There is jam that you can make. How to make jam: the most delicious recipes

In this article, we will figure out how to make jam correctly. Jam is a jelly-like mass with pieces of fruits or berries boiled in syrup. A good jam can be made from berries and fruits that have certain properties.

From the same berries you can make jam, jelly, jam, marmalade or jam. A thick, well-gelling jam is obtained from sour fruits (acidity over 1%) containing a large amount of pectin. Pectin in the presence of sugar and organic acids forms a jelly-like consistency.

How to make jam for the winter

Jam differs significantly from jam precisely in its gelling properties and density. Unlike jam, the syrup in jam does not separate from the fruit. Read about the difference between jam and jam in the article:

If the trial cooking showed that after cooling the jam is not dense enough and does not gel well, it looks more like jam, this means that there is not enough acid in the fruits. In such a situation, add the juice of one of the sour fruits. You can read about the acidity of the fruit in the article:.

Juice is added in an amount of 10-15% to the original weight of the raw material. Most of the pectin substances are found in unripe fruits. To make good quality jam, ripe fruits of excellent quality are taken, adding a small amount of unripe fruits to them.

The jam is cooked quickly to prevent the destruction of the pectin. Jam is cooked over high heat in a dish with a wide bottom and low walls. It is best to make jam from already proven berries or fruits that contain a lot of pectin and acid. An excellent jam is obtained from strawberries, raspberries, plums, apples, apricots, cranberries, currants, gooseberries.

Before boiling jam, fruits and berries must be prepared

  1. Apricots, plums, peaches should be pitted. Chop the fruits.
  2. Berries such as currants, cranberries, gooseberries are pre-crushed (passed through a meat grinder or ground in a blender).
  3. When boiling jam, a puree-like mass of uniform consistency is obtained, which has excellent gelling properties.
  4. Apples, plums, cherries or figs are pre-boiled in a little water. The prepared fruits are placed in a saucepan and poured with hot water so that the water covers only the top layer and the fruits do not burn.

The water is brought to a boil and the fruits are boiled for a few minutes until softened. In this case, a lot of nutrients are transferred from the fruit to the water. If you cook jam in several steps, then in the same water you can boil the fruits several times. The syrup will be saturated with sugar and acid, which will improve the quality of the jam.

  • For preliminary softening of the fruit for 1 kg of berries, take 100 ml (half a glass) of water, and only then add sugar.

All this is done so that the pectin contained in fruits and berries has a better gelling effect, and the berries are completely saturated with sugar.

For 1 kg of prepared raw materials for cooking jam,

  • Strawberries, plums, peaches, figs 1 kg of sugar
  • Apricots, apples, quince 1.2 kg of sugar
  • Cranberries, black currants 1.5 kg

Ready jam is packaged in pre-prepared glass jars and sealed.

How to make jam from garden berries

Excellent jam - confiture is made from a mixture of garden berries. This is a proven recipe that our family enjoys. All berries have sufficient acidity and gel well.

Blackcurrant, gooseberry and raspberry jam

To make jam, we need:

  • Black currant 2 cups
  • Gooseberries 2 cups
  • Raspberry 1 glass
  • Sugar 5 cups
  1. The berries must first be prepared. Sort out raspberries, sort out currants and wash.
  2. Cut the stems and tails of the gooseberry with small scissors. Combine the berries and turn through a meat grinder.
  3. You will get a homogeneous berry mass. Add sugar to this mass in a 1: 1 ratio - 5 glasses of sugar are added to 5 cups of berries.
  4. Transfer the berry mass to a cooking bowl and let stand for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for only 5 minutes, constantly skimming off the foam.
  6. Remove from heat, let stand for 15-20 minutes. It is not recommended to bring it to complete cooling.
  7. Put on fire for the second time, bring only to a boil and immediately remove from heat.
  8. Cool the ready jam and put it in sterilized jars.

This jam can also be made from frozen berries. If the berries ripen unevenly in the garden, then black currants or raspberries can be frozen in the right amount, and then use to make jam.

The article provides two proven recipes raspberry jam, with and without syrup. How to make delicious raspberry jam.

Raspberry berry is a source of culinary inspiration and preparations for the winter. Raspberry jam is most likely an exquisite dessert.



The time has come for harvesting fruits and berries. Today we would like to talk about how to make jams correctly. How pleasant it is in the morning to drink tea with crispy toast, butter and aromatic jam of your own preparation. No wonder, in the homeland of jam, in England, no breakfast is complete without toast with orange jam. It was jam in this country that became the property of the state, since it ranks first in the number of preparations prepared by housewives for the winter from various berries... Let us and we learn how to make jam correctly and learn the recipe for the classic English orange jam, which the English queen herself indulges in in the morning. And besides this, jams in their variety will enrich your menu and serve as a tasty addition to pastries, ice cream, or become an excellent dessert if you add a drop of alcohol to them.

So, jam is a product that is obtained by boiling berries or fruits in sugar syrup or honey to a jelly-like state. Jam can be of different shapes: either it is mashed jellied fruit mass, or whole berries or pieces of fruit in syrup. According to the classic rules, jam is made from equal parts by weight of fruit and sugar (1: 1). This traditional way has the great advantage that jams are preserved naturally. They contain a sufficient amount of sugar, which guarantees their preservation without the addition of any preservatives.

For cooking classic jam it is necessary to take high-quality, ripe fruits and berries. Therefore, when choosing berries and fruits on the market, do not spare money, and after overpaying a little, choose a quality product. If you notice a small mold or cracks on the fruit, refuse to purchase them. Prepared and washed fruits must be weighed, put in a basin or pan, pour sugar syrup and cook at one time for no more than 25 minutes, gradually increasing the heat and vigorously stirring the mass with a spoon or slotted spoon. When making jam, watch out for foam - it should be removed. In order to find out whether the jam is ready or not, take a plate and pour a drop of jam on it: it should thicken quickly and strongly. Ready jam should be immediately poured into a prepared container, cooled and when a dense crust appears on its surface, the container must be immediately sealed - closed parchment paper and tie with twine.

Recently, new technologies and products have come to the aid of housewives, which help to reduce the amount of time for making jams - gelling substances that can be used in a recipe as 1: 1 or 2: 1. This is primarily a gelling sugar. It is used both in the processing industry and in household... Gelling Powder is an easy-to-use product that allows you to process small portions of food. And finally, the gelling liquid - its use requires some skill from the hostess. By differentiating recipes for individual fruit varieties and by reducing the cooking time to a minimum, the optimum aroma, flavor, color and consistency are obtained.

In addition to classical preservatives, in recent years new ones have been developed, known as the "2: 1" method. Thanks to special components, they allow you to reduce the amount of sugar by at least half. The advantage of such jams is obvious: they are less sweet, thus, the taste of some varieties of fruit is better preserved, and the jams themselves are less nutritious.

How to prepare fruits and berries for making jam

1. Wash fruits and dry well, remove leaves and seeds.
2. Grind the fruits. The method of grinding depends on their type. Mash berries, cherries and plums - grind in a mixer or pass through a meat grinder.
3. Transfer the mixture to an appropriate sized saucepan. Pour in the specified amount of sugar.
4. Add citric acid if necessary.
5. Cook the fruit mass with sugar, stirring constantly.
6. After the cooking time has elapsed, add the gelling agent, stir and bring to a boil again.
7. Transfer the hot jam to jars.
8. Cork the banks immediately.

Which jars to choose for storing jam

Small cans promote rapid gelatinization of the workpieces, which increases their shelf life. The smaller the jar, the more its contents thicken. Therefore, we do not recommend using large jars and ceramic pots for jams and preserves, especially since from the moment they are uncorked until the contents are fully realized, it usually takes a long time and the access of air can spoil it. Banks should be filled whenever possible hot billet, since the high temperature contributes to the preservation of the sterility of the dishes.
If you are using jars with screw caps, fill them with a hot piece, put a lid on, screw up and put upside down for a minute to evenly distribute the mass of fruit. From time to time, turn the jar upside down while the workpiece cools down. We often buy different products from screw top jars. If you do not throw away empty cans, then you will collect a decent collection of cans of different sizes that will come in handy for your processing.

Cellophane capping. This method can be used to seal jars without lids. The cellophane should be trimmed accordingly, slightly moistened, well pulled over the neck of the can and tied with a string or fixed with an elastic band.

How to make jam in a bread maker

Bread maker manufacturers recommend making jams in a bread maker using gelatin or other gelling agents. For 950 g of prepared berries or finely chopped fruits, you should take 500 g of granulated sugar and 40 g of zhelix 2: 1 (1 pack). Place the jelly, berries and 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar in the bowl of the bread maker. Select the JAM program, press the START button. After 20-30 minutes, add the remaining granulated sugar to the bread maker. When the cooking stage is over, transfer the jam to glass jars and close the lids tightly.

How to make jam in a slow cooker

Choose the recipe you like. Wash berries or fruits, remove seeds or peels, remove seeds, if necessary. Cut the fruits into small pieces of arbitrary shape and put in the multicooker bowl. Berries can be cooked whole or minced or chopped in a blender beforehand. Cover the fruits with sugar with the addition citric acid... We would like to advise you not to load a lot of fruit in one step: during the boiling process, the jam can "run away" and fill the heating element of the device. We set the "baking" mode on the multicooker and bring the mass to a boil under the lid. After that, you need to switch the multicooker mode to the "stewing" mode and cook not mashed fruits for 20-25 minutes, lumpy fruits - 40-50 minutes. During cooking, you can open the lid and stir 1-2 times. After the signal sounds about the end of work, open the lid and stir everything thoroughly again. The jam in the slow cooker is ready. If you want the jam to become more jelly, add the gelatin previously dissolved in cold water(5 g of gelatin in 2 tablespoons of water, based on 1 kg of prepared fruits or berries).
Hot jam cooked in a slow cooker can be prepared for the winter. To do this, put it in clean, sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

Now back to the English orange jam recipe, which, according to legend, was first prepared in the Scottish city of Dundee by the wife of a grocery store owner. It is not known how, but one day, either her husband brought tainted oranges from Seville, or she herself bought them from the captain of a ship that went to Dundee, who decided to get rid of these very oranges on the cheap. As a result, a mountain of unripe, bitter fruits appeared in the master's kitchen, which cannot be served to the table. So that the goods are not wasted, the resourceful madame decided to cook them with granulated sugar. For a long time, for a short time, she cooked these oranges with sugar syrup, but as a result of her labors she got a wonderful amber orange jam with a unique aroma. Without thinking for a long time, the owners of the tavern put up the jam for sale, and soon it was sold out and loved throughout the district. Jam was named Marmalade Dundee. It can be purchased to this day, because it has become business card England, today he is widely known outside the country.
Here is one of the variants of this recipe for which you will need: 6 oranges, 1 lemon, 700 g granulated sugar.
If you do not like the bitter taste of citrus fruits, then soak the fruits for 3 hours in water before use. Then you need to remove the zest from the oranges and lemons. We recommend using a vegetable cleaner. The cut skin should be finely chopped. We clean the fruits of films and seeds, grind in a blender or cut into very small cubes. Mix in a saucepan fruit puree with zest, add granulated sugar and cook over low heat. Stir the jam all the time. Cook for 20-30 minutes. Pour the finished jam into small jars, cool and refrigerate for further solidification. Royal jam is ready! And we offer you a citrus recipe

Bright jam saturated amber color and a unique aroma made from fresh oranges, more and more wins the hearts of housewives. Cooking this delicacy is not at all difficult. In this article we will try to figure out all the subtleties. self-cooking dessert dish of oranges.

There are quite a few ways to make citrus jam, but we have prepared a selection of the most successful and delicious recipes for you.

Fruit should be taken with a thick, firm, smooth skin. Wrinkling of the surface is unacceptable, as well as the presence of dents, darkening and traces of rot. The color of the skin and the size of the fruit does not matter.

Fruit pulp can have different acidity. Some oranges are sweeter, others are sour. Therefore, using the recipes below, the amount of sugar can be slightly varied up or down, depending on the taste of the oranges.

Before cooking, the fruits must be washed in warm soapy water, then rinsed and wiped with towels.

Orange jam: recipes

Option number 1 - With pieces of fruit

A kilogram of oranges is washed, then each fruit is cut into four slices. Seeds are removed from them and cut into thin plates. The slices are covered with 600 grams of granulated sugar and mixed slightly. This is done very carefully to keep the pieces intact. Cover the container with candied fruit with a lid and leave at room temperature for a couple of hours. During this time, a fairly large amount of juice will be released from the oranges.

Pieces of oranges in juice are placed over medium heat, and jam is boiled for 25 minutes. The foam formed on the surface is regularly removed with a spoon, and the mass is stirred.

Without waiting for the dessert to cool down, it is poured into sterile dry jars and tightened with lids.

Option number 2 - Using a meat grinder

This version of jam making can be done with or without orange peel. In the first case, the finished jam will be slightly bitter.

We will tell you about the option of making jam from peeled oranges.

The fruits are washed and skinned. The pulp is disassembled into slices and peeled from them. Then the slices are crushed with a meat grinder. Using a blender in this case will be less effective, since the partitions will not be able to grind evenly. The puree is weighed. For every 500 grams of fruit mass, take 300 grams of granulated sugar. The bowl is placed on minimum heat and, with constant stirring, the crystals are completely dissolved. After that, the treat is boiled for 5 minutes and the gas is turned off. The cooled billet is boiled again for 5 minutes. There should be three or four such manipulations.

Important Feature: you do not need to cover the jam with a lid while it is cooling!

After the mass is warmed up for the last time, it is packed hot in small prepared containers and closed with boiled lids.

Option number 3 - With the addition of water

The proportion of oranges, sugar and water is 2: 2: 1. Thus, 2 kilograms of fruit and 2 kilograms of sugar are taken per liter of water.

Oranges can be chopped into pieces, as in the first of the proposed recipes, or minced. Water and sugar are added to the fruit mass. Jam is put on fire and cooked for 45 minutes on minimum heat. During this time, the dessert will thicken and become viscous.

The channel "Tasty recipes TV" will tell you about how to make jam in the microwave

Orange Jam Flavors

Jam, made only from orange, is very tasty in itself, but in order for the preparations for the winter to be varied, you can add to the jam during the cooking process various additives in the form of other fruits, fruit juice or spices.

The most popular in this case are orange jam with lemon, or jam made with the addition of ginger root and cinnamon.

How to make orange-lemon jam with ginger, the channel "I Want So Live" will tell

Rules for storing preparations from oranges

Jam made from citrus fruits does not differ in storage technology from other winter preserves. The best place location of cans with blanks - cellar or basement. If there are not very many jars of orange jam, then you can store them in the refrigerator. The expiration date of the jam is 1 year.

Collected fruits - berries and decided to cook for the winter delicious jam? Simple and proven by many housewives recipes for such sweet preparations, with photographs and step by step instructions will help you in cooking. Using detailed recipes with a photo - sweet treats from berries, fruits and even vegetables at home can be prepared quickly and easily, and the jam will come out thick and uniform.

Delicious homemade jams are a healthy treat for tea, a ready-made pie filling or an ingredient for gourmet desserts. This section contains the best recipes that experienced housewives and beginners can handle.

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

Cherry plum belongs to the plum family, and looks very similar to them. The colors of the fruits can be very diverse: yellow, burgundy, red and even green. Inside the cherry plum there is a large drupe, which in most varieties is very poorly separated from the pulp. The taste of the fruits is rather sour, but this does not interfere with cooking amazing dessert dishes... One of them is jam. Today we will try to understand all the intricacies of the process of preparing this delicacy at home.

Who hasn't heard of jam these days? A delicacy with an English name has firmly entered the life of a modern person. And what is the use of jam and when can it be used? You will find the answers to these questions below. And the following content of the article will help you find a question of interest.

The difference between jam and jam, confiture and jam

Jam, jam, confiture, marmalade - what sweet words! Their mere mention brings to mind the delicate fruit and berry aromas and wonderful taste.

Jam is sweet dessert obtained by cooking fruits or berries with sugar.

The main difference between jam and similar products - jam, confiture or jam - is the jelly-like consistency. Jam is much thicker than jam, but thinner than jam. These qualities make it possible to successfully use jam for sandwiches or pie fillings.

For jam, it is better to use fruits and berries with a lot of pectin. These include all citrus fruits, gooseberries, currants - black and red, sour apples, plums.

You can make jam from any other fruit, but it is better to add lemon or orange zest to them for better gelling. An excellent option would be a fruit and berry combination of sour and sweet fruits. This will increase the natural pectin content and taste the jam with a new, unusual flavor.

Unlike jam, where the fruits are pre-ground or pureed, sliced ​​fruits or berries are used to make jam. In the process of cooking, they boil down and lose their integrity. This jam does not look like jam or confiture.

Another difference between jam and jam and jam is that you cannot use overripe or crumpled fruits to make jam. The content of pectin in them is not enough to obtain the desired jelly-like consistency, so the jam will turn out to be liquid.

The benefits and harms of jam

Jam is slightly inferior to jam in terms of preserving vitamins and nutrients. This is due to the fact that the jam is exposed to a longer heat treatment... Not everyone useful material can withstand such a test.

But this does not detract from the benefits of jam. This dessert was and remains one of the healthiest sweets. The vitamins and trace elements stored in the jam can help health, for example, during a cold or autumn blues.

Orange jam is good for vitamin deficiency and disruption of the digestive tract. It also helps to lower blood pressure a little.

Blueberry jam strengthens blood vessels, helps to normalize the heart, slows down the aging process of cells. And, of course, blueberry jam has a beneficial effect on eyesight!

Raspberry jam will be indispensable for colds. It supports immunity well and has antipyretic effects.

Apple jam lowers blood cholesterol levels, and lingonberry jam strengthens the immune system. Each jam keeps in itself beneficial features fruits and berries from which it was prepared.

But only homemade jam... Artificial preservatives and colors are added to the store product. They not only negate all the benefits of jam, but can also be dangerous: for example, cause allergies or poisoning.

The subtleties of making jam

Features of cooking jam

The right jam starts with the right cooking. Often novice housewives ask themselves the question: how to cook jam correctly so that it turns out thick and tasty?

The first step towards a good jam is choosing your dishes. Jam, like jam, must be cooked in a wide saucepan or a bowl with a thick bottom. The large surface area from which the liquid evaporates is the first ingredient in achieving the desired jam consistency.

Rinse the fruits and, if necessary, remove the seeds. Cut the fruit into small pieces. In a bowl or saucepan, combine the ingredients according to the recipe. A little unripe can be added to ripe fruits. This will increase the gelling capacity of the jam.

It is important to observe the proportion of fruit - sugar. Better to take the amount 1: 1 or reduce the sugar content. Otherwise, you run the risk of killing the bright taste of the fruit.

The main rule for making jam is to comply with the temperature regime. The fire should be strong for the first 10-15 minutes. After, when the fruits give juice and boil, you need to reduce the strength of the flame. The jam should boil constantly, but not hard. To do this, adjust the heat a little - decrease or increase.

And you need to stir the jam constantly. A wooden spatula or spoon is best for this. Be sure to run it along the bottom and walls of the pelvis. This will prevent the jam from burning, and it will become much easier to wash the dishes after cooking.

How to determine if the jam is ready?

Jam is a rather capricious product. To prepare it correctly, many conditions must be met. Be careful when making jam; it is quite easy to spoil it.

Reliable check of jam readiness consists of three stages.

  1. Checking the bottom of the dishes. Run a wooden spatula over the bottom of the bowl or saucepan in which the jam is boiling. If the mass did not close immediately, then the jam is almost ready.
  2. Spoon check. All culinary forums and sites advise you to check the readiness of the jam in this way. Spoon some hot jam and let it drain. The sweetness should flow in a thin trickle, and not fall in drops.

Spoon the jam again and let cool. The finished jam will fall off the spoon as a jelly-like piece, rather than dripping off like a hot product.

  1. Checking on a silver platter. Place a drop of hot jam in the center of a small saucer and wait a minute. Place the saucer upright. The finished jam will not flow, but will remain in place.

What to do if the jam is liquid or does not thicken?

Making jam is the anticipation of real English breakfasts with tea and toast. And, now, when the sweetness is almost ready, an unpleasant thing turns out: the jam turned out to be too liquid. Is the pleasure of spreading jam on toast or adding it to pies “covered with a copper basin”?

Even so, the jam can still be saved. There are at least three ways to thicken jam that is too thin.

On food and home economics forums, the number one tip is additional cooking. So excess water evaporates from the jam, and the dessert acquires the desired consistency.

Is this a good way? Together with the excess liquid, useful substances and vitamins leave the jam. Additional heat treatment destroys the remaining micro and macro elements, making the jam thick but unhealthy.

Some cooks have the idea to add a little starch to liquid jam. In jelly, you can! Why not do the same with jam?

Sometimes the starch gives the jam a specific flavor. But, ultimately, it all depends on the manufacturer and the amount of starch. You need to add about 1 tablespoon per glass of jam.

As a thickener, it is better to give preference to semolina over starch. Semolina will definitely not give an undesirable taste. A glass of jam will need from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of cereal, depending on the original consistency. Mix semolina with jam and leave for a quarter of an hour until the cereal swells.

Similarly, breadcrumbs or ground nuts. But in this case, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result.

How to make thick jam?

You can make jam from any fruit or berries you like. But the thickest it is obtained from sour fruits containing a large amount of pectin: all types of citrus fruits, apples, peaches, nectarines or pears.

To naturally increase the gelling properties of other fruits, add slices of lemon or orange zest when making the jam. On the taste this will not affect the dessert, and the consistency of the jam will turn out much better.

Sometimes experienced housewives advise adding some unripe fruits to good berries and fruits for jam. The acid present in them also increases the gelling capacity of the jam.

As a last resort, you can add store-bought pectin to the jam.

Why does jam come out of pies?

The first thing that suggests itself is that the pie jam was too runny. In this case, the filling needs to be thickened a little. You can read about how to thicken the jam here.

If the consistency of the jam is not satisfactory, then the whole point is in the dough. It could turn out to be too thin, and the jam boiling during the baking process simply tore apart the unbaked barrier. Poor-quality tuft may also be to blame - the place where the edges of the dough stick together.

Too high an oven temperature can also cause the jam to run out. As it heats up quickly, it will seep through the forming flesh of the patty.

What if the jam is fermented or soured?

The first step is to try to save the dessert. Pour the workpiece into a wide bowl, add sugar at the rate of 0.5 kg of sand for 1 kg of jam. Cook the jam for 10 - 15 minutes and pour into sterilized jars.

If after that the jam remains spoiled, then it can be used for other homemade preparations: wine or moonshine.

Jam measures

Amount of jam in:

  • Teaspoon: 5ml.
  • Tablespoon: 15ml.
  • Faceted glass: 200 ml or 200 g (when filled to the rim of the glass).
  • Regular glass beaker: 250 ml or 250 g (whole glass).

The number of calories in jam

The calorie content of a teaspoon of jam is 11 kcal; dining room - 35 kcal. The calorie content of 100 g of jam is 238 kcal.

The numbers may fluctuate slightly depending on the type of jam.

The nuances of using jam

Can jam be diluted with water?

Often housewives, especially mothers, ask themselves the question: is it possible to cook compote from jam?

Jam is a self-sufficient product. It is not at all necessary to cook compote from it, because jam is a ready-made sweetness. You can simply dilute it with water. You will get a wonderful compote or fruit drink, which can be given to children. Of course, if the child is not allergic to the components of the dessert.

Is it possible to jam in the post?

Jam consists entirely of herbal products. Formally, it is considered a lean food. But jam is still a dessert. Therefore, each fasting person decides for himself how much sweets are allowed during the period of spiritual abstinence.

And do not forget about the true purpose of the post. Without spiritual purification and abstinence, fasting becomes an ordinary diet. Is this what you are trying to achieve?

Can you jam while dieting?

Jams and preserves are considered one of the healthiest sweets for a reason. Thanks to proper cooking, vitamins and minerals are preserved in them, which are especially needed by a losing weight person.

Avoiding sweets completely is the most common way to start a diet. But it has long been established by doctors that such a sharp change in diet is harmful to the body. In addition, a psychological factor comes into play. Refusal of favorite sweets can lead a person into a depressed state and cause an early breakdown in the diet.

Therefore, it is better to stick to a certain daily calorie intake. And jam will allow you to include sweets in the diet!

One - two tablespoons of jam per day will keep within 50 kcal. It's not that much. And you are unlikely to eat more - spread on toast or take a spoon for tea.

Such an amount of jam will be useful even for a losing weight person.

Is it possible to jam with gastritis?

Gastritis is a long-term, chronic disease. His treatment can take months or years. Can you afford a little sweet treat - jam during gastritis?

Jam does not contain a lot of fat. Therefore, doctors sometimes allow it to be eaten. Of course, in small quantities and not during an exacerbation of the disease.

Be sure to check with your doctor before adding jam to your diet for gastritis.

Is it possible to jam with pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is a serious disease associated with inflammation of the pancreas. Therefore, foods containing heavy fats should be completely excluded from the diet.

Jam does not apply to such products. But during an exacerbation of pancreatitis, sweets are strictly prohibited. It's not even the sugar content, but the presence of the so-called "fast carbohydrates".

If the disease has passed into the stage of remission or weakening, then the list of acceptable products expands. With pancreatitis, you can eat and jam, but in fairly limited quantities.

Can you jam while pregnant or breastfeeding?

There are no significant food restrictions during pregnancy. You can eat and jam, but in moderation.

A nursing mother should carefully monitor her diet. Jam should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting from one or two tablespoons per day. Be sure to monitor the baby's reaction. If colic or allergies are not observed, you can continue to eat jam.

It is worth starting with jam from "soft" fruits - gooseberries, apples or pears. And only after that switch to "bright", red jams - cherry, strawberry and the like.

Jam is not only a sweetness for dessert. It contains useful substances from fruits and berries. Jam will be a great reminder of the sunny summer, as well as support for health and Have a good mood long winter.