Poultry milk sweets calorie content 100 grams. "Bird's milk" sweets, calorie content and benefits of these sweets

The case when the low-calorie version of the dessert turned out to be many times better than the original, at the same time, the first time. I expected to count a lot of calories for him - it does not fit in my head that something so tasty can be low in calories, but it turned out only 138.6 kcal. I'd like to advise you to forget all desserts and cook only this one, but the taste and color of the markers, as you know, are different. I highly recommend trying this cake. Our masterpiece will consist of two thin and juicy biscuit cakes and two souffle layers: one is chocolate-vanilla, and the other is lemon. The top of the cake will be covered with delicate chocolate icing.

You will need:

For condensed milk:

  • Low-fat milk - 300 g
  • Skimmed milk powder - 10 tbsp.
  • Concentrated erythritol based sweetener - to taste

For a biscuit cake:

  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Corn starch - 2 tablespoons
  • Concentrated sweetener based on erythritol - 2 tsp
  • Baking powder - ½ tsp
  • Vanilla

For soufflé:

  • Gelatin - 30 g
  • Low-fat milk - 100 g
  • Egg whites - 7 pcs.
  • Concentrated erythritol-based sweetener - 2 tsp
  • Lemon acid
  • Lemon - 1.5 pcs.
  • Cocoa - 1 tablespoon

For glaze:

  • Egg yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Cocoa - 2 tablespoons
  • Skimmed milk powder - 2 tbsp.
  • Low-fat milk - 150 g
  • Concentrated erythritol-based sweetener - 2-3 tsp
  • Vanilla

To decorate:

  • Fruit / Nuts / Fantasy Fruit


Turn the oven on for preheating.

Let's start by making condensed milk in the most primitive way. To do this, we need either a microwave-safe bowl or a saucepan with non-stick coating for a gas or other oven. In it we mix 300 g of low-fat milk with 10 tablespoons with a slide of skim milk powder and with a sweetener to taste, and the taste should be very sweet like condensed milk, break the lumps with a whisk and set to heat.

If you are cooking in a non-stick pan on the stove, then simmer, stirring constantly until thickened. If in the microwave, then periodically take out and stir. The time after which it is better to do this is constantly decreasing, reduce the power too. For example, I started with 60 seconds, with gradual heating, began to get it more often - after 10-6 seconds. When it has become slightly viscous, stop cooking, as it cools it will thicken a little more. We set aside to cool.

Now let's prepare the dough for biscuit cake... To do this, we separate the whites of the three eggs from the yolks.

Beat the whites separately into a tight, strong foam until stable peaks. Beat the yolks with 2 tsp. sweetener.

Then pour the yolk mass into the protein mass, add 2 tablespoons sifted through a sieve. corn starch, 2 tbsp. skimmed milk powder, ½ tsp. baking powder and vanilla on the tip of a knife.

We mix all this carefully so that the protein foam does not settle, using a spatula, lifting from the bottom, into a homogeneous mass.

Pour into greased vegetable oil form and send it to an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

We check the readiness with a match, if the match is taken out dry, the cake is slightly browned, then everything is ready.

While the cake is baking, soak 30 g of gelatin in 100 g of milk - this is necessary for the souffle layer.

If the cake is ready, take it out and let it cool slightly, and in the meantime you can prepare the chocolate icing. Mix together 2 yolks (whites will be needed later), 2 generous tablespoons. cocoa, 2 tablespoons with a slide of skimmed milk powder, 2-3 tsp. sweetener and vanilla on the tip of a knife.

We supplement this with 150 ml of low-fat milk, carefully break the lumps and put on low heat. With constant stirring, bring to a thickening and almost to a boil, but do not boil. Remove from heat as soon as it is about to boil and a characteristic fine foam appears.

Stir the glaze periodically as it cools.

In the meantime, our cake has cooled slightly. We take it out of the mold and let it cool completely on a wire rack or wooden plank.

While it cools down, grate the lemon zest and squeeze the juice out of the lemon, if the fruit is small, you may need one and a half.

We cut our cake into 2 biscuits across.

We put one half on the bottom of the form with the cut up. You can spread it with a thin layer while still warm chocolate glaze.

Then we start preparing the souffle layer. We heat the gelatin-milk mixture, which has already been infused and thickened, after adding 1 tsp to it. sweetener and citric acid on the tip of a knife.

It is necessary to heat in a steam bath or in the microwave, periodically taking out and stirring, until the gelatin and the substitute dissolve, in no case bringing to a boil. The mixture should be hot - about 60-70 degrees, but not boil.

Now get ready to act quickly so that the mass after the injected gelatin does not have time to solidify.

Beat 7 proteins with citric acid on the tip of a knife and 1 teaspoon of sweetener to steady peaks. Take a larger container for this, since the proteins themselves will increase greatly, but we still have to add gelatin and condensed milk to them.

Continuing whipping, pour in still hot gelatin (if you hesitate and it has already begun to harden, heat it a little in the microwave additionally) and, without stopping whipping, add condensed milk (by this time it is still warm). Beat everything thoroughly and mix.

Next, quickly divide this mass into 2 parts, one of them may be slightly larger in volume and I recommend mixing cocoa into it, because after the introduction of cocoa, the proteins settle slightly, and the volume goes away a little. Add lemon zest and half squeezed lemon juice to one of them (smaller), beat. In the second (large) add 1 tbsp. cocoa and vanilla on the tip of a knife and beat thoroughly.

Then quickly pour the brown part onto our cake in the form, put the other half of the biscuit cake on top, press it lightly so that the soufflé is evenly distributed and compacted. The remaining half lemon juice add 1 tsp. sweetener, stir and soak evenly, pour over the biscuit layer. Then add the lemon souffle part to the mold, distribute it evenly and send it to the refrigerator for about an hour.

When the cake has grabbed, we unfasten the removable form, shaking it slightly so that the cake separates well from the form. It comes off easily. We shift the product with a wide spatula to a permanent place of deployment - a dish.

We spread chocolate glaze on all sides, distribute the remaining glaze on top and send it to the refrigerator for final solidification. The frosting on top does not turn into a hard coating like chocolate, but remains moist.

Let it stand for about an hour, then you can decorate it, although it is already beautiful, and most importantly - incredibly tasty and tender.

Weight finished cake- 1200 g.

Bird's milk chocolates is a confection made from soft milk soufflé and delicate chocolate glaze. For the first time, a similar product called ptasie mleczko began to be produced in Poland in 1936. A little later, sweets began to be produced in Romania and Russia at the Vladivostok confectionery factory. The origin of the name "bird's milk" is due to the ancient Greek idiom "an unobtainable delicacy", which means "unattainable delicacy".

The calorie content of Rot Front bird milk sweets per 100 grams is 450 kcal

The calorie content of one Rot Front bird milk candy is 60 kcal

In Russia, bird milk is not only popular candy but also the famous cake. In 2011, the name was recognized as a trademark due to which the candies with the official name “ bird's milk"Can be produced only by enterprises belonging to the confectionery group" United Confectioners ". Distinctive feature Russian recipe is the use of agar-agar instead of gelatin as a thickener that can withstand the heat required to achieve the optimal consistency of the soufflé.

In order to meet demand and increase sales, other manufacturers produce candies of similar composition with the names “Bird's milk”, “Bird”, etc. The candies are also produced in Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova.

The shelf life of "classic" sweets is 15 days. Shelf life of chocolates bird milk "Rot Front" - 6 months.

The nutritional value and the calorie content of chocolates, bird's milk "Rot Front" (per 100 g):

Calorie or the energy value - This is the amount of energy that accumulates in the human body through food and is spent due to physical activity. The unit of measurement is the kilocalorie (the amount of energy required to raise one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius). However, a kilocalorie is often referred to simply as a calorie. Therefore, speaking a calorie, in most cases we mean a kilocalorie. It has the designation - kcal.

The nutritional value- the content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the product.

Chemical composition- the content of macronutrients and microelements in the product.

Vitamins- organic compounds needed in small quantities to support human life. Their deficiency can have adverse effects on the health of the body. Vitamins are contained in food in small quantities, therefore, in order to obtain all the vitamins a person needs, it is necessary to diversify the groups and types of food.

Most women have a sweet tooth. Often it is the addiction to sweets that prevents a woman from going on a diet, since the very fact that she will have to do without her favorite sweets or chocolate for a long time is disheartening.

If, while on a diet, someone stealthily eats one candy, then later he suffers from remorse, punishing himself with additional physical exertion. There are also women who are sure that the calorie content of 1 candy cannot have a strong effect on the condition of the figure, therefore they often allow themselves such weakness.

It is also a well-known fact that the calorie content of sweets is quite high and even a small amount of them can significantly "hit" thin waist... After all, an excess of calories, one way or another, causes the appearance of excess weight.

How many calories are in candy?

The calorie content of sweets depends on their composition and weight. So, for example, the well-known "Snickers" sweets have a caloric content of 500 kcal per 100 g. Thus, after consuming them, 1.5 hours of intense physical training will not interfere, otherwise the calorie content of 1 Snickers candy will not fail to affect the figure.

As a rule, there are more calories in chocolate candy than in marmalade and hard candies. But the high sugar content in marmalade often causes various diseases of the cardiovascular system. Also, sweets can provoke the development of diabetes mellitus. And the calorie content of candy in the form of lollipops does not lag behind the calorie content of chocolate sweets.

Calorie content of chocolate sweets (kcal / 100 g)

  • Candy "Golden Step" - 488;
  • Chocolate covered prunes - 343;
  • Candy "Grand Tofi" - 452;
  • Kurye candy - 509;
  • Waffle in chocolate - 551;
  • Squirrel candy - 531;
  • Candy "Kara-Kum" - 522;
  • Chocolate bar - 527;
  • Rafaello candy - 625;
  • Truffle in chocolate - 580;
  • Comilfo candy - 585;
  • Candy "Levushka" - 386.

Calorie content of sweets in the form of chocolate bars (kcal / 100 g)

  • Bounty - 448;
  • Mars - 451;
  • Milky Way - 448;
  • Twix - 483;
  • Snickers - 497;
  • "Picnic" - 507.

How many calories are in non-chocolate candies (kcal / 100 g)

  • Calorie content of marmalade candies - 305;
  • Jelly candy - 299;
  • Iris - 400;
  • Candy caramel - 370;
  • The calorie content of the Korovka candy is 351;
  • Calorie content of 1 candy "Fondant" - 369;
  • The calorie content of the Bird's Milk candy is 418.

Calorie content of sweets: how to stay slim without giving up sweets?

One of the best options to keep weight without giving up your favorite sweets, the calorie content of which is high, is to calculate the required calories per day, taking into account physical activity and age. In order for the process of losing weight to take place, it is enough to subtract 500 from the calculated calorie norm. The result obtained is the daily calorie intake required to maintain a slim figure. However, nutritionists recommend not to get too carried away and not to exceed the threshold of 500 kcal in pursuit of quick results, as this threatens with various diseases and depletion of the body.

Thus, having calculated the calorie content of the daily diet, you can easily add a couple of sweets there, for example, a few “Cow” sweets, the calorie content of which is 351 kcal / 100 g, or “Bird's milk” sweets, the calorie content of which is 418 kcal / 100 g.

It is also necessary to take into account such advice from nutritionists - everything sweet should be consumed in the morning. So during the day, the body has time to process the energy received.

Of course, the calorie counting method brings certain inconveniences, since you have to count the calorie content of sweets and other products of the daily menu every day. To this end, it will be useful to always have on hand a table of calorie content of sweets and other food products, which will help you easily make the optimal daily diet.


What is Bird's Milk sweets?

What are the calorie content of bird's milk sweets, what do they have? dietary properties, all this interests those who lead a healthy lifestyle, watch their health and figure. So we will try to answer these questions in the next article.

It will be difficult to find a person who has never heard of such a confectionery product as "Bird's milk" sweets. At first glance, this seems strange - after all, candy cannot be called anyway dietary product... But after all, not all of us are ready, even for the sake of fighting excess weight, to completely “tie” with our favorite delicacies.

Actually, the "Bird's Milk" sweets began to be produced in Poland. To be more precise, the recipe for this product was invented by the owner of the confectionery factory Jan Wedel, who returned full of impressions from his trip to France.

Of course, the candy recipe initially had a somewhat unusual and unusual taste. They were produced with a marshmallow filling (sweets similar in taste to marshmallows).

Many people have never heard of one of the main components of these sweets, agar-agar (sometimes they simply write agar or even E406). However, agar agar is used in confectionery quite often - it is because of it that a delicate, but dense texture is obtained not only of the filling of bird milk, but also of marshmallow, marmalade, soufflé.

Agar-agar in translation from Malay means "jelly". It is similar to gelatin in properties, although it is more expensive. In addition, the structure of the products "captured" by agar is more plastic; it is more often used to create the most delicate air layers with bubbles. Agar-agar looks like a white or yellowish powder.

Agar agar is produced from marine red and brown algae that grow in the Pacific Ocean and the White Sea. It is completely natural and "suitable" for vegetarians, since, unlike gelatin, which is made from the connective tissues of animals, it contains only vegetable raw materials.

This delicacy, like any confectionery product, should be chosen especially carefully, without neglecting the information on the product label. And so, when buying, you should pay attention to the shelf life, which should not exceed six months, ideally, it should be three to four months. If you find that this term has increased to a year or more - in the composition of the product, which we will talk about a little later, there will certainly be preservatives that your body absolutely does not need.

The optimal storage temperature for these sweets is + 18 ° C, so before buying, pay attention to the temperature in the room - it will not even be bad if it is a little cool in the shopping aisle. If the temperature regime has been violated, the sweets will be covered with a white bloom ...

The appearance of the "right" sweets should be "attractive" and appetizing - a perfectly smooth, even and shiny surface, completely covered with glaze. If the surface of the candy is dull, you will find vegetable fats in the product; if the filling is peeking out from under the glaze, there are two options: either there were violations in the technological process, or the shelf life of the product has long come to an end.

Today, sweets loved from childhood can be made at home. The advantageous difference between such a delicacy is the absence of preservatives, which are added to the composition to increase the shelf life of the product.

How many calories are in Bird's Milk sweets?

Well, exactly how many calories do these candy have? And here's how much:

The calorie content of "Bird's Milk" sweets is 450 kcal per 100 grams.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BZHU) in gr. per 100 grams:

Proteins - 2.6

Fats - 24.9

carbohydrates - 56.0

The calorie content of 1 "Bird's milk" candy is 58.5 kcal.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) in grams:

Proteins - 0.3

Fats - 3.2

carbohydrates - 7.3

Recipe? Recipe!

Is it possible to cook this delicacy at home? Of course! Here's a recipe:

Homemade sweets:


  • Gelatin - 1 tablespoon
  • Juice (or compote) any - 2 glasses
  • Concentrated milk (no sugar) - 1 can
  • Chocolate bar
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons

Gelatin is poured with 1 glass of juice. Infused for 1 hour. Then pour in a second glass of juice. The container is placed on moderate heat - so that the gelatin dissolves (but does not boil!). The mixture is cooled and concentrated milk is gradually poured in, whipping the mixture with a mixer. The mass is poured into a mold and placed in a refrigerator for several hours. Then the mass is cut into pieces.

The chocolate is melted and mixed with sour cream (sour cream can be omitted).

Pour chocolate on one side of the candy and put it in the refrigerator. Then we repeat the procedure - on the other side. We cool it down. Candy is ready! And eat to your health. Only without fanaticism, since the high calorie content of Bird's milk sweets can easily ruin your figure!

It is rather difficult to meet a person who does not like candy. To date, the range of these confectionery so wide that anyone will find sweets to their liking. Someone loves "Bird's Milk", someone - butterscotch, someone likes "Metelitsa", and someone is crazy about chocolates. Sweet, with various fillings and glaze, of various shapes, sweets are one of the favorite delicacies of both children and adults.

However, even the most convinced sweet tooth has to control themselves and constantly remind themselves how many calories are in sweets. Sweet and delicious dessert can turn into problems not only with the figure, but also with health - sweets have a high glycemic index, which means that they contribute to the increased production of insulin, which can lead to metabolic disorders and become an additional factor for the development of diabetes mellitus.

As you can see, sweet candies are not as safe as they seem. But sometimes it is so difficult to resist and pass by this delicacy - do you really have to make a choice between pleasure and health and beauty?

Indeed, the calorie content of sweets is very high - and, unfortunately, the tastier the sweets, the more calories they contain. The calorie content of 1 candy can sometimes be compared to a cup of salad, a serving of boiled fish or a bowl of soup.... But if you can't imagine your life without sweets, you don't need to give them up completely - you need to love yourself and sometimes pamper yourself, but at the same time constantly remember that you need a measure in everything - this also applies to the consumption of sweets. A few pieces a day will make you a little happier and will not harm either your health or your figure, but eating half a pack in one sitting is not worth it - then extra pounds cannot be avoided.

There are certain general rules for those with a sweet tooth who want to maintain a beautiful figure. If you're not going to give up candy, count your calories. And define a rule for yourself: the share of sweets per day should account for no more than 15% of your daily value calorie content. This is about 4 pieces of "Rafaello" (the calorie content of 1 candy "Raffaello" is about 61 kcal) or 5 pieces of "Bird's milk" ( calorie content of 1 "Bird's milk" candy is about 58 kcal). At the same time, if you eat candy, you need to reduce the consumption of other carbohydrates - that is, reduce the amount of bread, cereals, potatoes, legumes, nuts, etc. It is advisable to exclude sugar in its pure form altogether - train yourself to drink tea and coffee without sugar.

It should also be remembered that the body absorbs carbohydrates better in the morning. If you gorge on candy before bed, the calories that enter your body will not be expended on it, which means that while you sleep, they will be transferred to adipose tissue. Eating a few sweets at breakfast or in the afternoon is another matter. Carbohydrates will have time to be absorbed, the calories obtained from them will be consumed, which means that the body will have nothing to store in fat reserves.

Well, one more way how you can eat sweets and not be afraid that the calorie content of sweets will affect your figure is to increase energy consumption. Simply put, go in for sports - for example, by eating a chocolate bar, "work out" it with an intense one and a half hour workout in the gym. Or at least give up using the elevator and transport - for example, if you need to travel 3-4 bus stops, and the weather is good outside, walk them - this way you will not only spend about 150 kcal for this walk, but also take a break from work. and academic fuss, "whet" your appetite, breathe fresh air - which means that you will have good digestion, excellent mood and sound sleep.

Calorie content of sweets of different varieties

In order to make it easier for you to control your calorie intake, we have collected information on the calorie content of sweets, the most popular and consumed. Calorie content in chocolates one of the highest, it far exceeds the calorie content of marmalade, marshmallow, jelly, fudge and candies. For example, the calorie content of chocolates "Belochka" is 530 kcal per 100 g, and the calorie content of chocolates "Zheleshka" is only 299 kcal per 100 g.

The calorie content of the “Creamy Ladybird” sweets is 351 kcal per 100 g., and the calorie content of Milk Cow sweets is 379 kcal per 100 g. Snickers contains 480 kcal per 100 g, Twix contains 498 kcal per 100 g, and Mars contains 380 kcal per 100 g.

The calorie content of sweets with butter fillings and nuts is very high - for example, everyone's favorite "Korkunov" and "Rafaello". The calorie content of Rafaello sweets is as much as 615 kcal per 100 g.

The calorie content of "Bird's Milk" sweets may differ depending on who is the manufacturer of the treat. For example, the calorie content of “Bird's Milk” sweets from the Rot Front factory is 450 kcal per 100 g, and the calorie content of sweets from another manufacturer may differ in one direction or another within 20 kcal.

Jelly marmalade contains 160 kcal per 100 g - a fairly dietary delicacy, but in ordinary marmalade - already 280-320 kcal per 100 g. Lollipops contain about 240-250 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of Truffle sweets is 345 kcal per 100 g. The toffee contains 355 kcal per 100 g, and the fondant - 369. The calorie content of the Cow sweets can range from 340 to 385 kcal per 100 g, depending on the manufacturer.

The soufflé contains 397 kcal per 100 g, Meller toffee with chocolate has a fairly high calorie content - 410 kcal per 100 g, and the calorie content of Lyovushka sweets is 386 kcal per 100 g.

Marmalade in chocolate contains 430 kcal per 100 g, peanuts in chocolate - 430 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of "Drunken cherry" sweets in chocolate can range from 470 to 490 kcal per 100 g.

The calorie content of Pineapple sweets is 501 kcal, and roasted nuts - 510 kcal per 100 g. 100 g of Kara Kum sweets contain 511 kcal.

Rot Front bars contain 518 kcal per 100 g - the same amount as Alpen Gold milk chocolate. The calorie content of Ritter Sport milk chocolate with hazelnuts, rum and raisins is 524 kcal per 100 g. 100 g of halva in chocolate contains 528 kcal per 100 g. Kit Kat waffles contain 530 kcal per 100 g - that is, 1 waffle (46 g) contains 245 kcal.

In a 100-gram bar, 75% chocolate contains 544 kcal, in the same bar of milk chocolate - 550 kcal; Chocolate with a variety of creams, nuts and raisins can contain even more calories. Dark chocolate contains 554 kcal per 100 g - the same amount as in the popular among children "Kinder chocolate". Calorie content white chocolate- 578 kcal per 100 g, and the calorie content of Ferrero Roche sweets is 580 kcal per 100 g.

What candies can you eat without much harm to your figure?

Try not to eat chocolate bars - they contain too many preservatives, palm oil, margarine, flavorings, etc. This also applies to all sweets with cream fillings - no matter what the advertisement says, the manufacturer always tries to reduce the cost of the production process. Give up such high-calorie sweets as "Ferrero", "Rafaello", prunes in chocolate, nuts in chocolate, milk chocolate with nuts or truffles. During your diet, eat bars, marmalade, marshmallows, jelly candies, as well as dark chocolate - it is, of course, very high in calories, but also very healthy.

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