Sweet shortcrust cake with jam in the oven. Sand cake with jam

Waking up in the morning, I decided to bake the fastest pie in my opinion - grated with jam. It's decided, it's done. And at lunchtime, when I realized that I needed to stop and drink tea and cake, I did not find a single piece of cake. Did my family eat a huge pie on a whole baking sheet so quickly? Yes exactly.

Do you want to make the same cake? I am sure that many experienced housewives already know this recipe and it has definitely been tried out more than once. But, all the same, we will remind the experienced hostesses (they suddenly forgot that there is just such a recipe), and I will tell you in detail for those who are just at the pier and wondering whether they are getting into a boat called "baking".

In the course of the recipe, I will reveal the subtleties of cooking and small secrets and tricks.


Margarine - 250 g;

Flour - 500 g (maybe a little more or less);

Baking powder - 1 teaspoon;

Jam - 200 g;

Sugar - 130 g;

Eggs - 2 pcs.;

Vanilla essence - 2 drops.


Take a proven margarine for baking. It should be for baking. Put it in a warm place to soften it. Usually margarine quickly reaches the desired plasticity. Pour sugar into a large bowl and finely chop the margarine.

Beat the margarine and butter until the sugar dissolves. In my case, the margarine did not turn into a homogeneous airy consistency, but small pieces remained. This did not affect the taste of the cake, I would say that the dough turned out to be more shortbread. Add vanillin.

Add eggs.

Beat the dough again with a mixer or whisk. Sift the flour into a separate bowl with baking powder.

Add flour gradually. Its quantity depends on the quality of flour. Therefore, you do not need to whip the entire portion of flour into the dough. Add half, then more and so, until the dough is plastic and does not stick to your hands.

The color of the dough can be corrected by adding 1 teaspoon of turmeric to the dough. The dough will be yellow. And when baking more ruddy.

Divide the dough into two parts and put it in the freezer in a bag. We leave it for half an hour so that it freezes and can be grated.

Roll out one part of the dough and place it on a covered or oiled baking sheet or baking dish. We make bumpers at the edges, bending the dough.

We spread the jam. For such a cake, it is better to take jam - more thick jam... If there is no such thing, but you still want a pie, mix the jam with corn or potato starch (1 teaspoon of starch per 100 g of jam). When baking, the starch will thicken the jam and prevent it from spreading.

We take out the second piece of dough and three of it on top of the grated jam.

We bake the cake for 25-30 minutes at 180-200 degrees. The cake should brown and the dough should become crumbly.

Cool the finished pie and cut into pieces

Enjoy your meal!

Today I wanted to make a shortcrust cake with jam and crumbs on top, so I decided to use my favorite recipe and share it with you. I have butter in the ingredients, but in principle here you can replace it with margarine, although in the first case it tastes better.

I use a classic recipe shortcrust pastry for a cake that has never let me down and it turns out really tasty with it, and it's easier to cook than others. The ingredients are minimal and they are all the simplest. Also, sour cream or kefir is not needed here.

Jam and Crumbs Shortcake Recipe can be made with any jam or jam. I decided to add apricot, and for uniformity I additionally interrupted it in a blender. Classic recipe grated pie useful if you need to make something tasty for tea. Even guests are not ashamed to serve this on the table.

In fact, such a pie with jam is made quickly and easily, so I am sure that any housewife will definitely get it. And I also recommend that you see how easily you can decorate from above so as not to rub the dough and make it look more interesting.


  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. (200 ml.)
  • Slaked soda - 0.5 tsp
  • Butter - 200 g
  • Wheat flour - 400 g
  • Apricot jam - 200 g

How to make grated jam pie

So, first of all, I'll show you how to cook shortcrust pastry for the cake. I drive eggs into the mixer bowl and add sugar. I put them to beat on a medium mixer speed, and at this time I melt the butter.

When about 3 minutes have passed and the mass has become fluffy, but not like a thick foam, such a consistency is not needed, I add slaked soda and melted butter.

I stir and add the sifted flour. It is imperative to sift it in order to saturate it with oxygen and check for the presence of something extra in it.

First, I pour in only 100 grams of flour, and with a spatula I begin to knead it, then another 100, and so on until I pour it all out. As a result, the dough comes out soft, not dense, but I do not advise you to clog it with flour if you need delicate shortbread pastries.

Now about how to form a grated jam pie. I divide the dough into 2 parts, but not equal, but large and small. I put the smaller one in the freezer in a bag.

I cover the baking sheet with parchment and put it on it big piece dough, and then I simply distribute it evenly with my hands to make the same thickness everywhere. I do not make the sides, I do not see the need for this.

Since I have grated shortbread pie with jam, namely apricot, but I found only jam, then required amount just interrupted in a blender until smooth. Then I distribute it evenly throughout the dough, just a little short of the edges.

At this time, you can already turn on the oven to heat up 180 degrees. I take out the second part of the dough and freezer and rub it on a coarse grater, right on top of the jam, but so that it is approximately even. I didn't mix more flour into this piece and rubbed it like that, but I know that some people add flour to it to make it harder, because it froze just a little bit and rubbing is not very convenient because of this. You do whatever is more convenient for you.

So simple and easy recipe I got a pie with jam. I bake it for about 20 minutes, until golden brown.

Then, together with the parchment, I transfer it from the baking sheet to the plate and let it cool, after which I cut it into portions.

The base turned out to be thin, which makes it only tastier.

Here is my shortbread cake with jam and crumbs on top, I really like it, so I advise you to bake it. And as a filling, you can take any jam and jam, and it is better that it is not very sweet, but with a slight sourness. Enjoy your tea!

Jam pie is prepared on hastily, but pleases all household members. The simplicity of the ingredients, the speed of preparation made it a favorite dish from the "guests on the doorstep" series. There are many cooking variations. Introducing proven homemade baking recipes.

The pie can be made from any jam, but the combination of delicate crumbly shortcrust pastry and sweet and sour filling is considered a classic. Such a cake will not be cloying, it will leave a pleasant aftertaste. For the recipe, apple, apricot, plum, pitted cherry and even currant are suitable if you like spicy sour notes. You can replace jam with any jam or confiture: the pie will only benefit from it.

For the grated pie, let's prepare:

  • pack butter- 200 g;
  • granulated sugar - a glass without a slide;
  • flour - 3-4 cups;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a glass of jam or jam;
  • a bag of vanillin;
  • h. l. baking powder;
  • a pinch of salt.

The butter should be soft and pliable - we will grind it with sugar to a smooth, creamy consistency. Then to butter cream add vanilla and eggs, pre-beaten into a light foam. Stir in flour, you can sift it through a sieve - the dough will be saturated with air, it will become crumbly and airy. Do not forget to add baking powder to the flour. Knead the dough until it turns into a smooth elastic ball with a glossy shine. Divide the dough into 2 unequal parts.

We roll out one and put it in a mold. We sculpt the sides with a height of 1-2 cm with our hands. Add more flour to the smaller part of the dough - you should get a hard lump, which we will rub. Pour the jam onto the rolled dough and distribute it evenly over the entire surface. We take a grater and rub the second lump directly on the jam. The crumb should cover the jam in an even layer. We put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for 15-20 minutes until the crumb turns golden on top.

The finished pie needs to "catch its breath" a little, and then it is cut into neat diamonds or squares. Serve with powdered sugar. The ideal accompaniment to the cake is fruit drink, cold milk or warm tea with ginger or oregano.

Cooking from shortcrust pastry with crumb on top

It is not difficult to buy ready-made shortbread dough. It is perfectly stored in the refrigerator without losing its taste... If you get a call, and there is nothing to treat you with, we urgently defrost the dough and bake a pie.

We need:

  • a piece of oil for lubricating the mold;
  • a glass of any jam.

Divide the dough into two parts. We roll out a large one, put it on the bottom of the mold (pre-oiled with oil), sculpt the sides with our fingers 1-2 cm high.Pour the jam onto the dough, level it with a neat layer. The second part of the dough three on a coarse grater directly on the jam. It is not necessary to make a dense crumb hat: let the jam slightly show through. This will make the cake more beautiful and juicier.

We bake the pie in an oven preheated to 200 degrees until the crumb is browned (usually 15 minutes is enough). Serve with vanilla ice cream. We treat our guests with tea, dried fruit compote or berry mousse.

Whipped up jam pie

Even in half an hour you can cook the most delicate pie that tastes like biscuit. The recipe requires minimal costs, but the result is delicious treat with sour sweet filling.

Let's prepare:

  • a glass of milk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 2-3 glasses of flour;
  • vanillin - a bag;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp.

Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy. The grains should completely dissolve, the mass should become white and fluffy. Add vanillin and vegetable oil to the eggs, adding it in a thin stream. Now it's time to gently pour in a glass of warm milk. You will get a mixture with bubbles inside, to which we will add flour and baking powder. Add just enough flour to make the dough a little thicker than sour cream, but you can't make it dense.

Throw the liquid jam through a colander to drain the excess syrup.

Pour half of the dough onto oiled baking parchment and fill with a glass of jam. Add the rest of the dough. It should completely cover the filling. The dough will turn out to be quite thick, so that it can be neatly spread over the entire surface with a tablespoon. We put in an oven preheated to 220 degrees, bake for 7 minutes. Then we reduce the heat to 160 degrees and cook for another 40 minutes.

Sprinkle the finished cake with icing sugar and serve, cutting into neat pieces ala-cake. We are sure that the recipe will become your favorite - the pie can easily be mistaken for an exquisite cake with a light spicy cream.

Kefir-based recipe

On the basis of kefir, a successful dough is obtained that does not spread and goes well even with the very juicy filling... It is balanced and baked in minutes. We suggest using red currant jam or apricot jam as a filling.

Let's prepare:

  • a glass of kefir;
  • 3 eggs;
  • soda - dessert l.;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a glass of jam or jam;
  • 90 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 400 g flour.

The charm kefir dough in cooking speed. All you need is: beat eggs, kefir, soda, flour, butter, baking powder with an ordinary whisk, sweeten and lightly salt. In this case, salt acts as a flavor enhancer, giving the dough its richness. You should get a rather thick mass - adjust the amount of flour to your liking.

Pour half of the dough into a mold. We spread jam or preserves on it, fill everything with the second part of the dough. We send it to the oven for 6 minutes (it must be preheated to 220 degrees), after which we switch to 160 degrees and bake until tender for 35-40 minutes. It is easy to check the readiness of the cake - just pierce it with a match, make sure that it comes out dry. Cut the pie into pieces, decorate with slices of marshmallows.

Apple jam pie

Apple jam tarts can be considered an international confectionery masterpiece. Austrian strudels, German apple bagels - apple baked goods adored in all corners of the world for aroma and tenderness. In winter, when you want comfort, it's time to cook Apple pie from shortcrust pastry. He was nicknamed "Tsvetaevsky". The great poet is said to have loved this version of apple pie.

Let's prepare:

  • 500 g of ready-made shortcrust pastry;
  • apple jam;
  • oil for lubricating the mold.

Vanillin can be poured directly onto the apple jam, the filling will turn out to be very fragrant.

Divide the shortbread dough into 2 equal "balls". The first three grated directly onto the mold, greased vegetable oil... Pour out the jam and gently distribute it over the entire surface. Three remaining portions directly over the pie, making sure that the crumb completely covers the filling. We send to the oven at 200 degrees. Bake until a beautiful golden color appears. Cut the warm cake into rectangles.

Amber apple filling, unleavened shortbread dough that crumbles into grains in the mouth. Hot tea with honey and lemon - what better scenario for a long winter evening?

Dessert with strawberry blank

Many housewives tinder strawberries with sugar during the berry season, and then freeze the mixture. Even frozen strawberries are surprisingly fragrant. It's time to bake delicious with her Berry pie... Shortcrust pastry for the filling will not work - the strawberries are too juicy. But yeast is perfect.

Required components:

  • 500 g yeast dough;
  • frozen strawberries with sugar - 300 g;
  • Art. l. potato starch;
  • the protein of one egg;
  • vegetable oil for greasing the baking sheet.

Roll out the yeast dough 1 cm thick.Add to the strawberry blank potato starch- so the filling will not fall apart. Cover the top with a thin mesh of flagella, which we pre-roll from the remnants of the dough. Let's put it in the oven at 200 degrees. We bake for 30-40 minutes.

The finished dessert must be defrosted: the dough should rest, become fluffy. Only then we cut it into pieces. Thin crust with juicy berry filling that smells like summer, a glass of cold milk is the perfect Sunday morning breakfast for the whole family.

With raspberry jam

You can whip up a raspberry pie. It turns out a surprisingly light delicacy, not sugary and airy at all. The advantage of the recipe is that even slightly fermented raspberries with sugar, or jam, which has begun to sugar and thickened, are suitable here.

Let's prepare:

  • kefir - a glass;
  • raspberry jam - 250 ml;
  • egg;
  • 400 g flour;
  • a pinch of citric acid;
  • dessert spoon of soda;
  • icing sugar - 30 g.

Instead of kefir, you can take any fermented milk product: varenets, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt.

Pour out the jam, add soda to it, citric acid... Stir and leave for a few minutes. Pour in kefir, add sugar, beaten egg until light foam. Gradually sift the flour to the mass, stirring thoroughly. Pour the dough into a baking dish and cook the pie for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.

Do not open the oven so that the cake will not settle!

It will turn out to be easy lush dessert resembling a biscuit. Raspberry flavor, airy texture of the patty is worthy festive table and it certainly is the best dish for family tea.

Sweet lean recipe

Lenten jam pie is a traditional dessert for people who respect religious traditions. Baking without milk and eggs can really be made incredibly tasty and very healthy if you add a few tablespoons of flax seeds. And we suggest using frozen cranberries with sugar as a filling.

We need:

  • vegetable oil 200 g;
  • 3 glasses of flour (or a little more, depending on how much the dough takes);
  • 2 tbsp starch;
  • a generous pinch of flax seeds;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of baking powder;
  • 1, 5 cups cranberries with sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

Instead of eggs, the recipe uses flax to bind the dough together.

Flax seeds need to swell. To do this, fill them with boiling water (100 ml) and leave for 2 hours. Grind cranberries in mashed potatoes with a blender, add starch. We also grind flax seeds with a blender to get a grayish viscous mass, add sugar to it. Gradually add to flour.

Our task is to knead elastic tender dough that will roll out easily. Roll out thin cakes from the dough and bake them in a round shape at 200 degrees. Since they are thin, they are baked almost instantly - in 3-5 minutes. Lubricate the warm cakes with cranberry "cream", put them on top of each other.

You will get an original cake: lean, light, tasty. He must be allowed to soak. It is ideal to bake it the day before and serve it in the morning. It will soak, the cranberries will give the dough their spicy aroma, the cake will come out delicious!

Whipped tea cake with jam

Tea cake - helps out when you want to go to the table sweet muffin, and preparing complex desserts is lazy. It even tastes like chocolate pastries, but the cost of the pie is very low. If desired, it is easy to supplement it with dried fruits, poppy seeds, nuts, coconut flakes.

For the cake, let's prepare:

  • a glass of strong tea leaves (unsweetened);
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons any jam;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp with a slide;
  • 2 eggs;
  • icing sugar for dusting.

We mix all the ingredients in a glass container, achieving a smooth texture without lumps. Pour it into a baking dish. We put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake until tender. Make a pie light chocolate shade, slightly damp inside, thanks to jam.

Puff pastry treat

Crispy puffs with sweet filling are adored by children and adults. But the best part is that there is absolutely no hassle with dessert. Especially if the hostess has a pack of any puff pastry with or without yeast in stock.

Products composition:

  • apricot jam - a glass;
  • a pack of dough - 500 g;
  • butter - a cube.

Roll out the dough into two thin layers. We spread the apricot jam and smooth it over the entire surface of the future cake. Cover with the second part of the puff pastry. In several places we make punctures on the cake - this way it will bake faster and rise evenly. The dessert is baked quickly - in 15 minutes. Just be sure to grease the finished cake with butter - it will saturate the dough, make it juicier, and in combination with the sour filling, you will get an amazingly tasty dish.

Cooking in a multicooker

"Mixed, poured, baked!" Under this motto, we propose to bake a simple pie for the whole family with jam in a slow cooker. The device does not require every second control from the housewives and prepares everything on its own.

Let's prepare:

  • a glass of varenets (kefir, fermented baked milk);
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • h. l. baking powder;
  • any thick jam.

In our opinion, this recipe turns out to be surprisingly tasty strawberry filling: inside the moist cake there are pieces of berries, and their small bones give a pleasant, barely perceptible crunch.

We mix all the ingredients, add flour so that the dough is as thick as charlotte. We pour it on the bottom of the multicooker, oiled. We turn on the baking mode. We are waiting for the signal about the end of cooking and, voila, our treat is ready! Sprinkle the cake with grated chocolate, pour in cocoa and invite everyone to tea.

Dessert with apricot jam

Let's imagine that you are planning a big holiday in your house, and for dessert you will need to serve something very light and equally unusual. We suggest trying a treat of cream, apricot jam with thin biscuit crust.

Let's prepare:

  • heavy cream - 500 ml;
  • vanilla - 2 sachets;
  • apricot jam - 200 ml;
  • mint leaves - for decoration;
  • jubilee cookies - pack.

Grind the cookies into crumbs, put them on one transparent bowl, filling them by one third. Beat the cream until firm peaks. Put apricot jam on the cookies and whipped cream on top. Sprinkle each portion with vanilla, garnish with mint. Dessert can be prepared a couple of hours before serving - the pieces of cookies will be soaked in jam and become juicy. Just remember to serve it chilled.

Curly Jam Pie

The curly pie was nicknamed because of the shavings that are spread randomly. It turns out the effect of cute curls, beautiful and golden after baking.

For a curly pie, let's prepare:

  • a pack of good margarine or butter;
  • granulated sugar - half a glass;
  • flour - 3-4 glasses;
  • 3 eggs;
  • a glass of plum jam;
  • a bag of vanillin;
  • tsp baking powder;
  • a pinch of salt.

Chop margarine into cubes, grind with sugar and flour. Add vanillin. Put some of the crumb on the bottom of the mold (it is better to cover it with parchment for baking), fill it with jam on top. Sprinkle the rest of the crumb over the cake and send it to the oven at 200 degrees. It bakes surprisingly quickly - in 15-20 minutes. You just have to make sure that the top does not burn. A piece of warm curly pie with a cup of cappuccino is the best start to the work week.

We need:

  • flour - 200 ml;
  • sugar - a glass;
  • a pack of butter -180 g;
  • a glass of cherry jam (pitted!);
  • cottage cheese with a fat content of 5% to 9% - 500 g;
  • 2-3 chicken eggs;
  • vanillin, bag;
  • a pinch of salt and soda.

Three butter on a coarse grater. Add flour, sugar, salt and soda. Quickly grind everything into crumbs until the butter has melted. Pour some of the crumbs into a greased mold. Mix cottage cheese with half a glass of sugar, eggs. Pour onto the crumb. Put the jam on top, and cover the filling with the rest of the crumb.

The cake is baked at 200 degrees for 30-40 minutes. The delicacy turns out to be balanced, not at all cloying, and the pleasant cherry sourness perfectly sets off the cottage cheese.

Open pie

Stove is accepted in Russia open pies yeast. But we offer a pie in the European way, which is called berry tart. This light dessert even ballerinas allow themselves. Of course, only on holidays.

Products composition:

  • flour - 200 ml;
  • sugar - a glass;
  • a pack of butter - 180 g;
  • a glass of strawberry jam (seedless!);
  • cream with a fat content of 35% - 200 g;
  • 2-3 chicken eggs;
  • a glass of peas (beans);
  • vanillin, bag;
  • a pinch of salt and soda.

During the season, you can take any tart fresh fruits and berries, laying out their pieces in a circle.

Mix shortbread dough from butter, flour, sugar and baking powder. We roll it out and lay it out in the form, forming the sides. Sprinkle the dough with peas - it will act as a kind of weight, will not let the dough "rise" in the very center. We bake until cooked for 15-20 minutes. On ready-made cake put any jam (we have strawberry), and on top - whipped cream. We bake the tart for another 7 minutes. We eat the tart warm, washed down with young sparkling wine.

With currant blank

Currant baked goods are very fragrant. The berries seem to open in the oven, saturating the dough with summer aromas. If you have a bag of frozen berries left in the freezer, we quickly take it out and make a pie.

We need:

  • 200 ml of kefir;
  • 3 eggs;
  • currants, grated with sugar - 1 glass;
  • soda - dessert l;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 70 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 2 cups of flour.

From flour, eggs, knead the dough on a kefir basis. Add sugar, stir until it dissolves. Pour part of the dough onto the bottom of the mold, and on top, lay out the currants with sugar. Fill with the second part and send the currant charlotte to bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes. Sprinkle the finished cake with grated chocolate and eat with hot latte.

Jellied pie

The jellied pie will turn out to be moist, crumbly-tender, if you knead the dough with sour cream and add instead of flour semolina... It is better to take jam without sourness. Ideal would be Strawberry jam: he will make the delicacy look like the desserts that are so loved in the East.

Let's prepare:

  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 100 g semolina;
  • 3 eggs;
  • strawberry jam - 1 glass;
  • baking powder - dessert l.;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

Mix semolina with sugar and sour cream, leave for a couple of hours to swell. Beat the eggs in a separate bowl, gradually mix in the semolina dough. Season with vanilla. Pour half of the dough into a mold, top with strawberry jam. Try to do everything carefully, because the mass turns out to be quite liquid. Fill with the rest of the dough and send to the oven. We bake for 35 minutes at 200 degrees.

Ready jellied pie you can additionally soak in syrup: mix a teaspoon of honey with water (150 ml) and pour over a warm cake. The delicacy turns out to be fragrant, satisfying, not too cloying. We recommend to cook for the pie milkshake and enjoy a pleasant meal with the whole family.

We have given recipes for pies with jam, which is usually prepared by almost all housewives. But there are also interesting blanks - rose petal confitures, green walnut jam, cherry plums, cherry plums. You can make unique pies by adding different fillings... The recipes are absolutely universal, simple to perform, but surprisingly tasty. Experiment, enjoy cooking!

What could be tastier than varied homemade baking? Perhaps nothing. But sometimes the preparation of some delicacies takes quite a lot of time, and therefore not every housewife is ready to pamper her family with everyday homemade cakes.

I suggest making a simple and quick, but at the same time delicious crumbly cake.

Here are the ingredients that you will need to make a quick whipped shortcrust jam pie.

We grate the chilled butter.

Add eggs, baking powder and vanillin to a bowl of sugar, mix well with a whisk.

Combine with grated butter.

Add flour in parts (it may take more or less) and knead the dough.

The dough is not sticky and quite dense.

Prepare a baking dish with a diameter of 28 or 30 cm. Cover the bottom of the dish with baking paper. Separate 1/3 from the dough and set aside. Roll the rest (most) of the dough into a circle equal to the diameter of the mold. Using a rolling pin, transfer the dough into a mold. We form low sides.

Distribute the jam evenly (I have jam - from rhubarb and orange).

Now we roll out the deferred piece of dough into a thin layer and cut into strips, which we then put in the form of a lattice on the jam.

The edges of the sides can also be decorated with stripes. We put the cake pan on the second level from the bottom in the oven preheated to 190 degrees. Bake for 30-40 minutes (focus on your oven).

We take out of the oven a simple, but very tasty and beautiful sand cake with jam, cool it. Remove from the mold and cut into portions.

A crumbly shortcrust pastry with jam is quickly ready. Enjoy your tea!

For such a job, it is not necessary to have high culinary skills and an unusual range of products. Even a beginner can cope, and the ingredients can be easily found in the refrigerator or in the nearest supermarket. It turns out pretty simple, fast and tasty. The recipes for jam pies are so varied that everyone will find something to suit their taste.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Dough for dessert is made to choose from: yeast and airy, shortbread, cooked in kefir, milk or water. For those who love sweets, you can take strawberry or Cherry jam, and for those who are more fond of products with sourness, raspberry or apricot is suitable for the filling. Jam pie is made open or closed, at the discretion of the chef. You can decorate the dish with powdered sugar, sour cream or cream. For those who are trying to fast or keep fit, there is an option to make a lean jam pie, just replace the butter with vegetable margarine and enjoy the taste of your favorite treat.