Milk jelly pp recipe. Step-by-step recipe for making milk jelly with gelatin

The dessert prepared according to the recipes below will turn out to be not too sweet, but quite rich, especially if you make it with various additives. Milk jelly from his delicate taste can be very varied, it is enough just to season it in one way or another. From our article, you will learn how to cook it quickly, beautifully and interestingly in order to delight not only yourself, but also your guests.

There are several nuances in the preparation of a dairy dessert:

  • We use only natural milk or cream with a high percentage of fat, at least 3.5%, so that the dessert does not turn out to be watery, skim milk will not work.
  • Jelly made from baked milk can be very tasty - do not neglect this product.
  • It is good to use vanillin as a flavoring agent or vanilla sugar- everything else: cocoa, cinnamon, coffee will already change the taste.
  • We take only sterilized or pasteurized milk, as boiled milk can give a strange taste.
  • If you want the jelly to freeze faster and have a denser texture, dissolve the gelatin immediately in milk, without adding water.

So, now that we know the basic principles, we can start cooking!


  • Gelatin - 10 - 15 g
  • Milk 4% - 3 glasses
  • Sugar - to taste (from 3 to 5 tbsp)
  • Vanillin - on the tip of a knife

Step by step preparation of jelly with milk

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, add gelatin to it and let it stand for 30 - 40 minutes. (If the instructions say that this is not necessary, we immediately put it on fire).
  2. After the time has elapsed, heat the milk with gelatin until it is completely dissolved and filter it through a fine sieve.
  3. Add required amount sugar, vanillin, mix everything and pour into molds. We put it in the refrigerator and leave to set for 3 - 4 hours.
  4. When serving jelly, garnish with fresh whipped cream and grated chocolate or fresh fruit. It tastes very similar to vanilla ice cream.

Of course, this recipe can be varied as desired. For example, making it from baked milk - this is how you get a real crème brulee.

Homemade creme brulee (milk jelly)

  • Pour half of the jelly (prepared according to the above recipe) into the mold, let it "grab", and then, lay a thin layer of boiled condensed milk.
  • You can add chopped walnuts or some whipped cream to it to make it less cloying, but just a little so as not to thin it too much.
  • Let it set and add the rest of the jelly-milk mixture.

It's good to make a dessert with the same ingredients, but in a different way. Add 2 times less sugar to the milk, so as not to make the dessert too cloying, and pour it into the mold with a layer of 1 cm.Cool and coat with condensed milk.

So we alternate until the jelly mixture ends. You will get a striped, very tasty and beautiful dish.

Express recipe for milk jelly

If there is no time for alternations, but you really want to make milk jelly, use berries!

  • Let's dilute milk or even cream (it will be tastier with them) with gelatin in the specified proportion and, while the powder swells, we will deal with berries.
  • If there is fresh strawberries or raspberries are perfect option... In the first case, we wash the berry and put it on a napkin so that the glass has excess moisture, in the second, we lay it out immediately on the bottom of the form.
  • If the strawberries are very large, it will be good to place each berry in its own silicone mold... If the berry is only frozen, we will choose the strongest one and we will not completely defrost it so that it does not creep.
  • Pour everything with jelly milk and let it freeze in the cold for 2 hours.

Milk dessert with berries from a large shape, serve, cut into portions - it will have a very beautiful cut. From small ones - put it whole on a saucer, pouring berry sauce.

Berry sauce

For him, grind 150 g of berries with 2 tablespoons of sugar, heat everything on fire for at least 20 minutes, and then filter to get rid of the cake.

If there are no berries at hand, we will prepare a dessert with fruits. There is one subtlety: so that it does not curl up, choose either bananas (we need 1 piece for 3 cups of milk), or other, not too acidic fruits.

  • If you really want to cook a version with an orange, and, in fairness, the taste turns out to be really unusual and very piquant thanks to the combination of a creamy shade of milk and the spicy sourness of citrus, let's resort to a little trick!
  • Let's cut fresh orange on the slices that we need in the shape, put them on oiled paper or a silicone stand and ... put them in the freezer.
  • After 20 - 30 minutes, when the slices are completely frozen, we collect them from the paper and put them on the bottom of our molds.
  • It will be good to add cinnamon or a drop to sweet milk. essential oil orange, for more flavor, because our ice wedges do not smell.
  • Then fill in the jelly and hide it in the refrigerator!

The temperature in it will even out, the orange slices will thaw, becoming soft, and the dessert itself will harden. An unusual Christmas dessert awaits us in a few hours! Serve sprinkled with cinnamon walnuts or chocolate chips. We decorate the zest with curls.

Milk orange jelly can be supplemented with a layer of flavored, very suitable chocolate.

  • Milk 4% - 1 glass + 2 tbsp
  • Gelatin - 10 g
  • Milk or bitter chocolate - 50 g

How to make milk jelly at home

  1. Pour gelatin into milk and leave to swell.
  2. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, with the addition of 2 tablespoons of milk.
  3. Warm up the dissolved gelatin, filter and mix with melted chocolate. In no case do not beat, but only gently mix, otherwise the gelatin will not work.
  4. A completely homogeneous mixture, either pour into separate molds or pour over the orange milk jelly from the previous recipe.

Serve garnished with chopped chocolate, cinnamon and fresh orange.

Dessert based on milk and yolks

If you are not a lover heavy cream, then yolks can be added to the milk jelly to achieve a richer taste.

  • To do this, wash 2 eggs with dishwashing detergent - the shell must be completely clean, separate the yolks from the whites and grind the first with 2 - 3 tablespoons of sugar into a fluffy foam.
  • Dissolve 10 g of gelatin soaked in a glass of milk over low heat, filter and combine with the yolks.
  • Mix well and pour into molds.
  • Such jelly freezes, as usual - from 2 to 4 hours.

Serve with soft waffles, biscuits and fresh berries.

Coffee lovers will surely appreciate the recipe for a coffee dessert.

For it, we only need to brew a large cup of weak natural coffee or, in extreme cases, use instant coffee, but this way the taste will turn out to be less saturated.

Instead of plain milk add 10 g of gelatin to the ready-made, sweet cooled coffee and let stand until it swells. Then, we do everything as usual - we warm it up, filter it, pour it into molds.

The alternation of coffee and chocolate layers will be very tasty. To the latter, you can add fruits, for example, the same oranges or cherries from jam.

Milk jelly flavors, its appearance can be completely different, but always great. Now that you know how to prepare its basic types, there is a huge scope for experimentation in front of you! Go ahead, cook and bon appetit!

Sexy jelly for February 14, dessert for Valentine's Day

Making jelly at home is very simple, and serving this dessert beautifully is already aerobatics. Our chef offers a simple agar jelly recipe and an original presentation.

Milk jelly - a few simple recipes and tips

Milk jelly is probably liked by many of you both in taste and in preparation. And in this post you will find some simple recipes for how else you can make milk jelly, and you can also learn a few useful tips associated with the preparation of jelly. So, if you like it, you can take it for yourself. And me and the site:, which offers recipes for making milk jelly, thank you for quoting. I want to say that I picked up the photo to show how you can arrange the jelly and the photo does not correspond to the recipe.

Milk jelly- it's simple, tasty and healthy, because milk is used as a base for the preparation of this dessert. Jelly is delicious and low in calories compared to many other desserts. For the first time, the preparation of jelly began in France. Many French rulers were fans of jelly. If in the past jelly was prepared using milk, nowadays jelly has become very diverse, it can be made from almost everything.

Milk Jelly Recipes

Making milk jelly is easy: it requires milk, gelatin and sugar, and all other foods are up to you. For flavoring milk jelly is added cinnamon or vanillin, as well as coffee, chocolate, fruit juices, cocoa, fruits and other products that already significantly affect the taste of the dessert, not shading it, but giving completely new notes.

Simple milk jelly recipe

You will need: 2.5 cups milk, ½ cup water, 3 tbsp. granulated sugar, ¾ tbsp. gelatin, vanillin.

How to make simple milk jelly. Pour gelatin with cooled boiled water, leave for half an hour. Bring milk to a boil and immediately remove from heat, add sugar, bring to a boil again, remove from heat and add squeezed gelatin while stirring. Add vanillin to the slightly cooled mass to taste, mix, strain everything through a sieve into molds, remove in the cold to solidify. To easily remove the jelly from the molds, you need to lower them in hot water for 2-3 seconds.

Recipe for making milk jelly with egg yolks

It will take: 10 g gelatin, 4 egg yolks, 4 tbsp. sugar, 1 glass of milk / cream, vanillin.

How to make milk jelly with egg yolks... Grind the yolks with vanilla and sugar, pour in hot milk. Let the gelatin swell in water, add it to the milk mixture, warm the mixture until it thickens. Pour the mass into molds, remove in the cold to solidify.

Milk Chocolate Jelly Recipe

You will need: 750ml milk, 150g chocolate, 100g sugar, 30g gelatin, vanillin to taste.

How to make chocolate milk jelly. Soak gelatin in boiled chilled water in a ratio of 1 to 8, leave for half an hour. Rub the chocolate on a coarse grater, dissolve in hot milk together with sugar, add vanillin, then add the swollen gelatin, warm up, pour the mixture into molds and remove to freeze in the refrigerator.

Coffee Milk Jelly Recipe

You will need: 100 ml of water, 20 g of gelatin, 2 cups of coffee and milk brewed from freshly ground grains, 4 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 pinch of cinnamon, vanillin.

How to make coffee and milk jelly. Bring milk with 3 tablespoons. sugar to a boil, let cool slightly, add vanillin and add gelatin soaked in 50 ml of water (10 g). add the remaining sugar, cinnamon, the remaining gelatin soaked in 50 ml to the coffee. Pour milk or coffee mixture into the molds, remove for easy solidification in the cold, then pour another mixture with a second layer and alternate layers, letting each freeze (otherwise they will mix) until the ingredients run out.

And now some useful tips:

- gelatin, on which milk jelly is prepared, is a product containing substances very important for the body: amino acids. Among these amino acids, glycine is an excellent prophylactic agent against diseases such as arthritis;

- how to work properly with gelatin. The standard proportion (unless otherwise indicated on the package) is for 8 parts of water 1 part of gelatin. Dilute gelatin only in cold water, then you need to give the mixture time to swell. When it swells - within an hour, dissolve the gelatin in a water bath, stirring constantly, until it is completely dissolved. Sometimes gelatin does not need to be dissolved - after swelling it can be immediately put into dessert (this is indicated in the recipe). It is important not to boil or heat the gelatin above 80 degrees, otherwise the jelly may not thicken;

- for jelly, so that it is even healthier, instead of sugar, you can sweeten the dessert with honey;

- skim milk is not suitable for jelly, since the dessert from it will be tasteless, with a bluish tinge. Powdered - should not be used either. For tasty milk jelly, use only whole cow's milk, better - pasteurized. You can only replace milk with sour cream. It is not worth boiling milk during cooking (like gelatin when blooming), otherwise the jelly will acquire an unpleasant taste;

- you can decorate the jelly with fruits: for this, use any soft fruits - peaches, kiwi, apricots, tangerines, oranges, berries - cherries, raspberries, strawberries. Cut the fruit, remove the seeds, put it in jelly tins and then pour it over

Milk jelly is one of the simplest and most delicious desserts. In addition, we must not forget about the benefits of this dish... After all, the milk it contains consists of nutrients and vitamins. However, even this simple dessert there are some features and tricks. To cook really easy and airy dish, which will delight relatives and friends, you should familiarize yourself in detail with all the subtleties and follow the technology step by step.

Basic principles of making milk jelly

First of all, you should decide on the ingredients for the jelly. Of course, this must be very high quality milk. It is better to take a pasteurized version of high fat content. It is he who is ideal for cooking.

An important element of this dessert is the gelatinous base. It is better to choose gelatin that dissolves quickly in liquid. This will not only make cooking as easy as possible, but it will also save you a lot of time. In addition, you should give preference to high-quality gelatin, which will definitely set and will not fail, otherwise the rest of the ingredients will be spoiled.

By adding sugar or fruit base to milk jelly, you can dilute the sweetness with vanilla extract or flavor. In this case, the finished dessert will taste like ice cream. And its aroma will awaken the taste buds of everyone around. Other flavors can of course be used.

When pouring jelly, you should carefully monitor the sides of the mold. If droplets of liquid fall on the walls, they should be washed off immediately, since in the end they will look like sloppy stains.

Milk jelly goes well with sour fruits or berries. In addition, it is very harmonious in chocolate desserts... Therefore, you should experiment in this direction.

Classic milk jelly


1 tbsp gelatin;

· 3 glasses of pasteurized milk;

4 tablespoons Sahara;

· A little vanillin or vanilla extract.

Cooking method:

· Pour the milk into a bowl or saucepan. Let this mixture rest for about half an hour. If it is instant gelatin, you can immediately put it on fire.

· Heat the liquid until everything is mixed and the gelatin dissolves completely.

· Add sugar, vanillin or extract to the finished mixture. Pour into bowls or molds. In order for the dessert to completely freeze, it must be kept in the refrigerator for several hours. You can leave it overnight.

· For serving, the dessert can be garnished with a scoop of ice cream, grated chocolate or fresh berries. It is very fresh and light dish, which will not leave anyone indifferent.

Creme brulee milk jelly

This version of the dessert is prepared based on the previous recipe. Thanks to the harmonious combination, you can achieve a bright exquisite taste that will impress the most discerning guests.


· Classic milk jelly;

· boiled condensed milk;

Chopped nuts.

Cooking method:

If necessary to diversify usual recipe milk jelly, you can pour only part of the mixture into the mold and let it harden.

After that, cover the top of the dessert with a small layer of boiled condensed milk. Add nuts to this.

· We put the forms in the refrigerator for a few minutes. Next, fill in another part of the classic jelly.

· We alternate the milk mixture with condensed milk until it ends. When the dessert is completely frozen, we decorate it and serve it in beautiful tins.

A quick milk jelly recipe

There is not always time for long freezes and alternations. In this case, you can make milk jelly in one go. At the same time, the dessert is complemented by fruit slices. It is very refreshing and tasty dish, which will appeal to both adults and children.


1 glass of milk;

1 pack of gelatin;

· Fresh fruits or berries.

Cooking method:

· If you cannot find fresh fruit or berries, you can also use the frozen version. In this case, they need to be allowed to drain, cut into cubes and put some of them down the mold.

· Add the remaining fruits to the liquid. Pour the mixture into molds.

· In order for the milk jelly to completely freeze, we send it to the refrigerator for several hours.

· To achieve the most beautiful cut of the dessert, it is better to cut the fruit into larger ones. Decorate the finished dish with nuts or pieces of chocolate.

Milk jelly with bananas and orange slices

This recipe is perfect for children, because they love fresh taste milk jelly and fruits. Bananas and oranges fit into the concept of this dish very harmoniously, since they are moderately sweet and juicy.


· 1 banana and 1 orange;

3 glasses of milk;

150 g of sugar;

Vanillin or vanilla extract;

· 1 pack of gelatin.

Cooking method:

First, let's prepare orange slices... We cut fresh fruit into suitable pieces and put them on parchment paper... Next, put the oranges in the freezer for half an hour. After hardening, lay out the bottom of the molds in slices.

· Prepare the gelatinous part. Dissolve gelatin in milk using a steam bath. Mix liquid with sugar and add vanilla extract.

· Cut the banana into cubes. Pour the pieces of fruit into the cooled gelatin mixture. Pour the future milk jelly into molds.

· Until fully cooked, the dessert will stay in the refrigerator for several hours. Its fresh taste will delight everyone who loves delicate and delicious sweets.

· Additionally, when serving, you can pour a layer of melted chocolate over the dessert.

Chocolate jelly with milk

Who doesn't love the bright combination of milk and chocolate? Especially when it is a harmonious dessert made with love.


1 glass of milk;

· Vanilla extract;

1 tbsp gelatin;

· 0.5 bars of your favorite chocolate.

Cooking method:

· Mix milk with gelatin and leave for a while.

· Melt the chocolate in the microwave in several passes for 10 seconds. For ease of mixing, you can add a couple of tablespoons of milk to it.

· Warm milk gelatin in a water bath. It is necessary to completely dissolve it in the liquid.

· Now you need to mix all the ingredients together.

· Pour jelly with milk and chocolate into molds or bowls. Let it freeze, leaving it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. When serving, sprinkle with pieces of black or milk chocolate.

Coffee milk jelly

Delicious desserts are not only loved by children. Adults also enjoy the delicate taste of milk jelly, especially if well prepared. Well, for coffee lovers, the next dessert will be simple perfect complement to your favorite drink.


· 1 cup of natural coffee with milk;

· 1 the same cup of milk;

50 g of sugar;

20 g of gelatin;


Cooking method:

· Add gelatin to coffee and milk in equal proportions. Separately warm up both mixtures, mix thoroughly and let them cool.

Mix 25 g of sugar and vanillin on the tip of a knife into each jelly part.

· Pour coffee gelatin into molds. Let it freeze and pour the milk on top.

· Ready-made milk jelly with coffee can be garnished with chocolate pieces or simply enjoyed in a classic way.

Milk jelly with cottage cheese

It is difficult to imagine this dish in an even more delicate format. However, it is cottage cheese that can turn this dessert into a real extravaganza for gourmets. It becomes delicious and light like a snow cloud.


0.5 cups of milk;

1 tbsp gelatin;

1 tbsp Sahara;

2 tbsp water;

· 100 g of cottage cheese.

Cooking method:

· It is important to use slightly damp cottage cheese. It will make the dessert juicier and tastier. Knead it with a little warm milk and add sugar. Mix everything thoroughly.

· Mix gelatin with water and heat, dissolving it completely.

· Combine both liquids, pour them into molds or bowls. Let the dessert freeze a little in the refrigerator.

· Shortly before serving, we take out the dish and decorate it with berries or grated chocolate.

The main ingredient in this dessert is milk. It should be natural, because only in this case will the dish turn out delicious. In addition, it is better to use milk with the highest possible fat content. In this way, a pleasantly soft texture can be achieved.

For those who love experimentation, baked milk is a great option. The jelly turns out to be tender and incredibly tasty. However, it is not justified for all recipes, so you need to be careful.

There are several flavors that are ideal for milk jelly. Among them are classic vanillin and its various interpretations, cocoa, coffee or even cinnamon. Madly delicious jelly will become if you add a vanilla stick to gelatinous milk when heated. Of course, at the time of cooling it should be removed. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

Do not use boiled milk. It can give a strange aftertaste in the dessert. The choice of pasteurized milk will be optimal. A sterilized version is also suitable.

In order for the jelly to solidify faster, you do not need to dissolve the gelatin in water. It can be put directly into milk. In addition to the significant savings in cooking time, this process will give the dish additional density in texture.

If jelly with milk is prepared in layers, it is worth pouring individual parts of the dessert right in the refrigerator. The fact is that during the transportation of the molds, drops of liquid can fall on the walls. This will create ugly streaks that can degrade the overall appearance of the dish.

To make milk jelly, you only need milk, gelatin, sugar and any additives of your choice. These can be spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg. Alternatively, you can use coffee, chocolate, fruit juices, cocoa, or fruit.


What do you need:
500 ml milk
100 ml of water
3 tbsp Sahara
1 tbsp gelatin
vanillin to taste

How to make the simplest milk jelly:

1. Gelatin must be poured with boiled water room temperature and leave to swell for about half an hour.

2. Then you need to bring milk to a boil, immediately remove from heat, add sugar, bring to a boil again, remove from heat again and, stirring gently, add squeezed gelatin.

3. When the mass cools down a little, add vanillin to it, mix, strain the resulting mixture through a sieve into molds and put in the refrigerator to solidify.

4. Before serving, the jelly must be removed from the molds.


What do you need:
10 g gelatin
4 yolks
4 tablespoons Sahara
200 ml milk
vanillin to taste

How to make classic milk jelly:

1. Grind the yolks with vanilla and sugar, and then pour in the hot milk.

2. Gelatin should be poured with water and, as soon as it swells, add to the egg-milk mixture, and then warm it up until it thickens.

3. Pour the jelly into molds and put in the refrigerator until it solidifies.

This dessert can be varied with any fruit or berry, for example, raspberries, cherries, tangerines, apricots or kiwi. Cut the fruits into small pieces, put them on the bottom of the molds and pour over the jelly.


What do you need:
100 ml of water
20 g gelatin
200 ml milk
200 ml freshly brewed coffee
4 tablespoons Sahara
1 pinch of cinnamon
vanillin to taste

How to make coffee and milk jelly:

1. Gelatin must be divided into 2 equal parts and soak each in 50 ml of water.

2. The milk should be brought to a boil over moderate heat, removed from the stove and allowed to cool to a moderately warm state. Then add vanillin, half the sugar and the first part of the gelatin.

3. Add the remaining sugar, cinnamon and a second portion of gelatin to the coffee.

4. Then it is necessary to pour the milk mixture into the molds and send it to the refrigerator until it solidifies completely. After that, you should add coffee on top of the milk mass and remove the jelly again in the cold.

Do you want to taste the classic milk jelly from Piedmont? Write down a simple and quick recipe!

Ecology of food. Milk jelly is low in calories, but delicious dessert, which also prepares quickly. For cooking

Milk jelly is a low-calorie but delicious dessert that is also quick to prepare.

To make milk jelly, you only need milk, gelatin, sugar and any additives of your choice. These can be spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg. Alternatively, you can use coffee, chocolate, fruit juices, cocoa, or fruit.


What do you need:

  • 500 ml milk
  • 100 ml of water
  • 3 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 tbsp gelatin
  • vanillin to taste

How to make the simplest milk jelly:

1. Gelatin must be poured with boiled water at room temperature and left to swell for about half an hour.

2. Then you need to bring milk to a boil, immediately remove from heat, add sugar, bring to a boil again, remove from heat again and, stirring gently, add squeezed gelatin.

3. When the mass cools down a little, add vanillin to it, mix, strain the resulting mixture through a sieve into molds and put in the refrigerator to solidify.

4. Before serving, the jelly must be removed from the molds.


What do you need:

  • 10 g gelatin
  • 4 yolks
  • 4 tablespoons Sahara
  • 200 ml milk
  • vanillin to taste

How to make classic milk jelly:

1. Grind the yolks with vanilla and sugar, and then pour in the hot milk.

2. Gelatin should be poured with water and, as soon as it swells, add to the egg-milk mixture, and then warm it up until it thickens.

3. Pour the jelly into molds and put in the refrigerator until it solidifies.

This dessert can be varied with any fruit or berry, for example, raspberries, cherries, tangerines, apricots or kiwi. Cut the fruits into small pieces, put them on the bottom of the molds and pour over the jelly.


What do you need:

  • 100 ml of water
  • 20 g gelatin
  • 200 ml milk
  • 200 ml freshly brewed coffee
  • 4 tablespoons Sahara
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon
  • vanillin to taste

How to make coffee and milk jelly:

1. Gelatin must be divided into 2 equal parts and soak each in 50 ml of water.

2. The milk should be brought to a boil over moderate heat, removed from the stove and allowed to cool to a moderately warm state. Then add vanillin, half the sugar and the first part of the gelatin.

3. Add the remaining sugar, cinnamon and a second portion of gelatin to the coffee.

4. Then it is necessary to pour the milk mixture into the molds and send it to the refrigerator until it solidifies completely. After that, you should add coffee on top of the milk mass and remove the jelly again in the cold.