What fruits are suitable for a milk girl cake. Delicious cake milk girl

Hello dear sweet tooth! Look for good recipe dairy girl cake? I have it! And an additional bonus - the secrets of making an exquisite dessert and practical advice that will help you bake a delicious cake according to all the rules.

I have no doubt that some sweet lovers will first come across the name of the product. So, be familiar. Milk girl cake is thin cakes based on condensed milk, thoroughly soaked in cream. It is as gentle as the name, even if you eat it with your lips. And also sweet, tall and handsome.

Don't be surprised that I immediately started talking about secrets. Dairy girl is a special dessert. Simple and sophisticated at the same time. So practical tips will come in handy. Even if this is not the first time you bake it.
That is why I am here. And to your attention - step-by-step recipes for a milk girl cake at home with useful recommendations.

Classic recipe for making a milk girl cake

I will not talk about how good the milk girl cake is. Everyone has already understood this. Let's get down to practice right away.

I would briefly describe the technological process as follows:

  • Kneading the dough.
  • Baking cakes.
  • Cream preparation.
  • Assembling the product.

The process will take up to 4 hours. The most time consuming is baking cakes. Them in classic version it turns out up to 15 pieces, if you use a standard form with a diameter of 20 cm.

But don't let time scare you. It goes quickly, and the process itself is not complicated. But you can treat your loved ones with a real masterpiece of confectionery art and improve your level of culinary skills.

Immediately I draw your attention to the necessary equipment. Bowls, a mixer, a baking sheet - you will find all this. But you also need parchment on which the dough will be baked. And how good it will be depends on fast and successful work. Baking on parchment is one of the features of a dairy yummy.

Hence the conclusion: get a good quality parchment with a silicone coating. The dough will bake well, not stick and separate well from the paper.

And one more piece of advice. I am sure that after the first try, you will prescribe this dessert in your kitchen. Therefore, I recommend purchasing Teflon rugs. Or Teflon cloth. With such helpers, it will be a pleasure to bake a dairy girl. The cakes will fly off on their own and fold into a pile. This is certainly a joke, but there is some truth in it. So think about your proposal.

One more recommendation. Putting the test on parchment is like a plasterer. You need to lay out the dough and level it. This is usually done with a spoon. But it takes a long time, and it doesn't work out smoothly enough. Therefore, accessories such as a palette knife or an ordinary construction scraper, new of course, can help out here. Yes, yes, don't smile. We are culinary specialists such people, we will get out of any situation.

A palette knife can be purchased at art stores. Believe that he will help you out in the future. After all, with its help, you can align, make beautiful and others. confectionery... And in the case of the dairy girl, he is generally like a godsend. The cakes will be in perfect shape. And it will help to make the sides even.

If you have a metal rack in the form of a lattice, then the path will be at hand. It will be possible to overturn the cakes on it, so that they cool faster.
Now we can talk about products.

To prepare the dough, you need to prepare:

  • Wheat flour 200 gr.
  • Baking powder 15 gr.
  • Condensed milk 500 gr.
  • Eggs 3 pcs.
  • A pinch of salt
  • Butter 80 gr.

For the cream "Plombir":

  • Milk 400 ml.
  • Cream 200 ml. (fat content not less than 30 percent)
  • Butter 200 gr.
  • Starch 3 tbsp with a pea
  • One egg
  • Sugar 180 gr.

Before the cooking process, I draw your attention to the fact that the order and sequence of the ingredients are very important here. Almost like in a bread maker - everything is in strict order.

How to make dough and bake cakes

  1. Take a bowl, sift flour into it.
  2. Add baking powder, stir.

  3. Send condensed milk, salt and eggs to a separate bowl. Beat with a mixer until smooth.

  4. Melt the butter. It will be required liquid, but cooled down.
  5. Add dry foods to the milk mixture. This should be done quickly, while mixing the mass with a mixer at low speeds.

  6. Add oil to the rest of the ingredients. Mix everything together with a mixer. The dough is ready.

    Pay attention - it turned out to be homogeneous, without a single lump of flour and quite liquid. Everything is correct, it should be so.

  7. Take the parchment. Draw a circle on it. You can trace a round, removable baking dish with a pencil.
  8. Place the parchment on a baking sheet, pattern side down.
  9. Apply 2 tablespoons to the circle. test. Align strictly around the circle. The surface of the circle should also be even.

    Now do you understand why I was so persistent in advising you to use special accessories? A spoon, of course, is also possible, but longer and of lower quality. Yes, I almost forgot. The paper does not need to be greased or crumbly with flour.

  10. Send the baking sheet to a preheated oven (180 degrees). Baking time - min. 5 on average. But everyone's ovens are different, so the time can be adjusted. Be guided by the still browned cake.

  11. Remove the cake when ready. Let it cool slightly. Minutes 3 - 4 will be enough.
  12. Peel off the paper.

  13. Bake all the cakes in the same way. Of this number, 14 - 15 of them should be obtained. Please note that warm blanks cannot be stacked, they will stick. Let it cool down thoroughly.

If you suddenly get uneven circles, cut off the edges with a sharp knife. This procedure must be done with cooled cakes.

The base is ready, now you can move on to the cream. The cakes respond gratefully to any cream - and curd, and creamy, and custard. I like the combination with Plombir cream the most.

Cream preparation

You can start assembling the product. This is not difficult to do, you just need to grease the cakes, stacking them in a pile.
The assembled cake can be decorated at your discretion.

A dairy girl will look beautiful and tasty with fresh berries stacked on top. And the sides can be smoothed with cream. Only for these purposes a thicker cream is needed, for example, creamy. Or a cream cheese that can be cooked in 10 minutes. To do this, beat 500 gr. cottage cheese with a glass of sugar. Then add 250 gr. mascarpone. Whisk everything together until smooth.

Smear the sides of the milk girl with the resulting cream, align with the same palette knife.

Mascarpone can be substituted with any curd cream cheese. Take this cream into service. It can be used for other products as well.

Simple homemade milk girl cake recipe

When you need to pamper your family with sweet and tasty things, you can bake a milk girl cake according to simple recipe... The product will turn out to be delicate, lush and very tasty. The simplicity is due to the lack of decoration and smaller size.

What products are needed for cake layers

  • Condensed milk 400 gr.
  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Flour 160 gr.
  • Baking powder 1 tbsp.

Ingredients for the cream

  • Fat cream 400 ml. (fat content over 30 percent)
  • Powdered sugar half a glass (200 ml.)

Cake preparation

The treat is ready. At home, you can decorate it with nuts. If you have time, prepare the chocolate icing and pour over the top crust. Seasonal berries laid on top will also be good. Enjoy your family tea party!

Tips from personal experience. If the quality of baking paper confuses you, it is better to lubricate it with lean oil or butter. Then the dough will certainly not stick. And if it is not possible to buy heavy cream for the cream, use heavy sour cream. It is easier to get it.

At home, you can also make a chocolate milk girl cake. To do this, add a tablespoon of cocoa powder to the indicated proportions. The cakes will have a pleasant chocolate color. Combined with white cream, it will be a real bomb. Be sure to cook a striped miracle.

Milk Girl Cake Recipe from Andy Chef

At one time, I walked a lot on culinary sites, studying the merits of extraordinary delicacy... I was amazed by Andy Chef's cake recipe. My friends, this is an extraordinary yummy with peaches!

And what design is beyond words. It is better to watch the video recipe and admire the process yourself, and at the same time learn some tricks. Which is what I propose to do. And then back to the recipe.

Cake ingredients:

  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Condensed milk 380 gr.
  • Butter 100 gr.
  • Flour 200 gr.
  • Baking powder 0.5 tsp.

For the cream:

  • Cream 650 gr. (33 percent)
  • Powdered sugar gr. 150. (or to taste)
  • Jar of canned peaches.

For a leveling cream and decoration:

  • Curd cheese 300 gr.
  • Cream 100 gr. (33 percent)
  • Powdered sugar 100 gr. (You can adjust the amount to your liking)
  • A few drops of food coloring of the desired color (optional)
  • A small amount of fresh berries.

For ganache:

  • White chocolate without additives 100 gr.
  • Cream 33% fat content 100 gr.

Cooking process

  1. Beat eggs with condensed milk.
  2. Add cooled melted butter and stir.
  3. Add flour and baking powder, mix until smooth.
  4. Draw a circle on the parchment.
  5. Place paper on a baking sheet, pattern side down.
  6. Apply 2 tablespoons to the circle. dough, align.
  7. Bake the cakes at 180 gr. 5 - 7 minutes
  8. Prepare the cream by whipping the cream with powdered sugar.
  9. Cut the peaches into slices.
  10. Assemble the cake as follows. Lubricate the bottom cake with cream, lay the next one on it.
  11. Grease it with cream, and then lay out a layer of peaches. Etc. It turns out that the peaches are stacked through the circle.
  12. Fold all the cakes in this way. Send the cake to soak for a few hours.
  13. Prepare a leveling cream. To do this, you need to mix curd cheese, cream and powder. Beat. Add a few droplets food coloring... Whisk again to obtain an even color. Refrigerate.
  14. Make a ganache. Bring the cream to a boil.
  15. Add chocolate pieces. Dissolve it while stirring. Remove from heat, cool.

Now look, in our case, the ganache does not need to be strongly cooled. After all, we will draw them beautiful smudges on the cake.

  • Apply a leveling cream to the sides and top of the cake.
  • Align with special blades.
  • Draw smudges around the edges of the cake using ganache.
  • Put fresh berries on top of the product.

You see how it turns out: I described cake decorating so dryly, but in fact it is real art. But you watched the video, and my inventory is just for consolidation.

Having looked through the selection, you probably noticed that the cake dough is prepared, in principle, in the same way. Only original creams and decorations. And if you have any ideas on this, please share. The cake is wonderful, I want to present it in different types... Deal? See you soon, then!

The recipe for the "Milk Girl" cake came to us from Germany and immediately took its rightful place among other recipes. This is understandable, because "Milk Girl" is fluffy, soft and fragrant cakes soaked in cream. ...

The cake has a characteristic aroma of condensed milk and fresh strawberries. This dessert is already good, but if you also add a layer of strawberries, which will add a slight sourness, then this delicacy will not be worth the price.

According to the recipe, to make the Milk Girl cake you will need:


    Drive eggs into condensed milk.

    Stir with a whisk until smooth.

    Mix loose products and sift into condensed milk and eggs.

    Stir everything again with a whisk until smooth.

    If the condensed milk is of good quality, then the dough turns out to be thick, like homemade sour cream... Leave ready dough settle for about 15 minutes, thus, the cakes will turn out more magnificent.

    Put 2 tablespoons of dough into a mold with a diameter of 20 cm and smooth it into shape. Bake in the oven at 180C until golden brown.

    Thus, use up all the dough.

    If there is no shape of a suitable size, then you can take a sheet of parchment, draw a circle of the desired diameter on it, lay out the dough and smooth it along the contour of the drawn circle. Remove the parchment immediately after baking. Cool the baked cake on a wire rack.

    If you bake several cakes at once, then do not put them in a stack immediately after baking, otherwise they will stick together.

    Since the baked goods are quite sweet, it is best to use a cream that is not overly sweetened. For example, whipped cream and strawberries are great for condensed milk cakes.

    Cream preparation:

    Whisk the chilled cream well until stiff rises. Add powder and beat again. Take the first cake, put 2 tablespoons of cream on it, flatten.

    Arrange the strawberries cut into slices and put 1 tablespoon of cream on top, smooth. Cover with a second cake on top.

    Collect the whole cake with a slide. Lightly coat the top cake with cream (1 tablespoon).

    Leave the collected cake according to the recipe in the refrigerator to gain stability.

    While the "Milk Girl" is "resting" in the refrigerator, let's cook Swiss meringue or protein custard to cover the cake.

    To cook water bath... While the water is boiling, beat the whites together with the bulk components for 1 minute. Then place the bowl in a water bath so that the water does not touch the bowl and continue beating the whites at high speed (!) For 10-12 minutes. Water should be monitored so that splashes do not get into the bowl of squirrels. During whipping, the whites acquire a dense and shiny base.

A sweet and very tasty cake with whipped cream from cakes and condensed milk came to us from Germany, it turns out to be so tender that it melts in your mouth. It is prepared in the same way as it is - it is simple and not difficult, and what is more important - it is very tasty! Received the name "Milk Girl" because of the main product included in it, used for baking it - condensed milk.

This wonderful pastry has become quite popular lately. And there is nothing surprising here, because it is prepared quite simply at home, and it includes all available products.

In this article I will show you how to bake a delicious Milk Girl cake. If suddenly you have not tried it yet, I recommend that you do it immediately, a truly worthy option. I am sure he will not leave you indifferent! Also, check out the recipes.

Andy Chef's Milk Girl Cake Recipe - At Home with Photos


For the test.

  • Condensed milk - 1 can (400 gr)
  • flour - 160 gr
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • baking powder - 1 tbsp. l.

Cream sundae for leveling.

  • Sour cream - 350 gr
  • sugar - 110 gr
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l
  • egg - 1 pc
  • butter- 120 gr.


  • Cream 35% - 500 gr
  • cottage cheese - 200 gr
  • white chocolate - 50 gr
  • butter - 40 gr.

Cooking method:

Drive two eggs into a deep bowl, add a can of condensed milk and mix. Then add the sifted flour with baking powder and mix properly with a mixer.

Spread the parchment paper over the baking sheet, take the ring (diameter 21 cm) and distribute three tablespoons of the dough inside.

If you don't have a circle like the one in the photo below, then you can draw a circle with a pencil and put the dough into it.

We make several blanks and send them to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 8-10 minutes.

After being taken out of the oven ready-made cakes, immediately separate them from the paper and do the same with the remaining dough.

For the filling, take 200 grams of cottage cheese and rub it with a spoon through a sieve.

We take 500 gr heavy cream, pour 4 tbsp into them. tablespoons of powdered sugar and beat until white peaks. We shift the resulting mass into the curd and mix gently. A very tasty creamy curd filling is ready.

This cake took two portions of dough and one filling.

After all the cakes have been folded, we put a small load on top and put it in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.

To align, we will prepare a cream sundae and for this you need to mix sour cream 350 g, sugar 110 g, egg, flour and mix everything thoroughly. We put it in a water bath and, stirring constantly, bring it to readiness. At first it will become very liquid, then lumps will appear, while you need to continue to mix, then the mixture will become thick. Then we put it aside until it cools completely.

Butter room temperature beat with a mixer at medium speed for 5 minutes and do the same with the already cooled thick mixture. Then we combine them and mix until smooth. Put it in the refrigerator for at least one hour.

After the expiration of time, we take a special culinary spatula and begin to coat, first in a circle with cream, the whole cake, and then the top.

Now that everything is ready, we need to place it in the refrigerator until it hardens, and then, using a culinary syringe charged with cream, make such a drawing, where we paint one part of it yellow and continue to apply as before.

Using a spatula, level the top and sides of our dish.

It remains only to prepare the icing. To do this, melt chocolate, butter in a bowl, in a water bath, and then decorate the finished cake with berries with it, so that it comes out something like this.

Try to cook this wonderful dessert too!

Video on how to cook "Milk Girl" from Grandmother Emma

In this video review, Granny Emma shares wonderful recipe of this cake - see and evaluate the detailed step by step recipe.

Recipe on curd cream



  • Eggs -2-3 pcs
  • condensed milk - 1 can
  • butter - 30 gr
  • flour - 1 glass (160 gr)
  • baking powder - 2 tsp
  • salt - 1/4 tsp


  • Cottage cheese - 300 gr
  • sour cream 25% - 300 gr
  • icing sugar - 200 gr.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, beat 2 eggs with condensed milk, then add melted butter.

2. Pour in the sifted flour, combined with baking powder and salt, and then stir well to get a dough like on a pancake, pouring a thick ribbon. Well, if it came out thick and does not flow from the spoon, then in this case you can drive in another egg.

3. For the cakes, we need to take baking paper and a pencil, in order to draw 6 circles, 20 cm in diameter. Turn the pattern down and spread 1/6 of the dough so that it evenly spreads on the sheet, without leaving it border.

4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and send each piece into it for 5-7 minutes until blush appears.

5. Then we take it out, let it cool a little, separate the finished cakes from the paper and cut it to one size (remove the trimmings to the side, we will need them in the future).

If suddenly the paper does not come off well from the cakes, in this case we moisten it slightly with water, leave it for a few minutes and then easily separate it.

6. To make the cream, take a soft and smooth curd, or grind it through a sieve or twist it in a meat grinder. Next, we combine it with sour cream and powdered sugar. Whisk until homogeneous mass so that it turns out wet, but does not spread.

7. It remains only to layer the cakes with cream, assemble a cake from them and decorate with finely crushed scraps and nuts. We put it in the refrigerator for impregnation, for the whole night.

And in the morning we take out the resulting dish from the refrigerator and treat our household to it.

Bon Appetit!!!

Hello dear readers of our culinary blog! Today I propose to make a very tasty, beautiful and original cake"Milk girl": recipe with condensed milk.

Such a dessert is prepared simply and quickly, does not require special preparation and many expensive or exotic products. Classic cake will be the perfect decoration festive table, and also perfectly suits for ordinary tea drinking in a pleasant atmosphere. So let's start cooking!


1. Condensed milk - 400 gr;

2. Egg- 2 pcs;

3. Wheat flour- 130-140 gr;

4. Baking powder - 15 g;

5. Cream (fat content not less than 30%) - 500 ml;

6. Powdered sugar - to taste.

I usually take 60-80 grams of powder, because I don't like overly sweet dishes. You can put it according to your taste preference.

Cooking method:

To make a cake base at home, you only need 4 ingredients.

Cooking cakes:

1. Thoroughly wash the eggs at room temperature, break them into a saucer and beat them well with a whisk or fork. Add condensed milk to them and mix thoroughly.

2. Carefully sift to egg mixture flour, stirring continuously, and add baking powder. We mix everything again, avoiding the appearance of lumps.

3. Now we take a detachable form (I have a silicone one with a diameter of 20 cm), cover it with circles cut out of parchment.

4. It is necessary to take 2 tablespoons of dough and spread a thin layer over a paper template.

5. The cake should be baked for about 5 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees, we need to make 6 layers. After the cake is ready, remove it from the oven, turn it over, carefully remove the parchment circle and put it on baking paper to cool.

6. In this way we bake all 6 cakes. In this case, it is important not to destroy the cakes, as well as to prevent them from sticking together, for which each layer of the already baked dough is laid out separately and at a distance.

Preparing the cream:

1. Impregnation for our "girl" is done very simply, it is enough just to whip well chilled cream with powder. You can also add a little vanillin here.

Assembling the cake:

1. We spread the cakes in layers, carefully smearing each with cream.

2. Decorate the sides by smoothly smoothing the cream over their surface.

3. It remains only to decorate the top of the cake with the remains of the cream and crumbs from the cakes, if they break a little and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. Serve now, bon appetit!

Try experimenting with the recipe. For example, make this dessert with sour cream and add a pinch of cinnamon, a handful of nuts, a spoonful of citrus zest, or something else delicious and unusual to it. My girlfriend loves to do coffee cream, I prefer chocolate, so what's stopping you from using your favorite cream to make such a wonderful cake?

You can add cocoa or even nuts to the cake dough, and when they are baked, use a little cognac or rum to soak. Some people like to make the cakes juicier by sprinkling them with syrup - jam, vanilla or any other. Another idea is to bake 3 cocoa biscuits and 3 regular biscuits and assemble a zebra cake from them. Another option is to make an extra crust, crumble it finely and use it to sprinkle the finished cake.

As for the decoration, I usually make a cake with fruits - it's delicious, beautiful, bright and healthy. You can use berries, canned fruits, candied fruits, chocolate chips and much more. Another option to diversify the sweetness is to make a cream with mascarpone or jam. The main thing is to cook with pleasure, using only fresh and high-quality products!

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The Milk Girl recipe comes from Germany.

In German, its name is written and sounds like "Milch Mädchen". This is nothing more than the famous German condensed milk Is one of the oldest and highest quality brands.

Used to prepare the base of the cake-cakes, it gave the name to the baked goods.

For traditional cakes of the famous cake, you will need a minimum amount of products - flour, eggs and an ingredient that determines the taste of the future culinary masterpiece - condensed milk.

Therefore, it must be the best and meet all sorts of standards.

Saving and buying a cheap one is not worth it - the taste of the Milk Girl can be hopelessly spoiled.

Each cake is baked independently. They should not be thicker than 1 cm. But a lot of cream is needed, it will make the cakes soaked and moist. Each pastry chef decides which cream to choose. The classic is cream sundae, but others will do just as well.

"Milk girl" in a hurry (caramel-chocolate)

it famous dish German cuisine suitable for festive feast, buffet tables and home tea drinking. It is based on sweet cakes with condensed milk.

This recipe differs from the classic recipe in a modified composition of the cream, in a simplified baking method. and the use of dark chocolate for decoration. The cream contains boiled condensed milk, which gives the cake a caramel aftertaste.


Recipe Information

  • Cuisine: German
  • Type of dish: cake
  • Cooking method: in the oven
  • Servings: 15
  • 1 h
  • Nutritional value per 100 g:
    • Caloric value: 320 kcal
  • condensed milk - 380 g
  • condensed boiled milk - 380 g
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • flour - 1 tbsp.
  • baking powder - 2 tsp
  • sour cream 20% fat - 400 g
  • dark chocolate - 50 g

Cooking method:

Eggs should be washed thoroughly, and in a suitable dish, place the bare eggs and baking powder.

Beat lightly - not until firm foam, but just until smooth and the first bubbles. Add condensed milk.

Stir and add flour.

Now everything needs to be mixed until smooth.

The dough should be slightly thicker than the pancakes. Put parchment on the sheet. Pour the dough on top. It will seem that it is not enough for the whole sheet. Slowly tilt the sheet in different directions while holding the parchment. Achieve complete filling of the sheet, especially the corners.

Send to the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes.

Let's prepare the cream. Let's mix boiled condensed milk and sour cream with a blender.

The cream is thick and balanced in sweetness.

We take out the finished cake from the oven.

Quickly turn over onto a new sheet of parchment and remove the bottom parchment from the crust until it cools. Do it gently, the cake is tender.

Turn the cake over again, remove the parchment. Leave to cool.

Cut the cake in half. Put the cream on one of the halves of the cake, as in the photo. Leave it on for 5 minutes.

Cover with the other half of the crust, apply the cream on top, grease the sides and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

The cake is soaked quickly, in 10 minutes. Store in the refrigerator.

The classic biscuit cake recipe

If you want to taste a real legendary dessert, then first of all you should "make friends" with traditional recipe biscuits for "Milk Girl".

The ingredients are always the same.

But the methods for baking the cakes may differ.

If earlier biscuits at home could only be baked in the oven, modern housewives can also use different devices.

A slow cooker, for example, will help out a lot and allow you to make delicious cake even for beginners.


  • ordinary condensed milk - 1 can / 400 g
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • wheat flour - 180-200 g
  • baking powder - 1/2 tsp

Cooking biscuits step by step:

  1. Before the start of the culinary action, we will prepare all the products: open the can with condensed milk, sift the flour with the right amount baking powder.
  2. Beat the eggs into foam using a blender or a food processor.
  3. Gently combine them with condensed milk, stirring by hand.
  4. Add flour to the mass, gently knead the dough (this must be done carefully, from bottom to top, without haste).
  5. We bake in a multicooker on the “Baking” mode. If desired, the bottom can be multi-lined with baking paper.... One cake takes 6-7 spoons of dough (the amount will be different when using different models of a wonderful saucepan!). Baking time in a multicooker is 20 minutes for each cake.

When cooking in the oven (180 minutes, 10-15 minutes for each cake), you will need not only a form or baking sheet, but also baking paper or a silicone mat (it is better to buy with markings).

Or you can bake cakes in a frying pan. The process resembles frying pancakes - it is also better to take a non-stick frying pan or do not forget to grease before each “pancake”. Be sure to bake under a lid on low heat. You do not need to turn it over - as soon as the top grabs, we immediately remove it.

Creams for "Milk girl"

There is several variants of the cream, suitable for the taste of the cakes baked on the basis of condensed milk... Ice cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, caramel, cream cheese - all these creams are used in the preparation of "Milch Mädchen". Each of them imparts a unique and special taste to baked goods.

Any of these creams are combined with fruits and berries. You can take any of them as a tasty and aromatic berry-fruit layer: peaches, strawberries, cherries, mixes of wild and garden berries, bananas, kiwi. Peaches and bananas are good caramelized, mixes - jellied, cherries - in syrup, liqueur or cognac (option for adults!), Strawberries - fresh.

Collecting “Milch Mädchen” is as easy as shelling pears - coat the cooled cakes with cream, adding, if desired, fruits, nuts or berries. Here's a good example video:

Delicate cream-sundae

Cream with the taste of your favorite ice cream enhances the milk-creamy aroma of the dough.

It is prepared on the basis of cream.

Good not only for a layer of cake, but also for leveling the outside.


  • thick cream (minimum fat content 30%) - 350 ml
  • sugar - 1/2 tbsp.
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • butter - 120 g
  • vanilla sugar- 1 sachet
  • wheat flour 3 tbsp.

Cooking technology

  1. Cream, sugar, vanilla sugar, flour, egg, mix and whisk lightly in a small saucepan. We put the mixture in a water bath. While stirring, wait for the cream to thicken. Cool the mass to room temperature.
  2. Drive the softened butter in small portions into the cream. The filling cream should be thick and fluffy in consistency.

Traditional sour cream

The simplest and affordable option cream for any cake - from sour cream and sugar. The traditional sourish sour cream flavor is also ideal for flaking sweet biscuits on condensed milk.

You will need:

  • sour cream 25% - 500 ml
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife

Cooking for 3 minutes:

Beat the cooled sour cream with sugar and vanilla at low speeds until a stable airy consistency. The cream is ready - fast and tasty!


Important not to interrupt sour cream, that is, beat thoroughly, but not too long, otherwise the sour cream may stratify into butter and whey.

Chocolate curd cream

Taste curd cream- soft, gentle - ideal for “Milk Girl”.

This is a budget but equally delicious variation of cream cheese.

Instead of granulated sugar, you can take condensed milk, which will "support" the taste of the base.

The addition of cocoa will provide a rich chocolate flavor.


  • cottage cheese - 400 g
  • condensed milk - 1 can
  • sour cream or cream - 150-200 ml
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife
  • cocoa - 1-2 tablespoons
  • chocolate - 50 g.

Cooking technology:

  1. Mash the cottage cheese, add vanillin.
  2. Slightly adding cream and condensed milk, beat until lightly airy.
  3. Melt the chocolate on, pour a thin stream into the cream.
  4. In the last step, add the cocoa and mix gently.

Cheese cream cheese

His taste is somewhat unusual - cottage cheese adds piquancy. Use in this option you need powdered sugar - ordinary sugar does not have time to dissolve.

You will need:

  • curd cheese (mascarpone) - 400 g
  • whipping cream (not less than 33% fat) - 100-150 ml
  • icing sugar - 100 g

Cooking method

  1. Whip the cream and icing sugar.
  2. Adding curd cheese 2-3 tablespoons each, continue to beat. The finished cream cheese should keep its shape well, be homogeneous.

Cream "Caramel Delight"

The delicate taste of the cream with a caramel shade is ideally complemented by the nuts added to the cream.

WITH biscuit cakes"Milk girl" turns out to be an original and tasty tandem.

It is better to cook condensed milk for this recipe using the old and tested method - 2 hours in a saucepan with water.

Cream products:

  • cream 33% - 1 tbsp.
  • condensed milk - 1 can
  • butter - 100 g
  • chopped walnuts - 70-100 g (you can do without them or reduce the amount).

How to cook:

  1. Whisk the cream together with the condensed milk.
  2. Adding gradually softened butter, we continue to beat.
  3. Add the nuts last. We mix.

The best decor options

Decorate cooking masterpiece under the name "Milk Girl" can be any in an accessible way, because the assembly of the cake is classic. The choice depends on the capabilities and desires. Even the most unpretentious decoration will not change the most important thing - a special, unique taste. The main thing is to show your imagination. Here some good ideas on how to decorate a delicate cake.

Decoration with mastic(2 colors needed) and ready-made edible beads.

Bright, spectacular cake with regular protein cream above. Its “trick” is in the variety of colors. And it is simply decorated with a pastry bag.

Will fit well on any cream for the "Milk Girl" and waffle picture... A chocolate glaze and the finished decor will complement it.

Real a bouquet of roses can be created using butter cream and a pastry syringe.

This masterpiece only looks like a work of art, and decorating a cake in this way is not difficult at all - icing and a scattering of sweets on top.

And this is how it looks in the context a cake that is decorated with the same fruits that are added between the layers.

  • Ready-made cakes for cooling need to be laid out one by one. You cannot stack them on top of each other - they will stick together. After baking, it is best to lay them out on a cloth towel.
  • To make the parchment easier to separate from the baking, it is worth lubricating it vegetable oil... The dough is sweet, baked cakes are difficult to separate.
  • Combine the base and cream when the base has cooled well. Otherwise, the cream will melt, and the cake will not keep its shape well.
  • It is advisable to keep the cake in the refrigerator for several hours so that the cakes grab and soak. For additional impregnation, you can use condensed milk and boiled water syrup - 3-4 teaspoons of condensed milk for 1/2 cup of water.
  • If you are watching the figure, then try to eat a piece of cake before lunch, as it calorie content is very high - not less than 300 kcal per 100 g, and it cannot be reduced in any way.