Buns with yeast jam. Quick Yeast Jam Buns

This recipe for buns with yeast dough and her story was sent to us by Elena. I am from Kazakhstan, Rudny. I'm 36 years old. I was born in 1977 and raised in the USSR.

“I grew up during perestroika and a shortage of everything, including food. Cooking expensive meals, and especially in our family, did not have the opportunity. But a family is a family. Especially we, the children, wanted sweets, and we looked for different ways to get this sweets.

My mom used to bake for us on weekends yeast buns with jam, which she called "American". I don’t know where this name came from. Either she heard somewhere, or she came up with it herself. These buns were only called so - "buns", but in fact they were rolls with jam instead of filling. After cooking, they were sliced ​​and eaten with tea (and with pleasure). In this recipe, the whole point was in the thick jam.

And then, one day, I decided to somehow make my mom a pleasant surprise and bake these buns. And I must admit that she herself was not indifferent either to sweets or to baked goods. I got cherry jam from the mezzanine (I couldn't find another) and started making the dough. It was not difficult to make it - I knew how to knead the dough. And I coped with it quickly, with enthusiasm.

She rolled out the cakes and began to smear them with jam. But the jam is cherry. Liquid. It was not spread, but simply dripped from the edges of the dough onto the table. I did not give up, and, pouring it onto the larger cakes, I rolled them into a roll. She put it on a baking sheet and waited for an hour.

An hour later I looked, and then my jam, absolutely everything, ran out. Well, how can it be! I had to do something. Buns without jam will turn out tasteless, there is little sugar in the dough. The jam was supposed to give sweet taste baked goods. And sweet is my weakness. And I also poured jam on top of them. It doesn't matter that most of it is glass on a baking sheet. I, stubborn (and stupid by age), put the buns to bake. Soon, the oven began to smell terribly. This was my jam.

After preparing the buns with jam, it turned out that they were all firmly, to blackness, adhered to the baking sheet, so much so that they could not be ripped off. So I had to cut (or tear off) the buns from him. But that was not all. I didn’t taste the jam, which, as it turned out, was with seeds. And the bones have not gone anywhere! So you can break your teeth.

So, training on my mom and dad, and on my brother, I was gaining skill. But now I cook and it is quite tolerable. Next, I want to present to your attention her recipe for the very bun, which did not seem so difficult to me. "

This is a recipe with yet another know-how from the "Delicious, fast, simple!" Series. Perfect for busy moms. We will make fragrant and airy buns with strawberry jam and glaze. The idea is very simple - to make a pillow of dough under the buns, the filling will not run away and the baked goods will not burn. The buns are tender, fragrant and very tasty.

Ingredients for Vanilla Strawberry Jam Buns:

Recipe "Vanilla buns with strawberry jam":

These are the products we need. You can make the dough according to your favorite recipe, it is not important here.

2 - 3 tbsp. l. pour milk into a separate bowl, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 1 tbsp. l. flour. Break fresh yeast into pieces, add to the milk mixture and stir until the yeast dissolves.
If you have dry yeast, then you need 7 g. The actions are the same.

Melt butter in the microwave, combine with milk, sugar, vanilla sugar and eggs. Stir lightly (at the lowest speed for about half a minute).
Several times I made the dough with vegetable oil (odorless), it turned out very well too.
The amount of sugar can be varied to taste. I really like 50-60 grams, it's a little less than a third of a glass.

Measure out 4 cups of flour with a measuring cup (volume 250 ml) and sift to oxygenate the flour. Add salt to the flour. Add the yeast milk mixture and mix well.
Then add the resulting contents to the egg and milk mixture in the mixer bowl, and knead the dough until smooth. The dough will be elastic and soft like an earlobe.

Put the dough in a bowl, cover with cling film and put in a warm place for 1 hour, the dough will increase by about 2-3 times.
I always make several punctures with a fork in cling film.

Prepare a form about 20 x 30 cm in size. This time I automatically took a regular baking sheet, it is larger, and I want to say that in the form of a smaller size, the buns look prettier.

This is where the know-how starts:
Knead the dough and separate a piece of about 150 g. Roll it out very thinly into a rectangle to fit your mold and place on the bottom of the mold. If you do not get a rectangle of an ideal shape - well, you don’t need it, this is not the main thing and it will not be visible anyway.

Conveniently roll out the pillow dough between the sheets parchment paper... Draw on the top size of the bottom of the mold, this will come in handy, it will be much easier to fit a small piece of dough to the desired size. Then remove the top sheet, and transfer the bottom sheet together in the dough into the mold.
It was only at that moment that I saw that I had not taken the form of the required size, and therefore the usual 150 g of dough for a pillow-backing was not enough, I had to twist out, and the photo turned out to be non-photogenic. But now you are warned. Although, all the same, this dough will not be visible in the final product.
Later, this pillow of dough becomes the bottom of the bun. You can break off the bun (photo on a dark background), or cut it off with a knife like a pie. Below is a cutaway photo of the finished bun.

Roll out a rectangle of about 30 x 40 cm from the remaining dough and brush it with jam, not reaching the edge of 2 cm. Wrap the side edges along the narrow side onto the dough with jam, and then roll the dough into a roll.
If you heat the jam a little in the microwave, it will be easier and faster to spread it.

Cut the roll into pieces 3-4 cm wide. It is more convenient to cut with a thread: take a regular sewing thread, fold it along the length a couple of times to make it denser. Measure the size of the resulting roll and use a knife to easily make notches where you need to cut it. Now bring the thread from the bottom of the roll, cross sharply at the top - and you get perfectly even pieces. These will be our buns.
Place the buns on the bottom of the baking pan, covered with dough. Now our jam won't run anywhere!
Cover the buns with cling film and leave to rise for 30 minutes. Avoid drafts.
Preheat oven to 200 degrees, and bake buns for 20-25 minutes until golden brown, focus on your oven.

When the buns are ready, prepare the icing: add 2-3 tbsp to the icing sugar. l. hot water and stir, it will turn out approximately like liquid sour cream. Pour the icing over the buns while they are still hot; it is more convenient to do this with a silicone pastry brush.
The amount of icing sugar can be reduced (I had about half a glass). What does this affect - the more sugar, the more sugar-white your icing will be, and mine is almost transparent.

I cut them into 3 cm wide pieces, making 15 buns. The finished buns are as tall as pie.

Step-by-step recipes for making buns with yeast and puff pastry

2018-04-30 Yakovleva Kira





In 100 grams of finished dish

2 gr.

18 gr.


49 gr.

296 kcal

Option 1: Buns with jam - a classic recipe

Traditional buns with jam will be a great treat for a drink for every taste: hot or cold. You can choose any jam, the main thing is it should be thick and pitted. Pastries cooked with jam will also work well.


  • 1 egg;
  • 800 grams of flour;
  • 200 grams of plum jam;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 50 grams of oil;
  • 25 grams of fresh yeast.

Step-by-step recipe for jam buns

Dissolve yeast and granulated sugar in hot milk.

Separate the yolk and white, leave the first for greasing the buns in the future, add the second to the milk.

Pour flour in small portions, stirring, replace the mass so that there are no lumps.

Finely chop the butter, transfer to the mass, mix.

Cover the mixture with a napkin and let stand for four hours.

Pour out the dough again and divide into twelve identical parts, each roll out into a rectangle shape.

Put the jam in the center of each rectangle, and connect the edges tightly, roll the dough with a "snail" (roll).

Place the rolls close to each other in a mold with high edges, leave for ten minutes.

Bake for about forty minutes in the oven at 180 degrees, then let cool before removing from the mold.

When the buns are ready, you shouldn't rush to transfer them to the plate. To avoid the unpleasant situation when fresh baked goods stick and lose their appearance, first you need to let it cool down a little.

Option 2: A quick recipe for buns and jam in the oven

Of course, the easiest way to bake buns is using store-bought frozen dough, but if you want to do it yourself and save time at the same time, you should try this recipe.


  • 350 ml of milk;
  • 600 grams of flour;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • 7 grams of yeast;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;
  • 200 grams of jam.

How to quickly cook jam buns in the oven

Dissolve the yeast mixture and sugar in one fourth of a glass of milk, wrap in cling film and wait for the frothy cap to appear on the surface.

Pour the sifted flour into a separate bowl, squeeze a small hole in it and pour in the rest of the milk and the yeast mixture, mix.

Pour in the melted butter, salt, knead again and roll into a ball.

Roll out the dough, shape it into a circle, divide it into mugs with a glass.

Put the jam in the middle of each mug with a teaspoon, pinch the edges, cover with a napkin or paper towel. Leave for a quarter of an hour.

Beat the yolk with a little clean water.

Grease the envelopes with the mixture, sprinkle lightly with cane sugar and transfer to a baking sheet covered with foil.

Bake at 190 degrees for no more than 15 minutes.

Such buns can be prepared for festive table and just like that, for no reason. The recipe is quite easy and does not take a lot of time to complete. Children can be involved in the process, they usually really like to sculpt buns, especially with special molds in the form of animals or some objects - stars or Christmas trees.

Option 3: Buns with yeast dough jam

Preparation yeast dough requires a little more time and effort from the cook, but the result will meet expectations. The buns will turn out fluffy, soft and appetizing.


  • 3 eggs;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 20 grams of sugar;
  • 600 grams of flour;
  • 55 grams of butter;
  • 350 grams of raspberry jam;
  • 25 grams of fresh yeast.

Step by step recipe

The first stage is traditional - the yeast needs to be ground with 50 ml of milk and left for thirteen minutes.

Grind sugar with eggs and heated butter.

In one bowl, displace all of the above, add the remaining milk and half of the flour.

To make the dough soft, without stopping to stir, add the second half of the flour.

Wrap the bowl with its contents with cling film, leave until the dough rises. This will take about an hour.

Crumple again and roll into a rectangle.

Spread the dough with jam, stepping back one and a half centimeters from the edges.

Fold the rectangle in three, secure the edges and cut across into twelve strips, each of which should not be wider than 3 cm.

Twist each strip three times, fold into a ring, seal the edges and transfer to a baking sheet.

Cook for eighteen minutes in an oven preheated to 190 degrees.

This recipe is also suitable for making savory pastries: for this, it is enough to replace the sweet ingredient with such as eggs, spinach, feta cheese.

Option 4: Puff Jam Buns

Puff pastry buns are very tasty. It is not difficult to prepare them, even a novice hostess will cope with the recipe, the main thing is to strictly follow the step-by-step instructions.


  • 1 egg;
  • 500 grams of flour;
  • 8 grams of yeast;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;
  • 200 ml of milk 2.5%;
  • 60 grams of butter;
  • 80 grams of vegetable oil.

How to cook

Mix yeast and a small amount of flour, add sugar. Heat the mixture a little and mix with the rest of the dry ingredients.

Pour into the mixture vegetable oil.

Separate the white from the yolk, then beat until foamy, then attach to the other components, mix. Use the egg yolk at the end to grease future pies.

Sleep the flour in the dough, carefully wrap it in cling film and leave warm for an hour and a half.

Divide the resulting dough into five parts, roll them into a ball, cover each with a napkin and leave for at least fifteen minutes.

Roll out the balls into flat cakes and grease each with melted butter, put the jam on top and roll it up, secure the edges.

Mix the yolk with a spoonful of milk.

Put the rolls on a baking sheet, brush with the egg-milk mixture and leave to the side for fifteen minutes.

Send the baked goods to the oven for twenty-five minutes. Cook at 180 degrees.

Be sure to preheat the oven before placing baked goods in it.

Option 5: Puff pastry buns with no yeast jam

Using ready-made dough without yeast will significantly save cooking time. It only takes ten minutes to form the buns and another half hour to bake. Any filling can be used thick jam pitted, jam, cottage cheese, chocolate paste or fruits like bananas or apples.


  • 2 teaspoons of milk;
  • 0.5 cups of jam;
  • 2 yolks for lubrication;
  • poppy seeds or sesame seeds for sprinkling;
  • 900 grams of ready-made puff pastry.

Step by step recipe

Defrost the dough. In no case should you use a microwave to speed up the process, this will ruin the taste of the future dish.

Roll out the dough in one direction, while it is better to lightly sprinkle the surface of the table with flour to avoid sticking.

Divide each slice of dough into four equal pieces.

Cut small holes on one half of each part with dough tins, put a little jam in the middle of each part. The main thing is not to do this close to the edges, so that the jam does not flow.

Cover with the other half and pinch the edges.

Mix the yolk with the milk and brush the buns with the mixture.

Preheat oven to 220 degrees.

Bake for half an hour if using a conventional oven and fifteen minutes if using an electric oven.

Before serving the pastries to the table, it is worth giving them time to cool, and then carefully transfer them to a beautiful dish. You can decorate the buns with powdered sugar or confectionery powder.

Option 6: Butter buns with jam and streusel

For of this recipe it is best to make the dough in a bread maker. Streisel is a pastry crumb that adds a more elegant and appetizing appearance to a dish, while improving and taste qualities... These buns are especially popular with children. Little gourmets can even be involved in the process.


  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 150 ml of kefir;
  • 550 grams of flour;
  • 120 grams of sugar;
  • 8 teaspoons of jam;
  • 2 grams of vanillin;
  • 140 grams of margarine;
  • 15 grams of dry yeast;
  • 50 grams of butter.

How to cook:

Substitute the dough in the bread maker, load the products according to the instructions (kefir, milk, sugar, vanillin, margarine, flour and yeast).

Knead the dough, then leave it for an hour to come up.

To make crumb: mix butter, three tablespoons of granulated sugar and the same amount of flour.

Divide the dough into equal parts to each other (about sixteen pieces), roll into balls.

Dip each ball in vegetable oil, then in a streusel.

Put the balls on a baking sheet covered with pastry paper, so that there is space between them, leave for half an hour to proof.

Make a small depression in each ball and put jam there.

Bake for fifteen minutes at 220 degrees.

Any recipe requires utmost care, it is very important to knead the dough well and remember to give it enough time to rise. Buns are baked only in a preheated oven. To prevent the finished buns from sticking to the baking sheet, you should use special baking paper or foil.

Step 1: knead the dough.

First you need to knead the dough. Since it is yeast, it will take quite a long time to knead. Therefore, it is better to prepare the dough in advance, for example, in the evening.
First, in a deep plate, mix salt, sugar and yeast, fill them with warm milk (its temperature should not be higher than 40 degrees). Leave the yeast to brew in a warm place for 25-30 minutes.
After the specified time, add softened and cut margarine to the yeast with milk. Now gradually, in small portions, add sifted wheat flour, simultaneously kneading the dough with his hands.
As a result, you should get a soft, but not sticky mass, do not pour flour so that the dough does not come out too tight.
Wrap the finished dough with a towel or wrap with cling film and leave to rise in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours.

Step 2: form jam buns.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator, wrinkle and divide into 20-25 equal balls.
Now the fun begins, we will shape our beautiful buns... Take one ball and roll it into a round cake, but not very flat.
Use a glass or glass to cut a circle in the middle of your tortilla.
Take the part that looks like a donut and fold it in the middle to make a figure eight.
Lay one part of the figure eight over the circle you cut out earlier.
Wrap the second part of the figure eight inward and place it on top, the ring in the ring, so that you get a kind of "rose".
Immediately place the piece on a baking sheet, greased with butter or covered with baking parchment, and start shaping the next bun.
When all the dough has gone into the blanks, put a spoonful of your favorite jam in the center of each bun. Now leave your products for a while so that they fit and spread out a little in all directions.

Step 3: bake the jam buns.

Preheat oven to 180-190 degrees Celsius, brush the jam buns with loose yolk, then send them bake until mouth-watering golden brown... As soon as the dough is baked and changes color, take out your pastry and leave to cool when room temperature... Once the buns have cooled, they are ready to serve.

Step 4: serve the jam buns.

Jam buns are great for tea and as gifts. They are beautiful, ruddy, sweet and very fragrant, so they look good on the table and invite everyone to tea. And what can warm you better in cold autumn than a cozy and relaxed atmosphere when everyone is at home? Probably nothing.
Bon Appetit!

Similar buns can be made with natural marmalade, it turns out very tasty too.

Always look at the expiration date of the yeast. Only with fresh yeast your dough will turn out to be quite airy, otherwise all your efforts may be wasted.

To prevent the edges of the buns from falling apart, fasten them together with slightly damp hands.

1. We begin to prepare the dough. Break the egg into a convenient container, add salt, sugar and mix.

2. Fill the right amount milk. The milk should be slightly warmed up so that it is warm, up to 30 degrees. Mix all the components again.
3. Pour dry instant yeast... We will try to mix all the ingredients. You will see how the yeast begins to bloom right before our eyes. At the end, pour in vegetable oil. If the milk is very high in fat, the dough may not rise as much, however, it will not affect the taste.

4. Turn the oven 180 degrees before kneading. Now the dough. Gradually add flour and knead. Separate about a fifth of the flour (100 grams): depending on the quality of the flour, not all of the flour is useful. When the dough no longer sticks to your hands, no more flour is needed: the dough took as much as necessary.

5. Shape the dough into a ball and place in a bowl, cover with a plastic bag, wrap with a towel, turn off the oven and place the dough in it. Let it stand for 20-25 minutes for it to come up.

6. During the time that the dough will spend in hot oven, it will rise more than twice. As you can see, it happened in record time!

7. From the dough that has come up, which has become very elastic and tender, we take away a small piece, weighing about 80 grams. If you do not have scales, then the size of the dough piece that will be needed for one bun can be determined by eye. It will be slightly larger than a tennis (ping pong) ball.

8. Roll out a small rectangular cake, grease its surface with the jam that you have chosen for the filling.

9. Fold the opposite sides to the center, and then fold the dough into a tube. Let the seam be at the bottom.

10. In the form in which the buns will be baked, cover with baking paper and lay out the prepared buns.

11. Let the buns come up for 10 minutes, grease them egg yolk and put in the oven. We bake until golden crust at 180 degrees.

12. As soon as the pies are browned, they can be removed from the oven and served.