How to make milk jelly. Milk jelly

Before you start cooking a dish from gelatin, it must be diluted in water.

The most important thing is to learn how to do it right.

We dissolve gelatin initially in cold water, and then we heat the solution, brought with additional water to the volume we need.

There are some tricks:

  1. It is very important to observe all the necessary proportions, this is done in order not to get rubber as a result. If you have 20 grams of gelatin, then mix them with one liter of water. You end up with dangling jellies. A little more gelatin (from 40 to 60 grams) for the same liter of water, we get jelly, which will need to be cut.
  2. Gelatin is not boiled in any case, otherwise it will simply thicken and that's it.
  3. To make the fruit dish look beautiful, and the gelatin is evenly distributed in the form, you need to finely chop the fruit.
  4. Do not cool the gelatin in the freezer, otherwise you will get a crystallized mass.
  5. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of gelatin, an expired one can let you down and the whole dish.
  6. Here are some recipes for using gelatin.

1. Milk jelly


  • Gelatin - 3/4 tbsp. spoons
  • Water - 1/2 cup
  • Milk - 2.5 cups
  • Granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Vanillin

How to make milk jelly:

Pour gelatin powder with boiled water, soak it until soft for 30 minutes and squeeze.

Boil milk, put sugar in it, let it boil, then, removing from heat and stirring, dissolve squeezed gelatin in it.

When the mass has cooled down a little, add vanillin to taste, stir, strain through a napkin or a frequent sieve into molds (or glasses) and put in a cold place.

Before serving, dip the molds in hot water for 2-3 seconds and put the jelly on chilled plates.

2. Chocolate jelly


  • Eggs - 8 pcs.
  • Powdered sugar - 200 gr.
  • Milk - 1 liter
  • Cocoa powder - 50 gr.
  • Gelatin - 25 gr.
  • Vanillin

How to make chocolate jelly:

Grind the yolks white with powdered sugar.

Add milk and cocoa, previously diluted with a little cold milk.

Put the mixture on low heat and stir until it boils and thickens.

Remove from heat and, without stopping stirring, add gelatin, previously soaked in cold water.

When the mixture has cooled, add the whites and vanillin, whipped into the foam, stir, pour into the mold and put in a cold place to solidify.

3. Whipped milk jelly


  • Milk - 0.5 liters
  • Granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Gelatin - 25 gr.
  • Vanillin

How to make frothed milk jelly:

Pour gelatin with water, let it swell. Boil milk with sugar, add vanillin.

Dissolve the swollen gelatin in hot milk, cool slightly and beat until thick foam.

Fill the portioned utensils with mass, allow to harden in a cold place.

Serve jelly with berry syrup, fruit or chocolate sauce.

4. Milk berry jelly


  • Gelatin - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Water - 1/2 cup
  • Milk - 1.5 cups
  • Granulated sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Cranberries or other berries - 2-3 tbsp. spoons

How to make milk berry jelly:

Pour gelatin powder with cold boiled water and soak until softened for 30 minutes.

Then prepare milk jelly, for which boil milk, add granulated sugar (1.5 tablespoons) to it, let it boil and, stirring, dissolve half of the soaked and squeezed gelatin.

Pour the prepared milk jelly into chilled metal molds or glasses with a layer of about 5 cm, cool strongly and, when it hardens, pour a layer of semi-liquid berry jelly, then milk again, etc.

Prepare berry jelly as follows. Squeeze juice from cranberries (or other berries), strain through a napkin or a fine sieve.

Boil the mass obtained after pressing the juice, add granulated sugar (2.5 tablespoons), boil, remove the foam.

Then strain the broth, add half of the soaked and squeezed gelatin, stir, let cool slightly and pour in berry juice

5. Milk-coffee jelly


  • Natural coffee - 2 tsp
  • Water - 1.5 cups
  • Milk - 2/3 cup
  • Sugar - 3-4 teaspoons
  • Gelatin - 3 tsp

How to make milky coffee jelly:

Brew coffee and strain it.

Boil milk with sugar, add gelatin soaked in cold water and, stirring, bring to a boil.

Mix with coffee and refrigerate.

Serve with whipped cream or biscuits.

Enjoy your tea!

You can also cook:

Yogurt jelly


  • 30-40 g of gelatin;
  • about 125 ml of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. boiling water;
  • 2 liters of yogurt;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 1/2 lemon zest;
  • 1-2 tbsp. spoons of rum or brandy (to taste).

Yogurt jelly: a step by step recipe

Soak gelatin in cold water, pour boiling water over.

Stir well and pour into yoghurt, whipped with sugar in a steam bath.

Season lemon zest and rum.

Pour into vases rinsed with cold water.

Can be laid out on plates and decorated liquid chocolate.

Milk jelly- one of the simplest and most delicious desserts. In addition, we must not forget about the benefits of this dish... After all, the milk it contains consists of nutrients and vitamins. However, even this simple dessert there are some features and tricks. To cook really easy and airy dish, which will delight relatives and friends, you should familiarize yourself in detail with all the subtleties and follow the technology step by step.

Basic principles of making milk jelly

First of all, you should decide on the ingredients for the jelly. Of course, this must be very high quality milk. It is better to take a pasteurized version of high fat content. It is he who is ideal for cooking.

An important element of this dessert is the gelatinous base. It is better to choose gelatin that dissolves quickly in liquid. This not only makes cooking as easy as possible, but also saves a lot of time. In addition, you should give preference to high-quality gelatin, which will definitely set and will not let you down, otherwise the rest of the ingredients will be spoiled.

By adding sugar or fruit base to milk jelly, you can dilute the sweetness with vanilla extract or flavor. In this case, the finished dessert will taste like ice cream. And its aroma will awaken the taste buds of everyone around. Other flavors can of course be used.

When pouring jelly, you should carefully monitor the sides of the mold. If droplets of liquid fall on the walls, they should be washed off immediately, since in the end they will look like sloppy stains.

Milk jelly goes well with sour fruits or berries. In addition, it is very harmonious in chocolate desserts... Therefore, you should experiment in this direction.

Classic milk jelly


1 tbsp gelatin;

· 3 glasses of pasteurized milk;

4 tablespoons Sahara;

· A little vanillin or vanilla extract.

Cooking method:

· Pour the milk into a bowl or saucepan. Let this mixture rest for about half an hour. If it is instant gelatin, you can immediately put it on fire.

· Heat the liquid until everything is mixed and the gelatin dissolves completely.

· Add sugar, vanillin or extract to the finished mixture. Pour into bowls or molds. In order for the dessert to completely freeze, it must be kept in the refrigerator for several hours. You can leave it overnight.

For serving, the dessert can be garnished with a scoop of ice cream, grated chocolate or fresh berries... It is very fresh and light dish, which will not leave anyone indifferent.

Creme brulee milk jelly

This version of the dessert is prepared based on the previous recipe. Thanks to the harmonious combination, you can achieve a bright exquisite taste that will impress the most discerning guests.


· Classic milk jelly;

· boiled condensed milk;

Chopped nuts.

Cooking method:

If necessary to diversify usual recipe milk jelly, you can pour only part of the mixture into the mold and let it freeze.

After that, cover the top of the dessert with a small layer of boiled condensed milk. Add nuts to this.

· We put the forms in the refrigerator for a few minutes. Next, fill in another part of the classic jelly.

· We alternate the milk mixture with condensed milk until it ends. When the dessert is completely frozen, we decorate it and serve it in beautiful tins.

A quick milk jelly recipe

There is not always time for long freezes and alternations. In this case, you can make milk jelly in one go. At the same time, the dessert is complemented by fruit slices. This is a very refreshing and delicious dish that will please both adults and children.


1 glass of milk;

1 pack of gelatin;

· Fresh fruits or berries.

Cooking method:

· If you cannot find fresh fruit or berries, you can also use the frozen version. In this case, they need to be allowed to drain, cut into cubes and put some of them down the form.

· Add the remaining fruits to the liquid. Pour the mixture into molds.

· In order for the milk jelly to completely freeze, we send it to the refrigerator for several hours.

· To achieve the most beautiful cut of the dessert, it is better to cut the fruit into larger pieces. Decorate the finished dish with nuts or pieces of chocolate.

Milk jelly with bananas and orange slices

This recipe is perfect for children, because they love fresh taste milk jelly and fruits. Bananas and oranges fit into the concept of this dish very harmoniously, since they are moderately sweet and juicy.


· 1 banana and 1 orange;

3 glasses of milk;

150 g of sugar;

Vanillin or vanilla extract;

· 1 pack of gelatin.

Cooking method:

First, let's prepare orange slices... We cut fresh fruit into suitable pieces and put them on parchment paper... Next, we remove the oranges for half an hour in the freezer. After hardening, lay out the bottom of the molds in slices.

· Prepare the gelatinous part. Dissolve gelatin in milk using a steam bath. Mix the liquid with the sugar and add the vanilla extract.

· Cut the banana into cubes. Pour the pieces of fruit into the cooled gelatin mixture. Pour the future milk jelly into molds.

· Until fully cooked, the dessert will stay in the refrigerator for several hours. Its fresh taste will delight everyone who loves delicate and delicious sweets.

· Additionally, when serving, you can pour a layer of melted chocolate over the dessert.

Chocolate jelly with milk

Who doesn't love a bright combination of milk and chocolate? Especially when it is a harmonious dessert made with love.


1 glass of milk;

· Vanilla extract;

1 tbsp gelatin;

· 0.5 bars of your favorite chocolate.

Cooking method:

· Mix milk with gelatin and leave for a while.

· Melt the chocolate in the microwave in several passes for 10 seconds. For ease of mixing, you can add a couple of tablespoons of milk to it.

· Warm milk gelatin in a water bath. It is necessary to completely dissolve it in the liquid.

· Now you need to mix all the ingredients together.

· Pour jelly with milk and chocolate into molds or bowls. Let it freeze, leaving it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. When serving, sprinkle with pieces of black or milk chocolate.

Coffee milk jelly

Delicious desserts are not only loved by children. Adults also like to enjoy delicate taste milk jelly, especially if well cooked. Well, for coffee lovers, the next dessert will be simple perfect complement to your favorite drink.


· 1 cup of natural coffee with milk;

· 1 the same cup of milk;

50 g of sugar;

20 g of gelatin;


Cooking method:

· Add gelatin to coffee and milk in equal proportions. Separately warm up both mixtures, mix thoroughly and let them cool.

Mix 25 g of sugar and vanillin on the tip of a knife into each jelly part.

· Pour coffee gelatin into molds. Let it freeze and pour the milk on top.

· Ready-made milk jelly with coffee can be garnished with chocolate pieces or simply enjoyed in a classic way.

Milk jelly with cottage cheese

It is difficult to imagine this dish in an even more delicate format. However, it is cottage cheese that can turn this dessert into a real extravaganza for gourmets. It becomes tasty and light like a snow cloud.


0.5 cups of milk;

1 tbsp gelatin;

1 tbsp Sahara;

2 tbsp water;

· 100 g of cottage cheese.

Cooking method:

· It is important to use slightly damp cottage cheese. It will make the dessert juicier and tastier. Knead it with a little warm milk and add sugar. Mix everything thoroughly.

· Mix gelatin with water and heat, dissolving it completely.

· Combine both liquids, pour them into molds or bowls. Let the dessert freeze a little in the refrigerator.

· Shortly before serving, we take out the dish and decorate it with berries or grated chocolate.

The main ingredient in this dessert is milk. It should be natural, because only in this case will the dish turn out delicious. In addition, it is better to use milk with the highest possible fat content. In this way, a pleasantly soft texture can be achieved.

For those who love experimentation, baked milk is a great option. The jelly turns out to be tender and incredibly tasty. However, it is not justified for all recipes, so you need to be careful.

There are several flavors that are perfect for milk jelly. Among them are classic vanillin and its various interpretations, cocoa, coffee or even cinnamon. Madly delicious jelly will become if you add a vanilla stick to gelatinous milk when heated. Of course, at the time of cooling it should be removed. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

Do not use boiled milk. It can give a strange aftertaste in the dessert. The choice of pasteurized milk will be optimal. A sterilized version is also suitable.

To make the jelly freeze faster, you do not need to dissolve the gelatin in water. It can be put directly into milk. In addition to the significant savings in cooking time, this process will give the dish additional density in texture.

If jelly with milk is prepared in layers, it is worth pouring individual parts of the dessert right in the refrigerator. The fact is that during the transportation of the molds, drops of liquid can fall on the walls. This will create ugly streaks that can degrade the overall appearance of the dish.

Dairy desserts are a favorite treat for many children. And adults often indulge themselves with a milkshake or yogurt. These treats are not only delicious. They offer great health benefits as a good source of calcium and easily digestible protein.

To diversify dessert menu, you can make milk jelly. By the way, it is also suitable for those children who do not like dairy products. They will undoubtedly like the jelly, because among all the other benefits, it also looks like a delicious cake.

The recipe is very simple! But it will surely linger on your culinary notebook like original version serving milk to the table.

Ingredients for making milk jelly:

milk - 1 glass;
gelatin - 15 g;
powdered sugar (you can take sugar, but the powder will dissolve better) - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons;
vanillin - on the tip of a teaspoon.

How to make milk jelly, recipe with photo:

Pour gelatin into 1/3 cup of water and let it swell. Instant gelatin can now be found in stores. It is best to use it. Then it will be possible to continue cooking the jelly in 10 - 15 minutes. However, if the gelatin is normal, then it will take 45-60 minutes to swell.

After that, heat the milk, not bringing it to a boil a little, add powdered sugar, vanillin and gelatin. Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Pour milk with ingredients into one large mold (like in our photo) or into several small ones.

Can be used Silicone forms for cupcakes. Cool the milk jelly until room temperature, and then refrigerate for at least 3 hours. It is most convenient to leave the jelly to solidify overnight.

After the allotted time, the workpiece will become jelly-like. To remove the jelly from the mold, you need to run a sharp wooden skewer or toothpick around the edges of the jelly and gently shake the dessert onto a plate.

You can decorate milk jelly with fresh berries, your favorite jam or chocolate chips.

To make the delicacy look brighter, you can add a little multi-colored candied pineapple or chopped nuts to the milk during the cooking process.

The jelly recipe was provided by Margarita (spata).

Did you know that in addition to berry jelly, you can also make delicious and original milk jelly. Children love it, unless, of course, embellish it with bright berries or shade with cocoa, orange or raspberry color, perform in the form of “ broken glass", Then and for festive table milk jelly will be in great demand and will fit beautifully among all the desserts on display.

Milk jelly becomes an excellent help in dietary nutrition, it is prepared quickly, it is not difficult, it remains only to have time, desire and to master some subtleties in cooking technology. So we prepare milk jelly and transform the classics into action!

Milk jelly - what are the products and general rules of preparation

For milk jelly, the main component will be milk, which it is desirable to take of the best quality and with a fat content of at least 3.2%. Then you can catch a subtle milky taste dairy product... In addition to milk, you can use sour cream, cream, fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir, etc.

The next required ingredient will be gelatin or pectin. Gelatin is used most often, and pectin is used when a lot of berries or fruits are added to milk jelly. It works well with pectin, cooked desserts at a warm temperature do not quickly lose their shape, but it is more expensive at a cost.

Sugar is required to achieve a sweet taste of your choice. The rest of the products will depend on the assortment of jelly being prepared. You can use cocoa, coffee, chocolate, fruits, various berries, fruits, candied fruits, sea and chocolate pebbles, colored dragees, cinnamon, etc. The field of your imagination operates here.

The technology for making milk jelly consists in boiling milk, adding sugar, cooling, dissolving gelatin, introducing it into milk, bringing it to a boil, cooling it slightly and pouring it into molds. Many young housewives ask, and in what container is it better to pour jelly? Yes, of course the best is glassware.

Important! If you have to prepare puff milk jelly, then the next layer should be applied to the frozen milk layer, only after the first layer has completely cooled. And the subsequent jelly layer must also be cooled down, otherwise the previous layer will melt.

1. Milk jelly with raspberries

Children love this dessert, because milk jelly with raspberries has an attractive appearance, and raspberry berries in the form of miniature hats will decorate glasses with a ready-made sweet dish. Children still love because of the shaking consistency of jelly and always get to the very bottom.

According to the recipe, prepare milk jelly with raspberries as follows:

Milk jelly

First, we prepare the main milk jelly, and then apply it with a raspberry layer, which should be much thinner than the main one. We prepare all the products that make up milk jelly.

Preparing ingredients for milk jelly
Pour gelatin with water to swell

Heat pasteurized milk. Pour granulated sugar, a little vanilla, prepared gelatin into milk, stir well and warm until boiling.

Add sugar, vanilla, gelatin into the milk and warm it up

To avoid any precipitation, I recommend to strain the finished dairy product. Now pour into cups and refrigerate until solidified. As soon as the jelly sets and has a solid base, it can be removed from the refrigerator and placed on the work table.

Pour milk jelly into glasses

For the raspberry layer: pour raspberries with water and boil them with added sugar.

Cooking raspberry broth for milk jelly

We filter and prepare raspberry jelly in the main way on the broth, according to the recipe presented. Cool and pour in the milk base. We return again to a cold place and let it stand until the next morning.

Putting a raspberry layer on the milk jelly

We take it out of the refrigerator, the dessert has a dense, but springy consistency.

Milk jelly

When serving, decorate with fresh or frozen raspberries, mint leaves or cane-shaped caramel.

Milk jelly with raspberries

And now we eat and enjoy milk jelly with raspberries.

Milk jelly


  • milk - 300 milliliters;
  • gelatin - 12-15 grams;
  • sugar - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • vanilla sugar- 0.5 teaspoon;
  • water (for gelatin) - 120 milliliters.

For the raspberry layer:

  • raspberries - 100 grams;
  • sugar - at your discretion;
  • gelatin - 6 grams;
  • water - 150 milliliters.

2. Milk jelly with gelatin

This milk jelly with gelatin resembles the taste of ice cream, only the difference is in the consistency of the finished product.

Milk jelly with gelatin


  • kefir (milk or fermented baked milk) - 200 milliliters;
  • sour cream - 300 milliliters;
  • boiling water - 1 incomplete glass;
  • sugar or powdered sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife (ate vanilla sugar, then 1 teaspoon);
  • vanilla stick - 1/2 piece;
  • gelatin - 35 grams.

According to the recipe, prepare milk jelly as follows:

1. Pour the gelatin into a bowl and fill it with boiled water cooled to a temperature of 37-40 C. Stir with a spoon and leave to swell (30 minutes is enough),

3. Take your assistant mixer, mix everything and beat for one minute. Add prepared gelatin and repeat whipping until smooth.

3. Pour into bowls or molds and refrigerate for 24 hours.

4. After the elapsed time, we decorate the surface at our discretion: cocoa powder, nut chocolate, nuts, berries of a pronounced color, etc.

3. Milk jelly with gelatin and cocoa

This milk jelly, made in two colors, is also spectacular, tasty and attractive. So we prepare and test the taste!

Raw material composition:

  • icing sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • milk - 300 milliliters;
  • gelatin 15 grams;
  • cocoa - 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 40 milliliters;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • defrosted cherries - 2 handfuls.

According to the recipe, prepare milk jelly with gelatin and cocoa as follows:

  1. To begin with, pour gelatin with chilled water and leave it to swell for a quarter of an hour or half an hour.
  2. Pour the milk into a small saucepan and bring to a boil.
    Pour icing sugar and vanillin into a bowl and pour milk here and stir vigorously so that the powdered sugar dissolves in the milk.
  3. Now I need to chop the cherries and remove the pits.
    I add the swollen gelatin to the milk and mix thoroughly so that it dissolves.
  4. I will add a few tablespoons of the resulting gelatinous mixture to the cocoa. I mix everything to make a chocolate paste.
  5. I breed a little chocolate paste milk mixture and I get two semi-finished products: dark and light.
  6. Take a transparent container (jars, wine glasses, cups) and pour the jelly layer with cocoa, put the cherries on top and refrigerate.
    The first layer has cooled down, start pouring out the milk jelly, cool it down and repeat applying 2 or three more layers. Soak in the cold and the dessert is ready.

4. Sour cream jelly

Delicate milk dessert - sour cream jelly, reminiscent of sour cream soufflé, which children love, and who does not, can be replaced with yogurt.


  • sour cream - 900 grams;
  • gelatin - 25 grams;
  • water - 75-80 milliliters;
  • cocoa - 1 or 1.5 tablespoons;
  • berries - 60 grams (if you want to have a brighter color, then you can take more);

According to the recipe for sour cream jelly, we cook as follows:

We take two packages of sour cream 15% fat, each weighing 400 grams. Distribute it evenly over three bowls. I put two tablespoons of sugar in each bowl and mix gently with a spoon.

You can squeeze cranberry, cherry, raspberry or strawberry juice into the third mold. In this case, I have strawberry juice, which will give a slightly pink color to the sour cream mixture.

At the next stage, we take 25 grams of gelatin, dilute with three times the amount of water, leave for 5 minutes, and then warm up in a water bath until the clot is completely dissolved.

Divide the dissolved gelatin into three equal parts and pour it step by step into three simple or curly molds and set to solidify.
When serving, turn over onto a platter, decorate and serve. Original isn't it?

1. Gelatin should be poured with not too cold water or boiling water, otherwise it will swell for a long time or curl up into a lump.

2. If gelatin is added to the broth, syrup, dairy products, you do not need to boil the gelling mixture, since the gelling ability of the gelling substance is much reduced.

3. Remember, if you have agar-agar available, then it is easier to work with it and the finished dish hardens faster.

4. If you did not have time to quickly pour the finished jelly into the molds, then do not be upset, repeat the heating process and pour it into the desired dish.

5. Ready milk jelly should not be stored for more than 12 hours at 4 to 8 degrees in the refrigerator.

Milk jelly with gelatin is a delicious and beautiful dish that will decorate both your festive and your daily table. For all sweet lovers, I offer recipes for elegant jelly with gelatin, which, moreover, are completely inexpensive and easy to prepare at home.

Light dessert with berries is the best healthy delicacy for the whole family. It is loved by adults and children, and this is good, because milk brings great benefits to the body. Prepare this gorgeous bright dish for the New Year 2019 or children's party. After a hearty feast, such a treat will give lightness to the body, and the very process of its use will bring great pleasure to everyone. Also, the sweet tooth in the "Desserts" section will find recipes and

Using gelatin, you can prepare many delicious and beautiful dishes to decorate the table.
I propose a recipe for all coffee lovers an elegant dessert, it's cheap and easy to make. Choose the thickness and number of layers to your liking. Coffee desserts- this is something extraordinary!
Instant coffee - 3 tsp.
Milk - 350 ml
Granulated sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
Vanillin - a pinch
Gelatin - 20 g
Water - 490 ml

How to make jelly with milk and gelatin

Soak the gelatin until it swells.

To do this, take two bowls and pour 10 grams of gelatin into each. And fill with water in a volume of about 70 ml.
While the gelatin swells, we proceed to the preparation of milk and coffee jelly.
For coffee - 3 tsp. pour coffee into a measuring cup and pour 350 ml of boiling water, add 3 tbsp. l. sugar and a pinch of vanillin.
The coffee should cool slightly, and then the swollen gelatin is added to it.

Then the coffee must be poured into a ladle and put on fire in order to heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved, but so that the coffee does not boil. Then cool the coffee. The coffee jelly is ready to start making the milk jelly.
Pour 350 ml of milk into a ladle and put on low heat. Add 2 tbsp. l. sugar and a pinch of vanillin. Stirring, let the milk boil, then cool a little. And add gelatin, after which we heat the resulting mixture, not letting it boil until it is completely dissolved. Then you need to let the milk jelly cool.

Shaping the jelly

Now that both mixtures are ready, we take silicone molds.
We fill three layers, it is possible less or more depends on the desire. We make the first layer of milk in one part of the molds, and coffee in the other. And we send it to freeze in the freezer, so faster, or in the refrigerator. It takes about 20-30 minutes per layer. Then we change the colors of the layers, pouring over the previous ones and again send them to the freezer until they solidify.

It took about an hour.

In order to easily remove the jelly from the molds, it must be placed in warm water... Half a minute is enough for this and it can be easily removed.

There were 10 servings in total. It turned out very tasty! Bon Appetit!

Delicate sour cream and raspberry jelly

Jelly of pleasant pale pink color. Indulge your homemade beautiful, healthy and delicious jelly.
Water - 70 ml
Gelatin - 1.5 tbsp. l.
Fresh raspberries - 350 g
Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
Sour cream - 400 g

How to make sour cream raspberry jelly

Soak gelatin in cold boiled water for 30-40 minutes.

Sort out the berries, add sugar and let stand for 10 minutes.

Then just mix with a fork - ripe raspberries will let the juice well.

Then rub the raspberries through a sieve to remove the seeds.

We get a liquid raspberry puree.

Gelatin swells well - dissolve it in a water bath or in the microwave on the "Defrost" mode. If you chose the second option - 10 seconds and the gelatin dissolves. Just do not bring it to a boil, otherwise the jelly may not solidify.

Pour hot gelatin into raspberry puree and mix well.

Next, pour in the raspberry mixture with gelatin to the sour cream.

Stir until smooth.

Pouring future jelly into muffin tins. It turns out 9 pieces. You can use transparent bowls, vases, bowls, whatever. We send the jelly to freeze in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

The congealed jelly is very easy to extract from silicone molds... To do this, lower the jelly mold in a bowl of hot water for 20 seconds, and then simply turn it over on a saucer. We decorate and treat - tasty, simple and very healthy! Bon Appetit!

Milk jelly with gelatin. Panna cotta our way

Indulge your homemade yummy milk jelly.

3/4 Art. l. gelatin
1/2 glass of water
2.5 cups milk
3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar
vanillin to taste


Pour gelatin powder with boiled water, soak it until soft for 30 minutes and squeeze. Boil milk, put sugar in it, let it boil. Then, removing from heat and stirring, dissolve the squeezed gelatin in it. When the mass has cooled down a little, add vanillin to taste, stir. Strain through a napkin or fine sieve into molds (or glasses) and place in a cool place. Before serving, dip the molds in hot water for 2-3 seconds and put the jelly on chilled plates.

You can decorate with berries, mint and jam to your taste. Bon Appetit!

Milk chocolate dessert. Beautiful presentation option

The dessert is easy to prepare and delicious. And the beautiful presentation will please the home.

Bon Appetit!

Fruit and berry jelly made from cottage cheese and cream

A fragrant, mouth-watering dish for those with a sweet tooth.
Ingredients for 2 servings:
Berries and fruits - 100 g
Soft cottage cheese - 250 g
Cream - 2 tbsp. l.
Vanillin - 1 pinch
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Fruit jelly - 1 sachet

How to make berry and fruit jelly with cottage cheese and cream

Stir cottage cheese with sugar, cream and vanilla.
Add berries or fruits.
Dilute fruit jelly according to package directions.
Pour fruit jelly into wine glasses and refrigerate.

Put cottage cheese with fruit on the frozen jelly. Garnish with jelly pieces or fruit. Refrigerate and serve. Bon Appetit!

Appetizing sour cream dish with banana

Sour cream jelly with fruit - simple and healthy dessert that everyone in your family will love. If your child does not like fruits, then in this form he will feast on them with great pleasure. Dessert is prepared simply, quickly and easily, which always pleases any housewife.
For dessert, it is better to take low-fat sour cream, and fruits can be changed at your discretion, taste and season.
Bananas - 1 pc.
Water - 50 ml
Gelatin - 1 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
Sour cream - 500 g
Apple - 1 pc.

How to make banana sour cream jelly

Combine 500 g sour cream and 3 tbsp. l. Sahara. Beat with a whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Combine instant gelatin 1 tbsp. l. and 50 ml of water at room temperature. Leave on for 5-7 minutes for the gelatin to swell. Heat the mixture while stirring in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Cool to room temperature.

Combine the cooled gelatin mixture and 2-3 tbsp. l. sour cream mixture. Mix.

Put peeled and cut into pieces 1 apple and 1 banana in the sour cream mixture. Mix.

Pour the gelatin mixture into a bowl of sour cream and mix quickly but thoroughly.

Immediately spread the jelly in the bowls, as it thickens very quickly. Send to refrigerator for 1 hour.

Sour cream jelly with fruit is ready. Bon Appetit!

Video recipe on how to make milk-creamy jelly with strawberries

A light dessert with berries is the best healthy treat for the whole family.

Bon Appetit!

Use good quality powdered gelatin (Dr. Etker) to keep your jelly well-set and beautiful and shaped as you intended.

Milk jelly with cocoa - delicious chocolate dessert

An appetizing dessert will cheer you up!

8 eggs
200 g icing sugar
1 liter of milk
50 g cocoa powder
25 g gelatin
2 bags of vanillin


Grind the yolks white with powdered sugar. Add milk and cocoa, previously diluted with a little cold milk. Put the mixture on low heat and stir until it boils and thickens. Remove from heat and, without stopping stirring, add gelatin, previously soaked in cold water. When the mixture has cooled, add the whites and vanillin, whipped into the foam, stir, pour into the mold and put in a cold place to solidify.

Bon Appetit!

Making whipped milk jelly

Simple and delicious recipe... Where is my big spoon!

0.5 l milk
2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar
25 g gelatin
a pinch of vanillin


Pour gelatin with water, let it swell. Boil milk with sugar, add vanillin. Dissolve the swollen gelatin in hot milk, cool slightly and beat until thick foam. Fill the portioned utensils with mass, allow to harden in a cold place.

Serve the jelly with berry syrup, fruit or chocolate sauce, and decorate to your liking. Bon Appetit!

Jelly with strawberries and cream

Beautiful jelly with fragrant fresh strawberries will not leave indifferent any sweet tooth!
Fresh strawberries - 500 g
Gelatin - 1 sachet
Granulated sugar - 1/2 cup
Water - 500 ml
To decorate
Cream to taste

How to make strawberry jelly

Cover 200 g of strawberries with sugar, cover with water and bring to a boil so that the strawberry colored the broth.
Cool and strain the broth.
Dissolve the gelatin with a decoction according to the instructions on the package.
Pour 1/3 of the gelatin solution into a deep mold and set it to freeze in the refrigerator.
Place strawberries on a layer of solidified gelatin. Fill it with half of the remaining solution and set it to freeze in the refrigerator.
Place another layer of strawberries on the frozen jelly. Pour over the remaining gelatin and refrigerate again.

Decorate the jelly with cream and treat to family and guests. Bon Appetit!

Cooking the most delicate kefir jelly at home

It turns out a very delicate and beautiful dessert made from kefir.

Bon Appetit!

On a note
In order not to feel sourness, but it will still be even from fresh kefir, add 0.5 tsp. soda. It will extinguish the acid, and the jelly will be more airy.

Cherry Jelly with Gelatin and Cream

The cherries are so beautiful!

Ingredients for 2 servings:
Fresh cherry - 500 g
Cream - 4 tbsp. l.
Gelatin - 1 sachet
Granulated sugar - 1 1/3 cups
Water - 500 ml

How to make jelly with cherries and cream

Pour 200 g of cherries with sugar, wait until the berries are juiced, add water and bring to a boil so that the cherry will color the broth. Cool and strain the broth.
Dissolve the gelatin with cherry broth.
Place fresh cherries in a deep pan. Pour 1/2 of the diluted gelatin and refrigerate.
Mix half of the remaining gelatin solution with the cream. Pour over the first layer and refrigerate again.
Pour the remaining gelatin over the frozen jelly and let it set again.

Serve chilled cherry jelly. Bon Appetit!

Milk berry dessert

Everyone will be delighted to have a plate with a sweet couple for dessert.

1 tbsp. l. gelatin
1/2 glass of water
1.5 cups milk
4 tbsp. l. granulated sugar
2-3 st. l. cranberries or other berries

How to make milk jelly with berries

Pour gelatin powder with cold boiled water and soak until softened for 30 minutes. Then prepare milk jelly. Why boil milk, add granulated sugar (1.5 tablespoons) to it, let it boil and, stirring, dissolve half of the soaked and squeezed gelatin. Pour the prepared milk jelly into chilled metal molds or glasses in a layer of about 5 cm, cool strongly. And when it hardens, pour a layer of semi-liquid berry jelly on it, then milk again, etc.

Prepare berry jelly as follows. Squeeze juice from cranberries (or other berries), strain through a napkin or a fine sieve. Boil the mass obtained after pressing the juice, add granulated sugar (2.5 tablespoons), boil, remove the foam. Then strain the broth, add half of the soaked and squeezed gelatin, stir, allow to cool slightly and pour in the berry juice.

Bon Appetit!

Video: how to make festive sour cream jelly with fruits and berries at home

A great festive dish for the holiday.

Bon Appetit!

Milk-coffee jelly

It turned out to be a small gorgeous masterpiece - the perfect combination of coffee jelly and whipped cream.

2 tsp natural coffee
1.5 cups of water
2/3 cup milk
3-4 tsp Sahara
3 tsp gelatin


Brew coffee and strain it. Boil milk with sugar, add gelatin soaked in cold water and, stirring, bring to a boil. Mix with coffee and refrigerate.

Serve with whipped cream or biscuits. Bon Appetit!

How to make yogurt jelly

With yoghurt and rum, you get a delicate and aromatic dish.

30-40 g gelatin
125 ml water
2 tbsp. l. boiling water
2 l yoghurt
100 g sugar
1/2 lemon zest
1-2 tbsp. l. rum or cognac to taste


Soak gelatin in cold water, pour boiling water over, stir well and pour into yogurt, whipped with sugar on a steam bath. Season with lemon zest and rum. Pour into vases rinsed with cold water.

Can be laid out on plates and garnished with liquid chocolate. Bon Appetit!

Jelly serving options

The dish is served in portioned glass bowls, through which white-brown layers of jelly can be seen.
The top of the dessert can be garnished with grated chocolate and icing, fruit and a sprig of mint.
Any berries beautifully distributed on the surface of the dessert will also look great.

I hope the recipes for milk jelly with gelatin for the New 2019 from this publication will help you diversify your menu and choose your most delicious recipe. Appetizing and delicious desserts often decorate our table on weekdays and holidays. Cook desserts often and have fun! Lovers of sweet and homemade baked goods will be interested in Cook with pleasure! Until next time on my blog.

P.S. Dear readers, I am starting to take my first steps on YouTube. I created and set up my own channel of musical congratulations on the holidays. Support me on YouTube please watch My first videos - musical greetings from May 1, April 1, Happy Easter, March 8, February 23, February 14, Valentine's Day, subscribe to the channel, put it like you. Share musical greetings with your loved ones on social networks. Now I will have more work, I will congratulate everyone on the holidays, and we have a lot of them!

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