Strawberry jelly jam. Thick strawberry jam - the best recipes for the winter

What do you think is the advantage of jelly for the winter over ordinary jam? Most likely, your answer will concern a special consistency, thanks to which the taste of berries and fruits harvested for the winter is revealed in a special way. In addition, it is the form of the jelly that helps to do amazingly delicious desserts from berries, which in ordinary jam quickly boil and lose their taste / color. For example, strawberry jelly for the winter is much richer in taste and aroma than its jam counterpart. But don't think that cooking canned strawberry jelly much harder than jam. No, under normal home conditions anyone can cook jelly from fresh or frozen strawberries. In terms of special ingredients, most strawberry jelly recipes for winter use gelatin. Although you can easily cook this yummy without it, if you know correct recipe... It is these step-by-step recipes with photos and videos for making strawberry jelly for the winter that are waiting for you further.

Delicious strawberry jelly for the winter without gelatin - a step by step recipe with a photo

Of course, there is practically no pectin in the strawberries themselves, which is responsible for the formation of a jelly-like state. Therefore, to prepare delicious strawberry jelly for the winter without using gelatin, you will need to add other fruits / berries that are rich in pectin. For example, unripe apples are great for this purpose. Read more on how to make delicious strawberry jelly for the winter without gelatin in step by step recipe with the photo below.

Essential ingredients for a delicious winter strawberry jelly without gelatin

  • strawberries - 1 kg
  • green apples - 0.5 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon juice- 1 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step instructions for a delicious strawberry jelly for winter without gelatin

Simple frozen strawberry jelly for the winter, recipe step by step

Frozen strawberries, of course, are inferior in their taste fresh berries, but you can also make jelly from it for the winter according to a simple recipe. You just need to understand: in order for such strawberry jelly to turn out really tasty, it is better to use sweet and ripe berries home freezing. In other words, plain jelly for the winter from store-bought frozen strawberries is not worth making.

Essential Ingredients for Plain Frozen Strawberry Jelly for the Winter

  • frozen strawberries - 500 gr.
  • gelatin - 1 sachet
  • sugar - 500 gr.

Step-by-step instructions for a simple frozen strawberry jelly recipe for winter

  1. We cook syrup from a liter of water and half a kilogram of sugar.
  2. When the syrup boils, take about 50 ml and pour it into a deep bowl. Add gelatin and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved, leave for 5 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, we send the frozen strawberries to the boiling syrup and stir.
  4. As soon as the berries are soft, remove the syrup from the stove and grind the strawberries with a blender.
  5. Pour gelatin into the berry mass and cook for literally another 5-7 minutes.
  6. Pour the thickened hot syrup into a sterile container and tighten the lids. Allow to cool completely upside down.

How to make strawberry and raspberry jelly with gelatin, step by step recipe

This jelly recipe is good because, in addition to strawberries, you can add other berries to it. For example, make strawberry and raspberry jelly with gelatin, which will surely delight the sweet tooth on long winter evenings. Read more on how to make jelly for the winter from strawberries and raspberries with the addition of gelatin below.

Required ingredients to make Strawberry Raspberry Jelly with Gelatin

  • strawberries - 500 gr.
  • raspberries - 500 gr.
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • gelatin - 30 gr.

Instructions for making strawberry and raspberry jelly with gelatin for the winter

  1. First, we prepare the berries: wash and remove the frankly spoiled ones, cut off the sepals.
  2. Using an immersion blender, grind strawberries and raspberries into a puree state in separate containers - so the total mass will turn out to be more homogeneous.
  3. We mix both berry purees in one container, add sugar and send them to the stove.
  4. As soon as the mass boils, remove the foam and add gelatin, mix well.
  5. We continue to stir, reducing the heat, until the mass thickens.
  6. Pour hot jelly into sterile jars and cover with lids. Additionally, pasteurize in a container with boiling water for another 10 minutes.
  7. We tighten the lids and you're done!

Delicious jelly from fresh strawberries and cherries for the winter, recipe step by step

Cherries and strawberries are amazingly tasty and healthy combination. It is not for nothing that it is often used to prepare various sweets for the winter, including in a recipe for jelly made from fresh strawberries and cherries. Read more on how to make an unrealistically delicious jelly from fresh strawberries and cherries for the winter in a step-by-step recipe below.

Essential ingredients for a delicious fresh strawberry and cherry jelly for the winter

  • strawberries - 1 kg
  • cherry - 500 gr.
  • sugar - 1, 2 kg
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • gelatin - 1 pack

Step-by-step instructions for a delicious fresh strawberry and cherry jelly for winter

  1. We prepare well washed berries in the following way: remove seeds from cherries, remove leaves from strawberries.
  2. We pass the berries through a meat grinder or grind in a blender until smooth.
  3. Pour the finished berry puree with sugar mixed with gelatin.
  4. Mix thoroughly and leave for 5 minutes. Then we send the saucepan to the fire.
  5. Stir the mass with a wooden spoon, bring the mixture to a boil and remove the warbler. Pour in lemon juice and cook for another 10 minutes.
  6. Pour the finished jelly into a sterile container and seal it with lids, turn it over.

How to make strawberry jelly for the winter at home, a recipe with a video

You can also make a very thick and tasty strawberry jelly for the winter at home with gelatin, an analogue of gelatin. Unlike recipes for strawberry jelly without gelatin, this option allows you not only to prepare a thick treat, but also to save on adding sugar. Learn more about how to make fresh strawberry jelly for winter at home in a step-by-step recipe with the video below.

It is time to collect the berries, beloved by many. Juicy, aromatic, sweet strawberry intoxicates with its smell. And I want to save this piece of summer so that cold winter enjoy the wonderful berriesjq. Therefore, we are in a hurry to cook jam, compotes, jams ...

Pounded Victoria (garden strawberries, wild strawberries) from IrishkaK

I do not boil anything at all, and I grind sugar 1: 1 with a pusher with sugar (in a saucepan), put it in the refrigerator for a day or two. During this time, I take out the pan several times and mix everything (so that the sugar is dispersed). Then I put the berries with sugar in jars (preheated in the oven, I heat it to 250 C). I close the lids and store anything in the refrigerator, or in a cold cellar (so that the temperature is like in the refrigerator).

Victoria Jam (garden strawberry, wild strawberry) by Nick

Victoria is covered with sugar overnight (I do it by eye, but the ratio is about 1 part of Victoria + 0.8 sugar), then it is brought to a boil. It boils for about 5 minutes. I take it off the stove, let it cool and again bring it to a boil. I cook for 5 minutes and pour it into hot sterilized jars. I twist it (you can put it "under the fur coat", you can not put it). Sometimes I immediately fall asleep with sugar and cook, when it boils, for about 15 minutes - and over sterilized jars.

Recipe from Sveta-sarsmis. Sveta's text:

  • 1 kg strawberries
  • 2 tbsp. l natural vanilla sugar
  • 5 black peppercorns (I added 10)
  • 500 g of special sugar for Dansukker jam (I took 800 gr. ordinary sah... sand)
  • 2 tbsp. l lemon juice

Put the peeled strawberries in a saucepan, sprinkle with vanilla and regular sugar. Wait until the juice comes out. Coarsely crush black pepper in a mortar, add to strawberries. Pour in lemon juice and put a saucepan over low heat. Let it boil, remove the foam. Cook for 5-10 minutes (depending on the variety of strawberries, the more juice is formed, the more to cook) Remove from heat. Cool for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Pour into sterilized jars, close with lids. As you can see, I did not regret the pepper. It seems to me that 5 pieces will obviously not be enough) And pepper, of course, can be different in sharpness. Here mine was some apparently old and demanded just such a quantity in order to feel both its aroma and sharpness.

  1. By chance, I had a double portion.
  2. I didn’t have a lemon, I definitely didn’t want to follow it in the heat, so I added a 10g packet for 2 portions of jam citric acid.
  3. The vanilla sugar ran out, so I didn't want to go for it in the heat either. And I put a vanilla pod in the jam.
  4. Very tasty and aromatic !!

Victoria jam (garden strawberry, wild strawberry) with white chocolate "Kiss Marlene Dietrich"

  • 1 kg of strawberries (I had small, small ones, so I didn't have to cut them)
  • 500g of gelling sugar
  • 5g citric acid
  • 1 white chocolate bar (100g)

I sorted out the strawberries, washed them, dried them, sprinkling them with sugar mixed with citric acid.
Brought to a low boil over low heat. If with gelling sugar, then cook for 5-10 minutes, I cooked a little longer, 15 minutes. At the end of cooking, turning off the hotplate, I added finely chopped White chocolate... Stirred until dissolved, poured into sterilized jars, immediately closed the twist lids and, as recommended in the original recipe, turned the jars upside down for 5 minutes.
They say that jam is kept in the cold for 4 months. I'm not going to keep it that long, I feel it will end soon.
The chocolate was taken from the white porous "Air" from the "Russia" factory.
The syrup turns out to be opaque, with opaque stains from chocolate.

Victoria jam (garden strawberry, wild strawberry) with basil from vikany

My girlfriend went on a business trip to Michigan, and from there she brought us a gift of jam made on a local farm. The owners of the farm, husband and wife, grow all products without fertilizers, everything is natural. And there, on the farm, they make jam, dry mushrooms and fruits. A friend brought 4 different jars of jam, most of all I liked blackberry jam with shiraz (red wine) and Strawberry jam with basil
Once upon a time I did fruit salad from strawberries and basil, but I didn't think of adding basil to the jam. Basil and strawberry are a great combination, basil kind of adds freshness to the taste. There was a farm phone on the jar of jam - I tried to find out the recipe for jam, but to no avail. I made jam as I usually do, but added basil - it turned out almost the same as delicious jam from a jar.

This amount of products will make 2.5 cups of jam

  • 1 kg strawberries, peeled
  • 1 tbsp + 1/2 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1-1.5 tbsp sugar
  • 2-3 tablespoons coarsely chopped basil leaves

Stir in strawberries and lemon juice and transfer to a saucepan. Turn on the gas and heat the strawberries with sugar over the lowest heat, stirring frequently. The strawberries should have a lot of juice, it will take about 40 minutes.
Then add sugar and bring to a boil. Simmer over medium heat, stirring for about 15 minutes, add basil 2-3 minutes until tender. Then cool the jam completely, remove the foam and arrange in the jars.
The jam can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-4 months. Or you can put the jam in sterilized jars, close with metal lids and store for about 1 year.

Victoria orange jam (garden strawberry, wild strawberry) from Kateryonok

  • 250g oranges
  • 650g sugar
  • 380g strawberries
  • 2 tbsp chopped leaves of mint or lemon balm
  • 2-3 tbsp orange liqueur

Scald oranges, cut in half and slice thinly. Then, after mixing with 250 g of sugar, leave to infuse overnight. Mix the washed, peeled and slightly mashed strawberries with the remaining sugar and let it brew for an hour. Then combine the oranges with the strawberries. Add mint or lemon balm, bring to a boil and cook for 4 minutes. Then add 2-3 tbsp. orange liqueur. Then pour the jam immediately into clean screw-top jars and close tightly.

Victoria jelly (garden strawberry, wild strawberry) from Katerenok

  • fresh strawberries - 300g
  • sugar - 150g
  • gelatin - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • lemon

Mash the washed berries, squeeze the juice, strain it. Pour the remaining pulp with 1 liter of hot water, add sugar, bring to a boil. Strain the broth. Introduce pre-soaked gelatin into the cooled broth, stir, bring to a boil and pour in the strawberry juice and squeezed lemon juice. Pour into bowls, after rinsing them cold water, and refrigerate until chilled.

Victoria (garden strawberry, wild strawberry) in its own juice from Eos

Sprinkle the smaller berries in layers with sugar (200-250g per 1kg of berries), overnight in the refrigerator. Then put the berries in jars up to the shoulders. Heat the remaining juice, but do not boil, and pour the berries over it. Cover the jars with lids and pasteurize in hot water (45-50 degrees). Bring the water temperature to 80 degrees and hold 0.5 cans for 7-8 minutes, 1 liter cans for 12-15 minutes or sterilize (from the moment the water boils) for 4 and 7 minutes, respectively. Remove the cans, roll up the lids and put upside down.
Or: put small berries in jars and pour boiling water, cover and sterilize in a saucepan with heated water: 0.5 liter jars for 9-10 minutes, and 1 liter for 10-12 minutes. Roll up and cool.

Victoria Compote (garden strawberry, wild strawberry) by Nick

For 1 liter, about 150 g of sugar (i.e. three-liter jar take 450-400g of sugar).
We fill the sterilized jar by a third with berries, pour sugar into the water, bring to a boil, pour the berries in the jar with syrup, tighten the lid - and in a fur coat for a day.

It was an experiment, in my opinion, everything worked out. Dried strawberries taste sweet and very strawberry, on top they are dry (naturally) and a little "leathery", but on the inside they are soft and viscous. I remember as a child my grandmother dried apples, pears, apricots, plums in the sun, but somehow strawberries were never dried. I wanted to bake a cupcake, one of the ingredients was dried strawberries... I never bought and did not pay attention to how much dried strawberries cost, what was my surprise when I saw $ 10.00 for 450 g on the price tag. I nevertheless bought the strawberries, but most likely they were stale in the store - they turned out to be hard and with a strange aftertaste. I decided to try to dry the strawberries myself. I did quite a bit, 600-700 grams per sample.

  • 1 kg strawberries
  • 2 tablespoons of ascorbic acid
  • 1 liter of water

Strawberries are a luxurious berry, you want to prepare them for the winter in large quantities and different ways... A zealous hostess should always have a couple of jars of thick strawberry jam in stock. It will go berry fillings in pies, pies, rolls.

Such a delicacy is pleasant to spread on a bun, add to cheese cakes, casseroles. How to cook a dessert of the desired thick consistency - I share recipes and secrets.

How to make jam thicker

The statement that you cook this longer, the thicker the jam, is fundamentally correct. An equally valuable statement is that by adding more sugar, you will get a thick consistency of treats at the exit.

But with prolonged cooking, vitamins evaporate, the berries become tough. The addition of sugar makes the dessert expensive. A few simple rules will help you make thick strawberry jam without too much difficulty:

  • Drain off excess syrup if the berry is juicy at the first stage, when you add sugar to the strawberries, and it will juice.
  • Use secret ingredients... Now there are many artificial thickeners, such as gelatin, confiture, zhelfix.
The jam can be made not only tasty and thick to make a spoon stand, but also original. Add cinnamon, mint, cloves. Look at a couple in my other article, I will.

Thick strawberry jam with whole berries

The top skill is the ability to cook thick jam for the winter, keeping the strawberries intact. And gelatin is not always needed for this. Lemon performs two important functions in the recipe - it protects the jam from fermentation and prevents the berries from boiling.


  • Berries - 2 kg.
  • Lemon - ½ part.
  • Granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Wash the berries, and only then remove the tails. This is an important clarification, because without the tails, the berries will absorb excess water. Be sure to dry on a spread towel.
  2. Sprinkle the sugar over the strawberries and set aside for 5-6 hours. During this time, the juice will be released from the berry.
  3. After the set time, put to cook. Stir the contents regularly and wait until the sugar dissolves.
  4. When the dessert boils, continue cooking for 10 minutes.
  5. Without removing from the burner, catch the berries and put them in another bowl.
  6. Continue cooking the syrup. Our task is to achieve the required density.
  7. After about an hour, add the lemon, finely chopped directly with the zest.
  8. Continue cooking for another 30-40 minutes. Then return the berries to the pot.
  9. Cook for another hour on low heat.
  10. Distribute hot jam in jars, leave to cool, without covering with a lid.
  11. Cold dessert is rolled or covered with parchment. You can store it in apartment conditions all winter.

Thick jam without gelatin for the winter

The secret of thick strawberry jam in this case is that excess juice is drained. Use it to make jelly, yogurt, jelly, add to ice cream or freeze in cubes for the winter. Please note that we save sugar by taking half of it.


  • Strawberries - 2 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

How to make thick jam:

  1. Sprinkle the berries with sugar and forget about them for a few hours - let them give out juice.
  2. Drain a little more than half of the juice and cook. Stir occasionally and skim off.
  3. An hour after boiling, when the dessert has boiled down, remove from the stove and leave to cool.
  4. Place in jars and store in a cool place for winter storage.

Thick jam - recipe in a slow cooker

The multicooker is increasingly coming to the aid of housewives. Cooking in kitchen assistant frees up time for women, giving them the opportunity to do other kitchen chores, while looking after the jam.

You will need:

  1. Sugar and berries - 1 kilogram each.
  2. Thickener - 20 gr. (gelatin, gelatin).
  3. Winter jam recipe:
  4. Remove the sepals from a clean berry, put it in a bowl.
  5. Add sugar, stir and go about your business.
  6. After 3-4 hours, when the berries exude juice, close the multi lid. Set the mode to "Stew" or "Cooking jam" (now many multicooker has such a function). Cooking time - an hour.
  7. A couple of minutes before the end, add gelatin and stir the strawberry mass.
  8. Divide the hot treat into jars and seal.

Thick strawberry jam with gelatin

You can make a very thick strawberry jam if you use any thickener with pectin or agar. Gelatin is the most popular and common among them. What is good, the consistency can be adjusted independently by decreasing the amount of crystals.

  • Berries - 1 kg.
  • Gelatin - 20 gr.
  • Granulated sugar - 600 gr.
  • Optionally - a few sprigs of mint.

How to make a thick dessert:

  1. Cover the washed and peeled berries with sand. Throw in the mint if you feel like it.
  2. After a few hours, when the juice appears, cook.
  3. Let it boil over a medium heat, reduce it to minimum.
  4. Continue cooking for 10 minutes. Remove the mint sprigs.
  5. Dissolve the thickener in water (a standard sachet usually takes a couple of large spoons).
  6. Pour in, gelatin, stir the strawberry mass.
  7. Cook for an additional 5-10 minutes, remove from the hotplate and let cool.
  8. Do not be discouraged if at first it seems that the dessert is not too thick - the gelatin will soon do the necessary, and the consistency will turn out to be correct.

Thick and aromatic jam in a pan

The original cooking technology makes it possible to keep the berries intact. The strawberries do not lose their color and remain deliciously aromatic.

Tip: cook in small portions, otherwise it will not work out quickly, and the taste will not be the same - checked. Take small, strong berries. The dessert is similar to marmalade, but the berries remain intact.


  • Berries - 600 gr.
  • Granulated sugar - 400 gr.
  • Citric acid - a pinch optional.

How to make fried jam:

  1. Place the first two ingredients from the recipe in a deep skillet.
  2. Make a powerful fire. After five minutes, a large amount of aromatic juice will be released (aroma for the whole apartment, you can go crazy). The mass will increase.
  3. Skim off the foam. If during the boiling process the jam starts to "run away", reduce the gas. When the mass "calms down", increase again.
  4. Cook for 15-20 minutes. The mass should thicken and begin to separate from the pan - this is a signal that it is time to turn off. Citric acid is added at the end, but I usually don't.
  5. Transfer the finished delicacy to a jar, twist it and send it to the pantry. Tip: if you want to make it thicker, cook for longer.

A step-by-step video recipe for making thick strawberry jam. Successful blanks to you.

Among the variety of sweet preserves, it is worth highlighting strawberry jam - it is one of the most fragrant. This delicacy is first of all adored by the smallest family members. And not in vain, because strawberry jam is not only very tasty, but also healthy. Of course, in the process of heat treatment, a certain part of the vitamins is lost, however, the remaining ones are quite enough to replenish the body with the necessary elements.

By its composition, the berry is rich in such useful material like potassium, iron, pectin, magnesium and many more. recommend to use for anemia, hypertension and atherosclerosis. It has a beneficial effect on metabolism, improves the condition of blood vessels, and replenishes iodine reserves. The sweet berry has diuretic properties, and is also used to alleviate the general condition during colds.

Preparation of berries for conservation

Many for winter harvesting strawberries buy berries in the market. In this case, one can only hope for the good faith of the sellers and carefully examine the strawberries for integrity and the presence of spoiled berries. To those who are lucky enough to grow healthy berries on their own, experienced housewives advise to pick berries only during the day and in sunny weather. Then the morning dew will already evaporate, and the strawberries will be juicy, but not watery.

For strawberry jam, it is advisable to select not very large fruits, since they are sweeter and more aromatic. In addition, small strawberries will better retain their shape during the cooking process and will not fall apart.

All berries should be sorted out beforehand, the stalks should be removed, and then rinsed well. In this case, you should not use running water from the tap, but it is better to lower them in small portions in a bowl of water. Clean strawberries must be laid out on the table so that they dry out and the glass has excess moisture. The table is covered with a clean towel and the berries are left for several hours.

Strawberry jam recipes involve mainly use fresh berries because the strawberries that are taken from the refrigerator are no longer so fragrant and sweet. But if you suddenly wanted to pamper yourself in winter delicious delicacy, and there are supplies in the freezer, jam can even be made from frozen berries.

In this case, the procurement process has its own nuances. Since the berries from the freezer are already pre-prepared (washed and dried), the time required to prepare the dessert is reduced. However, it should be borne in mind that it will turn out to be more liquid than made from fresh berries.

Frozen strawberry jam is prepared without first defrosting the berries. The berries from the freezer are immediately covered with sugar, mixed and left for 4 hours.

Strawberry jam made in three passes

To prepare goodies for the winter, berries and sugar are taken in a 1: 1 ratio. Fold the strawberries into a large saucepan, cover with sugar on top and let stand for at least 5 hours so that the berries let the juice flow.

There is nothing complicated in how to make strawberry jam, no. To do this, bring the mass to a boil over medium heat, remove the foam and boil for 5 minutes. Leave the jam overnight to cool. The next day, repeat the procedure two more times.

After the third entry, let the finished jam cool a little for an hour, then put it in half-liter jars and roll up.

To make the jam thicken faster, you can add vinegar or lemon juice to the blank at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per kilogram of berries.

Thick strawberry jam

This way of preserving jam is much faster than the previous one, since it is prepared in one step. The cooking time depends on the desired consistency. The thicker the jam should be, the longer it takes to cook.

Weigh the strawberries beforehand to determine required amount Sahara. For each kilogram of berries, 1.5 kg of granulated sugar will be required. Put the berries in a bowl or pan in layers, sprinkling each layer with sugar. Leave for 4 hours for juice to appear.

When the strawberries let out the juice, put the blank on the fire and bring to a boil, periodically removing the foam.

The finished jam should not spread over the plate, but slowly slide down.

Strawberry jam - five minutes

The preparation of the berries will take most of the time, and the delicacy itself is made very quickly, besides, a whole strawberry looks beautiful in a jar.

So, to prepare 2 liters quick jam from strawberries with whole berries, you should first cook the syrup. To do this, stir in a small bowl:

  • 600 g sugar;
  • 400 ml of water.

Put the syrup on fire and let it boil, stirring constantly. When the sugar is completely dissolved, turn off the hotplate and let the syrup cool.

While the syrup is cooling, prepare the strawberries: select whole, undamaged berries, rinse, dry. For the specified amount of syrup, you will need 2 kg of berries.

Put strawberries in the cooled syrup and leave the berries overnight to soak them.

In the morning, bring the workpiece to a boil, remove the foam, boil for 5 minutes and immediately roll up.

Strawberry Jelly Jam

For those who do not want or do not have the opportunity to bother with boiling down the workpiece, you can try making strawberry jam with gelatin.

Step by step cooking:

Instead of lemon, you can take citric acid (1 tsp), and instead of gelatin - Confiture or Zhelfix (1 pack).

Raw strawberry jam

To preserve all the vitamins that are in the berries, they prepare strawberry jam without boiling. For such a dessert, you will need a little more sugar. So, for 1 kg of strawberries they take about 1.6 kg of sugar, and if the berries are a little sour, then all 2 kg.

The jam making process is very simple:

Raw jam is kept in the refrigerator.

Strawberry jam is a "piece of summer" in a jar, its sweet aroma will remind you of warm summer evenings and help you survive the winter cold. Surprise your loved ones with a delicious dessert and - bon appetit!

Video recipe for French strawberry jam

Strawberry jelly for the winter - fragrant preparation that your kids will love. Why are there children - adults themselves are not averse to enjoying such a dessert on cold dark winter evenings, washed down with hot tea or coffee.

Strawberry jelly is prepared with the addition of gelatin or agar-agar and solidifies when it cools. By the way, if you store such a blank in the basement or cellar, then the jelly will not lose its shape, no matter how you turn the container with it.

For those who have a pantry in an apartment, I advise you to still use agar-agar, because it grasps already at 40C. By the way, you can create various pastries with strawberry jelly using a treat as a filling, for example: croissants, puffs, buns, bagels, pies, etc.

So, let's prepare for making strawberry jelly for the winter necessary ingredients and let's start cooking!

Rinse the strawberries in water and remove the green tails from each berry, if any.

Pour the strawberry mass into a saucepan, add granulated sugar and simmer over the fire for about 10-15 minutes, turning the food into strawberry jam. If desired, add a little citric acid or lemon juice at this stage to bring out the sweetness of the strawberries.

Grind the prepared sweet mass with an immersion blender for about 3-5 minutes, turning it into puree. Be careful as the jam is very hot! Cook the strawberry puree on low heat for another 5-8 minutes.

At this time, pour boiling water over the gelatin and dissolve it for 5-7 minutes, stirring until it is completely dissolved.

As soon as the gelatin dissolves, pour the liquid with it into a saucepan, stir and turn off the heat.

Pour the strawberry jelly hot into sterilized jars and tighten with hot lids or seal them with a preservation wrench. Allow the blanks to cool, and then transfer them to a permanent storage location. The shelf life of this strawberry jelly is 1 year.

Now you know exactly how to make strawberry jelly for the winter, so hurry up to stock up on it before it's too late!

Enjoy your winter!