What is confectionery isomalt. What is isomalt and how is it used in confectionery

What is isomalt?

Isomalt is one of the most famous and versatile sugar substitutes. Experts note that the benefits of its use are beyond doubt. At the same time, he, like any other substance, for example, has its own contraindications. In addition, the presented sweetener is still a biologically active substance, the harm from the use of which is also more than a tangible reality. Thus, before you start taking isomalt, you need to learn more about it, which will be presented later.

About the properties of the substitute

So, this substance, which can only be made in laboratory conditions, was discovered by scientists more than 50 years ago. This is good news for each of the diabetics, because it indicates that the substance and its effects have already been fully understood. Its positive effects include:

  • optimal microflora in the oral cavity;
  • ideal ratio of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improved metabolism.

All this will be very useful to ordinary people, let alone diabetics and those patients who are faced with pancreatitis and other groups of diseases.

Isomalt properties

It is worth noting that isomalt, as a substance, can be natural and artificial, and also differ in taste and the list of ingredients. The benefits or probable harm from its use depend only on whether the individual recommendations of a specialist are followed. Another undoubted advantage that isomalt is characterized by is that it is obtained from sucrose.

That is, it poses absolutely no danger to health, even with the most advanced form of diabetes. So, thanks to this, it is more than slowly absorbed by the body. This is what minimizes the harm from its use, because the ratio of glucose in the body does not change in any way. All reviews after using it are more than positive.


Isomalt can be used both in pure form and, for example, as part of certain products. For example, chocolate developed on the basis of the presented sugar substitute is very popular. However, the work carried out with isomalt does not stop there. Because you can also get isomalt, produced as caramel. But it is advisable to use all these substances only in a strictly specified ratio.

In addition, isomalt is used in the preparation of all kinds of medicines intended specifically for diabetics. It can be:

  1. pills;
  2. capsules;
  3. powdery substances.

How to use isomalt?

It is characterized by a low degree of calorie content, so the reviews about it are more than positive. In any gram, there is no more than 2.4 Kcal, which is approximately about 10 kJ. In this regard, in addition to patients with all sorts of ailments, the presented sugar substitute is used, which does not harm the body.

Usage rules

Despite its excellent nutritional characteristics, it is still advisable to follow certain rules when using isomalt.

So, if we are talking about pure use, that is, in the form of powder, tablets or even granules, then this should only be established by a specialist. Most often, we are talking about the fact that isomalt is used no more than twice a day in the minimum ratio and quantity. In this case, the benefits from it will not be long in coming.

If we talk about the use of products in which it is present, then it should also be eaten in accordance with certain rules.

The peculiarity of the sugar substitute is the low digestibility of carbohydrates by the intestine itself.

This is what reduces the harm for each of the diabetics to the minimum ratio. However, for certain problems with the stomach and pancreas, it is recommended to do this no more than once a day. Moreover, the rate of its use is no more than 50 grams.

Isomalt chocolate - truth or myth?

All kinds of studies carried out by nutritionists have not revealed any prohibitions for caramel, even in the case of daily use. Chocolate contains a fairly large amount of natural components: microelements, vitamins of the PP, B2, B1 groups, tocopherols (antioxidants). Caffeine, combined with theobromine, is beneficial for the nervous system, as well as organs such as the heart, brain, blood vessels. In addition, it prevents blood clots from forming.

Thus, the work done with isomalt is more than possible. But it is necessary to remember not only about the rules of use, but also that there are certain contraindications. It is in this case that the harm from the presented sugar substitute will be zero.


So, there are certain cases in which the use of this component is prohibited. We are talking about:

  • early and late pregnancy;
  • certain genetic diseases associated with diabetes mellitus;
  • serious problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (failure of any organs).

Isomalt is also undesirable, but it is acceptable to use it in small quantities for children. The harm from this can only lie in various allergic reactions.


All kinds of recipes using isomalt are very popular. It can be maximized simple dishes for example, if you want to make a diabetic neutral chocolate. To do this, you will need a small amount of cocoa beans, you can also purchase exclusively dietary ones, a little milk and no more than 10 grams of isomalt.

How to make isomalt chocolate?

Further, the presented ingredients are mixed with each other and placed on a special tile, where everything should thicken. After this happens, it is necessary to let the resulting mass brew. It is also possible to add, in addition to the listed ingredients, such as vanilla, cinnamon and various types of nuts. This greatly diversifies the taste, but in no way affects the degree of its calorie content.

You can use this product daily, no more than 25-35 grams. After such use for a week, it is permissible to take a short break of several days so that the body does not get used to the product.

Also among the most commonly used recipes is cherry, which will be extremely tasty and therefore no less beneficial for diabetes. In the process of preparing the dough, flour, eggs, as well as salt and isomalt are used. All this is mixed to a state of absolute homogeneity (without any lumps). Next, a cherry is placed in the dough, and many also prefer to use a small amount of lemon zest.

The ratio of all ingredients depends on the number of servings expected and other details, but if we talk about isomalt, then it is desirable that the ratio should be no more than 15-20 grams, that is, one tablespoon.

After preparing the dough and adding all the components to it, it will be necessary to place it in the oven and let it bake perfectly.

After the future pie appears golden crust, it can be taken out of the oven and allowed to cool. This is a prerequisite, because it is not recommended to use this product hot.

Thus, the use of such a substitute as isomalt in diabetes mellitus of the first and second types is more than justified. But you should remember to follow certain rules and contraindications, in which case the presented isomalt component will be really useful.

Isomalt is a natural sweetener that was synthesized back in the middle of the 20th century. For the production of this substance, ordinary sucrose is used, therefore, in reasonable quantities, isomalt does not harm the human body.

The substance is actively used in the food industry as a preservative (E953). The sweetener contains:

  • Equal amount of oxygen and carbon;
  • Hydrogen (twice as much).

Isomalt is used to make prophylactic toothpastes and baby cough syrups. A natural sugar substitute has found its use in confectionery - on its basis they are made decorative elements for cakes.

The benefits and harms of isomalt

Isomalt has been clinically proven to maintain optimal acid levels in the stomach. At the same time, the sugar substitute does not affect the quality of the digestive tract enzymes, and, accordingly, the digestion process.

Isomalt is completely safe for the human body for a number of reasons:

  • The substance belongs to the group of prebiotics - it provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety with a relatively low calorie content;
  • Unlike sugar, it does not contribute to the development of caries;
  • Does not increase blood glucose levels;
  • The natural sweetener is slowly absorbed without overloading the pancreas and other digestive organs.

Isomalt contains carbohydrates that will not harm the body of diabetics and people suffering from pancreatitis. Substance is a source of energy.

Important: the taste of isomalt is no different from ordinary sugar, it is actively used in cooking. It should be borne in mind that the sweetener contains the same number of calories as sugar itself, so you should not abuse this substance - you can gain extra pounds.

Isomalt for diabetes

Why is the product recommended for people suffering from this disease? The peculiarity of isomalt is that it is practically not absorbed by the intestines, therefore, after using such a sweetener, the glucose level in the patient's blood does not change.

Diabetics can take isomalt neat (available in pharmacies) as a sugar substitute. In addition, in specialized stores you can purchase confectionery(chocolate, candy) with the addition of this substance.

As already mentioned, products with isomalt do not affect the blood glucose level of diabetics, but at the same time they contain a large amount of calories. It is best not to overuse such products.

The sweetener is used in the manufacture of medicines for diabetics - tablets, capsules, powders.

For medicinal purposes isomalt is used as follows: 1-2 grams of substance / twice a day for a month.

At home you can make your own chocolate for diabetics using a natural sweetener, take: 2 tbsp. cocoa powder, ½ cup milk, 10 grams of isomalt.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and boiled in a steam bath. After the resulting mass has cooled, you can add nuts, cinnamon or other components to your taste.

Precautionary measures

  • Diarrhea, abdominal pain, skin rash;
  • Intestinal disorders (loose stools).

Contraindications to the use of isomalt are:

  1. Periods of pregnancy and lactation in women;
  2. Severe chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

So, isomalt is a natural sweetener that is safe for the human body, which can be bought at the pharmacy. The sugar substitute does not increase blood glucose levels, has a positive effect on digestion, and is a source of energy. It is better for diabetic patients to consult a specialist before using isomalt.

Those who decide to lose weight or just lead a healthy lifestyle do not have to give up cakes and chocolates... And all thanks to science, which invented sweeteners. This discovery is especially useful for people with diabetes, because artificial analogs not only protect the figure, but also do not increase glycemic index... “Artificial” in this case also means “unnatural” or “harmful”. For example, food supplement E953 is 100% plant-based, sweet, but does not raise blood sugar levels.

Features of the additive E953

Food additive under the European index E953 is also defined under the names: isomalt, palatinitis, isomalt. These are sweet crystals of various sizes, colorless and odorless, sometimes the additive is in the form of a loose powder. Isomalt is present in some sugar-containing plants: cane, bee. In 1956, scientists for the first time separated this substance from, they got a product with the taste of ordinary sugar, but more useful for the body.

It was recognized as absolutely safe only in 1990, after which the additive began to be used in all countries. Today, palatinite is mined in laboratory conditions from the same natural raw materials; production involves several stages. First, the bond with is broken in the sucrose molecule, then hydrogen molecules are attached to fructose. As a result of fermentation, a substance with chemical formula C12H24O11, or just isomalt.

Despite the chemical laboratory steps for obtaining E953, this food supplement is considered safe for the body, and in many ways it is much more useful than the usual sugar. Isomalt crystals dissolve in water just as well, the product is suitable for use in cooking and at home. Compared to regular sugar, palatinite is still less sweet, it can be 40% to 60% of the sweetness of regular sugar.

In addition to the food industry and home use, E953 is used in pharmaceuticals. Due to its high melting point (1450C) and taste, this substance is used for tabletting drugs to improve taste. Also, scientists have found that isomalt improves the structure of tooth enamel, so it is often included in the composition of oral care products. In pharmaceuticals, E953 meets all the necessary standards: it is suitable for all patients, chemically stable, does not have animal origin, and is economically viable.

Application of E953 in cooking and food industry

In the food industry, regular sugar can be substituted for economy reasons or in order to create a specific group of products, such as food for people with diabetes. From a financial point of view, the use of palatinite as a sugar substitute does not make sense, since even ordinary sugar will cost the manufacturer cheaper. But to create dietary products it fits perfectly.

This additive is used not only as a sweetener. In addition to sweetness, it also has other useful properties, with its help the products are given the necessary shape, and E953 also acts as a light preservative that prolongs the shelf life of the product, like ordinary sugar. It also regulates acidity, resists clumping and caking, due to the high melting point, products with this additive do not stick to hands, do not spread and keep their shape, do not crumble from temperature changes.

You can find this additive in such products:

  • , bars and candies;
  • hard and soft caramel;
  • confiture;
  • dry breakfasts;
  • chewing gum;
  • sauces, etc.

At the same time, products sweetened with isomalt are not sugary, since this substance is not as sweet as sucrose or fructose. It is used mainly in foods for diabetics and dietary low-calorie products (for weight loss, sports nutrition). Considering the safety and some advantages of palatinitis over other analogues, such products will be useful to any group of consumers.

Manufacturers value the supplement for its excellent combination with natural and synthetic flavors, since it itself is odorless and reveals other flavors.

In cooking, E953 is more popular as a material for all kinds of decorations for cakes, pastries, homemade lollipops, etc. A viscous substance is obtained from isomaltite crystals, from which it is subsequently easy to obtain any form for decoration. Unlike regular sugar, this substance does not caramelize, that is, it remains transparent and clean without discoloration. Elements of jewelry that did not work out can be re-melted and reworked, so working with such material is very simple.

Also, this sweetener is used by chefs and pastry chefs for presentations, creating artistic elements for dessert or main courses. The advantage of this decor is that it is edible and safe. Isomalt was especially fond of the chefs of molecular cuisine, with its help they encapsulate vegetable oils, create transparent edible vessels that are filled with berry foam, shavings, and sometimes smoke for a spectacular presentation. In addition to haute cuisine popular recipes with isomalt for home use.

The effect of isomalt on the body

As we have already noticed, if the product contains the E953 additive, this does not mean anything bad. The sweetener even surpasses the properties of ordinary sugar in many ways, while being useful not only for diabetics or athletes, but also for other consumers. Today, the use of this substance in the production food products approved by such organizations:

  • EEC Scientific Committee of Food;
  • WHO (World Health Organization);
  • JECFA (Joint Committee on Food Additives).

In many countries around the world, isomalt is approved for use, in some of them restrictions and acceptable doses are not established. However, doctors' reviews still recommend using this supplement in moderation, since it enhances intestinal motility. The recommended dose for an adult is 50 g per day, and for children under 25 g.

For 60 years of using this substance, scientists have had enough time to study in detail its effect on the body. This is how the benefits and harms of E953 were established.

Of the useful properties are:

  • due to the low glycemic index, it does not cause sharp fluctuations in blood sugar;
  • provides a surge of strength, since energy is released gradually and for a long time;
  • improves intestinal motility;
  • reduces appetite, prolonging the feeling of fullness;
  • strengthens tooth enamel;
  • improves the microflora of the stomach;
  • when consumed in moderation, it improves digestion.

It is worth limiting the use of E953, since its beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract is due precisely to moderate doses. The British Journal of Nutrition has published research on the effects of isomalt on digestion. It turned out that the substance is well tolerated by the body, does not impair metabolism, improves bowel function and can be used to promote health. However, increased intestinal motility can cause diarrhea and flatulence if used uncontrollably.

This sweetener suppresses appetite because the human body treats it as fiber, unlike regular sugar, which is recognized in our body as a carbohydrate. Thanks to this, the substance acts as dietary fiber, which swells and fills the stomach (ballast), from which the feeling of hunger disappears. This quality is especially appreciated by people who follow a diet for weight loss.

For a long time, the question of the effect of palatinitis on tooth enamel remained controversial: how sweet can not destroy it? In the course of observations and studies, it was found that the supplement does not really cause caries. In the oral cavity, it reduces the acid content, thereby increasing the amount of calcium. In addition, unlike sugar and many of its substitutes, isomalt cannot be a food source for bacteria. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines products with E953 as “non-caries-causing”.

Where to buy and how to apply

From side effects from the use of this supplement, only the risk of diarrhea and an allergic reaction was identified. Such consequences can only occur if E953 is misused. There are no strict contraindications to its use, but in some cases it is necessary to consult a doctor before use (pregnant women, severe gastrointestinal diseases, failure of internal organs).

People with diabetes should use this substitute only in the dose prescribed by the doctor. The share of products containing this component is also taken into account. For those who are losing weight, athletes and people who want to give up regular sugar, you should also not get too carried away with such an additive, it is more useful than the usual refined sugar, but only in moderation. For children without special need, it is better not to introduce food additives into the diet, and if necessary, do not exceed the permissible rate (20 g per day).

You can buy E953 in online stores, here you can order almost any quantity: from bulk purchases to 300-gram packages. In grocery stores, such a substitute is rare, but dietary products with it are the sea. Also, sometimes similar products are in pharmacies, in the form of dragees or powder, in a crumbly form it is more convenient, since it can be used for diet desserts, homemade chocolate and drinks.

From what we have learned about this supplement, we can conclude: it is safe for health, suitable for diabetics, children, athletes and everyone else who wants to maintain health and shape.

Do you love sweets, but does every gram of sugar reflect on your figure? Many sweeteners can now be found on the market, one of which is isomalt. What is its harm and benefit?

Isomalt sweetener: what is it?

Scientists obtained it after numerous experiments several decades ago - in the 1960th year. The substance is made on the basis of ordinary sugar, and today it has been officially recognized as harmless.

The substance is in the composition of honey, beets, cane, and it is from them that sugar is obtained in production. Sucrose is used to make isomalt, so the sweetener will not harm the body in reasonable quantities.

In the food industry, it is called the preservative E953, it is of natural origin. It is also used in the production of medicinal syrups and even in toothpastes, since it does not cause caries. Also, this preservative prolongs the shelf life of products and prevents spoilage. In confectionery, isomalt is used to decorate and decorate products.

Isomalt: benefits for the body

What is the advantage of this sweetener and is it worth taking? First of all, it does not destroy enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract and maintains normal acidity levels.

As for the taste, it is practically indistinguishable from ordinary sugar, moreover, it does not interrupt taste qualities and the smell of flavorings, which is why it is often used in the food industry.

Isomalt: harm

To give food sweet taste, you will need twice as much of the substance, since it is not as sweet as sugar. Despite the fact that the manufacturers of the sweetener claim that it is completely safe, we recommend that you do not use it every day. When you use it, you get exactly the same amount of calories as when using sugar, which will trigger weight gain.

Despite the fact that this sugar substitute is practically not absorbed by the stomach, we advise you to use it wisely and not to overdo it with the dosage, as this will affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The harm of isomalt is that it contains a fairly large amount of calories. If you do not use it too often and in reasonable amounts, you do not have to worry about your health. If you use a large amount of the preservative, you will get bloating, stomach pains, and skin rashes.

Isomalt for diabetes

Unlike other types of sugar substitutes, it can be consumed even with diabetes. Its peculiarity is that it is practically not absorbed by the intestines, as a result, after its use, the glucose level remains at the same level.

Calorie content

It contains fewer calories than sugar - 240 per 100 grams. If you compare it with other types of sweeteners, this is a rather high figure, so we advise you not to consume it in large quantities.

Sweets, chocolate on isomalt

On sale you can find a sugar substitute in its pure form, as well as in the composition of sweets and chocolate. Such sweets are less caloric and will be useful for diabetics, moreover, they do not differ in taste from those that we are used to eating. However, sweets also contain a lot of calories, so if you allow yourself to be pampered with them, do it as little as possible.

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Isomalt (Isomalt) is a substance that has both natural and chemical origin, which has the properties of a sweetener. It is included in the group of food additives that prevent caking and clumping, antiflaming agents, fillers and glazing agents. In the classification of food additives it has the E953 code.

General characteristics of Isomalt (Isomalt)

Food additive E953 is presented in the form of white or colorless crystals, odorless, sweet in taste. Isomalt was first obtained in the middle of the twentieth century; since the 90s, E953 has been produced on an industrial scale. The substance is obtained by synthesis of sucrose, natural suppliers of Isomalt are, sugarcane, sugar beet.

Chemical formula C 12 H 24 O 11.

Useful properties of E953

Isomalt is a new generation low-calorie carbohydrate whose crystals dissolve perfectly in water without sediment (calorizator).

Food supplement E953 is poorly absorbed into the intestinal walls and has a fairly low glycemic index, therefore, products containing Isomalt are recommended for use by people with diabetes. The sweetness of E953 is equal to 1/2 the sweetness of sucrose, the additive is used as a sweetener and sweetener. Isomalt has probiotic properties, that is, it normalizes the intestinal microflora, promotes the rapid onset of a feeling of satiety. Does not destroy tooth enamel, moreover, increases the content on the surface of the teeth, preventing the occurrence of caries.

E953 harm

When using E953 in food, the substance cannot harm the human body, as it is recognized as harmless. The only danger is to confuse E953 with sugar (they are very similar, Isomalt often looks like small) and consume a large amount at once food additive... In this case, stomach upset, nausea, bloating and allergic reactions are possible.

Application of E953

E953 Isomalt, isomalt, due to its pure sweet taste, gives excellent combinations with almost all flavorings, emphasizing the taste properties of products. The main application of the food additive E953 is the confectionery industry of the food industry, it is a part of chocolate, ice cream, all types of caramel, roasted nuts, jams and confitures, chewing gum, baked goods and many bakery products.

Use of E953 in Russia

Within the territory of Russian Federation the use of the additive E953 Isomalt, isomalt as a sweetener and sweetener, antiflaming in the food industry is universally permitted.