Sea buckthorn in the water for the winter. Sea buckthorn for the winter: delicious recipes with photos

Sea buckthorn has long enjoyed the well-deserved love of the people. The healing properties of amber berries, leaves, bark and shoots of this shrub are known not only to fans traditional medicine... Save all useful material it is possible for a long time, by preserving the sea buckthorn without additional heat treatment. True, for some people, it may not be safe and cause harm.

In order to use the fruits of this plant correctly and avoid negative consequences at the same time, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the information about the berry and the recipes for its preparation presented in this article.

Useful properties and contraindications

The therapeutic effect of sea buckthorn on the human body is due to a combination of balanced microelements (15%) and vitamins (10%), as well as saccharides (3.5%) and organic acids (3.2%). This makes sea buckthorn an excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiencies. Each component of the berry performs a specific function:

  • Content carotenes and carotenoids exceeds the daily consumption rate by 2 times. Thanks to them, vitamin A is formed in the body, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the endocrine system, organs of vision, health of the skin and mucous membranes, regulation of growth and sexual development.
  • A large number of tocopherols (vitamin E) enhances immunity, normalizes the reproductive system.
  • Vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B9 participate in the production of red blood cells and antibodies, support the thyroid gland.
  • Vitamin C important for the functioning of bone and connective tissues, stimulating immunity. By the amount of vitamin C (695 mg), sea buckthorn is superior black currant(200 mg).

  • Vitamin P contained in the form of flavonoids, reduces capillary fragility and permeability and reduces blood clotting, which is especially important for varicose veins or hemorrhoids.
  • Vitamin K supports kidney health, participates in protein synthesis and metabolic processes.
  • Availability potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and iron improves the transmission of impulses from the central nervous system to the periphery and creates conditions for the normal functioning of the whole organism.

Sea buckthorn has an effective anti-inflammatory and antitumor effect, stimulating the regenerative processes of the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs. It is used as a regenerating agent for the treatment of the liver after alcohol poisoning.

Berries are useful for hypertensive patients, as they lower blood pressure, stimulate the heart, cleanse the blood, lower cholesterol levels and are a means of preventing atherosclerosis.

It is used as a wound healing and analgesic agent for wounds, bedsores, burns, frostbite and skin lesions in radiation sickness. It is used to treat inflammation of the gums and mucous membranes.

Sea buckthorn is used to make medications prescribed for eye diseases (cataracts), hearing organs, in gynecology and intestinal treatment. In cosmetology, not only the fruits, but also the leaves of the plant are used to make products that support the health of the skin and hair.

But, each medicine has contraindications. First of all, you should make sure that there is no individual intolerance and allergies. Side effects can manifest themselves as:

  • itching and skin rashes;
  • sensations of bitterness in the mouth;
  • respiratory rhythm disturbances, shortness of breath, profuse salivation;
  • the appearance of edema in places of external use.

Treatment with products or medicines based on sea buckthorn is contraindicated for hypotensive patients, people suffering from liver diseases, urolithiasis, inflammation of the pancreas and gallbladder.

Berry picking: methods and devices

Harvesting a bush is not an easy task. Each collector has his own tricks to help make the job easier. These include:

  • Method 1. After the onset of cold weather, it is enough to shake the branches to shake off the fruits on the spread fabric or film.
  • Method 2. An open cane umbrella clings to a branch with a curved handle, and the berries are cut with scissors. This process will take a long time, but not a single berry will end up on the ground.
  • Method 3... An interesting device for harvesting is a special mitt made of strong, thick fabric or tarpaulin. One edge of the bag is sewn to its inner part. The other edge should protrude when bending the fingers of the palm, without interfering with the entry of the fruit inside. Having stepped back from the end of the shoot, it is slightly squeezed between the thumb and forefinger. The fruits are plucked with movements from the base to the edge, gradually moving towards the trunk. The main disadvantage is a large amount of crushed raw materials.

  • Method 4. To get to hard-to-reach places, the craftsmen came up with a structure in the form of a stick with a loop of steel wire at the end. The device is called "cobra". The tip of the wire is slightly bent so that the loop takes on the shape of a drop or candle. Grasping at the base, the berries are easily cut off with a wire without damage.

Particular attention should be paid to protecting your hands to avoid scratching or allergic reactions. Juice that gets on your clothes is not washed off, so it is better to use things that you do not mind ruining.

Storage: options

There are three main storage methods to help save a bountiful harvest:

  • On the branches... In cellars or dark rooms, where the air temperature ranges from 0C to + 4C, berries can be stored on the shoots for several months. The branches are hung from the ceiling or laid out in one layer on paper. They are periodically turned over, removing spoiled fruits.

  • Freezing. Deep freezing of the product will help preserve nutrients and enrich the winter diet with them. It is important that no more than two hours pass after harvest. In the light, vitamins are quickly destroyed. The collected raw materials are cleaned of branches, leaves, unripe or rotten fruits, washed gently and allowed to dry on a cloth or paper towel. Prepared berries are packaged in portions in cellophane bags or plastic containers and produced quick freeze... Before use, a small portion is transferred to the lower shelf of the refrigerator for gradual defrosting. When re-freezing, both the benefits and appearance product.
  • Home preservation. Culinary preparations enrich the diet during the cold season. Sea buckthorn is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It is able to replace many medications for the prevention of vitamin deficiency.

Recipes without heat treatment

For cooking medicated oil use the crop harvested after the first frost. At this time, the concentration of nutrients in the berries reaches a maximum. You can get it at home in two ways:

  • Cold pressed. Raw materials cleared of leaves and branches must be washed, dried, folded into a deep enamel or glass dish and chopped with a blender. The resulting mass should be squeezed well through several layers of gauze. The juice must be drained into a prepared container and placed in a dark place for a day. During this time, there is a natural stratification of the liquid and oily fractions. The oil accumulated on the surface is carefully collected with a pipette or a wooden spoon in a clean glass or ceramic container with a tight-fitting lid. With proper storage (no direct sunlight and temperature + 5 ... 7C), it retains its healing properties for up to 2 years.
  • Oilcake, remaining after squeezing the juice, pour any (except for cottonseed) vegetable refined oil and insist for 2-3 weeks. After that, it is squeezed out, filtered, poured into a tightly closed container and stored in a dark, cool place.

Homemade preparations using sugar will delight the sweet tooth and allow housewives to save time on preparing healthy vitamin drinks and desserts.

  • Sea buckthorn without cooking with sugar... 1 kg of sea buckthorn requires 1.3 kg of granulated sugar. The berries must be sorted out, carefully rinsed, dried and sprinkled with sugar. Put the mixture in jars and close tightly. In a candied form, the berry is stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 months.
  • Mashed sea buckthorn with sugar. For 1 kg of fruit, you need 1.3-1.5 kg of sugar. Clean berries should be covered with sugar and chopped with a blender. Transfer the resulting mass to sterilized jars and evenly pour on top with 1-2 tablespoons of granulated sugar. Then cover it with a sheet of parchment and close it tightly. Store the product in the refrigerator. His beneficial features persist up to six months.
  • Mashed sea buckthorn with sugar, frozen. For 1 kg of berries you need 1.5 kg of granulated sugar. Prepared fruits should be mixed with sugar and chopped using a blender or meat grinder. Put the gruel-like mass in ice molds and put in the freezer for 4-5 hours. Pour the cubes into bags and store in the freezer. ...

Frozen sea buckthorn puree is an excellent base for making fruit drinks, compotes or vitamin tea drinks, which retains its beneficial properties for a long time

  • Mashed sea buckthorn with honey- a useful and gentle way of harvesting this berry. And the use of honey enhances the healing effect of the sweet treat. The grated fruits are placed in sterile jars, alternating layer by layer with honey. The neck of the vessel is covered with a piece of parchment dipped in cognac to prevent the appearance of mold and deterioration of the product. But you can do without the use of alcohol. Store the product in a dark, cool place.
  • Juice. Freshly squeezed juice is stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months without souring.
  • Syrup... The prepared fruits are passed through a sieve or juicer. The squeezed juice is covered with granulated sugar at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of juice. After the sugar is completely dissolved, the resulting syrup is poured into sterilized jars and tightly closed or rolled up with lids. Store in a cellar. The syrup is used in cooking to soak confectionery... It is used to make sauces for ice cream, cheese cakes and curd desserts, added to fruit drinks and fruit compotes with a rich taste.
  • For information on how to make raw sea buckthorn jam, see the next video.

Sea buckthorn with sugar for the winter without cooking can replace the rest of the reserves. After all, amber berries that have not been heat treatment, retain useful substances, such as vitamins and amino acids, that perfectly cope with seasonal ailments. Such a blank has several cooking versions, which can be found in the following recipes.

Sea buckthorn with sugar - beneficial properties

Sea buckthorn with sugar, the benefits and harms of which have long been studied, belongs to healthy and correct preparations. The berries are not heat treated, which helps to preserve all the natural benefits and significantly save time for cooking. In addition, sea buckthorn seeds contain oils that maximize the absorption of vitamins from its pulp. Due to its unique composition, sea buckthorn with sugar for the winter without cooking, helps to cope with various diseases:

  1. Berries contain vitamins B, C, K, E, folic acid, iron, magnesium, sodium, and therefore are able to increase immunity, overcome stress, cope with depression, restore vision and produce a rejuvenating effect.
  2. People suffering from allergies, high acidity, gallbladder disease and urolithiasis should be extremely careful when using this blank.

Raw sea buckthorn with sugar needs proper storage. Since the workpiece is not thermally processed, and the only preservative that protects against mold and fermentation is ordinary sugar, sea buckthorn is left in a dark and cold place, protected from sunlight. For such purposes, both a cellar and a refrigerator are suitable.

  1. The storage duration directly depends on the quality of the harvest, so you need to choose only juicy and whole berries for it.
  2. You should not worry if, after a few weeks, the workpiece stratifies into sugar, jelly and syrup - this is quite acceptable. In this case, the layers are not mixed, but used directly.
  3. Store the workpiece in glass jars, closed hermetically with sterile lids, in a cool, ventilated place.

Sea buckthorn with sugar for the winter has several versions of preparation. Traditionally, the mass is ground with a blender or meat grinder, sprinkled with sugar, insisted, laid out in jars, sprinkled with sugar on top and covered. For stocks with whole berries, sprinkled with sugar, they are laid in layers, adding 40 g of sugar to the upper and lower layers.

  1. Cooking sea buckthorn with sugar requires careful preparation of the berries. They need to be sorted out and washed. The process should be approached responsibly, because one spoiled berry can ruin the whole workpiece, spoiling the taste and shortening the shelf life.
  2. In the cooking process, it is important to consider the ratio of sea buckthorn and sugar. As a rule, it is recommended to take 1.5 kg of sugar for 1 kg of berries.
  3. The grated sea buckthorn should be cooked very quickly, trying to avoid direct sunlight, which has a detrimental effect on the useful properties of the workpiece.
  4. Insist the workpiece exclusively in a dark place, covering the container with clean gauze.
  5. Sea buckthorn can be rubbed with other berries - from this taste qualities the workpieces will only get stronger.

Sea buckthorn rubbed with sugar is a modern preparation that allows you to stock up on a healing product without hassle. For cooking, only two components and a convenient tool for processing are enough. In this recipe, the sour berries are ground with a wooden pestle to help give the desired texture and maintain a vibrant color.


  • sea ​​buckthorn berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.


  1. Grind prepared sea buckthorn berries with a wooden pestle with 1.3 kg of sugar.
  2. Set aside in a dark place for 3 hours.
  3. Divide the mass into sterile jars.
  4. From the remaining sugar, make a "cork" on top, cover with parchment, a nylon lid and put it in the cellar.

Sea buckthorn in a blender with sugar has many benefits. This method of cooking will help grind the berries into a smooth mass in a couple of seconds, and by rubbing it through a sieve, get rid of the seeds, and become the owners of a universal delicacy. In addition, sugar is added to the pure puree, which helps to regulate the sweetness of the preparation.


  1. sea ​​buckthorn berries - 2.5 kg;
  2. sugar - 2 kg.


  1. Puree the sea buckthorn berries in a blender.
  2. Wipe the resulting mass through a sieve.
  3. Add sugar, stir, and leave to dissolve for 4 hours.
  4. Mix thoroughly and spread the mass into sterile jars.

Sea buckthorn rolled with sugar through a meat grinder is no worse than numerous blanks, because this time-tested household appliance helps to quickly and easily process great amount berries, and get a healthy vitamin mass with a light grainy texture that looks appetizing in a jar and has a pleasant texture.


  • sea ​​buckthorn berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.


  1. Pass the sea buckthorn berries along with 1.2 kg of sugar through a meat grinder.
  2. Cover the grated mass with gauze and remove for a couple of hours in a cool place.
  3. Place in the jars, top with the remaining sugar and swirl.

With sugar without cooking - a natural energy drink. Such properties of the drink are given by berries rich in vitamins, and this recipe ensures their complete preservation. For cooking, sea buckthorn is interrupted along with sugar in a blender and mashed potatoes are filtered through a sieve. The remaining extracts are used to prepare equally useful oil.


  • sea ​​buckthorn berries - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.


  1. Beat the sea buckthorn berries with a blender.
  2. Add sugar and beat again.
  3. Strain through a sieve, pour into sterile jars and store at a temperature not exceeding 4 degrees Celsius.

Sea buckthorn berries with sugar have a lot of cooking options. Considering the excellent frost-resistant qualities of sea buckthorn, nothing prevents it from being stored frozen. Moreover, this storage method is very convenient and practical. Before freezing, the raw materials should be dried, otherwise the berries will stick together from the cold, and when thawed, they will burst.


  • sea ​​buckthorn - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.


  1. Put the washed and dry sea buckthorn on a flat tray, sprinkle with sugar and put in the freezer for 2 hours.
  2. After that, arrange in sealed containers and send to the freezer for long-term storage.

Those who want to save space in the refrigerator can make sea buckthorn puree with sugar and keep it frozen. Such a convenient preparation will save not only vitamins, but also the family budget, because this product can be used as a base for, compotes and vitamin teas, or as a replacement for an expensive fruit.


  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


  1. Purée the berries with sugar.
  2. Divide the mixture into freezer containers and place in the freezer for 4 hours.
  3. After that, sea buckthorn with sugar frozen for the winter without cooking is poured into bags and stored in the freezer.

Helping to stock up on tasty, healthy and effective preparations. So, whole berries, mixed with sugar and laid out in sterile jars, will be an excellent remedy in the fight against diseases, an attractive decor for decorating confectionery products, a basis for making teas or an independent dessert.


  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.4 kg.


  1. Put whole berries sprinkled with sugar in a sterile container.
  2. Seal with a nylon cap and send to a cold room.

Sea buckthorn with sugar without cooking is an excellent component for combinations. Since such a workpiece is stored in the cold, then the adjacent components must be frost-resistant. Often, sea buckthorn is harvested with a sourish one, which turns the workpiece into a medicine rather than a delicious dessert.

Sea buckthorn is born? You are looking for simple and step by step recipes blanks from healthy ripe berries? Join us! Here they will give clear information on the methods of harvesting sea buckthorn berries for future use. They will teach you how to cook natural juices, jams, jellies, preserves, marshmallows and compotes. And also, sea buckthorn is dried and frozen. And multivitamin tea is made from the leaves of the sea buckthorn tree. Also, do not overlook the preparation of sea buckthorn oil at home. It will help you out with skin ailments, as it has a healing property to perfectly relieve irritation and heal wounds. Fresh sea buckthorn and preparations from it will help strengthen the immune system, replenish the supply of vitamins and protect against a host of diseases.


The best recipes with photos

The last notes

The benefits of both pumpkin and sea buckthorn are unconditional. And if you combine a vegetable and a berry into one, you get a vitamin fireworks. Delicious and original in taste. Having prepared such a "cheese" for the winter, you diversify your diet, charge your body with useful microelements. The preparation of pumpkin-sea buckthorn "cheese" does not require any long standing at the stove, nor any special skills.

The healing properties of a small yellow berry have been known for a long time - it is literally filled with vitamins, which is especially valuable in winter. It is easy to save for the winter, and today we will get acquainted with several recipes.

Collection and selection of fruits

Did you know? O medicinal properties sea ​​buckthorn is mentioned in the writings of Ancient Tibet and China. According to some reports, 200,000 hectares of yellow berry bushes were planted in China for conservation from the 50s to 85.XX century... And for the best result, the Chinese athletes at the 88 Olympics were given sea buckthorn drinks before the competition.

Sea buckthorn rubbed with sugar

Sea buckthorn with sugar is classic recipe preparations for the winter. Both ingredients are taken in equal amounts: for 2 kg of fruit - the same amount of sugar. The berries are pre-washed and dried, then both components are ground with a meat grinder or blender into a homogeneous mixture. The finished mass is placed in sterile jars, covered with parchment.

Jam with honey, sugar - recipes for the winter

Recipe number 1

For this recipe sea ​​buckthorn jam for the winter you will need:

  • - 200 g;
  • honey - 1.5 kg;
  • berries - 1 kg.

Prepare berries: wash and dry; grind the nuts into flour with a blender. Bring the honey to a boil, stirring regularly, add the nuts, boil for about five minutes. Reduce heat and, adding sea buckthorn fruits, boil for another 15 minutes. Put the hot into the jars.

Recipe number 2

Use a blender to kill a liter of honey and a kilogram of sea buckthorn until homogeneous mass... Put the finished mixture in sterile jars. Such jam without boiling allows you to preserve the full benefit not only of berries, but also of honey.

Recipe number 3

You will need:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 1.3 kg of sugar;
  • 250 ml of water.
Put clean fruits in a saucepan with water for five minutes over low heat. Then drain the water and cook on it sugar syrup... Place berries in a container for boiling jam, cover with syrup and cook over low heat until tender. Ideally, readiness is determined by a drop of jam on a saucer: if it does not spread over the surface, then the density is good, and the jam is ready.

Important! Sterilization of cans, as well as lids,is carried out before setting the jam. The jam is placed in jars hot, and left to cool, turning upside down.

Preparation of drinks

Yellow fruit drinks are excellent thirst quenchers due to their characteristic sour taste.

Juice preparation

To prepare natural juice without sweeteners, the fruits are squeezed out in a juicer. The resulting juice is heated and pasteurized in clean jars for 20 minutes, then rolled up with lids.

Sweet juice is prepared as follows: for 2.5 liters of the juice obtained from the squeezed berries, syrup is prepared (half a kilogram of sugar per liter of water). Juice and syrup are mixed, poured into jars, pasteurized and closed.

Compote recipes

Sea buckthorn compote for the winter is often combined with other fruits or berries, for example, apples.

Recipe number 1

Sea buckthorn and apples are taken in a ratio of 1 to 2, water and sugar - 1 to 1. To equalize the sour taste of sea buckthorn, apples are better to choose sweet varieties. First you need to wash and prepare the fruits, cut the apples into slices. Arrange the food on the bottom of the jars. Prepare syrup and pour into a container, pasteurize for 20 minutes.

Recipe number 2

For a kilogram of sea buckthorn, take four glasses of sugar and two liters of water. Washed fruits are poured into sterile jars at a third of the height, filled with boiled syrup. Pasteurized, rolled up with lids.

Jelly, marshmallow, mashed potatoes and other recipes for sweets

For jelly, squeeze the juice from the berries. Take 4 glasses of sugar per liter of juice. The components are boiled in an enamel or glass dish over low heat, stirring and removing the foam. The mass in the process is boiled down by a third of the initial volume. Poured hot into cans, rolled up.

Sea buckthorn jam without cooking

The proportions of the ingredients are taken one to one. Pure berries are passed twice through a juicer press, the resulting juice in a deep bowl is covered with sugar. The mixture is left for 12 hours, stirring from time to time. When the mixture acquires the consistency of jelly, it is placed in sterile jars and sent to the refrigerator for storage. This jam can be used as a topping for desserts.

When harvesting healthy sea buckthorn berries for the winter, you should pay attention to the cooking method without boiling. Without subjecting the fruits to heat treatment, you can preserve the entire vitamin complex of sea buckthorn, namely vitamins A, C, E, group B, micro- and macroelements.

In this case, a minimum amount of ingredients is required: sugar and the berries themselves. And the resulting sea buckthorn blank for the winter without cooking can be used for filling desserts, added to drinks and spread on toasts.

In addition, you do not even need to sterilize the jars, because the sea buckthorn is stored in the refrigerator in clean glass jars with nylon lids.

Whole sea buckthorn berries with sugar

The easiest way to prepare sea buckthorn for the winter involves keeping the fruit intact. The main thing in this recipe is to observe the proportions of the main ingredients, and you can close it for the winter. the most useful product without cooking.


  • Berries - 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.

The procedure for preparing sea buckthorn delicacies is as follows:

  1. Sort out the sea buckthorn berries, discarding damaged, dry, rotten fruits, leaves and twigs.
  2. Pour the berries into a colander and rinse thoroughly under running water.
  3. Spread the sea buckthorn evenly on cotton towels. In this way, dry the fruits.
  4. Prepare jars washed with soda and treated with boiling water at this time.

Attention! The container must be well dried to avoid the appearance of pathogenic substances in the workpiece.

  1. Fill the prepared containers layer by layer with berries and sugar. Pour 1/3 of the sea buckthorn at the bottom of the container, cover with granulated sugar. Repeat layers, filling the jar to the top. The last layer should be granulated sugar.
  2. Close the cans with nylon lids and store them in the refrigerator.

After 24-48 hours, the sea buckthorn will let out the juice, and you get whole fruits in berry syrup. You can use the blank in jelly, jelly, tea or compote.

Attention! To get your daily dose of essential vitamins and minerals, it is enough to consume 1 tablespoon of sea buckthorn treat per day.

Sea buckthorn recipe, grated with sugar

The delicate consistency of a sea buckthorn delicacy will turn out if you rub the berries through a sieve or grind with a blender. Such a blank will definitely appeal to kids, because it can be added to cereals and fruit purees... At the same time, you can double the usefulness of the recipe by replacing sugar with honey. Such sea buckthorn-honey harvesting will become not only delicious delicacy but also an excellent tool for fighting viruses or infections.


  • Sea buckthorn fruits - 1 kg
  • Honey - 0.75 kg.

The procedure for cooking sea buckthorn for the winter, rubbed with sugar without cooking:

  1. Preview the berries, rinse and dry, similar to the previous recipe.
  2. Prepare a dry, clean container for the workpiece, a wooden spoon and a blender.
  3. Pour the berries into a blender bowl. Grind the fruits at the minimum speed of the device for 3-5 minutes, achieving the consistency of a homogeneous berry puree.

Attention! You can also grind sea buckthorn using a meat grinder or potato press.

  1. Combine the berry mass with honey and stir.
  2. Pack the sea buckthorn delicacy in jars, close with nylon lids.
  3. Store the workpiece in a cool place.

Sea buckthorn berry juice

From sea buckthorn without cooking, you can make not only "cold jam", but also juice. It is very simple to make a drink, and you can store it for a long time in a cold place by pouring it into clean jars or glass bottles. Sugar and lemon added to the drink will add a sweet and sour taste to the preparation.


  • Granulated sugar - 0.4 kg
  • Berries - 1 kg
  • Lemon - ½ tsp

The procedure for harvesting sea buckthorn juice is as follows:

  1. Pour the sorted berries into a bowl and add water. Thus, all debris, leaves and dirt will be on the surface, which can be easily removed with a slotted spoon. Throw the fruits in a colander, rinse. Dry the sea buckthorn on towels.
  2. Using a blender, prepare berry puree from sea buckthorn. Add lemon and granulated sugar to the mass. Grind the fruit mixture again.

Attention! Be sure to taste the preparation. If desired, you can increase the amount of granulated sugar up to 2 times.

  1. Using a sieve, wipe the berry mass, getting rid of the sea buckthorn cake in this way.

Attention! You can also get juice with gauze. Pour the berry mass onto cheesecloth folded in several layers. Squeeze the juice with your hands.

  1. Pour the resulting juice into clean jars and store up to 2 months in the refrigerator.

Attention! It is better not to throw out the resulting cake, but use it to prepare sea buckthorn oil. To do this, pour the sea buckthorn pomace into a glass container, pour vegetable oil... Insist the preparation for 7 days.

Sea buckthorn with ginger

Spicy herbs, spices and aromatic roots will not only emphasize the taste of the workpiece favorably, but are also a natural preservative. Therefore, culinary experts advise adding ginger to the sea buckthorn delicacy. At the same time, the product itself has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, is useful for digestion, cleanses the liver and stimulates brain activity. In addition, the preparation with ginger is an excellent anti-cold and antiviral agent.


  • Berries - 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg
  • Ginger root - 1 pc.

The process of making a sea buckthorn treat with ginger is as follows:

  1. Prepare dry, clean jars and lids, juicer, colander, small bowl, towel.
  2. Sort the berries, rinse, pouring into a colander or sieve. Dry the berries on towels.
  3. Ginger root peel, grate with fine teeth.
  4. Transfer the sea buckthorn fruits to a juicer, squeeze out the juice.
  5. Pour sea buckthorn juice into a bowl, combine with sugar.
  6. After the sugar is completely dissolved, add the grated ginger root to the berry juice. Stir the resulting mass.
  7. Pour the workpiece into jars, close with lids.
  8. Store the sea buckthorn treat on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Before consumption, the preparation should be infused for 2-3 days in a cold place so that the taste is rich and harmonious.

Sea buckthorn with lemon

You can complement the taste of the sea buckthorn harvest using citruses. The undoubted advantage of the sea buckthorn recipe for the winter without cooking is that the preparation will require a minimum amount of time and effort.


  • Water - 500 ml
  • Berries - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

Cooking procedure:

  1. Prepare berries, rinse and dry.
  2. Wash lemon with laundry soap and pour over with boiling water. Cut the citrus in half and remove the seeds. Cut the fruit into thin slices along with the zest.
  3. Mix sugar with water. Heat the liquid to a temperature of 80-90 degrees. Add sea buckthorn berries and lemon slices to the syrup. Remove the workpiece from the stove. Cool and leave for 4-5 hours.
  4. After the time has elapsed, reheat the lemon-sea buckthorn mass to a temperature of 80-90 degrees, avoiding boiling. Cool the workpiece again. Repeat the process 2-3 times until the syrup thickens.
  5. Pack into jars and close with lids.
  6. Store the workpiece in a cool place. You can leave the treats in the refrigerator or dry cellar.

Sea buckthorn recipe with apples without cooking

Simple recipes sea ​​buckthorn harvesting for the winter can be diversified by adding seasonal berries or fruits. They go well with sea buckthorn apples, softening the taste of the delicacy and making its structure more dense. During storage, the treat will thicken a little, and it can be served with pancakes, toasts, used as a berry layer of cakes, filling for baking.


  • Apples - 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg
  • Sea buckthorn - 1 kg.

Algorithm for preparing sea buckthorn-apple billet:

  1. Pour the washed and dried berries into a bowl. Add granulated sugar to the container. Crush the mass with a wooden pestle.
  2. Rub the sea buckthorn blank through a sieve. Squeeze out the remaining cake using cheesecloth folded in several layers.
  3. Wash, dry and cut the apples into quarters. Cut seed boxes from each part.
  4. Boil the apples, adding a little water, until soft. Rub the resulting mass through a sieve.
  5. Mix applesauce with berry mass. Pour sugar into the workpiece.
  6. Insist the prepared mass for 2-3 hours.

Attention! The sugar should be completely dissolved.

  1. Arrange the apple and sea buckthorn treats in the jars and close the lids.

In the same way, you can mix sea buckthorn with pear, gooseberry, hawthorn, mountain ash or feijoa. The workpiece preparation technology will remain the same. Fruits with a dense structure must first be boiled until soft. First, mash soft berries or fruits with a blender, and then rub through a sieve.

Attention! The ratio of ingredients in this recipe can be any. But the sea buckthorn mass should be at least ½ of the total volume of the harvest.

Sea buckthorn jelly with sugar

You can also make jelly from sea buckthorn with sugar without cooking. The dish turns out to be not only tasty, but also healthy. The beneficial properties of sea buckthorn for the winter are known to everyone, while the delicacy has practically no contraindications, except for the individual intolerance of the berry. The treat is infused with serotonin, which prolongs the youth of the body, and vitamin E, which is necessary for the health of hair, nails and knives.


  • Berries - 0.9 kg
  • Granulated sugar - 0.6 kg.

The procedure for preparing sea buckthorn treats:

  1. Prepare the fruits, separate from twigs and debris, rinse under running water. Dry the berries.
  2. Twist the sea buckthorn through a meat grinder. Rub the resulting puree through a sieve.
  3. Put the berry mass in washed and dried jars. Pour sugar into the workpiece.
  4. Stir the sea buckthorn puree well until the granulated sugar dissolves.
  5. Close the jars with clean nylon lids.
  6. Store the sea buckthorn treat in the refrigerator.

Frozen sea buckthorn with sugar

Another way to prepare sea buckthorn for the winter is to freeze berries with sugar. At the same time, the workpiece, rubbed with sugar, will retain all the beneficial properties, vitamins and minerals, which is why sea buckthorn is useful for the body. The resulting delicacy can be added to compotes or used as a natural medicine. Rubbed with sugar, the berry retains its healing properties for 90 days.


  • Berries - 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar - 1.5 kg

  1. Pre-sorted, washed and dried berries, crush with a pestle.
  2. Mix sea buckthorn puree with granulated sugar.
  3. Pack the berry mass in ice cube trays or plastic containers.
  4. After completely freezing, pour the berry cubes into a bag.
  5. Store the workpiece in the freezer.

Frozen sea buckthorn with sugar and whole berries

You can freeze sea buckthorn for the winter not only in the form of berry puree, but also whole berries... At the same time, such a blank is used to decorate desserts, add to teas and medicinal decoctions.


  • Sea buckthorn - 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking procedure:

  1. Pour washed and dried fruits onto a tray in one layer.
  2. Shake the berries with granulated sugar.
  3. Send the workpiece to the freezer for 2-3 hours.
  4. After the time has passed, pour the berries into prepared containers or bags with fasteners.
  5. You can store sea buckthorn in the freezer for a year - until the next harvest season.

Sea buckthorn syrup without boiling

When all the options that can be prepared from sea buckthorn have been exhausted, this recipe will come to the rescue berry syrup... The most useful syrup based on sea buckthorn and sugar can be used to diversify many desserts and drinks. By adding only 2 tablespoons of syrup to a glass of boiled water, you can get delicious compote without cooking. And in winter it is easy to cook fruit drink saturated with healing properties from syrup.


  • Berries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 2 kg.

Algorithm for preparing berry syrup:

  1. Grind the prepared sea buckthorn with a blender or mash with a crush.
  2. Squeeze juice from berry puree using cheesecloth.
  3. Pour sugar into the workpiece, mix.
  4. Leave the mass for 24 hours in a cold place to completely dissolve the granulated sugar. Stir the workpiece periodically.
  5. Pour the syrup into clean jars or glass bottles.
  6. You can store the treat even at room temperature.