Things to do with candied jam. Sugar jam

What could be better on long winter evenings than to gather the whole family for tea! Cozy lampshade light, fragrant tea in your favorite cups and aromatic jam... Cherries floating in thick syrup evoke carefree summer days. Great, isn't it?

Cherry jam is an excellent independent delicacy. It is rich in vitamins and helps to keep the body in good shape. Cherry jam recipes are varied: it can be added to pies and other baked goods, or it can be used to make homemade wine.

Cherry jam is popularly called "royal" for its rich ruby ​​color and rich taste. There are many recipes for making cherry jam. And, despite the variety of recipes, even experienced housewives often have a question: how to cook Cherry jam so that it comes out tasty, does not lose its useful properties and is stored as long as possible? The answers to these and other questions can be found below.

How to make cherry jam

Proper cooking of cherry jam implies compliance with some general rules for harvesting and canning. But the cherry jam recipe has some peculiarities. Next, you will learn:

How much cherry jam is cooked

The cooking time for cherry jam depends on the specific recipe. If you are making a five-minute jam, then the total cooking time will not exceed 15 - 20 minutes.

First, you need to cover the berries with sugar and leave to infuse for 4 - 7 hours. After simmering the cherries until boiling, let it boil for 5 minutes and remove from the stove. After 20 - 30 minutes, the berries are again put on the fire, brought to a boil, boiled for 5 minutes and removed. This should be done two or three times. Ready jam is poured into sterilized jars and closed tightly.

If you plan to cook cherry jam for the winter in one go, then the continuous cooking time will be about 30 - 40 minutes over low heat. It all depends on the original juiciness of the berries and the desired consistency of the jam. Thicker jam will take a little longer to cook. If you are satisfied with the liquid, then the cooking time can be shortened.

One remark should be added to the question of how cherry jam is cooked. Remember to stir the cherry jam and skim. This should be done every 5 to 7 minutes.

Sugar and cherry proportions for jam

How to cook delicious jam from cherries for the winter and how much sugar to take for this? These questions are always among the first.

The most common ratio of berries to sugar is 1: 1. You can't go wrong with adding sugar like this.

For those who like cherry jam sweeter, you can take 1.3 kg of sugar per 1 kg of cherries. In addition, the jam is better preserved this way. The more sugar, the less chance of mold and fermentation in the cherry jam.

If the berries themselves are sweet enough, then you can take 0.7 kg of sugar per 1 kg of cherries.

Necessary set of dishes

In the question of how to make cherry jam, the selection of the right dishes plays an important role.

The cooking container must be strong and resistant to oxidation. It is better if it has a wide flat bottom and low sides. And it is very good when the container can be tightly closed with a "native" lid. In this case, the jam can be protected from dust and insects during the breaks between cooking.

These requirements are met by special cans and pans made of stainless steel. You can also take enameled dishes. Copper and aluminum containers are undesirable: during cooking, harmful chemicals can enter the prepared product. For example, copper ions can destroy the ascorbic acid contained in berries and negate all the benefits of cherry jam.

During the cooking process, you need a spatula or slotted spoon. It is better if it is wooden: excess contact of metal with jam is undesirable due to the possible oxidation of the former. The jam should be stirred periodically, and the scalding foam should be removed. Therefore, keep a spatula or spoon nearby.

Preserving cherry jam is not very difficult. Ready jam should be poured into sterilized glass jars with a volume of up to 1.5 liters. A larger volume should not be taken due to the high probability of jam mold after opening. You are unlikely to eat two liters of jam in one or two times, right?

Storing cherry jam

Cherry jam should be kept in hermetically sealed jars. Place the jam jars in a cool place out of direct sunlight.

Before you remove the cherry jam for storage, you need to carry out one procedure. Jars of hot jam are turned over, wrapped in a warm cloth and left to cool. This will reduce the likelihood of jam jars exploding.

If the jam has been rolled up in sterilized jars, properly boiled and tightly rolled, it can be stored for up to 3 years in a cool dark place. An open jar of jam should be kept closed in the refrigerator. The shelf life of such a jam will be from two weeks to three to four months: it all depends on the amount of sugar in the product and the quality of sterilization of the jar.

Shelf life of pitted cherry jam

Storing cherry jam with seeds should be approached with great care. The seeds of the berries contain the substance amygdalin, which after a while begins to decompose. One of the decomposition products is hydrocyanic acid - deadly dangerous substance for the human body. Therefore, the pitted jam should be used throughout the year.

If you do not plan to consume all the cherry jam with seeds in less than a year, then it is better to remove the seeds from the berries before making the jam.

Subtleties and secrets for those who want to make the most delicious cherry jam

How to cook cherry jam so that it is tasty, pleasant to look at and does not deteriorate during storage? Indeed, sometimes cherry jam, the recipe for which you can find in this catalog, turns out to be too liquid, candied and moldy. Read about why this is happening and how to avoid unwanted problems below.

Why is cherry jam runny and not thickening?

Cherries harvested in a rainy summer absorb excess water. This can cause the cherry jam to turn out to be liquid.

When making jam from berries and fruits, you cannot use gelatin: with prolonged cooking, it loses its properties and spoils the taste of the finished jam. It is better to add some chopped apples, currants or gooseberries to the jam.

Another option to make the cherry jam thicker is to boil the syrup for a longer time, into which then, upon the onset of the desired density, add the berries. So the berries will remain whole and juicy, and the syrup will acquire a beautiful ruby ​​color and become thick.

What if the cherry jam is liquid?

The problem of obtaining the desired consistency of jam is quite acute. Many housewives are wondering how to cook cherry jam for the winter so that it turns out thick?

If you are not satisfied with the consistency of the finished jam, try adding a little pectin to it and boiling a little more. For example, red currant juice can give cherry jam the desired thickness without interrupting the natural taste.

Why is cherry jam bitter?

It's all about amygdalin - a substance contained in the seeds of berries. It gives the jam an almond flavor. With a large number of berries, this substance can make the jam bitter.

Another reason for an unpleasant aftertaste can be a stewpan forgotten on the stove with sugar syrup: After the sugar has burned, the taste of burnt sugar remains in the jam.

Why is cherry jam sugared?

Cherry jam can be candied for three reasons:

Incorrect preparation:

  • adding too much sugar or honey to the syrup can lead not only to sugaring, but also to the appearance of mold;
  • too long boiling of the syrup, in which the berries give up all their juice, the liquid evaporates and the jam crystallizes;

Incorrect storage:

  • An unsealed jar, into which air enters, drying the contents, spoons left in the jar and foreign substances that get into the jam can also cause sugar.

Why did the cherry jam turn out brown?

Most often, cherry jam loses its aesthetic appearance and acquires Brown color as a result of digestion. Too long cooking time can not only destroy everything beneficial features cherries, but also worsen its appearance and taste.

What if the cherry jam is fermented?

Most often, wine or moonshine is made from fermented, but not moldy jam.

1 liter of fermented jam is poured into a five-liter jar, 1.5 liters of water and a glass of sugar are added. A punctured rubber glove is put on top; the jar is hermetically closed and placed in a warm place (for example, to the battery).

When the glove is deflated, the resulting material must be filtered through a cloth or gauze. 1.5 cups of sugar are added to the mash. The resulting material is bottled and sent to infuse for two months.

Exist original recipe using fermented jam. Put 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 300 ml of jam, wait 5 minutes. Add 2 chicken eggs, 2 tablespoons of sugar and 300 g of flour. Knead the dough and make the pancakes. Can be poured into a mold and baked like a pie: about 50 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

What to do if cherry jam is moldy / moldy?

For the development of mold, oxygen is needed, which is not in the lower layers of the jam. Therefore, you just need to remove the mold and throw out the top 2 - 3 centimeters of the product. The remaining jam can be safely used for its intended purpose.

As a last resort, you can boil the workpiece a little. Add 1 glass of sugar to 1 liter of jam and simmer for about 10 minutes after boiling.

What if the cherry jam foams?

If the jam foams a lot during cooking, then don't worry. This means that the berries were picked in a rainy summer and absorbed too much water. Perhaps this jam will need to be boiled a little longer.

If the cherry jam foams in sealed jars, it is likely that it has fermented. In this case, the jar should be checked for a characteristic fermentation odor. See how to use fermented jam above.

The benefits and harms of cherry jam

Benefit cherry jam is due to the presence of the following elements in it:

  • vitamins of groups C, B1 and B2, PP, which increase the body's resistance to diseases, strengthen immunity and fight viruses;
  • potassium, iron and magnesium, which increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • folic acid and vitamin B9, which contribute to the organic work of the circulatory and immune systems.

Harmful properties cherry jam:

  • in all jam recipes (and cherry is no exception), sugar must be added. Moreover, its amount, as a rule, is half of the entire finished product, which negatively affects not only the figure, but also the tooth enamel, the problems of allergy sufferers and diabetics;
  • the substance contained in the pits of cherries - amygdalin, after a long storage time (more than a year), begins to release hydrocyanic acid, which can be fatal to humans. Therefore, housewives who recognize only recipes for cherry jam with seeds must follow one rule: either remove the seeds from the berries before boiling or eat ready-made jam in less than a year.

The benefits and harms of cherry jam during pregnancy

Pregnant women often change their taste preferences, indulging the vagaries of changing hormonal levels. The result of such experiments can be the consumption of salted tangerines or ice cream with pepper, but often the requests can be much more modest and a lady in an "interesting position" will wish cherry jam.

What is benefit cherry jam for a pregnant woman?

  • the ascorbic acid contained in the jam will increase the immunity of the expectant mother;
  • calcium strengthens teeth and bones, which are subject to enormous stress during pregnancy;
  • folic acid has a beneficial effect on the development of the baby's nervous system;

However, for some groups of expectant mothers, cherry jam can bring harm:

  • allergy sufferers can react to cherries with a rash and swelling;
  • diabetics are contraindicated to consume too many carbohydrates contained in the jam;
  • caring mothers seeking to avoid hydrocyanic acid poisoning should not use cherry jam with seeds.

For the same reasons, cherry jam should not be given to young children (under 3 years old) and people of all ages who are at risk (allergy sufferers and diabetics).

The benefits and harms of cherry jam while breastfeeding

Before adding cherry jam to the diet, a nursing mother should definitely consult a pediatrician. If the doctor supervising the child does not notice any deviations, then he can give permission for the use of cherry jam.

It is worth starting with one or two spoons of jam. If during the day the child does not have rejection or allergies, then you can safely eat the jam.

Remember that cherry jam should be fresh and of good quality. More often than not, ready-made store jam does not meet these requirements. Therefore, it is better to cook the cherry jam yourself, a simple recipe for which you can find here.

Calorie cherry jam

Cherry jam is the least high-calorie of all cooked with sugar. Average the energy value per 100 gr. - 260-300 Kl and 68 gr. carbohydrates.

Is it possible to cherry jam with an ulcer?

It is not recommended for those suffering from stomach or duodenal ulcers to eat cherries and all their derivatives, including jam. The final answer can only be given by your attending physician, who knows all the features of the course of the disease.

Can cherry jam be used for gastritis?

During an exacerbation of gastritis, cherry jam is strictly prohibited. Only when remission comes, you can pamper yourself with a spoon - another cherry jam. Of course, after consulting the doctor who is observing you.

Can cherry jam be used for pancreatitis?

Patients with pancreatitis, especially its acute forms, should completely exclude any jam from the diet. Jam is not recommended due to the large amount of carbohydrates in sugar, the consumption of which should be reduced as much as possible during illness.

During a decrease in the exacerbation of pancreatitis, you should consult with your doctor about eating cherry jam. If the doctor, who knows all the features of the course of the disease, does not mind, then sometimes you can pamper yourself with a spoon - another cherry jam.

Cherry jam, recipes with photos for the winter of which you will find on this page, will become an irreplaceable delicacy on your table!

The jam is candied, what should I do?

Sometimes it happens that you have made a lot of jam or berry syrup, and some of it got sugared. This happens because you have digested fresh jam or put excess sugar in it, or it just stood for a long time after cooking. Of course, no one will throw it away, because it can be easily corrected. Experienced housewives add candied jam to the dough for making false honey cake, cook compotes, wine from it, prepare jelly, add it to the curd filling.

But many people have a question: is it possible to revive the jam or syrup by making it liquid again. After all, most people like this liquid consistency. It turns out that you can. To do this, you should warm up such syrup or jam in a saucepan with water or in microwave oven and melt it.

However, remember that the jam, which has already been candied and you warmed it up, will not remain liquid for a long time. Therefore, after resuscitating such a jam, try to use it as soon as possible.

Surely it happened to every hostess that the conservation, the blanks did not turn out as we would like. For example, you can open a jar of tea jam, and it turns out that you cannot scoop this jam with a spoon, or spread it on a crispy roll. The jam is candied. There are 2 options - "revive" the jam and use it as it is.

There are two ways to make sugar jam edible.

  1. Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup water per liter of jam and boil for 3-5 minutes. Pour hot jam into jars and roll up.
  2. Place the jars of candied jam in a pot of water and heat until the sugar dissolves.

Eat the "converted" jam as soon as possible. You can also cook compote from candied jam, make filling for pies and pies.

Of very thick jam you can get a good marshmallow. To do this, transfer it to a saucepan. Put the container on low heat. You can add more powdered sugar to the jam to make it even more viscous during heating. Line a baking sheet baking paper, lightly grease vegetable oil... Spread the fruit mixture in an even layer about 5 mm thick and put in the oven overnight, leaving the door slightly open. Drying temperature should be 60-80 ° C.

Cut the finished pastille into strips, roll in powdered sugar and store in paper bags or glass containers.

Surely it happened to every hostess that the conservation, the blanks did not turn out as we would like. For example, you can open a jar of tea jam, and it turns out that you cannot scoop this jam with a spoon, or spread it on a crispy roll. The jam is candied. There are 2 options - "revive" the jam and use it as it is.

There are two ways to make sugar jam edible.

  1. Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup water per liter of jam and boil for 3-5 minutes. Pour hot jam into jars and roll up.
  2. Place the jars of candied jam in a pot of water and heat until the sugar dissolves.

Eat the "converted" jam as soon as possible. You can also cook compote from candied jam, make filling for pies and pies.

A very thick jam can make a good candy. To do this, transfer it to a saucepan. Put the container on low heat. You can add more powdered sugar to the jam to make it even more viscous during heating. Line a baking sheet with baking paper, lightly grease with vegetable oil. Spread the fruit mixture in an even layer about 5 mm thick and put in the oven overnight, leaving the door slightly open. Drying temperature should be 60-80 ° C.

Cut the finished pastille into strips, roll in powdered sugar and store in paper bags or glass containers.

Jam can be candied for various reasons: due to a violation of the cooking technology, improper storage, the use of low-quality lids. If you overexpose the product and pour it into jars already some time after cooking, then the risk of sugaring increases several times.

You can, of course, use such a dessert without additional processing... But sugar lumps do not always dissolve in other dishes, depriving gourmets of pleasure during the meal. The best way removing excess sugar is to reheat the jam!

Step-by-step resuscitation of candied jam

To process the product, you will need a saucepan, a bendable wooden napkin and water:

To preserve the maximum amount of vitamins, try to use wooden spoons to stir the product.

You can also melt the product in another way by placing it from the jar into a clean saucepan. If the first option is suitable when the jam does not want to be removed from the container, then this method is good for “correcting mistakes” with a relatively fresh dish.

As soon as the jam is transferred, add 3 tbsp. l. water (1 liter) and bring to a boil over low heat. They put it in the banks again and roll it up.

What to do with candied jam?

Due to the fact that after heating the product remains liquid only until it cools completely, smear it on sandwiches or use where cold jam is needed - do not the best option... If you are unsure of where to apply the melted treat, use it directly as candied. Prepare delicious marshmallow (raspberry, currant, apricot and apple jam are perfect for this):

Cut the finished product into arbitrary pieces or strips, sprinkle coconut flakes or powdered sugar, arrange in a paper bag or glass jars.