USSR menu recipes. Soviet recipes

First, I will acquaint you with the content of the book.

Before moving on to the recipes, the author tells the readers what products she uses - flour in all recipes only top grade, butter in accordance with GOST 82.5% fat, and if you decide to replace it with margarine, then check that its fat content is at least 82.5%, sugar is advised to take small, and eggs - fresh, because how fresh eggs, the better they whip.

In the chapter on biscuit dough You will learn several ways to prepare it, how it should be correct biscuit why it rises. Separately, it is said about the forms for the biscuit - if you want to prepare a standard kilogram cake - take a form d = 20 cm and you will need 4 eggs for this. 6 eggs will make a 1.5 kg cake, 24-25 cm in size, 4.5-5.5 cm in height. That is, such details that will be very useful for beginners to bake cakes.
And there you will also find recipes for the main biscuit, with cocoa, with nuts.

In the chapter “ Choux pastry and cakes from it ”, the author tells how to work with choux pastry, writes in detail about the main GOST recipe. All recipes are accompanied by step by step photos.

The third chapter - " Air cakes and cakes. "
Here you will learn how to work with proteins, you will find a recipe for your favorite air meringue with cream, recipes for cakes "Flight", "Kievsky", "Grilyazhny"
To do the right thing shortcrust pastry, you need to know some rules - use softened butter at room temperature, take fine sugar, or powdered sugar; grind salt in a mortar into powder in advance, knead the dough quickly, but very thoroughly; oven at high temperature, and cool the workpieces well before baking; do not allow browning of products.

The main recipe is given shortcrust pastry and products from it.

“You may be surprised that about two dozen recipes for muffins were presented in the Soviet baking reference books. Some of them were produced only in certain regions, some were developed, but were rarely used due to the complexity of preparation, and some were discontinued due to problems with the supply of ingredients. So Muscovites mostly remember "Stolichny", residents of the south of Russia - "Krasnodarsky", and Yekaterinburg residents - "Sverdlovsky" I want to invite you to try everything! Here you will find nine wonderful recipes, all of which are more than worthy of a place on the tea table!

The main secret in making puff pastry is to take your time!
How to work with puff pastry how much to keep in the refrigerator, how to cut it, at what temperature to bake - all this is in the section “ Puff pastry and products from it "

Marshmallow, marshmallow and cake " bird's milk"- cult sweets of the Soviet era. What lies at the heart of these products, what is agar-agar and how to use it correctly, what marshmallows and candy are made of and how to prepare them. All this can be found in the section "Zephyr, souffle and marshmallow"

What can be found in the "Something else" section?
This chapter contains the favorite sweets of our childhood. Cookies, oatmeal cookies, curbier, verbolics, "Jubilee" and even everyone's favorite almond cake. Everyone will find a favorite and familiar taste in this chapter.

In the section "Ice Cream" - how it is made and five different recipes.

The most popular word of the Soviet era is scarcity. Everything was in short supply: good clothes, shoes, household items and, of course, food. It was like a game: the whole country did not buy, but "got it". At the same time, there were shops, only there was nothing on the shelves. Sometimes the goods were "thrown away", and then kilometer-long queues were lined up for it. We stood behind everything, while often queuing up in several places at once.

But Soviet cuisine is not only a set of those products that had to be "obtained", but also everyday ones, but so familiar and loved by the people. The assortment was small, but what a taste! And today we recall with nostalgia ice cream in a glass for 13 kopecks, navy-style pasta with real stew, milk in triangular bags and kefir in glass bottles with a foil lid. And butter, which, by beating, could be turned into butter cream- try to beat today's, even expensive, butter.

Meat products in the USSR were always in short supply. Choosing the right piece of meat in the store was out of the question, so chops are a rarity for everyday table... If it was possible to "get" frozen meat, then dishes that did not require a whole piece were prepared from it - goulash, chopped cutlets etc. Cookery stores also sold ready-made minced meat, as well as ready-made dumplings - the "duty" dish of Soviet times: "Russians" in a cardboard box with a picture of a Khokhloma spoon. In general, a bunch of "pelmeni-loaf-kefir" was almost a national food, sometimes processed cheese was added to them.

The real queen of the Soviet table was chicken. Anyone who, having stood in a long queue, finally became the owner of the coveted "blue bird", considered himself lucky. Chicken was usually reaped a double benefit: the broth was cooked first, and the boiled meat went to the second. But the most coveted product was "Doctor's" sausage. Many people remember the taste before it was called "toilet paper sausage". Initially, "Doktorskaya" had a complex, even refined recipe: pork, beef of the highest grade, eggs, powdered milk... Seasoning - only nutmeg. But main secret- its price, which for many years remained stably low and in fact did not even recoup the cost.

One of the important ingredients of Soviet dishes was canned food and all kinds of industrial sauces - they were carefully stored and waited for their finest hour: pink salmon for soup, stew for pasta, condensed milk for sweets, sprats and canned peas- for home celebrations and, of course, hit - mayonnaise in glass jars. Home canning was widely used - they "rolled up" everything that was grown on personal plots, harvested mushrooms for the winter, and made jam.

It took a large place in nutrition homemade baking perhaps because flour and other ingredients were relatively readily available and inexpensive. They baked a lot and varied - pies and pies, buns and cookies, pastries and cakes. For the holidays, Napoleon was baked, which was prepared the day before, so that puff cakes well soaked in cream.

Everyday drinks - jelly, compote or tea. Kissel was made both independently and from briquettes with concentrate, Georgian and Krasnodar tea was appreciated, the top of the chic was "Vigor". Often, in order to save money, they mixed low-grade tea, smelling of a "broom", with good, scarce tea. A separate culinary masterpiece is a dried fruit compote that tastes like light brown sugar water.

One cannot fail to note the international character of Soviet cuisine, which over the years of its existence has absorbed all the best that could be borrowed from the original culinary traditions of the peoples of the USSR. Ukrainian borscht is firmly in use, Uzbek pilaf, Belarusian potato pancakes, Georgian barbecue and kharcho, however, in greatly simplified versions and often without taking into account traditional food raw materials.

So, home cooking based on what could be "gotten" out of necessity. Constantly empty shelves of shops and a strictly limited range of delicacies, sometimes included in grocery "orders", did not encourage culinary delights. Success among women exhausted by everyday life used recipes from the category "every crumb in the palm of your hand", which told how to cook at least something from "nothing".

Yet the cuisine of the era of total scarcity shaped the development culinary fantasy and ingenuity. Attempts to prepare a wide variety of dishes from a small set of raw materials have resulted in many recipes that have become traditional and nostalgic.

We bring to your attention some curious recipes for "budget" dishes of times of scarcity, from various publications of the 1970-1990s.


Prepare mushroom broth. Grate stale bread, chop 1 onion and fry in oil, then mix with grated bread and simmer for a few minutes. Connect with mushroom broth, put caraway seeds, pepper, boil and season with sour cream. Instead of bread, you can take finely crushed crackers, but not too much so that the soup is not thick. Mushrooms can be replaced with brisket or bacon.

Cabbage casserole with noodles

Chop the cabbage, put it in a shallow saucepan, pour in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil and simmer over low heat until soft. Sprinkle with pepper. Boil the noodles in boiling salted water, drain the water. Season 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil, put in a greased form, alternating layers of noodles and cabbage. Put pieces of butter on top, bake in hot oven before education golden crust... 300 g noodles, 1 small head of cabbage, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, pepper, salt.

Chicken in a jar

Cut the chicken into medium-sized pieces, salt, pepper and place in a clean, completely dry liter glass jar... Close the jar with a tin lid or foil, place in a cold oven and turn on over medium heat. The chicken will be ready in an hour.

Potato "fingers"

Boil potatoes, mash, add flour, egg, fried onions, oil, salt and mix everything. Roll out thin flagella from the prepared mass, cut into 10 cm pieces, sprinkle with caraway seeds, put on a baking sheet and bake in the oven. Serve with tomato or onion sauce... 12 potatoes, ½ stack. flour, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, 1 onion, salt, cumin.

Bun casserole with apples

Cut off the crust from the roll, cut into slices and soak in a mixture of egg yolks, whipped with milk or cream. Grease a baking dish with butter and place the slices of a roll on the bottom and edges. Wash the apples, peel, chop finely, mix with sugar and cinnamon and put in the middle of the mold. Put the remaining slices of the roll on top, brush with an egg and bake for 30 minutes. Sprinkle the prepared casserole with icing sugar. 500 g rolls, 3 yolks, 1 stack. cream or milk, 8 apples, 1 stack. sugar, cinnamon, 1 egg for brushing.

Condensed milk roll

Beat the condensed milk with a mixer with 2 eggs until homogeneous mass... Add ½ teaspoon of baking soda, quenched with vinegar, add flour. Pour the dough onto a baking sheet and bake. Pour the sour cream mixed with sugar and nuts over the top and gently wrap the roll. Sprinkle with icing sugar on top. 1 can of condensed milk, 2 eggs, ½ teaspoon of baking soda. 1 cup flour, 1 cup sour cream, ¼ cup sugar, nuts, powdered sugar.

The recipes given here seem to us quite acceptable today. Cook and share your impressions with us! Write to us at [email protected] marked "History in recipes".

Next time we will introduce you to the recipe options traditional dishes New Year's kitchen. We hope that they will interest you on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays.

The information was prepared by a researcher of the department of rare books and manuscripts of the Central Scientific Library named after Yakub Kolas National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Inna Murashova. Materials of culinary sites were used as illustrations.

Soviet cuisine is a concept that evokes nostalgia for most people in modern Russia. The period of its formation is quite long, practically the entire century, while the Soviet regime was in force. The composition of dishes that developed then differs significantly from the primordially Russian one. She absorbed the elements of the French. Its difference can be called internationalism. The principles of Soviet catering have been transferred today to the basis of modern canteens and restaurants.

The key to popularity

There was a period when every new establishment Catering was dedicated to foreign cuisine. This was a novelty, which led to increased consumer interest. If a restaurateur wants to attract the maximum number of customers, then he has to select a menu that will be as attractive as possible. Frog legs, meat in sweet and sour sauce, tiramisu - all these novelties were successfully sold.

But time passed, and the exotic got bored. It was then that people again remembered about the Soviet public catering. Today, Soviet cuisine has become quite popular and is actively included in the menu of restaurants. And this is not surprising, because they contain products familiar to a Russian person, and are also balanced and tasty.

Formation of the menu

Soviet public catering did not immediately decide on the set of dishes that became typical for it. The formation of the menu went through several stages, which reflected the socio-economic development of Russia. Significant changes to the menu took place during the Revolution and the First World War. This affected not only catering establishments. Every family now has dishes that have become a traditional Soviet one. So, dumplings spread from the Urals throughout Russia. The union republics instilled a love for borscht, cabbage soup, dumplings and salted bacon. Central Asia and the Caucasus made barbecue, manti and pilaf primordially "Soviet".

Soviet public catering in the same way included in the menu such dishes as Kiev cutlets. The same fate awaited Odessa beef stroganoff. As you can see, the menu is prefabricated. Most of the dishes are not natively Russian, but they organically fit into the overall picture and become recognizable and loved.

Second half of the century

During this time, the Soviet public catering changed a lot. Private canteens appeared, which were able to expand the range of traditional dishes, creating an attractive and varied menu. There were goose and duck, dumplings and pies, caviar and various pastries.

But, by and large, they started talking about Soviet public catering after World War II. Economic growth allowed many to eat in canteens or restaurants, plus the fight against "kitchen slavery" was fought. People were attracted by the appearance of a wide range of meat dishes... Now it was possible to taste the famous escalopes, schnitzels, steaks and cutlets.

Modern restaurants

Today the atmosphere of bygone times is recreated in restaurants with one goal: to attract the attention of consumers who have a bright image of Soviet times in their memory. But most restaurants are guided only by external attributes. That is, faceted glasses, portraits of leaders, hammer and sickle. Often times, the dishes on the menu have old names, but that's where the similarities to the original end.

But if a restaurateur not only imitates the decoration of a bygone era, but also preserves the recipe, he will be an indispensable success. No need to go far, remember bakery products Soviet catering. What a smell there was when ordinary bread was brought to the store! And about buns and not at all worth talking about. Today, the store can flaunt a dozen varieties of breads on the shelves, while standing a few steps from the shelves you will not feel the smell of baked goods.

With your own hands

But do not be discouraged if you were very fond of the famous Olivier or herring under a fur coat. Making them is not at all difficult at home. To do this, it is enough to purchase a book called " National cuisines of our peoples ", which has incorporated the dishes of the cuisines of our national republics, approved in due time culinary advice THE USSR. It was published in 1978 and then reprinted several times. However, even without this publication, residents of cities and towns of the post-Soviet space are able to reproduce their favorite dishes in their own kitchen, there is nothing particularly complicated in their preparation, and then you can be convinced of this.

Best first course

Let's try together with you to compose a weekly menu, which will consist of the most delicious and healthy dishes that we all remember from childhood. And the first I would like to note the cabbage soup with sauerkraut. For cooking, you will need the following set of ingredients:

  • Beef - 700 g.
  • Sour cabbage- 300 g.
  • Potatoes - 600 g.
  • Onions and carrots - 200 g each.
  • Spices, herbs.

Boil the meat until tender. This will take 1.5 hours. Cut it into cubes and send it back to the broth. Grate the carrots and cut the onions into cubes. Fry onions in a pan, add carrots to it. We send diced potatoes to the broth, and after 7 minutes cabbage. If it is highly acidic, squeeze and rinse. Cook for 10 minutes.

Cheesecakes with sour cream

Alternatively, you can make dumplings with cottage cheese. The range of products will be the same. You will need:

  • Cottage cheese - 250 g.
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Flour - 5 - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Soda slaked with vinegar - 0.5 tsp.

Catering services are distinguished by their simplicity. No expensive products and complicated household appliances are required, even serious experience in the kitchen is not required. Just follow the instructions and you will succeed.

The dough is kneaded like pancakes. The first step is to beat the eggs with sugar, add sour cream, soda and flour. Mix well. Spread the dough with a spoon in a frying pan and fry over low heat until tender.

Pancakes with jam

This is a dish from our childhood. But today it is very difficult to find real jam. Therefore, either cook it yourself in the fall and roll it into jars, or you will have to come to terms with the fact that you will not succeed in such pancakes as before. But nevertheless, let's learn how to cook them. The kitchen of the Soviet catering devoted a lot of time dessert dishes, which can be served for afternoon tea or breakfast. Pamper the kids with such a delicacy!

To make pancakes you will need:

  • Kefir - 0.5 liters.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp.
  • Apple jam - 200 g.

These are stuffed pancakes that will captivate you with their magical taste. The first step is to slightly warm the kefir and add soda. Now pour in the sugar, add the egg and salt. Whisk all ingredients well and add flour. The dough is ready. Heat the pan and start spreading it out with a tablespoon. Put a teaspoon of jam on top quickly and cover with another spoonful of dough. Fry on both sides and lay on a towel to absorb the oil. You can serve it with honey or sour cream, but without them pancakes fly away with a bang: tender, sweet, very tasty!

Borsch "Moskovsky"

One more great dish Soviet catering. It used to be served in almost all canteens in the country. For cooking you will need:

  • Beef and smoked ribs - 150 g each.
  • Ham and sausages - 100 g each.
  • Carrots, onions and beets.
  • Broth - 1500 ml.
  • Cabbage - 300 g.
  • Tomato paste and ghee - 50 g each.

The preparation is not too difficult. At the same time, the dish turns out to be fantastically aromatic and tasty. The first step is to prepare the meat. To do this, pour the pulp and ribs with two liters of water and simmer until tender.

  • Cut the onions and carrots into strips, fry and add the tomato.
  • Heat the beets separately in a frying pan, add vinegar, sugar and tomato. Add fried onions with carrots and heat for another 10 minutes.
  • Chop the cabbage. Put it in the boiling broth and add the rest of the vegetables. Add vinegar and spices, salt and wait another 5 minutes. Let stand for another 15 minutes.
  • Remove the meat and smoked meats, cut into cubes. Add chopped sausages, add sour cream.

The entire cooking time does not take more than 30 minutes. At the same time, the dish turns out to be tasty and nutritious. All family members will love it.


Of course it is signature dish all canteens, cafeterias and even restaurants. Delicious cutlet with a side dish and sauce - this is a great option for lunch or dinner. You will need:

  • Beef - 2 kg.
  • Onions - 1 kg.
  • Bread - 700 g.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt, pepper, oil.
  • Bread crumbs - 2 cups.
  • Water - 300 ml.
  • Milk - 100 ml.

The bread must be soaked in milk. While it is soaked, you need to twist the minced meat and add the onion to it. We introduce an egg, bread, salt into this mass. Now you need to beat off the mass well. The quality of cutlets depends on this. Then you need to roll each in breadcrumbs and fry until golden brown.

The final touch. They are fried only for the crust, but not for frying. After that, the cutlets must be folded into a large mold and poured onto the bottom of the water. It should cover the cutlets by about a third. We bake without a lid, at 200 degrees, for about 50 minutes. There is usually some liquid left by this time, but it will be absorbed instantly as soon as you take the mold out of the oven.

This is exactly the dish that has become the face of Soviet catering. The photo allows us to judge that the cutlet supplemented with any porridge will become complete, hearty meal... And if you add a salad, then it will completely pass for a masterpiece.

Herring under a Fur Coat

Basically, nothing special. Classic appetizer, which was served in all catering establishments. For cooking you will need:

  • Lightly salted fish (herring, mackerel) - 700 g.
  • Potatoes - 200 g.
  • Beets - 200 g.
  • Carrots - 200 g.
  • Onions - 1 turnip.
  • Mayonnaise to taste.

The cooking process begins with the preparation of the fish. It must be disassembled into fillets, removing all bones, even the smallest ones. Separately, you need to boil all the vegetables, cool and peel. The salad is assembled in layers. Put the herring in the first layer, onion on top. Then comes the diced potatoes (you can grate on a coarse grater), grated carrots and beets. Each layer should be well coated with mayonnaise.

Milk kissel

What better way to end your meal than a glass of delicious jelly? In Soviet times, fruit and berry jelly was cooked. And there were dairy ones like that. The menu of the Soviet catering was quite varied and interesting, contrary to modern ideas. Let's learn to make this drink together.

You will need:

  • Milk - 3 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Starch - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vanilla sugar.

Dilute the starch with a glass of cold milk and strain. Pour the rest of the milk into a saucepan and boil. Add sugar. Now pour in the starch in a thin stream, stirring continuously. Cook for 5 minutes. Vanilla must be added to the finished jelly. Pour into vases and refrigerate. Best served with jam or condensed milk. Children will especially like this delicacy. Moreover, it is very beneficial for the growing body, as it contains quite a lot of calcium.

As you can see, the Soviet cuisine was very interesting. All dishes are simple and inexpensive, yet healthy, tasty and nutritious. If you want to plan or diversify your family's usual menu, then pay attention to them.

For many, the era of the USSR is associated with total deficit and economy... And this applied not only to essentials, clothes, but also products. On the shelves were stacked in a pyramid canned fish and condensed milk, and a magnificent saleswoman in a starched cap with all the importance asked: "What do you want?" As if the choice was very large.

But even at that time, our mothers and grandmothers managed to cook amazingly delicious desserts, the recipes of which are still relevant now. Recipes are not just kept in family cookbooks, but also passed down from generation to generation. Every young housewife considers it necessary to bring something new to the well-known recipe, improving it. It's time to remember the good old recipes.

bird's milk


  • 280 g butter
  • 410 g sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 150 g wheat flour
  • 2 pinches of vanillin
  • 2 egg whites
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid
  • 20 g gelatin
  • 100 g condensed milk
  • 130 ml of water
  • 100 g chocolate
  • 100 ml cream


  1. Start by making the cakes. To do this, beat 100 g of butter and 100 g of sugar. Add 1 egg and a pinch of vanilla. Whisk the whole mixture well. Add 150 g wheat flour and knead the dough.
  2. Divide the dough into 2 pieces. Distribute each piece in 2 circles along the bottom of the mold. Send to bake in the oven at 230 ° C.
  3. Enough 10 minutes. When the cakes are cool, place one of them on the bottom of the mold.
  4. For soufflé, whisk 180 g of butter and 100 g of condensed milk. Fill the gelatin with water. Leave it like this for about half an hour.
  5. Pour 130 ml of water over the sugar. Bring ingredients to a boil. Simmer for about 5 minutes. It is important to stir the mixture constantly.
  6. Whisk the whites citric acid and vanillin. Pour in hot sugar syrup into the protein mass and keep mixing. Pour the protein mass into a mixture of condensed milk and butter. Add loose gelatin there as well. Whisk the whole mixture on low speed until the ingredients are smooth.
  7. Pour half of the soufflé into the cake pan. Place the second cake on top and cover with the remaining soufflé. Refrigerate dessert for 3 hours.
  8. Prepare the frosting by melting the chocolate and mixing it with the cream. Spread the icing over the cake and refrigerate.



  • 325 g butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 5 g salt
  • 250 g icing sugar
  • 575 g wheat flour
  • 3 pecans
  • 450 g condensed milk


  1. Whisk eggs and icing sugar in one bowl and flour and butter in another. Mix both masses and add salt.
  2. Combine everything until smooth in a mixer. Submit ready dough in the refrigerator for about 60 minutes.
  3. Remove the dough from the refrigerator. Roll it into a layer 3 mm thick. Put all the dough in a mold and send to bake for 15 minutes. Oven temperature - 180 ° С.
  4. Fill each dough nut half with condensed milk. Add the pecans. Then glue the halves.

Chocolate sausage


  • 170 g butter
  • 130 g icing sugar
  • 40 g cocoa
  • 90 g condensed milk
  • 100 g wheat flour
  • 70 g almonds
  • 130 g shortbread cookies


  1. Grind the almonds in a blender. Send cookies there. Chop and combine both ingredients. Add flour to ingredients.
  2. Combine butter, condensed milk, icing sugar and cocoa separately. Mix everything until smooth. Now combine the cream and dry foods. Mix well.
  3. Divide the whole mass into two parts. Place each on plastic wrap, roll into a sausage. Freeze for 2 hours.



  • 600 g puff yeast-free dough
  • 140 g sugar
  • 400 ml milk
  • 5 g vanillin
  • 5 egg yolks
  • 50 g wheat flour
  • 300 ml cream


  1. Roll out the dough into a very thin layer. Then just divide it into 5 squares. Place each piece on a baking sheet. Puncture with a fork. Send to bake for 10 minutes. The temperature in the oven should be 190 ° C.
  2. Bake and crush the remaining pieces of dough.
  3. Mix 70 g sugar, milk, and vanillin. Boil the whole mass.
  4. Pour the remaining sugar into the yolks. Mix. Add flour. Mix again.
  5. Pour out egg mixture into still hot milk. Whisk.
  6. Use a mixer to whip the cream and add it to custard... Mix.
  7. Assemble the cake from 5 layers. Lubricate it with cream and sprinkle with scrap crumbs.

Wafer rolls


  • 8 eggs
  • 280 g sugar
  • 810 g butter
  • 560 g wheat flour
  • 860 g condensed milk
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil


  1. Mix eggs with sugar. Add 560 g of melted butter to the food, as well as flour and vegetable oil... Mix all ingredients.
  2. Preheat the electric waffle iron. Pour 2 tbsp into it. l. test. Close and press it down. After the dough has spread, bake the waffles for another 4 minutes.
  3. Mix condensed milk with 250 g of butter. Fill the tubules with cream.



  • 300 g biscuits
  • 270 g condensed milk
  • 100 g butter
  • 3 tbsp. l. cocoa
  • 1 tbsp. l. cognac (optional)
  • Walnuts for decoration


  1. Grind the cookies in a blender.
  2. Combine condensed milk, half cocoa and butter. Add cognac. Mix again.
  3. Add all the cookies to the resulting mass. Remember the dough with your hands so that the cookie crumbs don't stand out.
  4. Divide the resulting mass into 10 parts. Shape each piece into a potato.
  5. Dip potatoes in cocoa. Grind walnuts and decorate the potatoes by making eyes.

Sour cream


  • 200 g wheat flour
  • 6 eggs
  • 200 g sugar
  • 8 g baking powder
  • 3 g vanillin
  • 180 g icing sugar
  • 1 200 g sour cream
  • 70 g strawberries


  1. Combine sugar and eggs until thick foam.
  2. Combine flour, vanillin, and baking powder. Add all the dry mixture to the egg mass and mix well.
  3. Pour the mass into a mold and send to bake in preheated to 180 ° C oven within 40 minutes.
  4. Whisk the sour cream and icing sugar.
  5. Cut the sour cream into cakes. Lubricate each of them with cream. Garnish with strawberries.

Honey cake


  • 3 eggs
  • 50 g butter
  • 600 g sugar
  • 150 ml of liquid honey
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 500 g wheat flour
  • 500 g sour cream


  1. Place a large pot of water on the fire.
  2. Combine eggs and 300 g sugar in a small saucepan. Whisk the food until foamy. Add butter, soda, and honey to the mass.
  3. The pot with these ingredients must be placed on water bath for 15 minutes. Stir the mixture all this time until its volume doubles.
  4. Add 1 tbsp. l. wheat flour. Stir the ingredients so that there are no lumps left. Remove mass from heat.
  5. Add the remaining flour. Knead soft dough... Divide it into 8 parts. Wrap each in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  6. Roll out the dough into thin cakes. Bake each crust on a separate baking sheet for 3 minutes. Temperature - 180 ° С. Trim the cakes at the edges and set aside to cool.
  7. Combine sour cream and remaining sugar to make a cream.
  8. Assemble the cake, brushing each cake with cream. Grind the trimmings into crumbs and sprinkle with honey cake. Leave the cake at room temperature for 2 hours. Then refrigerate for another 8 hours.



  • 30 g yeast
  • 360 g wheat flour
  • 120 g butter
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. rum
  • 100 g raisins
  • 5 tbsp. l. milk
  • 500 g sugar
  • 6 eggs
  • 310 ml water
  • 2 tsp lemon juice


  1. Prepare the dough: fresh yeast you need to dissolve in warmed milk, add 1 pinch of sugar and 1/3 of all the flour. Mix the ingredients and just cover. The dough will approximately double.
  2. Add 40 g of sugar, butter, and salt to the matched dough. Knead the dough until it has completely absorbed the butter.
  3. Add all the eggs one at a time, without stopping to knead.
  4. Pour all the flour and steamed raisins into the dough. Now knead the dough. Cover it and leave to rise for about 60 minutes.
  5. Divide the dough that has come into molds. Lubricate each grandmother with butter. Leave it on for another 20 minutes.
  6. Expose temperature by 180 ° С... Send the tins of dough to the oven for 15 minutes.
  7. Mix 100 g of sugar with 160 ml of water. Put the mixture on fire and boil the syrup. Once it has cooled, add the rum. Dip each rum baba in the syrup.
  8. Pour 250 g sugar with 150 ml hot water. Cook over high heat for 3 minutes after baking. Add lemon juice... Cool the syrup to 70 ° C and beat until it starts to turn white. Place the saucepan with fondant on the fire and bring to the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  9. Lubricate each grandmother with fondant.

Dessert "Kievsky"


  • 310 g hazelnuts
  • 3 egg whites
  • 185 g sugar
  • 1 pinch vanilla
  • 20 g wheat flour
  • 250 g cream
  • 75 g icing sugar
  • 20 g cocoa powder


  1. Fry the hazelnuts. Cool it down. Set aside 30 grams of nuts. You will need them for decoration. Peel the leftover nuts. Grind them in a blender.
  2. Set the temperature to 140 ° C. Beat the whites with a mixer, add 100 g of sugar. Whisk again until foamy. Add vanillin.
  3. Combine the remaining sugar with 70 g of chopped hazelnuts and flour. Pour this mixture into the protein mass. Do this gradually to keep it fluffy.
  4. Fill a pastry bag with this mixture. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Spread the mixture on the parchment in dime-sized portions.
  5. Send the baking sheet to the oven for half an hour. Then lower the temperature to 90 ° C and bake for another 25 minutes.
  6. Cook sugar syrup (sugar and water - 1: 1). When it begins to thicken, add 200 g of hazelnuts to it. Bring the mixture to a caramel consistency. Transfer the mixture to a baking sheet lined with parchment. Wait for it to cool down. Break it into pieces.
  7. Whisk in cream and icing sugar. Mix 1/3 of the cream with the cocoa.
  8. Now place a layer of meringue on the bottom of the glass. The second layer will be butter cream no cocoa. Alternate layers until the ingredients run out. The top layer will be a cream with cocoa, and then a broken crocant. Sprinkle with nuts.

We enjoyed some desserts quite often, others only on holidays. Now the ingredients are more accessible, so you can forget about total savings and cook these amazing childhood desserts more often.

Many treat the recipes of the USSR era with disdain. What could be cooked there if there was not even butter on the store shelves? But even without jamon, dor blue and marzipans, Soviet women created real masterpieces. Here are just the most popular ones.

Olivier salad

Soviet option salad was very different from the pre-revolutionary. It was so "based on" that it could well be called a parody. Neither hazel grouses, nor pressed caviar, nor crayfish ...

The Soviet version, familiar to us, was invented in the Moscow restaurant in the capital immediately after the revolution. All the tastiest things have disappeared from it, and the hazel grouses have been replaced altogether. boiled chicken... And in times of special "revelry" of developed socialism, many housewives generally abandoned poultry, replacing it with boiled sausage. Oddly enough, it was in this form that the salad became known almost all over the world. In Europe it is now called "Russian salad", which, in general, is fair.

How to cook. Everything is very simple. To begin with, they boiled potatoes, meat, eggs, took out pickles from a barrel or jar, brought them from the cellar onion and opened a jar of green peas. Now the most dreary thing remained: everyone was chopping into cubes, except for peas, of course. Mayonnaise, salt, pepper were added, and the last magic action: mixed. For a normal bowl of salad, a pound of meat is enough, the same amount of potatoes, ten eggs, five cucumbers, two onions and a jar of peas.

How to make it tastier. First, you can make mayonnaise yourself with olive oil rather than buying from a store. Secondly, it is not forbidden to add shrimp to all this riot. For happiness, you need three hundred grams, do not regret it.

Shuba salad

There is a very beautiful revolutionary legend. Say, during the Civil War, not indifferent Komsomol members came up with the proletarian salad Sh.U.B.A., abbreviated to Chauvinism and Decline - Boycott and Anathema. The most went to the salad simple ingredients, without any bourgeois frills.

Believe in this story or not - everyone's personal business. The "fur coat" became popular after the war, and Soviet cookery can be proud of it - this is an absolutely unique dish that immediately became popular. But, unlike "Olivier", in the world it is known exclusively as "this extravagant Russian salad with herring", or "oh my God, why do they do this."

How to cook. There are many variations of the recipe, but they all have one thing in common: you need boiled beets. In addition to her, the usual list includes boiled potatoes, carrot and also herring. Vegetarian option with seaweed not everyone can stand it. Vegetables were boiled, cooled, peeled, chopped or grated. The herring was also crushed, vegetable oil was added. The whole essence of the salad is that the products were laid in layers and each of them was wholeheartedly coated with mayonnaise. The very first was herring, then carrots, potatoes and beets. Ideal proportions: there should be as much of each vegetable in the salad as the herring base.

How to make it tastier. Do not feel sorry for mayonnaise - the salad loves it. Now quite often, in addition to traditional ingredients, onions and eggs are added. Neither one nor the other "fur coat" will definitely spoil. Gourmets use salted red fish instead of herring, but this, you see, is somehow not proletarian.

Passenger salad

Another invention of Soviet chefs. Unique, although not as popular. Most of the housewives got to know him thanks to the cookbooks of the seventies and were still very surprised: why is he called "Passenger"? Mayonnaise somehow does not imply long-term storage, salads are not taken on a hike, you cannot quickly cut it by the fire.

There is a version that in the sixties this dish was actively promoted in restaurant cars. In addition to the memoirs of individual railroad workers, no other evidence of this could be found.

How to cook. There are only three main products in the salad, plus the constant dressing - mayonnaise. Made it from beef liver, which was first fried in large pieces, and then cut into strips. Pickled cucumbers were cut in the same way. The onions, chopped into half rings, were sautéed. Then all this was mixed, salted, pepper and the magic "Provencal" was added. Half a kilogram of liver took the same amount of onions and half as many cucumbers.

How to make it tastier. The combination of products is almost perfect, hardly anyone will be able to achieve the best. However, some housewives, at the request of faint-hearted husbands, reduce the amount of onions. Doubtful step.

Student soup

You cannot find this recipe in a Soviet cookbook, but any student who studied then remembers it perfectly. And even in several versions - depending on the available products and financial capabilities.

For some reason, modern Russian websites and communities devoted to cooking are strongly demanding the use of broth in the recipe. Of course, "Student" is similar to the French cheese soups, but there was no question of any special broth. All meat broth was provided exclusively by sausages.

How to cook. As usual, it all starts with peeling potatoes (0.5 kg). In a completely hopeless situation, it was replaced with pasta, but it was not so tasty. It also required three hundred grams of sausages, a carrot, an onion and two processed cheese... The simplest grocery set that could be easily purchased without using connections. When the water boiled, finely chopped onions and carrots were thrown there. The sausages were also crushed, usually cut into circles - it's easier this way. At the very end came the turn of processed curds.

How to make it tastier. This is where the real scope for imagination is. Students, to enrich their taste and out of despair, did not add anything: from bell pepper to olives. And the taste did not lose from this.

Pea soup

History pea soup has several millennia. There are references to him in Ancient Greece, Rome, medieval treatises. In Russia, he is also known for a long time and is even mentioned in "Domostroy".

In the USSR, it was prepared from dry peas or special briquettes with semi-finished products. Due to its low cost, it was especially loved in workers and student canteens. At home, “musical soup” was also periodically prepared, but the dish was not festive at all.

How to cook. It is useless to consider the option with a briquette: the cooking method is painted on the wrapper. If it was made from dry peas, it was pre-soaked for 6-8 hours. Onions, carrots, any smoked meats or bacon were chopped and fried. Be sure to peel some potatoes, literally two or three things. It was boiled together with peas until half cooked, then everything was added from the pan. When the soup was ready, croutons were thrown into the plate. 250 grams of peas took 200 grams of meat, one carrot, an onion and 0.6 liters of water.

How to make it tastier. It is not at all necessary to stop at one type of smoked meats. Soup with two or even three types of meat will be much better.

Naval macaroni

Soviet interpretation italian pasta... The exact history of this dish is unknown. It appeared in cookbooks in the sixties, but it was mentioned before. Most likely, this is a classic "folk art", which was also liked by the professionals of the cookery business. Naval pasta was offered in canteens of almost all institutions and especially often in sanatoriums, boarding houses and pioneer camps. Their administration simply adored this recipe: it was almost impossible to understand how much meat was actually put there. Minced meat was mixed with noodles and tomatoes were not used, as is done in modern recipes.

How to cook. Ingenious in its simplicity composition. It has only three products: chopped meat, one onion and the actual pasta. No complicated manipulations were required either. A pound of minced meat was fried in oil until cooked, the onion was added and kept on fire until it darkened. Pepper and salt. Simultaneously, the same amount of vermicelli was boiled. Then the water was drained and the minced meat was added directly from the pan. Be sure to mix thoroughly.

How to make it tastier. Adding something to this perfection means moving away from the original idea and getting closer to what is prepared in Italy. Well, okay, cheese or herbs will not be superfluous.

Potatoes with stew

It is now impossible to repeat this recipe. The problem is the stew. The one that is sold in stores is not at all suitable in quality. There is almost no meat there, just some strange "jellied meat". You can stew the meat yourself, but you get a different taste, completely not Soviet. Why this happens is a big mystery. It remains only to feel nostalgic and get by with the current stew. But you should buy only premium products: the rest is too doubtful.

How to cook. Probably everyone has already guessed: the Soviet cuisine bribed precisely with its simplicity. And this time everything is also elementary. The potatoes were peeled, cut into large pieces and set to boil. Having brought to half-readiness, the stew was added. Right all the contents of the jar. There is a widespread recipe on the Internet in which "white fat" is offered to be removed and thrown away. Frankly speaking, this is blasphemy, for this it is necessary to transfer to a lifelong lean menu.

How to make it tastier. Many women have tried to improve this recipe. The easiest way is to add canned green peas. You can also chop and fry some onions and carrots. In general, there is room for delicious creativity.

Chicken Kiev

The de-volai cutlets of French origin became the prototype. The difference is only one and insignificant, to be honest. The French put a sauce inside theirs, usually creamy with mushrooms. Soviet citizens did not engage in such tenderness: a small piece of butter and greenfinch were enough. Initially, only foreigners in the Intourist system were pleased with the Kiev cutlet, but luxury has moved from restaurants for the elite to Soviet cuisines.

How to cook. Perhaps this is the most difficult dish in terms of preparation in our review. Don't be fooled by the simple name "cutlet" - for cooking, they used not minced meat, but a chop from chicken fillet... And for the filling, the greens were finely chopped and mixed with butter, which was taken directly from the freezer. The resulting mixture was laid out on a cue ball and wrapped so that a neat oval cutlet was obtained. Then she was rolled in an egg and bread crumbs and put on a preheated pan. Fried on both sides until a crust appeared. The final stage is ten minutes in the oven.

How to make it tastier. No way. Attempts to add mushrooms or cheese inevitably turn it into a "de-will" cutlet.


The invention is not Soviet, but it was in the USSR that it got into every home. In Russia, they began to prepare it back in the 19th century, but exclusively in noble families. For common people semolina was too expensive. But the Soviet authorities, rebuilding the food industry from scratch, launched its mass production, and flour mills literally filled up shops with semolina. And it would be okay only shops - in schools and pioneer camps, she was suppressed almost every morning. And no one stirred the lumps, of course ... Yes, this porridge turned into a nightmare for Soviet children.

How to cook. It's a shame to call this process “cooking”. Milk was poured into a saucepan, waited until it boils, and then little by little they poured semolina. For half a liter of milk, there are only 3 tablespoons of cereal. Stirring slowly, sugar and a pinch of salt were added. This stage took 5-10 minutes. At the end, a piece of butter was thrown in and thoroughly mixed again.

How to make it tastier. Semolina porridge best taken as the "base" of a sweet dish. You can add fresh and canned fruits, candied fruits, nuts, chocolate and just jam there.

Napoleon cake"

The most popular cake of those times. At the same time, it was not sold in stores or served in restaurants, it was exclusively “ home production". Each housewife had her own recipe and her own secret, although they were all, in fact, very similar.

This cake came to Russia from Europe and, despite the name, most likely from the Italian city of Naples. In the USSR, they began to cook it especially often in the eighties, when the deficit became simply depressing - the so-called "Napoleons for Poverty", where the cream was made from melted ice cream.

How to cook. Pre-prepared cakes from puff pastry. It was believed that the thinner they turned out and the more they were used, the cooler, but the main secret of taste is still the cream. Custard was used in the USSR. For him, one and a half liters of milk was put on a slow fire, at the same time they ground the yolks (8 pcs.), Sugar (400 g) and a bag of vanilla sugar, then added 100 grams of flour. All this must be added to the milk that had boiled by that time. Bring to a boil again and stir until the cream thickens. They were thoroughly coated with cakes and placed in the refrigerator. For the dough itself, three hundred grams of butter, 600 grams of flour, half a tablespoon of vinegar, a little salt, an incomplete glass of water and two eggs were required.

How to make it tastier. Spoil classic cake easier than improving, but there are some tips for Napoleon too. For example, you can add three tablespoons of brandy to the dough, and butter to the cream.