How much citric acid to add to compote. Lemon compote

Homemade drinks, non-alcoholic and not only: lemonade, punch, granita. Step by step recipes

Oven casserole recipes: with apples and apricots

Sweet ideas for February 14: filled tartlets and cookies financier
... Let stand for at least 1 hour. Then roll out the dough on a work surface. Cut out the circles in the shape of the tartlets, grease the molds with oil and place the dough in them. Bake empty tartlets by covering them baking paper and pouring flour or dry beans into them, about 20 minutes. Let the tartlets cool. Prepare the cream: wash the lemons well, squeeze the juice and grate the zest. Then stir the sugar, eggs, lemon juice and zest in a saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring vigorously. When the mixture thickens, add 50 g butter cut into cubes. Mix well. Pour the cream into tartlets. Cookies financier This name stuck to the old French recipe biscuit when it started ...

My grandmother was discharged after a stroke with discharge, there is a large number of drugs for each specialist. Who can help figure it out? It would be ideal to schedule the appointment for three times: morning ...., lunch ...., evening .... what pills and in what dose and how many more to take a month or a week and what drugs to replace with what? I will send an extract with recommendations to the pillow.

Mint - 3-4 sprigs of lavender - 2-3 sprigs Option 2: with coffee and cinnamon 100 ml espresso cinnamon - 1 tsp. Option 3: juice and zest of half a lemon with bergamot strong tea with bergamot - 120 ml Purée the peeled apricots with a blender. Add to apricot puree Orange juice... Then follow one of the cooking options. Boil the syrup by adding lemon juice, sugar, mint leaves, cherries and lavender sprigs to the water. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Prepare a strong espresso, add cinnamon and dissolve sugar in it. Prepare tea with bergamot, still hot ...

Family recipes. Blog of user Tillotam on

Today I was overwhelmed with food again :) Forgive me for the night again :) I remembered about family recipes, probably a little national. The first thing that came to mind was chicken soup with dumplings. In Russia, they are probably called dumplings. In an almost cooked chicken soup instead of noodles, a thick, stretchy dough is put on a spoon (flour, egg, salt, soda-vinegar and extra water). These funny clouds float quickly and triple in size. There is always a lot of greenery in the soup. Interestingly, the husband and ...

A few unusual additions will add new flavors to the familiar strawberry flavor. And if you are not a strawberry lover and usually do not make preparations for the winter, cook delicious Strawberry jam or jelly as a gift and provide the jar with a beautiful label: handmade appreciated more and more. Strawberry jam with ginger and chili You will need: 2 kg of strawberries, 50 g of ginger, 1 small red chili, 2 kg ...

How to make lemon chicken marinade

May is the beginning of picnics in the forest and on the grass. My already grown children once had one favorite game: “Travel to a distant country” (that's what they said). In fact, the country where the guys and I went for a picnic was not so far away - a large meadow 40 minutes walk from our dacha. But we were getting ready very seriously - like on a real trip. We went with backpacks and by all means took food, portable grill and coals with them. In this forest glade, we were preparing a big Sunday lunch ...


Really very delicious recipes, although initially I was not very good at making fried paneer with fried eggs until I changed the pan. I bought a frying pan VARI Litta with non-stick coating, after which the scrambled eggs stopped burning and the dish turned out as in the picture. My family absolutely loves this recipe. Thank you for posting, with the right frying pan you can handle any challenge.

Desserts with raspberries, rhubarb, apricots - making dough and filling
... Refrigerate for 20 minutes. Preheat oven to 190 ° C. Prick the bottom of the dough base and bake blind for 20 minutes. Remove the bean paper and bake for another 5 minutes; let cool. Increase the oven temperature to 200 ° C. Place the cream on the dough base and smooth with a spoon. Line the 12 apricot halves with the cut down, slightly overlap, with the nicest half in the center. Cut the remaining halves in half and stand vertically around the center half, like flower petals. Bake for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, pour 80 ml of water into a small saucepan, add sugar and heat until dissolved. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, until frosting is obtained. When the tart is ready, transfer it to the wire rack ...

Girls, preparing apricots for making jam. According to the recipe, add 0.5 tsp. citric acid. I only have lemon juice. Maybe someone knows - how much lemon juice will replace 0.5 tsp. this acid? I read on the internet that you can replace it, but I just can't find the proportion. Thanks in advance to everyone who can help!


Typically, lemon juice is added to taste when making jam.
1 lemon = 4g citric acid. (tsp with a slide = 8g).
Try it better to have a pleasant sour taste. It seems to me that one lemon is a bit too much, although they also come in different sizes, maybe a small one will be just right;)

lemons, after all, are also all of different acidity, and apricots are not all equally sweet)
I would do it to taste, but if apricots with sourness, so generally without additional. acid.

Can we drink freshly brewed compote from apricots, peaches and other summer fruits? or also nizya ???

You can add a little chopped fruit if desired. You need to eat this miracle with a spoon and a straw, closing your eyes with pleasure. Basil drink In common people it is also called "cornflower compote". But this does not make it less tasty! For 3 liters of water, take 2 bunches of basil, 1 tbsp of sugar and juice of 1 lemon. Fill the grass cold water, boil, add sugar and boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, pour in lemon juice, cool and enjoy a delicious pink-colored drink. Cherry juice One of the oldest drinks in Russia, mentioned in "Domostroy". The difference between fruit drink and compote is that with ...
... Pour cold water over the grass, boil, add sugar and boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, pour in lemon juice, cool and enjoy a delicious pink-colored drink. Cherry juice One of the oldest drinks in Russia, mentioned in "Domostroy". The difference between fruit drink and compote is that first the juice is squeezed out of the berries and only after that the pulp is boiled in water with the addition of sugar, and then the strained broth is combined with the fresh juice obtained at the beginning. Cherry juice is unique in its composition - it is an excellent multivitamin drink that lowers blood cholesterol levels. Tea mushroom If this miracle mushroom, which looks like a jellyfish in appearance, has not yet taken root in your kitchen, then it's time to start breeding it. Pour it with strong sweetened ...

Mixed juices should not be given to babies until you are sure that the child takes each component well in isolation. If you are allergic to multifruit juice, you will not be able to understand what exactly triggered it. On the other hand, children are more likely to drink vegetable juices when mixed with fruit juices. Some juices lack acid, others have too much of it, and together they can provide a healthy and harmonious drink. In any case, there are no more or less useful juices. And they are all much healthier than soda. Misconception 5: fi, nectar! Many parents consider nectars and fruit drinks to be "fake" juices. And in vain. It's just that it's easy to squeeze juice from some fruits and berries, it's more difficult from others, and from others ...


I just looked through the article. All juices are harmful, there is nothing natural in them. And there is no need to look at the packages and stuff juices from 4 months! We started giving juices at the age of 11 months, up to one and a half years, my daughter drank 400-500 ml a day. Then the immunologist said that juices contain a lot of sugar and salts, which is very harmful to the kidneys. It began to be strongly diluted with water, and completely stopped giving. I prepare compote from dried fruits and frozen berries, sometimes I just dilute my jam with water. A friend's son began to complain that it was painful to write. I drank juices and compote, they didn't give me water. The doctor said that it is necessary to drink water without fail, juices cause urolithiasis. And our daughter, a year after the appearance, all the upper teeth in plaque-caries, 2o1 tooth almost collapsed. At the same time, she does not eat any sweets and does not know. Only compote. He doesn't drink water either. Now I will also wean off compote, although I always sweeten a little. recently read that Apple juice causes diabetes mellitus. The season will start soon fresh berries and fruits, it is better to give them to the baby. We have given all the berries since the year. My daughter really liked it, even the strawberries. There was no allergy.

I believe that the juice should be given to the child as rarely as possible, well, for a change, you can buy a package once a month. For a year now, I have given my eldest son mostly compote from dried fruits, sometimes I cook from frozen berries (currants, cherries), my son loves compotes very much, and besides, they are healthier than juices and much cheaper (1 kg of dried fruit costs like 1 liter of juice, and 1 kg of dried fruit is enough for 4 times 6 liters of compote, so count it). I also try to give my youngest son compote more often. I also have a question: what is the difference between juices for adult children and juices for children under one year old?

I really need a recipe for an apricot compote. It is advisable without boiling the syrup, and so poured and poured + sugar, but so that it is not cloying and so that it does not deteriorate. Help, huh?


First, a little general philosophy.
The more sugar, the more guaranteed the jar will not explode, but the sweeter, of course.
If sugar is to your taste, then there is a high probability that the jar will not stand up in the heat, it becomes cloudy, rips off the lid, etc.

There is a generally accepted technology, which consists in pouring berries or fruits 2 times with water for 10-15 minutes. And only then with syrup - i.e. in water, let it boil with sugar and directly from the fire into a jar.
But I came to the trail. technologies (I do not like to drain hot cans):

washed fruits (apricots, for example) are poured in 3 liter jar... From 1/3 to 1/2 of its volume.

Then in a saucepan I boil 1 liter of water, pour 1 half liter jar of sugar into it. When it boils with sugar, I thump apricots there and bring to a boil, and boil for 1-2 minutes on very low heat.

And then I return it with a ladle to a sterile 3-liter jar. If it is NOT full, then add boiling water from the kettle. Be sure to top up under the lid. I seal it with sterile paint. And leave it upside down until it cools.

I cooked a compote from frozen berries and the devil pulled me to put a couple of three slices of pomela there (so that I could contact her again) and the result smells like a compote divinely - strawberries and the taste is impossibly bitter ...: (((I already tried to dilute and add sugar - drinking is not possible ... do you really have to send to the toilet? Maybe there are ways to neutralize this terrible bitterness? Save help.


my husband pounced on the compote and said that it was quite tasty and you can drink ... Oh, how ... so the toilet didn't get any vitamins :))) My jaw dropped ...

No way - in grapefruit and pamela, all the bitterness is concentrated in the membranes.
If you carefully cut the triangles of the pulp, which are visible in the equatorial section, without touching the walls, and then separate the "meat" with a spoon, then you will greatly change the attitude towards the pamela! :)
And with a bitter compote - perhaps in a cocktail with gin?

Good afternoon! Perhaps my question will seem trivial :), so I apologize in advance. Teach you how to make cool drinks at home. Something like lemonade. Thank you in advance:)


Orange drink"Orange"

4 oranges, 3 lemons, 500 g sugar, 2.5-3 liters of water, food ice. Cut oranges and 1 lemon into thin slices (including the peel), washed with hot water, add sugar and put in a cold place for several hours.
Squeeze the juice out of the rest of the lemons. Before serving, put ice, oranges and sugar in a glass jug, pour in lemon juice and chilled soda water. To improve the taste, you can add apricot juice or apricot compote syrup.

cold black or green tea with lemon

Many thanks to all who answered !!! You helped me a lot :)

If it turns out that not, open the can, sterilize again and roll up with a new lid. And finally, storage of canned food. Jams, compotes and marinades can be stored for a long time at 0-20 ° C in a dry, dark place. If the cans are in the basement, it is better to grease the metal lids with technical oil so that they do not rust. Compotes and pickles in glass jars cannot be kept in the cold - the glass may break, and the quality of the compotes will significantly decrease; the jam will be sugared. Canned food cannot be stored at high temperatures - above 30 ° C, as well as in the light - vitamins are lost. Finished salted and fermented foods are stored at 0-5 ° C - under these conditions, microbiological processes almost completely stop. Recipe collection Pickled feta cheese Pickled eggplant Pickled squash with apples and lemon ...

So. I put about a third of the berries in a jar (standard, not sterilized, just washed), fill it with water and transfer everything into a saucepan (along with fruits). There is also 1 half a liter jar of sugar. Boil to boil for 3-4 minutes, and again in a jar, this time sterile, small ladle. Tighten immediately and, turning the lid upside down, leave to cool.

I close it like this: my berries, my cans, I sterilize. We throw berries into the jars (cherries, apricots - all the same, I make all compotes using the same technology :)). I throw in an incomplete can, about a third of the berries. Pour boiling water, let it cool a little, pour this water (infused), again into a bucket and boil it with sugar. And pour this syrup and roll it up.
By the way, I personally take apricots that are not very ripe, but stronger, you can even take greens. Then they do not fall apart, but strong whole berries are obtained, which in winter are eaten as a dessert.

In the 19th century, it turned out that kvass really has bactericidal properties - cholera vibrios and typhoid sticks die in it in 20 minutes. Domestic producers are briskly setting up the industrial production of kvass. But citric acid supplements food colors, aspartame and sorbic or benzoic acids turn it into an ordinary carbonated drink, slightly reminiscent in taste (and even then not always) of bread kvass. The real one classic kvass made from water, sugar, leavened wort and yeast. Juices O useful properties fruit and vegetable juices need not be told. Let's just say that tomato, cherry, plum, cherry plum and dogwood are the best to quench your thirst ...
... The result was a drink containing a little bit of alcohol and a lot of organic acids (they mostly quench your thirst). Modern fruit drinks ( industrial production) are prepared on the basis of unfermented berry juices or water extracts, so they do not contain alcohol. Compotes To be precise, compote is not a drink, but a sweet one. dessert dishes, since the most valuable thing in it is not liquid, but berries or fruits. In general, the word "compote" entered our speech relatively recently; before that, everyone's favorite drink was called brew. Gogol, in his notes to Dead Souls, explained that the broth is boiled fruits and berries sweetened with honey or raisins. The thirst-quenching ability of the compote is rather low - due to the fact that it contains more sugar than organic acid ...

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Strawberry compote is the simplest and quick way prepare a delicious drink from this berry for the winter. There are different cooking options: with sterilization, without it, with two or three times filling, with the addition of citrus fruits, mint, various berries and fruits. Each of these recipes has its advantages, and if the strawberry harvest is large, then you can make one or two jars and the next year choose those that you like more than others. And if the harvest failed, and you do not want to experiment, then use a simple proven recipe, prepare strawberry compote for the winter with citric acid... In this case, it acts both as a preservative and as a flavoring additive, imparting refreshing notes to the sweet.

Ingredients per one liter can:

- strawberries - 200 gr;
- sugar - 0.5 cups;
- citric acid - on the tip of a teaspoon;
- water for filling - how much is required.

Recipe with photo step by step:

In principle, any berries are suitable for compote, but if you want it to be bright, rich in color, then choose strawberries of dark, ruby ​​varieties. It is advisable to take ripe berries, without spoiled areas and damage. Fill the strawberries with cold water for about five minutes, then rinse them under running water and cut off the tails.

We put the prepared berries in jars. Containers for compote can be taken as liter or three liters. Be sure to wash with hot water detergent(best with soda), boil the lids.

Fill cans with boiling water from a kettle or boil water for pouring in a saucepan of a suitable size. Cover with a boiled lid and leave alone for 20-30 minutes.

Pour the cooled water back into the pan. Cover the jar with strawberries, put the water on high heat.

Add sugar. You can make the compote more concentrated by adding more sugar and in winter dilute it with boiled water to the desired concentration.

Add citric acid, literally a pinch to one liter jar (or on the tip of a teaspoon). A jar with a capacity of three liters of lemons will need about a quarter of a teaspoon. This one turns out to be no less tasty.

Stirring, cook the syrup after boiling for two to three minutes, until the crystals of sugar and citric acid dissolve. Pour boiling liquid into jars of strawberries, twist and leave to cool upside down.

We rearrange the cooled strawberry compote for storage in a basement or a dark pantry, away from the bright sun (in the light it becomes faded, and the berries acquire a grayish tint). Strawberry compote needs to be aged for several weeks, let it brew, gain color and taste. Good luck with your blanks!

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Crystalline substance white, the sour taste is citric acid. Every housewife has it on the shelf. Citric acid is an indispensable component for canning vegetables, berries and fruits, cooking compotes, sauces, soups, etc. In the production of citric acid is used in the preparation of jams, drinks, concentrated juices, mayonnaise, cheese sauce, ketchup, etc.

Citric acid as a medicine was isolated in 1784 from the juice of unripe lemons by the Swedish pharmacist Karl Scheele. In the past, citric acid was made from lemon juice. At present, the main production route is biosynthesis from sugar or sugary substances (molasses) by industrial strains of the mold Aspergillus niger.

Several decades ago, in Western Europe, the myth was spread that citric acid is the strongest carcinogen. However, this myth was refuted by scientists. Citric acid is dangerous only because it is an acid that burns the mucous membranes of the mouth and stomach only in very large quantities. It doesn't matter dry or diluted - if there is a lot of acid in the dish, a burn is inevitable.
On the labels of juices, jams, cakes, sweets, jelly, ice cream, you can see the following inscription among the ingredients - E-330. It is nothing more than citric acid.

The use of citric acid in everyday life

Citric acid is an amazing powder. With its help in everyday life, you can clean dishes from scale, clean the washing machine from scale, silver - from dark deposits, the sole of the iron and much more. To clean the kettle, citric acid is poured onto the bottom a little more than a tablespoon, water is poured in, and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. Harsh limescale softens under the influence of acid. The same applies to the washing machine. Two full tablespoons are poured into the powder compartment, the machine is turned idle, without linen, at the highest temperature. Cleansing and then prevention of scale formation is carried out 2 times a year, but not more often. To clean the iron, half a tablespoon of citric acid is poured into a glass and water is poured in half, stir. Pour water into the iron, clean it at the maximum temperature over a basin of water by pressing the button several times. Then, in the same way, they carry out the procedure with clean water to remove the remaining scale.

With the help of citric acid, you can clean silver jewelry, as well as silver dishes. In liter warm water dissolve a dessert spoon of citric acid. Darkened products are put into water, boiled, washed with running water.
Citric acid is used in cosmetology. A weak solution of citric acid lightens the skin (remove age spots and freckles), rinse hair after shampooing.

On a note!

One tablespoon contains 25 grams of crystalline citric acid powder, one teaspoon contains 8 grams of citric acid. It is important to know in order to have an idea of ​​how much, for example, citric acid to add to the compote, if the recipe requires 5 grams or 100 grams to clean the washing machine.
Citric acid and lemon juice are interchangeable foods, but it is best to avoid substitutions. lemon juice is still a natural product. Despite the fact that the acid is called citric acid and gives food and drinks a sour taste, it does not have a lemon aroma.

Citric acid in cooking

When canning tomatoes, citric acid is added at the last stage, when the tomatoes are blanched and poured with a marinade consisting of water, salt, sugar and spices. Citric acid acts as a preservative, softens the taste of the marinade.

Citric acid is added in the same way to compotes at the stage when the berries are already blanched and sugar syrup needs to be poured. Citric acid is added to syrup or to a jar of berries.

Sprinkle the leg of lamb with citric acid during the pickling process (a quarter teaspoon is enough for a leg of lamb weighing 2 kilograms.

Mayonnaise is prepared with citric acid, vinegar or lemon juice is replaced with acid diluted in water. The acid is diluted as follows: 1/4 teaspoon is diluted in a quarter of a glass of warm water.

Citric acid is added to the mushroom marinade. Pour citric acid into the water to taste, adding a little, stirring and trying. It is enough to add 1/4 teaspoon of acid per liter.

The dough is kneaded with citric acid. Citric acid is added to creamy or custard together with sugar to give it a pleasant, sweet and sour taste.

There are many ways to preserve sweet strawberries for the winter. One of the most popular is the preparation of compote, which allows you to keep it throughout the year until the onset of the new season. Each housewife has her own recipe for canning compotes. And you get completely different drinks - with sourness or pretty sweetened. It all depends on the added components.

For example, strawberry compote with citric acid turns out to be very refreshing and tasty. In addition, by adding lemon, you can be sure that the cans will not explode and will survive.

If you properly prepare a strawberry compote, then it is possible to preserve all vitamins and useful substances... This means that in winter you can not only quench your thirst with a delicious drink, but also get health benefits. Its main feature is the ability to have an antioxidant effect on the body. It contains all the micro and macro elements we need to ensure the normal functioning of all organ systems. Strawberry compote perfectly restores strength, strengthens the immune system and strengthens the heart muscle. In a cold winter or on a dull autumn evening, such a drink can both cheer up and quench your thirst, and remind yourself of summer.

Cooking features

In most recipes for canning berries, a lot of attention is paid to preserving their rich taste, therefore, they try to make syrups concentrated. This leads to the fact that the compote turns out to be too sweet and sugary. There are no such disadvantages in strawberry compote. Citric acid gives a fresh note and makes the taste light and pleasant.

Strawberry compote recipe without sterilization

This product is prepared without using a sterilization method. This means that you need to choose berries especially carefully and meticulously. Exceptionally ripe strawberries are suitable, and each berry must be cut into two halves. Even if it is too small, it does not need to be left intact. All damage or unripe places must be carefully cut off from the surface.

Before pouring the prepared, washed and chopped strawberries into the jar, the container must be sterilized. A three-liter bottle will need 400 grams of ripe berries. We also send citric acid there: a teaspoon will be enough.

In the meantime, prepare the syrup: pour 300 grams of sugar into 2.8 liters of water, bring to a boil, boil for 5-6 minutes. Then pour the syrup into a jar: first, 300 ml of the entire contents, and after 1-2 minutes everything else.

To eliminate the risk of cracking the glass container, it is better to place it on a metal surface. The lids should be sterilized and immediately put on a container with compote without transferring from boiling water to any surface. We seal the jar, turn it over, insulate it with a thick blanket. This is necessary so that the berries are well saturated with acid and sugar syrup.
When the container has cooled down, it can be removed to a cool place and stored for a whole year. But it is better not to forget about this storehouse of vitamins and source of Have a good mood cold winter evenings.

In compotes, strawberries go well with other berries, especially with cherries or gooseberries. It is important that the total volume does not exceed 400 grams per 2.8 liters of syrup. The more berries are placed in the jar, the richer and more concentrated the drink will be.

Recipe for strawberry compote with mint and citric acid

Prepare berries of approximately the same size. It is best to taste one to determine how much sugar is needed. For this recipe, we still need a few sprigs of fresh mint and citric acid.

We put 300-350 grams of the main product in three-liter cans... Pour a teaspoon of citric acid into each of them and put mint. Pour boiling water to the top, leave for 3-4 minutes, covered with lids. Then we pour the water into a large container, add granulated sugar at the rate of 250 grams for each bottle. Cook the syrup for 4-5 minutes, pour it along the edges into jars. Cork, turn over and wrap with a rug or blanket.

Frozen strawberry recipe

If there are frozen berries in the freezer, they can be used for fast food fragrant and delicious drink... An incomplete glass of sugar and 2 liters of water is required for 300 grams. Bring water to a boil, add sugar, and lastly add frozen strawberries. Add a pinch of citric acid at the very end. Leave on fire for 4-5 minutes after boiling. You can drink such a product both hot and cold. In hot weather, it is especially good at quenching thirst.

The addition of citric acid saves every housewife from worrying: the compote does not deteriorate and does not "explode", it is well stored. So the summer taste and aroma can be enjoyed in the frosty winter in the absence of any vitamins and fresh vegetables and fruits.

Citric acid is a product that can be found in any home. It is widely used both for cooking various dishes and in everyday life, as a cleaning agent or as a component for bleaching lotion, hair rinse. How can you replace citric acid, if it is over, some simple tips will tell you.

Curious! For the first time, citric acid was obtained from unripe lemons, hence its name. It was first synthesized by the Swedish pharmacist Karl Schleele in 1784. Now it is obtained synthetically from beets.

Citrus instead of citric acid

  • The most natural alternative to citric acid in a variety of dishes is regular lemon or lime.

On the note! The juice of 1 lemon can replace 1 teaspoon of citric acid. When preparing desserts, from a few drops to 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice will be enough to replace citric acid.

  • If there is no lemon on hand, oranges or tangerines will do the job of replacing citric acid.

On a note! Citrus fruits will not only provide the necessary acidity to the dish, but also enrich its aroma and taste.

The most successful would be to replace citric acid with citrus fruits when cooking:

  • creams: protein, cream, custard;
  • sweets;
  • meringue;
  • mousse;
  • syrups;
  • baking powder for dough;
  • fillings for pies, pastries and cakes.

Citric acid is added to the dough to give the baked goods a pleasant taste with a slight sourness. Using citrus zest, vanillin or cinnamon instead, you can get not only delicious, but also very aromatic baked goods.

On a note! A few drops of lemon juice will make it easy to whip the whites into a strong foam, will not let it settle, and will make it snow-white.

Citric acid being excellent anti-crystallizer, is an integral component of syrup and fondant recipes. Thanks to its addition in a strictly defined concentration, you can get a thick, non-candied syrup that perfectly whips into a fudge. Replacing the acid with lemon, you have to play around to achieve the required concentration of acid in the product.

How to replace citric acid in conservation

Cooking compote, jam or jam from irgi, quince, gooseberry or chokeberry you cannot do without citric acid, because it is she who gives them a piquant sourness. In this case, instead of citric acid, you can use orange or lemon zest and citrus juice or applesauce and zest.

Sour berries instead of citric acid

Citric acid is a component that is often used in conservation to set off the taste of sweet berries and fruits or to protect compotes and preserves from spoiling. Some recipes for canned and pickled vegetables also recommend using citric acid as a preservative. Usually, recommendations to replace vinegar with citric acid are associated with gastrointestinal problems. But if citric acid was not at hand, then whole berries can be used instead:

  • red currant;
  • cranberries;
  • lingonberries.

Sour berries will come original flavor pickled cucumbers, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes.

On a note! Instead of citric acid, when preserving vegetables, you can use for 1 liter jar:

  • 200 g red currant or,
  • 200 g rowan or,
  • 100 g lingonberries or,
  • 100 g of cranberries or,
  • 100 g of Chinese lemongrass or,
  • 0.5 l fresh tomato juice or,
  • 100 g sorrel or,
  • 1 sour apple or,
  • ½ a small bunch of grapes, or,
  • juice of ½ lemon.

The berries are washed and placed in jars with vegetables, and it is recommended to pre-boil and mashed sorrel, and then add to the jars. On the basis of a broth of sorrel, you can prepare an excellent pickle for pickling cucumbers.
From the use of sour berries, fruits and vegetables as natural preservatives, homemade preparations will become not only tastier, but also healthier.

Natural juice instead of citric acid

Juices obtained from fruits and berries contain a significant amount of organic acids and are quite capable of replacing citric acid in the preparation of some dishes:

  • desserts;
  • compotes, jelly and other drinks;
  • preserves and marinades;
  • sauces and gravy.

On a note! Citric acid is often used as an essential ingredient in meat marinades. For example, a leg of lamb is marinated in a marinade with the addition of citric acid: ¼ teaspoon per 2 kg of meat with bone. In this case, instead of acid, you can use grape or pomegranate juice... They will not only make the meat tender, but also give it a pleasant taste.

For these purposes, it is better to use natural, unsweetened juice:

  • grape;
  • pomegranate;
  • cherry;
  • cranberry;
  • apple.

On a note! The sour fruit or berry juice added when cooking the jam will help the fruit not lose its attractive appearance, and the jam will not become sugar-coated.

Vinegar instead of citric acid

When preparing a marinade for cucumbers and other vegetables, you can use vinegar instead of citric acid:

  • apple;
  • wine;
  • dining room.

Microbiologically produced natural fruit vinegar retains all the bioactive substances contained in the fruit, so replacing the acid with natural fruit vinegar will only bring health benefits.

Apple and wine vinegar can also be used instead of citric acid in fruit and berry dishes. It will be enough to add 1-2 teaspoons of fruit vinegar at the end of cooking.

On a note! 5 teaspoons of 3% vinegar can replace 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid. 4 teaspoons of 9% vinegar will replace 1 teaspoon of citric acid.

In everyday life, citric acid is actively used to descale teapots. In this situation, they will be able to replace it table vinegar with soda.

As you can see, there are many ways to replace citric acid. Some of them, in terms of their qualities, not only fully compensate for the absence of citric acid, but also improve the taste and aroma of the dish. In some cases, replacing citric acid is troublesome, as it requires experience to adjust the desired acidity percentage of the dish.