How to sculpt burgers. Beautiful forms of yeast dough buns: how to wrap buns

You can buy buns in a store, but if you bake them at home, it will be both tasty and original.

Secrets of making delicious buns:

  • If, when kneading bun dough, add potato starch or knead on a decoction of potatoes, then the baked buns will be fluffy and soft.
  • V yeast dough for buns, it is better to add a little melted butter, and not completely melted, so the structure of the dough deteriorates.
  • Before sprinkling baked buns with powdered sugar, brush them with butter - and a pleasant aroma from them is provided to them.

How beautiful to make buns - dough

For buns you need:

  • 600 g flour;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 100-150 g sugar;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 12 g dry yeast or 20 g fresh;
  • a pinch of salt and vanillin.


  • In a bowl, mix flour (2-3 tablespoons), sugar (1 teaspoon), yeast, pour in half the milk (warm), mix and leave in a warm place to come up for 30 minutes, or until batter will not double and the top will begin to crack.
  • In a deep bowl, mix warm milk with room temperature eggs, melted butter, sugar, salt, vanilla and dough.
  • Knead the dough until it begins to peel off of your hands. If the dough is very thick, add a couple of tablespoons of milk; if it is thin, add a little flour.
  • Crush the dough with flour, cover with a towel and put in a warm place until it doubles, about 1.5 hours.
  • If you are going to make buns with savory filling, then sugar you need to take 1 tbsp. spoon.

How beautiful to make buns "Flower"

  • Roll 4 small balls out of the dough, and the 5th is even smaller.
  • Roll 4 balls thinly into circles, trim them with a knife so that they are all the same size.
  • Lubricate the circles with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar. We put it in a pile one on top of the other.
  • We make 8 cuts from the center of the circles so as not to damage the middle.
  • We turn out the middle at the place of the cuts so that the layers are visible and something like a petal turns out.
  • We roll up a long tourniquet from the 5th ball, roll it up like a snail and stick it in the middle of the flower.
  • Let it come up for 20-30 minutes, grease it mixed with sugar and 1 tbsp. spoon water and yolk and put in the oven to bake at 180-190 ° C, 20-30 minutes.

How to make fish buns beautifully

These buns can be made with stewed cabbage.

  • Roll out the layer of dough into a circle.
  • In the middle of the circle, spread the filling along the entire length: where the head will be - more, where the tail - less.
  • From one and the other free edges, where there is no filling, and where the head and tail will be, we cut the layer.
  • Close the filling with strips on one side and the other.
  • We decorate the fish: from the side of the head we make the mouth of the fish, flatten the tail with a fork.
  • Put on a sheet, let rise for 20-30 minutes, grease with yolks and bake.

How beautiful to make buns - bagels

Bagels can be made with different fillings: thick jam, apples, nuts with sugar, poppy seeds, cottage cheese.

  • Roll out an oblong dough layer.
  • We put the filling on one edge, and on the other edge we make cuts, but not completely.
  • We twist it with a roll, and then bend it a little.
  • Let the bagels rise, grease with yolk and bake.

How beautiful to make buns "Roses"

  • Roll out small circles from the dough.
  • We cut them from 4 sides.
  • We put 1 tea in the middle. a spoonful of apple filling.
  • Raise 1 petal, half covering the filling with it.
  • Then we raise the rest of the petals, giving the shape of a half-blooming rose.
  • Let the buns rise, grease them with yolk and bake.

So, we have learned how to bake beautiful buns with sweet and savory filling.

Recently, a large number of buns had to be made, but I really did not want to bake one form. You needed enough variety to like the buns and the kids. On the Internet I came across a book for a vocational school “ Step by step instructions on the formation of buns "I just made several types on it. I think that this material will be useful to someone. The buns were made according to the recipe Magic cream dough

Bun "Swan"

Form a ball from a piece of dough and roll it into a circle. Fold this circle in half.

Along the fold line at a distance of 3 mm from the fold, cut a thin strip with scissors without cutting to the end. This will be the neck with the head. Make small cuts along the bottom of the semicircles.

Mushroom bun

Form a ball from a piece of dough and roll it into a circle. Cut the circle into 3 parts: 1 triangle in the center and 2 half circles.

Put a triangle on the parchment, on top of it one semicircle - a hat, make cuts on the lower semicircle, put it on the base of the fungus and push it a little - it will be grass.

"Buns with jam"

Round open: Roll out a small circle, cut a smaller circle in the middle - this will be the base.

Fold the round strip in a figure of eight, then in half and lay on top of the base.

Fill the inside with jam.

Another option with jam.

Make cuts cross to cross, put jam in the middle and close cross to cross, stretching opposite edges into the cuts.

Bun "Tulip"

Roll out a rectangle from the dough (if desired, grease and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon). Roll up into a roll. At the roll, make two through longitudinal cuts, not cutting to the middle of 1-2 cm.

Connect the resulting strips from one side to form a loop.

Turn the other two ends with a cut up and put the edge under the resulting loop.

Chrysanthemum bun

Roll a long flagellum from a ball of dough and roll it up with a snail.

Use scissors to make cuts throughout the "snail". Sprinkle with sugar if desired.

Buns "Vykrutka", "Butterfly", "Scallop"

Roll out a rectangle from the dough (if desired, grease and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon). Roll up into a roll. In a roll, make a through cut from one edge to the other, without cutting to the end of 2 cm.

Open the resulting hole slightly.

Pull one end through the hole

Bun "Butterfly"
Roll out a rectangle from the dough (if desired, grease and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon). Roll up into a roll. At the roll, fold the edges to the center so that they join in the middle of the roll.

Make cuts at both ends without cutting to the end.

Expand the blank along the cuts of the layer up.

Note to the hostess:

To get rid of domestic ants, you need to dilute 9% vinegar in water, 1: 1, and treat the places where insects accumulate.

Date: 2015-04-14

Hello everyone! In this article I want to tell and show with the help of step-by-step photos how to sculpt yeast buns, with and without filling. I specially omit the preparation of dough, fillings, sprinkling with various products, because the article is designed only to show what forms of dough buns can be obtained.

When I baked buns of different shapes, it seemed that they all tasted different, although the dough was the same, which our whole family liked. Now I always try to sculpt yeast buns differently. Of course, I can't keep up with Valentina Turcan, and there was no such goal. But you will definitely learn how to sculpt the classic forms of buns.

Hope everyone knows that before sculpting the buns, the dough has to fit well so that it becomes pliable and easy to work with.

Let's start with ordinary buns that can be sculpted from a tourniquet. Roll the ball of the approached dough into a tourniquet, and then shape the bun:

Pigtail: fold the tourniquet in half and twist 2-3 turns.

The pretzel is simple: fold the flagellum as in the photo, press the ends and cut into the fringe.

Snail: We twist the tourniquet in a spiral in the shape of a tower

S-shaped curl.

Now we complicate the task - a bump: we roll the tourniquet into a tape and cut one edge to half in 1 cm.

We twist, like the snail, in a spiral in the shape of a tower, with the teeth outward.

Bird: leave a piece of dough on the head, roll the rest into a tourniquet so that the middle is thicker than the edges.

We twist the tourniquet 1 time and put the head

Another form of a bun without a name: roll half of the dough into a ball, and half into a tourniquet. We form a ring from a bundle, put a ball in the middle.

Bunny - sculpted by my mother, who came to visit just in time. Divide a piece of dough into 3 parts: small, medium and large.

We roll out most of it into a flagellum, from the middle we sculpt a head.

We shape the bunny by attaching all the parts.

Now let's look at ball buns.

Flower: press the dough ball crosswise with the blunt side of the knife.

Bean: Press the oval along with the blunt side of the knife.

Caterpillar: Divide the dough into 3 equal parts, shape into balls and place in a row.

Pyramid: Roll out 4 equal balls from a portion of dough, put 3 together down and one up.

Bar: miniature bread. Shape and cut with a knife.

Bun. When forming buns, the dough is smeared with a large amount of melted butter, due to which layers are obtained. For one piece, I did not bother, and used sunflower oil.

Knead the dough into a cake, grease with butter and fold in four.

Fold in half lengthwise.

We make an incision to the center.

Expand the cut part and get a bun.

Scallop. Usually made with filling. Put the jam on the cake and fold it in half so that the upper edge goes over the lower one.

We make cuts around the circumference in the form of a fringe and give the shape of a crescent.

Cheesecake. It is very important that the cheesecake dough should fit on a baking sheet so that it will not be shifted later. In the approached ball of dough, we knead a depression, leaving sides of a centimeter diameter.

Put the curd mince in the middle.

Rastega - cooked with or with liverwort. I used cottage cheese for clarity. Put the minced meat on the dough cake, and pinch the edges on top, leaving a hole at the top for pouring the broth.

An open pie: we make two holes along the edges in the cake, put the minced meat in the middle.

We thread the opposite edges into the holes, leaving the top and ends open.

Bagel. Bagels are not sculpted one at a time, preferably in dozens. Roll out a portion of the dough into a round layer and cut into 10 pieces.

Put the filling under the wide edge and cover, press down.

We fold the bagel.

Rolls with poppy seeds or jam. They also do not mold one by one. Roll out the dough into a narrow long layer, grease it with jam, jam or poppy seeds, leaving a clean edge 1 cm wide.

Roll into a roll and cut into portions with a knife.

And here are the final photos, Bon Appetit! By the way, if you like baking from yeast dough, then here's another.

Views: 220575

Hello to all lovers of culinary arts! Today we will talk about delicious pastries. And if even more precisely, then I will tell and show you what shapes you can make for buns with jam. The article will not contain recipes for the dough or the filling itself, only a photo step by step, pictures and a description of how to wrap buns and make them beautiful and appetizing. I think that you will definitely find suitable culinary design options for yourself.

And at the end of the article I will tell you where you can find even more interesting information on this topic. After all, developing your skills and being creative in the kitchen is the hobby of many women, and some men too.


Such beautiful muffins can be made not only with jam, but also with cottage cheese, if you prepare the filling appropriately. You can cook them from yeast or with the addition of a baking powder.

  1. We disassemble the finished dough into equal small portions and roll into balls.
  2. Then, using a rolling pin, we roll out our ball so that we get an even circle. We make four symmetrical cuts.
  3. We put jam in the center. This bun shape requires the filling to be very firm, like marmalade.
  4. Raise one petal of the future rose and wrap it around the jam.

  1. Wrap the opposite petal second in a row. Then we do the same with the remaining petals.
  2. The result should be a neat bud.
  3. We spread all the blanks on an oiled baking sheet, grease the muffins with whipped yolk and send them to the oven.
  4. Ruddy roses are ready! I hope the photo is clear step by step.


To prepare such buns, you will need puff pastry, as it retains this shape better. Ring-shaped baked goods can also be made with sugar, cinnamon, poppy seeds. But since we are talking about jam, then we will consider molding with this filling.

  1. Roll out the dough into a rectangular layer. Then we make parallel cuts on it approximately to the median line of the formation.
  2. Put the jam on the part of the rectangle that remains intact.
  3. Starting from the edge where the filling lies, wrap the dough in a tube. The cut strips remain on top of us. Their ends should remain on the underside.
  4. As a final step, we connect the ends of the roll to make a ring. Prepared kulebyaki can be sent to the oven!

Classic buns

They are best prepared from yeast or lean dough. Despite the banal form, such baked goods look very good. Since the buns are closed, you can put any filling inside, the main thing is that it is not very liquid and does not leak out when baking. Although even semi-liquid jam (for example, or raspberry jam) can be made thicker if desired.

  1. Divide the dough into small pieces (as for pies). Roll them into a round layer and put a spoonful of jam in the middle.
  2. We form either a round bun or an elongated shape in the form of a pie. We pinch the edges.
  3. Grease the top with an egg (preferably yolk) and sprinkle with sesame seeds, poppy seeds or sugar. After the future muffins rise slightly, we send them to bake.
  4. The result is very beautiful pompoms.


This form of buns is simple, it is enough just to correctly cut the rolled out layer and carefully wrap the bagel.

  1. Roll out a small part of the dough into a thin round layer. If there are problems with the circle, then you can use a large plate or a saucepan lid as a stencil. Cut the resulting circle like a cake.
  2. Put a spoonful of jam on the outer edge of each triangle.
  3. Wrap the dough into a bagel starting at the wide edge. This must be done carefully so that the filling does not come out at the edges.
  4. To make the baked goods rosy, brush the surface with whipped yolk. After baking, you get quite decent bagels.


In this form, not only sweet buns are often made, but also cottage cheese. Let's see how to do them.

  1. We form small balls from the dough and make cakes (you can use your hands or a rolling pin). Then, using a glass of a suitable diameter, cut out even circles.
  2. We also use the ring that remains after cutting. We twist it in the form of a figure eight.
  3. The result is two details of the future bun - the base and the side.
  4. We put the twisted ring on the circle. From below, you can pinch the sides and base slightly.
  5. In the middle of the workpiece, put a spoonful of any jam or jam.
  6. We send to the oven for baking.


Despite the simple manufacturing method, such baked goods look very elegant and festive. Even a novice cook can master it.

  1. Ready-made yeast or puff pastry roll it into the layer and cut out even circles from it. If you have the skill of baking, you can immediately roll out mugs from small pompushki without using a mold.
  2. We cut each circle into six petals. We pinch the tip of each petal so that it turns out to be sharp. Press the center of the workpiece with your finger to make a depression for the filling.
  3. We put all the chamomiles on a greased baking sheet and only then put the jam in the middle. The petals themselves can be greased with a yolk mass.
  4. We bake chamomile buns in a preheated oven until golden brown.


This is another interesting option, how simply and quickly it is possible to wrap the product with jam or thick jam.

  1. Taking a small amount of dough, roll it into an oval or circle. We make small cuts on both sides.
  2. Put a spoonful of the filling on the cake - closer to the side from which we will begin to wrap the dough.
  3. Bend one edge so that the filling is in the hole. Then we do the same with the second edge.
  4. Ready-made ruddy muffins can be served at the table!

Delicious pastries will be very good with any tea. By the way, can you make ginger tea? I recommend you a few of this drink. It will be interesting to know your opinion in the comments, which of the eight presented forms of buns with jam and jam you liked the most.

And if you like baking buns, buns, pies and other goodies, then you will surely be interested in good cookbooks with recipes and photos. This is exactly the selection I bring to your attention - it contains exclusively baking literature. I hope that you will find something you need for yourself or as a gift for your loved ones.

Enjoy your culinary creativity! Nadezhda Goryunova

Buns made with yeast dough are airy, soft and tasty. The original design can make them ideal. The secret of success lies in accurate and masterly work with the dough.

Beautiful baking step by step: original forms for buns

Housewives who often bake buns from yeast dough, know that baking forms can be very different: from the simplest to the most complex.

There are so many recipes and master classes on beautiful pastries that there will be enough at least for every day of the year

Types of buns in shape:

  • Scallop. The dough needs to be rolled out in the form of a sausage. Cut one edge into equal parts with a knife. The sausage bends down and forms a beautiful scallop.
  • Sun. Roll out the dough into a flat sausage. Make neat notches around the edge with a knife. Roll the sausage around in the shape of the sun.
  • Pigtail. Divide the dough into three equal parts, roll out the sausages and twist them together. The pigtail can be greased with yolk and oil - this will give the crust a beautiful, golden hue.
  • Snails. Roll out the dough into a rectangle. Sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon and your choice of berries. Twist in the form of a roll. Cut the roll into equal pieces.
  • Cooked buns can be proudly called a culinary masterpiece.


    Butter dough is very easy to prepare if you strictly follow the instructions for its preparation and do not experiment with the amount of ingredients.

    Ingredients for the dough:

  • Kefir - 400 gr.;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Dry yeast - 1.5 tsp;
  • Butter - 100 gr.;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Flour - 1 kg.
  • Yeast dough is prepared according to unpaired method... Which means mixing all the ingredients at once.

    In order for the buns to turn out golden and ruddy, before baking in the oven, you must grease them with a mixture of beaten eggs with sugar and a spoonful of milk.

    Before baking, the buns should sit within 15 minutes. Then you need to send them to the oven, bake at 200 degrees until tender.

    How beautiful to cut buns: an endless flight of imagination

    In order for the buns to turn out beautiful and intricate, you need skill, which every housewife can acquire over time.

    The main working material is dough, the tools at hand are a knife and skillful hands.

    Thanks to its structure, the dough offers many opportunities for imagination. Buns can be made in the form of pink buds open and closed, in the form of a wide variety of flowers, spikelets, curls, snails, bows, scallops

    How to make pretty pies: quick ways to shape

    Every hostess knows that they can also be very beautiful, which will be highly appreciated by family and friends. The main thing in the whole enterprise is to monitor the high-quality dough molding so that it does not lose its shape during baking.

    There are a great many ways to sculpt beautiful pies. Each hostess can contribute to this art by showing imagination

    Possible types of beautiful pies:

  • Harmonic. Roll out the dough into a cake, put the filling on the edge, cut the rest into thin strips. Then you need to roll up the cake and pinch all the test strips in turn.
  • Triangle. Roll out the dough into a square. Make cuts to form a triangle and wrap the dough.
  • Gold fish. Here you can show your imagination, taking the shape of an ordinary pie as a basis, attaching fins and a tail to it, masterfully carved from dough.
  • It will not be difficult to sculpt beautiful buns. Success will depend on a properly prepared dough. It should not stick to your hands and fall apart. There are so many forms and types of cutting dough for buns that every housewife will find exactly the recipe that will appeal to the whole family.

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    1. Do not rush to throw away magazines, catalogs and even books. You can make interesting things out of them. For example, a pencil holder. We take the magazine. Cut off about half to get the height of the stand we need. We divide the pages into 6 parts. We fasten holding ...

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    You can buy buns in a store, but if you bake them at home, it will be both tasty and original.

    Secrets of making delicious buns:

    • If, when kneading dough for buns, add potato starch to it or knead on a decoction of potatoes, then the baked buns will be fluffy and soft.
    • It is better to add a little melted butter to yeast dough for buns, and not completely melted, as the structure of the dough deteriorates.
    • Before sprinkling baked buns with powdered sugar, brush them with butter - and a pleasant aroma from them is provided to them.

    How beautiful to make buns - dough

    For buns you need:

    • 600 g flour;
    • 1 glass of milk;
    • 100-150 g sugar;
    • 100 g butter;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 12 g dry yeast or 20 g fresh;
    • a pinch of salt and vanillin.


    • In a bowl, mix flour (2-3 tablespoons), sugar (1 teaspoon), yeast, pour in half the milk (warm), mix and leave in a warm place to rise for 30 minutes, or until the batter doubles, and the top will begin to crack.
    • In a deep bowl, mix warm milk with eggs that have stood for some time at room temperature, melted butter, sugar, salt, vanilla and dough.
    • Knead the dough until it begins to peel off of your hands. If the dough is very thick, add a couple of tablespoons of milk; if it is thin, add a little flour.
    • Crush the dough with flour, cover with a towel and put in a warm place until it doubles, about 1.5 hours.
    • If you are going to make buns with savory filling, then you need to take 1 tbsp of sugar. spoon.

    How beautiful to make buns "Flower"

    • Roll 4 small balls out of the dough, and the 5th is even smaller.
    • Roll 4 balls thinly into circles, trim them with a knife so that they are all the same size.
    • Lubricate the circles with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar. We put it in a pile one on top of the other.
    • We make 8 cuts from the center of the circles so as not to damage the middle.
    • We turn out the middle at the place of the cuts so that the layers are visible and something like a petal turns out.
    • We roll up a long tourniquet from the 5th ball, roll it up like a snail and stick it in the middle of the flower.
    • Let it come up for 20-30 minutes, grease it mixed with sugar and 1 tbsp. spoon water and yolk and put in the oven to bake at 180-190 ° C, 20-30 minutes.

    How to make fish buns beautifully

    These buns can be made with stewed cabbage.

    • Roll out the layer of dough into a circle.
    • In the middle of the circle, spread the filling along the entire length: where the head will be - more, where the tail - less.
    • From one and the other free edges, where there is no filling, and where the head and tail will be, we cut the layer.
    • Close the filling with strips on one side and the other.
    • We decorate the fish: from the side of the head we make the mouth of the fish, flatten the tail with a fork.
    • Put on a sheet, let rise for 20-30 minutes, grease with yolks and bake.

    How beautiful to make buns - bagels

    Bagels can be made with different fillings: thick jam, apples, nuts with sugar, poppy seeds, cottage cheese.

    • Roll out an oblong dough layer.
    • We put the filling on one edge, and on the other edge we make cuts, but not completely.
    • We twist it with a roll, and then bend it a little.
    • Let the bagels rise, grease with yolk and bake.

    How beautiful to make buns "Roses"

    • Roll out small circles from the dough.
    • We cut them from 4 sides.
    • We put 1 tea in the middle. a spoonful of apple filling.
    • Raise 1 petal, half covering the filling with it.
    • Then we raise the rest of the petals, giving the shape of a half-blooming rose.
    • Let the buns rise, grease them with yolk and bake.

    So, we have learned how to bake beautiful buns with sweet and savory filling.

    Many housewives try to diversify the menu of their family, including baked goods in the diet. You can of course buy ready-made buns or muffins at your local store. But, homemade cakes made by the careful hands of the hostess are much tastier and healthier than store-bought ones. And to sweet dessert was not only tasty, but also outwardly attractive, it is recommended to learn how to make buns of the original shape.


    Probably the most common form of yeast dough buns is wicker. In size, the finished product can be either large or small, portioned.

    To form a braid, you must:

    • make three bundles from the dough,
    • connect them at the top with one point of contact,
    • braid a pigtail from plaits.

    To get tasty and lush baked goods, yeast dough pieces are left for a few 5-10 minutes.

    When the braids fit a little, increasing in size, each should be greased with an egg-milk mixture. You can supplement the buns with poppy sprinkles, which are sprinkled on the buns before going into the oven. Prepared braids should be baked according to the recipe in the oven.

    Heart-shaped buns

    Heart-shaped pastries made of yeast dough look original and very appetizing. To make such buns step by step, you should prepare a yeast-based dough, and then divide it into several parts. Roll out each part and grease with melted butter, sprinkle with sugar on top. We twist the resulting blank with a roll. Then fold the roll in half and fasten the edges at the top. Beautiful shapes buns from yeast dough with sugar will turn out if each of them is cut as shown in the photo. Straighten the cut bun, giving it a beautiful heart shape.

    Butterfly bun

    It is not difficult to make a butterfly out of yeast dough step by step. To begin with, in the same way as in the case of hearts, prepare the dough, cut into small pieces and roll each of them. Do not forget to grease the blanks with oil and sprinkle with sugar.

    • Roll the dough into a roll.
    • We fold each roll in half again and fix the ends in the middle of the product.
    • We cut the rolled roll on both sides in the middle.
    • To make the shape of the bun beautiful, the cut should be made not solid, but partial, not reaching one centimeter to the center of the roll.
    • We straighten the dough, giving it the original butterfly shape.
    • The buns are baked for 10 minutes at a temperature of 200 0 С, then, having reduced the temperature to 180 0 С, they are baked for another 20 minutes.

    Filled baked goods

    After practicing making beautiful forms of yeast dough buns, every hostess will want to please guests with burgers. How can you make a beautiful baking dish and, at the same time, not lose all the filling? While the filling options vary, many are starting to make poppy seed buns. Having made a yeast dough according to a personal recipe, it must be divided into 2 parts. We roll out each part, until we get a not thin cake. Lubricate the cake with melted butter and sprinkle with poppy seeds.

    Having rolled the cake into a roll, we cut the workpiece into small pieces 10-12 cm wide. We form a rose from each segment. Then we bake each rose according to the recipe.

    Braids with poppy seeds

    Beautiful forms of yeast dough buns can be made in the form of a braid. To make an appetizing, wicker bun, you need to make a yeast dough, put it on a table sprinkled with flour. Then we roll out the dough to the shape of a rectangle, while the thickness should not be thin. The next step is to distribute the filling over the surface of the rectangle. The filling should not be small. But there is also a lot of poppy seeds, you should also not put in the dough.

    Then, fold the rectangle in half, and then in half. Cut the resulting roll across into strips. With the correct implementation of the technology, 10-12 strips should be obtained. Scroll each strip in a spiral and form a ring out of it. You should get round products resembling bagels made from dough twisted into a spiral.

    Braids with apples

    The fillings for yeast dough buns can be different. For example, in autumn, when there is an abundance of apples and pears, you can use these fruits for filling baked goods.

    How to make a braid with apples step by step?

    You can learn about the most interesting forms of yeast dough buns from the video file.

    Making a conclusion

    It is not difficult to make beautiful buns from yeast dough step by step. Having chosen the filling and shape of the future product, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the advice of experienced chefs. Confectioners advise starting with the simplest baked goods. Having learned how to make braids and hearts, you can move on to more complex forms of yeast buns.

    There are already many recipes on the site, but I have not yet had time to tell you how to make buns from yeast dough. And by the way, this is the most popular tea dish in our family. I use the same recipe for buns as I use for baking the rest of the buns.

    Having dabbled in cooking a simple butter dough, you can always cook great airy buns- buns with sugar, cinnamon, poppy seeds and other additives. Buns can be in the form of butterflies, snails, curls, hearts.

    Bun dough recipe

    The number of ingredients is indicated for 8 large buns.

    For dough:

    • Yeast - 25 g pressed or 7 g dry;
    • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • Flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • Warm milk - 250 ml.

    For the test:

    • Vegetable oil (I use refined sunflower oil) - 0.5 cups;
    • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.;
    • Salt -0.5 tsp;
    • Flour - 3.5 cups (about 400 g);
    • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;

    Filling for buns:

    • Melted butter - 30 g.
    • Sugar to taste
    • Cinnamon to taste

    How to make sugar buns from yeast dough

    I prepare the dough for buns in a sponge way.
    So, let's measure out 250 ml. milk.

    Milk is the basis for our dough, it should not be hot (at a temperature of 50 C, yeast dies, we must not allow this). But yeast will not start working in cold milk, so we heat the milk so that it is slightly hotter than room temperature.
    Our buns will be cooked with pressed yeast, break off 25 g.

    If desired, raw pressed yeast can be replaced with dry instant yeast, in this case you need to take 7 g of dry yeast.

    Knead the yeast with a fork, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.

    We send half a teaspoon of salt to the dough for the dough. Crush the resulting mixture with a fork.

    Add warm milk to the dough.

    The yeast should dissolve well in the milk. Mix into a homogeneous liquid mass.

    Add flour (3 tablespoons) to the mixture.

    All flour that will be used for yeast dough must be sieved beforehand. This will saturate the flour with air and make the dough more tender and airy.

    So, stir the mixture with flour, we get a blank for the dough.

    We remove the dough in a warm place without drafts for 20-25 minutes. You can cover the dough with cling film or a clean towel.

    How to cook can be found in a separate article.

    How to make bun dough

    While the dough reaches the lush foam we need, break the egg.

    Add the remaining sugar (2 tablespoons) to the egg, grind.

    There is no need to beat the egg with sugar until fluffy foam, just stir until smooth.

    Pour vegetable oil (110 g) into the dough. This is about half of a regular faceted glass.

    Now we need our dough, which has increased in size by this time.

    Tip: The dough recipe can be used to make delicious and other baked goods.

    Mix the dough and start adding flour in portions. A small part was added - stirred. Added again, stirred. In total, you should use 3.5 cups of flour. But, given that the flour is different for everyone, you may need a little more or a little less. Focus on the consistency of the dough.

    At first, the yeast bun dough will look like this.

    Then it will be difficult to knead with a spatula or spoon and you will have to put everything aside, proceed to kneading the dough with your hands.

    When the dough becomes thick, spread it on a floured surface and begin kneading with your hands. You need to knead for about 10-12 minutes, until the dough becomes plastic. The dough will be sticky, which is normal. Even if it sticks a little to your hands, there is nothing wrong.

    Of course, we can achieve a result with the help of flour so that the dough does not stick to our hands at all, but in this case we will get a dough filled with flour, dense dough, which in ready-made baked goods will not be airy, but heavy.

    Then we put the dough in a bowl, grease it on top with a palm dipped in vegetable oil, cover with a towel and put away in a draft-free place for 1.5 hours.
    After the allotted time, the dough will increase in size, you need to knead it and send it to the refrigerator for another 2 hours.

    Put the well-fitting dough on a surface sprinkled with flour (or greased with vegetable oil).

    Divide the dough by the number of buns you are planning. From this amount, I get 8 large buns. They turn out to be large, lush. So we first divide the dough into two equal parts, then each of the two parts - into two more pieces.

    We divide each part by two more, we get 8 blanks for buns.

    One part of the dough will be one bun, and the shape can be made very different - in the form of hearts, snails, butterflies.

    The most popular and romantic are heart-shaped buns.

    Buns with a heart

    The buns in the shape of a heart are very reminiscent of a bun from Soviet times called the Moskovskaya bun (by the way, they are still sold in stores).

    Making a heart out of dough is as easy as shelling pears! Follow my step by step instructions.
    So, we roll out a piece of dough from our blanks into a circle. If the shape of an even circle does not work out, it does not matter, the heart from the dough will still come out wonderful.

    Now we grease the entire surface of the dough with melted butter with a brush.

    Butter can be substituted with vegetable oil of your choice.

    Sprinkle with sugar (you can use cinnamon or Brown sugar). I will use regular sugar.
    In the photo, it may seem that the sugar is poured in a heap in one place, in fact, the sugar is evenly distributed over the entire surface.
    For a better impression of the sugar, you can run a rolling pin over the dough.

    We begin to roll the cake into a roll.

    We pinch the edge of the roll so that the dough does not come apart.

    Now fold the roll in half and slightly pinch the edge.

    Using a sharp knife, cut through the "plump" part of the roll, not reaching 1.5 cm to the edge.

    Now we turn out the cut edges, we get a heart.

    V finished form the bun looks like this:

    Butterfly buns

    Children are very fond of buns in the form of butterflies. You can involve kids in making them: roll the dough into rolls, grease the surface of the dough with oil with a brush - even a child can do it, and the pleasure will be overwhelming!

    To make butterfly buns, we do the same steps, roll out the cake, grease it with butter, sprinkle it with sugar, then roll up the roll, pinch it ..

    We turn the edges of the roll "under ourselves" and fasten it, as shown in the photo:

    Using a knife, cut the edges of the roll on each side, not reaching the middle of the roll.

    We open the wings of the butterfly with the inner side to us.

    On the Internet great amount ideas of what shape to make buns and buns. One has only to try once - and a variety of spirals, snails, hearts, butterflies and pigtails will appear on your table. Experiment and please your loved ones!

    Now put the buns on a baking sheet covered with parchment, cover with a towel and let them stand for 15-20 minutes. Before baking, grease with yolk mixed with milk, and send to the oven at 180 C.
    The oven must be preheated.
    After 20 minutes, the buns are ready!

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