How many puff pastries to bake. Secrets of baking from ready-made puff pastry

To every kind confectionery corresponds to a certain type of test. They differ in the method of preparation and recipe. Accordingly, the temperature and baking time are also different.

Yeast dough for small items. Temperature - 240-260 ° С, baking time - 8-15 minutes.

Yeast for large products: 220-240 ° С, 20-50 minutes.

Yeast-free puff: 230-250 ° С, 25-30 minutes.

Shortbread: 230-250 ° С, 10-15 minutes.

Sponge cake: 200-220 ° С, 10-15 minutes (up to 10 mm), 35-40 minutes (up to 40 mm).

Custard: 180-220 ° C, 30-40 minutes.

How much to bake dough products.

Baking refers to products made from bread and pastry dough, prepared by baking, as well as the process of preparing these products. Tables indicating baking time will be useful if we are preparing baked goods according to a recipe for making a specific dough, which describes only the process of kneading the dough and does not say anything about the formation of the product and baking time... In this case, we ourselves determine the type of future product, but we may not know how much time will have to be spent on baking. Such tables can also come in handy if in the recipe we find only general phrases - "bake until tender", "bake until golden brown»« Bake in the oven », etc.

Below is a cooking table that states, how much time is needed bake products from various types of dough - yeast-free, biscuit, butter, puff, protein (meringue and meringue), shortcrust, custard and other types of dough. The table also shows the baking temperatures for each type of dough and product size.

Baking time tables for dough products.

Product Temperature, ° С Baking time, min
Simple safe yeast dough
Small items (50-100 g) 240-260 8-15
Large products (500-1000 g) 200-240 20-50
Butter yeast dough
Small items (50-100 g) 240-250 10-12
Large products (800-1000 g) 210-230 30-35
Easter cakes, women, koloboks, pies 180-220 40-50
Puff yeast dough
Small items (60-100 g) 240-260 10-20
Large products (800-1000 g) 230-250 20-25
Puff yeast-free dough
Small items (70-100 g) 210-250 20-30
Large products (100-1200 g) 220-230 30-60
biscuit 220-240 10-15
Puff early maturing dough
Small items (50-100 g) 200-240 25-30
Large products (500-1300 g) 210-240 25-30
Shortcrust pastry
Small items (50-100 g) 230-250 15-20
Large products (600-1200 g) 210-250 15-30
Shortbread flavored dough
Buns 230-250 10-15
Biscuit 220-240 10-15
Sweet dough with soda and sour cream
Biscuit 220-240 8-15
Cookies, cheesecakes, juicy 200-220 10-15
Pies, rolls 180-200 30-40
Unsweetened pie dough on soda
Biscuit 220-240 10-15
Pies 220-240 15-20
Pies 200-220 30-50
Noodle dough
Biscuit 240-260 6-7
Cakes "Tube" 200-240 4-5
Pies 190-220 20-30
Strudels (Strudels) 200-220 30-50
Biscuit dough heated
Biscuit 180-210 8-15
Thin crust (thickness less than 10 mm) 200-220 10-20
Pies 190-210 20-40
Sponge cake (thickness 25-40 mm) 200-220 35-50

Unheated biscuit dough

Rolls 200-220 15-20
Cakes 190-200 15-20
Cakes 180-210 25-30

Butter biscuit dough

Small items (thickness less than 10 mm) 200-220 10-20
Large 190-200 35-50
Cupcakes (600-1000 g) 180-200 40-60

Choux pastry

Figured products from choux pastry 180-200 30-40

Protein dough

Biscuit 130-150 10-15
Merengi 110-120 25-30
Meringue 90-100 30-40
Pies 160-180 30-40
Cakes (layer thickness 2-3 cm) 120 20-30

Nut dough

Small biscuits (up to 10 g) 150-170 12-15
Large biscuits (40-50 g) 150-170 20-25
Cake "Krakowske" 230-240 10
Cake "Ideal" 150-160 20-25

Corn flour dough

Biscuit 200-220 8-10
Buns 200-230 25-30
Custard pie 180-200 50-60
Cupcakes 200-210 40-50

Gingerbread dough

Gingerbread cookies are small, thin 220-240 8-15
Large gingerbread 180-220 30-40
Gingerbread 180-220 30-40
Product Temperature, ° С Baking time, min

Yeast-free puff pastry can be purchased at almost any store and will have a quick meal ready for dinner. However, very often you want to make baked goods with your own hands, including its basis. Self-prepared food is always tastier, since the soul is invested in it.

For puff pastry, you do not need many products, its base contains only oil, flour and salt. But cooking time will take a lot. Of course, there are tons of recipes out there to make a quick yeast-free puff pastry.

Such baked goods are different delicate taste... In order to add even more airiness to it, it is necessary to sift the flour before kneading. This will allow her to be enriched with oxygen. If the test uses classic recipe, then flour is first mixed with water, and after that the layers are oiled with margarine or butter.

How to bake puff pastry?

There are many options. It can be used to make appetizer tartlets, buns, bagels, pizza. It should be noted that the dough takes literally 20 minutes in an oven heated to 200 degrees, and the dish will be ready.

Features of dough preparation

The yeast-free cake dough, the recipe for which is simple and accessible to everyone, has a great taste and aroma. If you want to make puff pastry according to all the rules, then five minutes will not be enough here. This process must be carried out without haste. Only in this case, the result will justify all the work that you put into it. Puff pastry depends entirely on rolling it out correctly.

The layers should absorb the oil. In no case should the dough tear, otherwise the baked goods will be hard and sticky. Therefore, you should not make unnecessary efforts, the movements should be smooth. This will prevent any pieces of oil from spilling out.

Yeast-free puff pastry: ingredients

You will need: half a kilogram wheat flour, a glass of water, a quarter teaspoon of salt, 350 grams of butter.

Cooking method

The salt is mixed with flour, a small amount of which should be left for dusting. Water and 50 grams of butter are poured in, which must first be melted. The dough is kneaded, it must be kneaded for a minute. Then it is packed in a bag or wrapped in plastic and sent to the refrigerator for an hour. The remaining oil is cut into layers, the thickness of which is approximately equal to a centimeter.

Next steps

The dough gingerbread man is cut deeply from above with a knife crosswise. Its quarters open in the form of petals and roll out into layers, while the middle should not be touched. Oil is placed in it and closed with rolled layers. All sides must be tightly closed. If the dough is not enough to completely cover the oil, then you can slightly tighten it. On top, the yeast-free puff pastry is sprinkled with flour and slightly beaten off with a rolling pin. After that, you need to roll it into a rectangle with the same thickness. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to one direction. The resulting rectangular layer is folded in three, wrapped in a film and removed for an hour in the refrigerator. After that, it is necessary to perform another 3-4 similar procedures, however, the direction is chosen differently. Each rolling should end with placing the dough in the refrigerator.

Bake the puffs in the oven at 200 degrees.

How to bake puffs

Ingredients for baking puffs
Ready-made puff pastry - 1 pack (500 g),
Protein chicken eggs- 1 piece
Ham - 8 semicircles,
Pickled cucumbers - 2 pieces
Hard cheese - 100-150 grams
Dill greens

Puff pastry dough
Defrost the puff pastry. Sprinkle the working surface with flour, roll out with a rolling pin into a square measuring 35x35 centimeters. Divide into 4 small squares.

Puff filling
Cut the cheese and ham into small cubes or grate. Cut the pickles into cubes. Wash the dill, dry it and chop finely.

Puff formation
Put cheese, herbs, pickled cucumbers and ham on top of 1 edge of each square. Lubricate the edges of each puff with protein, join the edges and pinch well.

Baking puffs
Place the puffs on a greased baking sheet, then brush the egg white onto the puffs with a brush on top. Bake the puff for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Fun facts about puffs

The most common fillings for puffs
1) cheese
2) cottage cheese
3) ham
4) ham and cheese
5) cherry
6) chicken
7) jam
8) jam
9) apples
10) jam

Calorie puffs
The calorie content of puffs with ham and cheese is 600 kcal / 100 grams.
The calorie content of fruit puffs is 285 kcal / 100 grams.
The calorie content of jam puffs is 500 kcal / 100 grams.

There is no such hostess who has not tried to cook puffs at least once in her life. What is it? It's simple - it's a puff pastry. From regular test it differs in that it contains a large amount of butter (vegetable or butter - it doesn't matter), of which there should be not just a lot, but a catastrophic amount - almost as much as flour. Puff pastry is used to make samsa, buns, pies and many other very different delicacies. If you want to diversify your table, it's time to make puffs. But at the same time, you need to know the conditions under which they will turn out to be truly unique and close to the originals shown in the pictures. cookbooks and magazines. The most important of these conditions is the baking time and temperature. It will also be important what kind of filling you decide to fill your culinary masterpieces.

Time and temperature for baking puffs

Here is a recipe for puff pastry. You have chosen the right ingredients, observed all proportions, performed step by step instructions, strictly following the points of the recipe, but in the end your dish did not turn out the way you intended or did not work at all. What's the matter? In fact, there are not so many options for an answer: either you made a mistake with the temperature, or you overexposed / underexposed the baking in the oven. Be more careful and set the temperature and timer correctly!

What is the optimal temperature?

In the case of puff pastry products, the law of the golden mean is most applicable. Remember that too much or too little heat will ruin your puffs! So, in most recipes, it is recommended that the baking temperature be at least 220 degrees, otherwise the oil will simply evaporate from the dough and the puffs will turn out to be dry and with a few layers. At the same time, try not to overdo it with the temperature! Excessively high (for example, above 250 degrees), it will turn your potential delicacies into burnt crackers, not baked inside.

How long should you put the products in the oven?

On average, the puffs are baked for 20-30 minutes. But in this case, the indicated temperature is just a guideline. Much depends on whether you added yeast to the dough or not.

In the case of yeast puffs, you should be especially vigilant and careful - you must definitely watch how the dough rises. The best option is to preheat the oven, and then place the puffs in it and wait five minutes at a set temperature of 220 degrees. Do not run the air into the oven, otherwise the puffs may not rise! After the starting five minutes, raise the temperature to 250 degrees and continue baking for 15–20 minutes. Having met all these criteria, you will get moderately browned and well-baked yeast puffs... It is much easier to bake yeast-free products from puff pastry. Here it is enough to preheat the oven, and then boldly place the puffs in it for 25 minutes. If you are not satisfied with the result, you can leave the puffs in the oven for another five minutes to achieve the degree of baking you need.

Does the temperature and baking time of the layers depend on the type of filling?

The variety of fillings used when baking puffs is amazing! You can choose whatever your soul desires. If the puffs are intended for tea drinking, then the filling should be sweet. It can be any kind of jam or jam, fruits or berries, condensed milk or chocolate - there are a lot of options. You can experiment and add nuts, sesame seeds, spices and poppy seeds. Believe me, by connecting your imagination, you will not regret it, and you will succeed great dish for dessert.

Video recipe for the occasion:

You can also use unsweetened ingredients as a filling: meat, fish, seafood, cheese, mushrooms, vegetables, potatoes - whatever! To make the dish taste more savory, you can also get creative and try to mix different fillings. Unleavened puffs can be served with first courses, using instead of bread.

  • We lay out the dough without rolling it out on the table, we get a rectangle. We cut into 4 strips along the length, filling is laid out in the middle of each strip. The edges of the strips are pinched. In total, we get 4 long "sausages". Now we put baking paper on a baking sheet, and on it we begin to spread the resulting "sausages": from the center in a circle, ...

  • Prepared breakfast like wany05, quick and simple and with great results. Transfer the dough to the refrigerator in the evening, overnight it will slowly defrost. In the morning we cut the dough into portions according to the number of sausages. We wrap the sausages randomly in the dough. Lubricate with yolk for beauty. And in the oven until the dough is ready. My child loves pies, pies ...

  • Cooking procedure: Frozen puff yeast dough, this is a very affordable semi-finished product, sold in any supermarket. I usually buy it at Magnet. Cut into 10 cm pieces across the semi-finished product, sprinkle the pieces with sugar. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 200 * C with a crank, first grease a baking sheet with sunflower ...

  • Defrost the puff pastry. Place 2 overlapping slices on top of each other. Sprinkle lightly with flour and roll out 3 mm thick. Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Line a baking sheet with baking paper. Using a mold, cut out hearts from the dough and put them on a baking sheet. Peel, halve and core the apples. Slicing apples ...

  • 1. Peel the pears, leaving the stalk. 2. Cut off the bottom of the pear so that it is stable and can stand upright. 3. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, add honey, cut into halves lemon, cinnamon, cloves and seeds scraped out of the vanilla pod, as well as the pod itself. You can replace the vanilla pod with a few ...

  • For the filling: chop the tomato, herbs, pork and meat (finely). Grate cheese on a coarse grater. Mix all. For the sauce, mix mayonnaise with ketchup. Grease the dough (thawed) with sauce and spread the filling evenly on top. Roll up the roll and cut into 4-5 cm pieces. Grease a baking sheet with butter and lay out the buns. Waiting for vertical buns - put ...

  • See all the intricacies of cooking this wonderful dish in my short video! Cut the onion into rings. We mix water, sugar, and vinegar. Stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Put the onion in the marinade. Cut the boiled eggs into slices. We cut off the tail of each fish. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 2 mm. Cut the dough into 8 cm squares ...

  • Let the dough lie down to defrost until ready to roll out. Roll out each square so that its size approximately doubles. Cut into squares. I get 9 squares from one layer of dough. Prepare the filling in advance (twist the raw chicken fillet in a meat grinder, add finely chopped onions, ...

  • Defrost the dough, cut into strips with truncated edges (see photo) Grease with an egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Rinse dried apricots and prunes and soak for 20-30 minutes, cut. Wrap pieces of dried fruit in strips of dough and bake until light blush at 180 gr. Snail cookies are ready for tea or coffee! Leave at once .. two! Bon Appetit!

  • Defrost the dough and roll it into a rectangular layer of about 5mm. Boil 2 eggs hard-boiled and cut into halves. Mix the minced meat with chopped onions, garlic, spices, herbs. Put the prepared minced meat on the dough, on top in the middle of the halves of the eggs one after another. Pinch the dough, grease with an egg, make cuts for beauty. Bake for about 30 minutes ....

  • 1. Defrost the dough as indicated on the package. 2. Put the dough rectangle in a mold covered with parchment. Grease the edges with a slightly beaten egg. And 3. Lay out the dough side along the edge. 4. Peel the pear, cut out the core, cut into thin slices and place on the dough. 5. Break the cheese into small pieces or grate and chop ...

  • There is always frozen dough in the freezer, just to be on the safe side. The bread ran out, it's frosty outside. And there were such rolls for soup. I am sorry that the dough is purchased. Maybe someone will come in handy with such an idea. Mix finely chopped olives and olives, ham, chopped herbs and cheese. Season with mustard and nutmeg. Roll out the dough ...

  • Defrost the finished puff pastry. Dust the surface with flour. Roll out a 3 mm thick rectangle from the dough. Cut the dough lengthwise into 2 pieces. Mix the yolk with milk (or water) and grease the dough with it. Cut the dried fruit lengthwise into two parts. Retreat 1.5 cm from the edge of the dough and lay out the dried fruits alternately along the length. Retreat another 2 cm and lay out ...

  • Puff pastry is an endless topic. Wrap what is in the refrigerator sweet, salty, spicy, meat and sausage in dough and bakes, bakes ... Everything is delicious. In my family, pies with such fillings are very respected. So. FILLING 1. Stew cabbage, carrots and onions with laurel and spices. Salt. Add boiled egg, grated on a coarse ...

What can be made from puff pastry? A lot of different goodies! From simple flaky "tongues" to a chic Napoleon cake; puff tubes, "envelopes", "corners", "roses"; stuffed with apples, cottage cheese, cheese, sausage, jam, chocolate, custard! Here is a wealth of variations conceal basic recipe homemade puff.

Depending on how you fold the dough and how you fill the formed products, each time you get a new delicacy, for the joy and surprise of the household.

Bake everything puff products should be on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour or covered with parchment for baking, at a temperature of 200-220 ° C. It is easy to know when it is ready: the pastries are stratified, acquiring a golden color.

1. Puffs "Bows"
Roll out puff pastry 1 cm thick, cut into strips about 10 cm long, 3-4 cm wide. Twist in the middle to make a "bow". Bake, transfer to a plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

2. Puffs "Ears"
Probably, you often came across delicious cookies-ears in the store. It is easy to make it at home: roll out the dough 0.5 cm thick, sprinkle the cake with sugar and cinnamon and fold first the right edge, then the left roll to the middle of the cake. It turns out a double roll. Cut it into slices 0.5 cm thick, lay out the "ears" on a baking sheet covered with parchment, and bake until tender.

3. Puffs "Corners"
Cut the dough into squares, put a non-liquid filling in the middle of each: pieces of apples, cherries, cottage cheese, or boiled eggs with green onions, or mushrooms fried with onions. Bend the dough squares diagonally to form a triangle, and press along the perimeter with your finger, stepping back 1 cm from the edge: then the filling will not "run away" during baking, but the edges of the "corners" will delaminate beautifully.

4. Puffs "Roses"
Can be made sweet or savory. Having rolled out the dough 0.5 cm thick, cut the cake into strips 15 cm long and 3 cm wide.

Put thin semicircular apple slices sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon on the dough, or boiled sausage- so that the edges protrude slightly above the dough - and fold the dough into a roll. We fasten the roses with toothpicks and bake until golden.

You can sprinkle the strips of dough with grated cheese or poppy seeds, then roll up - you get flaky "snails".

5. Cheese sticks
Cut the cake 1 cm thick into strips, grease with a beaten egg, sprinkle with grated cheese. You can sprinkle with cumin or sesame seeds.

6. Puff pastries
Having rolled out the dough into a 0.5 cm cake, cut out the circles with a glass or glass. Putting on the filling, for example, boiled chicken fillet chopped and mixed with fried onions. We pinch the pies, press a little, put on a baking sheet with the seam down and bake until light golden.

7. Puffs "Tubules"
To prepare them, you will need special metal baking cones. We wind strips of dough 1 cm wide on them, slightly overlapping, and bake. We remove the finished cooled tubes from the cones and fill with cream: creamy, custard or protein.

8. Puffs "Croissants"
Roll out the dough into a circle 0.5 cm thick and cut into triangular segments, as for bagels. Put the non-liquid filling on the wide edge: berries, a piece of jam, nuts with raisins and honey, a piece of chocolate - and roll it from the wide end to the narrow one. Dip the croissant upside down into a beaten egg, then into sugar. Put on a baking sheet and bake until golden brown.

9. Spiral pie
As an alternative to fine puffs, you can bake a large, effective layered cake! Roll out the dough 0.5 cm thick, cut into long, narrow strips (5 cm wide, long - the more the better).

Put the filling in the middle of the strips: grated cheese, mushrooms, minced meat. We pinch the edges and put the resulting "tubes" with the filling in a spiral into a mold. You can make a pie with different fillings by alternating them. Grease the top of the pie with a beaten egg, sprinkle with sesame seeds or caraway seeds. Bake at 180-200C until golden brown.

10. Napoleon
The most delicious and favorite puff pastry recipe! We roll out the dough into cakes 2-3 mm thick, according to the size of the baking sheet (and so that the thin crust does not break, it is more convenient to roll out immediately on parchment sprinkled with flour), pierce the cakes in several places with a fork and bake every 15-20 minutes. Ready-made cakes coat custard, sprinkle the cake with crumbs and leave to soak for 3-4 hours.

Do you know what can be made from puff pastry? Pies, cookies are a real lifesaver for different occasions.

Birthday cake, fluffy buns for a children's party, pizza for a family dinner, cheese sticks for beer, and delicious croissants for breakfast - you can prepare quickly and tasty, adding variety to the daily diet.

Use purchased dough or cook it yourself. Yeast and yeast-free option... This product has a neutral taste, it is recommended to use it not only for dessert dishes, but also pies, pies with cheese, vegetable and meat fillings.

A more complex and heavier yeast dough is suitable for buns, but a yeast-free dough is considered a universal solution. Knowing different recipes, you can cook a new dish every day. Let's learn more about the amazing world of puff pastry together.

Puff pastry has many benefits. You can cook from it different dishes according to recipes. It is quick and easy to handle, it is worth finished form inexpensive.

The cooking process will become easier if you know some secrets.

All types of puff products are prepared from:

  1. oils
  2. salt and flour

It is prepared in a special way and laid out in layers. How airy the dough turns out depends on the number of layers. The process of preparing the yeast version is laborious, it is much easier to prepare a mass without yeast. A yeast-free product can have 280 layers, although it cooks quickly.

In order for the baking from it to turn out lush, the oven must be preheated to 220 degrees and the product must be baked for no longer than half an hour.

There is a simple classic version, it is used to make cakes, pies and cheese sticks. A sweet and uncomplicated dish is made from curd-puff pastry, and quick option- creamy puff.

  1. Types of puff products are made without sugar; when baking sweet dishes, sugar is added to the filling or sprinkled on top.
  2. The baked goods are more airy and aromatic when alcohol is added.
  3. The water used in the preparation is taken cold.
  4. To give the baked goods a golden color, grease it with an egg.
  5. Baking rises better if the oven is left unopened for the first 10 minutes.
  6. If you are making baked goods with sugar, then you need to press down a little, otherwise the sugar will burn and create a tasteless crust.

A delicious dish is obtained from purchased dough. It is prepared in accordance with the norms and standards and will be an excellent substitute for your home counterpart.

  1. When choosing a store option, pay attention to the production time, since the splendor of the baking depends on the freshness of the product.
  2. Is there butter in the composition? The taste will be more delicate.
  3. Many supermarkets offer dough homemade, the shelf life of the product should not exceed three calendar days.

Correct dough preparation and recipe

When using ready-made frozen dough at home, you need to understand the defrosting methods. It is better to leave the product in the refrigerator overnight after taking it out of the package. During defrosting, the mass must be periodically turned over, avoiding sticking, uneven softening.

Try the chopped puff option

  • For every 100 grams of butter, a glass of flour is taken.
  • Chilled butter is cut into pieces, mixed with flour and in this state is chopped into small pieces.
  • The mixture is collected in a hill, a deepening is made.
  • 50 ml of water is poured there, salt on the tip of a knife and a teaspoon of vinegar are added.
  • The mass is collected in a lump and placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

What dishes can be made from yeast puff pastry

They make of it:

  1. wonderful buns
  2. pizzas and pies
  3. tartlets
  4. rastegai
  5. samsa
  6. pies and nuts
  7. Easter baskets
  8. croissants
  9. pasties or khachapuri
  10. strudel

Cookies from it are tender and crumbly.

Sweet and uncomplicated snail buns

You will need:

  1. a pack of yeast dough, 60 grams of melted butter
  2. half a teaspoon of cinnamon
  3. half a glass of sugar.

You need to cook like this:

  • Wait for the product to melt, roll it out.
  • Spread with butter and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar on top.
  • Roll the layer into a sausage and cut into pieces.
  • Coat the surface with beaten egg and place on a greased baking sheet.
  • Place in the oven for 20 minutes. The temperature should be at least 200 degrees.

Which filling to use for baking depends on your imagination.

For croissants, use prunes and nuts. Jam is suitable for making a pie, cream cheese... Use dough and cottage cheese to create fluffy cheesecakes.

Puff pastry made from yeast-free puff pastry

From yeast-free dough, products with sweet fillings will become a win-win option.

A small list of additives:

  • jams
  • nuts
  • chocolate
  • fruits
  • candied fruit

Such baked goods are popular due to their lightness. A very simple recipe - puff tongues that can be cooked with sugar, with fruit, berry filling... Puffs are cooked in the oven in 5 minutes.

The process of making a delicious strudel will not take long. A thin layer is rolled out, on which a specially prepared mixture of frozen cherries, sugar, vanilla, melted butter and starch. Then the layer is rolled into a roll, and its edges are pinched. The roll is baked for about half an hour.

From unleavened dough delicious cheese sticks are obtained.

They are prepared simply from the remains of the dough. The dough is rolled out into a thin plate, smeared with yolk on top, seasoned with seasonings and sprinkled with grated cheese. Stacked on a baking sheet and cut into thin strips there. Place in the oven for only 5-7 minutes.

Pastries with sweet, meat fillings

Puff pastry is used for baked goods with vegetable and meat fillings.

Suitable as a filling:

  • potato
  • liver
  • Rice with chicken
  • cabbage or mushrooms
  • cottage cheese
  • berries

For taste, add fried onions to the potato and meat filling. The forms depend on your imagination: envelopes, bagels, puffs, pies. Tartlets will be an interesting solution. Original baskets will decorate the festive table.

And what kind of pie is made with meat filling? Real jam!

  1. Minced meat, pepper, salt, fried onions are mixed.
  2. The dough is rolled out in two layers.
  3. One is placed on a baking sheet with the formation of sides, and the second is placed after distributing the filling.

Can you make pasties, khachapuri? Such products are lush and juicy.

Puff pastry pizza

Can pizza be made from ready-made puff pastry? The answer is yes. It will be crispy and thin.

As usual, the cake is rolled out, and any filling is used on top: boiled meat with mushrooms and olives, cheese with ham.

The olives are cut into slices, the mushrooms are sliced, the cheese is grated and the ham is cut into strips. Pizza is cooked for 25-30 minutes.

Pizza can be cooked in a slow cooker. To do this, use the "baking" mode, set for 25 minutes.

By connecting your imagination, you will find a lot of original recipes that can be made from puff pastry. Experiment, try.