Red and black currant fruit drink. How to make black or red currant fruit drink

In the spring, the body of any person is deficient in vitamins, some people even develop vitamin deficiencies and anemia. To cope with this, as well as to support and strengthen your immunity, homemade preparations from frozen berries will help.

Offers today vitamin recipe- fruit drink from frozen currants.

We always harvest berries for the winter from autumn: cranberries, lingonberries, raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, black and red currants and others ... which melt rapidly with the arrival of winter and especially with the beginning of spring.

We buy cranberries and lingonberries and freeze some of the berries, and store the other part in glass 3-liter jars, fill them with plain water and place them on the lower shelf of the refrigerator.

All other berries are not purchased from us, but our own - our harvest, grown and harvested by our own hands at their summer cottage.

In addition to making compotes, preserves, jellies, jams, and other delicious homemade preparations from them, we freeze some of the berries in order to prepare healthy vitamin fruit drinks from them in winter and spring. Children, by the way, can also cook jelly.

My homemates like morsiks more, and they can be cooked either from one type of berries, or you can take several types from an assortment (it will be both healthier and tastier).

It is not difficult to cook fruit drink, the main thing is that at the same time as many vitamins as possible are preserved in it. After all, it is known that heat treatment foods kill most vitamins and minerals.

How to prepare fruit drink from berries so as not to lose them? There are some small secrets here, which of course I will gladly share with you. The berries must be removed from the freezer and allowed to thaw completely. You can use absolutely any berries that you have for fruit drink, in my case it was black currant.

This year she had a bountiful harvest and we froze a lot of her, along with strawberries,



red currant.

We also adore making fruit drinks from cranberries, it turns out in the same way as in the case of fruit drinks from black or red currants - a fruit drink of a pleasant sour taste.

By the way, depending on which berries you take for making fruit drinks - sour or sweet, you will need to add a different amount of sugar.

We love fruit drinks with sourness, so we put a minimum amount of granulated sugar in it.

To prepare a delicious, beautiful, healthy, vitamin drink - frozen currant juice, you will need the following products:

  • any frozen berries (cranberries, lingonberries, black currants, red currants, etc.) - 400 g
  • water - 2.5-3 l
  • granulated sugar or honey - 0.5 cups

The process of making fruit drink from berries:

  1. Fully defrosted berries
    you need to crush with a wooden crush.

    In order to make it easier to squeeze the juice out of them through cheesecloth later, I add a little clean filtered water to the mashed berries.

    You, of course, can greatly facilitate your task by passing the berries through a mixer or juicer, but in this case, the loss of some vitamins is inevitable, since when in contact with the metal parts of the electrical appliance, the squeezed juice oxidizes.

  2. We have obtained a natural vitamin juice from squeezed berries of a rich color.
  3. There are still oilcakes that we do not throw away,
  4. Fill them with water and put them to simmer on the fire without bringing them to a boil, covering them with a lid (this way we can preserve vitamins as much as possible).
  5. If you took an enameled pan for cooking fruit drinks, then keep in mind that its walls will stain strongly and then it will be difficult to clean them.

    I brew in enamel pot, I use the largest specially for these purposes - fruit drinks and compotes, since the processes of oxidation and destruction of vitamins take place in it least of all.

  6. After a quarter of an hour, turn off the heat, filter, now the cake can be thrown away,
  7. After filtering, there is such a fruit drink.
  8. Add the previously squeezed juice to the fruit drink, sweeten it to taste with sugar or honey.

Everything - a tasty, healthy, vitamin drink - frozen currant juice is ready.

Bon Appetit!

If you use purchased frozen berries and therefore cannot know how the conditions for freezing them were respected, then I advise you, after adding freshly squeezed berry juice to the fruit drink, bring it to a boil at least.

We have our own preparations, so I can safely prepare fruit drinks according to this recipe - without boiling and thereby getting a healthy drink enriched with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

You can cook for yourself such a fruit drink from any berries as a good thirst quencher for colds and weakening of the body, since the drink has an antipyretic and tonic drink.

In addition, berry juice is an excellent remedy for edema. And just drinking a glass of berry vitamin juice a day is very useful, it is a good prevention of vitamin deficiency. If you notice brittle nails, dull hair, flaky skin, then you just need such a drink, especially if you sweeten it with honey.

After cooling down, the fruit drink can be refrigerated. But we usually drink it in a day.

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In summer, it is good to quench your thirst with such a drink as red currant juice, it gives coolness, refreshes and tones up on a hot summer day. The most important thing is that fruit drinks are very useful, as they are rich in vitamins of group C. They are prepared from sweet and sour berries, such as red, black, white currants, cranberries, lingonberries, sea buckthorn, etc. Fruit drink differs from compote by the presence of fresh berry juice in its composition and a low sugar content... (in more detail how to cook) The shelf life of fruit drinks is not long, no more than 24 hours in the refrigerator. This soft drink is very easy to prepare. There are many recipes, but the principle of their preparation is almost always the same.

Ingredients for currant juice

To prepare about 1 liter of refreshing red currant fruit drink, you will need:

  • red currant berries 1-1.5 tbsp;
  • water 800-850 ml;
  • granulated sugar 2-3 tbsp;
  • ice cubes (optional)

Cooking red currant fruit drink

Berries for fruit drinks can be used fresh or frozen. This means that such a soft drink can be prepared, regardless of the season and the ripening time of the berries.

We sort out the berries and remove the branches, wash them with running water (it is most convenient to use a slotted spoon or colander). We simply defrost frozen red currant berries when room temperature... If they were properly frozen (sorted out, washed and dried), then additional processing not required.

Knead the currants with a fork, crush or the convex side of a spoon.

Wipe the mashed berries through a sieve.

It turns out about 70-100 ml of juice.

The gruel remaining after squeezing is still rich in vitamins and we will also use it. It is better to send the resulting currant juice to the refrigerator, for the duration of the further preparation of the fruit drink. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and send the squeezed cake there. After waiting for a second boil, remove the container from the heat.

We filter the composition through a sieve. Now we have taken everything from the berries and we can throw away the skins and seeds without regret. Pour the fruit drink into a decanter and cool a little.

Without added sugar, the fruit drink will be bland and not tasty, so add granulated sugar to the carafe.

Mix well until completely dissolved, while the fruit drink is warm. When the fruit drink has cooled well, pour the previously squeezed berry juice from the refrigerator into the decanter. Morse is recommended to be consumed cold, so for several hours we send the entire decanter to the refrigerator.

Serve it in glasses or glasses half filled with ice cubes.

You can add a sprig of mint or a slice of lemon as decoration.

Currant juice is an inexhaustible source of vitamins, it invigorates the body in a hot summer. Red currants are ideal for preparing such refreshing summer fruit drinks. The sweet and sour taste of these berries quenches thirst well on a hot summer day, giving a pleasant breath of coolness. Currants are rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, vitamins C, B, P, A and other useful elements. Read more about. By eating currant juice, you will keep your body in good shape.

The best drink recipes for every taste


1 hour

44 kcal

5/5 (1)

Black and red currant juice is not only a refreshing drink, which is so necessary in hot weather, but also a healthy, tasty and rich cocktail at any time of the year. Its plus is that it will perfectly replace the sweet carbonated water with dyes that children love.

With the help of a variety of flavoring and aromatic additives, fruit drinks can be made even more original and unique.

How to choose the right ingredients

Currant is very valuable and useful product nutrition. Each variety has its own advantages.

Did you know? For example, black currant is characterized by the presence huge amount necessary vitamin C, red, in turn, contains coumarins, which are necessary for the body if it is necessary to reduce blood clotting. White, on the other hand, is the sweetest, it is better to eat it immediately from a branch, without freezing.

In order for the currant fruit drink, the recipe of which you will see below, be of high quality, you should pay attention to the following indicators:

  • Colour. The richer and brighter the color, the better, because currants with a bright red or bright black color are the freshest. You see a berry that is too dark - this indicates that it is overripe.
  • Form. This is a very important indicator. My grandmother grows currants herself, and always says that the rounder and plumper the berry is, the better and fresher it is. At the same time, it must be solid enough.
  • Appearance. Look for currants sold on sprigs. It will be stored for as long as possible. But there is also a minus - the weight of such a product will be greater, albeit slightly.
  • Leftover leaves should not be thrown away after all, an excellent option is the ability to brew them with tea, due to which it will become more aromatic and healthier.

Blackcurrant fruit drink

Kitchen appliances and utensils: saucepan, ladle, bowl, spoon, stove.


Step by step recipe

Did you know? Never add sugar to the fruit drink immediately after removing it from the stove. To do this, you need to wait until the drink has cooled to 50 degrees. Your drink is ready!

Frozen blackcurrant fruit drink is no different from fresh fruit fruit drink.

After watching this video, you will visually familiarize yourself with the technique of its preparation, see the sequence of adding ingredients and all the processes step by step.

Red currant fruit drink

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 10-12.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: saucepan, ladle, bowl, glass 3 liter cans, plate.


Step by step recipe

Fresh red currant fruit drink - great recipe for the winter.

Your drink is ready, you can hide it in the closet until winter. Now you know how to cook red currant fruit drink.

You can also make frozen red currant fruit drink, its taste will be the same rich and tasty.

Video recipe for currant fruit drink

In this video, you will get acquainted with the technique and sequence of preparing fruit drinks for the winter, see which cans are better to use, and also enjoy the aesthetic appearance of the drink.

What to serve with red and black currant fruit drinks

This drink can be served with a variety of sweets, including:

  • chocolate and biscuit cakes;
  • pancakes with cheese, condensed milk or honey;
  • shortbread cookies, waffles and cakes.

In very hot weather, fruit drink is drunk in unlimited quantities, it quickly quenches thirst and refreshes.

  • In the process of preparing fruit drink, you should not use metal kitchen utensils, for example, a spoon, because the vitamin contained in currants, when interacting with such objects, loses all its useful properties.
  • When choosing currants, pay attention to its appearance, it should be: bright in color, firm, round and plump.
  • If you want to diversify your drink, you can add berries that go well with currants: cherries, blueberries, gooseberries or cranberries.

Important! If you are a honey lover, you can add it instead of sugar. In this case, you need to be careful with the proportions.

Other options for making fruit drinks

The drink can be prepared from absolutely any berries. Use whichever flavor you like best. For example, cranberries make delicious. Due to the beneficial properties of currants, it is best to make a mix that includes one of its types.

There are many other ways to make red currant juice, among them this: you need to grind the berries in a blender or use a standard pusher and mix with boiled water.

A very useful recipe for fruit drink, which includes strawberries, lingonberries, currants different types and cherries. It is necessary to separate the berries from the seeds, knead the fruits with a spoon or crush, mix with water and bring to a boil. Then add sugar and boil for about 5 minutes more, drain and cool.

Another refreshing drink is very popular and varied.
For those who do not like sweet fruit drinks, you can cook or.

Did you like the recipe for black and red currant fruit drink? Which taste impressed you more? Share your preferences and supplement options in the comments below my recipe.

Black currant is a berry famous for its useful properties and taste... It contains a lot of vitamin C, potassium, iron, calcium. It is also rich in essential oils, organic acids, tannins. In Russia, this berry has long been used to prepare various drinks. The most famous of them is of course the fruit drink.

Blackcurrant fruit drink is a popular drink among all segments of the population. Fragrant and refreshing, it will give you coolness in the summer heat. In winter, when frosts are raging outside the window and the supply of vitamins in the body is running out, it will strengthen health, help to cope with colds, and protect against flu.

Beneficial features

"Smorod", as the ancient Russians called the black currant, which translates as a strong smell. Flowers, fruits, leaves, buds and even its branches are fragrant. This plant owes its aroma to a large number essential oils that it contains. They, in turn, explain most of its medicinal properties.

IN folk medicine the following medicinal properties of currants are most often used:

  • antibacterial
  • immunomodulatory
  • anti-inflammatory
  • antioxidant
  • diuretic
  • blood-purifying
  • tonic
  • fortifying.

The berries also contain a lot of vitamin C. By the way, it is the culprit for the sour taste that the fruits of this plant have. To satisfy a person's daily need for this element, it is enough to eat a handful of berries. And everyone knows how important it is for the body. The fruits of black currant also contain folic acid, which helps to remove toxins from the body, potassium, which relieves swelling, iron, which is necessary for hematopoiesis, as well as many other substances necessary for a person.
When heated, some vitamins are invariably destroyed. Because of this, compotes, jellies, and jams practically do not contain them. Morse, on the other hand, is usually prepared with minimal heat treatment, so it is the most valuable drink in terms of health benefits.

Recipes and methods of cooking fruit drinks

There are several recipes and methods for making fruit drinks. We have selected the most interesting in terms of recipes and technology.

Traditional recipe

For a home feast, traditional fruit drink is most often prepared from. The recipe contains only three ingredients - berries, water and sugar.

Products required for cooking:

  • a glass of berries;
  • water - 1 l.

First, the fruits are prepared. They are washed, sorted out, freed from twigs, leaves, and other debris. Then the berries are put in a saucepan and kneaded thoroughly with a wooden pestle or spoon. The resulting mass is wrung out. At the same time, the juice is poured into a separate glass jar and placed in the refrigerator. The remaining pomace is put back into the pan, hot water is poured into it. Cook for about 10 minutes, then cool and filter. The resulting broth is combined with juice, sugar is added. You can put ice cubes in a glass with fruit drink, decorate it with a sprig of mint.

Vitamin fruit drink

Very tasty and healthy fruit drink from black currant with the addition of lemon. To prepare it you will need:

  • a glass of fresh berries;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 200 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 liter of water.

The fruits are sorted out, washed and squeezed out of juice. The remaining pomace is boiled as in the first recipe, then filtered. Lemon juice, currants, sugar are added to the broth and everything is mixed. Glasses with fruit drinks are decorated with a slice of lemon.

Advice! In order for the berries to give their juice better when pressed, you can add a few tablespoons of boiled water to them.

Recipe for the lazy

This recipe is for those who don't want to bother cooking. There will be a little less vitamins, but the hassle of preparing a drink will decrease.

You will need:

  • currants - 250 g;
  • granulated sugar - half a glass;
  • water - one and a half liters.

The berries are kneaded, put in a saucepan, poured with water, covered with sugar. After boiling, remove from the stove, let it brew, then filter. Morse is ready.

A quick way to make fruit drinks

If there is no time at all, then fruit drink can be made according to this recipe. It turns out to be no less tasty and healthy.


  • berries - 300 g;
  • half a glass of granulated sugar;
  • boiled water - half a liter.

Wash the black currant thoroughly, then knead it with a fork or pestle. Squeeze the juice, add sugar, water and stir. Serve chilled.

Advice! During the preparation of fruit drink, it is better not to use metal objects, since vitamin C, in contact with metal, is destroyed.

Frozen berry fruit drink

Frozen blackcurrant fruit drink is good because it can be cooked even in winter, and it takes less time for it, since frozen berries give their juice better.

You will need:

  • frozen berries - 400 g;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • water - 2.5 liters.
The berries are pre-thawed, then kneaded. The resulting mass is squeezed through cheesecloth. The juice is drained and placed in the refrigerator, and the skins with grains are simmered over low heat for 20 minutes. After this time, the broth is removed from the heat and, covered with a lid, is allowed to stand for about an hour. After that, filter, combine with juice, sugar and stir. You can put honey, spices in glasses before serving, but this is optional.

Blender Fruit Drink Recipe

To facilitate the work of preparing fruit drinks, you can use a blender. Modern housewives will surely appreciate this recipe.

For cooking, you will need the following products:

  • berries - 250 g;
  • granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • lemon;
  • water - 4 glasses.

The zest is cut from the lemon, the currants are washed. Everything is put in a blender, covered with sugar, poured into a glass of boiling water and chopped. Then pour out the remaining water, lemon juice and beat again. The resulting mass is filtered and poured into glasses. Decorate with mint leaves, lemon zest.

Cooking fruit drink in a multicooker

This method of preparing fruit drinks will be useful for those housewives who have such useful household appliances in their kitchens as a multicooker.

Required Ingredients

  • berries - 300 g;
  • granulated sugar - a glass;
  • lemon;
  • water - 2 l.

Pre-cleaned of garbage, washed fruits are put into a multicooker bowl, poured with water, covered with sugar. Lemon zest and juice squeezed out of it are also put there. Set the timer on the cooking mode for 5-6 minutes. Then the cooled mass is crushed using a submersible blender and filtered. Delicious, refreshing fruit drink is ready!

How to cook blackcurrant fruit drink with honey and thyme, you can learn from this video:

All materials on the site are presented solely for informational purposes. Before using any means, a consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Updated: 08-11-2019