Applesauce with milk for the winter recipes. Applesauce "Sissy"

Taste applesauce familiar to many from childhood. Moreover, it is known that it is not only incredibly tasty, but also very useful, and it can be given even to the smallest. There are different options for blanks, in particular, applesauce with condensed milk for the winter. The recipe for its preparation is very simple, the products are available to everyone. Such mashed potatoes will cost significantly less compared to canned counterparts, and it is also very original.

Rules for making mashed apples

If you please yourself with fruit sweet preservation, then one of best options can be called apples with condensed milk. It is not so difficult to prepare blanks for the winter from these fruits, but certain rules must be followed:

Provided that apples are harvested for the winter, they must be laid out in sterilized containers and rolled up hermetically using metal lids, which were also previously sterilized in boiling water. If you follow the recommendations of experienced housewives, everything will turn out delicious and tender.

Harvesting Sissy

Definitely, both children and adults will appreciate apple puree with condensed milk for the winter. After all, it is healthy and very tasty. This excellent dessert is perfect for tea and as a filling for pancakes or cakes. It is very tender and light and has a low calorie content.

To make "Sissy" at home, you need three kilograms of apples, a can of condensed milk, a glass of water and half a glass of sugar. Apples can be of any kind, even soft or wrinkled are allowed, but not rotten.

A step-by-step recipe for applesauce with condensed milk looks like this:

The puree itself can be considered ready. It remains only to put it in banks so that it can be stored for a long time. At first banks need to be sterilized in a convenient way for yourself (for example, in a microwave or boiling water). You also need to boil the lids for about five minutes.

The workpiece is laid out in banks, then they sealed with sterilized lids, turn over and cool, after which it is recommended to transfer them to storage in a cool place.

In the absence of a cellar or basement, you can store it in the refrigerator, if there is a place for this.

Homemade condensed milk recipe

There is another option, how you can make apples with condensed milk for the winter. The recipe will be appreciated by those who do not trust store products and prefer to do everything on their own. In it, canned condensed milk is replaced with milk and sugar, but the taste will not differ from mashed potatoes cooked on it. And if such mashed potatoes are in finished form beat with a blender with a little butter then it can be used as a cream for cakes and other homemade baked goods.

For this product, for 4 kilograms of apples, 3 kilograms of sugar and 3 liters of milk are taken, as well as a glass of soda.

As in the previous case, the apples are peeled, the core is removed from them, and they themselves are cut into slices. After that, they will combine with baking soda and infuse for a couple of hours. The baking soda in the finished puree will not be felt, but it will help soften the apples so that they later beat easier.

After aging, the apple slices are thoroughly washed under running water. Then they are placed in a saucepan, where milk is poured and sugar is added. They need to be cooked for two hours over low heat. At the end, the mass is whipped with a blender or rubbed through a sieve, then put back on the stove, brought to a boil and cooked for about ten minutes more.

The finished puree is poured into sterilized jars, rolled up with lids, turned over and cooled. Then it can be left for long-term storage.

Harvesting in a multicooker

You can also cook applesauce with condensed milk in a slow cooker. When there is no time to constantly be at the stove, then this is a more acceptable option for cooking it.

Among the ingredients:

  • 4 kilograms of apples of different varieties;
  • two cans of condensed milk;
  • one glass of water.

Banks for rolling mashed potatoes can also be sterilized in a multicooker. First you need to wash them, put them in a bowl and fill them with water, then close them with lids. The bowl itself is filled with water up to the maximum mark. The lid is closed and the steam setting is set for 40 minutes. At the end of the program, the jars are dried and set aside.

The fruit is peeled and cut into small pieces. They are placed in a bowl, a glass of water is added and cooked in the simmering mode for 40 minutes. It is recommended to mix them several times.

When the program ends, beat the apples with a blender, then put them back, add condensed milk and stew for another 10 minutes.

In finished form, mashed potatoes are poured into cans and rolled, as in the previous recipes.

Applesauce for children and not only for the winter can be closed not only with condensed milk, but also just with sugar, or with other fruits - prunes, pumpkin, pear. But it is this option that will be appreciated by avid sweet tooths, since condensed milk will give the puree a unique taste, as well as children who do not like apples in their pure form.

I love apples the most in fresh, I don't really like the jam from them. Compotes too, it is better to cook fresh from dried fruits. But the recipe for applesauce seemed very interesting. The hostess, who shared with us this recipe for applesauce with condensed milk, makes preparations in dozens of liter cans, and nothing is left for the spring.
Today I looked at many recipes on the Internet how to cook applesauce with condensed milk, they are all similar, I found out that some add sugar and water to the puree, someone does not add, but everything is the same, the proportions of milk can be added by eye, taste to taste.
Now the time has come and I also tried to make applesauce, I really liked the really very delicate texture with a light creamy taste. While mashed potatoes were being prepared, I tried and ate a lot, well, yummy, it's impossible to come off. For cooking, it is important to have a blender at home, you can of course beat mashed potatoes and crush, but in a blender the consistency is more tender. I also tried to cook with the addition of plums, but I like it in its pure form.
I did not remove the peel from the apples, my hand did not rise, after beating it is almost not felt. If you do not mind the apples, you can peel them off, then the puree will turn out to be perfectly smooth in general. You can cook pure applesauce according to this recipe without adding condensed milk. If you are cooking for small children, be sure to cut off the peel.
This recipe is also convenient in that any varieties of apples are suitable for harvesting.

Products for making apple puree:

  • apples 2 kilograms
  • condensed milk (not boiled) 450 grams
  • sugar (only if apples are sour) 3 tablespoons (best to add to taste)
  • water 50 grams
  • clean floor liter cans, lids

Recipe applesauce with condensed milk:
Wash, core and cut the apples.

Put in a saucepan, add a little sugar and 50 grams of water, cover and put on low heat. Cook until the apples are softened (depending on the variety, I cooked for 20 minutes).

Then set aside the saucepan with apples. Allow to cool.
Put the boiled apples in a blender bowl and chop in mashed potatoes.

Pour mashed potatoes into a saucepan,

mix with condensed milk and simmer over low heat.

Good afternoon.

And today we will again make reserves of vitamins for the winter. The early varieties of apples have already fruited in many, we have already ate them and it's time to think about the form in which we want to stock them. of which we already know how to do it, too.

The third most popular method is still on the agenda - jam. This is a great option, which is suitable for spreading on a sweet sandwich and as a filling for pies, and just like that with tea, jam comes in "with a bang."

By the way, if you like to cook all sorts of sweets yourself, then you will find many recipes on the site Just recently appeared there wonderful recipe apple charlottes.

As you can see, jam can be prepared in completely different ways. It can be with a consistency closer to marmalade, or closer to mashed potatoes. It all depends on your personal preference.

How to make thick apple jam for the winter

Let's start with cooking thick jam, which is the best fit for the filling for pies. It will not spread and flow out. Very comfortably. And very, very simple.

For filling 1 liter cans would need:

  • 1 kg peeled apples
  • 700 g sugar
  • 100 ml of water

Depending on the variety and sweetness of the apples, you can add a little more or a little less sugar. Add 900 g to sour apples, 700 g to sweet apples.


1. Wash the apples thoroughly, peel off the peel and remove the cores with seeds. We cut them into small slices.

2. Pour apples into a saucepan, add sugar and water and put it on low heat.

3. During the cooking process, juice will be released from the fruit, so there is no need to be afraid that they will burn. Stir periodically and wait until the liquid boils. To speed up the process, cover the pan with a lid.

4. When the water boils, remove the resulting foam, cook for another 5 minutes and turn off the heat. Let the apples stand for 2-3 hours to cool and soften.

5. Then we interrupt the apples in mashed potatoes with a blender.

If there is no blender, you can get by with a simple crush, but it will take a long time.

6. Put the resulting puree on the fire again, bring it to a boil and put it hot in advance and roll it up with sterilized lids.

7. Leave the jars to cool upside down and then store in a cool place.

Recipe for making amber jam with apple slices

Another great option. in which the apples are not crushed, but cut into slices. Imagine how delicious and delicious it will be interesting filling for fried pies?

For cooking, you need apples and sugar in a ratio of 2 to 1. That is, for 1 kg of peeled apples, you need to take 0.5 kg of sugar.


1. Peel and core the apples and cut them into beautiful slices.

Then we pour them into a saucepan with a thick bottom, put on the smallest fire and cover with sugar on top. As soon as the sugar begins to melt, we begin to gently stir the contents of the pan so that the slices do not burn.

2. Continue stirring occasionally until the apples are juiced and a large amount of liquid forms in the pan.

3.From now on, we will continue to cook in order to evaporate enough juice to make the jam thick. Do not forget to stir periodically.

Unfortunately, there are no clear time guidelines here, since everything depends on the temperature and the amount of food.

The main indicator of readiness is that the apple slices become translucent. This usually happens when at least half of the liquid has evaporated.

4. Put the finished boiling jam on pre-sterilized jars using a ladle, filling them to the very top and not forgetting to scoop up the syrup.

5. Roll up the jars with sterilized lids and leave to cool upside down under the blanket.

Store in a cool place after cooling.

Video on how to make apple jam in the oven

Another easy way to make a thick jam is to bake apples in the oven. It turns out to be very thick, it is almost like marmalade.

Apple jam recipe for the winter with condensed milk in a slow cooker

But this version of jam, without a doubt, will become a favorite delicacy of your children. Delicate puree with a sweet milky aroma. This is delicious. And it's still easy to prepare.


  • 5 kg unpeeled apples
  • 1 glass of water (glass - 200 ml)
  • 0.5 cups sugar
  • 1 can of condensed milk


1. Peel the apples, core them and cut them into small pieces. The smaller we cut, the faster they will boil to a puree state.

We put the apples in a slow cooker, fill in water, select the "Stew" mode and set the time to 40 minutes.

For a saucepan, we do the same: put apples in it, fill it with water, put on a small fire, cover and simmer for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.

2. After 40 minutes the apples will turn into porridge, which is exactly what you need. Now add sugar to them, mix and bring to a boil over medium heat.

3. The next ingredient there is condensed milk. It also needs to be mixed with jam and brought to a boil again.

4. You can skip the next step. Grind the resulting mass with a blender until puree. If you do this, then you get just mashed potatoes, and not jam. Here you can decide for yourself which consistency you like best.

5. If you choose to grind with a blender, then the resulting puree must be brought to a boil again, then pour it into pre-sterilized jars.

If you have done without this, then you can lay out the hot jam in sterilized jars after the third step.

We fill the jars to the very top, roll them up or close them with sterilized lids and leave them upside down under the blanket until they cool completely.

Store in a cool place later.

The easiest recipe at home without sterilization

As you may have noticed, the jam does not require sterilization of already filled cans, you just need to use pre-sterilized cans. But if this seems too tedious to you, then you can do without it altogether.

But in this case, it is very important to wash the jars well so that no dried residues remain on the walls. The easiest way to do this is with baking soda.

Also, be sure to use an antiseptic. In this case, citric acid.

Another feature of this recipe is to use a meat grinder to grind fruit.


  • Apples - 1 kg (weigh unpeeled)
  • Sugar - 800 g
  • Citric acid at the rate of 0.5 tsp. for 3 liters of water


1. Wash the apples, cut them in half, remove the seeds and put them in a container with water to which lemon acid... Let us keep them there for about 15 minutes so that the fruits are saturated with acidified water.

After soaking, we pour out the liquid, we will no longer need it.

2. Then we twist the apples through a meat grinder and immediately mix them with sugar.

3. Transfer the resulting mixture to a saucepan, bring it to a boil over medium heat, then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for another 1 hour, stirring occasionally.

4. Pour the boiling jam into cleanly washed jars, filling them up to the neck. Then we roll up or close it with a clean lid, turn it over, cover it with a blanket and leave it in this form until it cools completely.

If you plan to eat jam in the next 3-4 months, then you can safely close the jars with nylon lids and, after cooling, store them in the refrigerator. In this case, you do not need to turn them over when cooling down, just wrap them up.

Apple jam for the winter without sugar

Well, at the end, I offer another simple recipe in which there is not even sugar. But, in order not to be completely boring, I propose to add plums to the apples. If you don't want to, don't add.

For cooking, you need apples and plums in the proportion of 3 parts of apples and 1 part of plums.


1. Remove the core from apples and rub them on a coarse grater.

2. Cut the plums in half and remove the seeds from them.

3. Put the fruit in a cauldron or other thick-walled dish and put it on high heat for 10 minutes so that the fruit softens and lets the juice out.

4. Then we reduce the heat to medium, interrupt the contents of the cauldron with a blender until puree and cook for another 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

After 15 minutes, it is advisable to interrupt the puree again with a blender so that it becomes even more homogeneous and tender.

5. Put the finished hot jam on sterilized jars, filling them up to the neck and tighten with sterilized lids.

6. Then we turn the cans over, cover and leave in this form until they cool completely.

The cooled jam should be stored in a cool dark place. A cellar or refrigerator is ideal.

While collecting and writing out recipes, I noticed that a meat grinder with a multicooker and a blender and a simple grater were also used for cooking. So, I think there is a way of cooking for a kitchen of any level of equipment.

So choose a recipe for yourself and proceed with the blanks. Summer and autumn always pass unexpectedly for busy people.

And for today I have everything, thank you for your attention.

Step-by-step recipes for making apple puree with condensed milk for the winter in a saucepan and slow cooker: options for delicate applesauce with condensed milk and pumpkin, with and without sugar, with chocolate

2018-10-15 Marina Danko





In 100 grams of finished dish

1 gr.

1 gr.


14 gr.

69 kcal.

Option 1: Puree from apples with condensed milk for the winter - a classic recipe

Sometimes unusual combinations of products give such an impressive effect that one wonders - and someone came up with such an idea. By mixing concentrated milk into the fruit mass, a wonderful and original taste dessert.


  • 5000 grams of late apples;
  • a jar of good condensed milk;
  • 250 ml of filtered water;
  • half a glass of granulated sugar.

Step by step recipe lush mashed potatoes from apples with condensed milk for the winter

We sort the selected fruits and wash them thoroughly. Having peeled off a thin layer of the skin from the fruit, cut it into slices, removing the core from them along the way. Try to capture the partitions as well.

We collect slices of apple pulp in a large saucepan, add water and on intense heating, bring to a boil. Lowering the heat to a moderate level, slowly boil down the mass, tightly covering it with a lid.

As soon as the pulp becomes loose, set aside the mass from the stove, let it stand for ten minutes. Using an immersion blender, we interrupt the contents of the pan to a puree consistency. In the absence of a blender, the whole mass can be rubbed through a sieve with fine meshes.

After first adding a portion of sugar to the applesauce, add condensed milk after it. Returning to the stove, simmer slowly for a quarter of an hour. All this time, try to stir as often as possible, not allowing the lower layers of the mass to burn.

Pack hot ready-made puree in ahead of time sterilized in a microwave oven or steam glass jars and tightly close the turnkey with canning lids. Until it cools completely, we leave the containers under the blanket, having previously tipped them upside down.

Option 2: Puree from apples with condensed milk for the winter - a quick recipe for a multicooker

Option winter harvesting in a multicooker, which helps not only to shorten the cooking time, but also to greatly simplify the process. When using a special program, apples do not need to be stirred, the entire softening process takes place on its own and the fruit mass does not burn due to the bowl coating. Banks for preparation should be prepared ahead of time, so that by the time the mashed potatoes are ready, they have time to dry well. You also need to soak for eight minutes in boiling water and a lid, and then spread over a dry towel to dry.


  • fully ripe apples - 4.5 kg;
  • a quarter of a kilo of sugar;
  • condensed milk, whole - four hundred grams;
  • drinking water - one hundred milliliters.

How to quickly make mashed apples with condensed milk at home for the winter

Peel off the entire peel from selected washed apples with a thin layer. Dissolving the pulp into thin slices, remove the darkened parts of the core. Place the slices in a dry cooking bowl.

Pouring cool water to the apples, tightly lower the lid of the multicooker. Having selected a preset extinguishing mode, program it for 50 minutes and press start.

At the end of the selected cycle, transfer the softened fruits to a large bowl and puree with a blender.

We mix the fruit mass with condensed milk and sugar, transferring it to the cooking bowl, and cook on the previously set mode for 20 minutes.

We distribute the hot puree in a sterile container and seal it hermetically. Until it cools completely, we leave the conservation under the blanket, turning it upside down.

Option 3: Pumpkin puree with apples and condensed milk for the winter

Popular variant apple dessert"Sissy" with pumpkin. Adding a vegetable practically does not change the main taste, making it more nutritious. Pay attention to the color of the pumpkin pulp, it should be brightly colored. Do not forget about apples, the sweeter the variety, the tastier the puree will be. Be sure to remove the darkened pulp, it can ruin the finished dessert.


  • one and a half kilograms of ripe apples;
  • a pound of pumpkin pulp;
  • a jar of GOST condensed milk;
  • three tablespoons of sugar;
  • cinnamon stick.

Step by step recipe

Rinse the pumpkin. After cutting, take out all the seeds and cut off the peel. Try to remove not only its dense layer, but also the discolored, greenish layer of pulp. Such pulp is not only tasteless, but also has no nutritional value.

Cut the pumpkin pulp into small cubes into a deep saucepan. Pouring a little cool water, send it to the switched on burner and, bringing to a boil, simmer with slight heating until soft. We wipe the vegetable mass through a rare metal sieve.

Rinse the apples, peel them. Cut into slices, remove the seed pods and collect the pieces of fruit in a clean saucepan. Pouring a little water, like pumpkin, simmer the apples until softened, then puree with a blender or grind through a sieve. To add cinnamon flavor to the mashed potatoes, you can dip a cinnamon stick to the apples during stewing.

Combine fruit puree with vegetable puree in a saucepan of a suitable size. Stir thoroughly, add granulated sugar and condensed milk. After placing on the stove, stirring regularly, heat the puree to a boil and then boil over low heat for ten minutes.

We pack the hot mass into jars pre-treated with steam. Sealing hermetically with lids, turn over and leave the canned puree in this position until completely cooled.

Option 4: Dessert puree from apples with condensed milk for the winter for children (no sugar)

Children, especially infants, are advised to prepare food without adding salt and sugar. You don't need to sweeten the delicate applesauce at all. If you use sweet varieties of late apples as raw materials, the sweetness of condensed milk will be enough. The water added during the stewing also dilutes the sweetness of the fruit, so if you have a steamer it is best to use it. In this case, the pieces of pulp must be laid out on the wire rack in one row and steamed for a quarter of an hour. Vanilla is used as a flavoring, but you can cook without it.


  • two kilograms of sweet apples;
  • can of condensed milk;
  • 125 milliliters of clean water;
  • a third of a spoonful of vanilla powder.

How to cook

Cut the peeled apples into medium-sized slices and put them in a saucepan or deep stewpan. Add water to the fruit and simmer until the pulp becomes soft. You need to bring it to such a state that it can be easily rubbed.

Remove the fruit mass from the stove and cool. Brush with a blender or wipe with the back of a spoon through a sieve. Stir condensed milk and vanilla powder into the cooked puree, transfer to a saucepan.

Over an intense fire, stirring continuously, bring the puree to a boil, then boil it on a weaker heat for a quarter of an hour. Hot packaged in sterile jars, cover them with boiled lids and roll with a key.

Option 5: Delicious apple puree with condensed milk for the winter (with white chocolate)

Applesauce with added chocolate works well as a layer biscuit cakes when forming a cake, it is served instead of jam for pancakes or pancakes. It also works well for filling when baking muffins. We will use white and non-porous chocolate; it is advisable to take apples with dense pulp. Summer varieties of apples are also suitable for such mashed potatoes, if they are not sweet enough, increase the amount of sugar. The recipe assumes the use of fruits along with the peel, therefore, a blender is not used when preparing mashed potatoes. If you want to shorten the process with such a device, immediately peel the peel from the fruit.


  • apples - 5 kg;
  • 150 g Sahara;
  • can of whole condensed milk;
  • 50 gram white chocolate bar;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar.

Step by step recipe

After washing, cut the apples in half. Having removed the core, but without removing the peel, we cut the halves of the half-centimeter thick fruit into plates. Pouring into a deep stewpan or a saucepan with a double bottom, add a quarter glass of water to the fruit and turn on maximum heat.

When the juice released from the apples begins to boil, cover the pan tightly with a lid, reduce the heat and continue to simmer until the apple pulp is completely steamed. When pressed with a spoon, it should be crushed.

Leaving on the table, let the apples cool, and then transferring them to a sieve, grind with the back of a spoon. We do not use a blender, as there should be no peel in the finished dessert.

We shift the mashed potatoes into a cauldron and, bringing to a boil, boil for five minutes. Stir in condensed milk into the fruit mass, add chocolate broken into squares, vanilla and beet sugar. While stirring, we boil for about two minutes, after which we put them in jars and seal the lids tightly with a seaming wrench.

There are many recipes for making applesauce for the winter. If you cook it with sweetened condensed milk, you can use almost any kind of apple. The apple puree with condensed milk prepared for the winter has a delicate velvety texture and light creamy taste... This puree will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. And it's very easy to cook it!

To prepare applesauce with condensed milk for the winter, I take the products according to the list.

My apples, peel.

I cut each apple into 4 pieces and remove the core.

I cut the apples into slices.

I add water to the sliced ​​apples and put on fire. I close the saucepan with a lid and cook the apples until soft over medium heat (about 20 minutes). During this time, I stir the apples several times so that they do not burn.

Then I grind the softened apples with a blender.

I transfer the puree to a saucepan, add condensed milk with sugar.

I stir the puree, put it on the stove again and cook for about 8 minutes, stirring constantly. Be careful - the puree may splatter when boiling. For a softer and more uniform consistency, I grind the puree with a blender one more time.

I let the puree boil again and immediately put it in half-liter sterilized and dry jars.

I roll up the applesauce with boiled metal lids. I got 3 half-liter jars.

Applesauce with condensed milk for the winter is ready! Let the workpiece cool down. I keep this dessert in the refrigerator.

Enjoy your meal!