What to make from white strawberries. What to cook with strawberries

When the berry season is in full swing, the question arises inevitably: "What can be made from fresh strawberries?" There are a lot of recipes today, but it is advisable for busy hostesses to choose such so as not to waste in the kitchen for days and at the same time fully enjoy the taste of berries in all possible manifestations. Do you think this is unrealistic? Now we will convince you!

Briefly about the queen of berries

Strawberries are not called that for nothing: its truly magical effect on the human body often baffles even eminent doctors!

Interestingly, strawberries taste rather sweet, but there is practically no sugar in them, so this berry is recommended not only for those who want to lose weight, but even for those with diabetes. In Hollywood, the strawberry diet is popular among the stars, thanks to which you can lose up to three kilograms of excess weight in four days. Perhaps this is true, but, most likely, the point is in the diuretic effect of the berry: the high content of potassium actively stimulates the kidneys and the lymphatic system, ridding the body of excess fluid.

Due to the presence of a significant dose of B vitamins, it is ranked among antidepressant berries: only 200 grams per day - and the nervous system will be in perfect order. Moreover, exactly the same amount a person needs to eat strawberries in order to replenish the daily intake of vitamin C, which is more in this culture than in citrus fruits. And its properties as an aphrodisiac have not been forgotten? This is in addition to all the other advantages: anti-cancer, antifungal, antiseptic and anti-rheumatic effects. The list can be continued for a long time, but, as they say, it is better to eat the pie than talk about it. Therefore, let's get down to recipes.

What can be done with strawberries: interesting ideas

This berry provides enough options for creativity, as it is combined with so many products, from fruits to vegetables, meat and even fish. So what can be made from fresh strawberries?

  • Drinks: compotes, fruit drinks and mojitos, as well as strawberry milkshakes and jelly.
  • Desserts: mousses, jellies, ice cream, soufflés and sorbet, frozen purees and delicate parfaits.
  • The filling of cottage cheese with strawberries for watered pancakes does not require presentation and advertising: this is the first thing that can be done with strawberries in the berry season.
  • Various options for salads: from fruit to combined with herbs, vegetables, cheese.
  • Alcoholic drinks like "Margarita", "Daiquiri": they can be quickly made from strawberries, which is very convenient during the party.
  • Various preparations for the winter: jam, syrup, whole frozen berries and compotes.

Dessert in 15 minutes with fresh strawberries

What can be done in such a short time to make it tasty and beautiful? Sorbet, of course! It is easy, quick to cook, and in the summer heat it is an excellent delicacy, at the same time very beloved by children. Grind the strawberries with a blender, while if the seeds are confused, then it is better to pass the mass through a sieve. Take the same amount for two glasses of such mashed potatoes fresh milk, half a glass of granulated sugar and 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice. Beat lightly with a blender and place the dishes with sorbet in the freezer.

Stir the mass every half hour, evenly distributing the cooled parts over it. When the sorbet completely hardens and begins to harden, turning into ice cream, take it out, again interrupt it with a blender, form balls with an ice cream spoon (or just a tablespoon), put it on portioned saucers, decorate with fresh strawberries and a leaf of mint.

Strawberry mojito

Strawberries can be used to make a drink that guests will surely enjoy. Mojito belongs to low-alcoholic drinks, as it always contains rum. To prepare two servings of this drink, take:

  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1.5 cups of sugar;
  • 200 grams of fresh strawberries;
  • 50 grams of rum (better than light);
  • 50 grams of highly carbonated water without minerals;
  • 2-4 leaves of mint or green basil (purple is not suitable for such a case).

First, you need to boil the syrup from water and sugar, boiling the ingredients. Chill immediately and pour the syrup into tall cocktail glasses with pre-cut strawberries and basil / mint leaves. Next, mix the liquid with the strawberries, which can be done with a wooden spatula or just a fork. At the same time, you do not need to crush the berry in mashed potatoes - just let the juice go, which will add flavor to the drink.

Pour rum on top and sprinkle with ice, crushed into small pieces. Top up with soda water and put a cocktail straw. Mojito is ready!

Spinach and strawberry salad

What can you make delicious if you are a raw foodist, and festive table requires something special? American salad from greens with red aromatic berries will appeal to even meat-eaters because of its piquancy and juiciness.

So, wash 100 grams of young spinach leaves, dry on a paper towel and tear into four parts, cut the strawberries into small pieces and mix with the spinach. Prepare the filling: 2 tbsp. l. light sesame seeds, 0.5 cups of sugar, one spoonful of poppy seeds and a fourth of paprika, mix in a mortar, just do not crush it into flour, but rather crush it slightly. Add a quarter to the mass wine vinegar, half a glass vegetable oil high quality and stir with a spoon.

Season the salad with the resulting sauce and serve immediately, stirring slightly with your hands, trying not to suppress the ingredients. The salad looks light, airy, and the taste is very unusual and attractive.


Sometimes it happens that you do not want to eat the already boring jam at all. What can you do with strawberries besides him? Jam and confiture! They are also sweet. winter preparations, but differ in a thicker, jelly-like structure and more meticulous preparation, which, incidentally, is worth it. The jam is quite good with toasted bread and a freshly baked bun as an aromatic addition to your morning coffee.

To save sugar while maximizing the gelling effect, pectin is used in the form of a powder, which can be bought in pharmacies and specialized stores. One kilogram of strawberries requires an average of 5-7 grams of this substance. Prepared berries (they need to be washed, tails removed and cut into small pieces), pour 0.5 kg of sugar and leave for half an hour to let the juice start. During this time, it is necessary to steam the jars (and lids).

Pectin must be thoroughly ground with 1-2 tablespoons of sugar and citric acid on the tip of a knife, added to the boiling strawberry mass and boiled for about four more minutes, stirring actively with a spoon. Next, pour the finished confiture into jars and roll up the lids. The strawberry aroma and bright color will delight you more than once during the winter, when the jar with the delicacy is opened for tea.

10 minutes to cook

What can you quickly make from strawberries, and not disappear in the kitchen for hours? Knowing that most of the necessary vitamins are stored in a fresh berry, and strawberries do not like lengthy preparations at all, you can cook such simple, but very mouth-watering delicacies:

1. Chocolate covered strawberries. Choose large berries and, without tearing off the tail, dip halfway into pre-melted chocolate, chill in the refrigerator and use as a dessert for coffee, decoration for cake or pastries. Kids love this simple but very healthy dessert from fresh strawberries.

2. You can make something from a series of milkshakes with additives. For example: lightly beat 200 grams of ice cream and one and a half glasses of milk with a blender until a frothy liquid mass is formed, which is divided into three equal parts. Chop two bananas and mix with a blender with one part of liquid ice cream, and beat one and a half cups of strawberries with the second part of the milk mixture. Carefully pour the banana component into a tall glass, then the milk component without additives and on top of the strawberries, which can be done with a wide knife, pouring the cocktail along its blade. The child will be delighted with such a multi-colored delicacy, and the parent will be sure that the baby has received a good dose of useful vitamins.

3. Strawberry soufflé. Universal recipe! Can be made with fresh strawberries, or other berries and fruits (raspberries, red currants, banana, or orange) can be used. Ingredients:

  • 400 grams of cream;
  • 600 grams of strawberries;
  • 2 tbsp. l. instant gelatin;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 100 grams of water.

Dissolve gelatin in cold water, let it swell and heat in a water bath until dissolved. Chop the strawberries with a blender. Beat the cream with sugar until fluffy and mix with the strawberry puree. While stirring, pour in the gelatin and beat with a blender for about 10-15 seconds. Arrange in bowls and refrigerate.

Syrup to combat obesity and edema

Strawberries are famous for their diuretic effect, all nutritionists know this, so this syrup recipe will come in handy for all women who want to stimulate the work of internal organs. In addition to this effect, the body will receive the lion's share nutrients, vitamins and minerals contained in all components of this delicacy.

Cut 50 grams of fresh peeled ginger root into pieces and simmer in 200 grams of water for about 15 minutes, preferably over low heat and covered. Peel two slices of lemon, cut from the middle of the fruit, mix with ginger, chopped strawberries (150 grams) and beat with a blender until homogeneous mass... Put it back on the fire, add another 150 grams of water and boil. Boil for about 10 minutes, cool and drain.

When taken orally, this syrup is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and drink one glass on an empty stomach in the morning. If the taste is too intense, you can add one teaspoon of honey to a glass of liquid. The result will not be long in coming: within an hour, the intensified work of the kidneys and sweat glands will begin, the body will expel all the "evil spirits" from itself.

Strawberry Madness: Yoghurt Cake with Queen of Berries

What kind of dessert can you make with strawberries to make everyone gasp? Cake, of course! And even more so, jelly cake, which is the secret dream of all those with a sweet tooth. This recipe is one of the most simple variations, and does not require baking or long preparation. Required Ingredients and step by step actions:

  • Sort out 500 grams of fresh strawberries, select large berries, preferably the same size, leave whole, but remove the tails.
  • Dilute 30 grams of instant gelatin in 100 grams of water, and when it swells, heat in a water bath.
  • Grind 500 grams of “Jubilee”, “Tea”, “Melonka” cookies into crumbs, add one glass of fresh milk and mix. Introduce 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, knead until monotony. With the resulting mass, lay out the bottom of the split cake mold. Tamp well.
  • Pour one liter of supermarket strawberry yogurt (it is better to choose with a high percentage of fat) into a bowl and add gelatin into it in a thin stream, stirring with a spoon. Pour the mixture onto the cookie sheet.
  • Until the yoghurt layer has frozen, put strawberries in it in a circle, with the sharp tip up. The berries should be almost completely hidden in the yogurt, so you may need to squeeze them lightly. Place the cake pan in the refrigerator to set.
  • Melt the dark chocolate bar in a water bath, pour in 100 grams of cream and stir until smooth. Cool slightly and pour over the prepared icing on the cake, from which the detachable side has already been removed. Send it to the cold again. Garnish before serving fresh berries strawberries or white chocolate shavings.

Such a cake is prepared very quickly, it is almost impossible to spoil it, so it is perfect for novice hostesses who feel insecure in working with baking. Its taste is amazing, richly aromatic, and the combination of strawberries and chocolate has long been recognized as ideal by confectioners. Cutting the cake reveals whole strawberries, which delights children.

Unusual preparations for the winter

Fresh berries are just great! But even on a dank autumn or frosty winter evening, you also want to pamper yourself with the gifts of a sunny summer. What can be made from strawberries for the winter? We offer several entertaining recipes:

  1. Strawberry puree, grated with sugar. With a blender, puree two kilograms of berries with three kilograms of sugar, leave the mass overnight in a cold place, and in the morning stir and put in plastic bowls (you can use buckets of mayonnaise or ice cream). Send to the freezer. In winter, this frozen puree is used for the preparation of most desserts that require the addition of strawberries, since it fully retains the taste, color and properties of fresh berries.
  2. and cherries: sterilize the bottles and put 1/2 berries in them (we take equally, one kilogram of each). Pour boiling water to the top, cover and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then pour the water back into the pan, add granulated sugar at the rate of 500 grams for every 2 kg of berries and 2 liters of water, boil the compote for two or three minutes, pour it back into the bottle and roll it up. Be sure to turn it over to check the quality of the twist, leave it in this state for 10-12 hours, covering it with a blanket or a blanket folded several times.
  3. Strawberry chips. But this innovation will clearly interest those who do not know what can be made of strawberries for the winter delicious and unusual. Such chips are prepared simply: each berry needs to be cut lengthwise into four plates, put them on the drier tray (if not, use the oven baking sheet) and dry in an electric dryer (or oven at the minimum setting), in a dehydrator to the state of crackers. We pour chilled into glass jars or linen bags and store like dried fruits, making sure that they remain out of damp places. In winter, it can be added to compotes, tea or filling for a pie or muffin. The taste of tea, by the way, is amazing: no jam will give such a rich aroma of summer.
  4. Sun-dried strawberries. Of course, you will have to tinker with this product, but the result will more than justify all expectations. So, cover 2 kg of strawberries with 800 grams of sugar and, shaking, mix so as not to damage the berries (selected, beautiful and even). Leave in a cold place for a day. Next, drain the juice that has formed (it can be used to make fruit drinks or roll up for the winter), and boil the remaining berries for no more than 10 minutes in syrup cooked in advance (350 grams of water and sugar each). It is important that the fire is kept to a minimum, otherwise the berry will change color. Then put the strawberries in a colander so that the syrup is completely drained (we also roll it up), and then we wither the berries in the dryer for about two hours, just not at a time, but in two or three stages. This exquisite dessert will serve unusual decoration for cakes, pastries or just to be eaten like candy.

All these recipes are just a small fraction of what can be made from strawberries. The geniuses of the culinary art have hundreds of recipes in their stock to satisfy the most varied taste preferences of a person.

To get the full amount of vitamin C (and there is much more of it in strawberries than in an overseas orange) and the most valuable trace elements, you should think about:
"How do you make strawberries more attractive?"
How simple and at the same time exquisite recipes you can cook from strawberries both at home and in the country.

Foods that go well with strawberries.

The principle behind any recipe is product compatibility. Strawberries go well with dairy and sour-milk products (it is only important that the same yogurt is pure, without additives), with liqueur and other sweet alcoholic beverages, with sugar and some fruits - bananas, for example.

Strawberries go well with any nuts - wild berries, rich in vitamins, and nuts, whose wealth is proteins and minerals complement each other in terms of the balance of vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates in one dish. Strawberries and milk chocolate go well together.

Nutritious Strawberry Recipes

Strawberry dishes are usually breakfast or desserts. A delicious and nutritious strawberry breakfast with a minimum of ingredients. Dessert - much more.


The simplest breakfast dish is strawberries covered with cream or milk, sour cream (but in this case it is better to add sugar or powdered sugar to the berries) or yogurt. The combination of nutrients, vitamins and iron (milk contains almost all the nutrients that a person needs, while strawberries, in addition to vitamin C, contain a lot of iron) provides a nutritious balanced breakfast, after which you will not want to eat for several hours.

If strawberries plus nuts or strawberries plus milk (yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk) are nutritious dishes, then desserts are simply delicious. About how you can please yourself or your family, even while in the country, away from large supermarkets and shelves with spices, just below.

Strawberry and strawberry desserts

Here are just a few dishes with strawberries as the main ingredient. Let's go from simple to complex.

  • chocolate covered strawberries;
  • strawberry dessert with yoghurt and nuts, combining qualities nutritious dish, which is usually served for sweet;
  • strawberry cocktail;
  • light curd cream with strawberries.

The easiest dessert is chocolate covered strawberries

Cooking it takes a minimum of time, especially if several people are involved in the process. Clean and dry (this is important) strawberries just need to be dipped in melted chocolate. The color, the amount of cocoa, the presence of chocolate aromatic additives do not matter. Each berry is dipped in melted chocolate, after which it is laid on foil or thick paper - it is better if it is parchment paper... Chocolate hardens, and we get a tasty, sweet and healthy analogue of sweets, because the process of savoring is addictive.

Strawberry dessert with yoghurt and nuts

This recipe is already more complicated: more ingredients, longer cooking, but the result is worth it. In addition to strawberries or strawberries, we need almonds, lemon juice (preferably freshly squeezed), yogurt without fillers, liqueur, powdered sugar and cream.

It is better to take large berries for dessert - at the very beginning of cooking, they need to be cut into two or three parts, each of which is poured with liquor. Which liquor should you choose? The less pronounced the aroma, the better. Well, since there are few such liqueurs, it would be ideal to choose a drink based on strawberries or strawberries. Liquor and powdered sugar are poured onto the prepared berries, after which they are allowed to settle.

While the berries are producing juice, you need to whip the cream, juice, some powdered sugar and yogurt. The resulting mass (more precisely, half of it) is poured into any convenient form, and strawberries are laid on it and the resulting strawberry syrup is poured. The second part of the whipped mass is poured over the layer of berries, to which you can add nuts. Well, the remaining almonds are stacked on top.

Curd cream with strawberries

This dessert recipe combines nutritional and original taste.
To prepare it, you will have to work hard - and, in advance, stocking up on good liquor and cheese (Amaretto and Mascarpone appear in the original recipe, but you can pick up something simpler). In addition to the above, the list of ingredients includes:

  • vanillin (vanilla sugar is also possible, but there will be more than enough sweets and carbohydrates without it);
  • lemon juice (squeezed from half a lemon is enough, that is, about a tablespoon);
  • sugar and icing sugar;
  • eggs (four will be enough);
  • cottage cheese (to make it tastier - fatty, so as not to harm the figure - with low fat content);
  • well, and strawberries, of course - although it is quite possible to replace it with strawberries.

Strawberries need to be crushed with sugar and lemon juice... Add a little water to make the strawberry puree thinner. After that, we leave the dishes with mashed potatoes and begin to prepare the curd cream: whipping the yolks, cottage cheese, cheese, liqueur and vanillin.

Everything that turns out is mixed with strawberry puree and only then proteins are added there - after which you can set the mass of cream in the refrigerator for several hours.

What are the similarities in the listed recipes for fragrant strawberries? Strawberries are not exposed to them heat treatment, which means it retains all vitamins and minerals. You can supplement the list of recipes with a refreshing vitamin cocktail: strawberries plus banana and milk (for those who care about their figure, it is better to replace milk with buttermilk). By mixing the ingredients in a mixer, we get an incredibly tasty drink.

The shelf life of many of the listed dishes is not too long. If you want to regale yourself and your friends with strawberries and after you have arrived from the cottage, then you should pay attention to the jam and all kinds of jams from this unique berry.

The article was prepared on the basis of materials, photographs and recipes of the Rosplanta company - www.rosplanta.ru

Strawberry is a herbaceous plant, but it belongs to the Rosaceae family. In general, there are many types of strawberries: forest, garden, field, remontant, musky. All these species have fruits - false berries. Strictly speaking, these are not berries at all, but the so-called polynuts - overgrown receptacles covered with small seeds on the outside. Colour ripe berries strawberries - from white-pink with greens to maroon, size - from 0.5 cm to 5 cm and more, the taste is very refreshing, sweet, sometimes with a pleasant sourness. And the strawberries are exceptionally fragrant. Also known beneficial features strawberries: a decoction of its leaves and berries eliminates inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. But this plant can be not only beneficial, but also harmful: the calorie content of strawberries is 41 kcal per 100 g of product, which is quite a lot. Strawberries are grown in garden plots, their wild "version" is harvested in the field and in the forest. Strawberries begin to ripen in June and yield a harvest for almost the entire month, and remontant garden varieties delight summer residents with berries all summer.

Strawberries should be eaten raw as much as possible. There is so much useful in strawberries that children can be allowed to eat them without restrictions, but taking into account that this berry is a strong allergen. Strawberries make excellent jams - "five minutes", you can scroll it with sugar, cook classic jam, freeze for the winter, dry in the sun and drink strawberry tea in winter. , even frozen, are very diverse, recipes for these delicacies can be easily found in cookbooks and on the internet. Desserts are decorated with strawberries, they are put in ice cream, compotes, fruit salads, used as a filling for baking. A wonderful dessert is strawberries with cream or sugar and milk. Strawberries can be used to make juice, smoothies, mashed potatoes, and jellies.

How to make strawberry sauce. 500 g of strawberries, 150 g of sugar, a pinch of vanillin. Beat berries, sugar with vanilla in a mixer and chill in the refrigerator. Serve with pancakes or ice cream.

Making strawberry jam. 1 kg of strawberries, 5 glasses of granulated sugar, 2.5 glasses of water. Sorted, washed and peeled fruits are covered with sand in layers and kept for 12-24 hours. After that, cook for 5-6 minutes, remove the foam and let stand for 15-20 minutes, and then cook until tender. At the end of cooking, it is advisable to add 0.5 tsp. citric acid.

Strawberry cream drink. 500 g of strawberries, 0.5 l of cream, sugar to taste. Rub the peeled and well-washed berries through a sieve and grind with sugar (until completely dissolved). Dilute with cream, stir well and keep in refrigerator until serving.

Recipe for strawberries with honey. 500 g of strawberries, 200 g of honey, 100 g of nut kernels. Put clean berries in a bowl, add honey, sprinkle with chopped nuts. Cook 2 hours before serving. Serve with cold milk or cream

How to make strawberry cream. 400 g of garden strawberries, 250 g of cream, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, 3 teaspoons of gelatin. Pour gelatin with water for about an hour, until it swells. Beat the berries in a mixer, add sugar and diluted gelatin. Whip the cream and mix with the berry mixture. Arrange in molds, allow to harden. Serve and garnish with berries.

Prepare strawberry compote. Pour the sorted, washed and peeled fruits hot (50-60 ° C) sugar syrup(600 g of sugar per 1 liter of water) and stand for 6 hours (the syrup should cover all the berries). Then the syrup is drained, the berries are transferred to half-liter jars and poured with the same syrup heated to 80 ° C. The jars are covered with lids and pasteurized at 85 ° C for 12-15 minutes. It is recommended to store the compote in a dark place (the color of the berries is preserved).

Strawberries in protein foam. 750 g of strawberries are sorted out, freed from the stalks and sepals, washed (larger berries are cut) and placed in a glass vase. 2 egg whites and 3/4 cups of powdered sugar are whipped into a foam, which is covered with berries in a vase. Top can be decorated with small berries.

Strawberry cake recipe. Dough: 6 eggs, 150 g icing sugar, 100 g wheat flour, 50 g starch, a pinch of salt, 1/2 teaspoon lemon zest. Filling: strawberries, whipped cream ( butter cream), some marmalade.

Gently mix the powdered sugar, yolks and lemon zest and beat until the mass doubles in volume. Then beat the whites strongly and mix with flour and starch, adding salt, and then carefully add the yolks, whipped with sugar.

Roll the biscuit mass into 1 - 2 sheets and bake over very low heat so that it remains light and soft, then cut the sheets into quadrangles. Mix the whipped cream with the strawberries, spread the slices with this mass and cover with the same slices. Grease each cake with marmalade or sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Cold strawberry drink. 500 g of strawberries, 1/2 l of milk, sugar to taste, 1/2 cup of cream. Rinse the strawberries, dry, rub through a sieve, add milk, sugar to taste, stir, pour into tall glasses, cool in the refrigerator. Whip the cream before serving and place in wine glasses on top. Serve very cold.

How to make strawberry juice. For the preparation of strawberry juice, it is recommended to use intensely colored berries. The berries, washed and peeled from sepals, are crushed with a wooden or porcelain pestle and the juice is squeezed out. Then it is passed through a fabric filter (pre-boiled) and immediately pasteurized.

The filtered juice is heated in an enamel bowl (in a water bath), stirring continuously, to 80 ° C. At this temperature, the juice is kept for 5 minutes, poured into sterilized hot jars, bottles and rolled up with varnished lids. After seaming, the cans are turned over with the lids down for 15 minutes (the bottles are placed on their side) for additional sterilization of the lids.

Making strawberry syrup. 650 g of sugar and 6 g of citric acid are added to 350 g of strawberry juice and stirred until complete dissolution, after which the syrup is filtered through cheesecloth folded in 3-4 layers, poured into clean sterilized bottles.

They are filled to the base of the neck, after which they are sealed with a stopper and poured with molten paraffin or sealing wax. To improve the color, you can add 1: 3 (i.e. 100 g per 300 g) cherry or blackcurrant juice to strawberry juice.

A. Kalinkin, I. Sterkin

The consistency of the berries intended for compote must be firm, and the berries must be dry.
Strawberry compotes should be cooked in small containers (half-liter jars), which shortens the heating time. The shorter the heating time, the less vitamin C and dyes are destroyed, the better the beautiful appearance compote.
It is important that the berries are of the same ripeness and size.
For any method of preparing compotes, the preparation of berries is the same. The berries sorted by color and size are washed in cold water; for washing it is better to use a colander by immersing it in a bucket of water three times. Then the berries are cleaned of sepals.

The first way. Prepared berries are placed in jars, tightening by tapping the jars on the table, and poured with pre-boiled and strained syrup of 20 ... 25% concentration. Syrup Must completely cover the berries. Then the cans are covered with lids and placed in a pot of water to warm up. If the berries were poured with hot syrup, then the water in the pan should be hot. Then the water temperature is brought to 80 ° C and 0.5 l cans are pasteurized - 7 ... 8 minutes, 1 l - 12-15 minutes. If there is no thermometer, the water is brought to a boil and boiled for 4 and 7 minutes, respectively. This method is the simplest, but during storage the compotes lose their beautiful appearance, the berries float, the syrup becomes more than the berries.

Second way. Prepared and washed strawberries are placed in enamel pot, sprinkling the berries with sugar in layers, and kept in a cold room until juice is obtained. Then the pan is put on fire, the temperature inside the mass is brought to 85 ... 90 ° C, gently stirring from time to time, and kept at this temperature for 5 minutes. At the same time, jars, lids, a spoon for pouring are sterilized in another pan. The compote is poured into hot jars one by one, after filling the jar it is immediately rolled up. Simultaneous filling of several cans is unacceptable, since the compote can cool down, the free space will be filled with air, which during storage can cause fermentation. This method is used if you need to quickly process a large number of berries. With this method, berries are crumpled more, vitamin C is destroyed faster, since heating is carried out in an open container.
For 1 kg of berries - 200 ... 300 g of sugar.

Third way. The berries are placed in an enamel bowl, sprinkled with sugar in layers, and placed in a cold place until the berries are compacted and the juice is released. After that, the berries are carefully transferred to pre-sterilized jars to the height of the shoulders. The juice remaining in the pan is heated to 80 ° C (not boiling), berries are poured over it, covered with lids and placed in a pan with hot water to warm up. At a water temperature in a saucepan of 80 ° C, 0.5 l cans are kept for 7 ... 8 minutes, 1 l-12 ... 15 minutes. In boiling water, the holding time is reduced to 4 and 7 minutes, respectively. Then the cans are removed, rolled up and placed upside down for additional heating of the lid. With good thermal insulation, the cans cool down during the day, which makes it possible to completely eliminate fermentation and bombing.
For 1 kg of berries - 200 ... 250 g of sugar.

The fourth way (for diabetics). Prepared berries are placed in jars, poured with hot water or juice from rejected berries without sugar. The temperature regime for heating the cans is carried out similarly to the first method.

Fifth way. The berries, laid in jars up to their shoulders, are poured with hot juice from rejected berries, heated to 80 ° C. Sugar is preliminarily dissolved in the juice. Hot cans are placed in a saucepan with hot water and at a temperature of 80 ° C cans with a capacity of 0.5 l are kept for -7 ... 8 minutes, 1 l-12 ... 15 minutes; when boiling - 4 and 7 minutes, respectively. After warming up, the cans are taken out, rolled up, put upside down. This method gives better quality compote in comparison with the previous one, as the shape, color, aroma of berries are better preserved.
For 1 liter of juice - 300 g of sugar.

Sixth way. With this method, as with the previous one, the berries are poured with juice, only in this case red currant juice is used, which usually begins to ripen at the end of the strawberry fruiting period. Compotes prepared in this way are considered the best, have a pleasant, harmonious taste and aroma. The berries filled with juice with sugar are evenly distributed and do not float, since the gelling substances of red currants envelop each berry. But the most important thing is that the color of the berries remains throughout the winter.
To prepare compote in this way, the juice with sugar is heated to 80 ° C and the berries laid in jars are poured with it. At a temperature of 80 ° C, 0.5 liter cans are kept for 6 ... 10 minutes, 1 liter for 12 ... 15 minutes.
For 1 liter of red currant juice - 400 g of sugar.
As already noted, the dyes of strawberries are not persistent, they quickly break down, forming a brownish color and losing their attractive appearance. To slow down the destruction of dyes, citric acid can be added to the syrup at the rate of 4 g per 1 liter of syrup, or 1 glass of red currant juice per 1 liter of syrup.

To obtain juice, the berries must be ripe, whole, fresh and undamaged. Good quality juice is obtained from small-fruited, intensely colored berries.
The sorted berries are washed, after the water has drained, they are laid out in a nylon or canvas bag and the juice is squeezed out. The resulting juice is filtered through a conical cloth filter, poured into an enamel pan, heated to 85 ° C, kept at this temperature for 5 minutes. In a hot state, they are poured into jars and bottles heated in a steam-water bath, covered with boiled lids, placed in a saucepan with water heated to 60 ° C and pasteurized at a temperature of 85 ... 90 ° C: jars with a capacity of 0.5 l-12 minutes, 1 l -15 minutes, 3 liters - 20 minutes. After pasteurization, the jars or bottles are immediately sealed and inverted for additional sterilization of the caps and air cooling.
The pulp obtained after pressing contains a large amount of extractives and is suitable for recycling. It is laid out in an enamel pan, boiled water cooled to 40 ° C is added at the rate of 1 liter per 5 kg of pulp, stirred, kept for 5 hours, put back into a canvas bag and pressed. The resulting juice is filtered, added to the originally obtained or prepared on it sugar syrup to sweeten the juice.
To get a good quality drink, 4 ... 5 kg of pulp is put into a ten-liter bottle, filled with warm 35% sugar syrup in the amount of 4 liters. The neck of the bottle is tied with gauze and placed in a warm place. On the 4th ... 6th day, when the pulp floats up, and the juice remains at the bottom, a water seal is installed on the neck of the bottle and kept for 20 days. Then the pulp is squeezed out and the juice is filtered through a cloth cone filter. The resulting juice is also poured into a bottle, the water seal is reinstalled and kept for another 20 ... 30 days. After that, the juice is carefully drained from the sediment and poured into prepared bottles, which are sealed with clean plastic stoppers and taken out to a dark, cold room for storage.

  • JAM

The first way. Fresh strawberries are sorted by size, removing leaves, damaged, unripe or overripe berries. Sorted berries are washed in a colander by immersion in a bucket of water three times. Washed berries are cleaned of sepals, placed in an enamel pot or basin, poured with hot sugar syrup and kept for 4 hours. Then it is boiled in 3 steps.
For 1 kg of strawberries, 1.5 kg of sugar and 1.5 glasses of water.

Second way. Juicy berry jam can also be cooked once. Peeled strawberries are covered with sugar, kept for 3 ... 4 hours (at this time, they release part of the juice), and then boiled over low heat until tender.
For 1 kg of peeled berries - 1.2 kg of sugar.

  • JAM

Ripe, well-colored strawberries are suitable for making jam. They wash it, remove sepals and stalks, as well as damaged berries.
The prepared berries are placed in an enamel pan, half of the sugar prescribed by the recipe is added, kept for 16 hours, after which the remaining sugar is poured and cooked until tender with constant stirring over low heat. When making jam, care must be taken that the sugar does not burn. A slight burn-in dramatically impairs the appearance and taste of the jam. Hot jam is packed in prepared dry jars, covered with lids, and tightly sealed. Pasteurized jam retains better. To do this, hot jam is packed in heated dry jars, covered with lids, sealed loosely, placed in a pan with water heated to 70 ° C and pasteurized at a water temperature of 95 ° C: jars with a capacity of 0.5 l-15 minutes, 1 l - 25 minutes. During pasteurization, the pan should be covered with a lid, the water level should be 3 cm below the top of the necks of the jars. After pasteurization, the jars are finally sealed. For 1 kg of strawberries - 1.2 kg of sugar.


Jelly is prepared from fresh, immature, intensely colored berries. They are placed in a colander, which is immersed three times in a bucket of water, after the water has drained off, they are cleaned of sepals and impurities. Sorted berries are laid out in an enamel pan, add 2 cups of water, put on fire, boil for 10 minutes at low boil. The resulting juice is drained and filtered through a nylon bag, after which it is boiled down to half the original volume, removing foam and impurities with a slotted spoon. Sugar is added in several steps, heated to a boil with constant stirring, pre-dissolved gelatin and citric acid are added. Bring to a boil again and, when the sugar is completely dissolved, take a sample for jelly with a spoon. If the jelly poured on the plate thickens quickly, the cooking is considered complete. If the jelly is not ready, add a gelatin solution, a little citric acid and boil down to the desired consistency.
For 1 kg of strawberries - 2 glasses of water, 700 g of sugar, 10 g of gelatin, 2 g of citric acid.


The first way. Berries with dark colored dense pulp are selected and the stalks are separated. Peeled berries are washed under the shower or by repeatedly dipping the colander into a container of clean water, followed by rinsing. The washed berries are carefully spread in a thin layer on clean paper or cloth to dry for 15 ... 20 minutes. The dried berries are transferred to an enamel bowl, sprinkled with sand in layers, placed in the lower part of the refrigerator for 2 ... 3 hours. During this time, juice is released from the berries, in which sugar is partially dissolved and syrup is formed. After that, the mass, carefully, avoiding deformation of the berries, shift the 8 prepared container and fill it with syrup with sugar. If glass jars are used as containers, they are filled to the shoulders and placed in the freezer until the mass is completely frozen. Then the cans are closed with plastic lids. When using metal cans, the mass is frozen, and then, holding the can in warm water, take out the frozen briquettes, put them in plastic bags and put them in the freezer for storage.
For 1 kg of strawberries -200… 300 g of sugar.

Second way. The prepared berries are laid out in a clean container, slightly compacting, but avoiding deformation. The syrup is cooled in advance, the berries are poured with cold syrup and placed in the freezer for a day for freezing, after which the jars are closed with lids and put back in the freezer compartment for storage.
For 1 liter of water - 400 g of sugar.


The strawberries are sorted, placed in a colander, immersed in a bucket of water three times, after the water has drained, they are cleaned of sepals and impurities, sprinkled with granulated sugar or powdered sugar, put in a cold place for 6 ... 8 hours. When the berries secrete juice, it is filtered through a nylon filter or two layers of gauze, squeezed out, drained "glass jug and cooled. Waste from the separation of the juice can be used to make vinegar.
For 1 kg of strawberries - 200 g of sugar or powdered sugar.

  • SIDS

The berries are sorted out, washed, the stalks are removed, kneaded and squeezed out through cheesecloth. The pomace is poured over 1 liter of hot water and boiled over low heat for 5 minutes. Then it is filtered, sugar and previously squeezed juice are added.
For 1 liter of fruit drink - 200 g of berries, 120 g of sugar.


For 5 liters of kvass, take 1 kg of strawberries. The berries are sorted out, washed, squeezed out, and the pomace is poured into 5 liters of water and brought to a boil, then removed from the heat and allowed to cool. After cooling, the broth is filtered, squeezed juice, 100 g of sugar, 25 g of yeast, 250 g of honey and 5 g of citric acid are added. The mixture is mixed well and placed for 1 ... 2 days in a warm place for fermentation. Then kvass is poured into bottles, 5 ... 6 raisins are added to each bottle, sealed and placed in a cold place.