Omelet in the oven with vegetables: recipes with tomatoes and broccoli. Healthy breakfast - cooking broccoli omelet in the oven In order to prepare the simplest and most dietary variation of this magnificent dish, you will need

Save-help: I'm surrounded by people who are on a diet! And all these people are prescribed to consume as much broccoli and cauliflower as possible! For completely different reasons. I already got the impression that these are almost the staple foods of many diets. Both are low-calorie, vitamin-rich, rich in ballast substances, activates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, does not raise cholesterol and is easily excreted from the body. There are also contraindications - peptic ulcer disease, bowel disorders and gout. But none of the family members have all this, so now I have to cook either colored or broccoli every single day. There is time and desire - you can tinker a little longer and cook something more difficult. But when there is neither one nor the other, an omelet with broccoli in the oven is, in my opinion, the best solution. It can even be cooked with several different ways, I want to show here, perhaps, the simplest one.

A small note on the number of eggs in an omelette. Because my broccoli consumers are losing weight and have suspected type 2 diabetes, I use very small amounts of eggs in this recipe - just one per serving. This is the absolute minimum. Normally, it is better to take one and a half or two.

Divided broccoli into inflorescences, cook in salted water for 2-3 minutes from the moment of boiling, drain the water completely.

Preheat the oven to a temperature of 200 C without air circulation.

Lubricate the heat-resistant form butter.

Place the broccoli in a mold. If you don't want it sticking out of the omelet, cut or break it smaller. Broccoli covered with omelet turns out to be soft, as if boiled, while protruding broccoli, on the contrary, takes on the features of fried. I do it differently.

If we make an omelet with a ratio of 1 egg per 100 ml of milk, beat the mixture into a foam. If there are more eggs, then you just need to stir the eggs in the milk until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Salt to taste.

Pour the egg and milk mixture into a mold over the butter and broccoli, quickly put in the oven and bake the broccoli omelet at 200 C without circulating at an average level for at least 20 minutes. 20 minutes is still almost a liquid omelet, but there are people who love this. 30 and more - this will already be a baked omelet with a golden brown crust.

If you are keeping an omelet in the oven without air circulation at a temperature of 200 C, then it is very difficult to overcook it. Those. it turns out that this recipe requires the attention of the cook only in the first 10 minutes - when you boil water, cut cabbage, etc. As soon as it got into the oven, do other things for your health, there is nothing to open and check.

This is how this omelette looks in section. Everything is very simple, tasty and healthy.

Fast, healthy, tasty and low-calorie option breakfast - omelet with broccoli great start day. A serving of this dish contains less than 200 kcal, and its taste will be enjoyed by both adults and children. The ingredients of the dish are available at any time of the year, you can use both fresh cabbage and frozen. Let's find out how to make your own broccoli omelet in a pan, oven and slow cooker.

Cooking broccoli omelette for breakfast

An easy recipe for omelet with broccoli involves the following ingredients:

  • Broccoli cabbage inflorescences - 200 g.
  • Eggs - 3-4 pieces.
  • Milk - half a glass.
  • A large spoonful of wheat flour.
  • Spices: salt, pepper.
  • Medium onion.
  • Olive or vegetable oil on the bottom of the pan.

The step-by-step instructions for making an omelet are as follows:

  1. First of all, boil the cabbage inflorescences.
  2. In salted water, they need to boil for about 5 minutes.
  3. After that, we take it out of the saucepan and let it cool slightly.
  4. We break the eggs into the container, pour in the milk and add the flour.
  5. Salt and pepper a little.
  6. At this moment, the oil is already warming up in the pan.
  7. Cut the onion into cubes quickly and add to the butter.
  8. Fry for about 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  9. We send our cabbage to the onion and continue stirring for another 2 minutes.
  10. Pour in the egg-milk mixture and cover with a lid.
  11. In 3-4 minutes breakfast for the whole family - omelet with broccoli cabbage will be ready.

Cooking broccoli omelet in the oven

Let's learn how to cook omelet with broccoli in the oven. The Italians call this dish fritatta and it differs from the above recipe precisely in that it is brought to readiness in the oven. To get you out delicious omelet with broccoli and cheese, you will need:

  • Chicken testicles - 3 pieces.
  • 100 ml of milk.
  • Cabbage inflorescences - 150 g.
  • Hard cheese - 70g.
  • A clove of garlic.
  • One onion.
  • Salt pepper.
  • Vegetable oil for lubricating the mold.

Omelet with broccoli in the oven is prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. Chop fresh cabbage into small pieces.
  2. In a frying pan with a removable handle or without handles (it will need to be put in the oven in the future), fry the onion in half rings and garlic, after pouring vegetable oil into it.
  3. Meanwhile, preheat the oven, setting the temperature to 200 degrees.
  4. We take a container in which we will beat eggs with salt, pepper, chopped inflorescences and milk.
  5. Rub the cheese into coarse shavings.
  6. Add the base of the dish to the garlic-onion mass.
  7. Cook on the stove until thick.
  8. Then sprinkle with cheese shavings and send to the oven for a quarter of an hour.

If you want to cook the most healthy and diet dish for children, you can prepare a dish without pre-roast on the stove, spilling the egg mass, for example, in portioned forms or cocotte, adding green inflorescences to the bottom of each of them. Bake in small tins for about 12 minutes.

Cooking an omelet with broccoli in a slow cooker

Use the Bake setting to create a fluffy broccoli omelet in the slow cooker. You can diversify a previously tried recipe by adding tomatoes to it. So, we will cook an omelet with broccoli and tomatoes in a slow cooker from the following components:

  • Eggs - 3-4 pieces.
  • Large tomato.
  • 200 g of boiled cabbage.
  • Milk - half a glass.
  • Salt pepper.
  • A little vegetable oil to the bottom of the bowl.

The step-by-step cooking process at home looks like this:

  1. Pour oil into the bottom of the bowl, select the "Fry" cooking mode.
  2. Cut the tomato into half rings and send it to the bowl.
  3. We send the pre-boiled green inflorescences next.
  4. Stir everything and lightly fry for a couple of minutes.
  5. In parallel, we are preparing egg mixture, pouring milk into the eggs, salt and add a little pepper.
  6. We switch the multicooker to the “Baking” mode, pour the egg mass into the vegetables and press “Start”.
  7. You have 10 minutes to make coffee for breakfast, or maybe it will ?!

Video: Feta and Broccoli Omelet Recipe

step by step recipe with photo

Delicate, low-calorie broccoli is an ideal filling for a puffed omelet, although most housewives do not often deign to it with their attention. Green cats should only be stored in the refrigerator. They should not be overcooked, but rather steamed beforehand.

Butter gives special softness to the taste of the dish. Appetizing brass omelet with green cabbage buds and cheese crust will make a wonderful nutritious breakfast and will not take much time. The secret to its splendor is a pinch of baking soda and a quick bake of the beaten egg mass in a well-preheated oven.


  • broccoli - 100 g
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • milk - 60 ml
  • butter - 15 g
  • bread crumbs - 1 tbsp. l.
  • ground black pepper
  • hard cheese - 30 g


1. In this recipe, we will use fresh broccoli. Frozen must be held on the table so that it becomes room temperature... Pre-boil broccoli slightly. Boil an appropriate amount of water in a saucepan. Rinse the cabbage in running water. Use a knife to cut into inflorescences of the desired size. As soon as the water boils, lower the flowers and boil for about five minutes.

2. In the meantime, prepare the eggs. Rinse them. Dry. Carefully separate the yolks from the whites. Place them in deep bowls for a convenient whisk.

3. Add a little salt to the proteins. Take a mixer and beat until fluffy.

4. Add milk to the yolks. You can take fat or low fat, cow or goat, homemade or from the supermarket. Beat with the same mixer at low speed until smooth.

5. Carefully transfer the whites to the yolks. Stir in the yolk mixture with a spatula.

6. Season with spices - usually salt and ground black pepper. You can add allspice, provencal herbs or others at your discretion. Stir gently so as not to disturb the airiness of the proteins.

7. Throw the boiled broccoli inflorescences on a sieve. Rinse cold water... Dry with a paper towel.

8. Find a suitable ovenproof dish. Brush with half the butter, sprinkle bread crumbs... Arrange the boiled cabbage flowers in a random pattern.

“As you start the day, so you will spend it,” says popular wisdom. And the day will start well with a correct, tasty and healthy breakfast. In this article you will learn everything about cooking such a dish as omelet with broccoli in the oven, we will share useful tips and we will try to reveal as much as possible all the important points and subtleties of creating such a yummy.

How to Oven Omelette with Broccoli

It is necessary to prepare all the ingredients, they must be fresh, of high quality. Most broccoli can be bought frozen, or looked for fresh in the market or in specialized vegetable departments.

If you are purchasing fresh frozen broccoli, carefully inspect the packaging for damage.

A bad sign if there is a large amount of ice in the package - this means that the product may have been defrosted several times and then frozen, or about the seller's dishonesty, which thus increases the weight of the package.

The choice of dishes is also important: for baking an omelet in the oven, heat-resistant glass baking dishes, baking trays with high sides, ceramic special tins, pans (without handles or with a metal holder), silicone molds are best suited.

Below are several recipes for omelet with broccoli in the oven with a photo and detailed description, and also at the end of the article you can find a video recipe for making an airy omelet with broccoli in the oven.

The easy way to make a delicious breakfast

So delicious and healthy dish will give you a very good start to the day and charge you with vitamins. It has almost no fat, very low calories and excellent taste! Required set of ingredients for 2 servings:

  • Broccoli - 400 gr.;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Egg whites - 5 pcs.;
  • Milk 2.5% - 200 ml;
  • Butter - 20 gr.;
  • Salt, spices to taste.

To make the omelette tender and soft, you must first boil the broccoli. For frozen cabbage, the cooking time will be 5-7 minutes, for fresh cabbage - 10 minutes. Drain the boiled broccoli in a colander to cool slightly while the omelet base cooks.

Beat 2 eggs and 5 proteins with a whisk with the amount of milk specified in the recipe, add salt.

Grease a baking dish with butter, put the cabbage in it, fill it with a mixture of milk and eggs.

Preheat the oven to 180C, cook the dish for 35-40 minutes.

Diet omelet with mozzarella

It's no secret that healthy eating- a guarantee of cheerfulness and excellent health. Fluffy omelet with broccoli in the oven - perfect dish to enrich the body with useful microelements. We will tell you how to make such a wonderful breakfast and what products you need:

  • Fresh frozen broccoli - 300 gr.;
  • Eggs - 5 pieces;
  • Milk - 100 ml;
  • Olive oil - 2 tsp;
  • Fresh parsley - a few sprigs;
  • Mozzarella cheese - 150 grams;
  • Salt, spices to taste.

In a small saucepan, bring water to a boil, lower broccoli, cook for 5 minutes. Then drain and cool the cabbage.

Beat eggs with milk, salt and spices using a blender until smooth.

Tear off the parsley leaves from the twigs, chop with a knife.

The cheese should be cut into small cubes.

Transfer the cooled broccoli to a deep ovenproof dish, sprinkle with herbs, add mozzarella pieces. After that, pour the milk and egg mixture into the container. The form must necessarily be high, since during the baking process our omelet will rise and it will be better if it does not "run away".

Cook in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Omelet in the oven with broccoli and cheese is ready, bon appetit!

A nutritious breakfast for the whole family

The recipes described above are quite low in calories and may not seem satisfying enough for those who are used to having a hearty breakfast. This recipe Omelet with broccoli in the oven is quite simple, and the main thing is that this dish is wonderful not only freshly prepared, but also reheated, for example, the next day.

To prepare 6 servings, you need:

  • Broccoli - 500 grams;
  • Fresh champignons - 500 grams;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Low-fat cream - 150 ml;
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Salt, hops-suneli.

Use a knife to remove a thin layer of skin from the mushroom caps. Then you need to chop the mushrooms into large pieces, and chop the onion.

Fry the onion with mushrooms in a small amount of vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons).

To make the omelette tender, the broccoli must first be boiled. To do this, place the inflorescences in boiling water for 15 minutes, then cool.

To prepare the filling, beat the eggs, cream, salt, spices with a whisk or blender until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Put the boiled cabbage into a baking dish, then the fried mushrooms, fill with the egg mixture, cover with a lid. It is necessary to bake the omelet in the oven at t = 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

If you wish, you can sprinkle the casserole with grated semi-hard cheese (you need about 100 grams) and put the dish in the oven for another 10 minutes without a lid. Cheese will make your meal even more nutritious.

Broccoli in an omelette in the oven is an incredibly healthy dish that you should definitely include in your diet. The filling can also be varied by adding, for example, ham, tomatoes, bell pepper and other vegetables. This will in no way spoil the taste and quality of the omelet.

Broccoli in an omelette in the oven can be embellished creamy garlic sauce- it will add softness and piquancy at the same time.

As you know, broccoli is widely used in baby food, which once again confirms the importance and benefits of this product. Any schoolchildren will get an excellent portion of vitamins and minerals by eating such a treat for breakfast.

Broccoli omelette - delicious, nutritious and very light dish... Thanks to the special type of cabbage that is included in its composition, the finished product is becoming more and more popular. What is special about it and how to properly prepare such a dish?

Omelet in a frying pan

Any culinary expert knows that broccoli omelet is prepared in a variety of ways. It can be stewed, baked, or simply fried in a pan. For some reason, the latter option is considered the most popular today.

You will need the following set of products: for 5 raw eggs- a quarter kilogram of broccoli, 50 grams fresh milk, onion, 1 carrot, as well as a little basil, salt and vegetable oil.

The cooking process takes place in several stages:

  1. First, cut the onion, peeled from the husk, into half rings (or quarters). It is better to chop carrots on a grater. Broccoli inflorescences need to be washed and simply broken with your hands.
  2. Fry a little onion with carrots in a preheated pan.
  3. After 5-7 minutes, add broccoli and let it cook until almost tender.
  4. Add salt and basil and mix well.
  5. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and milk until smooth, and then pour the prepared vegetables with the resulting mixture. Cover the pan with a lid.

After 10 minutes, the broccoli omelet is ready. During this time, the liquid will evaporate and the mass will rise slightly. Before serving, the product can be sprinkled with herbs or other vegetables can be added as a salad.

Healthy diet

Broccoli first became known to the world since the days of Ancient Rome. Since then, people have learned a lot about her. useful properties... The content of vitamins B, A, E and PP, as well as beta-carotene, calcium, selenium, potassium and phosphorus makes this vegetable unique means to normalize the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. In addition, scientists argue that unusual cabbage removes salts of heavy metals from the body, thereby protecting it from dangerous radiation. It is also known that broccoli contains no more than 30 calories. This allows it to be used as a nutritional supplement for many dishes. Exceptions can only be cases of individual intolerance or contraindications for use.

Some fitness instructors advise making a broccoli omelet as a full breakfast or dinner. To do this, you will need: for 50 grams of broccoli - 20 milliliters of low-fat milk (1.5 percent), 5 grams of butter, 3 eggs and 1 more protein.

Preparing the dish is very simple:

  1. Rinse the broccoli and then fry in a pan with heated butter. So that the cabbage does not seem raw, you can pre-hold it for 10 minutes in boiling water.
  2. Beat eggs with protein separately in a plate. An ordinary plug will be enough for work.
  3. Pour the mixture into a frying pan and cover.

The finished product, in addition to its low calorie content, contains only 5 grams of carbohydrates. This fact should also be taken into account by those who are trying to organize a healthy and balanced diet for themselves.

Baking method

Practice shows that omelet with broccoli in the oven is no less tasty. So say those who have tried to cook it at least once.

For such a dish on the desktop, you must have: for a whole head of medium-sized cabbage - 200 grams of sour cream, 5 eggs, 4 tablespoons of flour, ground pepper and quite a bit of salt.

The process must be carried out gradually, step by step:

  1. First, the cabbage must be disassembled into individual inflorescences. Then they must be boiled with the addition of salt, and after that, they must be doused with ice water and put on a baking dish.
  2. In a separate container, collect eggs, flour, salt and sour cream together, and then beat them with a hand blender into a homogeneous mass.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into the cabbage, add the spices and place the dish in the oven. It must be preheated to a temperature of 190 degrees.

The readiness of the product can be determined visually. When the crust is browned and the mass stops rising, the dish can be safely taken out and laid out on portioned plates.

Additional components

There are many options that will help you learn how to cook an omelet from such a dish in a new way, you can change a little by replacing the milk with sour cream and adding more greens. It will turn out to be a real feast of taste.

To prepare it, you will need very few products: for one handful of broccoli inflorescences - 6 eggs, salt, 30 grams of butter, 3 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream, ground pepper, 8 spinach leaves and herbs (dill, parsley, green onions).

The sequence of actions can be practically unchanged:

  1. Chop the herbs finely.
  2. First break 3 eggs into a deep plate. Add sour cream and whisk gently. Then add pepper, salt and remaining eggs. After the end of whipping, a fairly fluffy mass should be obtained.
  3. Now you need to prepare the cabbage a little. To do this, put the inflorescences in a pan with heated oil, cover and leave in this position over low heat for 3 minutes.
  4. Put the rest of the products there and wait. The mass will rise better if the lid is closed.

The omelet is very tender and aromatic due to greens and sour cream.

Using a multicooker

Considering all of the above, it is clear that an omelet can be prepared using almost any kitchen equipment. But nowadays, a lot of new technology has appeared. It turns out that you can make a pretty delicious vitamin omelet with broccoli in a slow cooker.

You only need to purchase in advance: 200 grams of broccoli cabbage, 50 grams of butter, 2 eggs, 100 grams of frozen green peas, half a glass of milk, salt, a little vegetable oil and pepper.

The work must be done clearly on the points:

  1. Pour some water into the multicooker, set the "Cooking" mode and wait until it boils.
  2. Throw broccoli inflorescences there and hold them there for 5 minutes.
  3. Beat eggs with salt in a separate plate, adding milk to them at the very end.
  4. Remove broccoli from boiling water and place in a colander.
  5. Put oil in boiling water and set the "Fry" mode. In the resulting fat emulsion, fry the slightly cooled cabbage inflorescences.
  6. Add the peas.
  7. Pour in the egg mixture and leave the food alone until the end of frying.

A multicooker omelet will be not only tasty, but also very healthy.

Popular option

Lots of people love to make an omelet with broccoli and cheese. It is not only tasty, but also fast and very cheap.

You will need to have a minimum of products: for half a glass of boiled broccoli inflorescences - a tablespoon of milk, salt, 3 tablespoons of grated cheese, pepper, a little vegetable oil, as well as an egg and 2 more proteins.

Cooking such a dish is very easy:

  1. First, boil the cabbage in salted water. Then get it out and let it drain.
  2. Whisk at this time egg products with salt, milk and pepper.
  3. Pour the mixture into a preheated skillet and reduce the heat.
  4. Top with grated cheese and broccoli inflorescences.
  5. As soon as the mixture grasps and the cheese flows, fold the tortilla in half.
  6. Immediately place the finished product on a plate, which must first be warmed up a little.

All this will take no more than 15 minutes. The dish turns out to be unusually tender and very aromatic. It contains many vitamins that will make breakfast not only tasty, but also healthy.