How to cook a delicious compote from frozen berries. Frozen berry compote

Berries preserved since summer thanks to modern technology quick freeze, save a maximum of vitamins. You can cook from them, make jam, and in order to please yourself and loved ones with natural, healthy drink, you can cook a compote from frozen berries - we will now tell you how to do it correctly.

Frozen berry compote recipe


  • frozen berries - 500 g;
  • filtered water - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • orange peel - optional.


Pour into a saucepan the right amount water, add sugar and bring the syrup to a boil. Now we take any frozen berries: cherries, strawberries, blackberries, black currants and carefully throw them into boiling water. If you like a delicate citrus aroma, then add a little lemon or orange zest, grated on a fine grater, to the compote. Then, we wait for the water to boil again, reduce the flame and boil the drink for no more than 5 minutes. After that, turn off the heat, close the pan with a lid and set it aside on the edge of the stove. Let our drink infuse for another half hour. So he will receive the maximum of vitamins from berries and aromatic substances. Now carefully filter the compote, pour it into a decanter and cool or chill in the refrigerator. If you wish, you can not strain the berries through a colander, but pour them into glasses with them.

Frozen berry compote in a slow cooker


  • - 100 g;
  • frozen currants - 100 g;
  • frozen cherries - 100 g;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • filtered water - 2.5 liters.


We take out the berries in advance from the freezer, measure the required amount and pour them into the multicooker bowl. If you purchase a ready-made frozen mixture in a store, then before using it, be sure to thoroughly rinse the berries under running water. Now add sugar to taste and fill the berries with water. After that, close the lid of the appliance, select the "Steam cooking" function on the display and increase the cooking time to 20 minutes. Press the "Start" button and wait for the end of the program and the sound signal. Strain the finished compote through a colander or cheesecloth folded in several layers.

Dried apples and frozen berries compote


  • frozen assorted berries - 2 tbsp.;
  • dried apples- 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar to taste;
  • dry rosehip - 1 tbsp.;
  • filtered water - 4 l.


We put all fruits and berries in a colander and rinse under a stream warm water... Next, pour filtered water into the pan, add dried fruits, frozen berries and put the dishes on the fire. Cook the compote for 40 minutes at a low boil. Then, using a slotted spoon, catch all the berries and add sugar to taste. Pour the finished drink into a decanter, cool and serve.

Frozen berry compote with cinnamon



So, to prepare a healthy and tasty compote, put fresh mint in a saucepan and fill it with hot water. We transfer the frozen berries to a colander, rinse carefully and dry. Then we throw them into the mint infusion. Add sugar to taste ground cinnamon, put the dishes on low heat and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. After that, carefully remove the pan, cover it with a lid on top and leave for 30 minutes. Now it remains only to strain the finished compote through a sieve. Then you can enjoy the incredible aroma and original taste this healthy drink.

If there is a lack of vitamins in winter, they can be easily replenished with the help of a useful homemade compote, which can be prepared from frozen berries (harvested for the winter or bought in a store), so in this article we will consider how long and how to cook compote from fresh berries to preserve vitamins.

How much to cook compote from frozen berries

The boiling time of the compote should not be long, since for a long time heat treatment vitamins and useful microelements in berries are destroyed:

  • How long does it take to cook fresh berries compote? Fresh berries in compote are boiled for an average of 5-10 minutes after boiling water in a saucepan.

Having learned how many minutes to cook compote from fresh berries in a saucepan, we will further consider the sequence of its preparation, what to know how to cook it not only tasty, but also useful for our body.

How to cook frozen berries compote

  • Ingredients: frozen berries - 0.5 kg, water - 2.5 liters, sugar - 1 glass.
  • Total cooking time: 10 minutes, preparation time: 5 minutes, frying time: 5 minutes.
  • Calories: 52 calories (per 100 grams of product).
  • Cuisine: European. Type of dish: drinks. Servings: 2.

For cooking compote in winter, you can use any frozen berries (strawberries, strawberries, currants), and if you wish, you can add apples (both fresh and frozen) and citrus fruits (lemons, oranges). Consider one of the simplest and most popular recipes on how to cook compote from fresh berries at home:

  • We prepare a large saucepan and that's it necessary ingredients for compote: 2-2.5 liters of water, 0.5 kg of any frozen berries (you can use a mix of different berries) and 1-1.5 cups of sugar.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil over high heat, stirring occasionally so that the sugar completely dissolves and you get a sweet syrup.
  • After boiling water in a saucepan, put frozen berries in boiling water (you do not need to defrost them before that) and after boiling water again, cook them for 5-10 minutes (the less we cook, the more vitamins will be saved). Also, if desired, along with frozen berries, you can add a few slices of fresh lemon or orange, as well as a fresh apple cut into slices.
  • At the end of cooking, set aside the pan with compote from the stove and let it infuse for 15-20 minutes, after which it can be consumed.

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step by step recipe with photo

In order to enjoy aromatic drinks in winter, in summer you will have to work a little and prepare the right amount of berries and seasonal fruits for future use. You can freeze almost everything, the only thing is that after defrosting, the aesthetic appearance is slightly lost. But the benefits of berries remain, all vitamins remain in the same composition. So, if your bins are replenished with such stocks, we suggest that you cook incredibly today fragrant compote... We take as a basis the berries of wild strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants, strawberries and plums, and add a little viburnum. In spices, we give preference to spicy star anise and cinnamon sticks. Add a few dry mint leaves for spice.


  • frozen berries - 180-190 g
  • viburnum - 50 g
  • lemon - 3-4 slices
  • cinnamon - 2 sticks
  • star anise - 2 stars
  • dry mint - 1-2 leaves
  • honey - 4 tbsp. l.
  • water - 1.8-1.9 liters.

How to cook frozen berries compote

1. It is better to defrost berries in advance. Take them out of the freezer, place them on the refrigerator shelf, leave the berries overnight, this is the most gentle way to defrost. Of course, it is not necessary to adhere to just such a set, you can always change it by adding certain berries, or flavor the future drink with fresh seasonal fruits or dried fruits. So, transfer the berries to a saucepan of a suitable size.

2. Wash the lemon, pour over boiling water, dry with a napkin. Chop and add 3-4 citrus wedges to a saucepan.

3. Pour in the measured amount of clean water.

4. Immediately add cinnamon sticks, star anise and dry mint.

5. In a separate container, grind a small handful of viburnum berries.

6. Together with the resulting juice, transfer the viburnum to a saucepan. Place the container on the upper minimum heat, the compote should come to a boil for about 15 minutes. As soon as it starts to boil, turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid, leave the drink for about an hour.

7. Filter the boiled berries.

8. Add honey to a pure aromatic berry drink, stir it until it is completely dissolved.

9. Pour the compote into glass jar, store the drink on the refrigerator shelf.

Bon Appetit!

Note to the hostess

1. The category of the most resourceful housewives includes the lazy and very busy. They believe that washing a colander is too troublesome task: you have to brush out small seeds of berries stuck in the net with a brush, and sometimes even push them with a toothpick, then wipe it, put it back in place. It was these women who invented an ingenious way of making compote: they put the fruits in gauze tied like a bag, and then take the boiled mass out of the finished drink along with the cloth and throw it away. The taste, color and benefits are fully preserved.

2. It is allowed to increase the amount of mint leaves specified in the recipe. Meanwhile, it should be borne in mind that this is not just a fragrant, pleasant, refreshing, but also a medicinal culture. If you put 10-15 large leaves on the specified volume of water, then hypotonic people will have a headache, because their pressure will drop sharply and noticeably. In addition, the plant causes drowsiness. All of the above applies to lemon balm, which is also used to flavor drinks.

3. Honey is never put into too warm, let alone hot compote: the sweetness will remain, and the healing properties will irrevocably disappear. It must be added to the cooled liquid. The thickened honey lump will dissolve in it slowly, but it will still happen.

Frozen berry compote

If you have a lot of frozen berries and want to cook from them delicious compote, here's a simple recipe. I cooked from blackberries and cranberries, but there may be other berries (currants, blueberries, cherries, mulberries, irga, blackberries, raspberries, plums, strawberries, honeysuckle, lingonberries and other delicious berries).

Composition (proportions)

for 2 liters of water. Casserole 2.5 l.

  • Frozen berries - 2 glasses (more can be, but not less);
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup (1/3 can be used, depending on how sweet you like it);

In addition to water, compote needs berries and sugar.

How to cook

  • Cook compote: Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil. Pour sugar and berries into a saucepan. Bring to a boil again and cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Insist compote: close the compote with a lid (if the pan is enameled, you can leave it in it, if not enameled, pour it into a glass jar). Leave the compote to cool down, and let the juice in the berries (for 8-8 hours), because initially the compote is not so saturated, and when it stands, it fills with color and taste.

Ready-made compote from berries (black and cranberry)

If your berries are not very sour, then you need to acidify the compote with something. For example, add a couple of slices of orange or lemon (do not cook, but when you have already turned off the compote). Either squeeze lemon there or Orange juice.

Kiwi, apricots, sour apples, nectarines, peaches, plums, cherry plums, sea buckthorn will also pleasantly acidify the compote. This is delicious.

You can put more berries, so the drink will become even richer and tastier. You can add raisins and other dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, dried apples and pears) to the compote.

If you do not have time to wait long, then cook the compote longer, not 5, but 10-12 minutes. And then, anyway, let it cool. Of course, so fewer vitamins will be stored, but the compote will be ready faster.

Fresh berries and fruits compote

You can also make fresh berries compote. If the berries are small with a thin skin, you can simply throw them into a boiling compote and immediately turn off the heat (do not cook). And if you have fruit (cut into pieces), then cook for 3 minutes and also let it brew.

Chokeberry and cranberry combined in compote

Frozen berry compote - general principles cooking

Frozen berry compote is a versatile drink that can be brewed at any time of the year. For its preparation, take a variety of frozen berries: cherries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, black or red currants, gooseberries, blackberries, blueberries, sea buckthorn, etc. Compote does not require long cooking, since vitamins are destroyed during boiling and useful material... Usually frozen berries are laid out in sugar syrup and cook for about five minutes. You can also immerse them in cold water, and cook after boiling for 5-6 minutes, then add sugar.

Sugar is taken as a sweetener, it can also be replaced with fructose. Sometimes lemon or orange juice or the zest of these fruits is added to the frozen berry compote for aroma and taste. From spices, you can add vanilla, cinnamon, mint, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom, etc. Sometimes compote from frozen berries is boiled together with fresh apples... You can add a little liqueur, cognac or liqueur to the finished drink - a great option for a party.

Frozen berry compote - preparing food and dishes

You do not need to defrost the berries for making a drink, since a lot of juice will be released and, accordingly, a lot of vitamins will be consumed. Although in some recipes, frozen berries are laid out in a bowl, slightly thawed and put in boiling water along with the juice that has evolved. But most often the frozen mixture is thrown directly into boiling water or syrup.

From the dishes you will need a large saucepan, a colander, a knife and a cutting board (for a recipe with apples) and clean gauze for straining. The cooled and strained compote is poured into a tall transparent decanter, and served in ordinary glasses or wine glasses.

Frozen berry compote recipes:

Recipe 1: Frozen Berry Compote

This compote from frozen berries is cooked in sugar syrup. You can take any frozen berries: cherries, black currants, strawberries or blackberries, or even better - an assortment of frozen berries.

Required Ingredients:

  • A pound of frozen berries;
  • One and a half to two glasses of sugar;
  • 2-2.5 liters of water.

Cooking method:

First you need to prepare the sugar syrup for the compote. Take a large saucepan and pour all the sugar into it. Then pour in water and place the pot on the stove. Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly. After boiling, put the frozen berries in the syrup. Gently stir the compote, cover and cook for 10-13 minutes over low heat. It is not necessary to cook compote for a long time, otherwise all vitamins will be destroyed.

Recipe 2: Frozen berry compote with lemon

Such a compote of frozen berries will perfectly quench your thirst and refresh. Lemon imparts to the drink easy pleasant sourness, and if you want to get a sweeter drink, you can take an orange instead of lemon. Berries can be any: cherry, strawberry or currant.

Required Ingredients:

  • A pound of frozen berries;
  • Half or one glass of sugar;
  • Water - 2-2.5 liters;
  • Lemon (orange).

Cooking method:

We take a large five-liter saucepan and fill it with water so that it fills 2/3 of the volume. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a clean bowl. Boil water in a saucepan. Gradually add sugar and pour in lemon juice... Stir everything vigorously until the sugar dissolves. Let the water boil again and lay out the frozen berries. After boiling, we reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and cook compote from frozen berries for no more than 5 minutes. Leave the finished drink to infuse for half an hour, then filter it into another container and leave to cool.

Recipe 3: Frozen berries compote with cinnamon and mint

Cinnamon gives the drink a pleasant spicy taste, and mint - coolness and freshness. Mint can be taken fresh or dried. Any fruit is suitable for preparing a drink.

Required Ingredients:

  • 100-150 g mint (dry or frozen);
  • A pound of frozen berries;
  • A glass and a half of sugar;
  • Two - two and a half liters of water;
  • Cinnamon.

Cooking method:

Brew the mint with hot water in a saucepan and leave to infuse for 8-10 minutes. Put the berries in a clean container and leave to thaw. After 10 minutes, put them together with juice in mint tea. Add cinnamon and sugar to the mixture and cook the compote for about 10 minutes over medium heat. The cooking time should be judged by the dissolution of the berries. Leave the finished compote from frozen berries to infuse and cool.

Recipe 4: Frozen berry compote with orange zest

Orange peel gives the compote of their frozen berries a pleasant bitterness and a fresh citrus aroma. To prepare a drink, it is better to take an assortment of frozen berries: cherries, currants, blackberries, strawberries, etc.

Required Ingredients:

  • Frozen berries - half a kilo;
  • Orange zest;
  • Water - 2.5 liters;
  • Sugar - 0.5 - 1 glass (to taste);

Cooking method:

Pour water into a large saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil. Stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Then put the frozen berries in a saucepan and add the orange zest. After boiling again, reduce the heat and cook the compote from frozen berries for minutes. Turn off the fire, cover the pan with a lid and leave the drink to cool and infuse. If desired, the cooled compote can be drained.

Recipe 5: Frozen Berries Compote with Fresh Apples

This compote from frozen berries and apples can be cooked at any time of the year. In summer, the drink quenches thirst, and in winter it fills the body with vitamins and microelements.

Required Ingredients:

  • Apples - 3-4 pcs.;
  • A mixture of frozen berries - 200 g;
  • Half a glass of sugar;
  • Lemon juice - 30 ml;
  • Water - 3 liters.

Cooking method:

Wash the apples, peel and cut the seeds. Cut the apples into slices. Pour apples with water and put on fire. Bring to a boil, add sugar and cook for about 10 minutes. Then put the frozen berries in a saucepan and pour in the lemon juice. Cook the compote for another 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and leave to cool. If desired, the compote can be drained.

Frozen berry compote - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

For the preparation of compote with frozen berries, it is not recommended to use aluminum pots, since the acids contained in the berries react with the metal and form compounds that pass into the compote. In addition, a drink brewed in such a saucepan loses a large amount of vitamin C and minerals.