Chicken meatballs with cottage cheese and oatmeal. Chicken meatballs with cottage cheese and oatmeal Meatballs with oatmeal

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A difficult recipe for meatballs with oatmeal, recipe home cooking with photos and a step-by-step description of the cooking process. According to this recipe, it is easy to cook it yourself at home for 55. It contains only 330 kilocalories.

  • Complexity: Difficult recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: Main dishes
  • Preparation time: 18 minutes
  • Cooking time: 55
  • Amount of calories: 330 kilocalories
  • Servings: 6 servings

Ingredients for six servings

  • Minced meat (chicken, pork) - 600 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Oatmeal - 0.5 cup
  • Milk - 0.5 cups
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste
  • For sauce:
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Tomato - paste - 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • Sour cream - 100-150 g
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste

Step by step cooking

  1. Products for meatballs in front of you.
  2. How to cook meatballs with hercules: Peel and wash the onion and garlic. Grate on a fine grater.
  3. Boil milk. Put oatmeal in a bowl, pour over milk, leave for 5 minutes.
  4. Crack the egg into the flakes, mix well.
  5. Put the minced meat in a bowl, add onion, garlic, prepared oatmeal. Salt, pepper.
  6. Stir well (until smooth).
  7. Peel and wash onions and carrots. Cut into thin strips. Heat up a frying pan, pour vegetable oil. Put onions and carrots. Simmer, stirring, over medium heat for 2-3 minutes.
  8. Add sour cream and tomato paste.
  9. Salt, pepper. Mix the sauce well. Remove from fire.
  10. Turn on the oven. Grease a baking sheet vegetable oil. Form meatballs with wet hands, put on a baking sheet.
  11. Drizzle sauce over each meatball. Put the baking sheet in the oven on the middle shelf. Bake meatballs at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.
  12. Meatballs with oatmeal are ready!
  13. Serve meatballs with your favorite side dish. Bon Appetit!

chicken meatballswonderful option diet food dishes chicken meat. They always turn out tender, tasty and therefore will suit a wide audience: supporters of a healthy diet, lovers of delicious food, children who are losing weight, as well as everyone who values ​​their time and does not have the opportunity to stand at the stove for a long time.

  • Type of dish: second course
  • Calories: 112 kcal
Meatballs are prepared simply and quickly. This is a recipe for healthy eating and diet recipe simultaneously.


  • chicken fillet - 500 g.,
  • cottage cheese - 50 g.,
  • hercules - 0.5 cups,
  • egg - 1 pc.,
  • bulb - 1 pc.,
  • garlic - 4 cloves,
  • 4 tbsp hot water,
  • 1 tsp salt, black ground pepper and paprika,
  • sour cream for topping, optional

How to cook meatballs


1. We make minced meat from chicken fillet and onions, garlic pass through the press.

2. In a small bowl, mix the oatmeal with hot water, then add the egg, cottage cheese to it and mix everything.

3. Add the herculean mixture, garlic, all spices to the minced meat and mix well until smooth.

4. We form small meatballs with wet hands and put them in a saucepan or a wide low pan. It is desirable that they occupy the entire bottom and do not lie on top of each other.

5. Add some water and sour cream (optional), cover with a lid and put on a small fire to stew. In 20 minutes the meatballs will be ready.

Chicken meatballs, despite the dryish meat, are surprisingly tender and light. The sauce formed during the stewing process is perfect as a non-greasy gravy for a side dish. The meatballs themselves do not contain many calories and a minimum of fat, and for those who follow the figure, with any vegetables for garnish, they will make a healthy and tasty duet.

Meatballs are often made with rice, which is usually eaten as a shelled cereal and therefore contains mostly high-calorie starch that is not very necessary for the body. Replacing it with oatmeal and cottage cheese adds more useful qualities to such meatballs.

I also want to refer the reader to an article that describes a method of cleaning chicken meat before cooking it with hydrogen peroxide, since there is a possibility that the chicken - the owner of the fillet, was fed not quite eco-friendly food.

Other simple recipes chicken meat dishes:

Bon appetit and stay healthy!