A simple jelly cake in a slow cooker. Curd banana jelly in a slow cooker How to cook jelly in a slow cooker

Ingredients for 0.5l jelly:

  • black currant - 1100 gr
  • sugar - 550 gr
  • water - 150 ml

Delicious thick blackcurrant jelly in winter will help you out more than once in a situation when you need to make a filling for pies, croissants, or just put something on the table for tea. This delicacy is prepared, first of all, not only for enjoyment, but also for the treatment or prevention of colds. After all, black currant is a real treasure, which contains a whole storehouse of vitamins.

To enjoy delicious currant jelly in winter, you need to take measures now to prepare it. It is worth noting that it is not as easy to prepare as it seems at first glance, but the result is worth it. Although with the latest gadgets in the kitchen, a lot is already becoming easier for us. And this time we will cook blackcurrant jelly in a slow cooker - my favorite kitchen assistant. And without the addition of various pectin-based thickening powders, because currant itself has unique gelling properties that turn jam into thickest jelly... The longer you cook, the thicker the jelly. But here it is important not to overdo it.

I am preparing currant jelly in a multicooker Redmond 4502 (power 860 W). In this case, I use the "Stew" mode, which is most often suitable for making jam. But you can also make jellies and jams using the Multipovar program, setting the temperature to 100-120 degrees, depending on the power of the multicooker. In my case, 100 degrees is not enough for a boil. Therefore, I often use stewing or 120 degrees in a multi-cook. For readers of the site who have other models of multicooker, I advise you to carefully monitor the entire process for the first time and, if necessary, change the temperature regime.

Cooking method

  1. Prepare currant berries, sugar and water. Now we can start the process.

  2. We wash the berries thoroughly, sort out. Pour into a bowl and crush with a crush.

  3. We spread the resulting mass of currants in the multicooker bowl. Pour in 150ml of water. We turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 10 minutes.

  4. During this time, the berries will boil and boil for several minutes. Turn off the multicooker. Let the mass cool down a little.

  5. And now we filter in a convenient way. You can squeeze the juice through cheesecloth or other suitable cloth, or rub it through a fine sieve. I squeezed the juice with my hands through the cloth. The cake turned out to be quite wet. I think if you use a sieve, it will be of better quality. From 1100 grams of berries, 650 ml of juice was obtained.

  6. Now we need to take the same amount of sugar. I use cups. It took me 550-560 grams of sugar in total.

  7. Pour the juice and pour the sugar into the multicooker bowl. Stir thoroughly. We turn on the "Quenching" program for 20 minutes.

  8. I do not close the lid of the multicooker and I do not advise you, otherwise the jam may run out of the bowl. Stir periodically and remove the foam from the surface. In the stewing mode, my jam boils quite strongly and rises almost to the very top mark of the bowl. Therefore, I do not recommend using more ingredients at one time, so that the jam level is not exceeded.

  9. After 20 minutes, we make a solidification test. We drip the future jelly on a saucer and let it cool completely by placing it in the refrigerator. If it has hardened well, then blackcurrant jelly in a slow cooker is ready!

  10. Since my jelly boiled well enough, it was only enough to fill just one half-liter jar.

  11. The jar must be sterilized in advance with the lid together. Fill it with hot currant jelly and let it cool without rolling up the lid. I covered it lightly with a napkin so that debris or insects did not get into the jar, and there was no unnecessary exposure to air.

  12. When the jelly is solid and almost cold, I test it by flipping the jar onto the barrel. See how it holds its shape perfectly? Now you can roll up a hot sterile lid and send it to the pantry until winter or spring.

  13. Currant jelly is stored very well. If it is possible to store workpieces in a dry dark room, you can use a paper lid instead of a tin lid. A piece of parchment can be alcoholized, wrapped around the neck of the jar and tied with a string. However, such a jar should not be in the basement, because it is damp and jelly there can deteriorate under the paper, being saturated with moisture.

Such blackcurrant jelly, cooked in a slow cooker, is ideal for tea drinking. It can be used to prepare filling for various baked goods. One such half-liter can is enough for a considerable amount flour products... Rolls and croissants will work especially well, since ordinary jam is simply poured out of them, and the jelly will become an excellent filling that keeps its shape. Bon Appetit!

How harder recipe, the longer it will take to prepare the dish. But using a multicooker to make desserts has positive aspects.

  • Firstly, when baking muffins, pies, cakes, pastries do not burn, so you do not need to constantly monitor the readiness of the dish.
  • Secondly, the dough in a multicooker rises well due to uniform heating. It does not shrink, as is often the case in the oven.
  • Thirdly, in a multicooker you can cook a lot delicious desserts, which we prove by the variety of proposed recipes.

The only negative: if your multicooker does not have a 3D heating function, then the top crust of cakes, pies, pastries or muffins will not redden. But this situation can be easily corrected if, at the end of the cooking time, turn the baked goods over or simply decorate the dessert with cream, berries, pastry sprinkles, etc.

Desserts in a multicooker for every taste!

Desserts in a slow cooker are especially tasty and tender. With this technique, you can easily prepare any cake or cupcake. The finished dish turns out to be very fluffy, soft and tasty. You can use different ingredients to make desserts. They differ in amazing taste curd desserts... Summer will be reminiscent of desserts with berries or fruits, for example, baked apples or pears, pies with berry and fruit fillings.

You can use different cooking modes to prepare desserts. But in the majority of the optimal program for preparing different desserts is the "Baking" mode.

Desserts in a slow cooker: recipes for every day!

In this section you can familiarize yourself with various recipes making desserts for tea. Cakes, puddings, muffins, pastries, sweet tarts and more you will learn how to cook as you familiarize yourself with the suggested recipes. Each dessert is unique and its taste is unforgettable. Cook sweet dishes with pleasure and indulge your family with a variety of desserts prepared using modern household appliances - a multicooker.
Desserts in a slow cooker are simple and delicious!

It's hot outside and I don't really want to turn on the oven for cooking something sweet. And in general, you start to treat food very picky: the body requires light, fresh ...

And so the idea for this cake was born. At the heart of the simplest and quick recipe biscuit, then my favorite curd jelly (I make it very often), and some fruit on top for a summer mood. Since when I was making this dessert, there were no berries yet, I took pineapples in a jar. It turned out not very bright, so next time I added a handful of frozen currants, and the jelly sparkled with bright colors!

Here are the ingredients:

First, let's prepare the gelatin. Fill the part for the curd jelly with milk, and the part for the fruit layer with juice from canned pineapples. Since the pineapple layer is quite thin, I put the jelly powder on the eye - an incomplete teaspoon. Leave the gelatin for 1-2 hours. By the way, I slightly increased the amount of juice (+50 ml) by adding water with sugar and a drop of lemon juice.

In the meantime, we are making a biscuit. Beat the eggs for about five minutes. Then gradually add sugar and beat the same amount more. Further flour (with vanilla). Gently mix it with a spatula (not with a mixer). Pour the dough into a slow cooker.

We turn on the baking mode and set the time to 25 minutes. After 20 minutes, we check the readiness and, if necessary, turn it off.

We make a curd layer. To do this, beat the cottage cheese with sugar and sour cream. It is convenient to use a hand blender. When the gelatin swells, turn on the mode, for example, "Quenching" and heat until it dissolves (but do not boil). Pour the gelatin through a strainer into curd mass... Since the milk curdles a little, the gelatin, as seen in the photo, comes out with lumps. But the hand blender corrects the situation. Therefore, I do not make gelatin on water, as it is necessary, so that the taste is richer.

Cooled down ready biscuit put in a mold with split sides, fill in curd jelly... We put in the refrigerator to solidify.

We take out and lay out the pineapple rings (or better slices, so that it is more convenient to cut and eat). Fill with cooled pineapple jelly. To do this, heat the pineapple juice solution in the mode, for example, "Stewing" until the gelatin dissolves.

Let cool in the refrigerator.

In order to remove the form, its edges need to be slightly heated. I put it on the pot where the soup was boiled.

Bon Appetit!

    0h. 10 min.


    8 h. 30 min.


    166Kcal / 100 g

    Calorie content


Jelly in a multicooker with brown sugar preparing in a slow cooker. It turns out fragrant and tasty. Jelly is easy to prepare, but it only takes time, and so from simple products we get delicious jelly that will transform any day into a holiday.
The jelly recipe is a classic of English cuisine, and in general jelly is very typical for England. For jelly, you should use apples, giving preference green varieties, such as Granny Smith, Antonovka or Semerinka, it is preferable to take green varieties of apples due to the fact that the amount of pectin, that is, the gelling substance in them, is greater. The jelly is simply created for lamb - this is a classic, and also goes well with poultry, fish. Suitable with liver terrines, Stilton-type cheeses. In desserts, a special combination with chocolate, scones and pancakes. You will need 4 x 200 ml jars

Multicooker jelly with brown sugar is cooked in a multicooker. It turns out fragrant and tasty. Jelly is easy to prepare, but it only takes time, and from simple products we get delicious jelly that will transform any day into a holiday.
The jelly recipe is a classic of English cuisine, and in general jelly is very typical for England. For jelly, it is worth using apples, giving preference to green varieties, such as Granny Smith, Antonovka or Semerinka, preferring green varieties of apples due to the fact that the amount of pectin, that is, the gelling substance in them, is greater. Jelly is simply created for lamb - this is a classic, and also goes well with poultry, fish. Suitable with liver terrines, Stilton-type cheeses. In desserts, a special combination with chocolate, scones and pancakes. You will need 4 x 200 ml jars

Multicooker jelly with brown sugar is cooked in a multicooker. It turns out fragrant and tasty. Jelly is easy to prepare, but it only takes time, and from simple products we get delicious jelly that will transform any day into a holiday.
The jelly recipe is a classic of English cuisine, and in general jelly is very typical for England. For jelly, it is worth using apples, giving preference to green varieties, such as Granny Smith, Antonovka or Semerinka, preferring green varieties of apples due to the fact that the amount of pectin, that is, the gelling substance in them, is greater. Jelly is simply created for lamb - this is a classic, and also goes well with poultry, fish. Suitable with liver terrines, Stilton-type cheeses. In desserts, a special combination with chocolate, scones and pancakes. You will need 4 x 200 ml jars

A cold dessert will be a decoration for anyone festive table... It will please not only your guests and family, but it will also become a favorite dessert for kids. With the help of a multicooker, you can prepare milk chocolate jelly quickly and easily. Such a dessert, prepared on the basis of natural milk, will become not only a favorite delicacy for children and adults, but also sources of important microelements and vitamins.


  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar:
  • 1 tablespoon of gelatin;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa;
  • 1 tablespoon of gelatin.

Cooking recipe

  • First you need to prepare the first part of the jelly - milk. Therefore, pour milk into the multicooker bowl, add sugar to it.

  • The milk and sugar should boil. To do this, set the “Soup” mode for only 5 minutes. At the end of the regime, give more gelatin and mix well with a spoon.

  • We take a regular glass and fill it halfway with milk mixed with gelatin. We put it in the refrigerator to freeze the dessert.

  • Meanwhile, making chocolate jelly. Pour milk into the multicooker, add sugar, and additionally also cocoa (put 2 tablespoons). We turn on the same mode - "Soup" and wait for the milk to boil. It takes only a few minutes.

  • Then add gelatin there and mix thoroughly.

  • The glass in which it has frozen during this time milk jelly, remove from the refrigerator and fill the remaining half of the glass with freshly cooked, slightly cooled chocolate jelly. And again we put it in the refrigerator - now, as it should, the second part of the cold dessert should solidify.

  • When the jelly is completely frozen, you can take it out of your refrigerator and enjoy your milk chocolate dessert. And also do not forget to treat your relatives. Bon appetit, everyone!