Unusual blanks - recipes for the winter. Homemade recipes Best recipes with photos

Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, various assorted vegetables, jam and compotes from berries - if all this has become too commonplace for you, then, by all means, take a look at this culinary selection. Unusual blanks such as cucumber jam, carrot cheese, potato starch cooked at home, they simply excite the imagination. These and other, no less interesting and original, blanks for the winter you can find in this section of the site. Learning how to cook certain unusual recipes, you will definitely be pleasantly surprised! If you choose step by step recipe with a photo, then you can handle the work easily and simply.

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

There are many ways to harvest plums for the winter. I prefer to keep the plums in the freezer. When frozen, taste, product type and vitamins are preserved. Plum frozen in syrup, most often, I use for baby food making desserts and drinks. Children who often eat poorly eat such a preparation with pleasure.

Home canning has long ceased to be a relic of the Soviet past, and modern hostesses are trying to prepare delicious preparations for the winter for their families from seasonal vegetables and fruits, without preservatives and other chemicals inherent in store canned food.

And of course, I am no exception. For several years in a row, I have been collecting golden recipes for winter preparations on the Home Restaurant website. Recipes from mom's notebook, homemade recipes like grandma's, recipes for jam and jams, pickles, adjika ... these are not all homemade preparations for the winter. step by step photos presented on the Home Restaurant website.

In the section "Blanks for the winter" you will find the most delicious recipes preparations for the winter time-tested and more than one generation of housewives, as well as home preparations for the winter according to modern adapted recipes. Gold recipes winter preparations from the site - these are proportions verified to the gram, time-tested recipes, detailed description the canning process with high-quality photos, and, of course, the predictable result in the form of mouth-watering and tasty jars with twists.

For your convenience, all golden recipes delicious blanks for the winter are accompanied by step by step photos. After all, you must admit that it is very convenient to cook delicious preparations for the winter, looking through recipes with step-by-step photos in your kitchen from your phone or tablet. If you liked the golden recipes for winter preparations from the Home Restaurant website, do not forget to share them with your friends in social networks, as well as write your comments and feedback on preservation recipes on the site!

All pumpkin lovers will certainly love this pumpkin salad recipe for the winter - with onions, carrots, peppers and tomatoes. It is the pumpkin that gives a new sound to a completely ordinary preparation of vegetables. It turns out not only beautiful and bright, but also very tasty. ...

Perhaps I will not be mistaken if I say that today's recipe will be new and interesting for you. In any case, it was a discovery for me: gooseberry compote with tarragon. I cooked compotes with mint, but with tarragon before that ...

My dear readers, today I want to introduce you to the wonderful sweet preparation for the winter. This recipe for strawberry jam with cherries was advised to me by my mother-in-law: she tried it at a friend's house and was completely delighted with the combination of sweet strawberries ...

I really love assorted jams: it seems to me that it is much more interesting than jam made from only one component. At the same time, there are no rules what ingredients can be added: you are free to do it to your taste, given what you love and what ...

In autumn, when tomatoes lack warmth and sun, they do not have time to ripen to the end and remain hanging on green bushes. But, nevertheless, delicious and interesting dishes can also be prepared from such green tomatoes. It is especially often canned ...

If you think that Strawberry jam- it's always just strawberry jam and nothing else, you're wrong! Cook it along with basil and mint leaves, add juice and lemon zest - and you will have absolutely amazing strawberry jam, ...

Greetings, dear friends! The conservation season has started successfully, and it's time to harvest cherries. This berry is very capricious in different seams under the lid, so I always select the recipes for the blanks very carefully, and basically I make them myself. It is very important not to overdo it ...

At the beginning of summer, when strawberries are in full swing, I always close strawberry compote for the winter - all my household members (yes, in fact, most of the guests) like this drink very much. But even a good, tried-and-true recipe is boring if you only use it all the time. So ...

Strawberry jam for the winter is one of the most popular preparations: after all, such preservation in the cold season is very popular among both adults and children. There are quite a few recipes for strawberry jam: someone recognizes only five-minute jam, someone loves to ...

Every year you cook homemade preparations for the winter, and are constantly looking for new recipes for delicious preparations for the winter? Congratulations! You have come to the right page! On the site you will find not only the most delicious recipes for preparations for the winter, but also reliable recipes, time-tested, and more than one generation of hostesses.

Home canning is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance, and my homemade recipes for the winter with step-by-step photos will clearly demonstrate to you how easy and interesting this process can be. For your convenience, I have collected all my delicious preparations for the winter in a separate section, which every year will be replenished with new recipes for homemade preparations for the winter.

The site 8 Spoons presents the classic Soviet recipes preservation, the most delicious preparations for the winter of my grandmother, as well as modern adapted recipes delicious preparations for the winter, which I made and prepared myself. All my homework for the winter is accompanied by step by step description preservation process and colorful photos. You can safely trust the proportions of recipes and cooking technology. The preservation is not sour, and the cans do not explode.

It will be very interesting for me to know what are your favorite and most delicious recipes for preparations for the winter? Write your feedback in the comments or in our Vkontakte group!

I don't think I need to tell you about which red currants are useful - you yourself know this very well. And you probably close the red currant blanks for the winter. I also have such recipes in my arsenal, and one of my favorites in ...

Harvesting green tomatoes for the winter can rightfully be considered one of the most budgetary ones: in the fall, when the tomatoes simply do not have time to turn red due to the lack of sufficient sun and heat, they can simply disappear right on the branches. Or you can close them for the winter ...

This season for me is especially rich in preservation recipes, in which there are many combinations of ingredients. This is especially true of compotes: perhaps my home ones have already spoiled themselves with banal options - just strawberry, cherry or currant compote, now give them something more interesting. Actually, I just ...

Just strawberry jam is delicious, you yourself know that. But if you want to somehow diversify the usual preservation, then I advise you to close the strawberry jam with red currants for the winter. It has a very interesting taste: the sweetness of strawberries is combined with the sourness of currants and ...

Basically, I close the compote for the winter in liter jars: this is quite enough for my family. But there is still an exception to this rule. If I prepare strawberry compote with mint and lemon for the winter, then three-liter ones are used ...

My dear readers, do you close compotes for the winter? I - without fail, it seems to me that this great alternative store sweet soda water. So in my pantry, as a rule, by the end of summer, rows of cans with all kinds of compotes are lined up. ...

I think I will not be mistaken if I say that eggplant caviar is a very popular preparation, and you probably have a recipe for it. But, like any successful favorite canning, eggplant caviar has several cooking options. About one ...

Greetings, dear friends! Tomato harvesting season is in full swing, and it's time for pickling tomatoes. I got the recipe for salted tomatoes from my grandmother, and before, when she had big family, a construction site in the courtyard and three weddings on the nose, she salted ...

Eggplant "Cobra" for the winter has a bright taste and unique aroma. The appetizer turns out to be quite spicy, which is why it received such an original name. For this recipe, it is best to use small, young eggplants with unripe seeds. Recommend to cook: Eggplant appetizer for ...

Cooking a salad of zucchini for the winter with cabbage without sterilization. This vegetable snack has long been a success in my family and traditionally occupies one of the places of honor on the table. Cooking is simple and quick. It is enough to chop all the vegetables, stew ...

Mackerel in 3 minutes: a delicious golden fish without a smokehouse and chemicals! Ingredients: 1 mackerel, a handful of onion peels 5 tbsp. l. salt 1 liter of water Preparation: Pour onion peel with water and put on fire. Add salt and bring to a boil. Put the fish in the boiling brine and simmer for exactly 3 minutes at a low boil. Get the mackerel and brine, let the liquid drain, cool. The fish is ready to eat! Despite the simplicity of preparation, the reviews about this fish are only rave. Serve it with boiled potatoes, fresh seasonal vegetable salad, or simply with herbs and lemon wedges. Enjoy your meal!

Comments 1

Classes 87

Profiteroles with custard Ingredients: For the dough: flour 300 gr. butter 100 g eggs 5 pcs sugar 50 gr. salt 0.5 tsp water 250 ml. For the filling: milk 1 liter. Eggs (yolks) 5 pcs. flour 100 gr. starch 1 tsp sugar 100 gr. salt 0.5. h. l. Preparation: Let's start with the dough. To knead the dough, put butter in a pan and melt it. After that, pour water into the pan, add sugar, salt and wait for the water to boil. After that, turn off the gas and gradually add flour. Not a single lump should remain in the kneaded dough. While the dough cools down, break the eggs into a separate bowl and beat. Now add the eggs to the dough. We will pour them in a thin stream, stirring the dough with a spoon in a circular motion. The dough should turn out to be liquid, It's time to turn on the oven. While it is warming up, let's start forming profiteroles. We cover the baking sheet on which our cakes will be baked with special paper. Put the dough on top. To do this, you can use a special pastry syringe or a regular tablespoon. In an oven heated to 220 degrees, we send a baking sheet with profiteroles. After 20 minutes, reduce the temperature in the oven by 40 degrees and wait another 10 minutes. We remove the profiteroles from the oven and let them cool down. At this time, we prepare the cream for the filling. Separate the yolks and beat them with sugar. Add starch and flour, mix and salt. We heat the milk. As soon as small bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the milk, remove it from the heat and pour it into a saucepan with eggs. We mix the ingredients and put on fire. While stirring constantly, watch the moment when the cream begins to brew. The filling for the profiteroles is ready! Introduce the filling inside the profiteroles using a pastry syringe. If you don't have one, try using a medical one. Let's cool the finished profiteroles with custard and we can drink tea!

Comments 13

Grades 409

Pickled cucumbers "Like shop" the original way. I have been using this recipe for a long time. For those who love pickled cucumbers such as they are sold in the store in 700-800 g jars. And before the company GLOBUS. Banks 800 gr and liter. Soak cucumbers for 1-2 hours in cold water. At the bottom of the jar, pour 1.5 cm of vinegar 9% (50-70 ml, be guided by your taste), put an umbrella of dill, 5 pieces of peppercorns, a clove of garlic and cucumbers. Fill cold water from the tap (you can use water from under the filter or purchased in cans) to the eyeballs, add 1 tsp. salt and 2-3 tsp. Sahara. Cover with lids and sterilize in a saucepan with cold water, as the water boils in the saucepan - 5 minutes and take out the jars and screw them up. Roll up, turn over until it cools. You can store it in the cellar, in the refrigerator, and in the apartment. PS: You can add a sprig of carrot tops and dry mustard seeds.

Comments 40

Classes 1.1K

We prepare tomatoes for the winter without vinegar Ingredients (For 3- liter jar): Sugar - 5 tbsp. , Salt - 2 tablespoons, Citric acid - 1 tsp Garlic 2-3 tooth Cinnamon slices Cloves Pepper peas Preparation: Put the tomatoes in a jar, pour boiling water over them, let them cool, then drain the water. Add sugar, salt to the jar citric acid... Pour boiling water over again and roll up. Tomatoes are sweetish and not spicy at all. The lemon is not felt. Suitable for those who are contraindicated in vinegar. It was interesting to taste the cinnamon. Never added it before. She did her job and improved the taste of the tomatoes. The brine also turned out delicious, they drank it soon after they opened the can. For a liter jar - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar without a slide, salt - 3/4 tablespoon and a coffee spoon of citric acid.

Comments 46

Classes 2.6K

Comments 56

Classes 3.3K

Zucchini caviar with mayonnaise (for the winter) And who loves squash caviar?! Delicious, homemade ... mmm !!! It is simple to prepare, the range of products is not great, it is stored well. I recommend cooking a double or even triple portion of such caviar for the winter, as it is incredibly tasty !!! Everyone who tried it always asked for a recipe! Be sure to cook, you will not regret it !!! Help yourself!!! By Annetta Ingredients 6 kg. zucchini (preferably young, without seeds) 1 kg. onions 500 gr. tomato paste 500 gr. mayonnaise 1 glass vegetable oil 4 tablespoons vinegar 9% 4 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons 1/2 tsp salt ground red hot pepper Zucchini peel, cut into small pieces, put in a saucepan, add water and boil until tender. Meanwhile, peel the onion, cut into cubes and lightly fry in vegetable oil. Drain the water from the zucchini, add the fried onions and beat with an immersion blender into a homogeneous puree. If you do not have a blender, then you can knead well with a pusher for mashed potatoes... I do not advise using a meat grinder))) Add to the chopped zucchini and onions tomato paste, mayonnaise, salt, sugar, pepper, vinegar. Mix. Cook the caviar, stirring constantly for 1-2 hours. You yourself will understand when the caviar will look like caviar in color and consistency))) The main thing is to interfere so that it does not burn! And be very careful !!! Indeed, during cooking, caviar can "shoot" and you can burn yourself !!! Quickly spread the prepared hot caviar in sterilized jars and roll up. Cool the jars with the lids down. Store in a cool and dark place. Output 5-6 liters))) Bon appetit !!!

Already read: 4499 times

Just the other day I returned from Crimea. Besides the southern tan, Have a good mood and peaches, as always, she brought interesting recipes with her.

Now is the height of the harvesting season for the winter, so almost the next day, as I got off the train, I began to close the canned food in a new way, Crimean recipes... I think it will be interesting for you too.

How to make preparations for the winter in Crimean style, read on.

Crimean-style blanks for the winter

Cucumbers in chili ketchup sauce

Ingredients for 5L cans:

  • cucumbers
  • black peppercorns
  • Carnation

For the marinade:

  • 7-8 st. water
  • 2 tbsp. l
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup vinegar 6%
  • 6-8 st. l. chili ketchup

Cooking method:

  1. Pour cloves and black pepper into the bottom of the cans, put the cucumbers tightly, so that there is as little space as possible.
  2. Prepare the marinade and boil. Pour cucumbers with hot marinade. Sterilize the jars for 10-15 minutes. Roll up, turn upside down, wrap up.

Hope you use this southern recipe too and cold winter we will share with each other our impressions of the Crimean cucumbers.

Piquant cucumbers

Cooking method:

  1. Take 5 kg of small cucumbers, wash, soak and cut into quarters lengthwise.
  2. Then mix in 2 tbsp. l. sugar, salt, mustard, ground black pepper, minced garlic, dill and parsley.
  3. Pour one glass of 6% vinegar and vegetable oil into this mixture.
  4. Pour marinade over the cucumbers and let it brew for 40 minutes.
  5. Arrange the cucumbers in liter jars and sterilize for 25-30 minutes.

Crimean tomatoes

For a three-liter jar:

  • 2 kg medium tomatoes
  • 1 tbsp. l. dry mustard
  • 1 horseradish root
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper
  • 3-4 bay leaves
  • dill umbrellas

For brine:

  • for 1 liter of water 4 tbsp. l. salt

Cooking method:

  1. Put bay leaf, chopped horseradish and peppercorns on the bottom of a 3-liter jar.
  2. Lay clean tomatoes, sprinkle with mustard powder.
  3. Cover the tomatoes with dill umbrellas.
  4. Pour brine into the jar room temperature.
  5. Cover the jar with gauze and leave to ferment without oppression for 2 days.
  6. Then move the jar to the refrigerator or cellar, closing it with a plastic lid. The tomatoes will be ready in 3 weeks.

Crimean tomatoes

Ingredients for a three-liter can:

  • 2 kg of tomatoes
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1 pt celery greens
  • 7-10 cm celery stalk
  • 5-6 young dill umbrellas

For brine for 1 liter of water:

  • 2 tbsp. l. salt
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara

Cooking method:

  1. Tie the celery greens in a bunch and put on the bottom of the jar.
  2. Lay the tomatoes, garlic cloves and chopped celery stalk tightly on top.
  3. Boil water, add sugar and salt. Cool the brine to 60 ° C and pour over the tomatoes.
  4. Cover the jar with gauze, put the oppression and leave in the room to ferment for 3 days.
  5. You need to skim off the foam from time to time. When the brine stops fermenting, close the plastic lid and put the jar in a cool place. The tomatoes will be ready in a month.

Tomatoes with apples


  • tomatoes
  • 2 pcs. onions
  • 1 sour apple
  • 1 small beet

For brine:

  • for 1.5 l of water
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt
  • 150 g Sahara
  • 70 gr. 6% vinegar

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the onion into rings, cut the beets into quarters, and cut the apples into slices.
  2. Put tomatoes, onions, apples and beets tightly in a sterilized 3-liter jar.
  3. Pour boiling water over vegetables and leave under a plastic lid for 20 minutes.
  4. Drain the water and pour over the tomatoes with hot brine.
  5. Roll up the cans, turn them over and wrap them up.

I look forward to your feedback and recipes.

Always yours Alena Tereshina.