Lagman is an Uzbek recipe for home cooking. Lagman in Uzbek: how to cook classic lagman at home

It is said that there are at least 150 types of lagman. I will not argue that I am not an expert. I can only say that the main difference from the other is in the noodles that are used in it. I bring to your attention the most traditional Uzbek way of making lagman noodles - by pulling them out of the dough.

Ingredients for lagman in Uzbek:

For noodles:
Cold water - 200 g;

Flour - 400 g;

Salt - 2 teaspoons;

Vegetable oil for stretching - 200 g.

For meat sauce with vegetables (waji):

Beef meat (lamb is traditionally used, but it is difficult to buy it from us) - 400 g;

Tomatoes - 2 pcs.;

Carrots (there are never too many carrots) - 2-3 pcs.;

Onions - 1 pc.;

Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;

Vegetable oil - 100 g.

Potatoes - 1 pc. if large, you can 2-3 pieces.

Tomato paste - 1 tablespoon

Seasonings for lagman:

Zira - 1 tablespoon

Ground coriander - half a tablespoon

Sweet paprika - 1 tablespoon.

For hot sauce:

Garlic -3 cloves

Hot pepper - 1 pc. (you can take dried pepper, then - 1 teaspoon)

Basil greens - 1 bunch

Cilantro and dill greens to add to the finished lagman

How to cook lagman:

Initially, we will cook noodles for lagman. To do this, pour water into a large cup, add salt, add all the flour at once. Knead hard dough. In fact, the success of the drawn noodles depends on how you knead the dough thoroughly. So do not be lazy, remember the dough for 10-15 minutes, then it will be more uniform.

Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for one hour. After that, take out the dough, remember a little more and roll it into a thick cake. Cut the dough into 4 strips and brush with vegetable oil.

Lubricate your hands with vegetable oil and. consistently moving your hands, try to stretch the dough, giving it the shape of bundles. Twist the dough lightly and pull through your fingers.

Roll up the dough with a snail and pour over with vegetable oil. Cover with a plastic bag and let stand for 15 minutes.

Then repeat the procedure for stretching the dough with oily hands. After that, your harnesses will be about one and a half meters long.

Re-roll the bundles with a snail, pour over with oil, cover with a bag and let stand for 5 minutes.

Repeat the procedure one more time. After it, the length of the bundles will already be three meters.

And stretch the dough one last time. The length of each harness will be approximately 6 meters. At the same time, do not roll a snail out of the noodles, but just scatter it randomly on the table. The thickness of the noodles will be 5-7 millimeters. If you are a fanatic of pulled noodles, then do not stop there, and pull the noodles until they are 2-3 millimeters thick. But personally, I am quite satisfied with the result with noodles 6 meters long each and 5-7 millimeters thick.

It remains to boil the noodles in a large saucepan in salted water. Bring the water and salt to a boil, collect the noodles on your hand and dip in the water. Stir the noodles immediately in a saucepan with a wooden sushi stick (very handy) to keep the noodles from sticking together.

Do not cook the noodles for a long time. After the noodles float, cook for no more than 2 minutes and remove.

Pour the finished noodles with vegetable oil and stir with a stick so that they do not stick together.

By the way, I forgot to say that it is better to cook each noodle flagellum separately, but you can put the finished noodles all together.

Our noodles are ready, let's proceed to the second important component of our lagman. It is called Waja. Let's prepare the ingredients.

Cut the meat into cubes with a side of 1 centimeter.

Cut the onion into cubes.

Remove seeds from pepper and cut into squares. For a lagman, all components must be of the same size.

Cut out the base of the tomatoes. Remove the skins from the tomatoes. Cut the tomatoes into cubes.

You can start cooking. Important: lagman should be cooked only in a cauldron. There is a uniform heating of the bottom and walls. Therefore, the lagman prepares quickly. Pour vegetable oil into the cauldron. Let it warm up, put the onion so that the oil absorbs the aroma of the onion. When the onion is soft. Put the meat in the cauldron. Fry the meat for a short time, about 10 minutes.

While the meat is roasting, grind the cumin in a mortar and add to the meat.

Place the ground coriander in the cauldron immediately.

Peel the carrots, cut into cubes and place in a cauldron.

Fry the carrots for no more than 5 minutes, then put in a cauldron bell pepper... Fry all together for another 5 minutes.

And now it's the turn of the tomatoes. Put them in a cauldron and wait until all the tomato juice is absorbed into the meat.

Season the meat with vegetables. Add sugar if desired, but this is not for everybody. Personally, I like it with sugar. Add paprika.

And at the very end, peel the potatoes, cut them into the same small cubes as all the other vegetables and put them in the cauldron. Put tomato paste... Pour some water into the cauldron just to cover the vegetables.

Try again with salt, if necessary, add salt, stir, close the lid and cook for about 30 minutes.

While wajah is brewing, cook spicy sauce To her. Peel the cloves of garlic. Pass the garlic through a press.

Chop hot peppers finely, after removing the seeds, and put in a mortar with garlic. You can replace fresh peppers with dried flakes. Add the basil leaves to the mortar and grind all the ingredients in the mortar.

Add a little liquid from the boiling waji, stir, you get an excellent hot sauce, without which lagman is not lagman.

All the components of the lagman are ready, it remains to collect it in portioned plates or bowls, as is customary in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. But there is one small "but" left. The noodles are cold. I hope you haven't emptied the water in which you boiled the noodles yet. Reheat this water. Place the noodles in a sieve and dip in hot water for a few seconds. The vegetable oil with which the noodles were watered will come off it, and the noodles will take on their original appearance.

Put the noodles on the bottom of a cup (bowl), put waja on top with a slide, pour with hot sauce.

Chop cilantro and dill greens and place in a bowl. Everything can be served on the table! Lagman in Uzbek with homemade noodles is ready, guests will be happy!

Bon appetit from the Spoon-Cook !!!

Dishes Uzbek cuisine- food that is familiar to many since childhood. It is unlikely that many will name more than two or three dishes, and it will most likely be pilaf, manti or lagman, but Uzbek cuisine is rich and varied.
Most importantly, the dishes are prepared from natural products, there are no complicated ingredients, and the taste is amazing.
Lagman- this is uzbek soup with homemade noodles, a kind of Central Asian version of ramen with a very spicy and fatty lamb broth and lots of vegetables and meat. Depending on the recipe, there is a thinner or thicker lagman.

Eggplant appetizer "Badamjan" are baked or fried eggplant with pieces of bell pepper and radishes, sprinkled with finely chopped herbs and drizzled with oil.

Chuchvara is a soup with small dumplings that is usually served with suzma (fermented milk product like sour cream) and contains black pepper, onion, tomato paste and bell pepper.

Pilaf - delicious combination rice, pieces of beef, veal or lamb, carrots, onions and a special set of spices. It is easy to cook in large quantities in a cauldron, which is why this dish is often the basis of the holiday table.

Salad "Tashkent"- signature capital salad made from boiled beef tongue, radish and herbs, seasoned sour cream sauce and garnished with fried onions.

Manty- a dish of meat and dough that is steamed. Beef, lamb or veal is used as the filling, although there is an option with pumpkin. The filling must be chopped into pieces, otherwise all the juice will flow out. Onions and spices are also put inside. If desired, a little fat tail fat is sometimes added for flavor. Manty is eaten with kaymak (not to be confused with curd cheese, which is sold in stores), but it is not found in Russia, so it is better to eat it with sour cream, not forgetting to sprinkle it with fresh herbs.

Samsa- triangular pies made of homemade puff pastry stuffed with meat or pumpkin, onions, lamb fat and spices. As in manti, the filling is cut into cubes. Samsa is baked in a clay oven - tandoor, but at home you can also cook it in the oven. When the samsa is ready, it is oiled egg yolk and sprinkled with black sesame seeds.

Achik-chuchuk salad, also known as "Achichuk", is fresh tomatoes, onion, garlic and herbs. This dish is perfect for vegetarians and fasting people.

Naryn- this is the National dish Uzbek cuisine from homemade noodles and boiled meat served with broth. Usually naryn is prepared from lamb, horse meat or kazy (boiled horse meat sausage) and sometimes from veal or beef. The main secret this dish - before cooking the meat, it must be covered with salt and dried for 24 hours. This is to keep the broth clear and rich. Onions are added to meat and noodles. V original recipe take ordinary fresh onions, chop, grind with your hands and add to the dish. You can also fry the onions and brush the noodle dough with the remaining oil.

Shurpa- rich and fatty lamb and vegetable soup. The most famous varieties are kaitnam, where the meat is placed fresh, and kovurma, where the meat is first fried in oil.

Dimlama- the Uzbek version of the roast, which uses beef, lamb, various vegetables, including potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, onions, cabbage, and fresh herbs and - necessarily - spices.

Kutaby- fried flat pies from thinnest dough stuffed with meat, herbs, tomatoes, cheese - individually or together.

Kabob (shish kebab)- beef, lamb or veal, skewered in small pieces and cooked over an open fire. As a rule, the meat is pre-marinated. Pieces of lamb alternate with pieces of fat tail fat, which browns over the fire and gains the most delicate taste, and when served, all this splendor is sprinkled with fresh, finely chopped onions and herbs and sprinkled with vinegar. Spicy tomato or adjika is suitable as a sauce.

Halvaitar is the liquid embodiment of halva. Flour is added to the heated fat or butter, stirred, then sugar is added, and nuts and vanilla are added only at the end of cooking.

Tea with sweets is an Uzbek tradition. There are a lot of options for making tea in Uzbekistan, and certainly this drink is served with nuts, dried fruits and other natural and healthy treats... By the way, Uzbeks never pour a full bowl for guests, showing that they are very happy and want the guest to sit longer. A full bowl means that the owner is in a hurry to get you off.

Lagman is a multinational dish, the recipes for its preparation do not differ much, but they have significant nuances flavors... Uzbeks always cook this dish in thick cast-iron cauldrons and only on vegetable oil... The Uzbek lagman recipe differs in the composition of the ingredients for the sauce. From meat, preference is given to lamb and beef, from vegetables they use cabbage and tomatoes in large quantities, add green radish, beans, garlic, from greens use parsley, cilantro, basil and cumin.

By the way, lagman got its name from the name of the noodles that are pulled by hand.

How to cook real lagman in Uzbek?

Let's start with the gravy. For gravy we need:

Sunflower oil - 100-150 gr.
Beef or lamb pulp - 600-700 gr.
Bulgarian pepper 1 sweet colored, 1 green
Carrots -2 pcs.
2-3 small potatoes
A pair of bulbs
Daikon radish - 1 pc.
Tomatoes -3 pcs.
Some cabbage.
Pickled arrows of garlic.
Jandu green beans or long asparagus
Fresh garlic, a couple of cloves.
Spices: salt, black pepper, red pepper, paprika, cumin, cilantro.

First, oil with several cloves of garlic is heated in a cauldron, which is then removed. Next, fry the meat in a cauldron over maximum heat until light crust.

Add onions, carrots, bell peppers, fry the radish, stirring constantly. Then we add spices, but not too much, so as not to overpower the taste of vegetables. Fry for a couple of minutes, add a little water and bring to a boil.

Then put the cabbage, pickled garlic, potatoes and tomatoes. Add water, reduce heat and cook until potatoes are ready.

Now let's move on to the noodles. You can, of course, buy it in the store, or make it yourself. There are two cooking options. The first is simplified and the second is a real lagman that is pulled. The process is certainly time consuming, but it's worth it!

Option 1

500 g wheat flour
1 egg
0.5 tsp salt
0.75 cups water

Knead a hard dough, roll it into a ball and let it rest under a napkin for 15 minutes. Then roll it into a layer, roll it into a roll and cut the noodles. Boil in salted water, remove, rinse under cold water, let the water drain and pour over the noodles with vegetable oil so that it does not crumble in a lump.

Option 2

700 gr. Flour
2 eggs
80 gr. sunflower oil
glass of water
a teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of slaked vinegar baking soda

We mix water, eggs, salt, soda, sunflower oil... Add flour and knead the dough. It should be elastic and not sticky to your hands. Leave the dough for 40 minutes. Then we divide the dough into four parts. Roll each part with our hands on a table, greased with oil into a pencil-thick tourniquet.

We put the harnesses on a greased plate. Sprinkle generously with oil on top and cover with cling film. We put it in the refrigerator for an hour.

We take out our blanks, we begin to unwind and pull at the same time. The oil-soaked tourniquets become very elastic.

As a result, one long noodles as thick as a match are made from each bundle.

Dip in salted boiling water and cook for 3 minutes. Throw in a colander, rinse with water. The noodles are ready.

We take deep plates on the bottom, put finely chopped greens, put lagman on top and pour the gravy.

Bon Appetit!

Video recipe for lagman in Uzbek!

To prepare a classic Uzbek lagman, you will need:

300 ml of water

1 kg lamb

4 onions

3 carrots


bell pepper

green radish

3 cloves of garlic

6 tomatoes

100 ml vegetable oil

salt, coriander to taste

some paprika, chili pepper

a bunch of fresh herbs

    It is recommended to start cooking with noodles. In principle, it can also be purchased at the store. If you want to make it yourself, knead a fairly tough dough. To do this, combine salt, beaten egg, water and flour. Ready dough cover and refrigerate for half an hour. Wait for the dough to cool and cut into equal four pieces. Roll each piece well and roll up the rolls. Then finely chop the resulting rolls. Spread the noodles on the table and dust them with a little flour. The noodles should dry out.

    Now you can start cooking the meat. Rinse thoroughly, dry and cut the lamb into pieces. Take a deep-bottomed saucepan and heat the oil in it. Put the garlic and pieces of fat from the meat there. Make fresh tomato paste in a blender and combine with finely chopped garlic. When the fat is melted in a saucepan, remove the fried garlic from there and add the pieces of lamb.

    Cut the peeled vegetables into small pieces - radishes, peppers, carrots and celery. Place them on top of the grilled meat. Also add seasoning to the saucepan, cover it and continue simmering. After about a quarter of an hour, add the garlic-tomato mixture to the meat.

    Place the noodles in boiling salted water and cook until tender. When it is cooked, this water will need to be drained into a stewpan with meat. After a while, the lagman can be served to the table. Put the noodles on the bottom of the plate and pour over the resulting soup. Sprinkle fresh herbs on top of the dish.

    You will spend much less time on cooking fried lagman in Uzbek. it great dish for novice cooks. You will need following ingredients: 300 g of lagman noodles, half a kilo of lamb, 2 onions, 200 g of tomato paste, 3 cloves of garlic, a bunch of greens and parsley, 3 eggs, 3 tbsp. spoons of milk, as well as pepper and salt to taste.

    Fry the onions in vegetable oil. Then add the lamb chopped into strips and cook over low heat. Wait until the meat is half cooked and add tomato paste and crushed garlic to the pan. Remove skillet from heat.

    Boil the lagman noodles separately. Add it to the sauce. After that, you need to make an omelet from milk and three eggs, cut it into thick strips. That's all. It remains only to put the omelet to the noodles and sauce, mix everything thoroughly and arrange on plates.

  1. Be sure to sprinkle the finished lagman with finely chopped herbs and garlic.
"Pilaf Summit": a recipe for pilaf from Vasily Emelianenko

Today I bring to your attention the favorite national food of the peoples of oriental cuisine, a real lagman - this is noodles with a thick gravy of meat and vegetables.

When my husband first tried this dish in Fergana, Uzbekistan, he fell in love with oriental cuisine. I very often cook pilaf, samsa, lagman at home for my beloved husband.

Lagman, cooked with your own hands at home, turns out to be unusually fragrant and satisfying, it can be both the first and second course . With a large amount of broth, lagman is similar to soup, with other cooking methods - noodles with gravy.

Some housewives prepare "European" lagman from chicken, it turns out to be less nutritious and light. And some people like lagman with pork, and in Islam it is forbidden to eat pork. I always cook at home classic recipe real Uzbek lamb lagman.

The main ingredients of this delicious dish are meat (beef or lamb), home-drawn noodles (chuzma) and gravy (waja).Vegetables are used - potatoes, eggplants, cabbage, garlic, pickled peppers, tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, radishes and beans. And the addition of traditional spices and herbs determines the unique taste of lagman.

Lagman is prepared at home in a cauldron, and it is especially tasty with a smoke in a cauldron on wood. Did you cook lagman at the stake?

Culinary tips and subtleties of making lagman at home

  • Young mutton (sheep meat from three months to one year old), such lamb has a delicate texture, a small amount of white fat and has a light red color.

How to cook lagman in Uzbek at home: a step by step recipe

In the preparation of this recipe, only two ingredients cannot be changed - these are meat and noodles, the rest are at your discretion.

Someone likes the combination of two types of meat, someone more meat in the dish, someone allows the preparation of cut noodles.

How to make gravy


  • Lamb - 0.7 kg
  • sunflower, cottonseed oil - ½ tbsp.
  • vegetables: peppers, cabbage, green beans, eggplant, tomatoes
  • root vegetables: turnips, carrots, radishes, potatoes - 300 gr.
  • garlic and onion - 1 head
  • spices: parsley, cilantro, celery, basil, chili - to taste
  • spices: coriander, star anise, oregano, cumin - to taste
  • tomato paste - ½ tbsp. l.

The sauce for the dish can be made thicker or thinner.

If you want to cook thick sauce, then all the vegetables that make up it (potatoes are not added here) are cut into strips and only lightly fried, which is why they remain crispy.

And potatoes are certainly included in a more liquid sauce, and all the components are cut into cubes, and then stewed for a long time in a cauldron, as a result of which they turn out to be very soft.

Step by step cooking:

Wash the lamb, peel it off and cut it into matchbox-sized pieces.

Pour the oil into the heated cauldron, after it is hot, carefully put the pieces of lamb in the cauldron and season with salt and pepper.

Wash, peel and cut all vegetables into small cubes. Cut the onion into half rings. Chop the garlic.

When the lamb pieces are evenly fried to a light brown crust, begin to put them in the vegetables at intervals of 5 minutes in the following sequence: onions, carrots, potatoes, Bell pepper and finally tomatoes.

Add tomato paste to the sauce, stir the contents of the cauldron, and pour hot water into it, the level of which should be 2-3 fingers above the level of the mixture.

When the sauce boils, reduce the heat under the cauldron, put chopped garlic in the gravy, add all the spices indicated in the recipe, add salt to the sauce, and leave it to simmer under the lid for another quarter of an hour.

Put finely chopped celery leaves and chopped parsley in the gravy, close the cauldron tightly and let the sauce brew a little.

How to make dough and noodles

Cooking noodles will take patience and time. So it's up to you to pull the dough for lagman or get by with special store noodles. In factory packs, long pasta they are called "Lagmon".

And if you want to really taste the taste of a delicious food, you need to make noodles for it with your own hands.


  • flour -3 cups
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • water - 2/3 cup
  • salt, soda
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Step by step cooking:

Mix flour in equal proportions, add eggs, salt.

Then pour in warm water and knead the dough in a circular motion.

It will be sticky and sticky to your fingers. Take your time to add flour, it will make it tough. The dough should be very soft.
Continue kneading the dough, adding a little more flour over and over again to make a tough dough. Gradually it will become malleable. Then knead the dough for a long time and thoroughly.

Roll the finished dough into a ball, wrap in a cloth napkin and leave for one hour in the refrigerator. After an hour, take out the dough, knead it well again, add flour, if necessary.

After an hour, take out the dough, knead it well again, add flour, if necessary.
Roll out the round dough into a layer. Cut into small pieces, then roll into identical sausages.

It is also very important to properly stretch the noodles. This is quite difficult, so it can take 2-3 hours to cook perfectly thin and even noodles. But if you have patience, then everything will certainly work out. To make it easier to pull the noodles, you need to start with a small amount of dough. Roll out the round dough into a layer, cut the dough into several pieces and roll them into bundles. It is imperative to grease each tourniquet with oil so that the noodles do not dry out and the dough does not break.

First, start rolling the dough between your palms, then stretch it, lightly hit the table (gently) and fold in half until you get the thickness you want.

Boil the noodles in plenty of salted boiling water. After the noodles float, cook for one minute, that's enough. After that, you need to rinse the noodles with cold water, and then grease with oil.

Spices and condiments

Spices and seasonings are important in the preparation of the dish. Spices are used both during cooking and to create a seasoning.

Traditional spices - ground ginger and star anise, cilantro, turmeric, black and red peppers, garlic, cumin, coriander, pepper - peas, celery, dzhusai (onion, which gives the delicacy a light garlic aroma), also dominates the dish rayhon (purple basil)

How to serve lagman

Serve this asian dish To family dinner follows hot in deep bowls.

Lagman is combined into one dish before use. If the meat is fried in large pieces then cut it into portions... And if the noodles are cold, pour boiling water over them.

First, put the boiled noodles in a bowl, then lay out pieces of boiled meat and vegetables and pour everything with rich meat broth.

Chop more greens - dill, parsley. Add cilantro to add a special flavor. To make the dish spicy, you can season with crushed garlic and dill seeds, with the addition of ground red pepper, serve hot sauce and vinegar gravy.

it classic version cooking lagman in Uzbek, but this recipe can be varied in accordance with the season, availability of products and taste preferences.

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