool paint came out!

A meditative egg: you look at it, you look, you are looking for something ... But the drawing is absolutely abstract ...

What to do... Dip the egg in water, and then immediately in a bowl of dry rice - roll properly. The grains will stick, you immediately wrap all this joy with gauze (or nylon) and cook in onion broth.

When you remove the fabric and remove the rice, you will find cute dots, if the rice was long - lines.

If the soul requires experimentation, in the same way you can get a pattern with the help of peas - you will get large dots.

By the way, curly pasta gives a very interesting drawing - I recommend trying it.

8. Flowers grow on the egg - on Easter, miracles are simple!

Tenderness. Patheticness. Translucency…
Flowers look especially beautiful on dyes.

Like everything above, it is simple and accessible.

✔ What to do. Raw eggs, we press small flowers against them (moreover, not only “flat” violets or lilacs, but also voluminous shaggy chrysanthemums, chamomiles), wrap them in several layers of nylon, tightly tie them. Cook.

We take off the "fur coat", admire the fruit of our efforts.

9. Girls painted dyed, drew thoughts with wax ...

There is something ancient, mysterious and mystical in the art of painting dyes with wax. And the egg that the scribe touched with wax is special: incredibly warm, sincere, correct.

Perhaps this method is the most laborious of all described, but the eggs that are obtained as a result of a little witchcraft are worth the effort.

What to do. On a raw cold egg, painted with the help of onion peel in a barely noticeable beige color, draw patterns with hot wax and write wishes, after which we put the eggs in a very concentrated broth and leave there for several hours.

After the eggs turn a rich brown color, intensively remove the wax with a napkin.

Tips for coloring eggs with onion skins

Experienced housewives, through trial and error, have identified the main options for coloring eggs for Easter. However, regardless of the chosen method, they must be prepared in advance.

A few tips for those who want to learn how to paint Easter eggs as a true master of his craft:

  • Onion peels are quite stable, however, after cooking, some housewives additionally soak eggs in vinegar just for greater color fastness;
  • Eggs for cooking must certainly be at room temperature: of course, this will not exclude possible cracking of the shell during cooking, however, it will significantly reduce the likelihood of such troubles;
  • To make the eggs dazzlingly shine and look festive and solemn on a plate, grease the ready-made handsome men with the thinnest layer of any vegetable oil - you won't take your eyes off! Do not use cotton pads for these purposes, gently moisten your fingers in the composition, then distribute over the shell;
  • Sometimes you can play a little naughty - boil a couple of dozen in onion husks quail eggs: you can't even imagine how touching and charming small eggs with a cute speck in a red-brown color look!

The result is a beautiful Easter treat and decoration.
based on materials

I have already shared my proven ones with you, today I want to talk about this interesting way decorating eggs, like painting with onion peels. The color can range from brown to deep red. The more onion skins are used for dyeing, the more juicy and vibrant the color of the eggs will be.

This time I didn't get a lot of husk (from 4 onions), so the color turned out to be not too red, but rather brown. But if you take a lot of husk, you get a very rich bright burgundy color.

For painting you need:

  • Onion husks - the more, the better

How to color eggs in onion skins:

So, put the prepared onion husks into a saucepan, pour water about half the volume and boil the husks for several minutes so that it gives off color, then boil the eggs in this water with the husks. This is the first way.

You can do it in the second way. Put onion skins in a saucepan, lay eggs on top, fill with water so that it completely covers the eggs, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

That's all, dyeing eggs in onion skins is as easy as shelling pears and you get a beautiful color from light brown to burgundy red!

Eggs painted in this way can be additionally painted with acrylic or gouache paints, or you can stick festive Easter stickers on them. This creative process children will especially like it!

Now, when a lot of all kinds of food colors and specialized chemicals are sold, it is worth thinking about the fact that eggs painted with natural substances are much more natural, more beautiful and safer.

We will tell you how to color eggs with onion skins. This is the most affordable and uncomplicated way. In addition, for the entire existence of this tradition, a more environmentally friendly and beautiful method of dyeing eggs, perhaps, has not yet been invented. Thanks to the husk, all sorts of shades of red are obtained, and if you take it from the Yalta onion, then the purple color of the shell will come out.

Why eggs are painted, where does this tradition come from?

There is an Easter tradition to exchange dyes with each other. The custom has ancient roots. The story goes that Mary Magdalene decided to convey the news of the resurrection of Christ to the emperor Tiberius.

It was not customary to go on a visit empty-handed, so she took the most affordable gift - a chicken egg, believing that it was very symbolic: at the top was a shell, and inside was life. Isn't this the personification of eternity? ..

The emperor did not believe her words, saying that this could not be, as well as the fact that this is an egg white turns red. It immediately turned red. This is the origin of this custom.

We make dyes with onion husks

We will paint eggs in onions (husks). Samples of white and brown will come in handy.



  1. Pour water into the previously collected onion husks.
  2. Salt.
  3. We boil for 50 minutes until the broth is obtained.
  4. Let’s stand for two hours.
  5. We filter.
  6. Cook eggs in strained broth for ten minutes, periodically turning them over.
  7. We put it in cold water.
  8. Let it cool.
  9. We take it out and wipe it well with a dry towel.

When boiling, eggs should be completely covered with water. If the broth is not enough for this, then add water and stir.


If the broth is not strained from the husk, then the color may turn out to be heterogeneous.

Marble eggs with onion husks and greens

This recipe is for those who want to get original decoration To festive table... Dyeing eggs with onion husks with greens is not difficult. This is a short process, but the result will be beautiful: the shell will turn out to be marbled.

You need to take:

  • eggs;
  • greenery;
  • threads;
  • gauze or nylon;
  • rubber gloves.

Hull painting process:

  1. Remember the husk, it will get smaller.
  2. Wet your eggs.
  3. Husk (or lay down).
  4. We put the egg in the nylon together with the stuck husk.
  5. We tie it with a bag and fix it with threads.
  6. Cut off the unnecessary end.
  7. Cook.

Green staining process:


  • Try to grind the husk with a coffee grinder, then the effect will come out even more beautiful.
  • Eggs dyed in this way are individual for each, depending on the amount of greens spent and the adhesion of the husk.

How to make marble eggs - video

Several ways to create a pattern on the shell

You can diversify it easter decoration by painting eggs with onions and applying original patterns. In these recipes, we will tell you how to color the eggs correctly so that the shell is patterned.

We need:

Marble dyes

Cooking option:

  1. Husk from different types mix onions (red, yellow, orange).
  2. Add small pieces of paper there.
  3. Together with a wet egg, wrap it in nylon (gauze).
  4. Cook for 30 minutes over low heat.
  5. We rinse under cold water. All is ready!

Cooking method:

  1. We moisten the eggs.
  2. Dip in rice (dry).
  3. Wrap tightly in gauze (stocking).
  4. Put in onion broth.
  5. Cook for about ten minutes.
  6. We take out.
  7. We rinse in cold water. Ready!


  • You can take peas instead of rice, you get round spots.
  • A peculiar effect will be obtained if olives cut into rings are attached to the eggs.

Be sure to make wonderful patterned dyes!

Striped eggs

To obtain striped eggs, before cooking in husks, they must be wrapped with rubber bands or threads.

How to diversify:

  1. Make several dyes with horizontal stripes.
  2. Several - with vertical stripes.
  3. On others, arrange the stripes randomly.
  4. On the rest, make symbolic crosses.

This Easter decoration will be even more beautiful if, after staining, it is rubbed with cotton wool dipped in vegetable oil. It will turn out great!

Lace pattern

Fairy tale and magic are hidden in dyes with such an ornament! Amazing patterns, wonderful curls, intricate loops are obtained thanks to lace. It's easy to get these delicious dyes.

The main thing is to choose the right lace material so that the drawing is not too small, but not too large.



In addition to lace, you can use other textured material for the same purposes, for example, a plastic net in which fruits are sold in stores.

Painted with a picture (the first method)

An incredibly beautiful shell is obtained if you attach the leaves of any plants to it. Some of them even add a hue, for example, a birch leaf colors the drawing yellow.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare leaves (from flowers or other plants).
  2. Attach them to the egg and wrap with gauze (tightly).
  3. Cook in husk broth as usual.

Enjoy the resulting beauty!

Easter eggs with a pattern of leaves - video

With a picture (second way)

You can make unusual lines on the shell, surreal squiggles, draw snowflakes, trees, etc.


  1. We take electrical tape and cut out everything we want from it (hearts, snowflakes, droplets, etc.)
  2. We stick them on the shell.
  3. Cook.
  4. We detach the electrical tape.

We admire how beautiful it is!


  • Adults usually do not have time for such applications. But who claims that adults should do this? Get toddlers involved. The children will be very happy with this assignment.
  • You may get tape, which can only be torn off with the shell, but a positive result is still obtained much more often.

Draw with a needle

We create magic ourselves! We take a needle and start scratching something on the egg, painted with husk. Complex ornaments or some incredible designs are not within the power of everyone. But you can scribble inscriptions like "Christ is Risen!" or make a personalized egg as a keepsake. Believe me, this is quite an exciting experience.

Decorating with flowers

There is nothing complicated in this method.


  1. Instead of leaves or rice, we tie flowers to the eggs (you can take shaggy ones, for example, chamomile, etc.).
  2. Wrap in 2-3 layers of nylon (gauze).
  3. Cook in onion broth.
  4. We get it.
  5. "Undress" by removing the nylon.

We enjoy the result. See for yourself that it is easy and beautiful!

Gradient dyes

Thanks to this method, unusual, solemn dyes are obtained. The manufacturing process will be a little more complicated than the previous ones, but the result is worth it.

What should be done:

  1. Select a cookware that allows you to install required amount eggs in the right position.
  2. We put the eggs vertically.
  3. Fill 1/3 with the broth of the husk and cook for five minutes.
  4. Add another 1/3 of the broth and boil for three minutes.
  5. Pour the broth so that the eggs are completely covered with it.
  6. Cook for five minutes.
  7. We merge.

In this way, wonderful transitions from dark to light color come out.

We make dyes and paint with wax

This method is more time consuming, but the most mystical and magical. The eggs turn out to be incredibly soulful and warm.

Cooking process:

Beet coloring

A rich burgundy shell will come out if dyes are made in beet broth.