We brew beer from barley at home. Recipes for making beer - an ancient Russian drink

Barley malt is used to brew different varieties beer. The quality of the intoxicated drink directly depends on its properties. You can prepare the product yourself, but it is better to buy ready-made malt. Currently, the trade offers a wide selection of different types of beer that have optimal performance for home brewing. The simplest barley beer recipe includes pale barley malt. Homemade barley beer is brewed from a small amount of ingredients. The taste of the drink depends on their quality and strict adherence to the parameters of the preparation of the drink.

Classic drink recipe

Part home beer barley can include any hop variety with a low percentage of alpha acids. The Saaz variety is well suited for home brewing. You can replace it with an early Moscow one.

Attention. Hops are added to the product to give the drink a specific aroma and taste. It has a depressing effect on the microflora of beer. The exception is brewer's yeast. For them, hops are a source of nutrition. It contains a large amount of microelements necessary for brewer's yeast reproduction.

The first step in preparing the product is mashing. At home, wort is brewed from malt at this stage. For this, it is mixed with water in a large enamel pot and heats up to a temperature of 75 ° C, after which the wort is filtered.

To improve the quality of wort filtration, the malt is dipped into water in a gauze bag.

After the product has been brought to the required temperature parameter, the wort
filtered and put on fire again. Cook it with constant stirring for another 2-3 hours, then filter it again. The boiled wort is cooled and infused for several hours.

The next stage in brewing beer is boiling. The hops are added to the product and the liquid in the pan is brought to a boil. The duration of the boiling process is 30 minutes. In the course of it, the product is evaporated and hopped. The hot wort should be cooled for 1-2 minutes, after which activated brewer's yeast is added to it and the product is sent to fermentation.

There are two types of fermentation - top and bottom. Adding yeast to the wort, which has a temperature of 20-22 ° C, allows you to make homemade barley beer in a shorter time. This fermentation process is called top fermentation. With more low temperatures the ripening period of the product is lengthened. Optimum temperature at which barley beer is brewed at home 18 ° C. The product ferments in a saucepan under a closed lid for a week.

Homemade barley beer recipe includes:

- 25 liters of water;

- 5-6 kg of barley malt;

- 5-6 glasses of hops;

- 50 grams of yeast.

For brewing beer at home, it is best to use spring or bottled water.

Yeast is added to the product in a dissolved form.

Express cooking method

Homemade beer recipe , prepared in this way contains:

- 900 grams of sugar;

- 90 grams of hops;

- 1 kg of barley malt extract;

- 9 liters of chilled boiling water;

- 50 g of brewer's yeast.

Sugar, hops and malt included in the beer recipe are poured with 1/3 of boiling water and boiled for an hour. After boiling the product, 2/3 of the remaining cold boiling water and dissolved yeast are added to it. Liquid ferments under a closed lid for 3 days. During fermentation, it is necessary to maintain the temperature of the drink in the range of 18-20 ° C. At the end, the beer is bottled, corked and sent to a cold place for a week.

How to make a home filtration system?

In the old days, ordinary straw was used to filter the wort. For regular brewing of beer at home without special equipment, it is better to make a filtration box equipped with a double or triple mesh bottom.

Why is the wort boiled and boiled?

In the process of wort boiling, malt is saccharified. The wort is enriched with substances
which are necessary for the nutrition of the yeast and the intensification of the subsequent fermentation process. They give the drink its characteristic taste and aroma. When the product is boiled, it evaporates, the unnecessary microflora is suppressed and the beer is hopped. The optimal duration of the boiling process is 1.5 hours. During this process, there is a transformation in the composition of the hops. Insoluble alpha acids from hops are converted to isohumulone, which dissolves perfectly in beer.

What is the secret of water?

While tasting the same type of beer from different manufacturers, you can feel the difference in taste, despite the fact that they are prepared according to the same recipe and technology, on similar equipment. The reason for this is water. Its quality plays an important role in the taste and quality of beer.

The main requirements for it are the absence of foreign smell and taste, purity, transparency and a minimum content of mineral salts. The alkalinity is very important. The medium of the water should be neutral or slightly acidic. A drink prepared with hard water will be of very poor quality. Mineral salts play a large negative role in the preparation of the drink. They interfere with the saccharification process and affect the filtration quality and color of the finished product.

Some store-bought beer is not to their liking. They like to brew beer at home. Companies and enterprises are engaged in brewing. The widest assortment of brands and varieties can be found on store shelves. People love this drink.

Beer is a low-alcohol drink with a bitter taste and hop aroma. This is the first drink created by alcoholic fermentation... The ancient Sumerians, who lived 9,000 years ago, brewed a drink from barley malt. According to assumptions, the predecessor appeared in the Stone Age. In those days, people made it by fermenting grains.

Home brewing is popular today, because a homemade drink tastes better than a purchased one.

I'll tell you about the intricacies of cooking at home. Follow these tips to prepare a treat in the kitchen. The main thing is to take necessary ingredients: brewer's yeast, malt, hops and water.

Some people buy special hops, I use homemade ones. At my dacha "female" hops are growing, which I collect and harvest. Hops ripen in August. I dry and grind the collected raw materials.

Malt represents the germinated grains of wheat, barley, or rye. I use barley. I brew beer from grain or malt extract. Growing malt is not easy, I buy it in the store.

Video Tips

Classic recipe

To make beer, you will need a capacious wort vessel, a fermentation vessel, a thermometer, a water dispenser, a wooden spoon, a siphon tube and, of course, bottles with corks.


  1. I pour three liters of water into a saucepan, add a kilogram of sugar, stir and bring to a boil. Place the container with the malt extract in heated water for 15 minutes.
  2. At the end of the procedure, pour the malt extract into the fermentation vessel and sugar syrup... I stir it.
  3. I pour 20 liters of pre-filtered water into the same vessel. The main thing is that the temperature of the solution is suitable for fermentation. It's 20 degrees.
  4. I add yeast. The procedure is very responsible, the quality of wort fermentation depends on the quality homemade drink... Brewer's yeast is sold with malt extract.
  5. Pour yeast into a container with wort evenly and as quickly as possible. It is not recommended for the future drink to be in contact with air for a long time.
  6. Close the lid of the fermentation pan tightly to keep air out. After that, I install the hydrodispenser - a rubber stopper that closes the hole in the lid. I pour chilled boiled water into the device.
  7. I move the closed dish into a dark room with a temperature of 20 degrees. Withstand the wort for a week. I do not open the lid during fermentation.
  8. After the specified time, I bottle and add hops - a natural flavor. I put a few hop cones in each bottle, and only after that I fill the bottles.
  9. I add sugar to each bottle at the rate of two teaspoons per liter. After the bottle is corked, shaken and left in a cool place for 14 days to ripen.
  10. After this period, the homemade foamy drink is suitable for consumption.

If you are tired of store beer or do not trust modern producers, use my recipe. By the way, you can present a glass of homemade beer to guests as a New Year's gift.

Hop Beer Brewing Recipe

The taste of homemade beer will surprise you, because it differs from the purchased one, the quality level of home beer is different.


  • yeast - 50 gr.
  • boiling water - 10 liters
  • dry hops - 100 gr.
  • sugar - 600 gr.
  • molasses - 200 gr.
  • some flour


  1. I grind hops with flour and sugar.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl with 10 liters of boiling water, stir and leave for three hours.
  3. I filter the liquid and pour it into a keg. Here I add yeast with molasses and mix.
  4. I leave to wander. No more than three days.
  5. Then I pour it into clean bottles and seal it.
  6. It remains to send the beer to a cold place for one week to mature.

How to make beer from bread

European monks began brewing beer in the 12th century. Later, their Russian colleagues borrowed the cooking technology. For a long time, home brewing was prohibited in our country, but with the advent of democracy, everyone has such an opportunity.

I will consider two time-tested methods of making home-brewed beer, and you, having chosen a convenient option, make a wonderful nectar.

Cooking is divided into 3 stages: boiling, fermentation and ripening.

You can buy a microbrewery and special beer wort to make brewing easier.


  • sugar - 200 gr.
  • malt - 400 gr.
  • crackers - 800 gr.
  • hops - 200 gr.
  • yeast - 35 gr.
  • water - 13 liters
  • peppercorns


  1. In a large bowl I mix 100 grams of sugar, 400 grams of malt and twice as much bread crumbs.
  2. I pour over two hundred grams of dry hops with boiling water and add a few peppercorns.
  3. In 6 liters of heated water, I dilute 35 grams of yeast and add a mixture of pepper and hops. I stir it.
  4. I leave the container with the resulting gruel in a warm room for a day. I do not cover with a lid. Then I add 100 grams of sugar and pour in 4 liters of heated water.
  5. I put the dishes on a small fire and cook for 4 hours. It shouldn't boil.
  6. The next day I repeat the cooking. After draining the liquid, add 3 liters of boiled water to the gruel.
  7. After 60 minutes, I drain the liquid again and add it to the first broth. Then I boil the wort, remove the foam and filter it.
  8. I bottle and cork tightly. Two weeks of aging in a cool place and homemade beer is ready.

Real Grain Beer Brewing Video

Homemade instant beer


  • malt - 200 gr.
  • hops - 200 gr.
  • yeast - 35 gr.
  • water - 10 liters


  1. I mix two hundred grams of grated hops with the same amount of ground malt. Pour the resulting mixture into a bag of flax.
  2. Pour boiling water in a thin stream through the bag into a large container. I mix the thick in the bag, filter and cool 10 liters of solution.
  3. I add 35 grams of diluted in warm water yeast. I leave it to wander for two days.
  4. After that, the yeast will sink to the bottom. I bottle and cork my homemade beer.
  5. I send the bottles to the refrigerator for 4 days.

Own home brewery

You can now prepare your drink at home. You have seen that this does not require special equipment. With what to drink it, decide for yourself. In my opinion, home brew goes well with

The main components of beer are known even to those who have never been involved in the preparation of this drink. These are water, hops, malt and yeast.

Beer malt can be made from a variety of grains:

  • wheat;
  • corn;
  • oats.

But in practice, it is most often used barley... Barley beer is excellent taste and can be stored for quite a long time, because barley grains contain a lot of starch, which has filtering properties. This prevents harmful bacteria from entering the drink.

To an inexperienced winemaker, all varieties seem to be the same. It would seem, what's the difference what to take for the manufacture of foam? It turns out that there are some tricks here.

All barley is divided into groups:

  • winter varieties;
  • spring varieties.

The first ones are sown in September. Sowing time for spring crops is the spring months, March-April. The varieties of this cereal are distinguished by the arrangement of the grains. Barley can be:

  • single row;
  • two-row;
  • six-row.

The two-row varieties of spring barley are considered the best. They have been cultivated for more than a dozen years, trying to pass on to each next generation the properties most important for the production of alcohol, so today experienced brewers prefer two-row spring barley everyone else.

Choosing the best one for brewing beer

So, you have acquired two-row barley. How to make sure it is suitable for home brewing? This is determined by a number of characteristic features:

  1. Colour. It ranges from light yellow to bright yellow. In this case, the color must be uniform. If the grains are greenish, then the barley is immature. It will not provide enough starch.
  2. Smell. The aroma of good barley is fresh, with hints of straw scent. To feel it brighter, take the grain and rub it in your palms.
  3. The form. The grain should be oval and evenly rounded. If the grains are long in appearance, then the quality of the malt from such raw materials will be poor.
  4. Humidity. The rate of this indicator is 10-15 percent. If the grain "falls short" of these figures, then it is overdried. Dry grain may simply not sprout when we germinate it for malt. Wet raw materials are subject to decay processes, they mold easily.
  5. Protein content. If the protein is more than 12%, then processing into malt is difficult.

The last 2 indicators cannot be determined at home, so you can only rely on information from the supplier. The first three are easy to check for yourself.

Good grain must be highly extractable... This concept hides the total content of substances that pass into the future wort when processing ground grains with malt enzymes.

Excellent extractability - from 78 to 82% on dry matter basis.

How to germinate barley?

In order to become a suitable raw material for beer production, the grain must go through a malting stage. What is malt? It's simple - this is sprouted grain.

Home malt production is divided into the following steps:

  1. Soak... Pour the selected barley into a container, fill it with water so that it covers the grain by about 5 cm.
  2. Removing floating grains... Some of the grains turn out to be empty - such raw materials are not suitable for germination, since, in general, there is nothing to germinate there. These grains float to the surface. It is necessary to carefully drain the water along with them, because they will be ballast that has no practical value.
  3. Disinfection... Not everyone subject future malt to this treatment, but experts recommend not to exclude it. Disinfection with iodine or a weak solution of potassium permanganate reduces the risk of infection with pathogens.
  4. Fill the grain with water again, cover with a cotton cloth. For 6-7 days, it germinates.

You need to use this malt within three days, otherwise it will lose all the desired properties. To preserve the malt for longer, it is dried. Sometimes malt is dried naturally, sometimes with a fan heater.

You can dry the malt in the oven. If you are brewing light beer, keep the malt in the oven at 80 ° C for 3-4 hours. If it is dark, raise the temperature to 105 ° C and hold the sprouted grain for 3-4 hours.

Barley beer with bread crumbs

Now you have hand-made malt. Let's use it - let's brew beer. You will need:

  • crackers (preferably from black bread);
  • malt;
  • water (4 l);
  • hop.

Mix malt and crackers, fill with hot water (the temperature should practically reach a boil). We leave it warm for an hour and a half, after which we filter.

Next, we heat our mixture and add hops to it, we will cook the composition for 15 minutes. We chill so that the wort reaches room temperature... It remains to add sugar and yeast and remove the future drink in a cool place. When three days have passed, we bottle the beer and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks.

Homemade recipe

In order to make beer, we need 5 kg of barley malt. Dissolve it in 20 liters of water, forget about future beer for a day. Then pour the liquid into another container, add a tablespoon of salt.

Then you need to bring the malt to a boil and boil for 2 hours, add 6 glasses of hops and keep on the stove for another 20 minutes. Strain the wort.

Further steps: add yeast (50 g) and sugar (150 g), mix everything. Let it brew for 12 hours. The last stage - almost finished beer is bottled and kept for 2 hours. That's it, now you can start tasting.

Homemade barley beer is a good alternative to store-bought beer. If you follow the production technology, then it will in no way be inferior to the store's "brother" in quality. If you have experience, please share with us.

Useful videos

Making from barley malt on home kitchen:

A very detailed video - all stages of the production of barley beer:

Surely many of our readers will be glad to come home in the evening after a busy day, get the coveted jar from the refrigerator and allow themselves to relax. Even doctors do not mind this with one caveat - the main thing is that such "relaxation" does not turn into a daily habit!

Malt used for the preparation of intoxicating drinks for a long time. What is malt? These are properly germinated and dried grains that are still used today. Beer malt is made from barley grains.

Grains of wheat, rye, millet, oats and other cereals are also germinated and dried. Malt from these crops is used in the manufacture of other beverages. Making barley malt for beer at home is not easy, the process is laborious and time-consuming. However, lovers of making drinks with their own hands are not afraid of difficulties. How to make beer malt at home is worth considering in more detail.

What malt can be made from

Malt can be made from any grain. For homemade malt, the preparation of grain requires certain conditions to be met. It is required to keep the necessary enzymes in the right amount... What is the best way to make malt at home? The experience of home craftsmen shows that the most suitable grains are rye, wheat, barley and corn. Corn is only used in white varieties, as yellow corn contains more oil. The most popular malt used is rye, as it contains many vitamins, carbohydrates and others. nutrients... It is used in cosmetology, cooking and how food supplement... Beer malt is made only from barley. You can also buy ready-made malt in stores and on-line. The large variety and types of specialty malts allow for a variety of uses.

How to make beer malt

The technology of making beer malt is a laborious process. Stop the growth of seeds in time to preserve nutrients, let the dried grains "mature" and meet many other requirements that not everyone can do in the brewing process.

Do-it-yourself malt is prepared in three stages:

  1. Preparation;
  2. Germination;
  3. Drying.

We select quality grain

Only high-quality barley grain is selected, harvested at least two, but not more than 12 months ago. In appearance it should be: dense, ripe, even straw color, with shine, dry, with good flowability, without an unpleasant odor. When broken, the grain inside is loose, mealy, white. Good grain should be sifted without debris. Having bought grain, it must be properly prepared.


Preparation takes place in several stages:

  • Washing;

Pour the barley into a suitable bowl, fill it with water, mix. Empty, half-empty grains and debris float to the surface. The water is drained. The procedure is repeated several times until the water is clear.

  • Soak;

The washed grains are poured with clean (filtered) water, kept for 6 to 8 hours. Then washed again.

  • Disinfection;

In order to get rid of harmful microorganisms (putrefactive bacteria), the grain must be treated with a special solution. You can use a weak manganese solution (10 liters of water - potassium permanganate at the tip of a knife) or an iodine solution (10 liters of water - 40 drops of iodine). The grain is poured with such a solution for the required time - 20 minutes, then the solution is drained. In this case, the entire solution must be poured out completely so that the grain is not very wet. The next stage is germination.

Sprouting malt

The most common way to get malt is by sprouting without watering. After disinfection, damp but not wet grain should be put into boxes. A layer of grain in the box is approximately 5 cm. Leave to stand for 6 to 8 hours. Every 2-3 hours, the layer is stirred, scooped up from the box, lifted over it and again poured into place. In this way, the grain is better dried in the air and gets rid of carbon dioxide.

After the required time has elapsed, the slightly dried grain is poured into boxes or other containers in a layer of 10 cm. Leave to stand for 8 to 12 hours in a room with good ventilation. The air temperature is about 18 degrees. In a cold room, growth slows down greatly, in a warm room, rotting and the appearance of mold occur. To even out growth, a damp cloth is placed on top of the boxes.

After 8-12 hours, the grain is turned up by hand, the “handfuls” of grain are lifted over the box and poured into place. If the grain becomes dry to the touch, it is sprayed with clean (filtered) water on 5 kg of grain from 50 g to 70 g of water at a time. Be sure to check for moisture at the bottom of the box. The accumulated moisture must be removed. High humidity is harmful to growth.

After 2-3 days, the grain begins to swell. The barley should now be agitated more frequently. In this case, sprouts or roots may break off. This is not scary, since all the nutrients (enzymes) are in the grain itself. The kernel turns into malt when the sprout reaches 5 mm in length. Moreover, it already has roots that are longer and thinner than the sprout.

Such a grain does not taste like flour, but sweet, smells like a cucumber, and crunches when broken. The total duration of germination is from 6 to 7 days.

Drying malt and removing sprouts

The resulting malt after germination is washed with a solution of potassium permanganate (1 liter of water - 0.3 g of potassium permanganate). Stand for about 15-20 minutes. Then the solution is drained, the moisture accumulated at the bottom of the box is removed. Drying of barley malt takes place at a higher temperature. The boxes are brought into a warm room with an air temperature of no more than 40 degrees (at a higher temperature, enzymes die). A conventional fan is used to speed up drying. In the summer, an attic with through ventilation is suitable. After 3-4 days, the malt dries up, and sprouts and roots break off from it, rubbing the malt between the palms. If the grains are well dried, the roots and sprouts are easily separated.

Malt aging

Dried malt without roots and sprouts is packed in canvas / linen bags. Flax and hemp gunny is more reliable. Possesses good air permeability, hygroscopicity, wear resistance. Before brewing the beer, the barley malt must "rest" in such a bag for at least one month. The holding room must be dry and warm.

Malt application

Due to its high content of vitamins, carbohydrates and other nutrients, malt is recognized as a healthy product. It is used in the manufacture of bread, beer, kvass and other drinks. It is popular as an independent food supplement as a tonic and therapeutic agent. Malt can also be used to make anti-aging face, hand and neck masks.

The main components of beer are known even to those who have never been involved in the preparation of this drink. These are water, hops, malt and yeast.

Beer malt can be made from a variety of grains:

  • rye;
  • wheat;
  • corn;
  • oats.

But in practice, it is most often usedbarley... Barley beer has excellent taste and can be stored for quite a long time, because barley grains contain a lot of starch, which has filtering properties. This prevents harmful bacteria from entering the drink.

To an inexperienced winemaker, all varieties seem to be the same. It would seem, what's the difference what to take for the manufacture of foam? It turns out that there are some tricks here.

What is barley?

All barley is divided into groups:

  • winter varieties;
  • spring varieties.

The first ones are sown in September. Sowing time for spring crops is the spring months, March-April. The varieties of this cereal are distinguished by the arrangement of the grains. Barley can be:

  • single row;
  • two-row;
  • six-row.

The two-row varieties of spring barley are considered the best. They have been cultivated for more than a dozen years, trying to pass on to each next generation the properties most important for the production of alcohol, so today experienced brewers prefertwo-row spring barley everyone else.

Choosing the best one for brewing beer

So, you have acquired two-row barley. How to make sure it is suitable for home brewing? This is determined by a number of characteristic features:

  • Colour. It ranges from light yellow to bright yellow. In this case, the color must be uniform. If the grains are greenish, then the barley is immature. It will not provide enough starch.
  • Smell. The aroma of good barley is fresh, with hints of straw scent. To feel it brighter, take the grain and rub it in your palms.
  • The form. The grain should be oval and evenly rounded. If the grains are long in appearance, then the quality of the malt from such raw materials will be poor.
  • Humidity. The rate of this indicator is 10-15 percent. If the grain "falls short" of these figures, then it is overdried. Dry grain may simply not sprout when we germinate it for malt. Wet raw materials are subject to decay processes, they mold easily.
  • Protein content. If the protein is more than 12%, then processing into malt is difficult.

The last 2 indicators cannot be determined at home, so you can only rely on information from the supplier. The first three are easy to check for yourself.

Good grain must be highly extractable ... This concept hides the total content of substances that pass into the future wort when processing ground grains with malt enzymes.

Excellent extractability - from 78 to 82% on dry matter basis.

How to germinate barley?

Home malt production is divided into the following steps:

  • Soak... Pour the selected barley into a container, fill it with water so that it covers the grain by about 5 cm.
  • Removing floating grains ... Some of the grains turn out to be empty - such raw materials are not suitable for germination, since, in general, there is nothing to germinate there. These grains float to the surface. It is necessary to carefully drain the water along with them, because they will be ballast that has no practical value.
  • Disinfection... Not everyone subject future malt to this treatment, but experts recommend not to exclude it. Disinfection with iodine or a weak solution of potassium permanganate reduces the risk of infection with pathogens.
  • Fill the grain with water again , cover with a cotton cloth. For 6-7 days, it germinates.

You need to use this malt within three days, otherwise it will lose all the desired properties. To preserve the malt for longer, it is dried. Sometimes malt is dried naturally, sometimes with a fan heater.

You can dry the malt in the oven. If you are brewing light beer, keep the malt in the oven at 80 ° C for 3-4 hours. If it is dark, raise the temperature to 105 ° C and hold the sprouted grain for 3-4 hours.

Barley beer with bread crumbs

Now you have hand-made malt. Let's use it - let's brew beer. You will need:

  • crackers (preferably from black bread);
  • malt;
  • water (4 l);
  • hop.

Mix malt and crackers, fill with hot water (the temperature should practically reach a boil). We leave it warm for an hour and a half, after which we filter.

Next, we heat our mixture and add hops to it, we will cook the composition for 15 minutes. Chill until the wort reaches room temperature. It remains to add sugar and yeast and remove the future drink in a cool place. When three days have passed, we bottle the beer and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks.