A cocktail made from cottage cheese and milk. How to choose the right bananas

Which means if your boyfriend asks you to make him a banana protein shake, and your best friend walks around with a whole collection of jars full of boiled meat and nuts? Everything is very simple! People who are engaged in building a beautiful body organize proper and regular nutrition for themselves.

In addition, constant sports activities force the named characters to introduce specialized supplements into their bodies. The most popular are vitamins and high-protein mixtures, amino acids and fat burners, as well as isotonics, energy drinks, creatines and L-carnitines. Out of the above list, don't you think a banana protein shake looks like the greatest treat and least evil?

Well, now let's get back to our list of what a bodybuilder, fitness lady, and marathon runner should get. First, a complete healthy diet. Secondly, biologically active additives, the list of which sounded above. Sometimes they are called sports nutrition, but this does not change the essence of the phenomenon. It is they that allow the trainee to build muscle mass, increase power loads and maintain various organ systems in a state that allows a person to lead his own way of life, which is too active for the average person.

Why you need extra protein

What does the banana protein shake have to do with it? Because protein or whey protein is the first drug that athletes begin to take, whose load begins to exceed the "average" norm. What for? Let's take a look at the benefits of an additional dose of protein to the human body.

By the way, the form of their intake into the body can be any. Some people like to drink a protein shake from cottage cheese and banana after a workout, while others prefer to remove whey protein directly from a can, almost like caviar, only with more benefits for their body.

What happens if you regularly consume a protein shake with a banana:

  1. The human body will receive the additional building material needed to form new cells. By taking a protein shake made from banana and milk after training, we artificially direct the flow of additional protein to the "building" of the muscle skeleton. So natural foods allow bodybuilders to build muscle mass without harming the body. And if we again mention the possibility of consuming a protein cocktail made from cottage cheese and banana, then with obvious pleasure for a person.
  1. Protein that enters the body unscheduled improves metabolism. At the same time, it blocks the absorption of fats by the body. These two factors together contribute to weight loss. In other words - ridding the body of a layer of fat cells that hide muscle relief.
  1. Protein is believed to be an antioxidant. What it is? It binds free radicals that stop the oxidation (aging) of organelles, cells, organ systems. Therefore, a protein shake with banana and milk can be called the most delicious of all anti-aging drugs.
  1. The same protein, taken by an athlete in the form of a protein shake with banana and cottage cheese, has been proven to lower blood cholesterol levels. This minimizes the risk of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, thinning of their volume or blockage. Therefore, whey protein, unexpectedly for itself, was included in the list of drugs prescribed for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  1. Replenishing the body with building material - "free" protein, the discussed dietary supplement gives the body a kind of shield. This refers to the protective and immune function that proteins perform in our body. The additional building material allows the body to synthesize more "universal soldiers" that protect our body from infections that come from the Outside World.

An important point - whey protein or a protein shake with milk, banana and honey is strongly not recommended for those who are lactose intolerant or prone to allergies.

How to Replenish Protein Stores in the Body

There are three ways to replenish the human body with protein. First, we get our dose of protein in the most trivial process of nutrition. White and red meat, dairy products, pulses are valuable source squirrel. At the same time, protein of animal origin is considered more valuable than that of plant origin.

Second, you can get an extra dose of protein by purchasing dietary supplements from sports nutrition stores. This protein is obtained from whey obtained as a result of milk souring. High concentration useful substance in a jar allows a person to give the body "building material" without switching to an exclusively protein diet.

Thirdly, we prepare a protein shake from banana milk and cottage cheese, thus combining business with pleasure. In general, if you are a gourmet bodybuilder, then it is the third option that can be considered ideal. Not forgetting, of course, about the basics of a balanced diet, a reasonable combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as multiple meals throughout the day in small doses. They are especially useful - they will provide the body with the protein necessary for building relief muscles and will not add new fat deposits.

How to make banana, cottage cheese and milk protein shakes

Let's start with what a valuable drink is prepared in. A sports shaker is best suited for this. It is no different from what the bartender uses. It's just not alcohol and soda are whipped in it and fruit juices from tetropackages. Hopefully, things like this never got to the inside of your sports shaker. Our sportsman loads the ingredients of his choice into the shaker glass, closes the lid and begins to shake. The sieve is used when it is necessary to filter out foam or unmixed particles of the components of your protein shake with banana and milk.

Sometimes the authors of cocktails suggest using a mixer rather than a shaker. This is justified in the case of mixing ingredients with different densities in a drink or in the case of the need to actually obtain homogeneous mass.

What are homemade protein shakes made from? Naturally, milk is at the heart of your banana protein shake recipe. But! The same drink can be made from cottage cheese. Plus - banana, which tastes great with most dairy products. Besides, taste qualities the drink is enriched with other fruits - strawberries, blueberries, strawberries, as well as nuts and oatmeal... Sometimes honey and even ice cream are added to the drink. The combination of the above components allows you to get an exceptional taste home protein shake with banana.

At the same time, we do not exclude the option of making a homemade banana protein shake from the whey protein described above. It is bought in sports nutrition stores. But to improve the taste and aesthetic appearance of the drink, a banana is added to it.

Best homemade banana protein shake recipes

A bodybuilder's dream

Liquid is poured into the shaker container - 0.5 liters of water or milk. 1-2 tablespoons of whey protein are poured into it. The dose is determined in consultation with a trainer or dietitian. An important point is that the powder is poured into the liquid, and not vice versa. This makes it easier to mix the drink until smooth.

The shaker is closing. Shake base is blended by shaking the milk banana protein shake container. Where is the banana? After obtaining a homogeneous mass, it is thrown into a shaker in a moderately chopped form. Another Shake Session And The Bodybuilder Gets best drink one that will allow him to build muscle mass without compromising his health.

An important nuance - a ready-made protein shake made from milk and banana should be consumed within 2 hours after preparation. The reason is that in a mixture with the highest concentration of protein, the processes of bacterial reproduction are accelerated.

Meaning - it is this drink that will bring maximum benefit to the body of its consumer. Regular intake of such fluids will allow the athlete to build muscle and eliminate fat faster.

Naturalness as a way of life

For those who prefer naturalness in everything, the following drink is offered. For 0.5 liters of milk, 1 chopped banana is added to the shaker. To increase the protein content, cottage cheese is added to a protein shake with milk and banana. The norm is 100-200 grams. It is not forbidden, if the athlete is not inclined to light weight gain, to enhance the flavoring component with a spoonful of honey, nuts or a handful of oatmeal.

Significance - the time during which the named natural components are combined in a protein shake made from cottage cheese, banana and milk is minimal. The chef sees what he is laying the shaker, so according to modern theories healthy eating, this drink will bring maximum benefit to the human body.

Extravaganza of taste

For those who have just embarked on the path of acquaintance with biologically active substances and the principles of sports nutrition, we offer the "light" option. This is a protein shake made from cottage cheese, milk and banana, the taste of which is enriched with dubious foods from the point of view of healthy nutrition. For example, 1 chopped banana and 100 grams of cottage cheese are put into a shaker for 0.5 liters of milk. And here is the "secret agent" - 200 grams of ice cream of the "sundae" type.

Significance - such drinks can be offered to children, guests and relatives less advanced in a healthy way of life. The harm from ice cream can be minimized by making it yourself.

Homemade protein shakes can serve as an alternative to expensive sports nutrition. This option diet food is not only healthy, but also incredibly tasty!

A protein shake is needed to ensure that the body receives the necessary portion of protein during exercise and weight gain. There are many similar types of supplements available in sports nutrition stores, but high price repels at first glance at the price tag. Homemade cocktails made with your own hands can be an alternative to the store-bought ones.

What foods are used to make homemade protein shakes for mass gain?

People who exercise can have difficulty gaining weight. This is most often due to inadequate nutrition, which is not able to provide the body with a sufficient amount of micronutrients. Modern living conditions dictate many conditions and therefore you need to take the opportunity to prepare a protein shake at home.

The correct weight gain will be only when the calories will come in portions and gradually. A protein shake is a great snack that can satisfy your hunger for 3-4 hours. The ingredients that make up the cocktail are the most accessible and familiar to a person, but they have the property of having a beneficial effect on the digestive system. So, you can easily use milk, sour cream, yogurt, eggs, fruits and juices.

What products are used to make homemade protein shakes for weight loss?

Protein shakes for weight loss are effectively used in dietetics. This is because the protein composition of the drink prevents fat deposits and contributes to the building of muscle mass. But do not worry that after drinking such a cocktail you will immediately grow in volume. In order for the muscles to grow, they need active physical activity. Simple use of protein shakes promotes smooth weight loss, namely:

  • block hunger
  • maintain muscle mass
  • improve metabolism

For making homemade cocktails, they use: fruits, seeds, honey, milk, kefir, berries, oil.

Best Homemade Protein Shake Recipes

Stock up on patience, inspiration, desire to acquire the figure of your dreams and necessary utensils for storing a cocktail. Try to cook some delicious and incredible healthy drinks at home:

Banana protein shake at home recipe

Such a drink is capable of provoking rapid weight gain during active physical activity.

  1. Milk - 0.5 liters
  2. Fresh bananas - 300 grams (1-1.5 pcs.)
  3. Any nuts 30-50 grams
  4. Honey - 3 tablespoons
  5. Cottage cheese - 200 grams

All ingredients are placed in a blender bowl and whipped intensively for 2 minutes. Then it is poured into bowls and drunk during the day in two doses, between lunch and dinner.

Natural protein shake with cottage cheese at home

Curd cocktails are the easiest to prepare and the most nutritious for the body. For cooking you will need:

  1. Cottage cheese 300 grams
  2. Milk - 250 grams (one full glass)
  3. 100 grams of berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, currants)

All components are thoroughly whipped in a blender for two minutes and poured into a storage bowl. The cocktail is considered ready when the cottage cheese and milk have acquired a homogeneous mass. If desired, you can add two to three teaspoons of cocoa to such a drink.

Milk protein shake recipe

To cook milkshake easily. You need to have:

  1. Sour cream - 200 grams
  2. Olive oil 2 tablespoons
  3. Egg yolk - 1pc
  4. Orange juice - 150 grams
  5. Lemon juice (from about half a lemon)
  6. Fruit or berries optional

All ingredients except lemon juice, placed in a blender and whipped intensively. Lemon juice is added to the finished mass. The cocktail is consumed an hour before training or as a snack. This drink promotes quality muscle gain.

Homemade Weight Gain Protein Shake with Ice Cream Recipe

Lovers of sweets can try an unusual cocktail with the addition of ice cream. It is known that Arnold Schwarzeneger himself was engaged in the architecture of his body and often consumed this drink.

  1. Milk - 300 ml
  2. Powdered milk - 3 tsp
  3. 100 grams of ice cream
  4. 1 egg

All ingredients are whipped in a blender or mixer. This drink is recommended to be consumed one hour before training.

When to Drink Protein Shakes? Protein shakes at night for weight loss

  • Protein shake for weight loss is often consumed in the morning instead of breakfast. Some people drink it clean, some take a bite with a slice of bread, vegetables or fruits.
  • This is how we provide the body required amount protein in the morning and replenish the lost amount overnight. It prevents the loss of muscle mass, which often happens with diets.
  • By speeding up the metabolism, protein shakes make the body work harder and spend more calories on it. It must be remembered that protein-rich shakes are only good for us if we drink enough water a day. When there is a lack of water, the body can experience stress.
  • Drinking protein shakes at night promotes slow but physiological weight loss. Drinking a cocktail instead of dinner or before bed can block hunger and save yourself from occasional snacks.

Homemade protein shake recipes: tips

When preparing a cocktail at home, you must observe some of the nuances that will allow you to achieve the greatest result in losing weight or gaining muscle mass. So, morning cocktails can be sweetened with glucose or honey, and in the evening they should consist of a minimum amount of carbohydrates.

Another secret is the temperature of the drink. The cocktail shouldn't be cold! A warm temperature, about 37 degrees, can speed up your metabolism and the work of your stomach. The pre-workout drink should be at least 300 ml. Adjust the calorie content of the cocktail correctly, depending on the ingredients added.

Homemade protein shakes are the most harmless remedy for being overweight or thin. Eat protein drinks regularly and diversify your diet with milk shakes:

  • Raspberry Slimming Shake

You will need:

  1. Kefir 0.5% fat - 200 ml
  2. Milk 1% - 100 ml
  3. Raspberries - 150 grams

Whisk ingredients in a blender and drink between meals.

  • Shake with kiwi and honey
  1. 200 ml milk 1%
  2. 200 ml of kefir 0.5%
  3. 1 pc finely chopped kiwi
  4. honey - one tablespoon

Have a cocktail in the morning

Milk curd shakes are very healthy due to their high protein content. They are also called protein. Cocktails with cottage cheese help not only lose weight, but also build muscle mass.

For those who lead a healthy lifestyle and go to a fitness club, it is advised to drink protein drinks before and after visiting the gym, since the body is under significant stress and stress. If you drink a protein drink a couple of hours before exercising in a fitness club, then the body will be able to stock up on the necessary useful elements. A person involved in sports will not experience fatigue, he will have enough energy for normal and useful exercise. Because protein is one of the main building materials for muscle growth.

Sports nutritional supplements have a special place in the diet of those athletes who are engaged in structuring their own body and often wonder which one. food additive select.


  • cottage cheese - 100 (for 1 portion) or 200 g (for 2 portions),
  • kefir - 200 (for 1 portion) or 400 ml (for 2 portions),
  • strawberry syrup - 3 tbsp l.,
  • crushed peanuts for decoration,
  • spices for desserts,
  • fruit of your choice.

How to cook:

At home, everything is done quickly enough: cottage cheese is added to a mixer or blender, poured with kefir in a ratio of 1: 2 (these proportions are already taken into account in the list of products). Then pour in the strawberry syrup. Can be substituted for sugar if you like. Whisk thoroughly and pour into a glass. Sprinkle with crushed peanuts on top. For spices, you can add cinnamon, vanilla, cloves, or cardamom.


  • banana - 1pc,
  • milk - 1 glass (250 ml),
  • cottage cheese - 100 g.

How to cook:

All components must be whipped with a blender, and the resulting drink must be drunk slowly. If there is no blender, you can soften the curd and banana with a fork, then pour milk over them and beat with a whisk.

Typically, these drinks are consumed thirty minutes before or thirty minutes after class. If you drink a cocktail before exercise, you will feel a surge of strength and "increase" in muscle mass. A drink drunk after visiting a fitness club will revive the expended strength and energy.

However, there are some guidelines for using protein shakes to consider:

  • they are intended for a person of average build, someone may have to increase, or, conversely, reduce the dose of the constituent components;
  • excess protein is the source of some diseases, namely metabolic disorders or urolithiasis. It is necessary to remember this;
  • if there is no task to "build" muscles and want to lose weight, then it is absolutely advisable to drink curd cocktails instead of dinner (this will saturate the body with the necessary amino acids).


  • cottage cheese - 300 g,
  • milk - 150 ml,
  • drinking water - 150 ml,
  • cocoa - 1 tbsp. spoon.

How to cook:

All components must be mixed with a blender or whisk, whichever is convenient for you. The drink will be ready to drink. You can add a few crushed nuts to this milkshake, or coconut flakes... Then the drink will become much tastier and more nutritious.

This cocktail is usually consumed by people involved in sports to build muscle mass, as it has a peculiar taste. But you can also drink it for weight loss if someone loves the spicy taste of ground pepper.


  • cottage cheese - 300 g,
  • water - 300 g,
  • ground pepper - 15 g.

How to cook:

All ingredients are whipped or mixed by any means (blender or mixer). The cocktail is consumed half an hour before training or thirty minutes after it.


  • cottage cheese - 150 g,
  • milk - 150 g,
  • fresh or frozen strawberries - 100 g.

How to cook:

All products are mixed, chopped and whipped in a blender, after which the cocktail is ready to use. If you want to lose weight with it, you need to take dairy products with a small proportion of fat content.

Protein shakes are prepared not only for technological maps... Use what is right at hand. Of course, the main product is cottage cheese, it is not worth replacing, and fruits can be replaced with other flavors. It is good to use honey, various nuts, spices in the cooking process.

A similar drink is also suitable for those who do not like to eat cottage cheese, because in a cocktail it reveals its taste differently, especially if you add your favorite fruits or berries to the drink. Various greens are also perfectly combined in the drink.

All depending on the purpose of making a cocktail and on a person's taste preferences, you can diversify your diet.

Curd cocktails are suitable not only for athletes and those who keep themselves in shape, but also for people after thirty-five years old, when the muscles begin to weaken. Thanks to the proteins it contains, this cocktail promotes the return of energy and vitality to the body.

How to drink milkshakes?

Doctors recommend drinking a protein shake before exercising (for vigor and muscle building, in order to achieve their correct and rapid development, you need to take a certain amount of protein, based on calculations of your body weight) and thirty minutes after (for energy and vitality) ...

There are certain conditions for using protein drinks:

  • in proportion to your weight, reduce or increase the dosage of products or the volume of the drink consumed;
  • Protein drink complements sports nutrition, and is not considered a substitute;
  • in order to lose weight, it is advised to drink a curd cocktail instead of lunch or dinner;
  • we must remember that protein is good in moderation so that there are no diseases associated with its excessive use.

And muscle building is considered to be the best cottage cheese, because it has a lot of protein and calcium. Most often, such a cocktail is consumed by people involved in sports and regular physical activity. Continuous use of the drink after workouts helps to restore and strengthen muscle mass.

Cocktails with cottage cheese can be easily and quickly prepared, they are well accepted by the body and perfectly satisfy hunger.

The curd cocktail is healthy and high-calorie - 234 kcal, including 40 g of protein, 17 g of carbohydrates, etc. 0.5 g of fat. In addition to protein, the drink is rich in phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, vitamins C and contains.

Protein is the regulator of human blood sugar and is also responsible for appetite and hunger.

For those who are constantly engaged in physical activity and go to the gym, it is recommended to use them before and after training, since the body is under great stress. If you drink a milk-based cocktail an hour and a half before exercising in the gym, then the body will be able to stock up on the necessary amino acids. The athlete will not feel tired, he will have enough energy for a normal and useful workout.

It is useful to drink a protein shake after sports activities. At this time, the body needs to replenish the right amount squirrel.

How to cook?

The basis for the preparation of the cocktail is cottage cheese and milk. Best to complement the drink various fruits, nuts, wild berries, herbs. Nutritionists advise adding more different plant components (dill, mint) for the benefit, because then the taste becomes richer, even for those who do not like it.


To prepare this drink you need:

  • 125 g of cottage cheese;
  • 250 ml. milk;
  • One .

Mix cottage cheese and banana in a blender or mash with a fork, then add milk. Beat the contents with a mixer.

"Curd cocktail with cocoa"


  • 320 g of cottage cheese;
  • 160 ml. milk;
  • 160 ml. clean drinking water;
  • 5 small teaspoons of cocoa powder.

It is necessary, using a blender, to mix all of the above components. To make the drink healthier and much tastier, you should add two chopped walnuts and one teaspoon of coconut flakes.

"Men's Protein Shake"


  • 300 g of cottage cheese;
  • 350 ml. clean drinking water;
  • 20 g of red ground pepper.

It is recommended, using a mixer or blender, to mix all the necessary components and drink the drink half an hour before the workout and immediately 20 minutes after it ends. This drink for increasing muscles and losing weight should be drunk not only by professional athletes, but also by beginners.

"Women's protein shake"

This cocktail includes:

  • 150 g of curd mass;
  • 150 ml. milk;
  • 150 g. Currants or strawberries.

Mix all the ingredients on a blender or using a mixer. For weight loss, you need to use milk on cottage cheese with the lowest percentage of fat. Considering that the main component is cottage cheese, which is irreplaceable, it is recommended to change fruits, wild berries and herbs every day. This alternation diversifies the body with various minerals, vitamins and macronutrients.

It is useful to add all kinds of nuts, spices, tropical and domestic fruits,.

How to drink protein shakes?

Nutritionists advise to use a cocktail with cottage cheese before training (for vigor and muscle growth) and half an hour after (to restore energy and vitality). There are certain rules of use:

  • In proportion to your weight, reduce or increase the dosage of components or the volume of the drink you drink;
  • A cottage cheese cocktail complements the athlete's nutrition, and is not a substitute;
  • In order to lose weight, it is recommended to use a drink with cottage cheese instead of lunch or dinner;
  • It must be remembered that protein is good in moderation, so that there are no diseases "associated with its excess.
Your feedback on the article:

One of the delicious and nutritious drinks is cottage cheese cocktails. They can be both sweet and salty, depending on this, their composition is adjusted. Usually the main product included in a curd cocktail is milk.

A cocktail is quick and easy to feed, so it's perfect for a snack. Especially tasty and healthy variety of cocktails with cottage cheese content.

There are many recipes suitable for a healthy diet, with cottage cheese shakes being especially useful ones. Usually the basis of such cocktails is milk, or fruit or vegetable juice. In addition, puree from various fruits is usually added. In order for a cocktail with cottage cheese to be tasty, it is necessary that all its components are harmoniously combined with each other.

The calorie content of this drink primarily depends on its ingredients. For those people who monitor the calorie content of their diet, preference should be given vegetable juices, skim milk and low-fat cottage cheese. Some of the most popular cottage cheese cocktails include drinks such as fruit, milk and vegetable shakes, of which a few of the most popular can be distinguished.

The first place is occupied by a fruit cocktail with orange peel. You will need a glass to prepare this drink apple juice with pulp, a teaspoon of orange peel, one tablespoon of cottage cheese and orange pulp. All components of the cocktail should be whipped to obtain a homogeneous mass. Sweet lovers can add a teaspoon vanilla sugar... The second most popular drink is from tomato juice with herbs.

To make such a cocktail, you need to mix a glass of tomato juice, a tablespoon of cottage cheese and one teaspoon of finely chopped herbs to taste, for example, you can use dill, parsley and cilantro. People who like spicy foods can add a little salt and ground pepper. In third place is a sweet creamy drink. Cocktail ingredients: milk, cottage cheese, ice cream, sugar. For a glass of milk you need to take a tablespoon of cottage cheese and ice cream, a teaspoon of sugar. Beat until frothy and serve chilled.

The fourth place in fairness belongs to the strawberry cocktail. This drink requires fresh or frozen strawberries, cottage cheese, sugar and mint. For two hundred grams of strawberries, you need thirty grams of cottage cheese, two teaspoons of sugar, a few mint leaves. Grind all components until creamy, add fifty grams of carbonated mineral water and mix. Consume with ice. Another drink option that can be given fifth place is a cereal cocktail with cottage cheese.

To prepare it, you need to grind a tablespoon of oatmeal in a coffee grinder to a coarse powder, after which they need to be poured with cold milk, about a tablespoon of crushed flakes in a glass of milk. Then add cottage cheese, about thirty grams, and a tablespoon of rosehip syrup to this mixture, then beat with a blender. Such a cocktail can easily replace one of the meals, since it is very satisfying.

In the sixth position, not the most delicious, but very healthy cocktail with a slight drainage effect. To prepare it, you need to mix a glass of kefir, with a tablespoon of bran and two teaspoons of cottage cheese. Mix thoroughly, and then add a pinch of caraway seeds. The seventh place is occupied by a honey cocktail.

To prepare it, you need to mix a glass of milk, a tablespoon of cottage cheese and two teaspoons of honey in a shaker. This drink is especially suitable for a second breakfast. Smoothies are in eighth place. This drink consists of any fruits crushed to a puree state, crushed ice and cottage cheese. Mashed potatoes and ice are mixed in a one-to-one ratio, after which a tablespoon of fine-grained cottage cheese is added to a glass of the mixture.

You can add granulated sugar to taste. The ninth place is given to the classic banana drink. This cocktail is prepared by grinding one banana, a tablespoon of cottage cheese and a teaspoon of sugar. The resulting mass must be diluted with milk, to the state of liquid sour cream, stirring thoroughly. In tenth place is a ryazhenka-based drink. To prepare it, you need to mix a glass of fermented baked milk, a tablespoon of powdered sugar, thirty grams of cottage cheese and half a teaspoon of cinnamon.

This drink tones and refreshes. TOP-10 of the most popular cocktails gives an idea of ​​their variety. to receive you need to delicious drink, you need to pay attention to the freshness of the products. Since cottage cheese is used in cocktails, the ingredients must be chilled. In addition, a good drink must be homogeneous, so it must be whipped with a mixer or mixed thoroughly. Vanillin can be added to sweet cocktails, herbs and spices can be added to salty ones to taste.

In order to make a delicious and healthy cocktail with cottage cheese, you do not need to put much effort, you just need to choose good recipe and purchase fresh components of the drink.